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Higher Consciousness Perspective: American Appalled at Nazism in Ukraine



*I want you to especially note that the ‘Ukrainian’ account above has usurped the names ‘Ruthenia’ and ‘Rus’, which we discussed in the Forbidden History Webinars, and in ESR2 and ESR6.

These are the core Vedic Rus identity markers, and by usurping them from a lower consciousness perspective the forces that have taken over Ukraine are attempting to turn them dark and evil. We had also discussed in said webinars how German Nazis usurped the important ancient Vedic symbols, also turning them evil (such as: the main symbol and salutation used by German Nazis – you know what those are, I won’t repeat them here). The contemporary heirs of said Nazis in Ukraine, whom, as you know I call ‘ukro-nazis,’ are using the same symbols and salutations.

**I also want you to note that the ‘snitch’ above is in no way reflective of the majority of normal Ukrainians. The people in the southern, eastern, and even central Ukraine are very different and there is only a small minority of those who are ukro-nazis. Western Ukraine is a completely different story and ukro-nazi ideology is very widepsread there, aided and abetted by the US and Canada.

Per latest poll, the number of Ukrainians who like Russia and Russians is growing in Ukraine, despite all the attempts by the Kiev junta and their Transatlantic sponsors to instill hatred between two parts of the same Rus people!





Just in case any of you missed my prior post, May 30 is the last day to subscribe to my new 4-webinar series, or to buy individual webinars, at low pre-release price!

Effective May 31 the price will go up for both the series and individual webinars!


Complete info:




I am currently working on the last webinar of the series: EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 10: GALACTIC NIGHT, EARTH SHIFT & OUR FUTURE (with Q&A and Lada Ray Prophecy)!

ESW10 800x450

This webinar will come out in two parts:

The main PART 1 is expected to come out on JUNE 2!

PART 2 (extensive Q&A based on your excellent questions) will come out next week – projected for JUNE 6!

This is expected to be the most extensive and revealing of the 4 webinars in this series! 

You can purchase the whole 4-Webinar Series, or individual Webinars 7 through 9,

any time by clicking HERE! 

The last Webinar 10 can be purchased starting on the day of the release!


We have a number of excellent questions from participants, which I will answer during Q&A. You still have time to ask yours under respective posts: on PATREON or on FT, under this post: ANNOUNCEMENTS: FORBIDDEN HISTORY Q&A OPEN! ESW10 EARLY RELEASE! LAST WEEK AT LOW PRICES!

We also have some great testimonials on TESTIMONIALS PAGE! More testimonials will be added in June! Leave yours either on PATREON or FT!






I have a lot of important things to share!

Three first webinars of the new 

(FH&FO ESW7-10) 

have been released and are now live!

Click on link above to purchase them any time, or to purchase the whole series (series subscribers are directed to their private SERIES ACCESS PAGE upon purchase). 

As you also know, Patreon Patrons+ get additional discount: follow LINK to to your EXCLUSIVE PATREON DISCOUNT!


I have great news!

The final in the Forbidden History Series, 

ESW10: GALACTIC NIGHT, EARTH SHIFT & OUR FUTURE (contains Lada Ray Prophecy)

will be released ahead of schedule! 

RELEASE DATES: June 1-2, 2018!

NOTE! The Forbidden History & Forgotten Origins is the one and only Earth Shift Webinar Series this year! 



The Q&A will become a part of the final webinar ESW10. All Full Series subscribers are now welcome to start posting their questions!

If you are my Patreon subscriber, ask your questions on Patreon. If not, ask your questions on FuturisTrendcast  – under this post!

I’ll answer your questions live and release them as part of ESW10.

Please ask only questions relevant to this series!

Later in June Patreon Patrons+ will get the chance to ask me other questions. We’ll be starting our regular video Q&As in June – see my next Thursday post on Timeline Shift & Trump Predictions for more on future events!


I am sure after listening to three webinars, you have plenty of those. I can’t wait to see which topics have touched you most and which need further clarification!

Don’t hold back, go for it! I’ll try to answer as many questions as possible!



A lot more work has gone into the FH&FO series than originally anticipated. When this series was planned in January – February of 2018, it was anticipated that each webinar would be about 2-2.5 hours in length. The webinars are coming out much longer, since I have so much to share with you and I don’t want to leave out any of the valuable nuggets!

I am also adding a lot of bonuses and bells and whistles, such as maps, cool slide shows and additional written and video info. These really enrich the overall experience and add to the value.

And more of these bells and whistles are planned for the upcoming ESW10, the final of the series, and last webinar this year!

Due to all extra work, we have decided to increase the price, once all 4 Webinars are released. At this time you can still purchase the series and individual webinars at the low pre-release prices!

Prices (series and individual webinars) will go up on MAY 30, 2018!

I’ll soon have a separate announcement on how much the prices will go up! If you haven’t yet, now is your best opportunity to subscribe/purchase at these low insider prices!


Last but by no means least!

I am very pleased to announce 2 Partial Scholarships for the FORBIDDEN HISTORY & FORGOTTEN ORIGINS

The scholarships are available exclusively to my Patreon subscribers, Monthly FuturisTrendcast donors and best FuturisTrendcast supporters. 

Please email Az if you’d like to receive FH&FO Series scholarship based on your financial need. If you are one of our supporters, per above, you know where to send it (this scholarship is anonymous, your name won’t be revealed)!


We always welcome your reviews and testimonials about the Forbidden History Series (FH&FO)!

We will be grateful if you post yours! Please do so any time on PATREON and FUTURIST TRENDCAST! (preferably under latest relevant FH&FO post, such as this one).

Best testimonials will make it into TESTIMONIALS PAGE!

Wishing you a Wonderful, Happy and Healthy New Year! May all your sacred wishes come true!


Dear friends, readers and followers, 

Lada and Az are wishing you a wonderful, happy and healthy New Year!

May all your sacred wishes come true!

C новым годом! C новым счастьем!

Frohes neues Jahr

¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

Gelukkig nieuwjaar

Bonne année!

新年快乐 / 新年快樂 (Xīnnián kuàilè)

For Russians the biggest annual holiday is the New Year. I have done big posts for previous New Years, where I gave recommendations for various New Year’s films, posted holiday music, beautiful images and videos, as well as gave the history and lore of the Winter Holidays. In the end of this post you’ll see the links to my past articles. This time, on the light holiday note I want to share with you some of Russian New Year / Christmas pics and traditions.

So you know, in Russia that well-known magical guy who gives out presents is called ‘Ded Moroz’ (Grandfather Frost). He is the equivalent of the Western Santa, but per Russians, he definitely, no question about it, resides in the ancient town of Veliky Ustyug, in northern Russia.

Here’s Putin, together with Ded Moroz at his official residence in Veliky Ustyug ~

Putin at Ded Moroz's home, Ustiug, Russia

Ded Moroz doesn’t come for Christmas, as in the West. He comes for New Year’s, which is (if I may say so myself) the right way of doing things. 😉

Why? You probably know by now that in fact the figure of Ded Moroz / Santa Claus / San Nickolas is a pagan spirit, or god, of winter. At one point it was absorbed by Western Christianity so that to entice more people to convert. Russian Orthodox Christians, shall we say, were a bit more honest about it.

Regardless of what he’s called and when he comes, we all love and welcome him, along with his companion, who in Russia is his beautiful granddaughter, Snegurochka (snow maiden). Snegurochka is certainly also an original Vedic nature goddess character.


As seen on top pic, Russian Ded Moroz brings his gifts normally in a sleigh pulled by three horses, not by reindeer.

This is the northern Russian version of Ded Moroz, straight out of ancient legends — the true Vedic God of Winter. Look at his outfit (remember my Forbidden History articles on FuturisTrendcast?) Read the rest of this entry

Etruskan Language, Rus Vedic god Veles and Veche, the ancient Rus direct democracy

Russian Language: Forbidden History Hidden in Plane Sight

You may all recall that I did several articles on forbidden history and linguistics, as well as the Russian language truth code. This includes popular articles:

Forbidden History: Russian Truth Code and Goddess Lada

Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs?

and ESR6: Ukraine – New Kazarian Khaganate

See more under category Forbidden History

You may also recall that I mentioned a highly evolved EtRuskan civilization that existed in Italy, which supposed to have vanished and whose language was for many years in the West considered ‘illegible’…until Russians read it using ancient Rus alphabet.

We had an interesting discussion on Twitter on the etymology and meaning of certain words, and I’m reposting it here for you. There is so much more to the story, but 160 characters per tweet is a start. This little discussion will expand your mind and make you question more of th official view of history and origins of mankind, religions and consciousness.

And I promise that I will continue writing and speaking about these fascinating topics in the future.


Ask Lada: Etruskan Language, Rus Vedic god Veles, and Veche: the ancient Rus direct democracy — @LadaTweets and more…

may I ask for a translation of “Velch”. Etruscan town & also used in relation to demos in Kiev but no google or bing translate?

Word ‘Velch’: most likely named after Rus god of livestock Velech. This isn’t only such name. ‘Wales’, ‘Welsh’ — also named after Velech/Veles.

To add: God Velekh is also called Veles.

More from Lada: Veles, Rus god of cattle, bounty, forest and pleasure/enjoyment was prototype for: Pan depicted with horns, Bachus (god of wine). And of course, later in Christianity it became… who else: the devil.

Veles, as the lord of forest is often depicted with a bear. And note those horns!


More on Vedic god Veles: Russian word ‘vesel’ is anogram for ‘Veles’ and it means ‘joyful, enjoying’ but can also mean ‘pleasantly drunk’ as in celebrating with friends.
LADA: The best word to describe it is ‘merriment.’
Much more to say on Veles (also called sometimes Volos) that won’t fit in 160 characters:
Lada: the direct line of progression from the positive God of cattle, bounty (hence wine, symbolizing bounty) and merriment becomes on one hand the Greek Pan, god of forest and trickery, and on another Roman Bachus, the god of wine.
From thereon, as human consciousness progressively declined through millennia prior, the negative connotiations began to prevail. Such as: drinking wine, loose morals and excessive indulgences lead to the devil, according to Christianity. Note the HORNS — typical depiction of Veles, due to cattle. This progresses to cornucopia for bounty, and to drinking wine, the horns of Pan  — and consequently, as the negative consciousness sets, to the devil.
Rus Vedic God of cattle, forest, merriment and bounty Veles (Volos, Velech, Voloch)

The Russian language never ceases to surprise me:

Западня – Zapadnya – the Trap

Запад – Zapad – the West

(Lada: this was a nice catch and it’s striking when you think about it!)

How about “Veche”? Like the old Viking “Thing”?

Veche – ancient Russian word, means popular gathering and counsel. It was the way of direct democracy in ancient Rus states.

Only so much can be said on Twitter. Much more to add:

Usually, Veche would be called on a central square of town, village or city in the time when a serious decision in the affairs of the state was needed. Everyone could express their opinion, register objection, and it was all culminated with a direct popular vote. The ancient Russian city of Novgorod was famous for its robust Veche and direct democracy tradition 1200 years ago, and earlier in history.

Etymology of the word Veche:

Vedat’ – Vedic = to know, to see, to understand, clarity. Root: Ved — Ve 

Che — cha – chi = Life force



The joint life force that opens up knowledge

Or: popular life force clarifying a difficult but important decision


This good old word is being now abused by ukro-nazis and Saakaashvili, who are trying to create Maidan-3 in Kiev to overthrow Poroshenko. Saakashvili has announced that he is calling a ‘veche,’ aka, a popular gathering to start another Maidan.

I can tell you though that it’ll be hard for them to get the Maidan going without the sponsorship from the West. Maidan-3 in itself isn’t a problem. As I said many time before the sooner the situation is brought to a boiling point the sooner it’ll get resolved.

But I seriously object to them spoiling the word Veche to signify their gatherings. Not to mention the ukro-nazi denial of Ukraine’s common ancestry with Russia, yet using the word that millennium ago was brought to Kiev from the ancient Russian city of Novgorod.

This is not the fist time a good word or a positive symbol is stolen and made work for the dark side: Hitler once stole the positive Vedic symbol of the sun and our spinning galaxy, Swastika, thus giving it a bad name.

Rus Slavic Vedic Gods (some of them)

Rus Slavic Gods

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Pope Francis and World Religions – Karma and Consciousness

‘The above comments just show how confused people are about the catholic religion in general. The celebration of mass is a satanic ritual that celebrates the eating of the body of Christ and drinking of his blood!! The current pope is a Jesuit and they cannot be trusted fullstop. The Roman Catholic Church is full of criminals that raped and abused children without any legal charge for centuries…clergy are literally protected by the state in many countries. Any child who went to a catholic school can attest to the cruelty of the nuns and brothers that taught them a pack of lies and rubbish. The incredible catholic institutions that abused vulnerable children everywhere and the truth of which is only now emerging and again has been kept secret by governments. The whole institution is evil and disempowering of the individual. Now is the time to take back our power and undo the mind control imposed on little children that has stayed with most people for life unless they wake up and start using their brains. I escaped.. I woke up! Religion is the cause of wars literally and it is about time all just understood that we are each parts of the whole and that every little action affects the whole of humanity. Our illusion is a holographic matrix…one of many matrices. President Putin has shown great intelligence in the way he has handled many serious matters recently and I doubt that he will be fooled by a Jesuit pope as he will realise that much of what has persecuted Russia in the past was caused by the Catholic Chuch perpetrated by its Jesuits.’

Lada says:

One of my tweeps tweeted me this pic:

Putin and Pope cartoon

This reminds me of the opening scene of my mystical thriller THE EARTH SHIFTER. In it, the Pope drops to his knees in front of a simple Franciscan monk, who happens to be one of the nine Earth Keepers, asking for a blessing as the end of the world nears. Such act by the Holy See completely baffles a Swiss guard, who listens in on the conversation, missing its point entirely. Read this excerpt here, or go to EXCERPTS on top bar for full list.

The important thing to remember is that everything in our 3D world, as in any dimension, is subject to a PERSPECTIVE. The 9D, 10D and 11D beings still have their own perspective. This means that, depending on your point of view, you will see the same events differently from someone who has a different perspective.

Let’s just say, much of the language of global diplomacy and international relations isn’t on the surface. The meeting of the Pope and Putin of which I wrote in Putin’s New Ally: Pope Francis was one such meeting, when many could observe, yet miss its true meaning. Let’s talk about it.

Undeniably, the history of the Catholic Church has many dark pages, and there are plenty of dark pages in the Vatican’s present day reality, as well. When it comes to topics I often address, such as aggressive power grab, looting, rewriting/falsifying history, I could tell you lots of stories. The abuse of children is another such story.

That said, there are many people in the world who genuinely, from their heart, find solace and peace in believing. I think we should respect the feelings of those Catholics whose hearts and minds are pure. Christian mysticism, along with Hebrew (Kabbala) and Muslim (Sufi) mysticism, are manifestations of true religious wisdom, which rises above mundane and above the confines of any religious dogma.

I personally enjoy such wisdom, as well as religious art, architecture and music. All these are high manifestations of religions. Mother Theresa was also a devout Catholic. As anything our 3D human world produces, religions represent the entire spectrum of manifestations: from the highest in spirit to the lowest of the low.

It is a different story that those HUMANS who hold POWER in any religion may misuse this power to suppress truth and successfully cover up their evil HUMAN deeds. The fact that all the abuses of the Catholic Church are coming out now speaks volumes. We are entering the era of truth, discovery and transparency, when old power structures created by MAN for the benefit of the few will fall away, and new, more equitable global structures will be created. This will force – it already does – everyone, including Catholic Church, to abide by new rules and to respect a small person.


It probably helps that I grew up in the Soviet society and in a non-religious family. This provided me with the world of freedom and safeguarded me from any childhood brainwashing. We were free to think, instead of following a dogma, be it religious or any other. The depiction of the Soviet society is completely and maliciously distorted in the West. One of the many legacies of the Soviet Union was, and still is, the most educated and the most thinking people on the planet.

As such, when we all grew up, we could freely choose WHAT to believe in and what, or who, to follow – or not. My sister became a devout Russian Orthodox. But because no one ever made her go to church on Sunday, her devotion comes from her heart.

My cosmic soul is, shall we say, too cosmic for any Earth-bound religion. But I studied shamanism with a lot of pleasure, as it rings true to me (my book THE EARTH SHIFTER is in big part about a Siberian shaman). I also studied wicca and Earth-based religions. I delve deeply into Oriental traditions, and having become Feng Shui Master in Asia, I enjoy Tibetan Buddhism and its beautiful art, spiritual music, rituals and symbolism. My hubby, who has grown up in a non-religious Chinese household, has most affinity with Zen living. Presently, I am studying the ancient Russian Vedic wisdom, which includes the cosmic truth of our origins, forbidden history and linguistics, runas, and much more. Little by little, I will share this knowledge with all in various articles and Earth Shift Reports.

As always, God is within us, and it doesn’t matter if you go to church or not, or if you read the Bible or not. What matters is this: in the final analysis, it’s between you and God.’ Said another way: ‘it’s all between you and your higher self, or your higher conscience.’ In the final analysis we are all ONE.

The clarity of mind that lets one see the world in true light is a must in order to discern and weigh all sides of the issue. I am endlessly grateful to the USSR, the country where I grew up, for many things. One such thing is allowing me as a child to develop freely and grow unencumbered by religious dogma. Perhaps, there was a small amount of Communist brainwashing, as it were. However, it was very minor and incomparable to the damage a Sunday school may have inflicted on fragile children’s psyche. It didn’t affect me; moreover many of my contemporaries think of the old USSR with great nostalgia.

At the same time, I met a lot of people who were traumatized for life by their Sunday school experience, turning rebellious or turning to alternative religions as a desperate knee jerk reaction. I really do feel for them in my heart.

With this background, let me proceed to answering the questions in the comment above.

Much of what Noeline says are true facts and I do agree with her. No, Putin isn’t fooled by anything or anyone.

What has to be remembered is that history of all world’s organized religions is the history of power struggle. It was often a struggle between religions (and various sects inside each religion) for global religious, economic, and geopolitical dominance.

But it was also a very brutal struggle between newer organized religions and old pagan/Earth-based and Vedic lifestyle belief systems. The latter especially applies to Christianity, including both old branches: Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Catholicism brutally eliminated competition, witches and Celtic/Druid priests and priestesses, and Orthodoxy – their competition, Vedic followers. Untold damage was done to the Russian historic records as history was re-written over and over in order to delete mentions of real events and people, substituting them with lies. Same – and worse – was happening all over Europe, which fell under the dominion of Catholicism.

Throughout centuries, this power struggle was consistently violent and blood-thirsty. This applies to Catholicism more than to others, with Judaism and Islam very violent in their own way. If we look deep into history, we’ll find that Greek/Russian Orthodoxy was just as bad; however lately, Orthodoxy became a much more positive and non-destructive force.

If weighed on merit, arguably, Greek/Russian Orthodoxy, which is the older and original branch of Christianity, wasn’t as violent as Catholicism. For instance, there were no witch trials and burnings, although Vedic wise men and women did get prosecuted/eliminated, their ancient wisdom substituted for new religious dogma. Moreover, Vedic traditions and rituals still had a better recognition and co-existed more peacefully with Orthodoxy, while wicca (in part, a Western branch of Vedic wisdom) till recently was entirely denied in the West. Russian Orthodoxy isn’t so much into global dominance either, preferring peaceful cooperative and consultive methods of resolving problems. Overall today, Orthodoxy plays mostly a positive role in society.

Notice that I didn’t include Hinduism and Buddhism in the above list – two other major world religions. Out of these, Hinduism was somewhat repressive to its own people, but wasn’t aggressive or violent outwardly. Compared to the above list, Hinduism is a ‘sweetie.’


A glimpse of forbidden history:

Incidentally, here is a little glimpse of the ancient Vedic wisdom. Many know that there is a Hindi goddess Sarasvati. But did you know that the word ‘sweetie’ and ‘Sarasvati’ have the same root? It’s the Russian word (I also call it Slavyano-Arian): ‘svet.’ Svet means light. The English word ‘sweet’ and Hindi ‘Sara-svat-i’ both originate from svet = light.

Moreover, the Russian word ‘sviatoy’ and its Spanish counterpart ‘santo’, Italian ‘santi’ and English ‘saint’ all come from svet = ‘light.’

By the way, the dreaded nazi word ‘swastika’ comes from the same word ‘svet.’ As some may know, Hitler stole the symbol and word from the Vedic tradition, reversing the energetic plus and minus polarities of its meaning. Originally, ‘svastika,’ aka, ‘kolovrat’ in Russian, signified Sun, and in some other representations, our galaxy.

Speaking of svet. While svet signifies ‘light,’ another meaning is ‘world.’ As in ‘the world full of light,’ that is. There is a well-known Russian expression: beliy svet, which translates literally as the ‘white world,’ although it really means ‘white light,’ aka, the good, enlightened world; world full of love and light.

Much more Vedic linguistic wisdom coming to you in the future Earth Shift Reports. Stay tuned!


Of all world religions, Buddhism is by far the most peaceful, spiritual and positive. In fact, it’s the only organized world religion that NEVER had the acquisition of worldly power as its overriding goal.

As I said, this however was for centuries THE primary goal of the following religions (to various degrees and using different methods): Catholicism, Judaism and Islam.

At the same time, all organized religions also produced true mystics and people of svet = light. This should never be forgotten either! Therefore, it all ultimately boils down to people who are a part of that religion at any given time. It always goes back to individual humans, how they use their power and what their life’s mission is.

Today, religious leaders can often play a positive role, if they choose to. Or at least first do no harm, according to the medical Hippocratic oath.

The reason we cannot just blankly deny any organized religion, whether it’s Catholicism, Islam, Judaism, Orthodoxy, or any other, is very simple: there are billions of people on the planet who do believe and follow these religions. Simply saying to one billion Catholics: ‘well, you are following a satanic cult – get over it…’ I am afraid this won’t work. It’s much better to get in touch with the leader of that religion and tell him, ‘look we can work together on making the Earthly realm we live in, a better place.’ If this leader has conscience, then he can be a force for good to be reckoned with.

I think this is potentially possible with this Pope, who is Argentinian and a friend of the Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who in turn is Putin’s personal friend. I can guarantee that Kirchner had a hand in Putin and the Pope hitting it off. Now, such dialogue was entirely impossible with the previous Pope (sorry, forget his name), who was there for 25 years and who was Polish. By a strange coincidence (not), he also happened to be rabidly russophobic.

As we see, Holy See or not, Vatican or not, it still boils down to individual people and their personal PERSPECTIVE.

Can the Vatican be reformed? Can it change to play a positive and cooperative role in society? Can the Vatican become a force for good? Can Putin change the Catholic world? And should this Pope be given a chance?

Yes, absolutely. That is, if you, me and everyone else on this planet, want to continue this Earthly 3D human experiment. I, for one, am here to help guide humanity towards the continuation of this experiment – with a much better outcome than what we may be facing today.

This means finding common ground with those who are willing to work together to create a more positive, cooperative world.

Religions, like humans, do grow up. Recall yourself when you were a toddler. Were you capricious, causing trouble for your parents? Unless you were angel incarnate like me and never caused any trouble. 😉 Then you were a 5-10-year-old and you wanted to be liked by your parents and obediently did everything they told you to do. Then you became a rebellious teen and caused much more trouble, denying everything your parents taught you. Then, you gradually grew up, becoming more responsible as you aged, acquiring more wisdom (hopefully).

Is our world a holographic matrix? Yes, it is. But as long as we have incarnated in this 3D reality, it is fully real for us. It’s like saying: I won’t study for this test – it’s not real, it’s only on paper. I am sorry, but for as long as you are in school and for as long as you want to graduate, you have to. Unless, you want to repeat the same year over and over. In earth-wide terms this is called karma. Until you’ve fully learned your lesson, you will be repeating this life over and over. Ouch!

You may ask whether there is a possibility of skipping grades and avoiding dealing with karma? Yes, there is. Some of us do skip grades. Only wisdom allows you to skip them. How that works is another topic. But karma is a self-regulating universal mechanism and it knows no exceptions.

Notice that my list of religions didn’t include any of the Vedic, pagan and/or ancient Earth-based belief systems. If we are discussing taking our individual power back, it could well be accomplished through the original Vedic system (vedat’ = ‘to know’ in Russian; ‘vedics’ means ‘wise people, people in tune with the ultimate truth;’ also, note the Hindi Vedas). People are awakening to that, albeit slowly. This, however, is a topic for an absolutely new, separate series, to which I will also get eventually.

Last point to wrap it up:

Noeline says: ‘The celebration of mass is a satanic ritual that celebrates the eating of the body of Christ and drinking of his blood.’

Actually, this ritual is a left-over pagan ritual, adopted by Christianity after it suppressed paganism. It symbolizes partaking of the energy of Christ, imbuing yourself with his spirit. Since Christ symbolizes love and selfless purity, it basically signifies a desire to be like him, hence ascend. However, in 3D, in other words, in our fully manifest PHYSICAL WORLD, humans often can’t simply think or be. they need to manifest everything into 3D; make it touchable, tangible. Evolved souls don’t need that, but most humans do. By the way, there is nothing wrong with that, as long as it doesn’t harm anyone.

In the ancient days in CERTAIN (not all) pagan traditions humans ate the body of a specific animal to imbue themselves with that animal’s power. Humans were also sacrificed to gods. These rituals, which sound awful today, in old days were what the full 3D incarnation demanded. Humans, shall we say, were too literal. They needed to touch, feel and eat everything to partake of the energy they wanted. To this day, in the Middle East they sacrifice animals and often treat humans with outright cruelty.

In subtler and more evolved ancient societies, such as the original Vedic world, humans had representations of various pagan gods and universal forces, such as certain foods, flowers, tree bark, crystals that they ate, rubbed into their skin, created tattoos, with which they decorated their bodies and homes.

In other words, eating of the body of Christ and drinking his blood is a modified pagan ritual to suit Christianity’s agenda. Since we lost connection with the logic of ancient rituals, it may seem bizarre from today’s perspective.

I won’t go into the meaning of the word ‘mass.’ But again, this word comes from the same Vedic Slavyano-Arian source, something forgotten by most humans.

I will briefly say that ‘satan’ comes from the same root I discussed above: ‘svet’ – light. It becomes ‘sat’ here, basically signifying ‘fullness.’ Fullness as in: Mother Earth is full, bountiful. It also has a relation to the sacred feminine connected to Mother Earth.

It was a Vedic word. Recall what I said, Vedics were the biggest enemy and competitor of Christianity. Moreover, the sacred feminine had to be suppressed by the patriarchal Christian society. Therefore, any good Vedic words became bad words in the Christian reality as humans needed to be brainwashed into submission. The same process is happening today in Ukraine and many Western countries, as history yet again gets re-written and energetic polarities get reversed from plus to minus.

However, this time it won’t work.


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Words, Spells and Linguistical Traps

Video call snapshot 78By Lada Ray, M.A.: comparative linguistics and history of languages

This post is about the fascinating world of linguistics and how language can help us uncover the truth… or spin a lie, thus shrouding the truth and creating a far-reaching confusion, depending on the intention of its user. What we will talk about is very timely for this revolutionary decade when old distortions are poised to be revealed.

I love getting interesting and thought-provoking comments from my readers. Here is one of them!

In response to my recent article Truth, Lie and Propaganda. An Appeal to the American People from a Ukrainian, JR said: “The Russian people speak from the truth in their hearts, and from a genuine compassion and love for the brotherhood of all peoples of all countries. How can one not be aware of the sincerity and honesty even while listening to what we in the US would call a foreign language ? Thank you for sharing his stirring message — one that leaves me so profoundly ashamed of the depths to which this once “great” nation has fallen. The so-called US gov’t., now the throne/stronghold of the most evil and corrupt power in the world, is seated in that tiny 10 sq. mile pentagram in Wash. DC. Yes, we are under a spell, and it has been shown that even our English language is a language full of spells — just what is a “spelling” test, or a “spelling” bee (does someone get stung??) ?? There’s dark magic holding us hostage, and keeping us prisoners in our own minds by the spells they weave using propaganda, lies and deceit, and all the tricks of their trade. Yes, many are breaking out of that death grip, but at the same time it seems that for every one freed, many others must pay the ever escalating price to keep the devouring darkness well fed. Looking at the videos of Donetsk and eastern Ukraine atrocities, I see a fast-forward of what’s planned for us here in the US. We have been warned by the “‘prophets” in the past, and now we are being warned by the victims of our future.”

I thought this was a wonderful and thought-provoking comment. And another thing that I appreciated as a linguist was the apt linguistical parallel. I replied: ““Spelling” = under a spell. Good one – and that’s coming from a linguist.”

In response, JR posted new comment: “Here is something else to add to your oddities/absurdities (nevertheless true) info as a linguist: The word Parliament means “Speaking Lies” from the French words Parler which means to speak, and mentir which means to tell lies. Also the word Politics, poly meaning many; tics are blood-sucking parasites; thus politics means many blood-sucking parasites. This is taken from a post re the “Queen of England” proven not a lawfully coronated monarch. More spells cast over the people.” See comments.

I thought this new comment was cute the way JR drew comparisons between lies and “parliament”; however, I also saw that all these interesting “discoveries” required a major clarification.

First, a little back story:

The earthly languages form and develop according to certain rules. They are often not quite tangible rules; sometimes I would call them divine laws, or the laws closely related to sacred geometry. Here is my personal opinion based on my lifelong contemplation of life and languages: another law that applies to language is the Lorenz Butterfly, also known as the Chaos Theory, which postulates that from the seeming confusion and chaos on a small scale the orderly big picture can be predicted (albeit, depending on random developments, such prediction may be difficult). For instance, if we draw a diagram of many chaotic and seemingly random hurricanes taking place around the globe at the same time, we will get a very orderly sign of infinity, which is called the Lorenz Butterfly, also known as the “butterfly effect.”


Lorenz Butterfly

How is all this related to language you ask? I will try to explain.

My response

Thanks for the comments, JR. I agree wholeheartedly that both politics and parliaments in the modern world are being misused by the elites presently in power. Some humans tend to abuse power they are entrusted with. This has long been the case in our earthly 3D reality – the reality which many of us, in our own special ways, are working hard on shifting into the new, much higher level. However, we must always remember that there is a difference between the initial idea and later implementation of said idea, between the word and the later distortion of that word’s meaning.

A great example of how this works is religion – any religion. Take Christianity for instance: Jesus spoke of peace, love and forgiveness. But look into what humans, in their thirst for control over others, have turned his teaching! How many wars and how much hatred took place in the name of “Jesus”?

The initial ideas behind the words parliament and politics weren’t negative at all. These words in fact were created as progressive, and even revolutionary, for their day.

A word about how linguistics works: the language evolution follows certain laws, which linguists study. Those who are in the linguistics field also tend to have heightened intuition about the language truth. Just because a word seems similar, doesn’t mean it is related to another coincidentally similar word. On the other hand, some words that don’t seem as similar to a layman’s ear, come from the same root.

Sometimes the word with the opposite meaning comes from the same core root. A good example of that is “rose” vs. “rude” or “crude” – all three come from the same root! As a matter for fact, the root “ros,” “rus” or “ru” is so important in human development that I will have a whole article dedicated to that soon. Stay tuned!

This is how language develops – words and their meanings shift. Substitutions of sounds, spelling and meaning happen depending on the tragedies, confusions and triumphs any given culture experiences throughout its history. And yes, as always there are malicious manipulations and deliberate substitutions based on ulterior motives, too. Much of the manipulations that were safely hidden away, are coming to the surface as more and more discoveries are made based on new revolutionary methods.

Russian linguistics school was always superb and I am happy that I had the opportunity to study under its wing. It taught me to think and see the hidden connections between words; it showed me the way to uncover the hidden and distorted truths. But of course, I had this talent since I was young.

Russian mathematicians, astronomers/physicists have been famous throughout the 20th century. It is on the cross-section of these three sciences that many new discoveries are being made. These discoveries are so earth-shattering that very soon the history of the entire planet will simply have to be re-written.

I promised that I would start talking about all that soon, and I will. Today, I want to give a primer demonstrating how language works, and how it doesn’t; how important language is to preserve our history in order to avoid past mistakes; how important the language is in uncovering the truth. Let’s consider it a sneak peek into the big adventure still to come.

JR, let’s review the etymology (origins) of the words you mentioned in your comments.

Spell and spelling: These two words come from the same root “sp” or “spr.” It is the same root as in the word “speak.” In German: “sprechen.” The root of this word, as explained by the English sources, is old Norse: from spraki – rumor or report. As we know, English language belongs to the Germanic group of languages, although the past relations among language groups and families are also being shattered as new discoveries by the Russian scientists are being revealed.

For more insight into how languages work and interact, read my popular article on Lada Ray Blog: Best Way to Learn Russian Language.

If I dig deeper with the root “sp,” I will get to the ancient origins of the mother language predating Germanic cultures. The root “sp” is much older than any language groups recognized today. It is one of the original mother-tongue roots – what we used to call Indo-European, and what I would now call more correctly the Vedic Rus mother-tongue.

The root “sp” can be seen in ancient Russian and Ukrainian words, such as: Rus: spet’ – to sing, ” Ukr: spivati – to sing, Ukr: spilkuvatisia – to socialize. Here is a very telling word: Rus/Ukr and many other Slavic languages: ispoved’ – sermon or atoning. And of course, the Russian word everyone knows: Spasibo – “thank you” – which means extending gratitude through voice. Couldn’t be any more clear, could it?

So, the mother-root “sp” signifies joining, connecting, socializing, usually via one’s voice, in other words, via communication.

The word spill in English comes from the same root, and this is an indication of how bizarrely languages work sometimes. What is the logic here? Spill means getting out of own boundaries and again making a connection with a different entity – sort of communicating with another surface. That’s what happens in a water, or oil, spill. However, the original meaning of spill was language related, as in: “spilling the beans,” which means “blabbing it out or betraying a secret.”

Another interesting word is cooperation. Recognize the same root “sp?” Coop = “sp.” This is a Latin influence. In Latin “s” became “c.” “Sp” becomes “cp” and then “coop.”

The connections between languages and words are fascinating and educational. Since I was a child, I contemplated these connections, which taught me that people are much more similar than they are different, no matter how much various interests with ulterior motives are trying to convince us otherwise. I intend to write much more about this, but that will be another time.

For now, I think I’ve made my point: “sp” means to connect, commune; “el” means god or divine. Consequently, the original meaning of a spell is: to “connect with the divine” and by extention, to “voice an intention.” Of course the contemporary meaning of  a “spell” is broader. It is a spoken incantation to actualize an intention, sometimes to deceive or confuse others, but sometimes to empower self – it all depends on who and with what motives is doing it. Spelling means: “voicing – or actualizing – the written word.”

But what an irony! As JR correctly noticed, a spell, meant to actualize, or clarify things, is often used to manipulate and confuse. And spelling is derived directly from spell.  So, when I applaud JR’s parallel between spell and spelling, I am referring to the fact that I appreciate as a linguist his ability to see the hidden ironic connection between the two.

Now let’s proceed to the other two words. These two are a different story altogether as the examples from the article JR quotes, unfortunately are incorrect translations, even if they may seem valid on the surface. Here, much later derivatives or coincidental words are being substituted by the author of the article quoted.

In my earlier comments to this same post I already cautioned someone else to avoid falling for pseudo-truths. Not all alternative sources are created equal and not all tell the truth, either because of ignorance, or hidden agenda – or both.

Let’s try not to twist or stretch the truth, even if we have the best intentions, shall we? Because the truth has this interesting quality – eventually, everything comes out anyway. That’s why truth is always the best policy.

I can tell you as a trained comparative linguist and language historian what the real meaning of these words is:

Parliament is from parler (to speak) + ment (mind). (Incidentally, the word mentir also comes from ment and means “inventing things with your mind’, or, “irritating mind by misusing it”).

So, parliament is translated as the place where people speak their minds. And that was the original intention behind parliaments. At the time, Western-style democracy was a progressive thing and it was necessary to hear different opinions when they all were valid in some way. It is now that the Western-style democracy turned into its opposite.

Politics is from Greek politicos, meaning: “related to citizens or affairs of a city” (polis – city, polites – citizens). It has nothing to do with “tics” of course — “cs”  or “s” is a common English ending for Greek-related words, shortened from the common Greek ending “os.” “Os” also has much deeper Vedic Rus roots, demonstrated in Russian last names: Volkov, Elfimov, Yablokov. “Ov” = “os.”

Further, the ORIGINAL root of the word “Polis” is the ancient Vedic Rus (later Slavic) word: “Polie.” Polie is a field or flat surface. It originates from the Rus “po” – flat, on top, along a flat surface. Example: “idti po ulitse” – “to walk along the street.”

Here are some examples of this ancient root in action: Prussia – original meaning: Po-Russia, in other words, flat or wide Russia. Later Prussia was taken over by Germans and that’s how Prussia became German, but originally it was Po-Russia. The country next to Prussia is called Poland, in Polish: Polonia. This name comes from “polie” – literally: the flat country. And believe me, Poland is really flat.

From “Polie” the ancient Greek word “polis” = city, was formed. It meant flat surface, populated with people. The “people,” or “citizens,” meaning was added later. Initially, polites meant those people who lived in flatlands, which eventually were built into cities. The word “poly” came to signify “many” much, much later. It is a modern-day derivative from “polis,” which is logical as it signified a city populated by many citizens. There was no word “poly” with today’s meaning in Ancient Greek. This is one of the manipulated subsequent additions into the language.

P.S. A reader has suggested that the word religion = re-ligion has something to do with “military rebuilding” as in re-legion (meaning military legion.) This is an exellent example of a confusion that I have talked about in the beginning.

In reality: the root “log” = “lg” means “word” in Vedic mother-tongue, and later in Latin (logos), and it has nothing to do with war. The word “legitimate” “legislature” and “library” come from the same root. Later, the word “legion” was also derived from the same root – not from war, but from “law and order.” “Logos” – “legis” – “legitimate” – “law” = “order” – “legion.” The word “linguistics” also comes from the same root. Russian lozh and English lie – same meaning, same root.

Religion simply means “reciting words” = cermons and prayers.

This is enough linguistics for now.

I hope you enjoyed this article and I hope you learned something today. Even though my time is limited, I try to clarify and explain things as much as I can, and I try to share my knowledge with all. Regrettably, I can’t always do that and many confusions perhaps go unanswered. Sometimes I answer people’s comments in the comment section of my blog. My goal is always to reveal the truth from under the layers of confusion and lies, whether intentional or inadvertent.

In this case, of course the intention of the reader, JR, was high and honest, as much of what he says rings true. Therefore, I thought it was a good idea to clarify as much as possible.

About me: M.A. (summa cum laude) in Comparative Linguistics, Translation and History of languages. I studied at Odessa Mechnikov State University, Moscow Lomonosov State University and Complutense University of Madrid, with graduate study at the Universidad de La Habana, Cuba. Read my bio here.

I see my role as someone who uncovers and reveals deep truths that had been suppressed. My mission is to help people clear the existing fog of confusion and misinformation.

In the upcoming posts I will continue this topic. Stay tuned!

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THE EARTH SHIFTER: a top-rated mystical thriller, where one of the main characters is a linguist and where in addition to the mysteries of Lake Baikal in Siberia, Moscow and remote viewing, certain linguistical mysteries are also revealed!