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On FuturisTrendcast Nice Guys Finish FIRST! 2-Webinar Scholarship to Soul Sister from California


Dear Lada, 

It’s very hard for anyone to inspire me to cry, but you did. I am very touched that you have chosen to give me a love gift from your Heart. And not one, but TWO of your webinars! (I am so excited to listen to them!!) I am always deeply touched by the kindheartedness and generosity of spirit that you possess. It is so rare in the world these days. Thank you sooo much! I will honor you by graciously accepting your gift, with heartfelt gratitude. ~ By the way, I did not initially apply for a scholarship because I thought there surely must be others who were more deserving of assistance. I didn’t want to maybe take a rare opportunity away from someone else who might need it even more than me.

LOL, you are bang-on as usual, Lada! My Angelic friends tell me that sometimes. I have to laugh at them. You don’t get through 3D without some scrapes and bruises. They know my long history and what kind of insanity I grew up with this lifetime (talk about starting in the cellar ~ LOTS of negative energy to transmute!), and then my adult life (MORE negative energy to transmute on behalf of the planet!) They have been there guiding and patching me up through all of it. Most of them have never incarnated. I tell them to get a body and try living as a human and see how well they do! Then we all laugh.

Yes, I do have difficulty accepting some things, but it is not the inherent generosity of the Universe I have any difficulty with. The Universe, and my dear animal, plant and rock friends, do not have negative ulterior motives. I love and trust the Universe implicitly. It is my home. I trust it with all I am. It IS all I am! Accepting the generosity of the Universe when it appears through certain human beings, however, can be a bit of a challenge. This has been a persistent conundrum for me here on Earth. Thank heavens for Discernment and a world-class B.S. detector! That helps a lot.

It is disheartening, isn’t it, to find that one’s motives are always being questioned. Evidently, this wariness is a common problem among humans. My well-intentioned words are far more often than not poorly received, misunderstood and/or misinterpreted in the worst possible light. I take make considerable effort to be clear. How does it get so “lost in translation”?!? (Don’t even get me started on the diabolical practice of “political correctness”!) It is a rare and joyful day when I do not get hammered for what I’ve said. Mostly, I don’t say much these days.

I keep working the puzzle though. There must be a way. Honestly though, if I were to look at myself as others might at this point in my life I think I would probably look somewhat like a mistreated creature who approaches everything with caution. I don’t want to be that way. I don’ like it. I want very much to be open, trusting and happy to receive, like I was before I got here. I did do that when I returned this time and promptly got seriously hammered. Learned that lesson the hard way! Doing that here is just stupid. Earth is a very disfunctional place. But then, if there were nothing here needing doing I wouldn’t have come. It is a heartbreaking situation for an Angelic living on Earth. I thank God for Nature. It is my refuge and sanitarium! 

Being a Sensitive, essentially a long-tailed cat in a world full of rocking chairs, tends to make me want to be a recluse. But I still can’t help Be-ing who I am. I AM that I AM. (Did you know they kill Masters here? Yikes.) I do what I can to help when it is needed and wanted, provided I am not violating Free Will. I receive the little victories in life with joy and satisfaction. That is the best I have found to do and stay in the game. I would appreciate any practical suggestions you may have as to how I may utilize your good advice.

Yes, indeed Lada, it is most exceedingly rare to find a soul sister or brother! So rare. This body is not young, and in all this life so far I can count only two others that I know for certain are “family”. There is you and the other is a Peruvian shaman who taught me my tradition. Two. Out of all the people I have met in this life and recognized from other lives. I’ve got some thoughts about it but I don’t have clear memories yet of who we were and are. All I remember for sure is that for certain reasons there aren’t many of us. Do you know?

Again, thank you so much, dear Lada. I am wishing for you and Az the very happiest and best of the holiday season!

My name is Aeyrie Silver Eagle, I have lived in Southern California, USA, all my life. (God help me! This state has gone TOTALLY insane!)

Plus, Aeyrie’s comment from my recent post


  1. Hi Lada, I’m still here and following you as much as my tiny budget allows. I was about to buy a webinar as a birthday present to myself in September but it didn’t happen. Both my boy kitties passed on the same day, two days after my birthday. Mieko was failing and ready to cross the Rainbow Bridge at the ripe old age of 17. Genji (age 12) had a surprise encounter with a raccoon in my driveway. (It was constitutionally impossible for that little booger to ever back down from protecting his home!!) It only took one swipe from the raccoon’s claws to injure Genji’s face very badly. It was very expensive to try to find help for him but there was none. With no alternatives, I had to put him down. I was terribly painful and difficult but at least my boys crossed the Rainbow Bridge together. I take comfort in that. So, no birthday present and a lot of tears instead, but such is Life sometimes, the bitter with the sweet. I miss them every day.
    I am continuing to recommend you to everyone I talk to! I wanted you to know that people are really happy to learn of a high vibration source of information about parts of the world, people and traditions they would not otherwise have access to. They thank me over and over again for turning them on to you! 🙂
    Thank you for all the kewl stuff you have planned. It sounds really exciting!

    Much love to you, Lada. I think of you as a soul sister; I hope you don’t mind. I trust you and your loved ones had a nice Thanksgiving holiday. Blessings, continued success to you and best wishes for the holiday season! ❤

Lada says: 

Ayerie was too shy to apply for the scholarship, so I reached out to her.

Dear Ayerie, 

I am happy to offer you a FULL combined scholarship for two of my webinars:



go to WEBINARS for more info!

I designed the scholarship program for people like you. I know that you want to listen to my webinars, and that you will definitely benefit from them. It is a sincere offer from my heart and a sincere and positive gift the universe is sending you. We need to be open to wonderful gifts that drop in our lap in order to create more abundance and to allow us to grow. You deserve it.





This completes the Multidimensional Geopolitics Scholarship Program! Thank you to all those who applied!

Many thanks to all those wonderful people who continue supporting my work and who have generously contributed to my work! Thank you to all those who have purchased Earth Shift Webinars!

Other scholarships awarded:



See you ALL in 2018 for more super-exciting & revealing webinars & events!



still coming your way as we wrap up the year 2017!



A Letter from Slovenia, EU: After studying your work I understood how the world works

Hi Lada,

I’m from Slovenia. I have purchased almost all your reports and webinars. They offer different view which fits with common sense and make understanding of how the world is moving. Your predictions and understanding make me understood what is going on in this word. I knew before reading your work, that reasons that main politicians are giving to us are false.
With your view we can see who is working behind the scenes and support the right people and explain to other people why and who is good and bad in this game, so more and more people will understand what is going on.
I’m seeking for all my life spiritual truth or to simply answer the question why I am here and what to do. Your work helped me to understand a lot. I miss more reports and guides regarding personal growth.
I’m applying for 50% OFF SCHOLARSHIP for ESW6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA.


Aleš Povšič, Slovenia, EU

Lada says: 

Dear Aleš, thank you for all of your support of my work. I appreciate it!

Congratulations on winning the 50% Scholarship for 



Dear friends,

A heartfelt THANK YOU to all of you, who have been supporting my work through liking, positive commenting, encouragement, sharing and promoting, and of course, through your invaluable financial contributions! 

Vladimir Putin

Other scholarships awarded:

ESW6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA is the last webinar this year! I have released it early to give you all a good head start on the beginning of the Russian presidential election cycle. Russian elections will take place in March 2018. ESW6 includes my exclusive predictions for Russian elections, Vladimir Putin, Russia as a whole and some of the Eurasian and world trends, for the next 6 years!

However, THE PUTIN ENIGMA aims much higher and further than just Russian politics and geopolitics. Yes, it’s all incredibly important. Yet, it is only a part of the big multidimensional picture. ESW6 answers eternal questions that have always been shrouded in great mystery; those questions crucial to find answers to, if humanity is to make the great leap to a new level of consciousness!

All Earth Shift Webinars will serve you as continuous guidance; they will become your beacon at the time of the Great Earth Shift, and for years to come!

THE PUTIN ENIGMA is the culmination of the Multidimensional Geopolitics Series of 6 webinars! .



6WebinarBanner Multidimensional Geopolitics Series



A New Tsar Arrived: How Putin is Squeezing US out of NEW Middle East

The Putin Enigma and The Coming Western Perestroika



Russia’s Mirror Response to US Witch Hunt Against RT– and so much more!

Secret Order to Destroy Slavs and Re-Write their Genetic Code! 3 Ingredients of Color Revolution (New Theory)!

A Letter from S.Africa/Namibia: What Future Awaits My Beloved Africa? Full Scholarship.

Dear Lada,

I would love to apply for a full scholarship of the ESW6 (Putin Enigma). I have lived and worked in South Africa (SA) for 30 years, and currently live in Namibia (my birth country), where I have lived for about 30 years. Our currency is pegged to the SA currency (a remnant of the “apartheid” era, during which Namibia was part of SA). With SA self-destructing, our currencies are becoming more worthless by the day, making the purchase of your webinar unaffordable.

I love southern Africa passionately. It breaks my heart seeing it collapse in the wake of brilliant people not getting the “ascension” memo. That is where my activism is focused.

We have to become accustomed to working together, no matter how the media messaging attempts divide franchises and clear-cut polarization. It matters upon what your heart is fixed. It matters where your consciousness chooses to place its focus. And though we can all be mad, shocked, horrified at what’s going on in the world, or academically (and arrogantly) analyzing events into oblivion, remaining in that particular “state” of emotional interpretation then becomes its own exercise in where we choose to place our consciousness.

Transcendence during this time frame is key – and remaining stuck in an emotional reaction such as fear, or anger, is simply shifting distractions.

Yet people still have the tendency to sit on the sidelines, thinking that in some other universe, change simply arrives without action. People believe that their participation, their growth, their change, their lessons, their greatest gifts, never need to surface; because someone else will handle it.

Perhaps those who need to learn through crippling fear are here to do just that? Is that southern Africa’s choice? Or can we truly rise to the occasion of these times and step into the transcendence that this time frame has offered us? To become proactive, instead of reactive?

I believe you and the ESW6 (the Putin Enigma) can glean the answers to prepare us better for the Earth Shift…..

Much love – looking forward to hearing from you,

Emily Schneider-Waterberg, Windhoek, Namibia

Lada says: 

Dear Emily, Congratulations on winning the Full Scholarship for 



Vladimir Putin

Dear friends,

Please remember that ESW6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA is the last webinar this year! I have released it early to give you a good head start on the beginning of the Russian presidential election cycle. Russian elections will take place in March 2018. ESW6 includes my exclusive predictions for Russian elections, Vladimir Putin, Russia as a whole and some of the Eurasian and world trends, for the next 6 years!

Rest assured, this webinar, as all other Earth Shift Webinars, will serve you as continuous guidance; they will become your beacon at the time of the Great Earth Shift, for years to come! Purchase these webinars and enjoy their relevance any time!

Please always remember to save the ESW6 Webinar page url or bookmark it so you can retain future access to this webinar! I plan to add more info, rare videos and links to it in the near future! ESW6 is a living, breathing piece — it may continue growing and expanding!

THE PUTIN ENIGMA is also the culmination of the Multidimensional Geopolitics Series of 6 webinars. 

ESW6 The Putin Enigma 5 1

Read complete ordering info here!

And another scholarship: Priceless 5D Letter from Sweden and the Missing Pieces of the Russian Puzzle!


 Earth Shift Webinar 6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA



6WebinarBanner Multidimensional Geopolitics Series


If you missed this related comprehensive new article, you’ve missed a lot! Analysis: Consequences of Russia’s Mirror Response to US Witch Hunt Against RT– and so much more!

Also don’t miss the latest BIG article: Secret Order to Destroy Slavs and Re-Write their Genetic Code! 3 Ingredients of Color Revolution (New Theory)!

Priceless 5D Letter from Sweden and the Missing Pieces of the Russian Puzzle

Dear Lada, 

I hereby apply for a 50% scholarship on The Putin Enigma.

As you know I have now followed you since August 2014 (according to my Word press account) and have donated to you since December 2014. During these years I have also followed and then unfollowed many other sources. I honestly think that You, and to a certain extent RT, are the only two sources I have really trusted during this time! (And of lately, for some reason, I feel like RT is no longer what it once was. But that is another issue.)

You have explained the world from a Russian but still objective perspective. You have given me so many of the missing puzzle pieces for understanding the world! Living in Sweden (or the West in general), and not speaking Russian, we are missing out on so much information that is not available in my languages! Thank you for making this information available to us!

During the years I have followed you, everything you have said and have predicted seems to be/come true. I have not yet seen any of your statements disproven by other trustworthy sources.

You have a unique combination of down to earth political and economical knowledge paired with multidimensional knowledge! This makes you exceptional!

I feel that President Putin is an exceptional person! He is the only politician known to me whom I truly admire! I have been waiting for your report on President Putin since the first day you mentioned it. For years now I have anxiously been expecting this report! Now I am full of joy to finally get to read/listen to it!

You have previously been very generous to me. You have given me several ESR for free. Your work is priceless! Nevertheless we still live in 3D reality where everything is still measured in money, which is very contrary to my 5D nature (thank you for telling me my level!)


Med vänliga hälsningar

Emil R., Sweden

Lada says: 

Thank you, Emil. Great to hear from you and congratulations on wining!

Please enjoy your EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA & the 50% scholarship!


Dear friends,

Please remember that ESW6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA is the last webinar this year! I have released it early to give you a good head start on the beginning of the Russian presidential election cycle. Russian elections will take place in March 2018. ESW6 includes my exclusive predictions for Russian elections, Vladimir Putin, Russia as a whole and some of the Eurasian and world trends, for the next 6 years!

Rest assured, this webinar, as all other Earth Shift Webinars, will serve you as continuous guidance; they will become your beacon at the time of the Great Earth Shift, for years to come! Purchase these webinars and enjoy their relevance any time!

Please always remember to save the ESW6 Webinar page url or bookmark it so you can retain future access to this webinar! I plan to add more info, rare videos and links to it in the near future! ESW6 is a living, breathing piece — it may continue growing and expanding!

THE PUTIN ENIGMA is also the culmination of the Multidimensional Geopolitics Series of 6 webinars. Certification will be available shortly (click link below for more)!

ESW6 The Putin Enigma 5 1

Read complete ordering info here!

And another scholarship: A Letter from S.Africa/Namibia: What Future Awaits My Beloved Africa? Full Scholarship.


 Earth Shift Webinar 6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA





6WebinarBanner Multidimensional Geopolitics Series


If you missed this related comprehensive new article, you’ve missed a lot! Analysis: Consequences of Russia’s Mirror Response to US Witch Hunt Against RT– and so much more!

Also don’t miss the latest BIG article: Secret Order to Destroy Slavs and Re-Write their Genetic Code! 3 Ingredients of Color Revolution (New Theory)!


THE PUTIN ENIGMA 30% OFF for Monthly Contributors! Scholarships for EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS 4 and 6!

Dear friends, if you read my blog you know that since late October I worked very hard and practically by myself on EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA. To add insult to injury, my internet went poof just around the time I was readying to finalize and release THE PUTIN ENIGMA. I still don’t have the internet at home, which means I have to find a cafe or library to work in, which is, needless to say, very inconvenient.

I still released EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 6 on time, as promised!

Just be aware that my internet connection is spotty at the moment. I get quite a bit of correspondence from you, and I try to address it all as soon as practical. I am promised the new internet connection in a day or two, so it should get back to normal by Wednesday.

Now that we got that part out of the way, let me tell you about out exciting NEW DISCOUNTS & SCHOLARSHIPS!

First, let me tell you that I have always offered EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS discounts for MY LOYAL MONTHLY DONORS. One more time, many thanks for all your wonderful and loyal support — I treasure it greatly!

These discounts were offered for all preceding WEBINARS: ESW1, ESW2, ESW3, ESW4, and monthly donors were offered FREE live participation in ESW5.

In addition, I offered full and 50% scholarships for some of my biggest supporters and loyal followers for all of preceding webinars 1-5, and on the 3-WEBINAR series. We sent personalized emails to many people, inviting them to take advantage of these offers. To my great surprise, very few people took me up on these generous offers. Some still elected to pay full price, in order to support me (THANK YOU!), while others didn’t reply at all.

As I mentioned, this time I am severely understaffed, and I am unable to send out any personalized emails. To my great surprise, this time, as I released THE PUTIN ENIGMA, I actually got some requests for discounts and scholarships.

Read on — you can now win a FULL scholarship, whether you are a monthly contributor, or not!




FIRST, I am extending a $20 OFF discount for EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR 6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA to all of MY LOYAL MONTHLY DONORS, those who donate $5 or more monthly. This is about 30% off the regular price. Instead of $68 you pay $48. To claim your exclusive discount, please email me via BUSINESS CONTACT FORM, or if you know my email, and you probably do — just email directly, as in the past.

SECOND, I am extending the same discount to those loyal (non-monthly) supporters of FuturisTrendcast and my work in general, who have been regularly liking, commenting and otherwise being a great support and encouragement to me throughout this entire time! If you are in this category — and you know who you are! — and if you can’t afford the full price, please apply, as above! We’ll be happy to send you a 30% discount invoice ($48, instead of $68)!




I see that many of you responded with interest to my previous post: Heartfelt Letter from Africa and The Putin Enigma Scholarship. I do realize that many people around the planet crave the exclusive multidimensional revelations and info, yet not everyone is able to afford the webinars. I want to share my insights with as many people as possible.

Therefore, I have decided to extend several more FULL and 50% SCHOLARSHIPS, and here’s how it’ll work. In addition to the full scholarship extended to the letter author from Kenya, I am offering new scholarships for two Webinars!


1 more FULL SCHOLARSHIP  (you pay $0)

2 50% OFF SCHOLARSHIPS (you pay $34)


2 FULL SCHOLARSHIPS  (you pay $0)

2 50% OFF SCHOLARSHIPS (you pay $34)

Anyone can apply for these, wherever you live and whatever your circumstances.

Scholarship Requirements:

The scholarships are open to Lada Ray’s followers on social media & FuturisTrendcast subscribers only (via WordPress account or email). In order to receive these scholarships, you must follow these instructions!

Via BUSINESS CONTACT FORM email me the following:

1. Your full name, city/town and country.

2. Your email.

3. Which webinar, ESW4 or ESW6, and which scholarship (Full or 50%), you are applying for.

4. Your 3-6 paragraph letter: why do you follow FuturisTrendcast and Lada Ray’s work and why you believe this webinar is important for you. I am looking for sincere, highly calibrated and interesting letters (sample here: Heartfelt Letter from Africa and The Putin Enigma Scholarship). I will award scholarships to those whose letters impress me most.

The winning letters will be posted on FuturisTrendcast (in your submission indicate if you want me to use your full name or just first name and initial).

5. Finally, you must follow Lada Ray on: 1. FuturisTrendcast + 2. YouTube + 3. At least 1 of either Twitter or Facebook! Minimum 3 follows required! Proof required as follows:

For FuturisTrendcast following: provide your WordPress account link (for WP followers) or your email (for FT’s email subscribers). If you are not following yet, read tips on how to follow FT on BLOG RULES!

For YouTube following: provide link to your YouTube account and make sure you Follow LADA RAY Channel!

For Facebook: provide your FB page link — make sure you Like and Follow Lada Ray/ FuturisTrendcast

For Twitter: provide your Twitter page link and your Twitter name — make sure you Follow @LadaTweets

NOTE! All the above info is required to win scholarship, don’t submit incomplete forms as they will not be considered!

ALSO NOTE! The business contact form and my email are reserved for business purposes only!


Vladimir Putin







The calibrations for THE PUTIN ENIGMA — and more — coming! Stay tuned!