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Omen? Paris Notre-Dame – 800 Years of History Burned! Europe Forgot Its True Roots

After my earlier positive post: Way to Start a Monday! Watch How Parrot Plays Peek-a-Boo with Neighbor’s Cat

didn’t want to talk about this… But, that’s life and this just in.

The symbol and pride of Paris, Notre-Dame, is on fire! Sad… Hope no casualties.

Live feed – ongoing:

LATEST: disaster! Notre-Dame seems being destroyed – its Spire collapses!

Too early to talk about who, how and why, and I know a lot of people don’t like hearing the truth; they prefer to hold on to the image of what is familiar to them and/or what used to be a long time ago

BUT! The truth is: France isn’t what it used to be and it presently calibrates surprisingly low; this manifests in various problems, from the population’s hardship and protests to the oligarchic frontman Macron.

And now Notre-Dame: things like this are omens of changes (to put it mildly) to come. Remember 9/11? The US and the whole world changed dramatically after that!

The spire on above video collapsing: does that remind you of 9/11 by any chance? Notre-Dame is to Paris what the Twin Towers used to be to New York. Think about it for a minute!

I often talk about Inverted Collapse of the West. And I talk about Period 8 and Period 9 Predictions.

And you know my Earth Shift theory + many forecasts and predictions.

As you know, my specialty is also Quantum Calibrations, which reveal the underlying truths.

READ: France/Macron/Yellow Vest CHAPTER, complete WITH CALIBRATIONS & PREDICTIONS in new book:


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Some of the key analysis and predictions re. Macron (and Trump!) are here: 










Russian Anthem on Hudson

Just a very beautiful comment from our supporter. And my reply. Plus a nice surprise below: Americans sing Russian Anthem in NYC and NJ to honor the victims of the Tu-154 tragedy.

timtolzmann Lada, are you okay? I hope you and your husband are well, and that all is well for you. Thank you for all you have done for us. I recently read ESR15. Mr. Putin could put the United States nuclear powered electric lights out. I am a United States person. I hope we will all wake up soon from our dream world. I am sorry for the actions internally and externally of my press and government. At least those of the president and the political parties. Your blog is very beautiful and lovely. It is so nurturing. Blessings to you and yours, and to our world.

Lada’s reply

Thank you for asking, Tim, and thanks for the wonderful words. I’ve been busy traveling. In NYC now; among other things, visiting Chinatown before the Chinese New Year for some supplies for the upcoming Year of the Fire Rooster. Very disappointing: Chinatown really lost a lot of authenticity since I was there last.

I’ll share with you all some highlights soon. Also stay tuned for the brand new Prosperity Rituals for the Chinese New Year and beyond.

In addition, I had the chance to observe the state of the New York City infrastructure vs. Russian and Chinese infrastructure. Very educational. Thinking about doing a talk about it on my YT channel, but afraid my many dear American followers won’t be happy about the comparisons.

Be back online very soon.

Blessings right back to all my wonderful readers, listeners and supporters!

Russian Anthem on Hudson: some faith in Americans restored?

First, a little pre-history:

Global Russian song flash mob

The Russian song flash mob that began in Zaporozhie, Kharkov, Odessa and Moscow in November 2016, since then spread all over the world. By the beginning of January 2017 it saw hundreds of surprising, fresh, talented and touching grassroots performances in Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Pridnestrovie, DLPR, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Australia, Spain, The Netherlands, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Finland, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Czechia, Slovakia, Egypt, Syria and other countries. From capitals to small villages, in airports, bus and train stations, or simply in the great outdoors, the flash mob shows no signs of abating.

This is my original post about the very first Russian song flash mobs: Beautiful Russian-Soviet Song Flash Mobs Unite Russians and Ukrainians Against Kiev Junta Hatred

Ever since, there were many more – some pretty amazing.

In Ukraine, under the ukro-nazi regime, participating in the Russian song flash mob is extremely dangerous. There were a number of instances when flash mob participants were threatened and attacked; in at least one instance they endured grave physical assault. Those brave people still came out and sang, despite risks. In some countries Russians and people from different countries beautifully sang together, in multiple languages. This was the case in Germany, Australia, Italy, Czechia, Slovakia, Moldova, Latvia, etc. Some of the most touching flash mobs took place in Donetsk – DPR and Lugansk – LPR, where people first-hand witnessed death and destruction, yet found the strength to sing. Some of the most beautiful flash mobs were performed in the fairytale St. Petersburg, and some of the coolest, Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

Many countries had multiple Russian song flash mobs; Canada alone as of now had at least four. The list of countries that joined the Russian flash mob continues growing. But from that list, two are conspicuously missing: USA and UK.

The Russian population in both countries is quite substantial, and perhaps – I thought – it is a testament to the quality of said population in these two countries.

Why are there Russophobic ‘Russians’ in the US?

I was asked more than once by my readers who live in the UK or US why the ‘Russians’ they meet are Russophobic. Here is your answer: unfortunately, for years there has been an artificial selection at work, as a result of which a very specific kind of Russians were welcomed and encouraged to settle in the US and UK: those who hate Russia. Certainly, not everyone is like that, and there are exceptions, but chances are you will see a disproportionate number of those who push anti-Russian and anti-Putin agenda. This is especially true for the so-called ‘Russian’ TV and media in the US, as well as any sort of social and political organizations. These organizations receive grants from the US government, as well as Soros, various US NGOs and American Zionist organizations, such as Chabad (I wrote about Chabad and its global role in ESR6: Ukraine New Khazarian Khaganate). Therefore, they are beholden to their masters and agendas those masters push.

It really bears to mention that the situation is exactly the same with Chinese media and organizations in the US. Many Chinese-Americans boycott the Chinese-American TV for being China-phobic, watching only mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan TV.

In other words, due to their sanctified anti-Russian (and anti-other-countries) agenda, the US/UK usually favor, breed and multiply a very specific type of people.

It is especially visible with those ‘Russians’ whom US elites, media and political class allow to be visible. These are the kinds of Russians, such as Gary Kasparov (who really is half-Azerbaijani and half-Jewish), who gave advice to the US to subvert Ukraine and who promised to the US that anti-Russian sanctions would result in Russia falling apart within a few short years. Of course, nothing of the sort happened.

The US (and UK too) has been stepping on this rake since Iraq: US/UK attacked Iraq in part based on self-serving advice from Saddam Hussein’s enemies who were given asylum in the US and who had personal score to settle with Saddam. The result is well-known.

Surprise: Russian Anthem on Hudson

It seemed bizarre that so many people all over the world found time, courage and enthusiasm to sing Russian songs, yet… absolute silence in the US. I was still curious when, if ever, anyone in the US – Russians, Americans, robots, Martians, anyone??… – will come out with some sort of Russian song. It never happened.

Then, just as Christmas and New Year’s began, the terrible tragedy of the Tu-154 happened, killing all on board, including 64 members of the Aleksandrov Red Army Ensemble, and the well-known humanitarian activist Liza Glinka.

Full story:

(Incidentally, I remember that I promised my own version of the Tu-154 catastrophe: was it an accident or terrorist attack? And how it was done? I didn’t want to spoil the holidays with such sad and gruesome story. But I’ll have it soon.)

After that, just before New Year’s Obama and his handlers expelled 35 Russian diplomats and their families, giving them no time to pack and gather their belongings, properly get children out of school, terminate their leases, settle financial affairs and close bank accounts. The majority of these people had to spend New Year holiday on a plane, having been thrown out of the country together with their little children.


I Hate Being Right! Obama/US expel 35 Russian diplomats. Lada Ray analysis and calibrations

Lada Ray Reveals Putin’s Secret! Why Putin Did Nothing After US Expelled 35 Russian Diplomats?

And suddenly, something surprising happened, something that – perhaps just a tiny bit – restored some faith in the USA and Americans. Americans (not Russians) gathered near the Russian Consulate in NYC and sang Russian Anthem to commemorate the victims of the Tu-154 catastrophe.

Here is this video. The singers from the NY Schiller Institute Choir have very nice voices and sing with their hearts. There is an American accent, but it is clear that they know what they are singing and are doing it very well. Let me also mention that the wind in Manhattan was very strong and it was freezing that day. Also notice a nice touch: the singers wear the beloved Russian symbol of victory, black and gold striped bands (Georgievskaya Lentochka). Bravo for all that!

A few days later, the same NY Schiller Institute Choir performed on the New Jersey side of Hudson River, by the Tear Drop Memorial installed on the Hudson bank, overlooking Manhattan and the former site of the New York Twin Towers. The Tear Drop monument was the post 9/11 gift from the Russian people to the American people. It was shyly tucked away on the opposite side of the river by NY and US authorities.

tear-drop-monument NJ 9 11

You can read the whole story of the monument here: The Neglected Russian Gift to the American People, Geopolitics of the Middle East and Putin

The singers were joined by the New Jersey police and firemen. This second appearance was again dedicated to the Tu-154 catastrophe and memory of the Red Army Choir. I have to say that after this my opinion of the NJ police and firemen went up significantly. Notice by the way, the ceremony is taking place during the major blizzard and snow storm we had in NY and NJ that day. It was so bad that there were deaths in some areas.

There is a multi-part video, which you can follow here: Schiller Institute sang in honor of Alexandrov Ensemble at 9/11 Tear Drop Memorial (part 1 of 3)


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What Really Happened on 9/11? Telling Video Compilation

Reblogged from Talesfromthelou: 9/11: The Farce Has Gone on Way Too long

The 9/11 false flag operation will not go away until the real culprits are brought to justice. Until then, all we can do is document the evidence against the official story and wait. If you truly believe that a “terrorist” planned all this from a cave in Afghanistan, you are not thinking straight and proper.

Aired once and never aired again:

Here’s a good 3 min 9/11 clip worth seeing!

‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ clip – My Pet Goat. Bush’s first response to 9/11 news: 



See original!

Also go to Lada Ray Blog for the cutest new videos of adorable, loving and loyal animals!


The Neglected Russian Gift to the American People, Geopolitics of the Middle East and Putin

First, let me introduce you to this post on the Way of the Love BlogTHIS IS ABSOLUTELY APPALLING & AMERICANS, YOU NEED TO TAKE NOTE! In it, Nancy says:

tear-drop-monument NJ 9 11

“Russia, President Putin, and her people constructed this beautiful 100 ft. teardrop monument in memory of those killed on 9/11… shipped it to America in huge segments … the artist came too to oversee its compilation and erection … the Russian people paid for it out of private funds.

The Zionist controlled US media gives the beautiful memorial, dedicated by Putin, a total silent treatment. The monument is barely known, even among local residents of Bayonne [where it is located]! … The base of the monument is surrounded by a marble wall with the names of the 3000 victims engraved in alphabetical order.” IT WAS GIFT FROM RUSSIA ON THE 5TH ANNIVERSARY OF 9/11, THUS 2004, & AMERICANS STILL DON’T KNOW IT EXISTS!!!!!!


teardropgiftsign 9 11

Thanks, Nancy, for posting this, and for caring. I can add a few facts and thoughts. 

The monument was constructed by Zurab Tsereteli. He is most known for the gigantic sculpture of Peter the Great standing on his ship on Moscow’s Moskva River embankment, also installed in the early 2000s. It is located across from the iconic Christ the Savior Cathedral, rebuilt in the 1990s. Christ the Savior is the seat of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Here is the photo of the embankment, including both the giant Peter statue and the beautiful cathedral. moscow-river

Tsereteli is known for his gigantic works. Many at the time argued that the giant Peter statue, dwarfing nearby structures, was too huge and therefore would disrupt the carefully preserved historic skyline. However, after years of argument it has become a well-recognized integral part of Moscow. Something similar once happened to the Eiffel Tower.

Living and working between NYC and NJ, I knew about the sculpture being sent to the US as a gift. The problems started right away. New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani didn’t want to accept the gift, saying there was no place to put it. Some were saying the monument was ugly. I am looking at it and I am very sensitive to any ugliness or falsehood. I do not see anything objectionable in it. I actually think it’s very appropriate for the occasion. However, the debates went on and finally they decided to place it on the NJ side’s river bank, overlooking Manhattan. As Nancy pointed out, the place is such that it’s absolutely hidden from view from any roads and it’s not marked on any maps. Most of NJ is gentrified and very expensive, except a few depressed slums, industrial and highly polluted areas. The city of Bayonne is one of those areas, polluted since early industrial age. The impression was that they hid the monument in a place where they knew no one would go, on a piece of land that was basically worthless (well, they did clean it up a little to install the monument).

I would venture to say that the US attitude at the time towards the Russian people’s sincere gift was one of those last straws that eventually broke the camel’s back. Such attitude convinced even the most naive Russians that there was no way of reasoning with the US.

Incidentally, after 9/11, Putin was the first head of state who called Bush to express his condolences for the loss of life. Very few remember this, but that was the time when Putin was trumpeted in the US media is something akin to the messiah of Russia and American elites’ best friend. Keep reading to find out why it was and what happened next.

At the time, I worked at one of Smith Barney’s branches in NJ. I had a lot of clients and friends who were directly or indirectly touched by the 9/11 tragedy. For us it wasn’t just something in the news – we lived it, and my memory is still vivid.

As a matter of fact, the morning of 9/11 I was supposed meet with a client, whose office was in the former Century 21 building (those who are familiar with pre-9/11 New York would know what I am talking about). It was a building directly across the street from the Twin Towers. I was supposed to meet with her at 9 am. She cancelled the day before, saying she needed to fix some problems at home. She didn’t show for work and I didn’t take the Path Train, which terminated in the basement of the Twin Towers. We both avoided a very close brush with 9/11.

I remember how after the tragedy we all felt sorrowful and indignant at the nonsensical loss of life and destruction in the heart of New York, where till then we all felt safe.

For years, I couldn’t look in the direction where Twin Towers used to be. Walking anywhere in Manhattan where before I’d have a view of the towers, I would purposefully look the other way. Only once I went to the vicinity of Ground Zero. Despite all the usual surrounding noise and Manhattan’s frantic traffic, the place was filled with eerie energetic silence. The energy there was dark and dense with sorrow, as if all life was sucked out of it. I never since went back and told my client that we could meet anywhere else but there.

The place has since been re-built, but I still avoid it. There is nothing for me there; nothing is left of the place I remember. To give you an idea, the calibration of the 9/11 Ground Zero area is presently: 85 – grief.

At the time, for work I still watched CNBC and followed other financial MSM. After Putin came out with his condolences, CNBC hosts were saying, ‘This guy is just brilliant, he doesn’t miss a beat.’ Putin was en vogue on Wall Street and those who pulled the strings actually thought they had just acquired one more willing American vassal.

I know for a fact that Putin and Russians felt very sincere sympathy towards the American people after 9/11, having perceived it as a real terrorist attack. As usual for Russians, they attempted to establish a bridge based on common interests – fighting terrorism.

Russia at the time just started recovering after the tragic and debilitating civil war in Chechnya, which only Putin was able to turn around. It was well-known that Al Qaeda and imported Islamic extremists were behind most terrorist acts Russia went through at the time. They honestly thought that Russia and US could be allies in fighting the mushrooming global terrorism. Putin tried to extend a hand and make a sincere gesture.

Of course, Russian leadership knew that US was in fact behind the creation and financing of these Islamic extremist organizations that infiltrated Caucasus to wreak havoc. But it was hoped at the time that since US also suffered a terrorist attack, it would influence the US leadership to change their mind against continuing to vilify Russia; that it would redirect bylateral relations towards cooperating in the fight against Islamic terrorism.

This goal was partially achieved. After 9/11 and sympathetic Russian response, US had no choice but to stop trumpeting Chechen terrorists as freedom fighters, and began labeling them as terrorists.

As a result of the US support withdrawal, terrorist acts in Caucasus and elsewhere in Russia slowly diminished and almost disapeared in time. This essentially confirmed for everyone how much such extremist organizations rely on US support. It also confirmed that without US support they couldn’t exist in the magnitude we are observing now.

Of course, later it came out that the whole 9/11 thing was an inside job created in order to drag the populations of US, UK and the West into the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

If US was able to sneak in Afghanistan invasion when the world was still in shock over 9/11, the Iraq caused huge resistance all over the world. The US went in anyway, thus completely destroying the international relations checks and balances of the past 50+ years. It went into Iraq over the objections of the UN, Security Council veto, and protests of its own allies.

The entire plan for the Middle East blitzkrieg takeover, akin to the German Nazi Plan Barbarossa, included 7 countries. If you recall, I once posted a video of how US Gen. Wesley Clark revealed this plan in 2007. I also had a later video with the same Gen. Clark being very tight-lipped when asked about it. I remember thinking at the time that they got to him. I recently heard the same Gen. Clark saying just the opposite of what he used to say. Perhaps, Gen. Clark got his price.

Both videos are here: Vladimir Putin’s Message: Part 2

What were the 7 countries US was supposed to invade to ensure its continuing world dominance? These included: Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Somalia and Sudan.

The Middle East was sent the message: either submit and stay obedient slaves of the US, or you will be conquered. However, not all went according to plan. Some of the obedient Western vassals, such as France and Germany, became squeamish, so the ‘coalition of the willing’ turned out a little skimpy.

But most importantly, there was the factor of Russia and Putin. Putin played it perfectly, by being a good boy the West would love… until his power in the country consolidated, and Russia got strong enough.

People often ask me how and why did they let Putin come to power and stay in power, if he was such a threat to them? The answer in short: they simply didn’t see it coming. This was the brilliance of Putin and those who brought him to power – they counted on the outward appearances being such as to fool their adversaries, until it was time for Putin to act.

Those who aren’t very profound thinkers mistook that for Putin being part of NWO. This hoax had been circulating till very recently, until I dispelled it in IS PUTIN PART OF NWO?

This is the answer in short. The long and much deeper answer is coming in the THE PUTIN ENIGMA.


THE PUTIN ENIGMA Earth Shift Report is coming later in the year (Sorry everyone for the delay. It takes a long time to mastermind and write any Earth Shift Report. It’s partially done. I will finish it as soon as I have a long enough stretch of time to do so).


The Middle East was and continues being one of the two most important geopolitical pressure points of our planet, the other one being the Black Sea/Ukraine/Eastern Mediterranean area. Both fault lines are located next to each other, overlapping and interacting closely.

While the Middle East is mainly about oil, containing of China and Russia, and creating as much chaos as possible on the planet, the Black Sea-Eastern Mediterranean stretch is about the dominion over Europe, attempting to weaken and destroy Russia and Russia’s allies, preventing China from building the New Silk Road, as well as European gas and oil arteries.

The fight over lifelines (the old trade routes are now the pipelines) going through these same areas is very old. Both pressure points are about the life or death of the dollar-based system and about who will control Eurasia. Because, as we know, he who controls Eurasia, controls the world.

I said this before and I’ll say it again: This is why it is absolutely crucial for Eurasia to unite. It is only because of petty resentments and divisions that they are able to manipulate people into wars. People cannot be manipulated when they calibrate on the level 200 or better. Manipulation becomes a non-issue when anger, jealousy and resentment in human relations are discarded, being replaced with cooperation, good will, acceptance and reason.


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