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LADA RAY PREDICTIONS! Will US Plan to Weaken Russian Orthodox Church Succeed?



Teresa mc Will Orthodox Church really get weakened by this schism? To me it seems more the separation of the wheat and tares…

This a follow up to:



The weakening of the Russian Church is the US plan in order to hurt Russia as the biggest and main Pravoslavny (Orthodox) state. Russian Church is one of the foundations of the contemporary Russian state, it’s the glue that helps holding the Great Balancer together. Destroy the Church – you’ll weaken Russia.

Will they succeed? Temporarily yes, as confusion and in-fighting intensifies within the global Orthodoxy, and as many independent regional churches are forced to choose sides. There is much grief and tribulations expecting the people of Ukraine, as well, since the corruption reached astronomical proportions and the people allowed the ukro-nazi junta to take over.

The so-called ‘managed chaos’ is the US plan for the entire world. Not just for Ukraine or the Russian Church. It is the same exact plan for the US European ‘allies,’ and for China, and for Asia, and for Latin America. Everyone and everything, from the US perspective are pawns in the big game.

Don’t forget, the US is feeling the heat, its power is slipping away all around the globe and as I was predicting before, they’d do anything and everything to preserve this ill-gotten power!

By instituting a wholesale chaos around the world, whether it’s global trade wars, sanctions or religious wars, the US hopes to again improve their status and prevent the collapse! Long-term they’ll certainly fail.

In the end, I see the Constantinople patriarchy hurting most as a result of its betrayal of he Russian Church and the centuries-old canonical principles. As a result, it may be stripped of its privileges or even disappear. It certainly will lose much of its reputation. It appears however, that Bartholomew, blinded by ego, jealousy and hate, is ready for the global religious war in order to become a schismatic ‘Orthodox pope,’ and to earn his cash. Per recently voiced accusations, he received $25 million from the US. It’s also unclear what role is played by Turkey in this whole scenario.

But whatever happens, Russian Church must go through a cleansing and re-evaluating of priorities process, in order to determine who they can or cannot trust.

NOTE! We all individually, and every single country, will have to go through the same process as part of the EARTH SHIFT!



Earth Shift Report 24: USA’S GLOBAL TRADE WARS – Earth Shift Implications & Predictions



BIG REPORT: Global Religious War for Russian Orthodox Church Has Begun! (Intel, Analysis, my advice to Russia + NEW PREDICTIONS!)

Extremely RUDE AMERICAN ‘journalist’ keeps interrupting Putin, not letting him say a word + MY INSIDE RUSSIAN INTEL! #Helsinki2018

Fresh Russian intel!

By inside accounts of top Russian journalists present, during joint Trump-Putin press conference, American journalists were very pushy, dismissive and aggressive. For example, they would refuse to give up microphone after their question, and would keep asking more questions for 5 minutes at a time, at the expense of Russian journalists present.


ALL American journalists’ questions WERE ABOUT THE PAST, mainly centering around the 2016 ‘Russian meddling.’


See Putin-Trump press conference and more in #Helsinki2018 here:

As I was saying in response to a McCain-Hillary troll (yes, not kidding): sad day for America, sad day. See the whole exchange HERE.

Putin gave an interview to an American journalist on the sidelines of the summit, and the same story, which happened during Putin’s interview to an Austrian journalist before Putin’s meeting with Austrian chancellor Sebastian Kurz, has repeated. In Austrian interview, the Austrian journo made a world record by interrupting Putin 13 times, one up from American Megyn Kelly. Putin was forced to calm down the Austrian by asking him nicely and politely in GERMAN to be patient and to listen. Much like one would try to calm down a silly, moody 2 year-old, who doesn’t get reason or manners. I think a normal 2-year-old would get it much better than these ‘journalists,’ who think they’ll earn a badge of honor at home by being exceptionally rude to Russian president.

Putin’s Helsinki interview with the rude and aggressive American ‘journalist’ from Fox. A 3min snippet. Trump calls CNN ‘fake news’ – rightly. We should start calling Fox ‘the rude and aggressive fake news.’ What’s the dif? 

I haven’t seen, but I can only imagine how different and respectful was a Russian journalist’s interview with Trump. 

This one from Fox (no idea what his name is – don’t care) is doing the same, but with even more anger and aggression, forcing Putin to tell him he is disrespectful – actually, this is the first time I’ve seen Putin say this. I’m sure this Fox talking head was trying to make Putin angry and lash out at him, so he would have something sensationalist to write. Putin’s patience is absolutely angelic when dealing with global idiots and freaks such as this one. To which American replied incredulously, ‘Disrespectful?! Who, me??’ I don’t think he ever looked up in the dictionary the meaning of the word.

Anyway, I simply admire Putin’s angelic and out-of-this-world presence of mind and patience with these malicious 2-year-olds from hell, who somehow were given a disproportionate amount of power in our world.

As Russian FM Sergey Lavrov once said to the rude and screaming American journos, during a presser with Kerry: ‘Where did they teach you manners?” The US journos looked very confused: I don’t think they ever knew there was such a thing as ‘manners.’

You must know, my dear American, Western and global readers that in Russia the rudeness and unprofessionalism of American and European journalists, as well as politicians, is a subject of endless jokes and mockery. So is the faux Western democracy, and lack of any sense of reason. 

I guess my patience is also angelic, although not as angelic as Putin’s. So, here’s my nice and kindly advice, because I care about peace and mutual understanding in the world: 

Would you like to change this perception? Start by boycotting your MSM, exposing them and telling them what you think about their attitudes. And start by voting out of office the idiots in power in the West (and I mean practically everywhere, except maybe a couple of countries, which we previously discussed). 

The point Putin managed to get across in the interview — through all of Fox freak’s yelling over him — is this:


Excellent point from Putin!

But those who follow me, know there is MUCH MORE! The process of extreme division and animosity within the US is due to THE GREAT EARTH SHIFT and to Russia the Great Balancer rebalancing the world, along with China and some other forces. This is what makes them so extremely angry, and this is why they fight between themselves and accuse Russia of all mortal sins. The right thing to do would be to look in the mirror and see that they are doing it to themselves, but they aren’t evolved enough for that.

Incidentally, it would be very useful to show how many times in the past and how (unfortunately) successfully US interfered into the affairs of Russia, and continues attempting to do so.


All about that in two of my bestselling webinars:




I could recall how Yeltsin 1996 re-election was falsified by Americans – an absolutely blatant interference in Russia’s internal affairs, very well remembered by Russians. I did a post on that on Patreon and I might do another dedicated post.

There were and are many other cases, among them, of course, many color revolutions and especially the subversion of Ukraine / Kiev maidan 2014.

Current hot case: that of Hermitage Capital and Bill Browder, whom Putin mentioned in the joint Putin-Trump press conference. Incidentally, the Hermitage Capital case is ongoing and Browder is wanted in Russia on some very serious charges of money laundering and tax evasion on the amount of $1.5 bln. Putin threw that point at Trump on purpose – a brilliant move by the global chess master! I will discuss what this move means, along with a number of other brilliant moves by Putin at the Helsinki summit — REPORT COMING TO PATREON IN A FEW DAYS!


Putin, by throwing some very interesting and beneficial to Trump hints, is very exquisitely and very masterfully giving a hand to Trump and republicans, helping them win midterm elections 2018. Of course, republicans are too dumb to get it, but Trump got it — and he played along!


Helsinki2018 Putin-Trump Quantum Calibrations, Analysis, Inside Intel & Predictions coming to

Lada Ray on PATREON


P.S. My prediction that Trump will experience huge pressure upon returning to US and that he may reverse what he said during a meeting with Putin is already coming true: LIVE Fox news: President Trump Says He Misspoke During Russian Summit

Earth Shift and 4D Hybrid War: #RioOlympics Lessons and Next Moves by Russia

The #RioOlympics are over, and #RioParalympics are about to start. But the most important result of the Games is not the spectacular wins of deserving athletes or the triumph of the spirit of friendly competition, as intended by the International Olympic Charter. No, it’s the ugly and exceptional in its viciousness hybrid war against Russia.

Russian Rio Paralympians ban: the latest

While about two-thirds of the original Russian Olympic team were at least allowed to compete in Rio, Russian Paralympic team was banned altogether. SAC, the Swiss sports arbitrage court, upheld the ban. While there is hope yet for the IOC (as Russians think), the IPC is dominated by pro-NWO, anti-Russian British/US members.

I hate to say this, but I did tell you so. They wouldn’t have let Russian paralympians off the hook once they got them. The goal is to humiliate Russia, while orchestrating a display of perceived weakness of the Russian government, timed just before the Russian Duma elections on September 18, 2016. The ultimate target is the Russian presidential election of 2018. The ultimate directive is to weaken Putin and try to sabotage his re-election. If Ukraine didn’t work, If Syria and Turkey projects failed, if oil prices, ruble sabotage and sanctions have flopped, sport is what’s left for them to work with. Sport turned out to be that proverbial final frontier in the hybrid 4D warfare against Russia.

Incidentally, Russian paralympic team won with stellar result in both London and Sochi. When some can’t win honestly, they eliminate the competition.

I have to say that Russians missed this, like they missed Ukraine. Just like in the case of Ukraine, Russians simply couldn’t fathom that anyone could stoop this low.

In the fight to preserve the failing Anglo-American Empire and what’s left of the fading ‘US full spectrum dominance’ there is simply no limit as to how low they will stoop. This has to be understood fully. Instead of abandoning the failed model and moving forward with the entire world, the lowly beings that are behind all this will fight for as long as they are allowed to get away with it; in a typical way of all bandits and criminals they’ll try to slow down the process of the collapse or take everyone down with them.

Latest intel

Russian PM Medvedev announced that Russia has withdrawn her financial support of WADA, for now till the end of 2016.

Russian government is also filing civil lawsuits for damages against IAAF (Intl Athletic Federation), WADA and IPC (Intl. Paralympic  Committee). Individual claims for damages by each athlete are coming too.

My take on this: sure, go ahead and file lawsuits. There will be compensation, probably pretty good one. But it’ll take years and the process of paying out said compensation will be slowed down to a crawl. This is a good thing to do, since lawsuits are dreaded by any organization in the West. But this really is a stop-gap measure. It isn’t a real solution because those who did this were after something much bigger than breaking the lives of poor Russian athletes: they were after the big score in the global political game. They are attempting to prolong the very survival of the dying US Empire. What’s a trifle like a few tens, or even hundred million dollars here and there when you are in the Grand Chess Game.

During the Rio Games Russian poll vaulter Elena Isinbayeva was elected to IOC by the majority vote of the Rio Olympic athletes. This is a stunning result since the two-time Olympic champion and multiple-time world champion Isinbayeva, who never was implicated in any drug scandals and who just came off her maternity leave to return to the Olympics, is now under blanket ban by IAAF and WADA, along with all Russian track-and-field team.

Why was she elected then? Isinbayeva was indignant at the ban and she promised to sue. This was, let’s just say, a bribe of sorts to appease her, a consolation prize for one of the most famous athletes of the last few decades. This was also a small bone thrown to Russia. It is a sort of IOC’s olive branch and a way to signal that IOC is not fully condoning IAAF/IPC/WADA actions.

Since most of IOC and individual sports federations were against the blanket ban, Russians would attempt to continue working with them. The exceptions are track-and-field IAAF and the intl. heavy lifting and rowing federations, plus, partially, swimming federation. While Russians will try to work with them for a while, this again is a stop-gap measure.

I said previously that drastic moves to change the corrupt nature of the sports and Olympics will be done by Russia later, most likely after 2018. For now, Russia will be on the defensive and strictly on response mode.

Sport = the money making machine

The most important feature of today’s international sport, based on Western, and lately almost exclusively on US capitalism principles is that it is 100% profit based. Some of the numbers I’ve seen quoted (verification?) are: IOC takes in $400 bln every Olympics. IOC (and IPC in case of Paralympics) owns all the rights. Profits are shared with the host country and various industries. Pharmaceutical and sports medicine industry alone take in $100 bln. Media takes in another chunk.

Incidentally, as I predicted, Rio Olympics were quite a fiasco from the profit standpoint, among others. It has been the only Olympics of the past couple decades to lose money due to empty seats.

Patrick Hickey (Rio tickets scandal: Patrick Hickey and Kevin Mallon share Rio prison), who was a member of IOC and Head of the European Olympic Committee was arrested with the accusation of peddling tickets at several times the price. He was blamed for singlehandedly making Rio seats empty.

Please, what hogwash! No one person has such power, no matter how well-connected. How did I predict a month in advance that Rio Olympics would experience viewer boycott problems? I did so because I clearly saw where the energy was moving due to the banning of the Russia team and due to ousting of Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff and scandalous humiliation of Lula da Silva. Where you are going there you are – basic karmic law.

Read my predictions in these articles (more is in the comment section of each):

HISTORY REPEATS! VERY TIMELY TODAY! My June 30, 2015 post: Baku 2015 1st European Games (Putin and Erdogan about EU) 

While I can believe there may have been a collusion to sell tickets at triple the price, any ticket will only sell for as much as the market will bear. Therefore, one has to be pretty stupid to ask for something no one’s willing to pay. How stupid was Patrick Hickey? I don’t think he was at all. Incidentally, he is Irish, which is significant.

My conclusion: at the very minimum, a scapegoat was needed to justify empty seats, and Patrick Hickey became such convenient scapegoat.

But there’s more. This piece of intel comes from a Russian sports journalist who has been to 13 Olympics and who knows everyone in the business: in the wake of the Russian doping scandal, he asked around who at IOC was most pro-Russian and against the blanket ban. Everyone pointed to Patrick Hickey, then Head of the European Olympics Committee. Here’s your explanation. The Hickey Rio scandal to me smells just as bad as the FIFA/Joseph Blatter scandal, or the Strauss Khan scandal. If Patrick Hickey was any younger than his 71 and had a reputation of a playboy, they’d get him through a hot Brazilian maid.

The future of Sports and Olympics: poorly built structures will crumble during the Great Earth Shift

The Olympic and Big Sport based solely on profit and lucrative endorsements is something that won’t work going forward. The same is true for every area of human earthly life, which has become corrupted or outdated.

My view is that both Olympics and Paralympics are dead, it’s just that Paralympics is more obviously dead than Olympics, which is still trying to pretend it’s business as usual and resist the inevitable. However, Olympics is an outdated 20th century structure. During this Great Earth Shift all outmoded and poorly built structures, designed to uphold the world order that existed in the 20th century, will be either completely destroyed so the new could be built in their stead, or they’ll be morphed into something better corresponding with new times. So, those who hang on to the Olympic structure – don’t. International sports competitions will remain, while the rotten structures around them will crumble. The fact that we are experiencing all these scandals is only indicative of the fact that the process is underway and it’s only the matter of time for changes to occur.

I pointed out previously that the only way to resolve this is for Russia to organize her own Eurasian Games, or Friendship Games, or to resurrect the alternative Good Will Games, while abandoning the Olympics. My prediction: Russians won’t pull the plug or make many drastic moves before 2018, it being a pivotal year in human development.

And even then, Russians will be very careful not to upset the balance too much. My opinion: Olympics are dead and should be transformed into something better and more forward-looking. Russians intend to work with IOC, because Thomas Bach and many IOC members voted against Russian ban, not allowing IAAF and Americans to dictate to them what to do. Incidentally, two Ukrainian members of IOC, who both are former Soviet Olympic champions from Kiev, voted against banning the Russian team.

Rio Olympics results and lessons

The International Olympics Committee has some redeeming values and there are quite a few members of IOC that are Russia’s friends or temporary allies. Same is true for the majority of individual international sports federations. For this reason alone about two-thirds of the Russian team were still able to compete in Rio and actually win quite a few medals, considering the severely eroded team. Russia was fourth in all-around, after US, UK and China.

I will leave aside the full analysis of the results of the top three. I’ll just briefly note that Olympics is just like a beauty pageant: best way to win is to poison your competition.

Another recipe for success is to cut to the bone, or eliminate altogether, sports in which your competitor is the strongest, such as Rhythmic Gymnastics (correct name in Russian: Artistic Gymnastics). Rhythmic Gymnastics has been cut to the very bone and only 1 team and 1 individual all-around event are allowed. Where are individual events? Why does regular Gymnastics (called in Americanese incorrectly: ‘Artistic Gymnastics’) allow individual events, while its Rhythmic sister doesn’t? You’ll be shocked how simple the answer is: in ‘Artistic Gymnastics’ US planned to achieve top result – and did, while in Rhythmic Gymnastics US is nowhere near top ten.

This may be obvious, but here’s a rhetorical question: what’s so ‘artistic’ about the Rio ‘Artistic Gymnastics’ all-around winner Simone Biles. Sorry for bringing another strange thing up, but as a woman myself I can’t help but wonder: do women ever naturally look like this without a great deal of external help? And this girl is a young teenager! As you know, in my previous pieces on Olympics I asked the same question about another American phenom Serena Williams, commonly known as ‘the steroid sister.’

Serena Williams standing next to her closest competitor Russian Maria Sharapova. Both are world’s top tennis players on approximately the same level of fitness; both have been in sport for a long time. As they say, find the crucial difference in their appearance. Who is more likely to dope of the two? Meanwhile, Sharapova is under a 2-year ban for using the internationally recognized neutral placebo Meldonium, while Williams, who successfully evaded being tested for years, was in Rio enjoying herself. Incidentally, the reason she lost in the very first game to an obscure Ukrainian player is because this time she couldn’t risk it and stopped using steroids early on, which got her to Rio on a massive down swing. When Williams lost to the Ukrainian girl, the sold out Ukrainian government and various Kiev officials were apologizing to the US for their athlete besting the famous Williams! Below, read more on how badly Kiev treats its athletes and what will come out of it pretty soon.

williams vs sharapova

Simone Biles, all-around ‘Artistic Gymnastics’ Rio Olympics gold medalist. Artistic, graceful and womanly are decidedly NOT the words I’d use while looking at her! This kind of result (and she is a mere teenager too!) can only be achieved through a long-term use of heavy steroids. Hmm.. Lots more could be said looking at this picture… But yes, in case you didn’t know, the US team is clean and beyond reproach, while Russians dope with over-the-counter placebo called Meldonium and should not be allowed anywhere near the ‘clean’ Olympics.

simone biles rio gymnastics 2

Any doubts at all she is a woman? Simone Biles’ competitor, Russian gymnast, Rio Olympics gold, silver & bronze medalist Aliya Mustafina:


Previously, there was an attempt to eliminate wrestling from the Olympics – THE original Olympic sport! The attempt failed after an international outcry. Why wrestling had to be eliminated? Very simple: there are quite a few wrestling medals at stake and Russians usually sweep up the gold.

Incidentally, the persistent rumor in Rio was that US swimming team (as well as other individual sports US teams) didn’t let any WADA doping testers into their compound and chased them away with threats, if any dared to show up. Of course it was the US swimming team, with its million and a half events, that brought US MOST gold medals. Soon, they will invent twenty and ten meter events in all four strokes, so they could continue hugging podiums in the future fake Olympics. As an ex-competitive swimmer myself, I am officially disgusted – will have to go and shower after I finish this article. Of course it helps greatly when you ban top Russian swimmers and relentlessly mock and put down the remaining members of the Russian team. It’ll be hard to forget the disgraceful way US gold and bronze medalists refused to shake Russian silver medalist Yulia Efimova’s hand while on the podium.

I have to say that Russian athletes pulled a miracle in Rio, despite being under constant psychological pressure and attack, amid humiliation and anti-Russian hysteria. Russian teams in various sports arriving in Rio were denied entry into the Olympic Village, where Russia paid in advance for the entire building to house its team. They were forced to move from one hotel to another, without access to training facilities, awaiting the decision whether they would be let inside. The same swimmer Yulia Efimova was forced to prepare for competition in a hotel paddling pool, amidst sweaty bodies of fat tourists and screaming children! And still, Russia managed this result:

Finally, the sure recipe for the US and UK success! Yet another great way to win is to fill to the brim the Olympic schedule with the events you are good at, but your top competitors aren’t. In other words with things that hardly are real sports in the Olympic sense, such as golf and equestrian. And make sure you have a million medals in such sports as swimming, rowing and track and field, while at the same time banning your competition – and voila! You have the double of anyone else’s medals.

But how much are such fake medals worth?


Russian and Ukrainian athletes in Rio embrace and celebrate victories together

During Rio Games, the internet got flooded with pictures of Russian and Ukrainian athletes hugging and carrying signs of friendship. Just can’t resist posting some of them, because in my view they celebrate the true spirit of Olympics, the way it should be. And they also reflect the true attitude of normal Ukrainians towards Russians:

Russian & Ukrainian athletes together in Rio

Russian & Ukrainian athletes together in Rio 2

Russian & Ukrainian athletes together in Rio 3

Compare this to US swimmers’ snubbing of the Russian Efimova on the podium.

And here’s official Kiev’s reaction to all this hugging and mutual celebrating. Kiev officials branded these Ukrainian athletes ‘traitors to Ukraine.’ They threatened to pull their financing and state support. There were ugly threats of bodily harm and other hysteria. Who treats this way one’s country’s athletes? We all know that the Kiev junta is in fact Idiocracy plus. We also know that the only reason the Kiev regime is still around is because US and EU prop it up. I can tell you what the outcome of such attitude will be: many Ukrainian athletes have already moved to Russia. Now even more Ukrainian Olympians will ask for asylum and/or citizenship in Russia.

Who really is the doper?

If Russians dope and Americans are clean, why are Russians best in sports that don’t benefit from doping?

Why are Americans best at sports that benefit most from doping?

Sports that benefit greatly from doping: track and field and swimming (think Michael Phelps). Sports that don’t benefit at all from doping: rhythmic gymnastics and synchronized swimming. These also happen to be the most beautiful sports where Russians traditionally dominate. To complete this post I thought I’d add these striking videos:

“The Aliens” Rio gold, five-time Olympic champions, plus multiple world champions Ishchenko & Romashina, synchronized swimming duo. This video is from World Champs, Kazan 2015 (Синхронное Плавание ДУЭТ ПАРЫ Россия Золото ИНОПЛАНЕТЯНЕ Ищенко Ромашина ЧМ Казань 2015)

Russian synchronized swimming team event, Rio gold (Russia dominates here for decades):

Beautiful routine compilation by Yana Kudryavtseva, considered the queen of rhythmic gymnastics. 8-time World champion and Olympic gold medalist, but only silver in Rio Olympics. She lost gold to the rising star, fellow Russian Margarita Mamun.

This is not from Olympics, but I really wanted to include this amazing sports gymnastics routine, which is a treat for the eyes. The title of this video is “Just look what these Russians are doing.”


Forgot to mention that out of 270 Russian athletes that were allowed to compete in Rio, 103 Russian athletes came home with medals! 



Coming soon! Stay tuned for the upcoming Earth Shift Report:


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Eastern Shift! Vladivostok and Other Russian Far East Ports to Become International Free Trade Hubs

First ever East Russia International Economic Forum (Vostochny Economichesky Forum), aka, Eastern Economic Forum, is taking place in Vladivostok, Russia. Vladivostok is Russia’s port and international hub in the Far East, located very close to Japan.

During Soviet days Vladivostok was a closed city, where foreigners were not allowed. After the breakup of the USSR it became a hub for trade with Japan, sometimes illegal.

However, as Russia continues its historic pivot to the East (as I predicted since the beginning of 2014) more and more interest in free and legal country-to-country trade is developing. What a turn around from the Soviet days!

During the East Russia Economic Forum Putin announced that Vladivostok would become first Free Trade Port in the Far East, a development eagerly awaited by Japanese, Korean and Chinese business and investors. Putin also announced that following Vladivostok, other Russian Far Eastern ports will become Free Trade zones. He didn’t specify which ones, but I believe we are talking primarily Khabarovsk and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, but also probably Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Komsomolsk-na-Amure and a few others.

Why is this announcement being made now:

This proposal had been on the table for the Japanese investors for some years. Russians promoted it as a way to make peace with old Japanese claims for Kuril Islands and Sakhalin (the latter has been withdrawn, as far as I know). However, Japanese, due to the internal politics and American pressure were unwilling to move the issue along. The elegant solution of the free trade zones, while Russia keeps the political, administrative and military control over its strategically important islands is a very wise solution of the old dispute.

The free trade ports issue stalled until China and Russia were literally pushed towards a very close alliance after the blatant intervention of the US and West in Ukraine and after the anti-Russian sanctions. The multi-faceted Russia-China alliance is making new leaps forward, the latest being Putin’s trip to Beijing for the Chinese parade (I’ll have a separate post about that).

As the trade between Russia and China is making these giant leaps, Korean and Japanese investors have to scramble to catch on while they can. The alternative is losing the lucrative Russian market, which is now opening up. But this rare opportunity will only last until the market is taken.

Japanese interest in the East Russia Forum is overwhelming, same as Chinese, S. Korean, Singaporean, etc. The organizers said that they planned for 1000 participants, while they got over 5000 participation requests. The interest from Europeans is just as huge.

The systematic Russian pivot to the East is continuing. It is helped by the short-sighted and silly policies of the West (recall my many predictions!).

Japan, usually identified as part of the West, is seeing the writing on the wall and is trying to shift towards the East as well. Japanese businessmen declared during the forum their desire to keep politics and business separate.

Read related:

Pro-US and Anti-Russian Japan: Eyewitness Overview and Predictions

Video: Vladimir Putin proposes to create free trade zones in Vladivostok and other Far East ports.

Владимир Путин предложил распространить режим свободного порта на гавани Дальнего Востока

Video: Putin guarantees complete support for investors in the Far East:

Putin: Rosneft will invest 1.3 trln rubles in the Far East projects:

Putin: The Far East is welcoming to anyone who is ready to cooperate:

Full video speech by Vladimir Putin at First Eastern Economic Forum (Rus)

Synchronicity in action:

As I was getting ready to publish this post, I received three tweets from my Japanese friend Akaida. Here they are:


Japanese companies consider participation in Silk Road Economic Belt

Even Japan going ? Sanctions could lead to Russia-Japan currency swaps hmm! 🙂

Japan dumps the DOLLAR! Russia-Japan join Teams

These are all positive signs, at least on the economic front. I spoke in my article Pro-US and Anti-Russian Japan: Eyewitness Overview and Predictions about Japanese business interests diverging from Japanese politics. Dependence on the US and habitual political confrontationism with the neighbors will continue putting the brake on Japan’s integration into the new model of development. I think US will keep its influence over Japan for another 5 or more years.

But cracks are showing, and they are showing on the business side. Japan, still being 2nd largest Asian economy and 3rd-4th largest global economy, plus possessing advanced technologies, is a very valuable business partner. Meanwhile, the ongoing weakening and collapse of the West is causing Japan to reconsider its tight economic alliance with the West. Japanese business has no choice but diversify in order to survive.

Japanese business is eager to set politics aside and set up alliances with the growing world and Asian powers, where the future development is, but old Japanese political allegiances are holding this process back.

This is my summary analysis of the most important features of the slow, ongoing shift of Japan’s position on global arena.

  1. It has to be remembered that while Japan has no global political power, serving basically the US Trojan Horse in the region, it is an economic powerhouse, which at one point was the engine of the global economy. Also, Japan’s regional political and military ambitions are on the rise. All this together means that when Japan switches allegiances, it will be a huge blow to the US empire.
  2. We should expect Japanese switch in conjunction with the EU switch, of which I briefly wrote in the above-linked article. This will be a slow and tedious process, to be sure.
  3. Because Japan has built walls of confrontation and animosity against so many countries in Asia, it is difficult for them to reintegrate. Many in Asia distrust Japan utterly, based on history and present policies.
  4. My prediction is that Japan will be able to re-integrate into Asia economically through the unifying factor of Russia. Generally, Russia will serve as the bridge and peacemaker for re-creating understanding and cooperation not only in Asia,  but also in all of Eurasia, including Europe. The Middle East will take longer, but that will also happen eventually (not for a while, the wounds are too deep). Eventually, Russia’s role will be to re-establish the principles of cooperation and friendship on our entire planet.
  5. Fro the time being, we should have no illusions about Japan politically and militarily. The confrontational approach will persist for as long as Japan’s best buddy is USA. The new Japanese military doctrine for the first time since WWII allows Japanese troops to be deployed oversees. This, understandably, makes everyone in Asia jittery, as people still remember the destructiveness of the Japanese militarism in the past.
  6. There is a clear bifurcation (and rift?) forming between Japanese economic interests and its political direction. This will have to be resolved eventually. I give it 5-7 years. As USA empire weakens, Japan will gradually shift away from the West and closer to the East and Russia. Eventually, economic interests will prevail over politics. Japanese business must now scramble to catch up to China. Incidentally this applies to S. Korea and Singapore as well. If they don’t, in the shifting global economic landscape Japanese companies will start losing out to competitors, weakening the country’s economy.
  7. On some level, Japanese government understands this gloomy scenario. This is why they quietly allow their business to disregard politics. Make no mistake, there is clearly a secret understanding between Japanese big business and the ruling elites (some might say they are one and the same). This is why publicly there is support of the US-Japan alliance, and behind the scenes, economic integration with Russia and the BRICS.
  8. Incidentally, the same is happening with S. Korea, Singapore and other countries. In the next post I will have a telling story about the pressure applied by the US on S. Korea to prevent it escaping US clutches. Same kind of situation is applicable to Europe as well. Everyone sees the writing on the wall. But for the time being, US is still strong enough keep its ‘allies’ in its clutches.


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Weakness or Cunning? Why US decided to End 50-Year Standoff with Cuba Now

Breaking news: US president Obama announced that he was lifting some of the 50-year-old sanctions against Cuba, using his executive powers – only Congress can lift embargo completely. An exchange of prisoners has taken place, certain business and travel restrictions to Cuba are expected to be lifted. Obama announced that it’s time to normalize relations between the two countries. The Miami anti-Cuban lobby is up in arms.

Various analysts have been speculating why this is happening now. Some think it’s a sign of the USA’s weakness, others believe it is to tear Cuba away from Venezuela’s influence, and to impede Cuba’s relationship development with Russia and China.

As you know, I have been to Cuba years ago, when embargo was in full swing. You can find 2 interviews on the INTERVIEWS page, where I talk about some of my Cuban experiences. I also wrote about Cuba in: New Predictions! Putin Goes to Latin America: US Creates Wars – Russia Extends a Hand of Cooperation.

The US government must have read this last article of mine and felt ashamed of its behavior. No, not really…

But in all seriousness, here is why a sudden warming towards Cuba. In my view, it’s both weakness and cunning at the same time.

Why it is weakness: US is conducting an unprecedented and unheard off previously in scale attack on Russia (economic, monetary, political and proxy-military via third parties). More on that in Paul Craig Roberts interview.

Meanwhile, US also has to juggle other countries such as China, Turkey and India, which are slowly distancing themselves from the US. Venezuela is next on the list of US sanctions. Latin America is very anti-American and leaning more and more left, including even Mexico, the long-term US vassal. Russia recently had a very productive set of agreements signed with Turkey (Russian gas, building new pipeline, building a number of nuclear power stations). Putin just returned from India, also with nearly $100bln worth of trade agreements. I wrote many times this past year about massive agreements with China. More and more large economies are transitioning to bilateral trade outside of the dollar.

Power is slipping away from the US.

In this situation, Cuba is one front too many on which to fight. If US makes up with Cuba, they are hoping they can pull Cuba into their sphere of influence, or at least neutralize Cuba by seducing those poor people with flashy nothings. This is where the cunning part comes in.

Why it’s cunning: Russia, which is being surrounded by NATO/US military bases that are encroaching on Russia’s borders, is considering establishing a navy base in Cuba. China also signed a number of trade and economic agreements with this ‘imprisoned island’ as Kennedy would say (my only question is: imprisoned by whom?). Anti-US Venezuela presently is the biggest supporter and donor of the Cuban economy. The situation is dicey for the US. Cuba is located too close to US shores for comfort.

Russia and Turkey have agreed on a large number of economic and political agreements, which are bound to get them closer to each other (in perspective, SCO membership for Turkey, which also gets them closer to China). Turkey, having been slighted by the EU’s long-term refusal to admit it into the union, has been looking more and more East. Turkey has also been a reluctant participant in NATO. US has been putting enormous pressure on Turkey and president Erdogan to act in the interests of the US and NATO in the region.

For example, I have no doubt that recent color revolution attempt in Turkey (timed right before 2014 presidential elections) was US organized in order to attempt unseating, or at least to scare Erdogan. The result was the opposite – the moment Erdogan was re-elected, he started the process of getting closer to Russia. Looks like Erdogan also had no doubt who was behind the almost color revolution. It appears Turkey is looking for ways to weaken its dependence, and eventually to leave NATO. As I said on different occasions in similar situations – such exodus will only be possible when US weakens sufficiently.

The reason I talk about Turkey when I should be talking about Cuba is geopolitics, plain and simple. Look at the map. In terms of geopolitical position and value, Turkey is to Russia what Cuba is to the US.

Many of my readers know that I grew up in Odessa, USSR. Odessa is located right across from Turkey, on the Black Sea coast. Since I was a child I heard about captured NATO spies attempting to cross into Russia underwater from the Turkish side. The beautiful beaches in Odessa were dotted with border patrol watch towers. It was always expected that some kind of US/NATO threat would come from the other side of the Black Sea, which was full of NATO bases.

As some readers may remember (this was a little before my time, but I heard enough stories), in 1962 the US/NATO placed nuclear missiles in Turkey, targeting USSR, and specifically the city I was to grow up in – Odessa. Khrushchev and USSR responded by saying they were placing missiles in Cuba, which is known as the Cuban Missile Crisis. Of course, the US history books and MSM lie by twisting the events in such a way as to make it seem it was Khrushchev who initiated the missile crisis. However, every serious historian, in the US as well, will know it was the other way around.

Of course, the Cuban Missile Crisis was extinguished as soon as US removed its nuclear missiles from Turkey. Consequently, USSR cancelled the quid pro quo deployment of its missiles to Cuba. American MSM and history books will make you believe it was a great victory of the US government and an achievement due to Kennedy’s/USA’s tough stance on Russia. From that twisted propaganda point of view, the contemporary US politicians make an equally twisted conclusion that US must continue being tough on Russia. As an example, see the new anti-Russian US Congress resolution allowing Obama to tighten sanctions against Russia.

Just look at this brilliant logic! While Obama admits that sanctions didn’t work on Cuba, doing more harm than good – at the same time, miraculously, these same sanctions will somehow work on Russia!

I have a better solution for the US: 1. stop bullying the entire world; 2. lose your superiority complex, which in fact is severe inferiority complex – and conflicts you create globally will start dissipating all by themselves.

Now you know why I was talking about Turkey. Cuba and Turkey are interconnected geopolitically. In 2014, as US/NATO/EU were concentrating on the destruction of Ukraine, Putin/Russia were shoring up allies in Latin America, China, Central Asia and Turkey. Another hidden victory of Putin is Azerbaijan. Putin brokered a new truce between Armenia and Azerbaijan, averting bloodshed in the disputed Nagorny Karabakh and potential color revolution in Armenia. Azerbaijan is a big factor for Turkey’s swing towards Russia. Basically, very quietly, US just lost influence over Azerbaijani oil and gas, and at least began losing Turkey.

Now that Turkey is leaning towards Russia and China, US is attempting to rebalance the situation by tempting Cuba to join the US sphere of influence. Wouldn’t that be ironic? I personally don’t think it will go anywhere. I know Cubans; I also know Russians, Venezuelans and Chinese. I know Americans too – perhaps even better.

That said, we are entering an era of very complex, multi-move geopolitical chess matches. The small, poor and in-between countries, the ‘swing vote’ so to speak, is where a lot of geopolitical games will be concentrating. Every player will try to get them on their side. Such countries can benefit tremendously in the global repositioning of power – if they are smart.

This kind of global geopolitical situation is a sure sign of the collapse of the old US-dominated uni-polar world. US empire is weakening, albeit slowly.

My assessment: I think US started using smarter advisors compared to those they used for the Kiev coup and Ukraine. But not smart enough.

It will be great if embargo is lifted and Cuba can start breathing easier! That said, Cubans, I hope you don’t forget who you are and I hope you remember you aren’t for sale!

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Declaration of Cold War: What Chain of Events is US Provoking With New Hostile Move?

War drums are beating. The US is trying AGAIN to tip the world into the war mode.

The US House of Representatives voted almost unanimously (411 for, 10 against, 13 abstained) to condemn Russia for ‘aggression in Ukraine(?), Moldova(?) and Georgia(?).’ It also voted to create a more aggressive propaganda machine in Russian and Ukrainian, and to SEND AMERICAN WEAPONS TO UKRAINE. In addition, the resolution calls for the reinforcement of NATO and for the sale of US GAS TO EUROPE TO REPLACE RUSSIAN GAS. Link to RT video report.

I wonder who and when will finally vote to condemn the REAL aggressions of the USA against Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Serbia, present US aggression and financing of the illegal coup in Ukraine, and so many other aggressions all over the world? Who will condemn USA for spying on the entire world? What about the continued US and NATO aggression and intimidation campaign against Russia? What about color revolutions US sponsors all over the world?

Do you feel a sense of deja vu by any chance? I do. Remember how many times I warned of exactly these things. I said that these are the main purposes for the US ‘subversion of Ukraine’ (the fact that US invested only officially $5bln into ‘subverting Ukraine’ was publicly admitted by the US State Dept’s Victoria Nuland in December 2013).

I said this at various times:

1. Conflict in Ukraine is used to weaken Russia and EU at the same time.

2. Ukraine conflict is used to drive a wedge between Russia and EU, and at the same time, between Russia and Ukraine.

3. Ukraine to Anglo-American elites is loose change and cannon fodder to be thrown out as a used-up lemon. For Russia, Ukraine is their brothers and part of the Russian world to be respected and lived in peace with.

4. The continuing escalation of a conflict is necessary to paint Russia and Putin as aggressors, when the actual aggressor is US, with the kind help of Brussels, Germany, Poland and Lithuania. This is the same methodology used to perfection by the UK/US/France in the past to escalate Hitler’s aggression and to pit Germany and Russia (in the 20th Century, the two biggest rivals of the Anglo-American empire) in two past World Wars. Using proxies to fight their wars is the best Anglo-American achievement from hell.

5. US is itching to sell its own, more expensive gas to Europe, taking this market away from Russia.

For that purpose, McCain went to Bulgaria and other EU countries. THE VERY NEXT DAY after McCain’s and two other senators’ visit, Bulgaria announced that it was withdrawing from South Stream. Annual losses from such withdrawal for Bulgaria constitute $400-600 million + $150 million in losses from the switch of the Russian gas transit to Turkey to the new Black Sea pipeline. Altogether, up to $750 million per year in losses. What makes leaders of a country do something that is clearly bad for the country’s economy? Only arm-twisting can do that, and/or a bribe.

McCain’s arm-twisting worked well on the sold-out neocon-infested Bulgarian government. It didn’t work on Hungary (which because of that is now threatened with a color revolution), nor Austria. Austria’s President reportedly retorted that he didn’t tell US what to do, so he would appreciate it if US didn’t tell him who to conduct business with.

Still, subverting Bulgaria was enough – South Steam has ground to a screaching halt.

Notice that the US Congress cold war resurrection resolution (sounds like The Lord of the Rings – the dark powers on the rise)  appeared right after the noteworthy events I described in my previous article: German Vice Chancellor: No Ukraine in NATO; Russia, Let’s Make Up!

Below is a brief summary of the events I described in the above piece, plus analysis of the underlying geopolitical games and return moves by the US.

1. Europe has started looking for ways to make up with Russia and get EU-Russia relations back to normal. Additionally, Germany let it be known that they would not approve Ukraine in NATO, which is what US has been pushing for.

All the above is a big problem for the US hegemony. US needs to prevent this from happening. The only way of influencing the EU in these circumstances is to escalate the stand-off between Russia and the West, so Eu has no choice but to take anti-Russian position.

Last time they used the Malaysia Boeing downing in Ukraine to push reluctant EU towards a new round of anti-Russian sanctions. How about provoking Russia via arms supply to the Kiev junta this time, making Russia act to protect Donbass?

2. Russia announced the closure of the South Stream project.

No doubt US has rejoiced. US was the driving force behind the sabotage of the South Stream, projected to deliver gas directly to southern and central Europe. This route would bypass the unstable Ukraine, making the supply more secure and cheaper for many countries. The winners of this scenario would have been: Austria, Hungary, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Slovenia, Russia – and the entire EU economy. Losers from South Stream would have been: Ukraine and US. Now do your math: WHO BENEFITS AND WHO LOSES FROM THE CLOSURE OF SOUTH STREAM!

The US had been long pushing to sell their own shale gas to the EU, however expensive and inconvenient this may be.

Note, the US shale gas issue is a big problem in the US itself. It has been proven that this barbaric method of extraction causes untold damage to the environment, causing irreversible water damage, making potable water and soils unusable, and creating tremors and quakes. I have lived in Upstate NY, which is sitting on large shale gas deposits, and it is an ongoing struggle for the residents there to keep the shale gas vultures out of their state. Recently, the birthplace of shale gas in Texas has moved to ban this harmful practice.

Shale gas industry was touted in the US as a way out of the systemic crisis of the US economy. However, it’s not working so well. Due to low gas prices, most shale gas wells had to be capped as high cost of production made them unprofitable. To make shale gas worthwhile, US desperately needs a huge new market such as EU. To gain the EU market, US first needs to squeeze Russia out of it.

Now, isn’t it clear that US needs to do the following things:

1. Weaken EU, break EU’s will, subdue European countries – and make them buy more expensive gas contrary to EU’s interests.

2. Weaken Russian economy, vilify and discredit Putin, isolate and vilify Russia, so Russia can’t continue working with the EU, so consequently EU would be forced to buy expensive US gas, forsaking a much better deal it has with Russia presently.

3. Destabilize and destroy Ukraine, making it into a massive festering wound for both Russia and EU to deal with. Destabilization of Ukraine sabotages Russian gas supplies to the EU. In addition, the spinning of Ukraine as victim of the big, bad Russia also serves to create divisions and alienation on European continent.  This is a complete repeat of the Georgia 2008 scenario. See my predictions that came true: Striking geopolitical similarities: Sochi2014-Ukraine and #Beijing2008-Georgian war.

All the above US needs to do in order to make its grand plan of getting out of the crisis happen.

What is very important to understand is this: by making EU buy US shale gas, US not only solves its economic problems, but it also binds EU to itself irreversibly.

Once Russia has reoriented towards other markets, it will be hard to impossible to convince her to turn back. Russia is the historic and karmic global balancer. Hence, Russia’s re-orientations usually are precursors to big global changes to come. It is entirely in the interests of the EU to get closer to Russia, and that includes UK as well, although UK can serve as a bridge between US and new Europe. But it is entirely against the interests of the present-day US empire for any of that to happen. Living in peace and cooperation with the rest of the world is certainly in the best interests of the population of the USA.

Ideally, the US and those who still want to execute the US ‘full spectrum dominance’ global hegemony plans, want to convert the entire world into its vassals. I can tell you this will never happen, and perhaps those who formulate the insane US policies already get it on some level. At this time it appears the US is trying to inflict as much damage as possible on as many countries as possible as its plan B. And you know what, they are partially succeeding!

What we are observing is a war between the wounded, but very dangerous beast and the rest of the world.

Unfortunately, too many try to pretend this war doesn’t concern them. Some think they can remain on the beast’s side until tide changes and they can switch to the other side safely. It’s so much easier to have someone else fight your battles, incur hardship and losses, while you just arrive in the end and collect the trophies. This sounds like Romania, which first entered WWII on the side of the fascist Germany, occupying my city of Odessa, which was promised to Romania by Germany as one of the spoils of war. But when Germany started losing, Romania switched to the other side. And it sounds like US, who during the same WWII let the USSR bleed and fight until it became clear in 1944 that the USSR was winning, and that’s when US finally entered the war to collect their trophies.

rus bogatyr

Russian Vityaz’ – bogatyr’ (bogatyr’ means knight, protector; vityaz’ was a highly evolved master protector, whose powers were borderline mystical)

Yes, there are very few heroes. But Russia has no choice. Whether Russians want it or not, they are destined to always fight that dangerous beast that threatens to devour all. Russia’s is the hardest place to be. It is the hardest role to preserve balance in this crazy, unbalanced world. Allies are hard to come by, as usual. Few want to risk their lives and well-being to confront the beast; fewer still, have wisdom and foresight to do so successfully. Hiding out seems so much safer.

lord of the rings

I mentioned Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings for a reason. Tolkien, like Edgar Cayce before him, like other visionaries, such as Anastasia of Siberia (The Ringing Cedars) and Bulgarian Baba Vanga – and like yours truly – have been hinting at the same thing. The White City in The Lord of the Rings is written after Moscow (known historically as the White Stone City) and the ancient city of Great Novgorod. I write about that in Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs? The Return of the King refers to the return of Russia. You can find some of my predictions about Russia and the historic and karmic role of various parts of the world in Predictions.

Putin’s Move and Profitable Russia-Turkey Alliance

Instead of the cancelled South Stream, Russia and Turkey announced the construction of the new arm of the Blue Stream. Turkey is to become the Russian gas distribution hub for further sales to Europe, or to any other market. Russia is also to build a new energy system for Turkey. The new system will allow for a more flexible gas distribution by sea or pipeline, depending on demand.

It’s interesting how secret the Putin/Erdogan agreements were kept until the last moment.

It has to be noted that the new agreement between Putin and Erdogan was only possible after Putin created a new paradigm with the Caspian Sea powers, including Iran, and notably, Azerbaijan. This is also connected with SCO advancements and Eurasian Union (EAU). Turkey is very interested in being admitted into SCO and EAU. I can predict that at least the SCO announcement will come out soon. These events happened very quietly and went unnoticed in the West; and actually, Russia likes that. The quieter, the better. In reality, these events are very important. I spoke about them briefly before, and I will discuss them in more detail in one of my upcoming interviews next year.

Azerbaijan is an interesting factor here, as well as Syria, Iran and Gagauzia (autonomy within Moldova). All these are connected with Russia and each other via invisible but meaningful links.

Incidentally, I have some interesting interviews coming up next week and in January 2015. Stay tuned!

After everything that happened, it would be naive to think US wouldn’t make return moves. It is more difficult to understand why so many seemingly intelligent people in the EU and US allow themselves to be duped and manipulated time after time by thugs in the US Congress, Pentagon, White House, and by the shadow puppet masters.

The problem for Russia is this: the moment US starts making any threatening moves, all EU’s good intentions evaporate and they dutifully fall in line. They forget their own good and profit, their own reasoning as to how important the relations with Russia are, and start again playing a role of the US lap dog – or US vicious pit bull.

This is the chain of events the US is trying to provoke with this new hostile move:

US sends its weapons to the Ukraine junta. Kiev uses these more advanced and deadly weapons against civilians in Donbass. Russia has no choice but to match that to protect Donbass from complete annihilation. US and EU start yelling that Russia interferes in Ukraine.

Then US pressures EU into adopting a new round of sanctions, contrary to EU’s own interests. These sanctions will be equally damaging to both Russia and EU. The winner is US.

Next, relations between Russia and EU hit a new low as Russia has no choice but to reciprocate. US gets to twist the arm of the weakened EU even more efficiently. US can now sell its shale gas to the EU and no one makes a peep.

EU becomes fully dependent and therefore, subservient to the US. Will US continue escalating, while Russia has no choice but to adopt further protective measures? The trust between Russia and EU is gone. After EU business is forced to leave Russia having been squeezed out by the US/EU sanctions, there will be even less opposition to the US policy in the EU and fewer forces left to protest against it.

Repeat of WWI and WWII. The next step is, yet again, to pit Central and Western Europe against Russia.

Now, people, ask yourselves – how many of you want this kind of outcome? I can tell you that it would be the last war. This human civilization will not get another chance. I wrote about that in my mystical thriller THE EARTH SHIFTER.

I rest my case.

 Important announcement!

I wrote last time about the upcoming THE PUTIN ENIGMA Earth Shift Report. I am still working on it and it will come out in due time. There are so many ideas I need to reconcile/transfer into 3D language and reality for it to materialize. So, please be patient.

But I have great news! I will be releasing another Earth Shift Report soon, based on the hot and timely news that are hitting the wires! I am sure you will find this report extremely fascinating and eye-opening.

Are we in fact moving out of the physical and crude 3D warfare?

The new name of the game is…


Wars of the Future Past or What is 4D Warfare:

(Rocket Failures, MK Ultra, Cyber Spying, NSA, Stuxnet, Regin, more…)

This report will be available on It will be announced on this blog.

This report will be available to my readers for a donation – to be announced.

As a thank you to my supporters, this report will be free for those who have donated $50 or more, or for those who subscribed for a monthly donation – I will provide an email where you will be able to request your report.

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Putin Goes to Latin America: US Creates Wars – Russia Extends a Hand of Cooperation

Who would you pick as your friend?

Obama World's largest drug dealer

The country that bombs into oblivion whoever gets in its way – like #Afghanistan, #Iraq, #Serbia, #Libya, #Vietnam, #Korea, #Japan (with nukes); the country that spies on its friends, such as the newest in a barrage of NSA/CIA scandals of the US spying on Germany; the country that manipulates the whole world into submission with sanctions and threats?

France Russia

Russian President Putin meets French President Hollande in France

OR: The country that comes in peace and helps develop infrastructure, trade and mutually beneficial relations; the country that doesn’t start wars and works tirelessly to preserve peace for all, despite desperate attempts of some to start WWIII?

The answer should be clear even for the brainwashed, zombified and intimidated population of the West… I think it was always clear for Cubans.

I had been to Cuba, and met Fidel Castro, when I was barely 20. It’s a wonderful country with warm and hospitable population, romantic feel and the old world/new world charm. Due to the long-term extraction of the Cuban wealth by the US and later crippling embargo, Cuba is very poor. But Cubans never fret, making do with what little they have. One of their achievements is the exemplary FREE medical care. Another one, the best education system in Latin America. See my interviews, where I talk about Cuba: Feng Shui, Fidel Castro and Fascinating Predictions: Interview with Lada Ray AND The Earth Shifter, New Earth & Alternative Economy: Thought-provoking Interview with Lada Ray.

Clockwise from top left: El Capitolio, Museum of the Revolution, view of Malecón, lighthouse at El Morro, Havana Cathedral, Plaza Vieja and the Great Theatre of Havana

La Habana, Cuba: Clockwise from top left: El CapitolioMuseum of the Revolution, view of Malecón, lighthouse at El MorroHavana CathedralPlaza Vieja and the Great Theatre of Havana

I am looking at the footage of #Havana today (on video below) and see that, sadly, Cuba has become so much shabbier and poorer since I was there 20+ years ago. Cuba has great potential and it needs a leg up. This leg up comes in the form of a visit by the Russian President Vladimir #Putin. Cuba, where he has met with Raul #Castro (Fidel’s brother and the current head of the country) is the first stop on Putin’s extensive, week-long tour of Latin America.

Raúl Castro, July 2012.jpeg

Raúl Modesto Castro Rus

During the Cuban stop by Putin, Russia will write off 90% of Cuban debt, or $32bln of the total of $35bln. This is huge for a small, poor country like #Cuba. The rest of the debt will be invested in Cuban economy, which will give it a much-needed boost.

After this, Vladimir Putin will visit #Argentina where he’ll sign energy-related and trade expansion deals. Next is #Brazil, where he’ll watch the World Cup final, participate in the #BRICSbank creation, and discuss the information and security deals between Russia and Brazil with President Dilma #Rousseff. Rousseff joins the long list of heads of state-victims of the NSA wiretapping. In Brazil, Putin will also meet with a number of other Latin American heads of state to discuss various energy and investment deals.

Official portrait of Dilma Rousseff

Brazil President, Dilma Rousseff

Video report from RT:


Russia on the move!

The worldwide revolt against USA – the empire gone berserk – is mounting. USA, with its idiotic, arrogant, and belligerent policies, has angered pretty much everyone on the face of the Earth, and beyond. USA not only bombs anyone they don’t like into oblivion, it not only tries to strangle economies of countries it wants weakened or intimidated, but it spies even on staunch allies like Germany.

In Europe: #NSA spying on #Merkel and every German, plus the latest two German #CIA spy scandals, are just a tip of the iceberg. US has many more ‘assets’ in #Germany, and Germans are naive if they think they are in the clear. Outraged Germans announced that they will lift a ban on spying on Americans. Can you believe it – they actually had such a ban! Talk about one-way street!

Merkel 2

Angela Merkel

With one stroke USA just destroyed BNP #Paribas, the leading bank of another European ally, #France. All because France refused to destroy its economy and business credibility by forfeiting its scheduled 2 Mistral carriers delivery to Russia (as USA demanded), and the Russia-France banking deal that was in the works for years. US fined BNP Paribas $10bln for violating US sanctions regime against Russia, which essentially bankrupted the bank. In addition, US blocked France’s ability to use the international dollar exchange mechanism. In response to all that, the outraged France Finance Minister announced that his country will be seeking to trade outside of the US dollar, and will do everything to convince its partners in the EU to do the same.

In Russia, Siberia, Asia: Putin just announced that Russia would be investing $150bln in the ambitious construction of the new leg of the Baikal-Amur Railroad (BAM), taking this money off the table for US Treasury investment. See Russia’s NEW Ambitious Anti-Dollar Move: $150 bln Investment in Baikal-Amur Railroad. After US attempted to impose sanctions on Russia, Russia sold off most of its US Treasuries, which prompted the Belgian bond scandal. Pretty much everyone misinterpreted what happened when suddenly small #Belgium “purchased” US Treasuries for the amount that was bigger than its GDP. I solved the mystery and will have an article about that very soon, so stay tuned.

Putin also made a very successful pitch at the Bali Investment Conference, where he invited #Japan and #China to invest in the infrastructure development in #Siberia and the Far East. The interest is HUGE and Russia expects lots of money flowing in from China and Japan via Russia Direct Investment Fund.

And back to Europe. South Stream – (RussianЮжный Поток): Russia just signed a deal with #Austria regarding the #SouthStream gas pipeline construction. #Hungary and #Italy reconfirmed their commitment to South Stream. This comes on the heals of “uncle Sam” #McCain twisting poor #Bulgaria’s arm to say ‘no’ to South Stream going through Bulgarian territory, thus shooting itself in the foot. More about that here: ‘Gave Americans a Blow Job For Nothing?’ Polish FM Sikorski Leaked Tape Scandal.

But wait, seeing that everyone’s signing up for South Stream, Bulgaria has already managed to do a 180 degree flip! Now Bulgaria swears that they didn’t mean they didn’t want South Stream – turns out they meant they needed to consult with the EU to make sure everything was legal. And this is precisely why they needed to talk to US senator and the world’s biggest Russia-hater McCain, undoubtedly because he is the best expert on EU policy. Grotesque? Pitiful? All the above!

Russian FM #Lavrov just met with his counterpart in #Slovenia to sign the South Stream deal. Slovenian FM admitted that US put pressure on Slovenia not to sign the South Stream deal. US ambassador to Ljubljana even pressured Slovenian leadership not to receive Lavrov at all! This is the first admission of US pressure by a EU official. Despite that, #Slovenia signed up for South Stream. The neighboring #Serbia has already signed the 2.1 bln euro deal for building South Stream on its territory.

South Stream gas pipeline, designed to bypass #Ukraine, will take the capacity to blackmail Russia and EU away from the Kiev US stooges. It will increase the diversification and security of gas transit to Europe.

Proposed South Stream route

Gas transit/Russia/Ukraine Prediction: I said this before and I will reiterate: Russia will eventually phase out Ukraine as a transit artery for Russian gas to Europe. Ukraine proved to be an extremely unreliable transit country, prone to the outside manipulation, violence and outright theft. It will be a matter of time. After Ukraine no longer is a meaningful transit country, US/Kiev/EU will not have as much capacity to blackmail Russia on the gas front. At that point Ukraine will become uninteresting to the US and it will be simply abandoned like a used-up lemon. What the West is trying to achieve before they abandon Ukraine is destroy its economy. They are partially succeeding. How far they will get in the Ukraine economy destruction depends on how quickly Ukrainians wake up to the fact that they are being raped. More about Russia, Ukraine, USA, and other countries in PREDICTIONS.

Russian Presence in Latin America

Vladimir Putin’s trip to Latin America is very meaningful. He will meet with different leaders to discuss bilateral trade outside of the dollar system; creation and financing of the BRICS Bank to be juxtaposed to the rotten #IMF and World Bank system; energy and security projects; oil and gas field development.

Newest info: After Cuba, Putin made a surprise stop in Nicaragua. After that, he stopped in Buenos Aires, where he signed a number of energy and trade deals with President of Argentina, Cristina Kirchner. Argentina is very interested in increasing trade with Russia, which right now is only about $2bln. Incidentally, Russia Today (RT) office broadcasting in Spanish for Latin America will be located in Buenos Aires.

To say that Putin’s visit to Latin America has to do with the blatant US meddling in Ukraine, is to say nothing. Cubans, Venezuelans, Argentinians, Bolivians and other Latin Americans are so fed up with the US always IMPOSING something on them that they had been begging Russia for years to have tighter ties with them. Russia finally decided to take decisive steps to properly diversify its huge currency reserves away from the dying dollar. Russian currency reserves are around $450-500 bln. This is the third largest currency reserve in the world.

Instead of buying worthless US dollars or euros, investing these in the infrastructure projects inside the country, as well as in various infrastructure, development and natural resource projects in Latin America, Europe and Asia is THE WISE thing to do.

Russia is also considering reviving its military bases in Cuba, and that’s 100 miles from the US shore. Russia abandoned her bases pretty much everywhere in the world after Gorbachev came to power, but the US shameless interference in Ukraine and persistent attempts to drag #Georgia, #Moldova, and now Ukraine, into #NATO prompt Russia to rebuild her defenses against the super-bully of the world.

I am looking forward to seeing how Americans will enjoy having Russian military bases within 100 miles of their shores. Rest assured that Cuba isn’t the only country that would love to host Russian bases: #Venezuela, Argentina, #Bolivia and #Nicaragua all have issued a standing invitation.



Russia is giving an example of how to conduct her global affairs peacefully and cooperatively. But I seriously wouldn’t recommend the US and EU to continue stepping on Russia’s toes. The result is always the same: every aggression against Russia turns into a humiliating defeat and long-term disaster for the aggressor (think German aggression in 1941; think Napoleon aggression in 1812). I have to say the US is legendary for its survival instinct. This is precisely why they will never dare attack Russia directly. This is precisely why they always use proxies to do the dirty job for them. But someone who betrayed once, will betray again. US proxies eventually turn against them: think US-trained/financed Al-Qaeda & Taliban. And this is what will eventually happen with Ukraine and various US allies in the EU.


Expect Russia to create a new investment and business climate both inside the country and abroad, which will eventually result in a global shift of how things are done internationally. China is also working on same. COOPERATION, as opposed to confrontation, is the word that comes to mind.

#BRICS will slowly but surely fully develop the BRICS Bank, which will create a much more humane and forward-looking alternative to the existing rotten IMF/World Bank system.

The crumbling US dollar system will continue being undermined both inside and out by the idiotic actions of the US, and by the fed-up population of our planet that is gradually rebelling against the dollar slavery.


All of the above mega deals and projects will be financed outside of the dollar. This effectively means that less and less money will be fed to the US Treasuries, thus undermining the fake financial backbone of the US empire. These moves will gradually take away the US dollar status as reserve currency.

October 9, 2014. Read related: Vladimir Putin and President Cristina Kirchner of Argentina Inaugurate International Spanish RT Channel

Global Consequences: Russia Announces Eurasian Union and New Currency Altyn

On multiple prior occasions I have predicted that any sanctions against Russia by the West will only backfire, expediting Russia’s re-orientation to the East and the unavoidable re-molding of the Western financial/economic model.

Russia’s re-orientation and subsequent creation of the independent financial system is what the banksters of Wall Street and London City fear most. This will eventually result in a catastrophe for the US/UK and EU, except for those European countries that succeed in re-orienting their economies to the East. Meanwhile, Russia, China and other countries in the Eurasian space, will benefit tremendously. Read: Ukraine Part 7: Russia’s Geopolitics, USA’s Bluff and EU’s Big Mistake.

The US and EU can be proud: as a result of their aggressively provocative behavior and the double standards galore, they managed to expedite the process by at least ten years. Read the rest of this entry