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US, UK and France are bombing Syria! How Will Russia Respond? Lada Ray Analysis

The early Russian reports say that compared to last year’s strike, twice as many missiles were used so far. But it appears US is promising that it was only the first wave, more is coming. They bomb the government and military installations in Damascus and Homs. Initial report: all missiles targeting Homs were shot down by Syrian army, using old Soviet anti-missile systems. Later I heard that some people were killed in Homs. There are some hits in Damascus, including the city’s electric system. France/Macron announced that they were hitting only ‘targets with chemical weapons’ – an obvious lie.

Russian sources have reported that so far everything is quiet around Russian bases in Syria. Russia always said that it will retaliate immediately, if any Russian properties and/or servicemen are hit. Russian and US Army Chiefs had been on the phone and all this was communicated. The diplomats have been working hard too. It appeared to have calmed down last week, but it seems it was in fact a calm before the storm.

No question, the entire US-UK-France elite has gone mad, which is a telltale sign of the decline. What’s more, they are all solving their own internal problems via diverting attention to Syria. This concerns Trump, Macron and May, who all have domestic scandals and fiascos to face.

Russian video of US/UK/France attack on Syria:

Another early Russian report:

Syrian response:


All three US, UK and France admitted they were not interested in a real investigation, basing their strikes on MSM and video footage from Douma, made available by White Helmets and local ISIS/rebel groups, financed by the US/UK. These groups are very interested in toppling Assad.

It is known that the Douma ‘chemical attack’ has been staged. The evidence of this false flag is found everywhere. Links:  FALSE FLAG CONFIRMED: White Helmets Made it All Up, Fabricated Data About Chemical Attack and Inconsistencies in Douma chemical attack.


This is a hugely dangerous precedent. We again are teetering on the brink of a hot world war. Russians already announced that US/West didn’t heed the warnings, and now the consequences will be their responsibility.

It’s a bit early to say to what degree Russia will decide to respond in Syria. It is clear that US and others are very careful not to hit any places where there could be Russians present, but it is war and anything may happen.

Just one wrong move by the US or others, and a US carrier may be sunk. What will happen after that… your guess is as good as mine.

Putin and Russians, as usual, are the only sane adults in the room, and we can only hope they make all the calculations correctly to maneuver out of this situation with the best possible outcome for all. I told you previously that one Putin’s roles has been to save the world from WWIII, and he, together with his team has done so repeatedly.

But Russia will have to respond – there is no choice. I don’t have all the info Putin and the Russian Army have, and the situation is changing so quickly that I don’t want to go there.

Such incredibly fast developments and increasingly unpredictable change are typical of the GREAT EARTH SHIFT.

When, where and how Russia will respond — we’ll see very soon.

There is one thing that may likely happen. It is being hinted on in various in-the-know circles: Russia may respond asymmetrically in Ukraine, instead of Syria. There are some ideas being tossed around. We’ll see how far Russia will go in Ukraine. Some think it’s past due to change the game in Ukraine drastically.

But also remember what I told you previously: Russia’s hands are tied because of the football World Cup coming to Russia in less than two months. This whole thing is being orchestrated at this time on purpose, and the target here is multi-prong.

In addition to weakening Assad and Iran (also present in Syria), this is directed against Putin and the Russian people. It is designed to punish Russians for voting for Putin in unprecedented numbers. Finally, it is designed to poison the Wold Cup and steal the moment from Russia. It is the continuation of the same big sport/Olympic anti-Russia offensive we had talked about before.

The sooner Russians understand that the sport and other international competition events, such as Eurovision, are some of the biggest pressure points the West can use against other countries, the sooner they stop participating in the farce of various competitions, the better off they’ll be long-term.


Unless pushed so much that there is no choice but to respond urgently, Russia will wait till after the World Cup to respond properly to everything. There may be pretty serious changes in Ukraine before the end of this year.

Russia is presently also preparing economic counter-sanctions against US, in response to most recent US sanctions. There is an impressive economic sanctions list the Medvedev government has developed, which may be rather hurtful for the US. It has to be mentioned that China is also preparing a very serious package of anti-US economic measures, to be made public soon.

Sorry to say, Trump is a total moron for managing to get into a war on three fronts he can never win. Trump’s straitjacket is in action, as I predicted. Dark State successfully pushed his many buttons and turned him into their patsy. And his out-of-control ego has played a very bad joke on him.

That’s all I have time for at the moment. I’ll talk about Trump, my various predictions and how they are developing on another occasion, time allowing.

See more of my exclusive posts, which go deeper and shed more light, on PATREON.



This is written at 1:30 am ET, Apr 14, 2018

Whole truth about RUSSIA IN SYRIA and E. Ghouta crisis! Latest!

Quick but necessary follow-up to my latest post from several minutes ago:

Exposing US/West lies about Syria, Assad and Russia, which you have seen in the above post!

Meanwhile, this is what’s REALLY happening in E. Ghouta as we speak:

“Evil’ Russians and ‘evil’ Syria/Assad are conducting MASS EVACUATION OF CIVILIANS AS THE MILITANTS ARE BEGINNING to see the light!

To ensure peace, Russians and Syrians have negotiated a truce. THE MILITANTS WHO DON’T WANT TO FIGHT ARE LAYING DOWN ARMS AND LEAVE EASTERN GHOUTA, together with their families!

Almost 11,000 civilians evacuated from E. Ghouta during ceasefire – Russian military

Live footage from today, March 15, 3018:



Whole truth about RUSSIA IN SYRIA!

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Your complete intel and overview of what is happening in Syria/E. Ghouta in

NEW Earth Shift Report 20Earth Shift Battleground SYRIA

Also read latest:


(Challengers, Vision for Russia & Last Warning to the West)

Comes with complimentary ESR11

BREAKING! Russia will retaliate if attacked! Are Washington and London maniacs trying to start WWIII or is it bluff?


Are the maniacs and idiots in Washington and London really trying to start WWIII? Or is this just a desperate bluff out of fear and confusion?

You’ll recall I predicted this. I said: Before Russian Election on March 18, there would be false flags, provocations and escalations. Less than one week to Russian Election and my predictions are being fully confirmed.

As a side note, also recall that in my prior posts on Geopolitics of Sport & Olympics we discussed more than once that one of the goals is to orchestrate the boycott of the FIFA World Cup in Russia this summer. Nothing else has worked. They are now trying to kill 2 birds with one stone: 1. Disrupt Russian Election (not that it’ll work) and 2. Orchestrate last minute boycott of the World Cup (this may partially work), or at least poison it as much as possible for their own fans, as well as for Russians.

Look for my upcoming post on the UK spy scandal and Scripal nerve gas poisoning, in which I’ll explain much more!

Eastern Ghouta is one of the expected provocations, targeting Russian Election and Putin personally, bus also targeting World Cup. By extension, this vicious plan aims to undermine Russia’s relations with many other countries, including much of the EU and Germany in particular, which only now started showing first signs of thawing after the Ukraine coup of 2014.

US representative to the UN Nicki Hayley threatened new USA’s attack based on the chemical false flag in Syria.

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Your complete intel and overview of what is happening in Syria/E. Ghouta in

NEW Earth Shift Report 20Earth Shift Battleground SYRIA

Also, it has to be noted that the newest crazy escalation of the Russophobic rhetoric in the US and UK (NOTE! SIMULTANEOUSLY!) is clearly due to Putin unveiling new Russian weapons, which are 2-3 generations ahead of what the US/NATO possesses. Don’t miss my exclusive full report on Patreon: Putin’s Global Reset: Russia’s New Secret Weapons Against US Aggression & Final Warning to the West!

Russian army responded to the threat of a new attack by the US with the announcement that retaliation will follow.

BREAKING: Russian Army Issues Warning to US – DO NOT ATTACK OUR TROOPS, We WILL Respond


Exclusive Serialized Earth Shift Report 21!


(Challengers, Vision for Russia & Last Warning to the West)

Comes with complimentary ESR11

NEW! NOW LIVE! Earth Shift Report 20: Earth Shift Battleground SYRIA (truth on Russia, USA, Iran, Turkey, Israel, China – can it lead to WWIII?)

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New Developments! Truth on Russia, USA, Turkey, Iran, Israel, China – regional & world powers clash! Can Syria lead to WWIII?


​This may be one of the last and final Earth Shift Reports!
Your generous donations support FuturisTrendcast & Lada Ray’s free educational and enlightening work!

Throughout this extensive report the exclusive intel from Russia, Syria, Turkey and Israel is revealed, complete with Lada Ray exclusive predictions on Syria, the Earth Shift evolution and the future of Russian vs US influence in the key Mediterranean – Middle East region!




Summary: Russia’s campaign in Syria 2015-2017, Putin’s victory announcement and results
US/West’s unprecedented pressure on Russia as a response to Syria & why it never worked
​Russian Elections element and how it correlates with Syria victory and other events
Putin – the new Tsar of the Middle East, and Russia – the new preferred moderator
How USA’s waning as the world hegemon manifests in Syria & the Middle East


Iran vs Israel clash in Syria: Israel’s F-16 downing & Israel bombings of Syria
What are Israel’s and Iran’s goals in Syria
Will there be a serious escalation?
Why Netanyahu urgently called Putin


US fiasco in Syria: How USA formed a coalition with Kurds and why Russians let them
What is Putin’s long game?
USA’s new ‘Syrian liberation army’ disaster
Turkey vs Kurds: Why Erdogan invaded Syria and attacked Afrin, and who knew about it. My previous ESR5 predictions
What happened near Afrin — Assessment of the Turkish Army true capability
How US betrayed ALL of its allies in the region in one week
USA’s game in Syria – is Turkey now an enemy? NATO breakup threat due to Turkey

INTEL! The secret early warning system between major powers and how it works

What do Kurds want and where do they fit in this scenario
Russian brokered Assad-Kurd agreement and how Kurds suddenly saw the light
Why Syrian army has entered Afrin? Can Assad reconcile with the Kurds?


False flags and who’s behind them: Russian bases get attacked by ‘ISIS’ drones
Russia Su-24 jet gets shot down, Russian pilot dies heroically. Was it done with Turkey’s knowledge?
Russian retaliation
Whose side is Turkey on? Turkey’s steps after the Russian pilot downing and what do they tell us?
Why Russia cooperates with Turkey

Rumors answered: did the bombing of the Russian private military company Vagner take place in Syria?
What is the truth: Did the US really bomb a Russian convoy? Are there 200 dead? Were those Russian Army servicemen?
Who and why spreads these rumors and what really happened – Maria Zakharova’s official announcement.
Why the Russian Army did not engage

Putin and Trump: what’s going on behind the scenes?
Will US leave Syria or stay forever? What does Trump really want?

Can Syria lead to WWIII? Lada Ray urgent update!


The true nature of ISIS and how ‘moderate opposition’ works

Russia/Kazakhstan sponsored peace process: Astana and Sochi successes vs Geneva fail
Assad and the real situation in Syria
Reconstruction has begun. Assad’s promise and WHO gets the first pick:
​What lucrative Syrian contracts did Russia pick (guess)?
What goals is Russia achieving with two Syrian naval/airforce bases?
EU & Turkey – new Assad allies? China: about to carve out a niche in the Middle East?
Guess who is conspicuously missing, and who is excluded?​


What is East Ghouta and where it’s located
Why is there a crisis in E. Ghouta
Russian attempts at cease fire, and civilian situation
Cornered terrorists and what they are after
Who is helping them and what is US doing there?
False flag & fake news? Did Assad use chemical weapons / Sarin gas in E. Ghouta?


Double standards or malicious collusion?
Striking Comparison! How E. Ghouta and Aleppo sieges are handled by Russia/ Syria VS how US / Iraq handled Mosul!

What you get: ​extensive Lada Ray narrated video/audio MP4 (w. CC & written outline),
plus, urgent written intel update!
Length: 1 hour 50 min + written update. Subdivided into 6 segments.





Read other essential Turkey/Syria reports: ESR5, ESR7 & ESR13 HERE! 


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