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Heil Poroshenko! Ukraine junta bans Russian SM, prepares to ban Russian Orthodox Church


A lot is happening in Ukraine, as Kiev junta continue beating record after record in schizophrenia and fascist extremism.

Today the Kiev Rada is supposed to pass the new law, which effectively outlaws the traditional Russian Pravoslavnaya (Orthodox) Church, Moscow Patriarchy. The majority of Ukrainians belong to this church — one of the main and most influential branches of the global Christianity.

The breakaway branch of the ‘Ukrainian Church’ is unrecognized by any other religious organization in the world. Yet, it is to this outcast church that the Kiev junta is preparing to pass all the churches belonging to the Russian Pravoslavnaya Church on the territory of Ukraine.

This includes up to 14,000 parishes with church buildings, plus hundreds of monasteries and tens of thousands of church properties all over Ukraine. Each parish owns precious religious relics, icons and other highly valuable items, many in gold and silver. Among important relics is the Kievo-Pecherskaya Lavra, one of the main monasteries and historic treasures of the Russian Pravoslavnaya Church, a UNESCO World Heritage site. See image below:


We are talking billions and billions of dollars worth of real estate, art and valuables. Therefore, it is clear that this new proposed law has nothing to do with religion or ‘sovereignty.’

This is a highway robbery and a mafia takeover of the single richest piece of the shrinking pie left in Ukraine. The ukro-nazi junta in charge doesn’t know who else to rob and whose else blood to drink.

And caught in the crossfire are… millions and millions of poor, simple Ukrainian citizens, who have nowhere to run and whose rights, ancestry, history, and very lives are being systematically destroyed.

I am always unpleasantly surprised by how screwed up and Russophobic the Western understanding of the situation in Russia and Ukraine is. I generally think that my readers at large are much more educated than most in the West, therefore, I don’t think they need this explanation. However, for those who have wondered into this page by accident, I’ll tell you what the Russian Pravoslavnaya (Orthodox) Church means for the territory we today call Ukraine.

Ukraine junta is now very actively promoting their false parallel reality to convince the West of the non-existent ‘Russian oppression.’ In this parallel reality Kiev ukro-nazis, aided by Soros, Canadian and American ukro-nazi Banderovtsi, Poland and Germany, contend that Russian Orthodox Church was imposed on Ukraine by ‘evil’ Russian Empire. Of course, the Western ignorant sheeple eat this up — afer all, it is in line with what their media tells them about Russia.

In reality,  the Russian Orthodox Church was born in Kiev, Malorossia, well over 1000 years ago. From thereon this religion spread throughout the territory of the Great Russia. At the time — for a short while — the capital of Rus (aka, Russia) was in Kiev. Before Kiev, the capitals were Novgorod, Arkona (now located in Germany), and other cities. Later, the main capital of the Rus State would be moved more than once. There was even a period when the capital was in Lvov, today’s western Ukraine or Galitsia. In 19th century, so not to confuse that period with others, it began being referred to as ‘Kievan Rus.’ The Lvov period was identified as ‘Galitskaya Rus.’

I’ll leave aside the fact that many think it was a grave mistake for Rus to adopt Christianity to replace the Vedic Pravoslavie. I have my own view of this event: at the time this could not be avoided. The Vedic World’s (Vedicheskiy mir) spiritual lifestyle system resonated with the 5th dimension (5D). When people’s consciousness fell below 5D — to 4D and then to 3D — they stopped resonating with the high level spirituality.

As a result, the change took place, and for better or for worse, Russian Christian Church has been for hundreds of years the main unifying religion of the Russian Empire. The Russian Pravoslavnaya Church, incorrectly referred to in the West as ‘Russian Orthodox Church,’ has always been historically dominant in Ukraine, despite various attempts to convert western Ukraine into Catholicism.

VIDEO:  Thousands of Russian Pravoslavnaya Church believers gather before Kiev Rada to pray for god to send some reason and common sense to the Rada deputies. The video is very telling. Alas, they are praying for reason and common sense where there can be none.

People are praying and singing peacefully in the video, but there are persistent warnings of an upcoming religious war in Ukraine, should this law be passed and should the forceful takeovers of Russian churches continue.

Don’t miss this viral article with Quantum Calibrations: Last Hope for Ukraine: All-Ukrainian Orthodox March for Peace in Donbass Culminates in Kiev


Poroshenko and the junta have banned Russian SM, including Vkontakte, Odnoclassniki, email service and search engine Yandex. Sanctioned and banned are also the leading Russian business accounting software company (whose name I don’t recall) and the leading internet security company Kaspersky Lab. All of the above are dominant in Ukraine. Millions of Ukrainians use Yandex and Russian SM. VK is used several times more frequently than Facebook. Yandex is used much more than Google. The Russian accounting software company’s products are used by the majority of Ukraine’s businesses, some of whom have filed a lawsuit against Poroshenko and his government for damages.

You may ask why do Russian companies dominate Ukraine’s Internet market? Very simple, Russian companies have a major advantage over Google and Facebook: they are in Russian. No matter how much Ukro-nazis and junta try to eliminate Russian language in Ukraine, according to various polls, about 80% of Ukraine denizens continue speaking Russian.

ukro-nazis kiev fascists

Hitler and German fascists once burned books — Poroshenko and Ukraine fascists ban the internet. The ban of VK, and other Russian SM means that millions of Ukrainian users will suddenly lose contact with friends and family outside Ukraine. Will people again eat up this new gross violation of their rights, or will they finally rebel?

Qui bono? The non-sensical bans on Russian internet companies and products makes me think that it is done to clear up the room for others. Facebook instead of VK; much more expensive and incompatible American or European security and accounting software instead of Russian, etc. We’ll soon see whom Poroshenko and junta push to the top.

But even this isn’t all. On May 9, 2017, we have seen ample proof how Kiev and Ukraine citizens in general really feel about Russia, USSR and victory in WWII. One of the symbols of the Great Victory is Georgievskaya Lentochka (a red and gold band of St. George). 600,000 people came out on May 9 all over Ukraine (some believe it was up to one million). 60,000 came out in Kiev alone. In an act of definance, some of them carried Georgievskaya Lentochkas, despite threats. Following such a showing, Rada and Poroshenko have just passed the new law banning Georgievskaya Lentochka, along with other Soviet and Russian symbolism. About what went on Victory Day.

Even The Human Rights Watch came out and said that banning Soviet symbolism in Ukraine violates human rights and is undemocratic.

Georgievskaya Lentochka image:

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The timing and utter stupidity of all these simultaneous bans makes one think that Poroshenko and the junta are trying to divert the public attention from something else. Several things are being named. Among these:

1. The IMF Chief is about to visit Ukraine, and it’s looking bad. Ukraine is staring the default in the eye. Ukraine must come up with at least $6 billion to service its debt this year. It will be more every year after. This kind of money is nowhere to be found.

2. Energy shortages made authorities announce that they would be disconnecting hot water for months, possibly for years, in some key cities, such as Odessa, causing massive discontent. Who needs hot water in the winter, right?

3. Major Ukrainian companies continue going under, major factories and power stations shut down daily, leaving tens of thousands jobless. Depopulation and increasing death rate are very real dangers. Ukraine now tops world lists for corruption, unhappiness and death rates.

4. But the most important reason is this: Poroshenko and his Rada quietly passed the new law allowing the sale of agricultural lands, which was banned under previous administrations. This is expected to generate a frenzy of secret foreign buying via proxies. Monsanto has been licking its lips over the fertile Ukrainian lands for years. One day Ukrainians may wake up to find they’ve lost the last valuable thing they had left – their land. The news caused an uproar, but public attention was quickly diverted via the aforementioned Russian bans.

The victimized people of Ukraine have become hostages of the lunatics and Bandera-Nazis in power, whose only interest is to sell off their country, along with the people, to foreign interests.

Pic: banner on the left says, ‘Wake up, or fall into eternal sleep!’


In conclusion, I have to again emphasize that the collective West and its ‘leaders’ supported, enabled and financed the Kiev Maidan, and they continue supporting this Kiev junta, no matter what kind of atrocities and violations it commits. Therefore, the collective West and its ‘leaders,’ bear direct responsibility for the severe violations of human rights in Ukraine; they bear full responsibility for the suffering of the people of Ukraine.


Read all about the true history of Ukraine, Kiev and the Russian Church in ESR2.

ESR2 reloaded Ukraine 2

ESR3 talks about Russian oligarchs and how Putin dealt with them vs. Ukraine oligarchs, including Poroshenko and Kolomoysky, and how they serve the US.

More about Kolomoysky, plus much more about Ukraine’s convoluted and controversial forbidden history, including Khazaria and American Zionism, in ESR6.

Finally, ESR8 is about the value and risks of the Black Sea region, Odessa, Pridnestovie and Moldova.

Find all these reports here: ALL EARTH SHIFT REPORTS

Finally, don’t miss the latest Ukraine update and predictions in Lada Ray analysis: @realDonaldTrump tweet on Russia and Ukraine causes firestorm.

Extensive, never heard before, Lada’s Ukraine intel is added in COMMENTS of this article, including answers to reader questions re. the convoluted situation in central and western Ukraine, Poroshenko vs. Yeltsin, can Yanukovich return as president, Odessa as the capital of Novorossia, and some Ukraine predictions. Click here to read:…/realdonaldtrump-…/…

Many more articles are under CATEGORY Ukraine


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