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‘Taharrush Gamea’: Arab ‘Rape Game’ Spreads Around Europe from Middle East

This is a very disturbing development. The New Year’s celebrations in Cologne, Germany had been marred by the reports of wide-spread harassment by aggressive groups of Middle Eastern men, many of whom apparently were the newly arrived refugees. Hundreds of German women reported being harassed and sexually assaulted during the NYE celebrations.

Another unsavory development is that German Chancellor Angela Merkel personally leaned on German MSM to hush it up; moreover, Merkel struck a deal with German MSM and American-based social media platforms, such as Google and Yahoo. According to the deal, US-based social media giants and local MSM alike agreed to mass remove comments critical towards refugees.

At the same time, it has become known that Swedish media for at least two years has been covering up harassment of Swedish women and girls by the Middle Eastern migrants. Here is the link to the video: Swedish police ‘migrant sex attacks coverup’ exposed.

But this isn’t all! In fact these weren’t random and spontaneous occurrences based on some uncontrollable lust by young men far from home, lost in a foreign culture and without access to a normal dating scene. Nope. These were pre-planned and knowingly executed events. There is a disgusting time-tested Arabic ‘tradition’ called ‘Taharrush ja-mie’. This Arabic expression describes a group harassment committed by young men during mass gatherings. This tradition is alive and well in those countries where a woman is still considered an object owned by a man, to be dealt with as he pleases. To be fair, something like this (perhaps not to the same degree) is still alive and well in Caucasus too, particularly in Georgia and Azerbaijan since these countries follow the Middle Eastern way of life in many ways.

Now, it is spreading to Europe. And we all know why and how this has happened: as a consequence of the refugee crisis.

I have discussed in detail by whom, how and why the refugee crisis was organized in my No. 1 bestselling EARTH SHIFT REPORT 7: TURKISH CONUNDRUM. The investigation conducted by German journalists is very enlightening!

VIDEO: ‘Taharrush Gamea’ – Arab ‘Rape Game’ Spreads Around Europe from Middle East:


Here are some predictions, to build up on what I’ve pointed out in response to Emil’s question regarding the future of Sweden:

I said that Sweden would experience a continued rise in riots and protests against the status quo, especially by young men.

This, however, applies to all EU countries, especially to Germany. The anti-emigrant protests and riots will continue expanding. Most of those protesting will be young European males, although some women as well. In addition, the far-right will continue rising for at least the next several years and its message will continue being more and more attractive. If this message isn’t heard by the elites, then there will be rioting.

As a response to the refugee crisis, border controls in the EU will continue increasing as each country will strive to put up some sort of barriers. Surveillance will continue increasing on all levels of society. EU will be slowly experiencing a roll back of freedoms Europeans are used to. I first predicted the roll back of EU freedom of movement and border controls introduction in 2012. Read more in: Per My 2012 Prediction! French Elections and the Rise of Marine Le Pen and National Front.

EU elites, including personally Angela Merkel, had made huge mistakes in their handling of the refugee crisis. I discuss in ESR 7: TURKISH CONUNDRUM how Merkel chose the erroneous strategy of Erdogan’s appeasement. Various ulterior motives and neoliberal political correctness of the EU elites  have created a self-fulfilling prophecy. Correcting these grave mistakes will be very hard, while the population of the EU will suffer from their consequences.

I love Europe, which I consider my home and where I’ve spent quite a few years. It’s hard to watch how that nice, safe and charming Europe I’ve known is slowly disappearing.



For those who have missed it, read Emil’s and mine related discussion regarding Sweden’s present and future in the comment section of the latest: False Flag Technology: Paris False Flag.

Look Who’s Finally Waking Up! EU Plan B: ‘Treat Russia Nicely, Stop Being US Stooge’

Europe is Kaput – Long live Europe! Slavoj Žižek, Yanis Varoufakis, Julian Assange (ENG/Español)





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