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Worst case scenario – will Ukro-Nazis seize power in Ukraine? End of Poroshenko?

We are continuing the Ukraine topic.

Also read Energy catastrophe and shut-down of Ukraine

Dear Lada, I have been following the developments in Ukraine of the past few days, and the preparations for what some dubbed as Maidan 3. I still read signals that “volunteers” are being bussed to Kiev. I agree with you that the traditional West-sponsored colour revolt is not possible, but that does not preclude the “spiders in the jar” scenario, and that the extremists like Avakov would not go for Poroshenko’s throat. Poroshenko may buy off some of the forces, but the armed thugs are very diverse, reporting to various strongmen, and some voiced their discontent with Poroshenko quite vocally. As there are several forces that would like to take the proverbial crown off Poroshenko’s head, it maybe so that they are balancing each other out for now, measuring each other up… In any case, I have a feeling that something worse, than a Maidan is afoot.
What I wonder is, if there are any plans to secure the nuclear power plants in the worst-case scenario. If something (even more) disastrous started to happen in Ukraine, then Russia could have pushed for a UN-mandated peacekeeper/military policing international mission. With Vitaly Churkin gone, that venue may have been weakened.


Lada’s reply:

Yes, the UN venue has been weakened. The new Russia’s UN envoy is, well… new. We’ll see how he performs – he may surprise us. For the time being Russia will have to make better use of other venues, others picking up the slack. Such as: Lavrov personally will have to engage more to navigate the global situation in manual regime. Incidentally, he has been doing it a lot lately. Just look at his appearance at the Munich Security Conference, as one example.

That said, the Ukraine Shift will be aided by the fact that the West is slowly disengaging from Ukraine, due to the US and EU domestic problems, and due to three years of hard diplomatic work by Putin, Lavrov, Churkin, and others.

Paradoxically, the worst case scenario: ukro-nazis seizing power in Kiev, would be the best and more expedient outcome. Should that occur, it would quickly demonstrate to the whole world how rotten the Kiev regime really is and what the Euro-Maidan was really about. The West would be forced to change its stance to save face and to somehow rectify the bad situation next to the EU borders. This would accelerate the awakening SHIFT timeline and free faster all those poor people still stuck under Kiev regime.

It would also likely make Ukraine citizens rise against the regime sooner.

But that’s exactly why this scenario won’t happen: the West won’t allow it because having a slowly and painfully festering thorn of anti-Russian Ukraine is a lot more valuable to both US and EU. That weakens Russia and the whole Russian World for as long as the wound cannot start healing. This also diverts much energy and resources to deal with the difficult situation next door.

No matter what Trump says, the idea of controlling Russia through Ukraine’s wound is much too attractive to just let it go. Therefore, I am rather skeptical about Trump moving much in the right direction voluntarily.

But – AND THAT’S IMPORTANT – what will ultimately force the West as a whole to loosen its grip on Ukraine are the actions of Russia, as well as people like you and me, Nemo: those who speak the truth and enlighten others as to the real state of affairs.

Another reason that Maidan 3.0 or any variation thereof, including the ousting of Poroshenko without elections, won’t happen is because the West already recognized the 2014 illegal coup, legitimizing illegal elections held by the junta, which installed Poroshenko. Another coup and another installed ‘president’ will completely delegitimize the entire Euro-Maidan and the whole junta structure they’ve built.

As a side note: Some are pushing for early Rada and presidential elections – and this could allow for a different outcome. Early elections for the West may be another way to re-structure and re-legitimize the junta under a different guise, with different faces, such as Yulia Timoshenko. That’s where Russia may come in and prevent this scenario, because all it will do is prolong the agony of Ukraine. Neither Russia nor DLPR benefit at all from changing the face of the junta.

This is precisely why Poroshenko is still being kept in power. Very badly, with huge problems, this slippery SOB still manages to maintain a very delicate equilibrium between all those home-grown crazies. Anyone else, such as Avakov, would not manage.

This is the only thing all Great Powers agree on: no one wants even deeper destabilization of Ukraine; no one wants a full fledged fascist state on their borders with raging civil war all over the country.

That’s why Poroshenko is still convenient for the time being even for Russia – sort of like the best of the worst and a known quantity.

Besides, Poroshenko makes for such a convenient scapegoat. Everyone’s just waiting for the mousetrap to close. Then Poroshenko and his cronies can be tried for their crimes. The trick will be not letting them escape.

You don’t want another face, such as Timoshenko or Avakov, or anyone else. After all, that other person could claim she/he had nothing to do with the war crimes, or that they were following orders. Meanwhile Poroshenko would have time to conveniently escape, having received asylum in London, US or Canada.

This has to be played cool and lots of negotiations will take place between Putin / Lavrov /Shoigu (whose special brand of diplomacy in Syria has proven very effective) and their Western counterparts.

Also, Russia is awaiting the European elections and subsequent Shift this year and next. But that’s a big and separate topic.

PREDICTION: There is no turning back after 2018. That will be a pivotal year, along with 2019.

The takeover of nuclear stations. Frankly, I don’t think ukro-nazi battalions have the guts, nor smarts, to accomplish that. Remember what I said in previous article Energy catastrophe and shut-down of Ukraine? They are mostly imbecile delinquents with an IQ below 100. They can only do what they are doing because the West has financed, armed and encouraged them.

That’s assuming they actually are acting of their own will, which they are not, as I also pointed out in the article. These ‘Ukraine patriots’ don’t make a move without being paid. Whoever pays, orders the music, as we say.

Avakov is not his own man either. He is Kolomoysky’s agent. Kolomoysky has all his billions in the West, which he salvaged by robbing and practically bankrupting Ukraine’s banking system. Everyone is well aware that he stole from the state, and – oh crime of crimes! – he also stole $10 billion of IMF loan money allocated to Ukraine. However, it wasn’t just his bounty: this money was divided between him, Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk, Groysman, Avakov and a few others.

Although everyone appears to know this both in Ukraine and abroad, no one’s going after Kolomoysky’s money. Why? Because he made a trade with UK/US: his money for his country. Whatever Kolomoysky does is all done to preserve his money. Basically, like Berezovsky in his day, Kolomoysky is a typical agent of the West.

Yulia Timoshenko is trying to sell herself to the highest bidder; she’s now pursuing Trump to convince him to install her instead of Poroshenko. Nalivaichenko is CIA asset; oligarch Pinchuk was the largest private foreign donor to Hillary campaign, and now he is kissing up to Trump; Klichko is Merkel’s protegé, and so on.

I did discuss many of these personas and who controls them in ESR2 and ESR3.2-sisters-5

Therefore, combined with Russia’s international efforts, and the fact that EU is mortified to have another Chernobyl, a new nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine will be avoided. Russia also still retains some deep-cover assets in Ukraine, who can prevent the nuclear worst case scenario to save lives. Besides, if ukro-nazis did dare take over nuclear stations, that would be the end of them, as enough people would finally rise against them. This is why Western masters won’t allow it to happen.

I am a lot more concerned that this wound will continue festering another 2 years as the West does everything to sabotage the Ukraine crisis resolution. I feel very sorry for the people of Novorossia (DLPR, Odessa, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhie, Nikolaev, Kherson, not to mention the occupied parts of Donbass), who have to continue suffering.

But here is a bit of very good news: Russia recognized DPR/LPR passports. This is a great first step towards a major shift in all of Ukraine.

The next step must become introducing visa regime for Ukraine. This will squeeze out millions of Western and Central Ukraine guest workers, who will go back to Kiev and put pressure on the regime. Once this is done, the situation in Ukraine will begin changing quickly. This could happen later this year.

The problem is, as always, the pressure on Russia by the West. Overall, it’ll be moving towards resolution, albeit gradually.

Read: Energy catastrophe and shut-down of Ukraine




Putin and Russian Oligarchs – Poroshenko and Ukraine Oligarchs: Crucial Difference

Excerpt from

Earth Shift Report 3:


Read all Earth Shift Reports on





Russian oligarchs

Russia went through the oligarch infestation and wars in the 1990s. I worked at Smith Barney as financial consultant at the time and I managed some of the Russian oligarch assets; therefore, I am quite familiar with the Russian oligarch class. I described some of the oligarchs and their modus operandi in my two novels, GOLD TRAIN and THE EARTH SHIFTER.

Yeltsin was under the oligarch influence. Being a complete child when it came to economy and finance, he had no idea that the oligarchs, together with their Western handlers, were leading the country into abyss.

Although it is not the focus of this report, it must be noted that many, although not all, Russian oligarchs (and of course, Ukrainian too) served as agents for the Western shadow interests. The name of the Rothschilds is usually mentioned in relation to Khodorkovsky. Some acted on behalf of Western conglomerates, such as Exxon, Shell and others. That said, I strongly suspect that some of the former Russian oligarchs weren’t fronting Western oligarchs at all. In fact, they were direct assets of the CIA, Mossad or MI6. One such example is Jewish-Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky, who had Yeltsin’s ear. Throughout the ’90s there was no bigger name and bigger oligarch in Russia than Boris Berezovsky, until Putin got on his case.

After that Beresovsky quickly fled to London. He was an agent of MI6 and CIA, and possibly of Mossad as well. Berezovsky’s story is very remarkable. A couple of years ago, he wrote a secret letter to Putin, begging for pardon and for the possibility of returning back home to Russia. According to many witnesses, in his later years, he missed his homeland terribly, always asking for treats to be brought to him from Russia and greedily listening to the Russian news. The letter was sent with a trusted messenger and Putin got it. Berezovsky could tell a lot of things, including how and by whom the wholesale looting of Russia was organized in the ‘90s. Shortly after, Berezovsky suddenly ‘hung’ himself in his London mansion.

This wasn’t the original story. Originally, the UK authorities were supposed to blame Putin and Russians for Berezovsky’s death, just as it happened a few years prior with ex-KGB Litvinenko. Russian authorities got the wind of what was to come and quickly produced Berezovsky’s letter to Putin, in which he was asking for pardon and return home in exchange for spilling the beans on his handlers. Then, the hastily put together ‘self-hanging’ theory emerged, despite strange bruises on Berezovsky’s neck.

After Putin came to power in 2000, the status quo in Russia changed. It shifted gradually, but Putin let everyone know that he would not allow the wholesale looting of Russia any more. Putin slowly but surely restructured tax laws, making oligarchs and foreign oil interests pay taxes – something that, amazingly, Yeltsin and his sold-out advisors were unable to figure out for 8 years in power!

Those who didn’t want to play ball went to jail, like Khodorkovsky. Others, like Berezovsky, fled the country, taking their assets with them. The Western howling was deafening for years, accusing Russia of the roll-back of democracy and a return to dictatorship. Of course by then I left Smith Barney and generally US corporate world, having understood what was happening and having been disgusted with all that I discovered.

Russian oligarchs were losing power and influence in Russia throughout 2000s. Khodorkovsky was in jail on official charges of money laundering and tax evasion (all true), but in reality, for trying to execute a coup d’état and for attempting to sell the country to the US. (Incidentally, I write about that in THE EARTH SHIFTER; oligarch Konukovksy in the book is modeled after Khodorkovsky). The last oligarch who attempted to obtain the power in the country officially, via presidential elections, was Mikhail Prokhorov in 2012. One of Russia’s richest men, he ran against Putin. Prokhorov got a surprise almost 8%. Putin got almost 64%.

After winning, Putin invited all former presidential candidates who ran against him, aka, leaders of opposition parties, to his Kremlin office and consulted with them on various matters, making sure their voices were heard. This was basically the end of Prokhorov’s political ambitions. I think Prokhorov isn’t dumb. Hopefully, he understood he had no chance against such man.

I usually say that the class of oligarchs ceased to exist in Russia in 2013, but it may have happened as early as 2012, after Prokhorov’s failed bid. Presently, Russia has plenty of rich people and lots of business people. The business class is quite active and there are lots of those who have made their fortunes by building their business from scratch through their own wit and hard work, after the roaring ’90s.

Prokhorov isn’t one of them. He is the owner of Norilsk Nickel, which was the giant Soviet-built enterprise and the world’s largest producer of nickel and palladium. Norilsk Nickel was one of the victims of the ’90s privatization, having been given away literally for free. Prokhorov also owns gold-producing companies. All that he acquired on the cheap during the 1990s wholesale robbery of the country, when prized Soviet properties were sold for pennies. That said, Prokhorov has proven to be a very good manager, and responsible owner. He pays his taxes and conducts his business transparently.

Here is Putin’s plan that is now bearing fruit: oligarchs who acquired their properties that way, but who proved later that they managed them well, cared about their workers, paid taxes, didn’t launder money, conducted honest business and didn’t try to undermine existing authorities, could continue owning what they had, as long as they invested into the country.

I foresee additional change coming soon. Some are proposing a one-time, retroactive tax on assets acquired during the ‘90s for an unfairly low price. These former oligarchs may be required to pay a fee of varying amount.

I like this idea. My advice to Russians to do it this way:

This retroactive tax must be calculated based on a variety of factors, including the fair and prevailing global asset value at the time of purchase, how much the asset has been developed since, how much out-of-pocket money has been invested to develop such asset, and how much more profitable a plant or company may have become. If a person invested a lot of their own money, hired additional employees and expanded the company, they may not owe anything. Many Russian business people expanded and modernized their Soviet inheritance and made it pay.

If they just sat on their acquisition, doing nothing with it and simply milking the original Soviet asset, they should owe a lot, with interest. Some may have to sell their company or give it back to the Russian State, to repay what they owe. I can tell you that this proposed new tax could do wonders for the Russian business class investing in their companies to avoid paying tax, therefore boosting Russian productivity and GDP! I hope this tax is enacted soon.

Oligarch Roman Abramovich, Governor of Chukotka

Roman Abramovich is a great example of how Putin got some of the oligarchs to invest back into the State. Abramovich is one of those who got filthy rich on the unfair ’90s privatization. He was a Berezovsky crony. But later, there was a falling out. Not only that, Abramovich apparently grabbed some of Berezovsky’s assets when the latter fell out of favor, for which Berezovsky sued Abramovich in London court.

One thing Abramovich did much better than Berezovsky was to work with others and achieve a compromise. Putin told him: fine, you can keep your assets, which you manage pretty well, but under one condition. You become the governor of Chukotka. Historically, in Russia wealthy people gave back to the country by serving the State and helping locals.

The Chukotka peninsula is one of the easternmost Russian territories, which has been neglected for the past 25 years. There is no ready access to oil or gas there, with a lot of pristine wilderness. The population is rather small and climate is very harsh, therefore developing infrastructure is very expensive. Consequently, there was no interest in developing it, like for instance, on the nearby Island of Sakhalin.

If you ask me, it’s actually a great idea to preserve some pristine corners of the globe, unspoiled by humans. But locals do demand modern conveniences.

Abramovich had to demonstrate his worth as a governor to earn his ‘pardon,’ so to speak. During his tenure Abramovich invested his own money into building roads, renovating the city and building hospitals, schools and new companies in order to give locals steady employment. There was a situation when Abramovich had to pay regional salaries out of pocket and he had to shell out to fix housing too. Basically, the region was fixed up using his own money. After several years as Chukotka governor, locals started talking about naming one of their streets, or even a town, after Abramovich as a thank you. This was what Putin wanted to hear – Abramovich did a good job; he earned his pardon.

When Medvedev became president, Abramovich appealed to him to be ‘let go.’ Medvedev at first said he was still needed for the second term as governor since he was doing so well, but I think after some consultations with Putin, he did let him go. After that, Abramovich moved to London, preserving his money and the good will of the Russian government.

This is a very good example of how Putin put the oligarchs, their business skills and their money to work for the good of the State and society. He didn’t fight with them, he didn’t take their assets and money away (except for Khodorkovsky and a few others, who committed direct treason). These drastic measures would have been disruptive for the economy and would have created an even bigger backlash against Russia in the West.

Instead, Putin made the oligarchs serve the country they once robbed.

Sochi Olympics

Another example of how he did it was Sochi. Putin compelled practically all biggest Russian oligarchs to invest in the Sochi 2014 Winter Games: from building hotels and sports venues to financing high-speed railroad, trains, new port and train station. This is who paid for a chunk of the $50bln invested. As is well-known, most Olympics don’t pay for themselves since many venues don’t find enough usage after the Olympics are over. If Sochi doesn’t pay for itself, a lot of it will be the former oligarchs’ loss. If it does – good for them, they will make profit.

Read THE EARTH SHIFTER Excerpt Chapts 1-5, including a chapter featuring oligarch Konukovsky, modeled after Khodorkovsky and Berezovsky!
More excerpts can be found here

Ukraine oligarchs

Ukraine oligarchs are very different. They never invested in anything, just demanding more and more eggs from the golden goose they stole from the people. As a result, they killed that golden goose.

Certainly, in the case of Russia we also have a president who isn’t only intelligent and balanced, but who is also a wise leader of a sovereign country, who cares a lot for the well-being of his people and land. It is no accident that US, France and some other countries, have a movement, “Putin for President.” They want to borrow Putin for their respective countries. It is also no accident that Putin has recently topped the TIME 100 Readers’ Poll, leaving any competition far behind. More here: Vladimir Putin Steals the Show in TIME 100 Readers’ Poll.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine we have a regime that consists of foreign marionettes, bandits and fascists. At best they are incompetent, at worst – simply insane. For the past 24 years, Ukraine has been under oligarch/raider/mafia control. In addition to that, it is now under the control of the violent and greedy fascist gangs. As if all that wasn’t enough, Ukraine is firmly under foreign management.

Tragically, Ukraine has no possibility of resolving any oligarch-related problems under such circumstances. The euro-maidan slogans were ‘away with oligarchs.’ Instead, they got one of the biggest oligarchs of them all – Poroshenko – as their president.

Ukraine oligarchs finally understood that they were also losing from the war with Donbass and standoff with Russia. At least some of the oligarchs, whose assets are threatened and whose power is dwindling, wouldn’t mind the end of war in Donbass. They may be even trying to pressure Poroshenko to keep peace and agree to federalization. Poroshenko may even be interested in that himself.

But there are two other forces in Ukraine: 1. ukro-nazis and their armed battalions that are ready to go to Kiev and start another maidan; 2. US, whose interest is to keep as much turmoil and disorder in Ukraine as possible for as long as possible.

It is a further tragedy of Ukraine that oligarchs themselves have created the monster, inviting and encouraging these dark forces. Karma is a bitch – oligarchs can’t win against those two forces. Therefore, however you look at it, the fights between all factions will continue until… all these ugly and dark forces are booted out of Ukraine by a popular uprising.

The rich Soviet inheritance isn’t the only thing that has ended in Ukraine. For years, the oligarchs and the rest of Ukrainians lived off leaching the Russian transit gas to the EU, which they stole from the pipes. Ukraine also lived better than economically predetermined because of the heavy discount on Russian gas it received for years as another left over vestige of the Soviet system, when Russians often robbed themselves to give to the republics. But all of it ended with the advent of euro-maidan and war on all fronts against Russia. Gas price is up and Russian loans no more. As a result, Ukraine is facing total collapse.

Ukraine in this state can only be unified if there is war. During active war in Donbass the oligarchs all seemed united in their hatred against Donbass and Russia. The shift in priorities occurred once the shaky peace process was established. Russia insisted on peace negotiations because Donbass was in desperate need of reprieve for its citizens. But apart from that, the brilliance of the Russian insistence on peace process was that the moment peace started spiders started devouring each other.

In truth though, the country is so filled with energy of anger, confusion and confrontation that this destructive energy has to be directed against someone. If it’s not directed against Donbass, it has to be directed against other forces. The problem is that with very weak central government and almost non-existed legal system, including inadequate private property protection laws, it becomes extremely destructive.

Oligarchs are used to easy money they stole during the ’90s privatization robbery and through later re-distributions of property. Now, with the dying economy, they are staring into abyss. They are losing assets and their cash flow is catastrophically drying up. Bankruptcy is looming.”


Pictures – top to bottom, left to right:

1. No comment: Putin as Bad-Good Santa for naughty and nice children, Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Roman Abramovich.

2. Khodorkovsky during trial.

3. Putin receiving Abramovich – notice their body language!

4. Roman Abramovich as governor of Chukotka, with indigenous Chukchas.

5. Abramovich being congratulated by David Beckham for Russia winning World Cup 2018 (Abramovich was an active part of the Russian bid – another way Putin used oligarch influence for good).

6. Swimming in excess money, Russian oligarchs jumped on ownership of prestigious Western sports clubs. For example, Mikhail Prokhorov bought New York basketball club Brooklyn Nets. Roman Abramovich is the owner of the British football club Chelsea. From left to right: Chelsea and Abramovich celebrate winning a trophy; anti-Abramovich protest by ukro-nazis in the UK; the oligarch scandal – Boris Berezovsky sues Abramovich in the UK court with similar accusations as ukro-nazis to the left. Berezovsky accused Abramovich in taking his part of the joint business and in being Putin’s lackey, to put it simply. UK court didn’t find substantiated evidence confirming Berezovsky’s complaint. Shortly after, Berezovsky secretly wrote to Putin asking for pardon in exchange for juicy intel against his US/UK bosses. After that, Berezovsky ‘committed suicide’ in his London home. This unlikely verdict was given by London police despite suspicious bruises on his neck.”

Bad Good-Santa-Vladimir-Putin Abramovich KhodorkovskyPutin and Abramovich

Mikhail Khodorkovsky...** FILE ** In this June 16, 2004 file photo, former Yukos oil company CEO Mikhail Khodorkovsky seen behind bars at a courtroom, at the start of a trial in Moscow. From a tiny cell in one of Moscow's most notorious prisons, Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the man who was once his country's wealthiest tycoon awaits a trial that for many will be a critical test of Russian justice, and President Dmitry Medvedev's commitment to the rule of law. Beginning Tuesday, March 3, 2009, Khodorkovsky will once again peer out from a courtroom cage and stand trial for alleged financial crimes related to the oil company that he turned into Russia's largest. (AP Photo/Teodor Kustov, File)

abramovich chukotka

FIFA+World+Cup+2018+2022+Host+Countries+Announced David Beckham and Abramovich

There are more pictures inside the report. Some new, fresh ones have just been added!

For the full picture on Russian and Ukraine oligarchs, Putin, Poroshenko, Kolomoysky, and what wizard behind  the curtain is really pulling the strings, read

Earth Shift Report 3 OLIGARCH WARS




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“Hodos tells a story of the Kabbalistic curse that was supposedly performed by Chabad elders against him and Kolomoysky.

In Aramaic it is called PULSA DE NURA, which means the ‘fire strike.’ In 2005 it was performed against then Israel PM Ariel Sharon, who almost literally burned down within several months. The curse has to be fulfilled within one year. In less than 6 months, Sharon fell into a coma. He died without coming out of a coma in 2014.

Another known Pulsa De Nura was performed against Israeli PM Yitzhak Rabin, who was assassinated one month after. Note that both of these leaders tried to stop Israeli settlements on Arab lands and/or tried to sign peace accords with Palestinians. This alone gives us a good insight into the nature of Chabad and the Lyubavitch Jews; it tells us what kind of dark forces manipulate the direction of some countries behind the scenes.

Hodos says that (Ukraine oligarch and raider #1) Kolomoysky may have had Pulsa De Nura done on him, however that could have been a hoax deliberately spread around by his Chabad friends in order to raise his status. The thing is, if someone is righteous and Pulsa De Nura was done on him, says Hodos, the righteous person survives and the curse rebounds on those who did it. The idea is that since nothing supposedly happened to Kolomoysky, it stands to reason that the curse rumor was a hoax.

Ok, let’s go along with Hodos’ theory. Say Kolomoysky did have Pulsa de Nura done on him. Then – yes, Kolomoysky is still alive. However, look what has happened to him since last August, when the curse supposedly took place. He lost his job as the Dnepropetrovsk governor, with a big, public scandal; his reputation took a mega-dive, and he continues losing his status in Ukraine. He got in huge trouble with a multi-month mega prank played on him via Skype by Russian prankster Vovan – I had a video of one such call in Oligarch Wars. During these prank conversations Kolomoysky unknowingly blabbed out things that made him rather hated in Ukraine, basically making him persona non grata. At the same time, he lost his grip on some of his vast holdings and political connections. It’s unclear what is happening with his money; he could be balancing close to bankruptcy. Finally, his Privat Bank is being investigated for stealing $10 bln in IMF loans.

Find out all about Kolomoysky, his bizarre exploits and controversial actions that cost him a chunk of his stolen from the people empire in ESR3: Oligarch Wars.

Hodos also maintains that Pulsa De Nura was performed against him, but since he continues being alive and well, it means that he is righteous. Is he saying that to give himself more weight, just like Kolomoysky, or there really was something? Ether way, he is playing to public and asking for sympathy. 

Still, this person is extremely important to our story, as you’ll see below. This is someone who carries a lot of weight on the topic of Khazaria and the inner workings of Chabad.

Chilling! ​Real video of Kabbalistic Pulsa de Nura curse on Israeli PM Ariel Sharon in 2005!

The video description, obviously written by the type of Jew in question, says this verbatim, and I quote: Just before his dastardly Gaza deportation of 10,000 Jews from their homes, ultra-Orthodox Jews invoked the Kabbalistic Pulsa d’Nura (“Lashes of Fire”) curse against its instigator Ariel Sharon, that he should die within the year.’

The reference here is to Israeli settlements on Palestinian lands, which Sharon tried to stop. Sharon also attempted to break the vicious cycle and establish peace with Palestinians. For that, he paid with his life.”

See the real video of Pulsa de Nura and read much more in



Earth Shift Report 6 has been a year in the making. It is a very deep and all-encompassing revelation of everything surrounding the hot topic of Khazarian Khaganate. It connects many dots that have traditionally remained unconnected, either because of ignorance or manipulation.




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Who is Stealing IMF Loans to Ukraine?

Latest news re oligarch and criminal Kolomoysky, who is now in the US.

Apparently, Kolomoysky appropriated 1.8 billion dollars from the IMF transfer, which was to hold the Ukrainian economy afloat, and that money were traced to his account in Cyprus. The original article in German:

Lada says:

Incidentally, the last I’ve heard Kolomoysky is back at his estate in Switzerland.

Ukraine oligarch, country’s raider No. 1 and former governor of Dnepropetrovsk, Kolomoysky holds 3 citizenships: Ukrainian, Israeli and Cyprus. When asked how he could hold 3 citizenships if it was illegal, he replied: “By law, two citizenships are illegal in Ukraine, but not three.”

It’s not surprising Kolomoysky would be implicated in the disappearance of the IMF loans. But there is much more to the story.

Kolomoysky controls the largest, and at this point almost the only, Ukrainian bank left standing: Privat Bank. This bank has the widest network of branches throughout Ukraine, and it is likely the bank through which the IMF loan clearing has been conducted.

However, this is just one of many ways to steal in Ukraine. The rest of the IMF loans and other foreign aid should be easily traced to Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk, Yarosh, Saakashvili, Nalivaichenko, Avakov and other Ukraine criminals’ offshore accounts.

Of all these, the ousted president of Georgia Saakashvili, who is wanted in his own country on charges of embezzlement and exceeding authority, has found himself a cozy spot as a new governor of Odessa. He also received Ukrainian citizenship, bypassing all imaginable laws.

By some accounts, 90% of the so-called aid from the West is stolen upon entry by Ukraine politicians, oligarchs, nazi militants and the army. For example, when Humvees and armored vehicles from US or UK arrive into Odessa port as part of the Western supplies sent to Ukraine army, one can see them displayed right at the dock with price tags. Anyone can kick the tires, so to speak, and make a purchase on the spot.

Similarly, Ukraine military has been selling tanks and military equipment to Donetsk and Lugansk Republics, pocketing the cash. Last year I wrote how Ukraine military sold to Syrian Assad government heavy weaponry sent to them by the US. Here is the post: Breaking! Kiev Junta Sells US Weapons to Syria.

In other words, Ukraine resembles a feast in the midst of a plague, with everyone scrambling to steal whatever they can, before this Titanic called Ukraine sinks to the bottom.

As to the IMF loan embezzlement, the reason only Kolomoysky is being called out is because he continues being at odds with Poroshenko. Moreover, Saakashvili has been sent by the US and Poroshenko to Odessa in part to break up the old corruption and smuggling rings that were controlled by Kolomoysky. Kolomoysky and his people are obviously fighting this tooth and claw. Now, Kolomoysky also finds himself at odds with the direct agent of the US Saakashvili.

The fact that this news implicates Kolomoysky alone is a sign that the US and EU are behind it. It is a targeted info dump, as we discussed in previous articles. Kolomoysky is being reminded who is the boss. But unlike some other info dumps, it’s not a hoax. It is very likely the real truth.

The fact that only rebellious and hard to keep in line Kolomoysky is implicated, points at the US as the source. The others are still useful to their puppet master. They will be allowed to keep their stolen booty for as long as they behave and keep to the White House party line.

After Poroshenko ousted the former Dnepropetrovsk governor, the wild card called Kolomoysky became a danger to the stability of the Kiev regime. His threats were that he would tear Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Kherson, Zaporozhie and other areas of the south-east he controlled, from the rest of Ukraine. He promised to create his own independent state – a sort of alternative Novorossia.

He also threatened to sick on Kiev the ukro-nazi battalions he financed at the time. Obviously, Poroshenko and his Washington bosses couldn’t allow to lose control over the most prized parts of Ukraine’s territory after all the work they had done to create  anti-Russia on Russian borders.

While the fight between oligarchic and racketeering/militant factions in Ukraine is ongoing, all this puppet show is being closely managed from across the ocean. Rebellious Kolomoysky was called on the carpet of the US embassy in Kiev and lo and behold, after just one little chat with the US ambassador Geoffrey R. Pyatt, he suddenly called off all his threats, apologized to Poroshenko on national television and announced his resignation as governor.

After that, he and his family suddenly left for New York. The interesting twist is that until that moment, Kolomoysky for years was repeatedly denied American visa. Suddenly, it materialized out of thin air.

The reason the US visa was so suddenly and quickly given to Kolomoysky was the need to buy his cooperation and silence. I describe in detail how it all happened, including the deal and conversation between Pyatt and Kolomoysky in ESR 3: OLIGARCH WARS (See the link below).

Why isn’t Kolomoysky being threatened or removed directly? Kolomoysky holds some serious cards, one of them being the fact that he can crash the entire Ukraine’s financial system through Privat Bank. Kolomoysky is far from  finished and it will be interesting to observe his future moves. His at-odds activity will invariably weaken the Kiev junta regime and the US influence in Ukraine. Therefore, it is ultimately positive. This is the fight between spiders in a jar. They will continue stinging and weakening each other, thus preparing the grounds for change in 2016-18, as predicted. See PREDICTIONS for more.

In addition to the above, I am noting another interesting thing.

The fact such info is appearing in the German press sends a positive signal. This targeted info drop is also likely meant for Putin. I am reading it as a signal to Russia from the EU regarding Ukraine. It is also a likely signal to the US.

This info drop, as usual, is multi-prong. Its appearance means that Germany, and by extension all of the EU, is preparing its public opinion for the complete withdrawal of their support for the Kiev junta. It will take a bit longer for that to happen as EU is experiencing tremendous pressure from the US. This pressure is both direct and through US Trojan Horses, the main one being Poland.

Poland itself is beginning to get scared of the monster they so diligently helped create in Ukraine. Suddenly, Poland started recalling who killed thousands of their citizens in Western Ukraine during WWII; that the majority of those who executed and sent Poles, Russians, Ukrainians and Jews to concentration camps in western Ukraine were in fact western Ukraine nazis, not Germans. Now Poles are concerned the descendants of these ukro-nazis will again create havoc on Polish territory. But I wouldn’t be too hopeful that Polish government suddenly regains its reason. Poland is still dreaming of rebuilding its failed medieval empire called Rech Pospolita. They still are a faithful servant of the US, intent on creating a ‘sanitary barrier’ from the Baltic to the Black Sea between Russia and the rest of Europe. Considering that the most important New Silk Road land branch goes through Russia, this means also cutting off China from Europe, therefore, keeping Eurasia divided. Not a wise position to take, which in the future will bring Poland a lot of trouble and lost profit.

Read related:

Learn to Tell a Hoax from Targeted Info Dump (Navigating MSM and Alternative Media)

Forbes Loses Credibility After Publishing Hoax About Fake Russian Losses in Ukraine

The complete picture is here!

Kolomoysky vs. Poroshenko; how Ukraine oligarchs operate, with testimonials out of the horse’s mouth and real videos of Kolomoysky and his right hand Korban; comparisons between Russian and Ukraine oligarchs and Putin’s role; where ukro-nazis fit into all this; who is really pulling the strings.

Read this and more in

Earth Shift Reports 3: OLIGARCH WARS


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 Stats: This report is the size and scope of a small book: 19,500 words, 42 print pages; plus 3 videos

Report contains: in-depth historic, sociological and geopolitical analysis; rare video interviews and latest intel with Lada’s authored translation; personal stories growing up in Ukraine and Russia; juicy inside scoop and new predictions, plus a substantial Reference section.

Report Description

Ukraine’s most powerful oligarchs, their fortunes and more
Spiders in a jar – the Ukraine mafia
The difference between Russian and Ukrainian oligarchs
Inside story: Putin and Russian oligarchs: Khodorkovsky, Berezovsky, Prokhorov, Abramovich
How the Kiev oligarchic junta differs from German Nazis
Poroshenko vs Kolomoysky – who won, who lost?
Jewish oligarch “Benya” Kolomoysky and his right-hand man Korban: video admissions to die for
USSR collapse: aftermath, consequences and manipulation
My personal stories growing up in Ukraine and Russia
Who is really pulling the strings?
What is Kolomoysky doing in the US?
Agony of the regime: latest Ukraine killings
US, EU, Ukraine, Novorossia, Donbass, Russian world – what is coming? New predictions
To top it all off! Real source of her russophobia: Victoria Nuland’s adventures in 1982 Soviet Odessa

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Update on GAME OF RUBLES. Anticipated release: June, 2015. Description and more info: EARTH SHIFT REPORT page on

Update on: Ukraine: New Khazarian Khaganate? Release date will be posted on

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Pranks to Die For: US General Admits Help for Ukraine, Oligarch Kolomoysky – MH17 Downing

We live in an era of the previously hidden becoming apparent, when the TRUTH finds a way to those who want to see and hear it, no matter how well someone it trying to conceal it. The modern listening techniques and the Internet are so advanced that they often become the great equalizers of our time. Yes, NSA may be wiretapping the entire world. But then we also have Snowden. Yes, US, Nuland, US Kiev ambassador, and the other world bandits may have been planning to keep their being behind the maidan and violent coup in Kiev secret, but then someone wiretapped their conversation discussing who to put in charge of Ukraine, and explaining how US really feels about the EU (the infamous f*** EU remark). Yes, EU may have been attempting to publicly deny the Kiev maidan violence and the mysterious snipers, but the wiretapped conversation between Ashland and the Estonian politician made them red-faced. Or let’s take the brilliant wiretapping of the phone talk by Yulia Tymoshenko in which she revealed how much she wanted to nuke Donbass and kill all Russians.

Ever since such embarrassing leaks had occurred, everyone in Ukraine, US and EU is quite tight-lipped about their plans.

But the Russian journalist and prankster with a purpose Vladimir Krasnov found another way to reveal the truth and to make them red-faced.

Krasnov seems to be an equal opportunity prankster. He first became famous when he called the president of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko and introducing himself as a son of the ousted Ukraine president Yanukovich, asked for political asylum for his family. In the course of the conversation the ‘Yanukovich’s son’ said that they still had one of the golden batons (a type of Russian bread) and it will be their present to Lukashenko for his hospitality. When Yanukovich had to escape from Ukraine, the maidan mobs went to his mansion to loot it. One of their famous finds inside the mansion were a large number of the solid golden batons. I listened to this prank call on YT and it was truly hilarious. Lukashenko bought it hook, line and sinker. If Krasnov wanted to find out how Lukashenko, that sly fox, really felt about what happened in Ukraine, he got his answer as Lukashenko remarked that the coup and the new Kiev power were illegitimate. The funniest part was that an unidentified intelligence service or hackers turned out to be listening in on that prank call, and thinking it was legit, made it public by posting it on YouTube BEFORE the prankster himself got the chance to do so.

Krasnov later made equally successful calls to the Kiev junta, finding out some useful and interesting details. Below are some of his latest achievements. At the bottom, you will also find a damning admission by oligarch Kolomoysky about MH17.

Many thanks to my good tweepal @Gogi_Gogi for links to videos and RT article below!

World Class Prank #1

US General admits American help to Ukraine in a prank call

Link to article:

RT article:
A high-ranking US general has promised Ukraine to help equip its National Guard in a call made by a Russian prankster who pretended to be Ukrainian Interior Minister Arsen Avakov.

Prankster Vladimir Krasnov and unsuspecting US Brig. Gen. Kevin McNeely discussed the problems concerning the Ukraine crisis and the possibility of military and financial aid to Ukraine, LifeNews reports. Krasnov asked about Ukrainian aid requests. According to General McNeely the Pentagon may equip “four companies and one battalion headquarters” of National Guard.

“We have many requests …we’ve received, some of them completed, filled, some are close to be infilled. We have equipment right now that is setting …and customs waiting to be cleared …so it can be delivered,” the General said in the conversation.

Answering the question about American help to train Ukrainian troops the general said it was possible. Krasnov asked McNeely if the US can help Ukraine with lethal arms or money and the General’s answer was negative. The US can deliver arms to another country only if the President or Congress approves it, he said explaining that it is political request, not military request. The Pentagon does not send financial aid to other countries and can send Ukraine only equipment or military instructors, the General added.

Gen. Kevin McNeely is the director of European Partnership Task Force, US European Command, Germany. He performs strategic planning and commands operational cooperation.

Krasnov, also known as Vovan, is famous for dozens of phone pranks to famous politicians and celebrities.

Video interview with Krasnov: US General NcNeely reveals military secrets to Russian prankster – with English Subs!

Video description: The video has two parts: A news item on the subject (with Eng Subs) and the recording of the conversation itself. Both have been cut down to get rid of boring parts, and to bring the total to less than 15 min.

Vladimir Krasnov AKA Vovan222 is famous for his prank calls, where he pretends to be someone important and makes outrageous demands, or gets his victim to divulge secrets.
He started off calling Russian soccer players and celebrities, went on to troll high-ranking government officials such the ministers of sport and culture, the head of the election commission, the head of nature protection agency, and then expanded to prank calling Ukrainian politicians, as well.

His most famous success in that area was calling Lukashenko, the president of Belarus, pretending to be the son of a deposed Ukrainian president Yanukovich, and successfully negotiating asylum. Even more hilarious is that the prank call was wiretapped by an unknown intelligence agency, and leaked before Vovan222 did it himself (he was holding out so he could make a second call with some outlandish requests):…

Apart from simply trolling politicians, he has also called Ukraine’s Minister of Interior (Police) Avakov pretending to be a separatist leader asking for peace negotiations, and called Pushilin (head of the DPR at the time) pretending to be Avakov’s aide asking for the same – in an apparent attempt to get them to talk and stop the bloodshed. They did negotiate, but unsuccessfully:

In this story, he has managed to trick a very high-ranking US general into thinking he is Ukrainian minister Avakov, and ask some specific questions about the extent of US military aid. Nothing underhanded going on there, it seems, so that’s good – but he did learn that US is planning on sending instructors to Ukraine, of the exact extent of military aid previously approved, and that a secret meeting was going to happen on the 17th discussing the plans for long-term US military aid to Ukraine.

World Class Prank #2

Kolomoysky: Sorry about the MH17 – but it was a trifle – ENG SUBS

I can confirm – on the video is really the infamous oligarch Kolomoysky! Kolomoysky is considered the racketeer #1 in Ukraine. He has equipped and trained his own private army, which he is using to assert his power over Dnepropetrovsk and to suppress any dissent in this large city, treating it as his fiefdom.

It is true that by keeping Dnepropetrovsk under his control he is currently able to avoid any bloodshed and riots in the city. Simpleton locals seem to be grateful to him for that, however, no one really knows how much of this gratitude is based on Kolomoysky’s own propaganda touting him as a savior. As a well-known Ukraine lawyer and political activist Tatiana Montyan said, the sheeple think life is good when they are being fed today, not knowing that tomorrow they will be slaughtered. Link.

Kolomoysky is one of the 3 or 4 richest and most influential people in today’s Ukraine. He has equipped and trained some of the most vicious National Guard battalions, consisting of nazis and felons let out of jails. These are the battalions infamous for pounding Donbass and executing people.

There is a clandestine battle going on between Kolomoysky and Poroshenko (nominally the president installed by the US, but without sufficient support in the country). While Poroshenko is holding the official position, Kolomoysky is trying to ‘annex’ more regions, including Odessa, Zaporozhie, Kherson and parts of Donbass by installing there his own people. His secret tentacles spread far and wide, including to various organizations and Kiev’s political structures.

The admission of MH17 downing by Ukraine forces ‘by mistake’ from Kolomoysky is very damning. Incidentally, it was the Dnepropetrovsk (Kolomoysky’s domain) air traffic control that led MH17 flight into the war zone by making it deviate from its normal course. The Spanish air traffic controller working out of Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, who tweeted about his suspicions after the MH17 downing, had disappeared along with his Tweeter account.