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GREAT BALANCER WEEKLY: Top Secret! ‘Mafia Boss’ CIA Informant, plutonium upset and new Russian interceptor missile



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Why waste time when so much is going on!


1. Saturn in Capricorn Banking Overhaul 2018-2020 – already here! BECOME LADA RAY PATRON and get it FREE here! It is also coming as a new Earth Shift Report in a few days (via donation)!

2. BY MULTIPLE REQUESTS! The Great Earth Shift and new SYRIA Developments (final title may differ): New Earth Shift Report coming VERY soon! There is so much happening in Syria (Russia balances and tries to de-escalate the growing fights between Syria, Turkey, Iran, Israel, Kurds, ISIL remnants and US, while even China tries to carve out a niche in Syria). I’ll help you make sense of all these convoluted events in the new ESR. It is following my earlier popular and reader top-rated Turkey/Syria reports: ESR5, ESR7 and ESR13, which you can purchase here!

3. Date open! After I reach 50 Patreon subscribers, I’ll publish my new Earth Shift Report: Putin’s Rivals & Russian Elections 2018 (Russian Presidential Elections coming March 18, 2018!)

The report will be ready soon, but it’s up to you all when you’ll see it! This new ESR will come with a free bonus, ESR11. If you are with me on PATREON ($5+ monthly), you’ll get everything FREE. If not, you can donate via Earth Shift Report.

4. After I reach 100 Patreon subscribers I’ll publish my new ESR: 25 SIGNS OF THE US/EU COLLAPSE. You may be shocked as to what these signs are and how they manifest in 3D! Predictions timeline will be included! (This ESR will include FREE complimentary ESR12!) If you are with me on PATREON ($5+ monthly), you’ll get everything FREE. If not, you can donate via Earth Shift Report. This written report is almost ready. But again, it’s up to you all when you’ll see it! 

Stay tuned for MORE announcements regarding my BOOKS and book signings… and something else (SECRET SURPRISE!) I plan that can only be described as new and very cool! If you are with me on PATREON, you’ll get all the news first!






WHY? CIA informant Rodchenkov (ex-RUSADA chief, who ignited the ‘Russian doping’ scandal) transforms to a Latino Mob Boss lookalike and appears on CBS.

Rodchenkov was diagnosed with bipolar and had other problems too. He infamously announced that his goal was destroying Russian sport. Yet, WADA affirmed, and then after his nervous breakdown, again re-affirmed him as RUSADA chief. It seems Russians had no say whatsoever whom CIA/WADA installed in Moscow as a person supervising the doping testing of the elite Russian athletes, even if such person had openly advertised his intention to undermine the country’s sport. But let’s recall that bringing down Russian everything and anything (sports included) has been their INTENSION from the start. Therefore, a sick person in charge of RUSADA suited their needs just fine.

Then, Rodchenkov suddenly fled to the US, where he re-emerged as an open CIA and WADA informant. The most recent news: he changed his appearance so that ‘to avoid being killed by FSB’ and then… he publicly appeared on Western TV to advertise his new mafia boss look. So what is this masquerade? A PR stunt? That ‘damn bipolar’ acting up again? OR…?

Either way, I simply am ‘IMPRESSED’ as to the quality of the CIA and WADA informants. This speaks volumes as to their bosses IQ. Oh, and didn’t I mention — the West IS slowly collapsing, and it will only get worse…

Russia Unveils New Type of Interceptor Missile – First Tests in Kazakhstan a Success

EXCLUSIVE: Russian scientists develop new type of nuclear fuel in top secret plutonium facilities

If you haven’t yet, check out  EARTH SHIFT REPORT 15 (written): PUTIN’S PLUTONIUM
 It happens to explain a lot and it resonates with this piece!

British Army Chief Is Scared – Believes Russia is Capable of Winning War Against West.

The question is, why would Russia want to, unless the West attacks first? Remember how many times I explained to you the true role of the Great Balancer that is Russia?

The scary thing is: your Western (be it US, UK or EU) ‘leaders’ run on fear and greed, they are the lowly souls who cannot grasp the multidimensional idea of the EARTH SHIFT & GREAT BALANCER.

The good news — you all can help them understand… or elect different people, who’ll think more in line with the new reality and Earth Shift!

FYI ~ interesting news if you are traveling to Russia!  “Tax Free” Comes to Russia – Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sochi Prepare 500 Shops

Also FYI when deciding where to travel:

Putin Demands More – Overall Crime Rate In Russia in Decline For 5th Consecutive Year!

Putin on Washington asking for Russian help with N. Korea: Americans are interesting folks

JEALOUSY IS BAD: Russians Laugh At American Reaction To Russian Win in The Middle East



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S. Korean Olympic champion banned from S. Korea 2018 Olympics… because he is naturalized Russian

The S. Korean Winter Olympics are to begin in less than 2 weeks. As we are approaching the event, my predictions are coming true. Even the clean Russian athletes are getting banned, even those who NEVER had a problem, not ever were implicated in any suspicion. Forget any proof of doping. Some of these athletes aren’t just clean, they are legends in their disciplines, those to whom others look up.

Exactly as I predicted, the very best are getting banned, and it is happening the very last minute.

These issues were brought up in my last major report on the topic (Dec 2017):

Dirty Geopolitics of Olympics and Globalism – Will Russia Say NO and Start Alternative Games?

I said that they will make sure the best athletes, the gold medals favorites are banned, regardless of whether there are any grounds or not. I also said that  only inexperienced and second-tier athletes would be allowed to compete. And then, when they are actually competing, IOC/WADA would put such crazy pressure on these inexperienced young people, testing them at all hours and preventing them from training and resting, that some would crack. The vicious agenda is to sabotage Russian athletes in order to prevent them from winning any medals, so that WADA/IOC could justify their illegal actions by saying: ‘See, we knew Russians cannot win without doping!’

IOC/WADA continue acting exactly as predicted. The latest news: a number of top Russian world and olympic champions have been banned from S. Korea Olympics.

Among them, three-time Sochi Olympics gold medalist and 6 time world champion Viktor Ahn, originally from S. Korea, a naturalized Russian citizen — banned from S. Korea Olympics by WADA and IOC. By the admission of WADA, Ahn is absolutely clean. Ahn is revered in S. Korea and millions of his home fans widely anticipated his homecoming, with tickets sold-out to all of his 2018 Olympics events. S. Koreans are in shock about Ahn’s and Russian athletes’ bans because it hurts their Games and their reputation (MORE: read my big December 2017 REPORT (link below) and CNN excerpt at the bottom).

Russian biathlon champion Anton Shipulin, and highly respected Russian skiing legend Sergey Ustyugov, also as admitted, completely clean, both have been just banned.

Russian figure skater and another potential gold medalist Ivan Bukin has been banned — no reason revealed. Overall, 7 Russian champions and leading athletes have been banned in the past few days. The IOC/WADA commented that it was not necessary for Russian athletes to have been doping in order to be banned.

What was necessary? That, WADA/IOC refused to reveal. But I’ll tell you WHAT was necessary: it was simply BEING RUSSIAN!

And just look at this mockery! Ivan Bukin’s dance partner is ALLOWED to compete in S. Korea. How, I’d like to know, if this is pairs dance? By herself, or with an imaginary partner?

In biathlon the last-minute selective bans were made in such a way so Russians would not have enough people for a mixed relay. This is yet another discipline in which Team Russia was a favorite.

Last minute bans include Russian top hockey players, also weakening the team to the degree so that to take away their winning chances.

In other words, it’s happening just as predicted! Last  minute bans of the best remaining Russian athletes! Next? Round two: sabotaging and mocking Russian athletes at the Games – coming to a theater and TV screen near you!

This is the lowest of the low war against Russia and against Putin!

Who said Lord of the Flies was fiction?

As I said in my REPORT: Dirty Geopolitics of Olympics and Globalism, I personally will boycott these Olympics and any and all Olympics thereafter, despite the fact that I want to enjoy my favorite sport, figure skating. I understand it is still unclear whether world’s top figure skater, 18-year-old  Evgenia Medvedeva, will compete. She previously indicated that she was not interested in competing without the Russian flag and anthem. Without her, figure skating loses any and all meaning.

I also very strongly believe that Russians are making a big mistake participating in these Olympics. They should have boycotted them altogether. It is necessary to start an alternative competition to this rotten system!

But as I also predicted since 2015-16, Russians won’t move a muscle until after two events: Russian elections in March and World Cup hosted by Russia this summer. Only by the autumn – end of 2018 will there be some first responses to this unprecedented sabotage and murder of the Russian sport.

Read REPORT: Dirty Geopolitics of Olympics and Globalism – Will Russia Say NO and Start Alternative Games?

Fast Karma? US Olympic committee child sex abuse ring cover-up exposed

Three Seconds to Win ~ When Sport Was Honest (USSR-USA Gold Basketball, 1972 Olympics)

And earlier reports under category Geopolitics of Sport & Olympics

Also, this is from Dec, 2017: South Korea shock at Russia 2018 Winter Olympics ban – CNN QUOTE: 

South Korean Olympic organizers have expressed shock after Russia was banned from taking part in the upcoming Pyeongchang Winter Games. The absence of one of the world’s major winter sports powers from the competition adds another stress for the hosts, who are already dealing with lackluster ticket sales in the shadow of the ongoing North Korea crisis. 

Lee Hee-beom, President of the Pyeongchang Organizing Committee, said in a radio interview Tuesday he did not expect the International Olympic Committee (IOC) “to go this far.” “We plan to meet with the chairman of the IOC and deliver our message. The message that it’s better to allow as many nations, as many athletes to compete,” he told South Korea’s CBS Radio.

Evgenia Medvedeva is one of several Russian athletes who indicated they may boycott the Games rather than compete as neutrals.


And a very good latest video report from RT (Jan 27, 2018) which more than once catches IOC/WADA on their lies:

P.S. Found this report in Russian, after I already pubbed this article. Adding it.

In this video a famous Russian sports commentator Guberniev echoes exactly what I’ve told you above ragarding the war on Russian sport and selective bans to make it impossible for Russians to win. He also emphasizes that it is a purely political decision and double standards galore. Also, this video showcases competions featuring some of those athletes we discussed above.

Earth Shift and 4D Hybrid War: #RioOlympics Lessons and Next Moves by Russia

The #RioOlympics are over, and #RioParalympics are about to start. But the most important result of the Games is not the spectacular wins of deserving athletes or the triumph of the spirit of friendly competition, as intended by the International Olympic Charter. No, it’s the ugly and exceptional in its viciousness hybrid war against Russia.

Russian Rio Paralympians ban: the latest

While about two-thirds of the original Russian Olympic team were at least allowed to compete in Rio, Russian Paralympic team was banned altogether. SAC, the Swiss sports arbitrage court, upheld the ban. While there is hope yet for the IOC (as Russians think), the IPC is dominated by pro-NWO, anti-Russian British/US members.

I hate to say this, but I did tell you so. They wouldn’t have let Russian paralympians off the hook once they got them. The goal is to humiliate Russia, while orchestrating a display of perceived weakness of the Russian government, timed just before the Russian Duma elections on September 18, 2016. The ultimate target is the Russian presidential election of 2018. The ultimate directive is to weaken Putin and try to sabotage his re-election. If Ukraine didn’t work, If Syria and Turkey projects failed, if oil prices, ruble sabotage and sanctions have flopped, sport is what’s left for them to work with. Sport turned out to be that proverbial final frontier in the hybrid 4D warfare against Russia.

Incidentally, Russian paralympic team won with stellar result in both London and Sochi. When some can’t win honestly, they eliminate the competition.

I have to say that Russians missed this, like they missed Ukraine. Just like in the case of Ukraine, Russians simply couldn’t fathom that anyone could stoop this low.

In the fight to preserve the failing Anglo-American Empire and what’s left of the fading ‘US full spectrum dominance’ there is simply no limit as to how low they will stoop. This has to be understood fully. Instead of abandoning the failed model and moving forward with the entire world, the lowly beings that are behind all this will fight for as long as they are allowed to get away with it; in a typical way of all bandits and criminals they’ll try to slow down the process of the collapse or take everyone down with them.

Latest intel

Russian PM Medvedev announced that Russia has withdrawn her financial support of WADA, for now till the end of 2016.

Russian government is also filing civil lawsuits for damages against IAAF (Intl Athletic Federation), WADA and IPC (Intl. Paralympic  Committee). Individual claims for damages by each athlete are coming too.

My take on this: sure, go ahead and file lawsuits. There will be compensation, probably pretty good one. But it’ll take years and the process of paying out said compensation will be slowed down to a crawl. This is a good thing to do, since lawsuits are dreaded by any organization in the West. But this really is a stop-gap measure. It isn’t a real solution because those who did this were after something much bigger than breaking the lives of poor Russian athletes: they were after the big score in the global political game. They are attempting to prolong the very survival of the dying US Empire. What’s a trifle like a few tens, or even hundred million dollars here and there when you are in the Grand Chess Game.

During the Rio Games Russian poll vaulter Elena Isinbayeva was elected to IOC by the majority vote of the Rio Olympic athletes. This is a stunning result since the two-time Olympic champion and multiple-time world champion Isinbayeva, who never was implicated in any drug scandals and who just came off her maternity leave to return to the Olympics, is now under blanket ban by IAAF and WADA, along with all Russian track-and-field team.

Why was she elected then? Isinbayeva was indignant at the ban and she promised to sue. This was, let’s just say, a bribe of sorts to appease her, a consolation prize for one of the most famous athletes of the last few decades. This was also a small bone thrown to Russia. It is a sort of IOC’s olive branch and a way to signal that IOC is not fully condoning IAAF/IPC/WADA actions.

Since most of IOC and individual sports federations were against the blanket ban, Russians would attempt to continue working with them. The exceptions are track-and-field IAAF and the intl. heavy lifting and rowing federations, plus, partially, swimming federation. While Russians will try to work with them for a while, this again is a stop-gap measure.

I said previously that drastic moves to change the corrupt nature of the sports and Olympics will be done by Russia later, most likely after 2018. For now, Russia will be on the defensive and strictly on response mode.

Sport = the money making machine

The most important feature of today’s international sport, based on Western, and lately almost exclusively on US capitalism principles is that it is 100% profit based. Some of the numbers I’ve seen quoted (verification?) are: IOC takes in $400 bln every Olympics. IOC (and IPC in case of Paralympics) owns all the rights. Profits are shared with the host country and various industries. Pharmaceutical and sports medicine industry alone take in $100 bln. Media takes in another chunk.

Incidentally, as I predicted, Rio Olympics were quite a fiasco from the profit standpoint, among others. It has been the only Olympics of the past couple decades to lose money due to empty seats.

Patrick Hickey (Rio tickets scandal: Patrick Hickey and Kevin Mallon share Rio prison), who was a member of IOC and Head of the European Olympic Committee was arrested with the accusation of peddling tickets at several times the price. He was blamed for singlehandedly making Rio seats empty.

Please, what hogwash! No one person has such power, no matter how well-connected. How did I predict a month in advance that Rio Olympics would experience viewer boycott problems? I did so because I clearly saw where the energy was moving due to the banning of the Russia team and due to ousting of Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff and scandalous humiliation of Lula da Silva. Where you are going there you are – basic karmic law.

Read my predictions in these articles (more is in the comment section of each):

HISTORY REPEATS! VERY TIMELY TODAY! My June 30, 2015 post: Baku 2015 1st European Games (Putin and Erdogan about EU) 

While I can believe there may have been a collusion to sell tickets at triple the price, any ticket will only sell for as much as the market will bear. Therefore, one has to be pretty stupid to ask for something no one’s willing to pay. How stupid was Patrick Hickey? I don’t think he was at all. Incidentally, he is Irish, which is significant.

My conclusion: at the very minimum, a scapegoat was needed to justify empty seats, and Patrick Hickey became such convenient scapegoat.

But there’s more. This piece of intel comes from a Russian sports journalist who has been to 13 Olympics and who knows everyone in the business: in the wake of the Russian doping scandal, he asked around who at IOC was most pro-Russian and against the blanket ban. Everyone pointed to Patrick Hickey, then Head of the European Olympics Committee. Here’s your explanation. The Hickey Rio scandal to me smells just as bad as the FIFA/Joseph Blatter scandal, or the Strauss Khan scandal. If Patrick Hickey was any younger than his 71 and had a reputation of a playboy, they’d get him through a hot Brazilian maid.

The future of Sports and Olympics: poorly built structures will crumble during the Great Earth Shift

The Olympic and Big Sport based solely on profit and lucrative endorsements is something that won’t work going forward. The same is true for every area of human earthly life, which has become corrupted or outdated.

My view is that both Olympics and Paralympics are dead, it’s just that Paralympics is more obviously dead than Olympics, which is still trying to pretend it’s business as usual and resist the inevitable. However, Olympics is an outdated 20th century structure. During this Great Earth Shift all outmoded and poorly built structures, designed to uphold the world order that existed in the 20th century, will be either completely destroyed so the new could be built in their stead, or they’ll be morphed into something better corresponding with new times. So, those who hang on to the Olympic structure – don’t. International sports competitions will remain, while the rotten structures around them will crumble. The fact that we are experiencing all these scandals is only indicative of the fact that the process is underway and it’s only the matter of time for changes to occur.

I pointed out previously that the only way to resolve this is for Russia to organize her own Eurasian Games, or Friendship Games, or to resurrect the alternative Good Will Games, while abandoning the Olympics. My prediction: Russians won’t pull the plug or make many drastic moves before 2018, it being a pivotal year in human development.

And even then, Russians will be very careful not to upset the balance too much. My opinion: Olympics are dead and should be transformed into something better and more forward-looking. Russians intend to work with IOC, because Thomas Bach and many IOC members voted against Russian ban, not allowing IAAF and Americans to dictate to them what to do. Incidentally, two Ukrainian members of IOC, who both are former Soviet Olympic champions from Kiev, voted against banning the Russian team.

Rio Olympics results and lessons

The International Olympics Committee has some redeeming values and there are quite a few members of IOC that are Russia’s friends or temporary allies. Same is true for the majority of individual international sports federations. For this reason alone about two-thirds of the Russian team were still able to compete in Rio and actually win quite a few medals, considering the severely eroded team. Russia was fourth in all-around, after US, UK and China.

I will leave aside the full analysis of the results of the top three. I’ll just briefly note that Olympics is just like a beauty pageant: best way to win is to poison your competition.

Another recipe for success is to cut to the bone, or eliminate altogether, sports in which your competitor is the strongest, such as Rhythmic Gymnastics (correct name in Russian: Artistic Gymnastics). Rhythmic Gymnastics has been cut to the very bone and only 1 team and 1 individual all-around event are allowed. Where are individual events? Why does regular Gymnastics (called in Americanese incorrectly: ‘Artistic Gymnastics’) allow individual events, while its Rhythmic sister doesn’t? You’ll be shocked how simple the answer is: in ‘Artistic Gymnastics’ US planned to achieve top result – and did, while in Rhythmic Gymnastics US is nowhere near top ten.

This may be obvious, but here’s a rhetorical question: what’s so ‘artistic’ about the Rio ‘Artistic Gymnastics’ all-around winner Simone Biles. Sorry for bringing another strange thing up, but as a woman myself I can’t help but wonder: do women ever naturally look like this without a great deal of external help? And this girl is a young teenager! As you know, in my previous pieces on Olympics I asked the same question about another American phenom Serena Williams, commonly known as ‘the steroid sister.’

Serena Williams standing next to her closest competitor Russian Maria Sharapova. Both are world’s top tennis players on approximately the same level of fitness; both have been in sport for a long time. As they say, find the crucial difference in their appearance. Who is more likely to dope of the two? Meanwhile, Sharapova is under a 2-year ban for using the internationally recognized neutral placebo Meldonium, while Williams, who successfully evaded being tested for years, was in Rio enjoying herself. Incidentally, the reason she lost in the very first game to an obscure Ukrainian player is because this time she couldn’t risk it and stopped using steroids early on, which got her to Rio on a massive down swing. When Williams lost to the Ukrainian girl, the sold out Ukrainian government and various Kiev officials were apologizing to the US for their athlete besting the famous Williams! Below, read more on how badly Kiev treats its athletes and what will come out of it pretty soon.

williams vs sharapova

Simone Biles, all-around ‘Artistic Gymnastics’ Rio Olympics gold medalist. Artistic, graceful and womanly are decidedly NOT the words I’d use while looking at her! This kind of result (and she is a mere teenager too!) can only be achieved through a long-term use of heavy steroids. Hmm.. Lots more could be said looking at this picture… But yes, in case you didn’t know, the US team is clean and beyond reproach, while Russians dope with over-the-counter placebo called Meldonium and should not be allowed anywhere near the ‘clean’ Olympics.

simone biles rio gymnastics 2

Any doubts at all she is a woman? Simone Biles’ competitor, Russian gymnast, Rio Olympics gold, silver & bronze medalist Aliya Mustafina:


Previously, there was an attempt to eliminate wrestling from the Olympics – THE original Olympic sport! The attempt failed after an international outcry. Why wrestling had to be eliminated? Very simple: there are quite a few wrestling medals at stake and Russians usually sweep up the gold.

Incidentally, the persistent rumor in Rio was that US swimming team (as well as other individual sports US teams) didn’t let any WADA doping testers into their compound and chased them away with threats, if any dared to show up. Of course it was the US swimming team, with its million and a half events, that brought US MOST gold medals. Soon, they will invent twenty and ten meter events in all four strokes, so they could continue hugging podiums in the future fake Olympics. As an ex-competitive swimmer myself, I am officially disgusted – will have to go and shower after I finish this article. Of course it helps greatly when you ban top Russian swimmers and relentlessly mock and put down the remaining members of the Russian team. It’ll be hard to forget the disgraceful way US gold and bronze medalists refused to shake Russian silver medalist Yulia Efimova’s hand while on the podium.

I have to say that Russian athletes pulled a miracle in Rio, despite being under constant psychological pressure and attack, amid humiliation and anti-Russian hysteria. Russian teams in various sports arriving in Rio were denied entry into the Olympic Village, where Russia paid in advance for the entire building to house its team. They were forced to move from one hotel to another, without access to training facilities, awaiting the decision whether they would be let inside. The same swimmer Yulia Efimova was forced to prepare for competition in a hotel paddling pool, amidst sweaty bodies of fat tourists and screaming children! And still, Russia managed this result:

Finally, the sure recipe for the US and UK success! Yet another great way to win is to fill to the brim the Olympic schedule with the events you are good at, but your top competitors aren’t. In other words with things that hardly are real sports in the Olympic sense, such as golf and equestrian. And make sure you have a million medals in such sports as swimming, rowing and track and field, while at the same time banning your competition – and voila! You have the double of anyone else’s medals.

But how much are such fake medals worth?


Russian and Ukrainian athletes in Rio embrace and celebrate victories together

During Rio Games, the internet got flooded with pictures of Russian and Ukrainian athletes hugging and carrying signs of friendship. Just can’t resist posting some of them, because in my view they celebrate the true spirit of Olympics, the way it should be. And they also reflect the true attitude of normal Ukrainians towards Russians:

Russian & Ukrainian athletes together in Rio

Russian & Ukrainian athletes together in Rio 2

Russian & Ukrainian athletes together in Rio 3

Compare this to US swimmers’ snubbing of the Russian Efimova on the podium.

And here’s official Kiev’s reaction to all this hugging and mutual celebrating. Kiev officials branded these Ukrainian athletes ‘traitors to Ukraine.’ They threatened to pull their financing and state support. There were ugly threats of bodily harm and other hysteria. Who treats this way one’s country’s athletes? We all know that the Kiev junta is in fact Idiocracy plus. We also know that the only reason the Kiev regime is still around is because US and EU prop it up. I can tell you what the outcome of such attitude will be: many Ukrainian athletes have already moved to Russia. Now even more Ukrainian Olympians will ask for asylum and/or citizenship in Russia.

Who really is the doper?

If Russians dope and Americans are clean, why are Russians best in sports that don’t benefit from doping?

Why are Americans best at sports that benefit most from doping?

Sports that benefit greatly from doping: track and field and swimming (think Michael Phelps). Sports that don’t benefit at all from doping: rhythmic gymnastics and synchronized swimming. These also happen to be the most beautiful sports where Russians traditionally dominate. To complete this post I thought I’d add these striking videos:

“The Aliens” Rio gold, five-time Olympic champions, plus multiple world champions Ishchenko & Romashina, synchronized swimming duo. This video is from World Champs, Kazan 2015 (Синхронное Плавание ДУЭТ ПАРЫ Россия Золото ИНОПЛАНЕТЯНЕ Ищенко Ромашина ЧМ Казань 2015)

Russian synchronized swimming team event, Rio gold (Russia dominates here for decades):

Beautiful routine compilation by Yana Kudryavtseva, considered the queen of rhythmic gymnastics. 8-time World champion and Olympic gold medalist, but only silver in Rio Olympics. She lost gold to the rising star, fellow Russian Margarita Mamun.

This is not from Olympics, but I really wanted to include this amazing sports gymnastics routine, which is a treat for the eyes. The title of this video is “Just look what these Russians are doing.”


Forgot to mention that out of 270 Russian athletes that were allowed to compete in Rio, 103 Russian athletes came home with medals! 



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