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New Re-Writing of History Underway!

Series Forbidden History 2x2

I spoke extensively about the past major history re-writes in my FORBIDDEN HISTORY
Webinar series, as well as on Futurist Trendcast.

A new, very aggressive re-writing of history is taking place today! I warned about it since 2014! It is happening in Ukraine, parts of post-Soviet stapce, but most alarmingly, it is happening all over Europe, which was in the 20th century the birthplace of the hateful idologies of Nazism and fascism.

Reference to recent post on FT, by our friend Stanislav Sokolov:

After publishing that post, depicting the truthful facts of what happened during the Great Patriotic War (WWII) in Russia, FT was swarmed by various shades of brown. Nazi wannabies, most notably from SWEDEN, plus UK and US, tried to argue that ‘Hitler was a savior of Europe, and people of Europe were all for him, because he brought them freedom from Jews and Bolsheviks.’ There were personal attacks against me, and I had to close down the comments.

Today, please read the follow-up by Stanislav Sokolov. He is an observer of all these processes; he is originally from Russia and resides in Northern Europe. In his opinion, in the past 5-6 years, the process of the aggressive falsification and re-writing of history has greatly intensified.

This I did warn about repeatedly!

Here’s what Stanislav wrote to me:


Hi again, Lada!

I must say I did not expect such a reaction to my translation of an article from 2013! Things seem to be darker now, then they were even back then. I’ve researched what is happening to the topic of WWII on the net – both in the English-speaking and the Russian-speaking spheres – and there seems to be a trend of blame-shifting, which has gained a huge momentum over the past few years, to the tune of “Stalin is responsible for Germany attacking, and Germany is the victim”!! I can’t believe my eyes, but that’s what is being peddled now, similar to how a rape victim would be blamed for the actions of a rapist!

This is echoed on my own blog, where I acquired one German (judging by the name) commentator, who first says that he likes my history works and writings on Scythians, but then goes to posting every lie and misrepresentation about USSR  (down to famine). I approved a couple of his comments and wrote systematic response to them, but it was like preaching to a deaf man. He just accused me of falling for the Communist propaganda and posted some links to book about how Stalin is responsible for all exterminations during WWII…

And then he posts some quite good and well-thought-out comments to my recent linguistics article. I do not think that he is actually a troll – he seems to be genuinely convinced and set in his views about WWII in particular and USSR in general. Or maybe it’s some sort of sophisticated trolling – first saying that they agree with you on some other topics, stroking the blog writer’s ego and hoping that they would win an in-pass on the topic they actually came to dispute… It made me wonder if Maggie on Patreon with her comments about censorship in Russia is another such case.

Read my exchange with him – this is the link to the original article, the exchnage is in comments:

And this makes me really afraid for the not-so-distant future. If such a 180 degree turn could be made in just 75 years, what perception will the kids in 2-3 generations have of WWII? In best case, the same as the kids today have of 1812-1814 and the liberation of Europe by Russia from the Napoleonic troops (with Napoleon becoming a hero of France and a kind of trade-mark) – total forgetfulness. 😦



Stanislav and I are working hard, holding the space for truth and trying to preserve and convey to the people the real memory.

Visit Stanisav at his blog – he has a lot of good stuff:

Read and watch the lastest on FT:

If You Have A Heart & Soul, Watch This! The IMMORTAL REGIMENT – Heavenly Army’s Amazing Personal Stories!

Soul of the Russian People! Amazing Songs of the War & Peace Years – They’ll Forever Touch Your Heart!






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Final Battle for Russian Gas! Can US Stop Nord Stream-2? (EarthShiftPodcast8)


I just published brand new Earth Shift Podcast 8! 


Direct link to video: 

Final Battle for Russian Gas! Can US Stop Nord Stream-2?



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Priceless 5D Letter from Sweden and the Missing Pieces of the Russian Puzzle

Dear Lada, 

I hereby apply for a 50% scholarship on The Putin Enigma.

As you know I have now followed you since August 2014 (according to my Word press account) and have donated to you since December 2014. During these years I have also followed and then unfollowed many other sources. I honestly think that You, and to a certain extent RT, are the only two sources I have really trusted during this time! (And of lately, for some reason, I feel like RT is no longer what it once was. But that is another issue.)

You have explained the world from a Russian but still objective perspective. You have given me so many of the missing puzzle pieces for understanding the world! Living in Sweden (or the West in general), and not speaking Russian, we are missing out on so much information that is not available in my languages! Thank you for making this information available to us!

During the years I have followed you, everything you have said and have predicted seems to be/come true. I have not yet seen any of your statements disproven by other trustworthy sources.

You have a unique combination of down to earth political and economical knowledge paired with multidimensional knowledge! This makes you exceptional!

I feel that President Putin is an exceptional person! He is the only politician known to me whom I truly admire! I have been waiting for your report on President Putin since the first day you mentioned it. For years now I have anxiously been expecting this report! Now I am full of joy to finally get to read/listen to it!

You have previously been very generous to me. You have given me several ESR for free. Your work is priceless! Nevertheless we still live in 3D reality where everything is still measured in money, which is very contrary to my 5D nature (thank you for telling me my level!)


Med vänliga hälsningar

Emil R., Sweden

Lada says: 

Thank you, Emil. Great to hear from you and congratulations on wining!

Please enjoy your EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA & the 50% scholarship!


Dear friends,

Please remember that ESW6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA is the last webinar this year! I have released it early to give you a good head start on the beginning of the Russian presidential election cycle. Russian elections will take place in March 2018. ESW6 includes my exclusive predictions for Russian elections, Vladimir Putin, Russia as a whole and some of the Eurasian and world trends, for the next 6 years!

Rest assured, this webinar, as all other Earth Shift Webinars, will serve you as continuous guidance; they will become your beacon at the time of the Great Earth Shift, for years to come! Purchase these webinars and enjoy their relevance any time!

Please always remember to save the ESW6 Webinar page url or bookmark it so you can retain future access to this webinar! I plan to add more info, rare videos and links to it in the near future! ESW6 is a living, breathing piece — it may continue growing and expanding!

THE PUTIN ENIGMA is also the culmination of the Multidimensional Geopolitics Series of 6 webinars. Certification will be available shortly (click link below for more)!

ESW6 The Putin Enigma 5 1

Read complete ordering info here!

And another scholarship: A Letter from S.Africa/Namibia: What Future Awaits My Beloved Africa? Full Scholarship.


 Earth Shift Webinar 6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA





6WebinarBanner Multidimensional Geopolitics Series


If you missed this related comprehensive new article, you’ve missed a lot! Analysis: Consequences of Russia’s Mirror Response to US Witch Hunt Against RT– and so much more!

Also don’t miss the latest BIG article: Secret Order to Destroy Slavs and Re-Write their Genetic Code! 3 Ingredients of Color Revolution (New Theory)!


‘West can’t live without enemies’: Swedish general warns of ‘upcoming war’

What wouldn’t they do to sell to the populace an increase in Swedish military spending. What wouldn’t they do to drag Sweden into NATO, in the last push to justify the alliance’s existence and to continue encircling Russia with more bases!

Truly, the ‘West can’t live without enemies; this is a part of its self-perception.’ Well said by Swedish peace researcher Jan Oberg: below is his video interview that makes perfect sense, unlike the rhetoric of his government.

‘In a few years Sweden may be engaged in a war with a “qualified opponent” after two centuries of peace, a senior Swedish commander has told soldiers in an internal brochure.’

By ‘qualified opponent’ this, not very qualified, Swedish general means – who do you think! – of course, Russia!

Incidentally, Russia’s military spending constitutes only 8% of NATO’s.

Russia’s military spending is 1/10th of the USA’s.

Silly question: who is the aggressor in this scenario?


On another note, Poland has volunteered to host new and additional US bases and arms on its territory. When asked why, Polish talking heads and officials say this is not directed against Russia, that Russia presently isn’t being thought of as a threat by Poland. This, in fact, is more of a protection against Germany (a fellow NATO member); additionally, this is done for economic, not political, reasons. Those naive enough to believe this bull’s crap in chef’s salad – raise your hands! Hmm… Don’t see any. Anyone? Anyone?!!




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‘Taharrush Gamea’: Arab ‘Rape Game’ Spreads Around Europe from Middle East

This is a very disturbing development. The New Year’s celebrations in Cologne, Germany had been marred by the reports of wide-spread harassment by aggressive groups of Middle Eastern men, many of whom apparently were the newly arrived refugees. Hundreds of German women reported being harassed and sexually assaulted during the NYE celebrations.

Another unsavory development is that German Chancellor Angela Merkel personally leaned on German MSM to hush it up; moreover, Merkel struck a deal with German MSM and American-based social media platforms, such as Google and Yahoo. According to the deal, US-based social media giants and local MSM alike agreed to mass remove comments critical towards refugees.

At the same time, it has become known that Swedish media for at least two years has been covering up harassment of Swedish women and girls by the Middle Eastern migrants. Here is the link to the video: Swedish police ‘migrant sex attacks coverup’ exposed.

But this isn’t all! In fact these weren’t random and spontaneous occurrences based on some uncontrollable lust by young men far from home, lost in a foreign culture and without access to a normal dating scene. Nope. These were pre-planned and knowingly executed events. There is a disgusting time-tested Arabic ‘tradition’ called ‘Taharrush ja-mie’. This Arabic expression describes a group harassment committed by young men during mass gatherings. This tradition is alive and well in those countries where a woman is still considered an object owned by a man, to be dealt with as he pleases. To be fair, something like this (perhaps not to the same degree) is still alive and well in Caucasus too, particularly in Georgia and Azerbaijan since these countries follow the Middle Eastern way of life in many ways.

Now, it is spreading to Europe. And we all know why and how this has happened: as a consequence of the refugee crisis.

I have discussed in detail by whom, how and why the refugee crisis was organized in my No. 1 bestselling EARTH SHIFT REPORT 7: TURKISH CONUNDRUM. The investigation conducted by German journalists is very enlightening!

VIDEO: ‘Taharrush Gamea’ – Arab ‘Rape Game’ Spreads Around Europe from Middle East:


Here are some predictions, to build up on what I’ve pointed out in response to Emil’s question regarding the future of Sweden:

I said that Sweden would experience a continued rise in riots and protests against the status quo, especially by young men.

This, however, applies to all EU countries, especially to Germany. The anti-emigrant protests and riots will continue expanding. Most of those protesting will be young European males, although some women as well. In addition, the far-right will continue rising for at least the next several years and its message will continue being more and more attractive. If this message isn’t heard by the elites, then there will be rioting.

As a response to the refugee crisis, border controls in the EU will continue increasing as each country will strive to put up some sort of barriers. Surveillance will continue increasing on all levels of society. EU will be slowly experiencing a roll back of freedoms Europeans are used to. I first predicted the roll back of EU freedom of movement and border controls introduction in 2012. Read more in: Per My 2012 Prediction! French Elections and the Rise of Marine Le Pen and National Front.

EU elites, including personally Angela Merkel, had made huge mistakes in their handling of the refugee crisis. I discuss in ESR 7: TURKISH CONUNDRUM how Merkel chose the erroneous strategy of Erdogan’s appeasement. Various ulterior motives and neoliberal political correctness of the EU elites  have created a self-fulfilling prophecy. Correcting these grave mistakes will be very hard, while the population of the EU will suffer from their consequences.

I love Europe, which I consider my home and where I’ve spent quite a few years. It’s hard to watch how that nice, safe and charming Europe I’ve known is slowly disappearing.



For those who have missed it, read Emil’s and mine related discussion regarding Sweden’s present and future in the comment section of the latest: False Flag Technology: Paris False Flag.

Look Who’s Finally Waking Up! EU Plan B: ‘Treat Russia Nicely, Stop Being US Stooge’

Europe is Kaput – Long live Europe! Slavoj Žižek, Yanis Varoufakis, Julian Assange (ENG/Español)





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