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Why Ukraine Radicals Marked Maidan Coup Anniversary by Attacks on Russian Banks

Video: Антиправительственный митинг на Майдане в Киеве – Mass anti-government rally on Kiev Maidan to mark the anniversary of the 2014 Maidan coup.

Notice how quiet, and even docile, this protest is. Compare that to the bloody and destructive Maidan coup of February 2014. What a stark difference! This difference is in fact much deeper than seems on the surface. Life of an ordinary citizen has become 4-5 times worse since Feb. 2014. Grivna fell through the floor, economy is devastated, there is a brutal civil war in the country and Ukraine completely lost its sovereignty. And yet, a much better and stable situation in 2014 resulted in violent coup d’etat with fascist overtones, while today, the same armed ukro-fascists are tip-toeing around the Maidan they once easily occupied as their rightful domain.

Once the goals of the Transatlantic bosses were achieved, these ukro-nazis and radicals cleared the Maidan, despite their promise to never leave until their demands were met. Their demands, such as freeing the country of oligarchs, were just forgotten. Their slogan ‘remember foreigner, Ukrainian is the boss here,’ never materialized. Ukraine in 2016 is more dependent on foreign powers than it ever was, to the point of Joe Biden presiding over Kiev government sessions and foreigners occupying key ministers’ posts.

Today, Ukraine is a country under complete foreign occupation. And yet, these heavily armed ukro-nazi battalions do not begin a new Maidan.

I did predict it wouldn’t go beyond simple protests in ESR2 UKRAINE: TRUTH, LIES & FUTURE HOPE, which was released two days ago, on 2/18/2016. This was easy to guess: this time around there is no Victoria Nuland with her cookies laced with hallucinogenic drugs in order to subvert Ukraine. This time there is no US, Merkel’s, Poland’s or EU’s support behind these protests. All these entities want to keep Poroshenko, and even Yatsenyuk, with his almost ZERO % rating, in power for as long as possible. And if there is no Western support behind mayhem — the mayhem won’t happen.

But the frustration and violent energy of these poor and not very bright suckers can be directed where the puppeteers want it. They will be allowed to vent their frustration at the fact that Ukraine has no chance of joining EU despite EU and US promises; they will be given the opportunity to rave and pillage over the undeniable fact that their life is getting worse. But their rage will be directed where it’s profitable for their invisible handlers. 

Those who are the most rebellious and violent, will be sent to Donbass, Kherson or Odessa, where they will kill, rape and terrorize innocent civilians. Others will go to Zakarpatie, where they will terrorize Russian truck drivers attempting to deliver goods to the EU: details of what’s going on in ESR2.

All this will be done deliberately so the venting occurs far and away from Kiev, while keeping US stooge Poroshenko safe. It’s so much better if they terrorize other citizens of Ukraine, whose only crime is that they speak Russian!

The end of the day neared, the second anniversary of the 2014 violent Kiev Maidan was almost over, and yet, ukro-nazis have been unable to burn down or demolish anything… They were forbidden to riot against sanctified by the big boss Joe Biden ‘Ukraine leaders’ Poroshenko and Yatsenyuk.

In all honesty, Yatsenyuk has already been designated as a scape goat. He isn’t that stupid and he knows that if he stays, eventually he would have to pay for his crimes when the situation changes. Therefore, he’s been dreaming of being set free from his position of Ukraine’s PM and of escaping to Canada, whose citizenship he was granted last year — for his ‘great achievements in the cause of progress and democracy,’ no doubt. In reality, Canadian citizenship and the stolen billion are Yatsenyuk’s payment for the job well done accomplishing the demolition of Ukraine and turning it into anti-Russia.

Yatsenyuk can’t wait for his bosses to let him go and to begin enjoying the billion of dollars he stole during his two years in power.

But the Kiev junta isn’t going away and it will hang on to power. This Kiev junta has good teachers, coached on how to deal with protests by Americans, who have had a lot of practice at home (see link below re. how Americans train Ukrainians to be killing machines).

Based on the book by former Ukraine PM Nikolay Azarov, in 2014 Yanukovich was directly threatened by the US through Victoria Nuland and US ambassador. He was warned that if he allowed his police or army to respond to violent Maidan protesters, and if he so much as attempted to restore order, violent coup d’etat would be executed and he would be finished. Yanukovich chickened out, and lost everything anyway. I talk about what went on behind the scenes back then in ESR6: NEW KHAZARIAN KHAGANATE,  in the part entitled: “A story of one betrayal.”

Unlike Yanukovich in 2014, Poroshenko wouldn’t hesitate to give order to shoot, should protests turn violent. Why? Because he has complete and total support of the US.

Of course, another thing that goes through the confused minds of these simpletons strolling today on Maidan is the fact that they themselves brought to power this junta (or at least they think they did). If they rebel against it, aren’t they admitting they were wrong in 2014? Their pride won’t let them do that.

Dissatisfied by the lack of targets to punch or destroy without recourse, they were directed by puppeteers to vent their frustration against Russian banks. 

Attacks on two Russian banks: pogrom of Alpha Bank and attempted attack of Sberbank. Video links:

 Радикалы закидали камнями здание Сбербанка в Киеве – Radicals attack with rocks the building of Sberbank in Kiev. They chant: ‘Ukraine above all!’ This is a direct translation of the Nazi Germany’s fascist slogan: “Deutschland uber alles.” The associations should be clear.

Nationalists wreck Russian Alpha Bank branch in Kiev on Maidan anniversary

It’s certainly easy to understand them protesting against Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk and the junta, which they themselves brought to power via their violent 2014 Maidan. But it seems one needs a psychiatrist to explain why they have attacked the Kiev branches of Sberbank and Alfa Bank, disregarding the office of the president, the many government buildings, and the Rada.

Oh, wait! I actually did explain that already in my prior articles and the reloaded ESR2 UKRAINE: TRUTH, LIES & FUTURE HOPE. I call this syndrome: ‘All the smart ones left and turned off the lights.’ I also define today’s Ukraine as Idiocracy+, as discussed in : Ukraine Scandals: Transatlantic Boss Joe Biden and Ukraine’s Spiders in a Jar.

Read more about this sad phenomenon in:

More related stuff:

‘The road to Moscow goes through Kiev’

My original 3/7/14 interview with The Plane Truth re Ukraine, Russia & US

Published on March 2, 2014: original analysis, predictions and important background:

Striking Geopolitical Parallels:
Beijing Olympics – Georgia’s Attack on S. Ossetia 08/08/08 and ​Sochi Olympics – Kiev Coup 02/22/14


Complete picture, including latest Ukraine events, analysis and predictions,

in NEW and greatly expanded


ESR2 NEW & expanded triple feature+



The Ugly Mask of Fascism in Ukraine 1: Urge to Destroy

First, let me say that if you know anyone who still has doubts as to what’s really happening in Ukraine, just send them the link to this post and the next. If THIS doesn’t change their mind, they are beyond help.

This post works in conjunction with my latest NEW Intel and Predictions: Peace and War Crimes in Ukraine? Russian Gas or Cold Winter? Mrs. USA in Crimea? To add to the picture, also read The Ugly Mask of Fascism in Ukraine 2: Letter From a Russian Liberal.

Much more will be discussed in the upcoming Earth Shift Report 2: The True History and Roots of Anti-Russian Hatred in Ukraine. Please do read them all!

Let’s start off with this video. This happened yesterday. On it, a large number of masked young men are getting ready to topple the largest in Ukraine monument to Lenin on the main square of Kharkov, second largest city in Ukraine. Regardless of how anyone feels about Lenin, to locals, it was an important part of their history and memory. This is a very educational video to watch.

Note, all involved speak Russian; there is no Ukrainian language in this video, which makes it even more bizarre. In the video, two middle-aged men are trying to talk some reason into the young ukro-nazis. Just like in Hitler’s Germany, the drive to establish fascist dictatorship and to destroy everything was especially prominent in the youth of Germany. They routinely roamed the streets, conducted nightly torch marches, threatened the general population and organized pogroms. Of course, someone had to be directing their actions in a specific way. The directors of this show in Kharkov, Ukraine, are invisible.

Remember the infamous Hitlerjugend (Hitler’s fascist youth organization)? It is the exact same story in Ukraine, except these are dressed in black and wear masks; they still love their swastikas. I will talk more about the roots of this extreme sickness in the upcoming Earth Shift Report.

One of the two unarmed men, their faces open, tries to reasons with the crowd of masked ukro-nazis hiding their faces. The man says, “I think you shouldn’t destroy the monument, it’s part of our history after all. I am a citizen of Kharkov and I don’t want it demolished.”

The masked reply: “Do you see how many of us are here and we all want it demolished. And if you don’t shut up and beat it, old man, we will kill you…” and lots more threats, and very crude, ugly swearing.  The brave man unfortunately was beaten, before he got help.

Note, none of the attackers says that they are also citizens of Kharkov. And notice how young they look and sound!

This leads me to believe that they are in fact a traveling circus unleashed on Kharkov, just like it was unleashed on the unsuspecting Odessa on May 2, on Nikolaev, Kiev during maidan pogroms, as well as other cities. That’s why they have to hide their faces. If Ukrainian people match their faces and notice that the same traveling circus causes havoc in city after city, it’s not going to look good for the Kiev junta…

There is so much unemployment and disgruntled, angry, brainwashed by MSM and Soros history books youths in that country that it’s no wonder they join gangs. Except, in most other countries, gangs have LAW to contend with that keeps them in check. The Kiev junta destroyed the institution of the law and the new ‘law enforcement chief’ in Ukraine is a well-known nazi. Therefore, there is an atmosphere of all-permissiveness encouraging acts of extreme violence and vandalism.

The funniest thing is that the ukro-nazis should be grateful to Vladimir Lenin, and they should worship him; he was, after all, the father of the Ukrainian ‘nation.’ It was Lenin who insisted on organizing 15 Soviet Socialist Republics, including Ukrainian. Before that, there never existed a Ukrainian state, nor there were any republics. Moreover, it was Lenin who ‘added’ to a small territory around Kiev then called Ukraine the entire south and east, including the prized Odessa, Kherson, Nikolaev, Donbass, Kharkov and Dnepropetrovsk. This was done over popular objections.

It’s the people of Donbass now fighting the Kiev junta/ukro-nazi invasion, who should hate Lenin. Yet, they don’t demolish his monuments in their cities. It’s Russians who should hate Lenin, not Ukrainians, as he unwittingly contributed to today’s situation. But Russians learned to respect all aspects of their turbulent history, including this one. As the old adage goes: culture that forgets its past, doesn’t have a future.

This is happening because ukro-nazis don’t know and don’t care about their real history. They run exclusively on hatred towards anything Russian. Just shows again the level of lies and brainwashing in ukro-MSM and history books. Watch this telling video:

Signs are important. Remember the guard that fainted at Poroshenko’s inauguration, and the story of Poroshenko’s son also fainting during a church service, while his mother is pushing him away? Both are discussed in my video LRL4: Predictions Coming True; Mind Control in Ukraine. While ‘heroically’ demolishing the Lenin statue, four ‘brave’ ukro-nazis were down – including serious eye and back injuries. An interesting sign indeed…

The latest from Kharkov: local citizens, who, incidentally, don’t hide their faces behind masks, are bringing flowers to the demolished Lenin monument. Signs read, “Kharkov against lawlessness.” Activists cleared the graffiti depicting Ukrainian flag. The mayor of Kharkov, Gennady Kernes, promised to restore the monument at the same location.

Харьковчане возлагают цветы к постаменту памятника Владимиру Ленину, разрушенного вандалами 28 сентября. Активисты очистили пьедестал от граффити, изображавшего украинский флаг. Между тем, мэр города Геннадий Кернес уже пообещал восстановить памятник на прежнем месте. Watch short video.

Germans fed up with NATO lies and US wars

Remember how in several of my articles from the very beginning of the Ukraine crisis I said that ending the war in Ukraine as quickly as possible, as well as ending the US stronghold over Europe, depends on Germany and Angela Merkel? I criticised both Germany and Merkel for their apathy and the ‘deer caught in the headlights’ inaction. Still in 2013, I also said that the new axis of power is forming between Russia, Germany and China. You can search FuturisTrendcast site for my posts on all this.

This may be the beginning of some good news! It appears that Germans are finally fed up and they start slowly speaking up! Below are 3 very telling items from Germany.

The article at the bottom, from the Paul Craig Roberts site, mentions FuturisTrendcast along with Al-Jazeera and Der Spiegel. Lada Ray

“Germans fed up with NATO lies & US wars” Former German Defence Secretary. Video from RT:

“German/Russian people against fascism in Ukraine.” Video from Rus Berlin. Anti-fascist, anti-Kiev-junta May 2014 demonstration in Berlin that gathered 35-40 thousand people. As the crowd walks, the Russian anthem starts playing.

From Guest Column from Germany — America Frightens Us — by Roman Baudzus. 

Dear Friends: I am pleased to be able to share with you this revealing article written for our website by the editor of an important website in Germany.

Washington’s lies echoed by the presstitute media that serves Washington are destroying Washington’s credibility and that of the Western media among Europeans, especially Germans who understand that the threat to peace comes from across the Atlantic, not from east of the Oder River.

The success or failure of Vladimir Putin’s bet that reasonable diplomacy and unprovocative behavior on Russia’s part will contrast favorably with the shrill provocations by Washington depends upon whether European politicians respond to their own citizens or continue in their role as Washington’s whores.  PCR

Political Europe Suppressed Under Washington´s Thumb Is Waking Up

Roman Baudzus

In the aftermath of the downing of the Malaysian airliner in Ukraine, the Western media followed Washington’s lead and manipulated reports in order to make Europeans believe that Russia and Russian-supported separatists in eastern Ukraine were responsible for downing the airliner. In Germany, the press was an extension of Washington’s propaganda machine despite the lack of evidence from both Washington and Kiev to support their irresponsible claims.

It was not long, however, before the public mood in Europe began to turn. A pivotal factor was openly voiced U.S. threats in a law that had been passed by both the House of Representatives and the Senate of the U.S. Congress that could eventually result in an invasion of the Netherlands by United States army forces.

When this was learned outrage was expressed not only within the Dutch government, but also among the population of the country. According to the law, if it should ever happen that American citizens are brought before the International Criminal Court (ICC) and accused at The Hague, Washington would exercise the preemptive right to invade the country in order to prevent prosecution.

Remember that Malaysia’s government had permitted a tribunal in 2011, whose judges in the tradition of British court proceedings condemned both George W. Bush and Tony Blair as war criminals. Some Europeans are asking if there could be a connection between the ruling of this tribunal and the loss of two Malaysian airliners.

In addition, alert and intelligent Europeans have caught on to Washington’s campaign to demonize Russia. A Dutch group of professors sent an open letter to Russian president Vladimir Putin on August 12 in which the signatories officially apologized for the propaganda lies sprewed by Western media.

The former “quality media” in Europe have lost the confidence of readers. A growing number of Europeans relying on Internet sites such as are quite well informed about the propagandistic nature of the Western mainstream media.

The chart recently published by a leading German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) indicates that for one reason or the other, Germans have turned away from German newspapers. The cumulative sales of German newspapers reached their climax back in the year 1983 – with a circulation of 30.1 million copies.


Ever since, things have been deteriorating. In 2013, the circulation shrank to only 17.3 million sold copies – a significant decline of 42.5%, which really hurts many publishers. Persistent cost-reduction programs, massive job cuts and the demise of daily newspapers such as the Financial Times Deutschland are the consequence of newspapers in vassalage to Washington. Many excuses are made for the decline, but the real reason is that German newspapers no longer take
their readers seriously

Germans wonder why their reunited country is still occupied by US troops 69 years after the end of World War II, why their country has no foreign policy independent of Washington, and why the German media provides no public discussion of these highly unusual characteristics of an allegedly sovereign state.

During the last several years the media’s propagandistic character has led to massive resistance among newspaper readers, especially in Germany. You only have to take a look at the comments published on Internet sites of the mainstream media to see angry and disappointed readers turn away from their once favorite newspapers that are accused of actively participating in Washington´s propaganda campaign. Readers see propaganda instead of investigative journalism. In place of evidence and honest reports, there are insinuations and ridiculous accusations. The German newspaper Die Welt even blamed the outbreak of the ebola virus on Russia!

Given the danger of Washington pushing Europe into war with Russia, one can be glad that so many Europeans see through the perfidious propaganda lies spread by the mainstream media. Internet sites now perform the role abandoned by newspapers. These mainly independent internet media refer to themselves as alternative media, which have the goal to provide objective and truthful information in place of propaganda.

Some of the large German newspapers destroyed what little credibility they had left when they used social media to spread their claim that the negative comments on their websites were written by people on the payroll of Vladimir Putin. One doesn’t know whether to laugh or cry over this grotesque assertion.

The unanswered question is why does German mainstream media serve Washington instead of Germany? Does Washington pay well for propaganda services?

If we now come to the recent events in Ferguson, these incidents made us realize that the U.S. police state is not just on the rise, but is already in place! Scenes on TV and Internet videos of brutal militarized police equipped for battlefield combat applying extreme violence to protesters and journalists alike has raised the question in Europe whether America is a democracy or a police state. The continuing American massacre of people in the Middle East, together with Washington’s support for Israel’s massacre of Palestinians and now the massacre of Russians in eastern and southern Ukraine by the government that Washington installed in Kiev have changed the image of America from white hat to black hat. America no longer reassures us; America frightens us.

In a recent story Die Welt journalist Ansgar Graw wrote: “The day when the U.S. police became my enemy.”

Even Washington’s German media vassals reporting for Die Welt have now experienced firsthand the full brunt of American police violence. See and

German journalists who have been living in the United States for 15 years are telling their readers that they have come to the decision to leave the US. They report that things have changed for the worse in the “land of the free” since 9/11, and that they were threatened, handcuffed and arrested for covering the protests in Ferguson.

The policeman who killed the 18-year old black man set off protests, the response to which opened the world’s eyes to the transformation of America into a police state. A country whose military bases occupy much of the world in the name of human rights and freedom, a country that violently interferes in internal affairs of sovereign nations and fights wars at its leisure is now perceived as waging war against its own oppressed propulation. By arrogantly exempting itself from the standards it applies to everyone else, the US has destroyed its credibility.

Now the Dutch wait for the appearance of US troops to show up at the Hague should international law ever be applied to Washington’s war criminals. As one German magazine put it recently, “with friends like America, we don’t need enemies.”

Roman Baudzus is co-founder of German finance and economics blog “wirtschaftsfacts.”


Earth Shift Report: The Putin Enigma – coming soon!

Putin Enigma

Stay with FuturisTrendcast!  Lada



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