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Bulgaria Returning to Native Shores: ‘Thank you Russia – 1878 and 1945’

Bulgaria returning home

Once, Bulgaria was called the 16th republic of the Soviet Union. It was a reference to the fact that Bulgaria was probably the closest to Russia of all Eastern European countries.

Although, who knows. I personally met Albanians, who lived for years in the US, and when they found out I was Russian they were ecstatic, saying how much they loved Russia and the Russian language. And mind you, on government and ideological levels Albania and the USSR were at odds since Khrushchev carelessly damaged the system of friendships constructed by his predecessors. Still, despite having lived for years in the US these people retained warm feelings towards Russia. I met Greeks, also living in the US, who were just as in love with Russia and grateful that Russia liberated Greece from the Ottoman Empire.

By 1991, when USSR stopped existing, Gorbachev, and later Yeltsin, surrendered Russia’s spheres of influence to the US and EU. Promptly, US-trained russophobes were installed at the helm of every country formerly friendly to Russia. Bulgaria was seduced by all kinds of imaginary riches and dragged into the EU. Of course Bulgarians realized years later that their economy was destroyed as a result of joining the EU.

US stooges and russophobes were put in charge of this, formerly most pro-Russian, Eastern European country. Western-trained and financed MSM began spewing dirt about Russia, history was re-written to diminish or silence Russia’s role in liberating Bulgaria from the Turkish Ottoman Empire in 1878 and from German Nazis in 1945.

But no matter how much they tried, Bulgarian people never stopped loving Russia. In Ukraine, ukro-nazi ideology combined with post-USSR confusion, extreme poverty and $5 billion spent by Victoria Nuland and USA to subvert the country did something wicked to the population. By contrast, russophobia never really took in Bulgaria. Yes, some forgot their own history, but the majority never did.

Last year the puppet Bulgarian government refused to host South Stream on its territory after pressure from US senator McCain. The South Stream deal, if executed, would have brought Bulgaria a very nice income and gas discounts. The actions of Bulgarian government were clearly against the interests of the country.

It seems that this event, plus the ukro-nazi takeover of Ukraine, woke up Bulgarians. Protests against NATO, US, ukro-nazis, and in favor of closer ties with Russia began last year, and they continue.

Bulgarians are peaceful, friendly people, who don’t like to fight. They hope that their peaceful protests can change the situation. This remains to be seen. One thing for certain: discontent with NATO, US dictate and the direction of the country is growing every day. The memory is also returning, and it’s only a matter of time until total recall happens.

Millenia ago Bulgarians lived on the shores of the mighty Russian river Volga, having later migrated to the Balkans. Russian and Bulgarian are very close languages; separation between Russian and Bulgarian languages may have occurred later than some think, possibly as late as 16th century. Because of their Volga origins, they were called ‘Volgari,’ which later became ‘Bolgari, ‘ – Bulgarians. Incidentally, to this day people residing around Volga are called in Russian ‘volgari’ – emphasis on ‘i.’

This is a short video clip about the 2015 Bulgarian Russophil Sobor, aka, Conference of the Friends of Russia in Bulgaria. The nice song sung by a Bulgarian singer in Russian is about Crimea, Sevastopol, and the Russian fleet returning to native shores, finally home after a long voyage. I think the metaphor should be clear.

The posters people carry say: “Thank you Russia – 1878, 1945,” “Russia and Bulgaria together,” “Stop madness,” “Stop USA terrorism,” “No NATO – Yankee go home.”

Check out the Putin and Russia T-shirts people are wearing!

Watch this cool video:

Asia Ivanova from Varna, Bulgaria, is the spokesperson for ‘Bulgaria for Peace’ protests. She says that many activists have received threats and some fear for their lives. She talks about the dates of weekly anti-NATO, pro-Russia protests in various cities. These take place every single week for over a year – pretty amazing consistency, if you ask me!

If anyone is in Bulgaria, these protests take place every Sunday in Sofia, Varna, Plovdiv and Dobrich. Asia says that if they are being silenced, this means they are on the right track and they must continue doing it so the entire world would hear them. On Saturday 10/10/15 at 10 am they are also doing an automotive event in Varna to culminate at the city’s central Cathedral in support of Russian anti-terrorist activities. Similar event will also take place in Sofia.

Asia says:

“Bulgarians are proud people and we do not appreciate being told what to do. All of EU is now experiencing tremendous pressure. We do not like it that Bulgaria is not taken seriously. We want to return Bulgaria’s good name. Russians should know we are not traitors and we are trying to prove it (referring to the fact that some in Russia consider Bulgarians traitors since despite all Russia has done for Bulgaria, Bulgarian puppet government sided with US and Brussels against Russia).

It’s unfair that people are dying from civil war in Ukraine while UN and West ignore it. Meanwhile, Russia does everything to preserve peace, and it’s being labeled aggressor. The whole world now understands that this is a shameless lie.”

More in the video:


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LRL9. Why Did Merkel Get 120 Tons Of German Gold Back from USA?

Russian coin with gloves

Why did Angela Merkel suddenly get 120 tons of German gold back from the US? How much gold is really left in Fort Knox and NY FED vaults? How much gold do China and Russia really own?


Why Did Merkel Get 120 Tons Of German Gold Back from USA?


Russia’s Asia Pivot Sealed: Putin and Xi Jinping Sign New Gas Mega-Deal Via Western Route

Latest from Beijing: On the sidelines of the 2014 APEC Summit in Beijing, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese Premier Xi Jinping have signed 17 economic cooperation agreements, including the new gas supply framework agreement. In addition, on Monday Putin will meet privately with heads of Indonesia, Malaysia and Japan.

The framework of the new mega-deal being signed between Russia and China seals Russia’s resolute Asia pivot, as I have predicted since the beginning of the Ukraine crisis. In addition to the Eastern Route pipeline running through Vladivostok and servicing Eastern Siberian and the Far East deposits, the new ‘Western Route’ pipeline running through the Altai Mountain range will now send Russian gas to China from Western Siberia as well.

This new deal will allow Russia to sell an additional 30 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas to China for 30 years. This is the next leg in the multi-prong multi-year strategic partnership program between Russia and China.

The first in this massive strategic initiative was the 30-year mega-deal signed by Gazprom in May to supply 38 bcm a year to China using Eastern Siberia/Far East gas deposits. The Eastern Route pipeline is already being built through Mongolia, which stands to gain generous transit fees, thus becoming an important strategic partner for both Russia and China. For more on this see my article from 9/4/14: Predictions Coming True! Russia Pivots to Asia: Putin goes to Mongolia and Opens Power of Siberia Pipeline to China.

Subsequent steps were the recent energy, trade and finance agreements between Russia and China, signed one month ago. These agreements included a currency swap worth 150 billion yuan ($25 billion) intended partly to reduce the influence of the US dollar.

The new Western Route deal will double the volume of Russian gas going to China. This will make China Russia’s No.1 customer, surpassing the EU.

Since February-March 2014, in my articles, YT videos and interviews, as well is in my predictions, I had been saying the following:

1. Russia is the ultimate planetary balancer. When there is an imbalance, as we presently see happening with the West, Russia will rebalance the status quo.

2.  ‘If Russians feel even slightly inconvenienced by Western sanctions – off to the East they go.’ Russia’s pivot to the East is now shaping up.

3. I also predicted that in several years time Europe will start experiencing serious gas shortages as Russian gas gets diverted to China. And they will have absolutely no one but themselves to blame. 25 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the solution for Europe is to break down the new wall US, with Poland’s and Baltics’ help, is so diligently building between Europe and Russia.

4. I also warned that the USA’s goal is to drive a wedge between Russia and Europe to prevent their growing cooperation. At the same time, the goal is also to weaken Russia as its main geopolitical competitor, and to weaken Europe as its main know-how economic competitor.

Wake up, Europeans! It’s up to you to pivot towards the future, not the past!

There is much more in Predictions, Interviews and LadaRayLive on YT, as well as various articles on this site.

Video (incl. gas route maps): Putin, Xi Jinping sign framework gas supply deal via ‘Western route’:

BRAGGING TIME AND THOUGHTS: My Predictions Coming True…again. France Admits Putin Is Winning, EU “Blinked”

Many thanks to reader and FT friend Gary . Gary says: “here is a link to sensational remarks by the French ambassador to the US basically throwing in the towel in the war against Russia. He frankly says that Russia has won, game over. This guy is one of the elites in Europe. This is also music to my ears. I love to see these psychopaths and sociopaths in agony.”

Lada says: For those who’ve asked… If you want to see a typical NWO member, look no further – Gerard Araud is it.

Quote from

“While the analogy of Vladimir Putin playing geopolitical chess (while the rest of the world plays checkers) has been a popular one, the French ambassador Gerard Araud has a different – somewhat stunningly honest  – perspective: Putin “is more a poker player really, putting all the money on the table; saying, ‘Do the same’ and of course we blink. We don’t do the same.” As Bloomberg reports, Araud goes on to express entirely un-Juncker-like, how Putin has outmaneuvered his opponents and humiliated Ukraine. Simply put, he adds, the Russian president “has won because we were not ready to die for Ukraine, while apparently he was,” leaving the ominous question, “when is Putin going to stop? Whatever we decide is a disaster for us.”



Chess, poker… sure, why not. It’s all appropriate. But if you want to use the poker parallel, then I can assure you that Putin NEVER put ALL his money on the table – and this is precisely why EU and US blinked. I can assure you, Russia has much more up her sleeve and many more moves the West will never see coming.

Shouldn’t have attacked Russia in her own backyard. Never a good idea – please check your history.

Apparently, they never got a memo from their mommy that Russia’s karmic role is TO STOP any aggression and abuse of world power. No, they wouldn’t know. But you, dear readers, can read all about that in my PREDICTIONS!

Russia today may be smaller than the USSR or the Russian Empire, but it is more stable both politically and economically. Russia and Putin also have more moral and popular support internally and globally than any country or political figure at any time in history. People sense that this is the time of the great shift and that Russia is the one to lead that shift. Meanwhile US support is practically gone; the only remedy remaining is coercion, threats and brute force. This is all part of the natural cycle.

As calculated by the Russian economists, Russia’s ability to withstand sanctions and economic downturn is 10 times the EU and USA’s ability for the same. Russian military shield, after the disastrous ’90s, is now back to optimal. Russia isn’t advertizing some of the most advanced defence and offence weapons she has, weapons that can incapacitate entire US fleet or any rocket directed at Russia. The only thing that can stop those who live to create chaos around the world to suit their private agenda or to enrich themselves at others’ expense is a threat that they will suffer more if they do, whether it is financially/economically or militarily. Russia has succeeded in convincing EU/US in both. I want to emphasize that Russia and Putin succeeded in all this with relatively little blood and loss, and seemingly casually. See below for my predictions on this!

And by the way ‘the willingness to die for Ukraine’ wasn’t a bluff as I was trying to convey many times through my articles. But this is something these stuck-up neocon idiots would never understand… It was US/EU/Kiev junta that stupidly tried, and are still trying, to bluff, which is so obvious for those in the know.

My readers will recall that ever since my first articles and interview about Ukraine back in February/March 2014, I had made important predictions that are coming true one by one:

1. I predicted that US/EU have already lost but they don’t know it yet. Check!

2. I predicted that Russia would NOT send troops to Ukraine, but will remold the situation slowly in her favor ‘by using all quiet and peaceful means at her disposal.’ Check! (Please recall how many ‘experts’ and ‘clairvoyants’ of all sorts had been saying again and again that Russia is about to send troops to Ukraine – some still do! I was the ONLY one who said firmly from the very beginning that it would never happen!)

3. I predicted that this whole decade and beyond is the time of Russia and there is only one outcome possible: Russia becoming more influential and the Western neocon NWO gradually losing ground. Ongoing check after check… but I can assure you, this is only the beginning.

4. I predicted that between 2016 and 2018 Ukraine will be ruled by completely different people and it will become a part of the Customs/Eurasian Union with Russia. This is still to come, but when it does happen – THAT will be the final checkmate! Well, a least as far as the Ukraine geopolitical ground zero goes…

For these predictions and much more see PREDICTIONS by Lada Ray (this page also contains links to some relevant articles you may want to explore). Also read my first articles from February/March/April, etc., for much more about my predictions and analysis. These you can find under categories Russia and Ukraine.


I plan to reorganize the PREDICTIONS page. Eventually, it will be expanded to include all my global predictions for this decade and beyond, and it will become either a separate EARTH SHIFT REPORT or a book. Stay tuned!

The long-awaited Earth Shift Report 1: THE PUTIN ENIGMA is coming in mid-November. All news and links will be posted on the EARTH SHIFT REPORT page.

Also, now coming very soon: FREE ES Report: The Roots of Russophobia in Ukraine and How to Cure it. Release is projected for next week! Stay tuned!

If you haven’t yet, do check out the very popular Earth Shift Special Report: IS PUTIN PART OF NWO?

Putin Goes to Latin America: US Creates Wars – Russia Extends a Hand of Cooperation

Who would you pick as your friend?

Obama World's largest drug dealer

The country that bombs into oblivion whoever gets in its way – like #Afghanistan, #Iraq, #Serbia, #Libya, #Vietnam, #Korea, #Japan (with nukes); the country that spies on its friends, such as the newest in a barrage of NSA/CIA scandals of the US spying on Germany; the country that manipulates the whole world into submission with sanctions and threats?

France Russia

Russian President Putin meets French President Hollande in France

OR: The country that comes in peace and helps develop infrastructure, trade and mutually beneficial relations; the country that doesn’t start wars and works tirelessly to preserve peace for all, despite desperate attempts of some to start WWIII?

The answer should be clear even for the brainwashed, zombified and intimidated population of the West… I think it was always clear for Cubans.

I had been to Cuba, and met Fidel Castro, when I was barely 20. It’s a wonderful country with warm and hospitable population, romantic feel and the old world/new world charm. Due to the long-term extraction of the Cuban wealth by the US and later crippling embargo, Cuba is very poor. But Cubans never fret, making do with what little they have. One of their achievements is the exemplary FREE medical care. Another one, the best education system in Latin America. See my interviews, where I talk about Cuba: Feng Shui, Fidel Castro and Fascinating Predictions: Interview with Lada Ray AND The Earth Shifter, New Earth & Alternative Economy: Thought-provoking Interview with Lada Ray.

Clockwise from top left: El Capitolio, Museum of the Revolution, view of Malecón, lighthouse at El Morro, Havana Cathedral, Plaza Vieja and the Great Theatre of Havana

La Habana, Cuba: Clockwise from top left: El CapitolioMuseum of the Revolution, view of Malecón, lighthouse at El MorroHavana CathedralPlaza Vieja and the Great Theatre of Havana

I am looking at the footage of #Havana today (on video below) and see that, sadly, Cuba has become so much shabbier and poorer since I was there 20+ years ago. Cuba has great potential and it needs a leg up. This leg up comes in the form of a visit by the Russian President Vladimir #Putin. Cuba, where he has met with Raul #Castro (Fidel’s brother and the current head of the country) is the first stop on Putin’s extensive, week-long tour of Latin America.

Raúl Castro, July 2012.jpeg

Raúl Modesto Castro Rus

During the Cuban stop by Putin, Russia will write off 90% of Cuban debt, or $32bln of the total of $35bln. This is huge for a small, poor country like #Cuba. The rest of the debt will be invested in Cuban economy, which will give it a much-needed boost.

After this, Vladimir Putin will visit #Argentina where he’ll sign energy-related and trade expansion deals. Next is #Brazil, where he’ll watch the World Cup final, participate in the #BRICSbank creation, and discuss the information and security deals between Russia and Brazil with President Dilma #Rousseff. Rousseff joins the long list of heads of state-victims of the NSA wiretapping. In Brazil, Putin will also meet with a number of other Latin American heads of state to discuss various energy and investment deals.

Official portrait of Dilma Rousseff

Brazil President, Dilma Rousseff

Video report from RT:


Russia on the move!

The worldwide revolt against USA – the empire gone berserk – is mounting. USA, with its idiotic, arrogant, and belligerent policies, has angered pretty much everyone on the face of the Earth, and beyond. USA not only bombs anyone they don’t like into oblivion, it not only tries to strangle economies of countries it wants weakened or intimidated, but it spies even on staunch allies like Germany.

In Europe: #NSA spying on #Merkel and every German, plus the latest two German #CIA spy scandals, are just a tip of the iceberg. US has many more ‘assets’ in #Germany, and Germans are naive if they think they are in the clear. Outraged Germans announced that they will lift a ban on spying on Americans. Can you believe it – they actually had such a ban! Talk about one-way street!

Merkel 2

Angela Merkel

With one stroke USA just destroyed BNP #Paribas, the leading bank of another European ally, #France. All because France refused to destroy its economy and business credibility by forfeiting its scheduled 2 Mistral carriers delivery to Russia (as USA demanded), and the Russia-France banking deal that was in the works for years. US fined BNP Paribas $10bln for violating US sanctions regime against Russia, which essentially bankrupted the bank. In addition, US blocked France’s ability to use the international dollar exchange mechanism. In response to all that, the outraged France Finance Minister announced that his country will be seeking to trade outside of the US dollar, and will do everything to convince its partners in the EU to do the same.

In Russia, Siberia, Asia: Putin just announced that Russia would be investing $150bln in the ambitious construction of the new leg of the Baikal-Amur Railroad (BAM), taking this money off the table for US Treasury investment. See Russia’s NEW Ambitious Anti-Dollar Move: $150 bln Investment in Baikal-Amur Railroad. After US attempted to impose sanctions on Russia, Russia sold off most of its US Treasuries, which prompted the Belgian bond scandal. Pretty much everyone misinterpreted what happened when suddenly small #Belgium “purchased” US Treasuries for the amount that was bigger than its GDP. I solved the mystery and will have an article about that very soon, so stay tuned.

Putin also made a very successful pitch at the Bali Investment Conference, where he invited #Japan and #China to invest in the infrastructure development in #Siberia and the Far East. The interest is HUGE and Russia expects lots of money flowing in from China and Japan via Russia Direct Investment Fund.

And back to Europe. South Stream – (RussianЮжный Поток): Russia just signed a deal with #Austria regarding the #SouthStream gas pipeline construction. #Hungary and #Italy reconfirmed their commitment to South Stream. This comes on the heals of “uncle Sam” #McCain twisting poor #Bulgaria’s arm to say ‘no’ to South Stream going through Bulgarian territory, thus shooting itself in the foot. More about that here: ‘Gave Americans a Blow Job For Nothing?’ Polish FM Sikorski Leaked Tape Scandal.

But wait, seeing that everyone’s signing up for South Stream, Bulgaria has already managed to do a 180 degree flip! Now Bulgaria swears that they didn’t mean they didn’t want South Stream – turns out they meant they needed to consult with the EU to make sure everything was legal. And this is precisely why they needed to talk to US senator and the world’s biggest Russia-hater McCain, undoubtedly because he is the best expert on EU policy. Grotesque? Pitiful? All the above!

Russian FM #Lavrov just met with his counterpart in #Slovenia to sign the South Stream deal. Slovenian FM admitted that US put pressure on Slovenia not to sign the South Stream deal. US ambassador to Ljubljana even pressured Slovenian leadership not to receive Lavrov at all! This is the first admission of US pressure by a EU official. Despite that, #Slovenia signed up for South Stream. The neighboring #Serbia has already signed the 2.1 bln euro deal for building South Stream on its territory.

South Stream gas pipeline, designed to bypass #Ukraine, will take the capacity to blackmail Russia and EU away from the Kiev US stooges. It will increase the diversification and security of gas transit to Europe.

Proposed South Stream route

Gas transit/Russia/Ukraine Prediction: I said this before and I will reiterate: Russia will eventually phase out Ukraine as a transit artery for Russian gas to Europe. Ukraine proved to be an extremely unreliable transit country, prone to the outside manipulation, violence and outright theft. It will be a matter of time. After Ukraine no longer is a meaningful transit country, US/Kiev/EU will not have as much capacity to blackmail Russia on the gas front. At that point Ukraine will become uninteresting to the US and it will be simply abandoned like a used-up lemon. What the West is trying to achieve before they abandon Ukraine is destroy its economy. They are partially succeeding. How far they will get in the Ukraine economy destruction depends on how quickly Ukrainians wake up to the fact that they are being raped. More about Russia, Ukraine, USA, and other countries in PREDICTIONS.

Russian Presence in Latin America

Vladimir Putin’s trip to Latin America is very meaningful. He will meet with different leaders to discuss bilateral trade outside of the dollar system; creation and financing of the BRICS Bank to be juxtaposed to the rotten #IMF and World Bank system; energy and security projects; oil and gas field development.

Newest info: After Cuba, Putin made a surprise stop in Nicaragua. After that, he stopped in Buenos Aires, where he signed a number of energy and trade deals with President of Argentina, Cristina Kirchner. Argentina is very interested in increasing trade with Russia, which right now is only about $2bln. Incidentally, Russia Today (RT) office broadcasting in Spanish for Latin America will be located in Buenos Aires.

To say that Putin’s visit to Latin America has to do with the blatant US meddling in Ukraine, is to say nothing. Cubans, Venezuelans, Argentinians, Bolivians and other Latin Americans are so fed up with the US always IMPOSING something on them that they had been begging Russia for years to have tighter ties with them. Russia finally decided to take decisive steps to properly diversify its huge currency reserves away from the dying dollar. Russian currency reserves are around $450-500 bln. This is the third largest currency reserve in the world.

Instead of buying worthless US dollars or euros, investing these in the infrastructure projects inside the country, as well as in various infrastructure, development and natural resource projects in Latin America, Europe and Asia is THE WISE thing to do.

Russia is also considering reviving its military bases in Cuba, and that’s 100 miles from the US shore. Russia abandoned her bases pretty much everywhere in the world after Gorbachev came to power, but the US shameless interference in Ukraine and persistent attempts to drag #Georgia, #Moldova, and now Ukraine, into #NATO prompt Russia to rebuild her defenses against the super-bully of the world.

I am looking forward to seeing how Americans will enjoy having Russian military bases within 100 miles of their shores. Rest assured that Cuba isn’t the only country that would love to host Russian bases: #Venezuela, Argentina, #Bolivia and #Nicaragua all have issued a standing invitation.



Russia is giving an example of how to conduct her global affairs peacefully and cooperatively. But I seriously wouldn’t recommend the US and EU to continue stepping on Russia’s toes. The result is always the same: every aggression against Russia turns into a humiliating defeat and long-term disaster for the aggressor (think German aggression in 1941; think Napoleon aggression in 1812). I have to say the US is legendary for its survival instinct. This is precisely why they will never dare attack Russia directly. This is precisely why they always use proxies to do the dirty job for them. But someone who betrayed once, will betray again. US proxies eventually turn against them: think US-trained/financed Al-Qaeda & Taliban. And this is what will eventually happen with Ukraine and various US allies in the EU.


Expect Russia to create a new investment and business climate both inside the country and abroad, which will eventually result in a global shift of how things are done internationally. China is also working on same. COOPERATION, as opposed to confrontation, is the word that comes to mind.

#BRICS will slowly but surely fully develop the BRICS Bank, which will create a much more humane and forward-looking alternative to the existing rotten IMF/World Bank system.

The crumbling US dollar system will continue being undermined both inside and out by the idiotic actions of the US, and by the fed-up population of our planet that is gradually rebelling against the dollar slavery.


All of the above mega deals and projects will be financed outside of the dollar. This effectively means that less and less money will be fed to the US Treasuries, thus undermining the fake financial backbone of the US empire. These moves will gradually take away the US dollar status as reserve currency.

October 9, 2014. Read related: Vladimir Putin and President Cristina Kirchner of Argentina Inaugurate International Spanish RT Channel

EarthShift TV 3: Russia’s GMO Ban and Russia-China Holy Grail Deal

Russian President Vladimir #Putin announced that Russia will criminalize #Monsanto and any other bio-tech companies who attempt to plant, or lie/conceal that they have planted #GMO seeds on Russian territory. Lying, or concealing GMO-related activity, as well as mislabelling GMO products, will bear jail sentence and will be equated to terrorism. Meanwhile, Russia and China sign a mega deal to supply Russian gas and discuss building the ambitious high-speed railroad connecting Eurasia and America. How does all this effect the future of China, Russia, as well as the US and EU? And more.

Like this video on YouTube

Original article: Russia’s Moves: Outlawing GMO and Putin’s Holy Grail Gas Deal with China

Subscribe to EarthShift TV by Lada Ray


Prediction: Deal of the Century Between Russia and China – Huge Blow to the US and EU

Russia and China signed what is called the “Holy Grail gas deal” worth $400 bln. It guarantees the supply of Russian gas to China for 30 years. The Russia-China pipeline construction alone, associated with this deal, will be the largest construction project in the world. Currently, 70% of China’s energy needs are fulfilled by local coal. As a result, China is suffocating in harmful smog. China wants to move to the cleaner energy and Russian gas is providing this opportunity.

Putin and Euro remnantsWith the largest gas reserves in the world, Russia has plenty of gas to supply to China, as well as the EU. Presently, most of the Russian gas is purchased by the EU to feed its very large economy. However, half of Russia’s gas transit to the EU is being held hostage by the hostile Kiev regime managed directly by the US with EU’s help, and EU/US keep insisting on slapping sanctions against Russia. Because of pressures from the West, Russia has to re-assess its economic and geopolitical priorities. What the Western leaders are realizing too slowly is that Russia is holding all the cards.

I predicted this exact outcome from the very beginning of the Ukraine crisis. The thing is that the myopic “leaders” in the EU and US misjudged Russian leadership. More disturbingly, they seriously overestimated their own value to Russia. Read the rest of this entry

What Brought Down Russian Satellite? Angela Merkel’s Biggest Fear? Plus Ukraine Election Prediction

This is a follow-up to my last article: Russia’s Moves: Outlawing GMO and Putin’s Holy Grail Gas Deal with China. In addition to the GMO and Russia/China gas mega-deal, I have discussed Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany. Please go to the link to see what I said.

In response to my words about #Merkel, I received this very interesting comment from a regular reader of this blog and I thought it was so telling that I decided to create a new article by responding to it. Pieter’s comments are always sharp. However, this one perhaps underlines the confusions that exist in the EU. Please forgive me that I am not mincing words. This is because we are talking very serious issues and sometimes you need to say it straight in order to get through the mud of confusion.

Pieter from Europe says:I don’t think Merkel has to fear a scandal. She’s too smart and well organized for such crap.
Merkel fears an escalation. I’m fearing that too. That internet satellite Russia launched last week was shot down. By a ufo, an unknown weapon of the US forces, I don’t know. But that satellite was brought down. Certain evolutions are confusing me. Let’s wait what the may 25 elections will bring for Ukraine.” Read the rest of this entry

Russia’s Moves: Outlawing GMO and Putin’s Holy Grail Gas Deal with China

Bravo! About time! And a great example for the rest of the world!

Russian President Vladimir #Putin announced that Russia will criminalize #Monsanto and any other bio-tech companies who attempt to plant, or lie/conceal that they have planted #GMO seeds on Russian territory. The public support for such measures is tremendous. In fact, people have been waiting for this to happen for years.

Lying, or concealing GMO-related activity, as well as mislabelling GMO products, will bear jail sentence and will be equated to terrorism. The people’s health is the most important thing, not profit, according to Russian authorities.

Many countries world-wide have suffered from GMO. While Europe has banned GMO on its territory, Monsanto practically cornered the market for genetically modified organisms in the USA, Latin America and many poor Asian countries. The situation with GMO is catastrophic in countries like Argentina and Mexico, to name a few. Due to corrupt politicians, poor farmers, and population simply desperate to survive, it is impossible to know for certain how many countries and what kinds of crops have succumbed to GMO infestation in Asia.

While GMO was never planted in Russia, attempts have been made to introduce it. The opposition to GMO has been strong in Russia for years. Many citizens and politicians speak up against it. A couple of years ago, Russian Duma tentatively approved GMO seeds for planting, however, this law remained in a limbo, waiting to be overturned and generating a storm of grass-roots protests. Counter-proposals to ban GMO because of their harm to health and environment were discussed. This time, Russian Duma is acting quite decisively and is set to ban GMO, as well as impose criminal charges on those who don’t adhere to the pending law. Read the rest of this entry

Ukraine Geopolitics: Why Does Merkel Disregard Opinion of Her People?

German Chancellor Angela Merkel accused Russia of invading the Crimea and of acting in violation of the international norms. In her address to the Bundestag, she said that Russia’s aggressive behavior reminds her of how countries acted in the 19th and 20th centuries. Read the rest of this entry

Lada Ray Interview With Plane Truth: The Road to Moscow Goes Through Kiev

Lada Ray Interview About Ukraine and Russia With Plane Truth:

The Road to Moscow Goes Through Kiev

Listen to my interview with the Time Monk Radio‘s show, The Plane Truth. It includes the analysis of the events in Ukraine; Russia, US and EU’s roles and aims; Ukraine and Russia’s history and how Ukraine became the artificial entity that it is today. Around 40:00 we talk about striking geopolitical similarities between Georgia war/Beijing Olympics and Ukraine coup/Sochi Olympics. later in the show we discuss the long-ranging predictions for Ukraine, Russia, US, EU, and more!


Ukraine Part 8: Eyewitness from Kiev, and What is USA Really After in Ukraine?

In response to my ongoing series of articles about #Ukraine, #Crimea and #Russia, I have been receiving a number of supportive emails, tweets and RTs, as well as comments on Youtube and my blogs. However, there are also these: Read the rest of this entry

Ukraine Part 7: Russia’s Geopolitics, USA’s Bluff and EU’s Big Mistake


On Friday, March 7, 2014 I will be on the Time Monk Radio’s show PLANE TRUTH. We will be talking in detail about the situation in Ukraine, Russia’s role, USA/EU, geopolitics and my predictions. 

The interview is here: The Road to Moscow Goes Through Kiev

Latest news: #G7 countries have announced a suspension of preparations for the #G8 meeting that was supposed to be held in #Sochi in June. #USA and #EU also announced they would be imposing sanctions on #Russia for “invading” their own naval base in #Crimea, protecting Russia’s own fleet and millions of Russians that were openly threatened by the #nazis taking over #Kiev.

Those who came here late, may read my prior posts with thorough analysis and video proofs of what is really happening in Ukraine. Particularly Part 4: Nazi coup succeeds. At the bottom of this post also find a link to: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts’ analysis of the Western media double standards and lies regarding Crimea and Ukraine. Also there is a link to the new leaked conversation between EU Foreign Minister and Estonian Foreign minister in which it is revealed that the snipers EU tries to pin on Yanukovich that shot demonstrators and police in Kiev were hired by the opposition.

The above news and their implications I want to discuss in this piece. However, before we start, I want to point out one of many obvious insanities of the US and EU, which will eventually result in a big problem for both. Note: in the Western news this was not reported at all, or it was twisted to appear that black was white and vice versa. Read the rest of this entry