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Very Special Earth Shift Webinar 14 IS HERE! Period 9 Shift & the Dawn of the Age of Aquarius: 2020-2026 TIMELINE PREDICTIONS!


The final webinar of Series 3 is here, and it’s very special!

If you just listen to one out of 4 in this series, this is it!



Period 9 Shift & the Dawn of the Age of Aquarius:


How Neptune, Saturn & Period 9 Shift ​Will Change Everything

Early bird price extended to July 30, 2020 – will go up after!

Lada Ray Patrons receive special deep discount: GO HERE






ESW14 WEBINAR DURATION: 3 hrs 48 min

P1 – 35 min
P2 – 49 min
P3 – 23 min
P4 – 1 hr 5 min
P5 – 25 min
P6 Q&A – 31 min



If you just buy one Series 3 webinar, this is it! My favorite of the bunch, it contains absolutely unique and never shared before info. I reveal much more about my System of 20-Year Periods and how the Earth Shift, Galactic Dawn and the Dawn of the Age of Aquarius coincide to create a magical shift in consciousness towards a new reality! I tell you about pivotal historic events of our past that confirm the amazing accuracy of the System of Periods. We talk about the timing of changes and shifts during the 2020-2026 timeline and well beyond that, up to 2044! I reveal why this particular period is so special, karmically important and earth shifting! Last but not least, we discuss various countries, regions and continents, where I see the energy flowing and what to expect in the next 6+ years!

This webinar is a tremendous value. While being based in practical reality and geopolitics/economics, this multidimensional predictive work includes my esoteric, metaphysical, astrological and numerological data you won’t find elsewhere! It also includes a brief crash course into the Feng Shui theories of 5 Elements, 8 Directions & Aspirations, Chinese Numerology, and the secrets of Lada Ray’s System of 20-Year Periods!

My list of best places to relocate or retire may surprise you, blow your mind, or become a confirmation of what you knew deep down!

Q&A section: 

  • Answering great questions from: Maddie, Stella & Gary, Seeker, George, Anthony & bonus question from John C.


Huge sale: 40-75% on EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS & MANIFESTATION & PROSPERITY RITUALS! Most of these have never before been on sale! And there has never been such big discount on Lada Ray products! Check it out!

Huge value! MEGA-SALE 75% OFF!​ 




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My latest unique and in-depth Patreon features, articles and reports you do not want to miss!


My Regular Patreon Followers Enjoy These Amazing Features:

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By now we have nearly 200 unique and important articles and posts! Amazing, personalized, value-added interaction and the coolest community of advanced and smart people! Huge volume of mind-blowing, in-depth and consciousness-expanding writing! A feast of my exclusive multidimensional intel, analysis, insight and wisdom you won’t find anywhere else!

A small sampling of latest in-depth articles and reports you don’t want to miss!

QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS: Nigeria and S. Africa – Countries, Leaders, Armies (Double Post!)

What Is Happening with Brazil Elections & Bolsonaro? + Brazil Economy/Currency & the Role of the US (Ask Lada + Predictions)

Finally! Russia Imposes Mass Sanctions Against Ukraine! (Lada’s Commentary + UPCOMING!)

Cuban Missile Crisis-2? Trump Threatens Russia & China! (LADA’S CONCLUSIONS)

Global Religious War for Russian Orthodox Church Has Begun! (Intel, Analysis, my advice to Russia + NEW PREDICTIONS!)

Stakes Are Up! Russian S-300 Close Skies Over Syria, But USA/Israel/Ukraine Collude! (Very Important Intel!)

Forbidden History & Linguistics: The Real Meaning of ‘Russian Pravoslavnaya Church’

How Religion Came to Be? Is Organized Religion Good or Evil? The Cosmic Multidimensional Vedic Perspective (Ask Lada)

How to Keep Inner Peace & Have Restful Sleep: for People Grid Holders, Stabilizers & Bridges!

QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS: Australia, Australian PM & Army (w. TRIPLE Bonus: My Calibration Secrets, the Problem With Western Democracy & Predictions!)

And so much more, including many FREE POSTS!





Before we proceed, I have a favor to ask of my valued readers and followers! This is a new interview format. I want to conduct a mini-poll, which will help me determine whether to do more of these in the future, or not. I greatly appreciate your input. Feel free to answer all or some of these questions:

1. Do you prefer my Interviews in Video or Audio format?

2. Do you like the format of the video interview below?

3. How do you like my audio interview format with The Plane Truth/Time Monk Radio? Check out examples: single Excerpt AND my full recent interview: Shifting Energies, Dark Cabals, and a Rebalancing World –with Lada Ray.

4. How do you like my dialogue with Az format? Such as in the YT excerpt HERE, and such as in WEBINARS.

5. Do you subscribe to Lada Ray YouTube Channel?

6. Do you subscribe to FuturisTrendcast?

Please post your answers in COMMENTS! Thank you!


New VIDEO interview ‘Lada Ray: Russia The Great Balancer’

I had previously refused video interviews and did only audio, till recently. This is my first video interview in a long time. Shall we call it a rehearsal? Let’s see how it came out.

My host Denny Hunt took quite a poetic license with the intro. Many thanks to Denny for a beautiful choice of music: one of the best lyrical songs ever written: #Moscownights.
And thanks for the wonderful words and heartfelt introduction!

In the interview we discuss why some people in the West feel a mysterious connection to Russia when they seemingly have no Russian heritage. What is behind this attraction — past lives? Or is it the fact that people are awakening to the fact that Russia – The Great Balancer is the only force on the planet which can provide stability and balance? We also discuss: the forbidden history of Russia and how the history of the world was falsified; The New Chronology by Fomenko and Nosovsky, and how and why 1000 years were added to the so-called ‘medieval times’ in the West, while Russian history was simultaneously shortened by a 1000 years or more. We have even ventured into Denny’s own Russian past lives (which explains his mystical attraction to Russia), and mentioned a few of my past lives…

I’d promised the New Chronology link to my interviewer, and here it is: (Fomenko/Nosovsky New Chronology). Incidentally, this link does appear on FT RESOURCES page on top navigation bar. Who knows what other treasures you may uncover there, if you really look. 😉

If you have a YouTube account, you may want to like this interview by clicking HERE!

Also, you can watch this lively, interactive interview directly on YouTube

This interview: ‘Lada Ray: Russia The Great Balancer’ has also been posted on Denny Hunt’s WhyIsThisTrue? site:…/

Subscribers to Lada Ray YoutTube Channel  can access this video interview at any time via Lada Ray page by scrolling down to Lada Ray Interviews Playlist. In this playlist you’ll also find my other interviews and interview excerpts.

I am also including an abbreviated version of the YT Video Description for those who want these links and reference. The links include my Predictions pages and articles referenced in the interview.

Published on Aug 1, 2017

Lada Ray Russia/ The Great Balancer 30July2017

Welcome Lada Ray the voice for
Russia as the Great Balancer

Lada Ray, M.A.
Creator of the Earth Shift — Great Balancer,
Multi-Dimensional & Quantum/Geo Calibrations Theories

Internationally recognized for her accurate global predictions
Quantum Futurist & Trendcaster
Internationally Certified Feng Shui Master
Geopolitical Analyst
Financial Consultant
Claircognizant Empath
Intellect Shifter & ​Earth Shifter




Lada Ray YT



Lada’s signature theories on

Earth Shift System, Multidimensional Universe and Russia the Great Balancer…

Lada Ray Predictions links:

On FuturisTrendcast…


Anyone interested can go to the above links for various predictions. Many more predictions are found in each Earth Shift Report and Earth Shift Webinar, as well as many FuturisTrendcast (FT) articles.

Look for predictive articles under FT CATEGORIES:

Predictions 2012
Predictions 2013
Predictions 2014 & Long-Term (LATEST ARE HERE)

FT articles applicable to both Russia and the Goddess/sacred feminine discussions:

Forbidden History: Russian Truth Code and Goddess Lada…

Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs?…

Overall, FuturisTrendcast has nearly 700 Lada Ray articles (and growing!) on topics ranging from geopolitics and forbidden history, to Earth Shift, quantum calibrations and multidimensional universe. I encourage everyone to explore them! New original Lada Ray articles and important updates are posted several times a week!




​​​​Save $56 on 3 WEBINAR SERIES (ESW2, ESW3, ESW4 + FREE bonus ESW5) — and get the full picture!

Order individual webinars:



Lada Ray~ During COLLAPSE how will Toronto/Canada fare vs USA?

In ESW3: THE FUTURE OF MONEY we’ll discuss in detail what to expect as a result of Canada’s and Australia’s real estate bubbles, complete with Lada’s timeline and predictions. We’ll also calibrate more extensively various world countries in upcoming Earth Shift Webinars 3 and 4, and we’ll talk about what Lada foresees for different countries, including, USA, Canada and many more in ESW4: LADA RAY PERIOD 8 GLOBAL PREDICTIONS!

EARTH SHIFT REPORT 17: Quality of Life Worldwide: Lada Ray Geo Calibrations and Interpretations



​​​​SUBSCRIBE TO 3 WEBINAR SERIES (ESW2, ESW3, ESW4 + FREE bonus ESW5) — and get the full picture!

Or order individual webinars:



If you are not subscribed yet to LadaRayYT Channel, you may want to do so. We’ll be posting Lada’s videos, Q&A, quantum and geo calibrations, interview and talk snippets several times a week. Don’t miss!

Webinars      Earth Shift Report

Moldova President Igor Dodon Issues Bold Indictment to the West. Ukraine update.

It was a very brave and bold move by the new Moldavian president Igor Dodon. He was invited personally by Putin to the St. Petersburg Economic Forum 2017 as one of the keynote speakers, together with the PM of India Modi and new president of Austria. Dodon made his 10 minute speech, which sounded more like a direct indictment to the West for interfering in Moldova’s affairs and trying to sell the country to Romania, to a standing ovation by some and to stunned silence by others in the audience. After the speech, Putin personally shook Dodon’s hand and commented on how he ‘ignited the audience.’

You may recall that I spoke about Dodon and made predictions about Moldova in some of my 2015-16 articles on FT and in Earth Shift Report 8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT.

The situation in Moldova is developing as predicted. Have a listen to this important update.

Also in this update: Ukraine news and who is Viktor Medvedchuk — the name of a Ukrainian politician to remember, just in case he becomes next president of Ukraine.


If you are not subscribed yet to LadaRayYT Channel, you may want to do so. We’ll be posting Lada’s videos, Q&A, quantum and geo calibrations, interview and talk snippets several times a week. Don’t miss!


*** Read my extensive and very educational — for those who really want to know the truth — comment about Romania in this post’s COMMENT SECTION.



​​​​SUBSCRIBE TO 3 WEBINAR SERIES (plus bonus ESW5) — and get the full picture!

Or order individual webinars:



Webinars      Earth Shift Report

Crucial Difference: The Great Earth Shift vs New Age ‘Ascension.’ How I see humanity’s future?


Please share this free video and subscribe to Lada Ray YT Channel!




On your exclusive LINKS & NEWS PAGE, we have posted an advanced update on the preliminary release dates for the upcoming Earth Shift Webinars 3 and 4, THE FUTURE OF MONEY and LADA RAY PERIOD 8 PREDICTIONS! We’ve also posted an advanced notice re. the FREE Live Follow-Up Q&A Webinar! Visit your LINKS Page to see this info! MORE TO COME SOON!



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Webinars      Earth Shift Report




1st in the series Earth Shift Webinar 2 Inverted Collapse:  RELEASE JUNE 9-10, 2017!


Dear friends, summer vacation time is approaching. I know how all of you love having fun and going away to relax and unwind.

But do you know what I also know? On average humans spend 10 times more time planning their vacation than planning their future. Meanwhile, a clear-minded knowledge and future planning is more important than ever… so you can continue enjoying your future vacations!

Planet Earth is going through a tectonic shift of timelines, consciousness and reality. There is no corner of the world that will not be touched by The Great Earth Shift as it unfolds in front of our very eyes. One day we’ll wake up and fail to recognize the world around us. Unless we are prepared.

At this time, like never before, one has to plan for the future. If we have a clear idea of what our near and far future really holds, we have a much better chance of coming out of the Earth Shift not only unscathed, but perhaps as big winners, won’t you agree? By being prepared and holding the true knowledge, you can also help those around you when they most need help.

Many of you who have been following me for a while are familiar with my futurist predictions and my accuracy track record. Many of you are also familiar with my BOOKS, EARTH SHIFT THEORIES, QUANTUM/GEO CALIBRATIONS, EARTH SHIFT REPORTS  and the TRUMP EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR.

However, I can assure you that I’ve only scratched the surface of everything I know and foresee. Since 2016 I’ve been planning this new series of 3 exclusive EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS. They will reveal much more than ever before of my theories, futurist trendcasts and predictions.

These three EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS are my best learning courses yet, coupled with more important predictions and revelations than ever before. An investment in them is an investment in true knowledge that will serve you well for years to come — knowledge you won’t find anywhere else!


Pre-order each webinar individually or subscribe to 3 Webinar Series!

First in the 2017 series is ESW2: INVERTED COLLAPSE — release: June 8-10, 2017. Subsequent webinars will be released monthly.


ESW2: INVERTED COLLAPSE (USSR’s past – West’s future)
ESW3: THE FUTURE OF MONEY (Lada Ray predictions)
ESW4: LADA RAY PERIOD 8 GLOBAL PREDICTIONS (Ancient Eastern System of Earth Cycles)

ALL ABOUT NEW EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS​! (timing, structure, delivery, payment, Q&A, etc)




You get $27 discount, first access to webinars when they come out,
and first opportunity to ask Lada questions she’ll answer during each webinar (first 10-12 subscribers)!​




Why Dmitry Orlov’s Reinventing Collapse and various gurus’ predictions were so wrong?
Why USA and the West haven’t collapsed yet, and will it ever happen?
If so, what is the timeline of the Inverted Collapse, how it will unfold,
and what can you do to be prepared
​Dark State and the secret mechanisms that rule USA
The real truth about the USSR, its goals and structures
Why and how did the USSR really collapse
Geopolitical-economic parallels and distinctions: the USSR collapse vs. the USA collapse
Geopolitical-economic parallels and distinctions: the 1980s-1990s situation in Eastern Europe vs. today’s EU
Why I call it the ‘INVERTED COLLAPSE’
How it all fits into Lada Ray Multi-Dimensional and the 3D Yin-Yang World theory
​How it all fits into the Great Earth Shift  — Great Balancer theory
How will Russia, China, EAU, SCO and BRICS fare; why are they not more aggressive in advancing the Earth Shift
As a bonus, we’ll include some relevant Quantum and Geo Calibrations

Participant questions answered in Part 2




Last but no least,

Lada Ray wants to extend a very special offer to her regular monthly donors!

Additional $20 off for 3 WEBINAR SERIES SUBSCRIPTION ($47 total discount from the individual prices of 3 webinars)

or $10 discount each for ESW2 and ESW3. (There is no additional discount for ESW4 as it’s already discounted to $39)

We will email this special offer to all our monthly contributors. Please check your Paypal email this weekend for your personal invitation.


Russian Anthem on Hudson

Just a very beautiful comment from our supporter. And my reply. Plus a nice surprise below: Americans sing Russian Anthem in NYC and NJ to honor the victims of the Tu-154 tragedy.

timtolzmann Lada, are you okay? I hope you and your husband are well, and that all is well for you. Thank you for all you have done for us. I recently read ESR15. Mr. Putin could put the United States nuclear powered electric lights out. I am a United States person. I hope we will all wake up soon from our dream world. I am sorry for the actions internally and externally of my press and government. At least those of the president and the political parties. Your blog is very beautiful and lovely. It is so nurturing. Blessings to you and yours, and to our world.

Lada’s reply

Thank you for asking, Tim, and thanks for the wonderful words. I’ve been busy traveling. In NYC now; among other things, visiting Chinatown before the Chinese New Year for some supplies for the upcoming Year of the Fire Rooster. Very disappointing: Chinatown really lost a lot of authenticity since I was there last.

I’ll share with you all some highlights soon. Also stay tuned for the brand new Prosperity Rituals for the Chinese New Year and beyond.

In addition, I had the chance to observe the state of the New York City infrastructure vs. Russian and Chinese infrastructure. Very educational. Thinking about doing a talk about it on my YT channel, but afraid my many dear American followers won’t be happy about the comparisons.

Be back online very soon.

Blessings right back to all my wonderful readers, listeners and supporters!

Russian Anthem on Hudson: some faith in Americans restored?

First, a little pre-history:

Global Russian song flash mob

The Russian song flash mob that began in Zaporozhie, Kharkov, Odessa and Moscow in November 2016, since then spread all over the world. By the beginning of January 2017 it saw hundreds of surprising, fresh, talented and touching grassroots performances in Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Pridnestrovie, DLPR, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Australia, Spain, The Netherlands, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Finland, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Czechia, Slovakia, Egypt, Syria and other countries. From capitals to small villages, in airports, bus and train stations, or simply in the great outdoors, the flash mob shows no signs of abating.

This is my original post about the very first Russian song flash mobs: Beautiful Russian-Soviet Song Flash Mobs Unite Russians and Ukrainians Against Kiev Junta Hatred

Ever since, there were many more – some pretty amazing.

In Ukraine, under the ukro-nazi regime, participating in the Russian song flash mob is extremely dangerous. There were a number of instances when flash mob participants were threatened and attacked; in at least one instance they endured grave physical assault. Those brave people still came out and sang, despite risks. In some countries Russians and people from different countries beautifully sang together, in multiple languages. This was the case in Germany, Australia, Italy, Czechia, Slovakia, Moldova, Latvia, etc. Some of the most touching flash mobs took place in Donetsk – DPR and Lugansk – LPR, where people first-hand witnessed death and destruction, yet found the strength to sing. Some of the most beautiful flash mobs were performed in the fairytale St. Petersburg, and some of the coolest, Moldova and Pridnestrovie.

Many countries had multiple Russian song flash mobs; Canada alone as of now had at least four. The list of countries that joined the Russian flash mob continues growing. But from that list, two are conspicuously missing: USA and UK.

The Russian population in both countries is quite substantial, and perhaps – I thought – it is a testament to the quality of said population in these two countries.

Why are there Russophobic ‘Russians’ in the US?

I was asked more than once by my readers who live in the UK or US why the ‘Russians’ they meet are Russophobic. Here is your answer: unfortunately, for years there has been an artificial selection at work, as a result of which a very specific kind of Russians were welcomed and encouraged to settle in the US and UK: those who hate Russia. Certainly, not everyone is like that, and there are exceptions, but chances are you will see a disproportionate number of those who push anti-Russian and anti-Putin agenda. This is especially true for the so-called ‘Russian’ TV and media in the US, as well as any sort of social and political organizations. These organizations receive grants from the US government, as well as Soros, various US NGOs and American Zionist organizations, such as Chabad (I wrote about Chabad and its global role in ESR6: Ukraine New Khazarian Khaganate). Therefore, they are beholden to their masters and agendas those masters push.

It really bears to mention that the situation is exactly the same with Chinese media and organizations in the US. Many Chinese-Americans boycott the Chinese-American TV for being China-phobic, watching only mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan TV.

In other words, due to their sanctified anti-Russian (and anti-other-countries) agenda, the US/UK usually favor, breed and multiply a very specific type of people.

It is especially visible with those ‘Russians’ whom US elites, media and political class allow to be visible. These are the kinds of Russians, such as Gary Kasparov (who really is half-Azerbaijani and half-Jewish), who gave advice to the US to subvert Ukraine and who promised to the US that anti-Russian sanctions would result in Russia falling apart within a few short years. Of course, nothing of the sort happened.

The US (and UK too) has been stepping on this rake since Iraq: US/UK attacked Iraq in part based on self-serving advice from Saddam Hussein’s enemies who were given asylum in the US and who had personal score to settle with Saddam. The result is well-known.

Surprise: Russian Anthem on Hudson

It seemed bizarre that so many people all over the world found time, courage and enthusiasm to sing Russian songs, yet… absolute silence in the US. I was still curious when, if ever, anyone in the US – Russians, Americans, robots, Martians, anyone??… – will come out with some sort of Russian song. It never happened.

Then, just as Christmas and New Year’s began, the terrible tragedy of the Tu-154 happened, killing all on board, including 64 members of the Aleksandrov Red Army Ensemble, and the well-known humanitarian activist Liza Glinka.

Full story:

(Incidentally, I remember that I promised my own version of the Tu-154 catastrophe: was it an accident or terrorist attack? And how it was done? I didn’t want to spoil the holidays with such sad and gruesome story. But I’ll have it soon.)

After that, just before New Year’s Obama and his handlers expelled 35 Russian diplomats and their families, giving them no time to pack and gather their belongings, properly get children out of school, terminate their leases, settle financial affairs and close bank accounts. The majority of these people had to spend New Year holiday on a plane, having been thrown out of the country together with their little children.


I Hate Being Right! Obama/US expel 35 Russian diplomats. Lada Ray analysis and calibrations

Lada Ray Reveals Putin’s Secret! Why Putin Did Nothing After US Expelled 35 Russian Diplomats?

And suddenly, something surprising happened, something that – perhaps just a tiny bit – restored some faith in the USA and Americans. Americans (not Russians) gathered near the Russian Consulate in NYC and sang Russian Anthem to commemorate the victims of the Tu-154 catastrophe.

Here is this video. The singers from the NY Schiller Institute Choir have very nice voices and sing with their hearts. There is an American accent, but it is clear that they know what they are singing and are doing it very well. Let me also mention that the wind in Manhattan was very strong and it was freezing that day. Also notice a nice touch: the singers wear the beloved Russian symbol of victory, black and gold striped bands (Georgievskaya Lentochka). Bravo for all that!

A few days later, the same NY Schiller Institute Choir performed on the New Jersey side of Hudson River, by the Tear Drop Memorial installed on the Hudson bank, overlooking Manhattan and the former site of the New York Twin Towers. The Tear Drop monument was the post 9/11 gift from the Russian people to the American people. It was shyly tucked away on the opposite side of the river by NY and US authorities.

tear-drop-monument NJ 9 11

You can read the whole story of the monument here: The Neglected Russian Gift to the American People, Geopolitics of the Middle East and Putin

The singers were joined by the New Jersey police and firemen. This second appearance was again dedicated to the Tu-154 catastrophe and memory of the Red Army Choir. I have to say that after this my opinion of the NJ police and firemen went up significantly. Notice by the way, the ceremony is taking place during the major blizzard and snow storm we had in NY and NJ that day. It was so bad that there were deaths in some areas.

There is a multi-part video, which you can follow here: Schiller Institute sang in honor of Alexandrov Ensemble at 9/11 Tear Drop Memorial (part 1 of 3)


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ASK LADA: Real Reasons US tanks roll into Germany to bolster NATO against Russia


This question is for: Lada Ray Predictions! Erdogan-USA Rift to Widen. Vanga’s Prophecy: Turkey-Russia War and End of Turkey?


Nancy C/Seattle

I would like your thoughts on AP news story posted 7:00 a.m Pacific, 01/06/17: “US tanks roll into Germany to bolster NATO deterrent.”

“Ships began unloading U.S. tanks, self-propelled howitzers and hundreds of other fighting vehicles Friday in the northern German port of Bremerhaven, to be moved into Eastern Europe to bolster NATO’s deterrence against possible Russian aggression.” The story goes on the say Britain is sending “fighter jets” into Black Sea area & other countries are pitching in men & armaments to “protect Eastern Europe”.

The story reads like US/NATO is reacting to some sort of provocation and yet the name suggests your assessment that NATO is facing an “existential threat” is spot on. Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced Operation Atlantic Resolve last year & this new phase is called “Enhanced Forward Presence”. “Resolve” & “Presence” is a loser’s bully language.

The AP article also underscores the shocking state of American journalism. There’s no attempt to give any sort of back story. If you take out the one word “possible” or even use “probable” or “expected” Russian aggression, you’ve got a totally different “news” item.


Nancy, you answered your own question. Nothing to add really.

But let’s broaden our perspective. The reasons for this move are as follows:

1. This is a general knee jerk reaction to the fact that they know they are losing and they have to show their teeth. There is no Russian aggression. If anything, just the opposite. But this is a cornered beast’s reaction to something they can’t control any more. This is the spoiled global bully’s reaction who always managed to terrorize others without recourse and suddenly it gets told that this won’t happen any more.

2. Erdogan’s threat to boot out US/NATO from Incirlik Base is relevant to this knee jerk reaction.

3. In addition, this is the continuation of the same anti-Trump time bomb installation, in order to make relations with Russia as difficult to normalize as possible.

4. This is also done to reassure NATO that it won’t be abandoned by the US – something NATO fears greatly. NATO is in panic: they may lose many of their fat gigs and much of their self-importance if Trump pulls financing.

5. Finally, this is done to reassure Merkel, Poland, Baltics, Romania and Brussels – in short, all the E. Europe and generally EU puppet states, who were installed by US/West in the 1990s to keep the Iron Curtain alive and well. These are the governments and politicians who sold out to the shadow forces and who now fear being abandoned by Trump. They have so many skeletons on their closets that now they are afraid to be left without US tanks.

7. IMPORTANT! However, it’s not Russia they are afraid of. Russia continues underscoring with all her behavior that there will be no Russian intervention either in Ukraine or any other place in E. Europe, despite the pleas of many people in Ukraine and beyond.

What these sold-out E. Europe/EU politicians are afraid of is the wrath of their own people. This will happen the moment US tanks and US advisors leave.

Therefore, the fear of the ‘potential’ Russian aggression is just a cover to dupe their electorate and to distract the people from internal problems. In reality, all these politicians, military, intelligence and MSM are afraid of their own people and of the ‘potential’ and ‘probable’ crimes tribunal.


Angela merkel

I have to underscore again that Angela Merkel is very important in this new development. She will stand for re-election in 2017, while her ratings have plunged lately, as I predicted they would, back in 2014. This is due to her disastrous domestic and international policies, most importantly: 1. due to her immigrant policies; 2. her support of the Kiev junta and illegal coup against Yanukovich; 3. her support of anti-Russian sanctions.

Merkel bet all her money on Obama and on being a US puppet, as well as the puppet of the global banking cartel. Her job has been to keep EU under control of these forces.

She also bet her entire career on the NWO and neo-liberal agenda. And this is what will bury her career. She feels threatened due to alternative parties gaining on her. Both left and right hate her; same is true for people in her own party.

She needs US tanks to keep her safe and to stop any possible uprising.

9. In general, all these NWO/US puppet EU politicians now feel under threat. Trump announced he would be against globalism, and that he would curb the US financing of NATO. Trump is also gearing to undo much of Obama’s ‘legacy.’

NATO and Obama have to show that they are still relevant. In fact, all this is a death throes hysterics.

Obama World's largest drug dealer

Notice also this: masks are entirely off!

Remember all this talk about ‘AAMDS in Europe’ – one of the cornerstones of Bush-Obama policies for EU and NATO? Russians for years have been saying that the AAMDS installed in Romania and agreed to be installed in Poland, was directed against Russia. NATO/US have been adamantly insisting it was directed against potential Iran aggression against EU. In reality no one ever believed that.

Now, having been cornered, having lost their former control over global, Middle Eastern and European events, they don’t pretend any more. Fake Iran threat doesn’t cut it any more. They need a much bigger enemy. To distract their own populations from their real problems and to redirect their anger and fears towards fake external threats, they need now to point the finger at Russia. Russia had been used as a scapegoat to scare the populations in the West into submission and maligned this way since forever. I’ve seen it all my life; generations before me have witnessed the same.

Meanwhile, the only thing the populations of Europe, and of the US as well, have to fear are their own sold-out governments and media.

Unfortunately, we are dealing with some very aggressive beasts here, who won’t give up without trying to drag everyone into the abyss with them. They won’t succeed long-term, but short-term they’ll try to do whatever damage they can.

P.S. Incidentally, much of the same is happening now in Ukraine. Kiev junta is behaving both violently and bizarrely, indicating the worsening death throes.

Amid all this ugliness, there is a big and beautiful silver lining. It seems darkest before the dawn, but don’t let that fool you. Both in the US/EU and in E. Europe/Ukraine/Moldova big changes are afoot.

I know last year I promised a major Ukraine, Moldova and Pridnestrovie update. I want to share with you all some hugely positive breakthrough news from the latter two and also a lot of news from the former. The Earth Shift is underway, and Ukraine/Moldova are shifting right on schedule, per my 2014-15 predictions!

Please stay tuned for important updates. I’ll probably do them as YT videos.


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Pro-US and Anti-Russian Japan: Eyewitness Overview and Predictions (Striking parallels between Japan and Poland)

In response to my article:

Desperate for Up-To-Date Truth About Ukraine and Novorossia?

FuturisTrendcast friend, Patricia left this comment. Patricia is one of those unusual Americans who has jetsetted the world, been to Russia many times, and who lives in Japan. She speaks multiple languages and does what she can to unite the world, reminding with her very presence that humans can, if they set their minds to it, co-exist in peace and cooperation.


The handicap of knowing only one language–I feel for the Japanese, but they don’t know what they are missing. They all learn “English,” but it is taught in such a way as to both traumatize them and leave them incapable of communicating with foreigners. With such an inward focus, they are helpless against government propaganda. Information trickles in slowly, such that, for example, none of the knowledge from the last 20 years about treating type 2 diabetes with a low-carb approach has reached them, and a large portion of the population is ripe for the harvest by the medical mafia.

Learning a new language is like getting the keys to a new, snazzy, most amazing car. And when you can talk to people in their own language, they really open up. Lada, I could volunteer to help translate small articles or portions of articles in Russian into English, perhaps once a week.

I also have a question, since my crystal ball (Sears & Roebuck) gives me all kinds of future scenarios, how do you see the relationship between Japan and Russia evolving? Japan has attempted to straddle East and West (obviously difficult if they can’t even speak another language!), and they fancy themselves “western.” From my perspective, though, they are thoroughly eastern. The pro-Russian element in Japan has been presented as “right wing,” but that turns out to have been propaganda. Former prime minister Hatoyama is by no means right wing. The right wing is very unpopular with the middle class majority over its role in WWII, so calling pro-Russian sentiment “right wing” was a way of discrediting it. The right wing, that I associate with as a priestess, is unanimous in hating Russia. But again, they are an unpopular minority, becoming more and more unpopular now as Abe tries to resurrect an active military at the behest of the ever more desperate America. I’ll be surprised if the silent majority here does not oust Abe rather soon. Still, the average Japanese sees Russia as the number one enemy and Putin as a schemer, because that is what is being presented to them in their own language, which they must rely on for their news. They reject any attempt on my part to enlighten them as “Russian propaganda,” which they hear is rampant.

This is a brief on-the-ground report from the rural sidelines, but I can send you interesting bits as they arrive here.

Lada says


Politically, I do not foresee any improvement between Russia and Japan at this time. Economically, there is a little bit of positive, mutually interested development.

The propaganda has very deeply penetrated Japanese society. The future of bilateral relations is murky and uncertain – that’s why Patricia is seeing a confusing picture: it is undecided and confusing; it’s one step forward, two steps sideways. Distrust by average Japanese towards Russia will continue, heated up by the US-supported MSM and political propaganda.

I have to say, average Russians also don’t feel so hot towards Japan. These are very old suspicions. Pity – there is so much both Russia and Japan could accomplish together and learn from each other! Attempts are being made by Russia, but all this goes nowhere. Russia and Japan still don’t have a signed peace treaty after WWII. Imagine that!

The way Japanese MSM and politicians present it, Russia is the biggest enemy, while it was actually their ‘official protector’ the US that dropped A-bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and still has bases on Japanese territory. In favor of creating the image of the arch-villain out of Russia they even forget their other eternal arch-enemy No. 1.5 – China. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad!

I am not advocating Japan becoming an enemy of the US – just the opposite. For Japan it’s crucial to make up with all neighbors, including Chinese, Vietnamese and Russians, while maintaining good relations with everyone else. The thing is, historically speaking Japan is considered the biggest bully and aggressor in Asia, where just about every country distrusts and has a grudge against them. This is why Japan doesn’t feel like an Eastern nation, preferring to side with the West. No one really accepts them in the East, and their own policies and uncompromising, arrogant attitudes towards neighbors only reinforce that alienation.

From this perspective, Japan is a perfect vibrational match to the USA. No wonder they are such good friends, despite all the latest frictions. Some of the friction is for show, while certain agreement on issues still exists. The rest is Japanese politicians playing off the populist nationalistic sentiment of their countrymen. Either way, Japanese politicians are hardly doing any favors for the long-term development of their country.

US will continue keeping Japan under tight control for at least another 5-7 years, or more (depends on economic interests and how soon Europe swings to Russian side). Russian – Japanese business will be developing a little, as it has, because it’s mutually beneficial. But nationalism will persist and authorities will continue playing anti-Russian and anti-Chinese cards to keep their power.

PM Abe is really inconsequential. It doesn’t matter who will come after him as they will act like twins. This is the time for ANY PM who is nationalistic; yells about returning the Kuril Islands (um… excuse me, ‘northern territories’) – which, by the way, will never happen; escalates military spending, while behind the scenes takes orders from bosses across the ocean, etc.

Kuril Islands and Sakhalin were Russian territories before the 20th century, and they became part of Japan after Russia lost Russo-Japanese war in 1904. As a result of WWII, Russia got the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin back as part of Japanese reparations after Japan lost on the side of Hitler.

It is important to understand one crucial thing about Japanese politicians. It is imperative for them to scream about Kuril Islands and Russia as aggressor in order to divert attention from the true problems inside the country. And these are: 1. the de-facto occupation by the US, complete with US naval bases; 2. Fukushima consequences; 3. economic situation and debt problem; 4. unresolved historic issues, including Hiroshima; 5. social dissatisfaction of a very closed-up society. 

Of course Japanese MSM, like MSM almost everywhere in the world, is under the US thumb.

Former Japanese PM Hatoyama is known for his recent surprise visit to Crimea, which he accomplished despite the heat such visit drew in Japan. He is a surprisingly decent and brave guy for a Japanese politician, but he has no chance right now. Maybe in a few years. Being thought of as associated with Russia in any way (even though there is really no association) only hurts his chances of being heard. Pity, but this is the reality.

Still, what Hatoyama has done wasn’t only brave, but also was necessary to shutter the so-called “unified Western front” in relation to Crimea. Actually, his very courageous feat caused a European shift. Since then, a French parliamentary delegation has visited Crimea, and I believe a German Bundestag delegation is next.

Striking parallels between Japan and Poland you would never imagine existed!

In some ways, Japan as far as its political composition and views go, reminds me of Poland. But I think even in Poland there are more people who see the world situation with clearer eyes. This is because more Poles speak Russian and still remember the old days when Russia/USSR did absolutely everything to extend the hand of friendship to Poland, forgetting the old grudges.

You all know my view on this: perhaps the USSR and Russia have overdone the forgiveness thing. Not only the USSR liberated Poland in 1945 at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives, but Stalin also made sure Poland received a huge chunk of German territory after WWII, as part of German reparations. USSR also saw to it that Polish economy did well, investing resources and money USSR should have kept for its own after-the-war reconstruction and development.

Meanwhile before the war, Poland under its virtual dictator Pilsudski had been a pretty vicious aggressor. Using Hitler’s aggression as a distraction, Poland tried to bite off pieces of Czechoslovakia, Austria, and any country they could get their hands on. This was Polish attitude historically, including attempts to invade Russia to replace Russian tsars with usurpers. Not to mention that since 18-19th century Poland was consistently engaged in molding Malorussia, aka, Malorossia (known today as Ukraine) into anti-Russia.

The USSR, preferring to sweep the truth under the rug, caused Poland to feel they didn’t have to pay the price for past misdeeds, encouraging in turn more arrogance, playing victim, and bolder aggression, which we are observing today.

As we know, Japan did pay a dear price in the form of territories, lives and humiliation, for the WWII and pre-war aggression, as did Germany. In that, Japan and Poland are very different.

Poland and Japan are also very different in terms of culture.

Finally, Japan is a much more economically developed country, with infinitely larger economy, which once was the engine of global growth, and substantially higher standard of living than Poland. (But both countries are very similar in a sense of embracing the Western lifestyle and capitalist economic principles based on US ‘advice’ – Japan after WWII and Poland after the breakup of the USSR – and paying for their capitalist development by raking in insurmountable level of debt, which is now coming back to haunt them.)

Yet, both Poland and Japan, being so different in just about every sense, are:

  1. Thoroughly and willingly under the US thumb;
  2. Have a lot of historic distrust relative to ALL neighbors;
  3. This causes them to rely on alliance with the US against closest neighbors, US being the only country their selective memory forgives for any wrongdoing;
  4. Both countries have substantial territorial disputes with more than one neighbor;
  5. MSM/politicians in both are engaged in pretty vicious anti-Russian propaganda, while being supported by the US, and in fact, serving as US Trojan Horses in their respective regions;
  6. Additional very strong countries in their vicinity, which they regard with jealousy and extreme distrust: Germany for Poland and China for Japan;
  7. Both countries secretly dream about restoring their failed empires.

I can tell you with absolute confidence – this is a way to nowhere.

Economy will eventually cause both countries to reconsider and back off. But before that happens, both Japan and Poland – so easily manipulated due to their ulterior motives, such as nationalism and imperial ambitions – will cause a lot of trouble for Russia, Eurasia and for themselves.

My QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS will give you an additional layer of clarity!

Japan as a whole country presently calibrates at: 150 – anger; Chi: 180 – pride

Tokyo as a whole city calibrates at: 180 – pride; Chi 189 – pride.

Fukushima situation in reality calibrates at: 110 – fear; Chi 85 – grief — in other words, real disaster; although it’s better than a couple of years ago.

Real state of Japanese economy calibrates at: 95 – grief. See, THIS is the truth – this is what they are really trying to hide by yelling about Russia as enemy No. 1! Japanese economy isn’t doing so hot.

Real state of Japanese-Russian relations: 150 – anger

State of China-Japan relations: 85 – grief

Real state of Japanese-US relations: 198 – yearning/striving. Isn’t that interesting! What are they striving and yearning for? To be accepted by the US as equals? Or they are desperately trying to keep the front, while the deep-seated cracks start appearing?

You can find out all about my Quantum Calibrations, including case studies, videos, my complete Calibration scale, descriptions and readings on

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Pope Francis and World Religions – Karma and Consciousness

‘The above comments just show how confused people are about the catholic religion in general. The celebration of mass is a satanic ritual that celebrates the eating of the body of Christ and drinking of his blood!! The current pope is a Jesuit and they cannot be trusted fullstop. The Roman Catholic Church is full of criminals that raped and abused children without any legal charge for centuries…clergy are literally protected by the state in many countries. Any child who went to a catholic school can attest to the cruelty of the nuns and brothers that taught them a pack of lies and rubbish. The incredible catholic institutions that abused vulnerable children everywhere and the truth of which is only now emerging and again has been kept secret by governments. The whole institution is evil and disempowering of the individual. Now is the time to take back our power and undo the mind control imposed on little children that has stayed with most people for life unless they wake up and start using their brains. I escaped.. I woke up! Religion is the cause of wars literally and it is about time all just understood that we are each parts of the whole and that every little action affects the whole of humanity. Our illusion is a holographic matrix…one of many matrices. President Putin has shown great intelligence in the way he has handled many serious matters recently and I doubt that he will be fooled by a Jesuit pope as he will realise that much of what has persecuted Russia in the past was caused by the Catholic Chuch perpetrated by its Jesuits.’

Lada says:

One of my tweeps tweeted me this pic:

Putin and Pope cartoon

This reminds me of the opening scene of my mystical thriller THE EARTH SHIFTER. In it, the Pope drops to his knees in front of a simple Franciscan monk, who happens to be one of the nine Earth Keepers, asking for a blessing as the end of the world nears. Such act by the Holy See completely baffles a Swiss guard, who listens in on the conversation, missing its point entirely. Read this excerpt here, or go to EXCERPTS on top bar for full list.

The important thing to remember is that everything in our 3D world, as in any dimension, is subject to a PERSPECTIVE. The 9D, 10D and 11D beings still have their own perspective. This means that, depending on your point of view, you will see the same events differently from someone who has a different perspective.

Let’s just say, much of the language of global diplomacy and international relations isn’t on the surface. The meeting of the Pope and Putin of which I wrote in Putin’s New Ally: Pope Francis was one such meeting, when many could observe, yet miss its true meaning. Let’s talk about it.

Undeniably, the history of the Catholic Church has many dark pages, and there are plenty of dark pages in the Vatican’s present day reality, as well. When it comes to topics I often address, such as aggressive power grab, looting, rewriting/falsifying history, I could tell you lots of stories. The abuse of children is another such story.

That said, there are many people in the world who genuinely, from their heart, find solace and peace in believing. I think we should respect the feelings of those Catholics whose hearts and minds are pure. Christian mysticism, along with Hebrew (Kabbala) and Muslim (Sufi) mysticism, are manifestations of true religious wisdom, which rises above mundane and above the confines of any religious dogma.

I personally enjoy such wisdom, as well as religious art, architecture and music. All these are high manifestations of religions. Mother Theresa was also a devout Catholic. As anything our 3D human world produces, religions represent the entire spectrum of manifestations: from the highest in spirit to the lowest of the low.

It is a different story that those HUMANS who hold POWER in any religion may misuse this power to suppress truth and successfully cover up their evil HUMAN deeds. The fact that all the abuses of the Catholic Church are coming out now speaks volumes. We are entering the era of truth, discovery and transparency, when old power structures created by MAN for the benefit of the few will fall away, and new, more equitable global structures will be created. This will force – it already does – everyone, including Catholic Church, to abide by new rules and to respect a small person.


It probably helps that I grew up in the Soviet society and in a non-religious family. This provided me with the world of freedom and safeguarded me from any childhood brainwashing. We were free to think, instead of following a dogma, be it religious or any other. The depiction of the Soviet society is completely and maliciously distorted in the West. One of the many legacies of the Soviet Union was, and still is, the most educated and the most thinking people on the planet.

As such, when we all grew up, we could freely choose WHAT to believe in and what, or who, to follow – or not. My sister became a devout Russian Orthodox. But because no one ever made her go to church on Sunday, her devotion comes from her heart.

My cosmic soul is, shall we say, too cosmic for any Earth-bound religion. But I studied shamanism with a lot of pleasure, as it rings true to me (my book THE EARTH SHIFTER is in big part about a Siberian shaman). I also studied wicca and Earth-based religions. I delve deeply into Oriental traditions, and having become Feng Shui Master in Asia, I enjoy Tibetan Buddhism and its beautiful art, spiritual music, rituals and symbolism. My hubby, who has grown up in a non-religious Chinese household, has most affinity with Zen living. Presently, I am studying the ancient Russian Vedic wisdom, which includes the cosmic truth of our origins, forbidden history and linguistics, runas, and much more. Little by little, I will share this knowledge with all in various articles and Earth Shift Reports.

As always, God is within us, and it doesn’t matter if you go to church or not, or if you read the Bible or not. What matters is this: in the final analysis, it’s between you and God.’ Said another way: ‘it’s all between you and your higher self, or your higher conscience.’ In the final analysis we are all ONE.

The clarity of mind that lets one see the world in true light is a must in order to discern and weigh all sides of the issue. I am endlessly grateful to the USSR, the country where I grew up, for many things. One such thing is allowing me as a child to develop freely and grow unencumbered by religious dogma. Perhaps, there was a small amount of Communist brainwashing, as it were. However, it was very minor and incomparable to the damage a Sunday school may have inflicted on fragile children’s psyche. It didn’t affect me; moreover many of my contemporaries think of the old USSR with great nostalgia.

At the same time, I met a lot of people who were traumatized for life by their Sunday school experience, turning rebellious or turning to alternative religions as a desperate knee jerk reaction. I really do feel for them in my heart.

With this background, let me proceed to answering the questions in the comment above.

Much of what Noeline says are true facts and I do agree with her. No, Putin isn’t fooled by anything or anyone.

What has to be remembered is that history of all world’s organized religions is the history of power struggle. It was often a struggle between religions (and various sects inside each religion) for global religious, economic, and geopolitical dominance.

But it was also a very brutal struggle between newer organized religions and old pagan/Earth-based and Vedic lifestyle belief systems. The latter especially applies to Christianity, including both old branches: Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Catholicism brutally eliminated competition, witches and Celtic/Druid priests and priestesses, and Orthodoxy – their competition, Vedic followers. Untold damage was done to the Russian historic records as history was re-written over and over in order to delete mentions of real events and people, substituting them with lies. Same – and worse – was happening all over Europe, which fell under the dominion of Catholicism.

Throughout centuries, this power struggle was consistently violent and blood-thirsty. This applies to Catholicism more than to others, with Judaism and Islam very violent in their own way. If we look deep into history, we’ll find that Greek/Russian Orthodoxy was just as bad; however lately, Orthodoxy became a much more positive and non-destructive force.

If weighed on merit, arguably, Greek/Russian Orthodoxy, which is the older and original branch of Christianity, wasn’t as violent as Catholicism. For instance, there were no witch trials and burnings, although Vedic wise men and women did get prosecuted/eliminated, their ancient wisdom substituted for new religious dogma. Moreover, Vedic traditions and rituals still had a better recognition and co-existed more peacefully with Orthodoxy, while wicca (in part, a Western branch of Vedic wisdom) till recently was entirely denied in the West. Russian Orthodoxy isn’t so much into global dominance either, preferring peaceful cooperative and consultive methods of resolving problems. Overall today, Orthodoxy plays mostly a positive role in society.

Notice that I didn’t include Hinduism and Buddhism in the above list – two other major world religions. Out of these, Hinduism was somewhat repressive to its own people, but wasn’t aggressive or violent outwardly. Compared to the above list, Hinduism is a ‘sweetie.’


A glimpse of forbidden history:

Incidentally, here is a little glimpse of the ancient Vedic wisdom. Many know that there is a Hindi goddess Sarasvati. But did you know that the word ‘sweetie’ and ‘Sarasvati’ have the same root? It’s the Russian word (I also call it Slavyano-Arian): ‘svet.’ Svet means light. The English word ‘sweet’ and Hindi ‘Sara-svat-i’ both originate from svet = light.

Moreover, the Russian word ‘sviatoy’ and its Spanish counterpart ‘santo’, Italian ‘santi’ and English ‘saint’ all come from svet = ‘light.’

By the way, the dreaded nazi word ‘swastika’ comes from the same word ‘svet.’ As some may know, Hitler stole the symbol and word from the Vedic tradition, reversing the energetic plus and minus polarities of its meaning. Originally, ‘svastika,’ aka, ‘kolovrat’ in Russian, signified Sun, and in some other representations, our galaxy.

Speaking of svet. While svet signifies ‘light,’ another meaning is ‘world.’ As in ‘the world full of light,’ that is. There is a well-known Russian expression: beliy svet, which translates literally as the ‘white world,’ although it really means ‘white light,’ aka, the good, enlightened world; world full of love and light.

Much more Vedic linguistic wisdom coming to you in the future Earth Shift Reports. Stay tuned!


Of all world religions, Buddhism is by far the most peaceful, spiritual and positive. In fact, it’s the only organized world religion that NEVER had the acquisition of worldly power as its overriding goal.

As I said, this however was for centuries THE primary goal of the following religions (to various degrees and using different methods): Catholicism, Judaism and Islam.

At the same time, all organized religions also produced true mystics and people of svet = light. This should never be forgotten either! Therefore, it all ultimately boils down to people who are a part of that religion at any given time. It always goes back to individual humans, how they use their power and what their life’s mission is.

Today, religious leaders can often play a positive role, if they choose to. Or at least first do no harm, according to the medical Hippocratic oath.

The reason we cannot just blankly deny any organized religion, whether it’s Catholicism, Islam, Judaism, Orthodoxy, or any other, is very simple: there are billions of people on the planet who do believe and follow these religions. Simply saying to one billion Catholics: ‘well, you are following a satanic cult – get over it…’ I am afraid this won’t work. It’s much better to get in touch with the leader of that religion and tell him, ‘look we can work together on making the Earthly realm we live in, a better place.’ If this leader has conscience, then he can be a force for good to be reckoned with.

I think this is potentially possible with this Pope, who is Argentinian and a friend of the Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, who in turn is Putin’s personal friend. I can guarantee that Kirchner had a hand in Putin and the Pope hitting it off. Now, such dialogue was entirely impossible with the previous Pope (sorry, forget his name), who was there for 25 years and who was Polish. By a strange coincidence (not), he also happened to be rabidly russophobic.

As we see, Holy See or not, Vatican or not, it still boils down to individual people and their personal PERSPECTIVE.

Can the Vatican be reformed? Can it change to play a positive and cooperative role in society? Can the Vatican become a force for good? Can Putin change the Catholic world? And should this Pope be given a chance?

Yes, absolutely. That is, if you, me and everyone else on this planet, want to continue this Earthly 3D human experiment. I, for one, am here to help guide humanity towards the continuation of this experiment – with a much better outcome than what we may be facing today.

This means finding common ground with those who are willing to work together to create a more positive, cooperative world.

Religions, like humans, do grow up. Recall yourself when you were a toddler. Were you capricious, causing trouble for your parents? Unless you were angel incarnate like me and never caused any trouble. 😉 Then you were a 5-10-year-old and you wanted to be liked by your parents and obediently did everything they told you to do. Then you became a rebellious teen and caused much more trouble, denying everything your parents taught you. Then, you gradually grew up, becoming more responsible as you aged, acquiring more wisdom (hopefully).

Is our world a holographic matrix? Yes, it is. But as long as we have incarnated in this 3D reality, it is fully real for us. It’s like saying: I won’t study for this test – it’s not real, it’s only on paper. I am sorry, but for as long as you are in school and for as long as you want to graduate, you have to. Unless, you want to repeat the same year over and over. In earth-wide terms this is called karma. Until you’ve fully learned your lesson, you will be repeating this life over and over. Ouch!

You may ask whether there is a possibility of skipping grades and avoiding dealing with karma? Yes, there is. Some of us do skip grades. Only wisdom allows you to skip them. How that works is another topic. But karma is a self-regulating universal mechanism and it knows no exceptions.

Notice that my list of religions didn’t include any of the Vedic, pagan and/or ancient Earth-based belief systems. If we are discussing taking our individual power back, it could well be accomplished through the original Vedic system (vedat’ = ‘to know’ in Russian; ‘vedics’ means ‘wise people, people in tune with the ultimate truth;’ also, note the Hindi Vedas). People are awakening to that, albeit slowly. This, however, is a topic for an absolutely new, separate series, to which I will also get eventually.

Last point to wrap it up:

Noeline says: ‘The celebration of mass is a satanic ritual that celebrates the eating of the body of Christ and drinking of his blood.’

Actually, this ritual is a left-over pagan ritual, adopted by Christianity after it suppressed paganism. It symbolizes partaking of the energy of Christ, imbuing yourself with his spirit. Since Christ symbolizes love and selfless purity, it basically signifies a desire to be like him, hence ascend. However, in 3D, in other words, in our fully manifest PHYSICAL WORLD, humans often can’t simply think or be. they need to manifest everything into 3D; make it touchable, tangible. Evolved souls don’t need that, but most humans do. By the way, there is nothing wrong with that, as long as it doesn’t harm anyone.

In the ancient days in CERTAIN (not all) pagan traditions humans ate the body of a specific animal to imbue themselves with that animal’s power. Humans were also sacrificed to gods. These rituals, which sound awful today, in old days were what the full 3D incarnation demanded. Humans, shall we say, were too literal. They needed to touch, feel and eat everything to partake of the energy they wanted. To this day, in the Middle East they sacrifice animals and often treat humans with outright cruelty.

In subtler and more evolved ancient societies, such as the original Vedic world, humans had representations of various pagan gods and universal forces, such as certain foods, flowers, tree bark, crystals that they ate, rubbed into their skin, created tattoos, with which they decorated their bodies and homes.

In other words, eating of the body of Christ and drinking his blood is a modified pagan ritual to suit Christianity’s agenda. Since we lost connection with the logic of ancient rituals, it may seem bizarre from today’s perspective.

I won’t go into the meaning of the word ‘mass.’ But again, this word comes from the same Vedic Slavyano-Arian source, something forgotten by most humans.

I will briefly say that ‘satan’ comes from the same root I discussed above: ‘svet’ – light. It becomes ‘sat’ here, basically signifying ‘fullness.’ Fullness as in: Mother Earth is full, bountiful. It also has a relation to the sacred feminine connected to Mother Earth.

It was a Vedic word. Recall what I said, Vedics were the biggest enemy and competitor of Christianity. Moreover, the sacred feminine had to be suppressed by the patriarchal Christian society. Therefore, any good Vedic words became bad words in the Christian reality as humans needed to be brainwashed into submission. The same process is happening today in Ukraine and many Western countries, as history yet again gets re-written and energetic polarities get reversed from plus to minus.

However, this time it won’t work.


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