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FORTUNE & Choice: Stand in the Light of TRUTH!~ Weeekly TIMELESS Empath Reading

Watch new reading on my new channel

Timeless Empath Readings


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FORTUNE & Choice: Stand in the Light of TRUTH!

~TIMELESS Empath Reading Sept 7-13




Timeless Empath Readings

Welcome to my new channel, TIMELESS EMPATH READINGS with LADA, where I’ll regularly share my positive and uplifting tarot/oracle card readings, revelations and predictions for you! I plan to post every week, and sometimes more often!

If you are into my higher 5D consciousness, quantum calibrations and multidimensional teachings, if you are into the esoteric, mystical and spiritual, then this is right up your alley! Even if you are not, perhaps you should try something new, positive and refreshing? Who knows – you may really, really enjoy it!



More info: MULTIDIMENSIONAL UNIVERSE! Announcing New YouTube Channel! I’ll begin posting soon!



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I have a lot of important things to share!

Three first webinars of the new 

(FH&FO ESW7-10) 

have been released and are now live!

Click on link above to purchase them any time, or to purchase the whole series (series subscribers are directed to their private SERIES ACCESS PAGE upon purchase). 

As you also know, Patreon Patrons+ get additional discount: follow LINK to to your EXCLUSIVE PATREON DISCOUNT!


I have great news!

The final in the Forbidden History Series, 

ESW10: GALACTIC NIGHT, EARTH SHIFT & OUR FUTURE (contains Lada Ray Prophecy)

will be released ahead of schedule! 

RELEASE DATES: June 1-2, 2018!

NOTE! The Forbidden History & Forgotten Origins is the one and only Earth Shift Webinar Series this year! 



The Q&A will become a part of the final webinar ESW10. All Full Series subscribers are now welcome to start posting their questions!

If you are my Patreon subscriber, ask your questions on Patreon. If not, ask your questions on FuturisTrendcast  – under this post!

I’ll answer your questions live and release them as part of ESW10.

Please ask only questions relevant to this series!

Later in June Patreon Patrons+ will get the chance to ask me other questions. We’ll be starting our regular video Q&As in June – see my next Thursday post on Timeline Shift & Trump Predictions for more on future events!


I am sure after listening to three webinars, you have plenty of those. I can’t wait to see which topics have touched you most and which need further clarification!

Don’t hold back, go for it! I’ll try to answer as many questions as possible!



A lot more work has gone into the FH&FO series than originally anticipated. When this series was planned in January – February of 2018, it was anticipated that each webinar would be about 2-2.5 hours in length. The webinars are coming out much longer, since I have so much to share with you and I don’t want to leave out any of the valuable nuggets!

I am also adding a lot of bonuses and bells and whistles, such as maps, cool slide shows and additional written and video info. These really enrich the overall experience and add to the value.

And more of these bells and whistles are planned for the upcoming ESW10, the final of the series, and last webinar this year!

Due to all extra work, we have decided to increase the price, once all 4 Webinars are released. At this time you can still purchase the series and individual webinars at the low pre-release prices!

Prices (series and individual webinars) will go up on MAY 30, 2018!

I’ll soon have a separate announcement on how much the prices will go up! If you haven’t yet, now is your best opportunity to subscribe/purchase at these low insider prices!


Last but by no means least!

I am very pleased to announce 2 Partial Scholarships for the FORBIDDEN HISTORY & FORGOTTEN ORIGINS

The scholarships are available exclusively to my Patreon subscribers, Monthly FuturisTrendcast donors and best FuturisTrendcast supporters. 

Please email Az if you’d like to receive FH&FO Series scholarship based on your financial need. If you are one of our supporters, per above, you know where to send it (this scholarship is anonymous, your name won’t be revealed)!


We always welcome your reviews and testimonials about the Forbidden History Series (FH&FO)!

We will be grateful if you post yours! Please do so any time on PATREON and FUTURIST TRENDCAST! (preferably under latest relevant FH&FO post, such as this one).

Best testimonials will make it into TESTIMONIALS PAGE!

Putin’s Historic Speech to Federal Assembly (last speech of his 3rd term)


Putin’s Historic Speech to Federal Assembly (last speech of his 3rd term)

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Full Address to Federal Assembly, March 2018 (Eng translation):


Lada Ray’s exclusive RUSSIAN ELECTION 2018 MARATHON ON PATREON begins on March 3, at 8 am EST! Russian Presidential Election date: March 18, 2018!

FORBIDDEN HISTORY & FORGOTTEN ORIGINS ​- first webinar release in less than one week!

FuturisTrendcast Turns 4: Three All-Star Testimonials I Never Expected to Get!

As we celebrate the 4-year anniversary of FuturisTrendcast, I have been reminded of something…

Man with Bouquet

You know I never solicit reviews or testimonials, but you also know how happy and grateful I am when I get those from the heart emails and comments, which make my day.

It’s especially awesome to get those completely unexpected words, the ones which aren’t perhaps even intended as a compliment or a thank you — something that may come completely naturally, simply because it’s the heartfelt truth.

I just wanted to post these three off-the-calf comments / testimonials, which I thought were especially telling because they felt so refreshingly unrehearsed.


This recent email from late 2017, by a long-time supporter, reminded me of something I myself forgot. 

FROM JD TO LADA RAY~ FYI: A Published Article Today shows how Lucky we have been to find you…way back in Feb/March, 2014

Remember the Kiev Maidan snipers revelations from 2017? It finally got into the open, although those in the know talked about it from the start. JD sent me this Nov. 2017 quote from Executive Intelligence Review and reminded me that I’d talked about it back in February-March, 2014, complete with evidence (read the piece below; it’s very good for additional evidence and details).

 ‘Maidan Snipers Speak’ on Who Ran Neo-Nazi Coup in Ukraine

Nov. 22, 2017 (EIRNS)—The report released last week by the Italian TV program Occhi della guerra [“Eyes on War”], on “Ukraine, The Hidden Truth: Maidan Snipers Speak,” is considered a “bombshell.”

The show, centered on interviews with three snipers involved in that Maidan massacre, proves, as EIR charged from the beginning, that the sniper fire was not ordered by Yanukovych or his government, but by the neo-Nazi forces brought to power by the Obama administration with NATO backing.

The snipers were all Georgians, working under the direction of the former President of Georgia, Mikhael Saakashvili, who, after being brought to power in 2004 by George Soros, set out to launch a war with Russia on behalf of NATO, UK and the Bush administration. Saakashvili was so central to the Ukraine coup that he was appointed Governor of Oddessa by Victoria Nuland’s “Yats” government brought to power by the Maidan uprising.

The snipers recount that they were recruited by Saakashvili’s chief military advisor, Mamuka Mamulashvili, who later formed a “Georgian Legion” to fight in Donbass. Working for Mamulashvili was an American, a former 101st Airborne officer and sniper, Brian Boyenger, who gave the snipers their orders. He, too, also then joined the Georgian Legion in the Donbass.

Sergei Pashinsky, the Maidan uprising leader who later headed the Kiev Supreme Rada, distributed the weapons to the recruited snipers, along with Volodymir Parasyuk, another Maidan leader. The snipers in the Conservatory building were given orders on Feb. 20th to start firing. “‘Only Pashinsky said anything…. He was the one giving orders’,” one recounted. The leaders of the Maidan revolt ordered us “‘shoot to create chaos and confusion.’ We shouldn’t stop. It did not matter if we fired at a tree, a barricade, or someone throwing a Molotov cocktail. The important thing was to sow chaos,” one sniper recalls.

“Everyone started shooting two or three shots at a time. We did not have much choice. We were ordered to shoot both the Berkut, the police, and the demonstrators, it didn’t matter which. I was aghast. It went on for fifteen minutes… maybe twenty. I was beside myself, agitated, stressed out, I didn’t understand anything. Then suddenly after 15, 20 minutes the shooting stopped and everyone put down their weapons.”

The snipers soon fled Kiev, knowing that demonstrators would kill them if they realized.

More on Occhi della guerra’s website.

Then JD linked up to my own FUTURISTRENDCAST article from the very beginnings of this blog, published on March 5, 2014

Eyewitness from Kiev and What is USA Really After in Ukraine?

by Lada Ray | March 5, 2014

This comprehensive report is well-worth a complete re-read. But here are several paragraphs applicable to a number of things that would be exposed much later all over the world. However, those who were paying attention heard them first in February-March 2014 on FuturisTrendcast. The last paragraph of the quote specifically addresses the Maidan sniper issue:


“Of course, the above two comments should come as no surprise after the world has learned about how Victoria #Nuland, Assistant US Secretary of State and #Kerry’s second, was caught on tape commanding which of the Ukraine “opposition leaders” will be occupying which position in Ukraine’s government. In the same tape, Nuland famously announced: “f*** EU.” Listen to the scandalous leaked tape below. Discussed, like pieces on the chess board, are #Klitchko, #Yatseniuk, western #UkrianeNazi #Tiagnibok, #Yanukovich, and #UNSecretaryGeneral #BanKimoon:

I want to quote what a friend who lives in Kiev, Ukraine, has emailed me yesterday. I have quoted this same person in What is Really Happening in Ukraine? Part 4: Nazi Coup Succeeds. As I said before, I won’t mention the name for safety reasons. I will just say that she has previously lived in Europe and the Middle East, that she is a highly spiritual, extremely forgiving and removed from politics person, whose only crime is that she speaks Russian.

I quote: “Hello Lada!

How have you been? I been really enjoying all your posts about Ukrainian situation… I was always trying to stay away from politics and not get emotionally involved with it, because to me it’s the energy drain. However, Ukrainian events did get me deep this time.

I now had to leave Kiev for a while for reasons of personal safety and also because many projects and plans had to be cancelled in this current situation. I was going to write a post or two to share my reflections on these latest events in the country, but I think I won’t, because much of it have been already mentioned, and besides, you brilliant posts really said it all! You really gave a great detailed and fact-based coverage to the world Emoji

To tell you the truth, people in southern and eastern regions of Ukraine are now simply afraid for their safety. There is no one in the country now to represent and protect the rights of Russian-speaking population. People in Kiev are afraid to speak Russian loudly in the streets anymore… I never thought our country in 21 century would sink into some medieval mass psychosis… I’m hoping for some divine intervention…”

Also, these breaking news just in:

NEW EU LIE SCANDAL! New leaked conversation between EU Foreign Minister Catherine Ashton and Estonian foreign affairs minister Urmas Paet , which reveals that the EU KNEW since at least the beginning of March that snipers killing people in Kiev, which they are still trying to pin on #Yanukovich, were hired by opposition! Meanwhile, several alternative sources, myself included, had said right away that these snipers had been spotted over and over again during “color revolutions” all over the world. These mysterious and deadly snipers are always being hired to shoot people from both sides of the conflict in order to ignite further anger and violence, as well as to start the blame game. See more in Part 1.

And: Estonia’s Foreign Ministry confirms authenticity of leaked tape! “



One of the big friends of FuturisTrendcast, whom you all know as Paleohippy, recently commented under one of my FT posts — a comment I also really liked:

‘It’s unfair to get the news two years before they happen.’ 



To tell you the truth, I never expected to get anything like this from Brazil. After I wrote that famous report on Brazil in March 2016 and it was translated and reposted by a number of Brazilian publications, I got an avalanche of indignant comments from anti-Dilma-government Brazilians, saying that color revolution was good, that Dilma Rousseff government corruption was rampant, that the new pro-US, pro-big-business government would definitely be much better, and that I had no idea what I was talking about. Looked like in Brazil they never heard of Ukraine. (BTW, present pro-US Brazil president Temer, his party and government are also under investigation for corruption, and impeachment may be looming, but so far it’s being successfully avoided).

After all those previous unenlightened comments from Brazil (possibly just trolls), I was pretty surprised to get this comment. I found its perfect honesty refreshing, and I was especially flattered by one sentence (see the highlight).

  1. leofaria41 

    Dear Lada,

    My first contact with your work was through a politics blog that translated one of your posts about Brazil’s political situation in 2016 (by the way, I am from Brazil). I was really impressed with your understanding and clarity about the situation of my country, far more accurate than the vast majority of Brazilians.

    This single post led me to want to know more about you, so I started to search. When I started to read your work I confess that I was shocked! “What all these esoterical stuff has to do with serious sharp geopolitical analysis?” I thought. Seriously, I must be totally in the 3D world :), because to me is really dificult to accept this kind of knowledge and mix it with “real” world. I always puted Fengshui, Numerology, Astrology, readings of future, Nostradamus, Illuminatti, etc. as non-important knowloge, hobbies or simply lies.

    Despite that I liked your optimistic vision of the future and all the talk about the “Earth Shift”, “The Great Balancer”, the forbidden history, etc. and I thought that maybe I should give up my preconcerns about that.

    So, I kindly want to ask you if is that possible you to show me where I could start?!

The piece in question about Brazil is this major report I wrote on March 15, 2016: Brazil Color Revolution: Corruption, Dilma, Lula, Zika, Rio Olympics and BRICS. Lada Ray Report and Predictions. Very much worth the read — don’t miss!

Dear friend from Brazil, a new post, explaining how and where to begin learning beyond 3D is coming tomorrow. But today, you can start by clicking on links below. Best of luck!



Open Letter from Descendants of the White Emigration Against Western Russophobia

Below are links to a very interesting open letter and testimonials from the descendants of the so-called ‘white Russian emigration.’  They are adding their voice to the chorus of those who expose the hypocrisy of Western MSM and politicians in vilifying Russia and Putin. The original letter is in Russian and French. Many thanks to FuturisTrendcast reader Nemo1024 for the links and English translation.

You can read Nemo’s own English translation of the open letter by following the links below. On his blog, Nemo also provides his own angle to the background to the white emigration. Before you dive into the letter, I want to say a few words of my own by way of a background.

The terms ‘white emigration’ and ‘white movement’ – as opposed to the ‘red movement’ signifying Bolsheviks or communists (with leaders Lenin and later, Stalin) – is used to describe the large and multifaceted forces that fought the Bolsheviks during the 1918-1920 civil war in Russia. These were primarily officers of the Tsar’s army, who wanted to restore the monarchy, various Russian aristocrats, members of the oligarchy and rich industrialist/merchant class, about one half or more of the intelligentsia, including scientists, authors and artists. After the 1917 revolution and especially, after the white movement lost the civil war, most chose to emigrate, hence the term ‘white emigration.’

While I grew up in the USSR, certain members of my family were in the white movement; some of them emigrated after 1918. In my adventure thriller, GOLD TRAIN (Accidental Spy Russia Adventure), I write about the 1918 Civil War and a coup supported by the Western intelligence to unseat the Russian president and restore the monarchy in Russia. In it I describe how some members of the aristocratic Russian emigration, with the help of a Russian oligarch, plot the coup, while other members of Russian aristocracy help to uncover and diffuse it. I also talk about the lost gold reserve of the Russian Empire. As in my other book about Russia, THE EARTH SHIFTER, the theme referring to attempts of the overturn of the Russian government by Western intelligences is prophetic. We have just seen this scenario executed in Ukraine; and we are continuously seeing attempts to accomplish that in Russia, all unsuccessful.

While the book is fiction, it is based on true historic events. The gold reserve of the Russian Empire was stolen from its vaults in the bank of Kazan in August 1918. The members of the white emigration really were, throughout many years, implicated in subversive anti-Russian activities and its members served as spies in the CIA and MI6. There were in the past unsuccessful plots to overturn the Soviet government by the members of the white emigration, financed by the US and UK. At the same time, the character of the American journalist Jade Snow, aka Countess Rosanova, and her grandmother Anastasia Rosanova, are based on those descendants of the Russian royalty, who choose to love and protect Russia and her people despite prevailing trends and tough going.

Moreover, the character of the Russian oligarch Yury Gurevich is based in part on an oligarch I knew personally, as well as on the well-known figure of the recently released from jail oligarch Khodorkovsky, who is again making attempts to promote himself as future ruler of Russia (while living in Switzerland). Finally, the character of the FSB operative Alexei Moguchev, aka Prince Alexei Obolensky, is based in part on my own family history. Alexei is a descendant of someone who could have become part of the white emigration, but chose to stay. Certain characters, such as Duchess Vera Golitsina, are cumulatively based on people I knew in New York.

We all grow up in a specific environment. I grew up in the USSR, but from the age of 20 I traveled all over the world, having lived and visited nearly 30 countries. I lived in the USA for years. All this gave me a very broad, multi-faceted and often acutely insider  view of many things in our world.

My life has always been of someone who sees and understands the opposing points of view. I was a middle child, who spoke foreign languages since the age of 5, who trained as comparative linguist and translator, who explained to Russians about America and to Americans about Russia. I always pulled together the seemingly divergent viewpoints and made one side see the point of view of another.

As you see, even my family history is such that it bridges the gap between the white movement and the red movement.

Today, as always, my goal is to provide a balanced, complete picture. A few words to complete the picture:

As will be clear from the letter by the white emigration members, they state that they still reject everything to do with the Soviet Union. It’s a pity. This weakens their letter tremendously, which could have been a very powerful piece otherwise. Don’t reject a part of you – make peace with it. This is the only way forward. For as long as they are stubbornly denying that piece of their country’s history, divisions will persist. United we stand, divided we fall…

It is positive that the understanding of the fallacy of the Western way of confrontation and maligning of Russia has penetrated even the white emigration circles. I see it as huge positive and a harbinger of change.

Incidentally, I agree with Nemo that most of the members of the white emigration love Russia and her culture, however many of them understand love very differently than and average Russian citizen. As I mentioned, during the Soviet past, there were many of them who served as spies and who tried to overturn the government, albeit unsuccessfully. However, I disagree that the white emigration descendants are still treated with suspicion in Russia. In fact, both the Russian government and people have embraced those members of the former Russian royalty who chose to extend a friendly hand. How this works is described, in a fictional way of course, in GOLD TRAIN.

Another couple of things to remember and take with a grain of salt when you read the material in the link:

Many members of the white emigration emigrated to France, but also to the UK and US. Some went to China or Turkey, and from thereon, experiencing great hardship, they proceeded to other countries, many in Europe, but some went as far as South America. Emigration was good to those who managed to smuggle across the border family jewels, Faberge eggs and portraits to sell. It was also good to those rich merchants and shrewd royals/oligarchs who managed to transfer their money abroad ahead of time. However, the majority of the white emigration was destitute and penniless. Former captains, generals, countesses and princes had to serve in Paris as waiters, bouncers, drivers, governesses and dance girls. The inflow of the Russian royalty, who used to be the toast of Winter Palace royal balls, took over Paris and New York, and so did the Russian ballet. In addition to the Russian artists who emigrated, some of the members of the former Russian aristocracy were surprisingly good dancers.

The last thing I want to point out is that both during Soviet times and presently, there has been a lot of literature and film in Russia embracing and speaking candidly, sympathetically and with acceptance about the white movement and emigration. The best examples are the novel by Mikhail Bulgakov (my favorite author) The White Guard and the two films based on his novel: The Days of the Turbins and Flight. Another noteworthy TV series about a Russian aristocrat and white emigration descendant turned Western spy, turned Soviet double agent is Mistake of the Resident, Fate of the Resident and Return of the Resident. All the above are from the Soviet era. One of the newer Russian films that made a splash is My Admiral (Moi Admiral) about one of the main leaders of the white movement, Admiral Kolchak, who’s incidentally connected to the Russian Empire Gold Reserve disappearance story. A great TV mega-series, with mystical elements, about the 19th century Russian aristocracy and commoners alike, including future emperor Alexander, is The Poor Nastya. There are many more.

A famous song (also very sympathetic to the white movement) is Porutchik Golitsin. A historic note: Princes or Dukes Golitsin is one of the very well-known real names of the Russian royalty. In GOLD TRAIN I used several of the best-known real family names of the Russian royalty, including the above. One of the main characters is called Duchess Vera Golitsina.

Rest assured – no one in Russia (at least no one with any sense) holds a grudge against the white movement. Russians at large have accepted everything that happened in their turbulent history and have learned to appreciate all the twists and turns that led them to today. It doesn’t mean they had forgotten what happened and why, and it doesn’t mean that they don’t understand the manipulative forces present in the world today.

It is a very wise position, the one that allows a culture to move forward. My recommendation is that the white emigration people follow suit. My further recommendation is that people in the West do the same. This is the only way to release the heavy karma the West has accumulated. This karma is dragging down all of humanity, not allowing us to move forward.

Nemo says:

“Descendants of the White Emigration wrote an open letter against the blatant russophobia in the Western MSM and among the European political leaders.

I have translated the open letter in my post above, and gave some historical perspective comments. The original letter can be found, following the links below.

Letter in Russian:
Letter in French:
The letter and interview with Prince Shakhovskoy:



Dear readers, if you are wondering why I have posted fewer posts than usual in the past 10 days or so, it is because I have had some trouble with my tooth and have been on antibiotics. I have a dental surgery scheduled for 1/21 – please wish me luck!

For now, everything has slowed down, but I will continue writing new posts, so stay tuned. The Earth Shift Reports are coming as promised, but slower than I expected. My new YT videos and interviews have been postponed till February after I can properly speak. As announced, consultations will be available soon and details will be posted soon on Read more about my plans for this year: HAPPY NEW YEAR! Goodbye 2014, Welcome 2015!


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