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Kim Jong-Un Always Dreamed of Visiting Russia: Super-Inside Scoop!

kim jong-un putin vladivostok 2019

These are excerpts from the NEW REPORT on LADA RAY PATREON! This report contains my analysis, predictions, a word about Russian, Asian & N. Korean traditions, the overview of Trump and his failed nuclear negotiations with Kim Jong-Un, and the drastic difference between Putin/Russian and Trump/American approach to smaller, weaker countries.

It includes the inside scoop of how Kim Jong-Un felt in Russia, how he was met and what really went on behind the scenes of the first ever reclusive N. Korean leader’s full-scale summit-cum-visit to a foreign country. I also show you the inside scoop of Kim’s mini-vacation in Russia’s Far East, plus, the very first interview he ever gave to a foreign journalist!

The negotiations went on behind closed doors. The complete report includes what I was able to learn from leaks and indirect hints, plus my predictions on what N. Korea, Russia, China and US will do. Finally, there is more about the All-Korea Railroad project.

Russia-N.Korea Summit Inside Scoop & Predictions:

Putin, Kim Jong-Un, Trump, Nukes – Full Spread!




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Amazingly, the US continues living in alternate reality: it doesn’t occur to Washington that the times have changed; the US doesn’t hold as much sway any more and countries currently do have choices.

One thing said by Trump during his meeting with N. Korea’s leader truly amused me. He joked that both him and Kim could lose weight. This was met with Kim’s perplexed and astonished silence. The thing is: according to old Asian custom and logic, a plump leader of a country signifies luck and prosperity for said country. Traditionally, if a rich and/or important man or woman in the East can eat very well, this means they are lucky, successful and prosperous. In turn, the opposite is true. Therefore, both Kim Jong-Un and his countrymen are very proud that he is so prosperous-looking, lol. For a poor country with limited resources the leader looking so ‘prosperous’ is a must – based on their understanding – in order to present the right front to the outside world.

So, by making such remarks, Trump yet again demonstrated to the entire world, not to mention N. Koreans, how arrogant, disrespectful and ignorant Americans can be. In other words, congrats, President Trump: you’ve found a wining formula for screwing up negotiations!


The tone and essence of Kim’s meeting with Putin was just the opposite of that with Trump. First, by Korean tradition, Kim presented Putin with one-of-a-kind sword, adding that this sword contains the soul of the Korean people. Putin also presented Kim with gifts. And both exchanged the symbolic coins, since giving cold weapons as gifts is not auspicious, according to Russian tradition, hence an offer of a symbolic payment.

Kim not only met with Russian President Vladimir Putin, but also stayed for a mini-vacation to try Russian cousine and sightsee – something he admitted he always dreamed about doing. He visited Vladivostok and Primorie (Russian Far East).

Kim also invited Putin to visit N. Korea, and this is not the first invitation of this kind. Putin might accept this time.

What was discussed:

Putin and Kim spent 3.5 hours together, instead of planned one hour.


So, what Russia will be doing at this time is keeping the kindle of hope alive, keeping nuclear negotiations between N. Korea and US lukewarm, to avert possible hot war on the Korean peninsula next to Russian borders – the conflict being provoked and escalated by the US. And then at the right time, which will be later – Putin will make his master chess move. 


Kim Jong-Un Always Dreamed of Visiting Russia: How It Happened – Super Inside Scoop!

What went on behind the scenes of the first ever visit to Russia by reclusive and much misunderstood leader of N. Korea, Kim Jong-Un.

Remember, I calibrated Kim and N. Korea for my new QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS book. The calibrations proved beyond any doubt that neither Kim nor N. Koreans are crazy, suicidal or homicidal.

This great inside scoop I have for you will confirm my calibrations!

Below you can see the rare footage of how Kim was met in a little Russian border village, from Russia’s top journalist, the only foreign journalist to whom Kim Jong-Un ever gave an interview… As a result this Russian journalist became an instant celebrity and an envy of everyone else in his profession.

The Russian journalist commented that contrary to what the West says about him, Kim was much friendlier and open to conversation than any Western ‘leaders’ who usually refuse to give interviews to Russian journalists, and often do so unpleasantly. Not only that, he said, but the Western ‘leaders’ security is normally very rude: they may push, take away cameras and even hit Russian journalists trying to get an interview. In other words, the usual Western hypocrisy and double standards.

Generally, Kim was smiling and joking all the time, a testament to how comfortable he felt in Russia.

LOL –  at 5:40 watch the frenzy of various Japanese, S. Korean and American journalists in Vladivostok, once they learn Kim is coming…

Interesting that Putin and Kim met on the territory of the Vladivostok’s Dalnevostochny Universitet – the Far Eastern Federal University – where Kim also stayed during his visit, with the view of the Pacific Ocean from his balcony.

Watch this extremely fascinating video report:






** THE BOOK ALSO CONTAINS EXPANDED CHAPTERS ON RUSSIA AND USA, plus S. Korea, among many other countries!


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Through Quantum Calibrations you can gain clarity & understanding, broaden your horizons and acquire peace of mind that only comes with deep knowing! Couple it with Lada Ray’s uncanny geopolitical, economic & human analysis, plus her unique predictions, and you’ve got the winner!



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As Predicted in My New Book! The Deal’s Off: Donald Trump Leaves Early As Kim Refuses to Surrender Nukes!

Watch video: The Deal is Off! Donald Trump Leaves the Table Early As Kim Refuses to Surrender Nukes!

The calibrations in my new book: Geopolitical & Geo-Economic Quantum Calibrations have predicted all this!

IN THE BOOK! Read about calibrations for Kim, North Korea and South Korea, plus how ‘little’ Kim outsmarted the BIG USA and Trump.

The biggest revelation of all: HOW BOTH NORTH AND SOUTH KOREAS REALLY FEEL ABOUT EACH OTHER AND USA! You may be surprised!

And in the book you’ll also find extensive chapter about USA and all its surprising calibrations! That’s among other nearly 1000 calibrations, 91 countries and so much more…


3D COVER w text2 crop


Geopolitical & Geo-Economic Quantum Calibrations


The book contains nearly 1000 calibrations for 91 countries and regions, economies, and armies, plus 10 global organizations, 15-country superpower index, analysis, predictions… In addition, the book contains many additional nuggets of wisdom and major revelations! 

While the book started out strong (thanks to all those who already purchased!), its sales slumped on Friday. I worked very hard on it and I hope more people give it a try!  


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where I’ve posted a new excerpt: QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS: Malaysia & The World’s Oldest Leader (NEW BOOK EXCERPT!)



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As predicted: #RussiatheGreatBalancer Pivots to the East (#China #Japan #SKorea #Mongolia)

The global rebalancing continues, as predicted:

Vladivostok Forum: #RussiatheGreatBalancer Pivots to the East (#China #Japan #SKorea #Mongolia)





Lada Ray YouTube

A New History Begins Now: North Korea Meets South Korea! Lada Ray Analysis and Calibrations!

Eugene commented: Would be great to have your take and latest calibrations of the Korean leaders and denuclearization agreement!

See my Feb 23, 2018 post: 

Quantum Calibrations of Kim Jong-Un & N. Korea


Apr 27, 2018:

Video: A new history starts now’: Leaders of two Koreas meet for 1st time in more than decade

This is very good news!

As you recall from my 2/23/18 post on Kim/N.Korea calibrations, the calibrations of Kim were on the 180-150 level, which made me conclude (although to me it was clear without calibrations) that he was neither suicidal, nor a maniac, as the West has portrayed him.

He was shamelessly provoked by Trump and US and he responded in the best way he could, under the circumstances. In the end, it was N. Korea and Kim’s victory over Trump.

Let me repeat this: the young Kim and tiny N. Korea upped the stakes and didn’t back down till huge US and the old bully Trump had no choice but to back down. The score is 1:0 for Kim and against Trump – yet another sign of the empire in decline.

Yes I know, Trump tried to save face by saying that it was his tough position and threat to use force that made Kim relent and begin negotiations. 

In reality, anybody who’s anybody knows that the painstaking negotiations were happening behind the scenes between N. Korea and China, as well as Russia, and of course, S. Korea. These negotiations and smart shuttle diplomacy ensured that the super-bully US failed at starting WWIII.

Before and during S. Korean Olympics, S. Korea made absolutely sure they treated N. Korea with utmost respect and deference. They invited N. Koreans to the games and even played certain team sports as a unified team.

In the end, it was clear that N. Korea simply wanted to be noticed and acknowledged, that they tired of being treated as pariah and wanted to be a part of the global community, which was denied to them for decades by the US/West. They also wanted some assurances of their safety, as well as trade and food, in response to dropping their nuclear ambitions.

Once they received all these assurances – from China, S. Korea and Russia, NOT from the US – the peace process could begin.

Again, let me reiterate that Kim and N. Korea calibrate between Pride and Fear. On these levels you want to be noticed and recognized, and you also want assurances. What Trump/US was doing by threatening N/ Korea had the opposite effect. Meanwhile, S. Korea’s invitation to participate in the Olympics went a long way and it impressed Kim and N. Koreans. It spoke to them of sincerity and readiness to work together.

That’s what opened the doors, NOT Trump’s crazy and juvenile nuclear war threats!

Let’s calibrate CURRENT PEACE TALKS between 2 Koreas:



Excellent improvement! Just compare to what the relationships between the 2 was in the past 10 years, up till the beginning of 2018!


QC   85 – GRIEF


There is much promise in these new historic talks, but not because of the US – despite it!

Of course this is just the first step and I can see how the US/Dark State may soon attempt to restart animosities and threats towards N. Korea…

You might say that the US is also a guarantor. And I would say that I would trust CHINA/RUSSIA guarantees, but distrust absolutely any US guarantees. To me US guarantees mean a grand total of zero and I’m sure many counties feel the same way.

Do you want to know how N. and S. Koreas REALLY feel about the US? Let’s calibrate…


You read an excerpt from Lada Ray PATREON article: 

Two Koreas Meet for First Time in Decades! What Are the Consequences of this Historic Event? Lada Ray Analysis & Calibrations









North Korea: Exclusive Russian Insider View ~ Do Not Underestimate N. Koreans!

Both N. Korea and S. Korea have been in the news a lot lately. Below is an exclusive and very educational Russian look at N. Korea. And there is a S. Korea bonus below as well.

The video report below comes with Eng subs. Several things struck me in it: 1. Don’t think N. Korea is a poor and backwards country, it does have over 3 thousand years of history, 2. Don’t think it’s that communist, 3. Don’t think N. Koreans are afraid of nuclear war. Why not? Find out:


The world’s super-bully USA almost succeeded in igniting a nuclear war with N. Korea, and this war was stopped only due to Russian, Chinese and S. Korean diplomacy. Meanwhile, S. Korea made valiant strides to reconcile with it northern half to avoid nasty surprises during the Games. The host of the  Winter Olympics made a gesture of good will and invited N. Koreans to participate. N. Korean athletes were invited to march together with S. Korean team during the Opening Ceremony and N. Koreans cheerleaders will participate in hosting of the Games.

That’s what we want to see more of in this world: cooperation, not wars. As they say in Russia, ‘Bad peace is better than a good war.’

‘One Korea – yes!’ Fans cheer athletes of unified Korean ice hockey team

Meanwhile, USA intends to continue stirring trouble. Dark State puppet, VP Pence heads to S. Korean Olympics to ‘tell the truth about N. Korea.’ Great timing, as usual, USA! With US losing power all over the world, what’s left but to stir trouble.


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EARLY BIRD SIGN UP OPEN (Feb 6 – Mar 1, 2018)!







Wow…That’s Pretty Touching Actually: South Korea Creates Support Fan Groups For Russian Athletes


Read my articles:

REPORT: Dirty Geopolitics of Olympics and Globalism – Will Russia Say NO and Start Alternative Games?

As we are approaching Christmas and New Year’s, this is the last major hard-hitting, heavy-duty geopolitical article of 2017, unless something extraordinary happens in the next two weeks! As a matter of fact, I hope this is the last report about geopolitics of sport and Olympics I’ll ever write. Let’s hope, although no guarantees as the pressure on Russia will continue and intensify before Russian elections. All pretexts to exert pressure and undermine elections will be used, and all weak links will be utilized, sport being one of the most prominent such weak links. However, when weak links are exposed to light, this also gives an opportunity to fix problems. Therefore, I hope Russians are paying attention, drawing conclusions and working on solutions. What solutions? Let’s talk about it below!

I’ve packed this piece with extra energy and embedded in it some extra interesting intel! Don’t miss!


Notice something? Every time Olympics, whether Summer or Winter, are conducted in any Anglo-American country, it’s peace and quiet. It took me a while to recall where the 2010 Winter Games took place. Oh, that’s right: Vancouver, CA! The only thing I remember from those Olympics is that nothing, absolutely nothing happened there, except that locals were unhappy with all the money spent by authorities on the Games, rather than local projects. Following that, the 2012 Summer Olympics took place in London. Do you remember any problems, scandals, attacks or sabotage associated with those? Nope, even though there was a lot of prior noise that the Games may be targeted by terrorists. No terrorists were in sight.

The only notable thing about London Olympics was that the UK won 3rd position in team competition, pushing Russia to fourth. UK never was anywhere near 3rd before, so the result was very surprising. But no, obviously they didn’t dope! They never used the ‘home team advantage’ and were never shielded by the bought-and-paid-for WADA. Never!

And now it gets really interesting. Let’s, one by one, go over the Olympics taking place OUTSIDE the Anglo-American, and especially, outside of the ‘Western club’ sphere of influence. Spoiler! Whenever Olympics do happen outside of the Anglo-American world, it’s as if someone pulls a switch and all kinds of disasters befall the host country, or various weird events soil and sabotage the Olympics.

Let’s look at the whole pattern chronologically.

2008 – Beijing Summer Olympics, China, 08/08/08.

Beijing Olympics 2008 Olympic stadium

The famous start date, 08/08/08, was carefully chosen by the Chinese to be as auspicious and lucky as possible, based on Chinese numerology. Yet, during the ambitious global Olympic torch relay there were unprecedented attacks against the Olympic flame carried by Chinese representatives through major Western cities such as Paris and London.

Just as the spectacular Opening Ceremony — the pride of the Chinese — was unfolding at Beijing Olympic Stadium on August 8, Mikhail Saakashvili and Georgia began a full-scale military assault on tiny breakaway S. Ossetia, killing in the process several Russian peacekeepers. Prior to attack, US Sec of State Condoleezza Rice visited Georgia and gave Saakashvili the green light.

This prompted Russia’s response and the 4-day Russia’s ‘peacekeeping op’ against Georgia, resulting in Abkhazia and S. Ossetia permanently seceding from Georgia. Instead of being focused on the first ever Chinese Olympics, China’s ‘moment of glory’ was soiled by this war. Western MSM talked about Russia’s ‘attack against poor Georgia,’ not about the Games. The West ‘rallied’ and imposed that infamous first set of major ’08 sanctions against Russia, complicated also by the ongoing gas war with Ukraine.

The primary goals for this major provocation were: painting Russia as aggressor in the eyes of the Western sheeple; starting sanctions against Russia; creating animosity between parts of post-Soviet space and Russia; preventing Germany/EU and Russia from coming closer in a mutually beneficial cooperation; plus, as a bonus, attempting to create a rift between China and Russia as a consequence of the Chinese being peeved at the disruption of the Olympics. The latter point completely backfired, but the former have achieved a temporary and partial success. To fix that, the next blow was needed, that of the Kiev Maidan and coup; the pretext used would be that of Sochi Olympics.

2010 — Vancouver Winter Olympics, Canada — nothing to report, total peace and quiet on the western front.

2012 — London Summer Olympics, UK — nothing to report, except a disproportionate number of completely unexpected wins by the UK team (and all Anglo-American teams!) vs. an incredibly large number of equally strange near misses of gold medals by Russian athletes who were favorites. This strange motherload of… ahem… ahem… ‘coincidences’ pushed the UK team to 3rd team placement and pushed Russia out of top 3 into 4th.


2014 — Sochi Winter Olympics, Russia.

As a private observation I want to say that the organization of the Sochi Games was spectacular, the venue was unique and gorgeous and the Opening and Closing Ceremonies were out of this world. I loved the lavish Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremony, but I thought the Sochi Closing Ceremony was the coolest.

sochi closing the sky ship

Sochi Closing Ceremony — The Sky Ship

sochi closing Misha sheds a tear 2

Sochi Closing Ceremony — The most heartfelt moment, giant Mishka the Mascot sheds final tear after blowing out the Olympic flame. This was a reminder of the grandfather of the Sochi Mishka, and the famous moment when the 1980 Moscow Summer Olympics Mishka shed his tear, before flying into the sky. Per eyewitnesses, everyone at the Luzhniki Olympic stadium cried back then. 

Efforts to compromise Russia and disrupt Sochi Olympics:

1. Before the Olympics there was a storm of accusations in Western MSM that Sochi wasn’t ready, complete with falsified and outdated pics and ‘evidence’ from prior years when construction was not yet complete. Of course, Sochi was ready on time and looked resplendent for the Games.

2. Russians were politically careful and even let out of jail the infamous Pussy Riot and the even more infamous Khodorkovsky, so that Western MSM couldn’t spoil Sochi events by howling about human rights violations in Russia. Pussy Riot was immediately swept up by the Clintons and flown to the US; Khodorkovsky was snatched up by Germany, and then settled in Switzerland. Disregarding their release promises, both immediately re-started their anti-Russian activity, aided by their sponsors, but with no success.

3. After Pussy Riot and Khodorkovsky release, they couldn’t find anything else to pin on Russia, so the ‘gay’ non-issue was de-dusted and blown out of proportion, along with Western threats of boycott. (Read my full article on that: How PUTIN views gay people and gay issue? ~COMPLETE MULTIDIMENSIONAL TRUTH!)

4. ALL Western leaders, except a couple of those who came as private citizens, boycotted the Sochi Opening Ceremony, to which they all received invitations. They all made a big political show of that boycott.

5. As Russia went into final preparations for the Games, Ukraine Yanukovich’s EU association trap was laid out and Kiev Maidan was deliberately instigated to begin in late 2013. The Maidan and US/EU pressure on Yanukovich continued escalating as Sochi Games opened in February 2014. As I’d revealed multiple times since the start of this blog in the beginning of 2014 (corroborated by many sources), Kiev Maidan was organized, financed and constantly re-ignited by the collective West (US, EU, etc) for the purpose of weakening and hurting Russia, and for the purpose of making Slavs hate and kill other Slavs.

The timing was chosen deliberately to coincide with Sochi Olympics (as I also explained in 2014) so that:

a. To steal the thunder moment from Russia and spoil the Games

b. Make sure Russia is tied up and cannot respond properly and timely to the Ukraine situation.

The culmination — the February 22 Kiev coup, ousting of Yanukovich and formation of illegal and blood-stained Kiev junta — all this took place in the middle of Sochi Olympics, tying Russia’s hands to do anything about it. The whole country helplessly watched as the closest to Russians people were turned into enemy right in front of their very eyes.

I also predicted at the same time in 2014 that Russia would engage in Ukraine the moment Sochi Games were over in order to save what was possible to save. And that’s what happened: Crimea seceded and re-joined Russia, and Russia began supporting Donbass. See my 2014 articles under Cat. Ukraine.

The Kiev coup, Russophobic ukro-nazis, Western MSM attacks against Russia and subsequent war against Donbass, had foreshadowed Olympics. Despite that, Sochi still managed to become one of the most memorable, exciting and successful international sporting events ever.

But that wasn’t all. Recently, in late 2017, WADA and IOC took away most Russian medals from Sochi Olympics and stripped Team Russia of its 1st place. The new escalation of the ‘Olympic Hybrid World War III’ against Russia has reached a whole new low.




1. The stripping of the medals from Russian athletes and taking away Team Russia’s first place has to be construed as a vengeance by small-minded dark entities, due to the fact that Russia never bent, nor succumbed to the West’s domination. According to them, Russia was supposed to stay down forever after the devastating ’90s. They can’t forgive Russia for re-building and making strides forward, despite all attempts to break Russia’s back. Most importantly, they can’t forgive Putin for rebuilding Russia and making her stronger.

2. This is a personal attack against Vladimir Putin before Russian Elections 2018. Just like everything they do, it is deliberately timed to immediately precede Russian Elections on March 18, 2018. It is an attempt to divide Russian society and make the part of Russian society favoring sport blame Putin for the situation with Russian athletes, thus costing him votes.

Just watch the months preceding Russian Elections. You’ll clearly see that attempts at undermining Putin and sabotaging Russia will continue growing and accelerating!

I can tell you already that this isn’t going to work. But that’s where the whole viciousness and impossible darkness of the forces who orchestrate these things comes through: they know it probably won’t work, yet they still do it! Some say that these dark Western forces hope that ‘perhaps it’ll work this time,’ but this doesn’t hold water. I don’t buy it. They are not that stupid — evil and disgustingly low, yes; stupid -no.

The actual goal by these dark humans is to exact revenge against Russia, and make Russia and Russians hurt, while they gloat in their filthy caves filled with their ill-gotten riches.

3. This is also a vengeful attack against Russia for winning in Syria and saving that country from disintegration. This is part of their underhanded vengeance for destroying the ISIS/Al Nusra infrastructure and 32,000 prized militants, handpicked, trained and financed by US, EU and Saudis.

Incidentally, the new Russian intel just in. This intel suggests that US is rebuilding the ISIS terrorist army in Syria by saving some prized terrorists and re-branding them by another name.

4. Most importantly, based on her historic and karmic role, Russia the Great Balancer headed by Putin, and together with China and others, in the past 5-6 years succeeded in derailing NWO globalist plans. Russia, in alliance with others, is creating the beginnings of a new world system, countering the old Western-dominant structure. Russia continues slowly and carefully re-balancing the world away from the West, and this is what the West cannot forgive Russia.

Those who are new read FREE primers for my Earth Shift & Russia the Great Balancer Theory.


2016 — Rio Summer Olympics, Brazil. These were the first ever Olympics for Brazil and first ever Games in S. America. They were secured for Brazil, the rising economy and along with Russia and China, a fast developing member of the BRICS, by ex-president Lula da Silva. He made a passionate plea to IOC and Brazilians proudly partied through the night when Rio was awarded 2016 Olympics. As Brazil Olympics went into its final preparation phase, a soft color revolution began, resulting in impeachment of president and Lula’s protegé, Dilma Rousseff. This was followed by investigation for corruption of both Lula and Dilma. The result was a pro-US president coming to power in Brazil.

I have a major FREE report on what went on: Brazil Color Revolution: Corruption, Dilma, Lula, Zika, Rio Olympics and BRICS. Lada Ray Report and Predictions.

Russian and Ukrainian athletes are friends — Rio Olympics 2016 (Russians wear red-blue-and-white uniforms, and Ukrainians light-blue-and-yellow uniforms)

The next round of Rio scandals centered around, what else (!), Russian team. Many of Russian athletes were suddenly banned. Some of these athletes already were en route to Rio, still not sure they would be allowed to compete. The lives of those who were allowed to compete in Rio were made hell, barring their access to training facilities, badgering them with constant tests at all hours of day and night, disrupting their regimes and humiliating them. Some Western athletes in Rio displayed a very unsporting behavior, giving Russians a cold shoulder and refusing to shake hands on the podium, or even mocking them in public.

Russia rented an entire multi-story building for its team in the Olympic village. As a result of bans, 1/3 of the building stood empty. The organizers bullied Russian team into giving up part of the building, thus compromising Russian team’s security and privacy.

Don’t be surprised at all this cynical persecution. After all, The Lord of the Flies was a typical Western book, now being manifested in real life.


2018 — PyeongChang Winter Olympics, S. Korea

S. Korea is more or less within the sphere of the US influence, BUT it is still an Asian country, which has been making strides to become more independent of the US. In order to keep S. Korea in its sphere of influence, US constantly escalates tensions with N. Korea, which then in turn threatens S. Korea with missiles. However, S. Korea really doesn’t want a war with the North. S. Koreans periodically stage rebellions against US, however meek, stating they want to resolve any differences diplomatically.

US perceives N. Korea as an extension of China and Russia. In this sick geopolitical game S. Korea is designated by the US as cannon fodder against N. Korea. Every time S. Korea strays off its prescribed role, US squeezes it to make it toe the line.

And that’s what is happening now. US is using the pretext of Olympics to humiliate and make S. Korea feel unsure of what to expect. The reputation of S. Korea and that of its Games is hanging in the balance. People are already calling PyeongChang Games ‘the worst ever.’ Many have decided to boycott them.

Another thing to take into account is that Russia’s reputation globally, and specifically in Asia, is growing by leaps and bounds, while USA’s is diminishing daily. S. Korea is trying to do business with Russia, also enlisting Russia as primary moderator and peacemaker in the Korean conflict. Additionally, N. Korea expressed on several occasions a belief that they would only trust Russians moderators, should any negotiations take place.

Trump’s constant provocations against N. Korea in the run-up to the Olympics are also designed to promote instability and insecurity during the Games. In this regard, the presence of the Russian team would serve as a guarantee of sorts that N. Korea would not fire missiles to disrupt the event. S. Koreans are convinced that Russian presence would deter such actions by the North. This is the reason S. Korea attempted to convince IOC to lift the Russian team ban.


Of course it is naive to think this is possible. IOC is over 80% staffed with Anglo-Americans. 17 seats belong to US, 12 belong to Canada, 7 or 8 each – UK and Australia, and a few others belong to various EU countries. China has a few, and entire continents, such as Africa and S. America hardly have one or two. S. Korea has one seat, if memory serves. Russia has none!

The WADA situation is even worse — practically all key positions belong to Anglo-Americans.

Now, didn’t I declare since 2014 that NWO is dead? It is dead or dying in so many ways and so many places. Putin and Russia, as well as other countries, such as China, are working on shifting the world into a different mode.

But as it turns out — not in sport! I usually say that the Big sport is a lagging indicator — it is one of the last to change. Globalists and NWO have been successfully hiding out in sport bureaucracy, IOC, WADA, FIFA and such.

Russians are paying the price for putting the sport on the back burner while dealing with more urgent and serious issues, and for playing by the rules imposed by the West. But even this status quo won’t last forever…

Will Russia the Great Balancer ever say NO? Will Russia act to change the status quo and start alternative Olympics?


Russian MoD delegation has just left N. Korea, trying to agree on some sort of compromise and de-escalate tensions between Trump and Kim Jong-un.

It’s high time for Russia to return to N. Korea! The ties with N. Korea were pretty much severed by the USSR around 1970s, when there was a disagreement between Communist Parties — N. Koreans thought Russian communists were getting too soft and too westernized (oh, the irony!).

Russia’s return to N. Korea, signified by MoD’s visit, has been pre-empted by the Russian Duma delegation’s recent visit to Pyongyang, during which Koreans reportedly conveyed that they only trusted Russia as partner and peace moderator (note — not China, N. Korea’s closest ally!).

A suggestion that N. Korea may have invited Russia to open a military base is a reasonable one. I think this would do a lot to rebalance and stabilize the region. This would also be a guarantee from a US attack against N. Korea. Even the mere talk of opening such a base will ensure that US will be careful not to attack N. Korea.  (See: ‘Mars Attacks’ in Reverse! New joke about Russia, US, Putin, Trump and Mars).

This increased political and military activity by Russia in N. Korea, in view of USA’s threats and Russian athletes’ bans, is certainly not a coincidence.

The important thing to understand is that the enemies in the region: N. Korea and S. Korea, plus Japan, all want Russia to engage, correctly assuming that US is there only to provoke war, and Russia is there to resolve the problem and promote peace, as was proven by Syria (Putin Makes Surprise Visit to Syria in the Company of Su-30 Jets to Declare Victory and the End of Op).

S. Korea wants Russia to engage and, despite being afraid of the US, it has been making some meek steps to secure Russia’s benevolence by attempting to help re-instate Russian athletes and invite Vladimir Putin to the Olympics. I can tell you with absolute certainty that Putin of course won’t go, but maybe, just maybe, he will send someone in his stead as a gesture of good will. In this regard, note also that IOC banned Russian officials of any sort from attending the Olympics, so any invitation of Russian officials would be the host country stepping over IOC decision. I don’t know if S. Korea is brave enough to show that middle finger to Anglo-Americans.


IOC ruled that Russia as a country is banned from S. Korean Olympics. Russian anthem, flag and any Russian symbols are all banned. This is a clear attack against the Russian State. It is also an ugly attempt to humiliate every Russian, no matter where he/she lives.

Russian athletes won’t be able to wear their country’s uniforms made for this occasion, and have to wear… actually, no one knowns what they’ll wear. If they win, they will have to listen to some Olympic anthem no one knows and compete under the white flag.

Athletes who may be able to compete are only those who were NOT at Sochi Olympics, which means younger and less experienced athletes. But it’s still case-by-case. Each of them will have to go through a rigorous commission and elimination process to prove that they are ‘clean.’

In other words, the West has become a brutal machine of suppression. What human rights? They now practice presumption of guilt and collective punishment for individual and unproven infractions.

Another thing I anticipate is that the lives of these poor athletes will be made hell during the Games, yet again. This already happened during Rio 2016 and during last athletic world championship. They will be woken at night before competitions for constant doping tests; they won’t be allowed to practice in peace and kept in a nervous state at all times.

The devilish plan here is to dislodge and disorient these inexperienced young people to such a degree that they would lose. Then IOC and WADA will be able to say — see, we knew it, Russians are unable to compete without doping.

Russian team is banned from participating in the opening ceremony. There is no team — each of them is supposed to be there as an individual, and they all will be referred to as ‘athletes from Russia.’

All Russian officials who usually go to the Games to cheer and support athletes, are also banned from being present at the Olympics. Russian sports minister Mutko has been banned for life. Russian Olympic Committee chair Zhukov has been expelled from IOC.

IF all these humiliating conditions by IOC and WADA are fulfilled and all Russian athletes ‘are proven clean’ throughout the Games by the IOC and WADA gestapo, then MAYBE Russians can participate in the closing ceremony under Russian flag — if said gestapo feels benevolent enough. Not only I doubt it would happen, but even if it does, I feel this is adding insult to injury.


Despite all this, the meeting of Russians Olympians unanimously decided that they wanted to go and compete.

This followed the announcement of Vladimir Putin that Russia will not boycott the Games and that athletes should decide for themselves if they are going or not. The latest I’ve heard is that Russians are hoping about 200 athletes will be allowed to compete.

Why did Putin take such stance?

This was the only reasonable thing for Putin to do. If Russia announced the official boycott of the Olympics, this would have created descent on the part of some Olympians. If such Olympians were to defect so they could still compete, a big political scandal would be blown up and the West would be happy to snatch up those ‘political martyrs’ for their purposes. Putin yet again would be branded ‘tyrant’ and ‘dictator,’ as I am hearing from some American and EU trolls whom I periodically have to ban on my blog. This could cost Putin votes and create tension in Russian society as such athletes would also have unhappy coaches, teammates, parents, friends and thousands of fans.

By allowing athletes to take responsibility for their own decisions, Putin minimized the damage.

Still it’s important to understand that Putin was deliberately put in an awkward position before elections, where no good solution could be found. Either solution has a significant downside. By allowing Russian athletes to compete, a significant part of Russian society that feels Olympics should be boycotted by Russia, was made unhappy.

In this situation every person must make individual decisions. I can tell you for sure I personally will be boycotting these Olympics and any future Olympics thereafter. But I’ll happily watch the renewed Good Will Games or any similar international events organized by Russia.

Why did the US suddenly announce that Team USA may not be going to S. Korea?

I believe this was yet another attempt to play S. Korea. It was sort of veiled threat that unless S. Korea toes the line, US will basically cancel the Games. I also detect a certain behind-the-scenes manipulation of IOC there. Moreover, this was an additional attempt — not a very bright one — at provoking N. Korea. It has to be understood that it was indeed an idle threat, which will go no further. Of course the US team will be going to S. Korea, barring some totally catastrophic events, which so far I don’t foresee.

When will Russia finally understand she cannot win when all odds are against her? When, if ever, will Russia organize alternative games?

I predicted this in my 2015-16 articles about Rio Olympics ban and Russian doping scandal. Russia and Putin won’t do anything before March 2018 Elections. After elections are over, and after Russia goes through the ordeal of hosting the 2018 World Cup, only then Russia can think about alternative Games. And that work will take years to figure out and organize. The USSR’s Good Will Games would be a great experience to draw on.

My personal opinion has always been that Russia needs to forget about Olympics and Western-dominated sports, and begin alternative sports competitions ASAP. In my opinion, Russia is wasting time. However, there are geopolitical realities and pressures some are unwilling to deal with, until it gets really bad. Only then Russia responds.

I can only say so much within the limited scope of this one report. However, I had previously touched on many other important and related issues. I strongly recommend you read my past articles on the topic, which would give you the complete picture and solid understanding:

MY QUESTIONNAIRE ~ share your opinion on Russia ban from 2018 S. Korea Winter Olympics!

Hybrid War: Whole Truth About Doping and Demands to Ban Russia from #RioOlympics ~ this report from 2015 explained everything!

#WADA Hacked, Williams Sisters, Simone Biles doping exposed (#LadaRayPredictions)

Despite ban, Belarus Team Clandestinely Carries Russian flag into Rio Paralympics

Earth Shift and 4D Hybrid War: #RioOlympics Lessons and Next Moves by Russia

Death of #Paralympics: ALL Russian Paralympians banned from #Rio2016 #IPC #WADA #hybridwar

LADA RAY REPORT: End of Olympics? Plot to Remove Russia from #RioOlympics

See all my prior articles in CATEGORY Geopolitics of Sport & Olympics


To finalize this report, I want to tell you about a new sabotage planned by WADA and the collective West, call it Dark State (my definition), deep state, globalists or NWO. By any name, the essence remains the same.

What is happening with Football World Cup 2018? Can Russian football team be banned from competing at 2018 World Cup, while Russia is hosting the event? Will WADA force through the ultimate humiliation?

I always thought that the pride and prestige of getting to host Olympics or World Cup wasn’t worth the trouble. Big sport was always used for geopolitical gain, but lately, when one faction (the West) has gained complete control of all sports institutions, it has become a tool of ultimate globalist manipulation.

In addition, all of the Big sport, simply put, equals the following: big money, big business and big showbiz. Athletes are in it for future endorsements and lavish payouts, big pharma makes a killing on it, multinationals buy advertisement slots worth billions, and MSM makes a big show out of it. The Olympics business is worth $400 bln and World Cup is worth even more!

I knew from the start Russia would be targeted for humiliation if it hosted World Cup, and especially, so close to Russian Elections. Every time a country hosts a major sporting event, it makes itself vulnerable to hybrid 4D warfare, arm-twisting and ultimate manipulation. In fact, the county host is normally held hostage to the event, as I have illustrated above.

In prior years several attempts have been made to take World Cup away from Russia by trying to play the ‘Russia bribed FIFA’ card. That provocation failed completely, as it was proven that it was in fact Qatar who bribed FIFA, not Russia. But since Qatar is in bed with the US, no one tried to take next World Cup from Qatar. As a revenge for failed Russia-thrashing, FIFA chairman and all top officials were ousted with a big scandal, and one went to jail. But even the new, completely subservient to the globalists FIFA has failed to do anything about taking World Cup 2018 away from Russia.

Failing that, they switched their attentions to Russian football team, trying to implicate it in doping through WADA. If Russian football (soccer) team is banned from participating in the World Cup hosted by Russia, that would be a first, and very humiliating for the host country. That’s what this is aimed at.

Just like in the above Olympics case, the target here, first and foremost, is Vladimir Putin. The goal is to put Putin in an awkward position and make some of his election base hate him for depriving them from enjoying the Russian team play.

I have to also say that Russian football team is normally not much of a contender and they usually play weakly. They are not expected to win much and it’s hard to imagine them doping if they play so poorly. But that’s the thing. Those who plan these attacks don’t even care if what they do holds no water. They just want to weaken Putin before elections and make Russians feel humiliated. If they damage their allied countries or destroy the international sports along the way — they don’t care. In other words, the hell with the rest of the world.


Bottom line, there is a massive conspiracy and ganging up against Russia in sports.

The silver lining is that this will force Russia to eventually act. It will take some time, but eventually Russia the Great Balancer will rally and begin the necessary SHIFT in sport, just like it is doing so in other areas of international life. Eventually, WADA, IOC, FIFA, World Cup and Big sport will have to change. If they refuse to change, they will die off.


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 Earth Shift Webinar 6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA

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