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esp6 my 2016 & 2019 brexit predictions will brexit happen

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LADA RAY Authentic 2016 BREXIT PREDICTION COMES TRUE (with original ESR12 excerpt)!

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1 predictions esr12

Hello friends,

BREXIT problems and May being attacked from all ends for her half-baked Brexit deal, or ‘no deal’, has been all the buzz in the news.

But many probably have forgotten that I made a specific prediction in 2016, as part of the Earth Shift Report 12, THE FUTURE OF THE EU. And in that prediction I foresaw this specific outcome! My prediction that BREXIT will be either faked or won’t happen, has played out!

Earth Shift Report 12 was recorded on June 15-16 and published on June 20, 2016, ahead of the June 23 BREXIT referendum vote. The 11 minute audio excerpt above tells you what I was predicting at the time. Among other things, I said the following:






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France Says Goodbye to TTIP

France won’t be signing a free trade agreement between USA and EU. Two official announcements to this effect have been made today in Paris.

First, the French Minister of Foreign Trade announced that France will soon announce the termination of its participation in TTIP negotiations between EU and US. Then French President Hollande announced that France has to shed its hopes and illusions regarding TTIP negotiations, which have hit the rocks of irreconcilable differences between the parties. Hollande:  It’s an illusion to think we can resolve our differences during Obama’s administration and before the end this year.

The announcement seemingly pertains to 2016 only, and France appears to carefully indicate that negotiations could be resumed once new US administration is in the White House. But the reality is that it’s almost impossible to resurrect a project such as this after ties have been severed.

What this move indicates is yet another rebellion of a close ally against US Empire. TTIP was designed to tie EU closely to the US economically, financially, legally and politically. This would have slowed down the breakup of the US Empire and the NWO, which I translate as the ‘Old World Order.’ It would have kept members of the EU from participating in new lucrative Eurasian projects with Russia and China.

France’s TTIP exit breaks the ranks of the EU yet again, making TTIP impossible to execute. Prior to that the Greek and Dutch revolts, followed by Brexit, began the process of shaking up the outdated system.

The breakdown of the old and outmoded continues, The Great Earth Shift is underway!

Video (Rus):

Also this:

Watch related Earth Shift Report:

Special Predictions Video ESR 12
(BREXIT, TTIP/TPP & EU Revolts) 

1 predictions ESR12



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Deadly Extremist Attack in Almaty, Kazakhstan

This is the continuation of attacks in Kazakhstan, which we discussed in Earth Shift Report 9: ATTACK ON KAZAKHSTAN. WHO DESTABILIZES EURASIAN UNION? 

On July 17, 2016 armed group of extremists attacked the city center and police station in Almaty. Per reports, 4 policemen are dead.

In Earth Shift Report 9 you’ve watched my video compilation for the previous attacks in Aktobe earlier in June and the attempted color revolution in May. The compilation was composed of raw amateur videos shot by various citizens and then uploaded on YouTube. This new compilation is similar.

The new events confirm that the attempts to destabilize Kazakhstan – one of the important support elements of the Eurasian/global rebalancing system and the support system for Russia, the Global Balancer – will continue.

Amateur eyewitness videos of Almaty 7/17/2016 attack:

Warning! This one is GRAPHIC! 18+


Find the complete picture of what is happening in Kazakhstan/Central Asia, Armenia/Caucasus, as well as Eurasian Union as a whole, in my comprehensive 





Lots and lots of earth-shattering events are brewing in the world, as we speak. All these are a part of the GREAT EARTH SHIFT.

Such times of a major tectonic shift are always shocking, fast-changing and not always easy to stomach. This is why I put out information on FuturisTrendcast for free. My hope is that it will help all my readers orient themselves in a sea of shifting reality and confusing, upsetting and contradictory events. I hope both my articles/videos and Earth Shift Reports will help bring clarity, understanding and strength to you all in these turbulent and important times!

Many people asked me if I’ll be explaining the dynamics and who is behind the latest attempted military coup in Turkey. Also, I am getting questions regarding Rio Olympics and the possibility of the Russian team’s ban, as well as the mass All-Ukraine Krestniy Khod (pilgrimage) for Peace in Donbass, taking place in Ukraine.

Erdogan and Turkish military coup: YES, I will talk about who is really behind it and the coup’s peculiar (not by accident!) timing. This revealing report is coming soon!

All-Ukraine Krestniy Khod (pilgrimage) for Peace in Donbass: a beautiful and heroic event – very much needed, which is completely ignored in the West. Tens of thousands of people walk on foot across Ukraine from both west and east to converge in Kiev, despite their lives being threatened by ukro-nazis and Kiev junta. While all this goes on – guess what! The West is completely silent, which only means one thing: it is complicit. I have a tight schedule, but I’ll try to have a comprehensive post about this important event around July 27-28, when it’s scheduled to converge in Kiev.

Last but not least:

New Earth Shift Reports coming!

I’m preparing two new EARTH SHIFT REPORTS. Many of you have listened to my latest ESR12: THE FUTURE OF THE EU, which was recorded before the Brexit referendum. Many predictions I made in the report, as related to Brexit, began materializing almost immediately, and they continue developing with astonishing accuracy. In this regard, I have a new ESR in the works: BREXIT AFTERMATH.

Second upcoming Earth Shift Report is the one I promised you all: NATO AT THE GATE & SECRET RUSSIAN WEAPON.

More info on both reports soon!


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Huge Breaking News! Russia Adopts Simplified New Citizenship Law!


I frequently get asked how to move to Russia and especially how to obtain Russian citizenship. As the Western World’s crisis intensifies, as the upcoming uncertainty becomes more obvious, this question is more and more on people’s mind.

Moving to Russia is not a problem if you have a skill or talent Russians value and if you can obtain gainful employment where employer would vouch for you; if you open a business, which provides jobs and pays taxes; if you have certain material assets.

As to the Russian citizenship, until recently, all I could say was that it was VERY hard to obtain. The requirements included residing in Russia for 6 years (1 year + 5 years with residency permit), holding a good job where an employer would vouch for you, plus passing the Russian language and history test. The most discouraging thing for millions of aspirants was that the old law applied to everyone equally, regardless of their circumstances. Of course there are always exceptions, such as a speedy citizenship for Gérard Depardieu, which I can certainly understand. 😉

After what happened in the late 1980s and 1990s, including a huge drainage of valuable talent and skill, when millions moved to the West where they were paid more (some have returned already), plus the fracturing of the Russian world, when the estimated 25 million Russians became stuck in often unfriendly regimes, a knee jerk reaction made Russia very reticent about accepting anyone back easily.

I’ve been expecting the new citizenship law for years. A few years ago I was in talks with the Russian embassy in the US, advising them that they really needed to do something about their tough citizenship laws. I told them that they would immediately get a lot of valuable specialists, should they finally liberalize the Russian citizenship requirements! Looks like my message got across to the right people.

The law isn’t as comprehensive and broad as many hoped, but it’s a giant leap forward. Many – yours truly included – thought Russians were way too slow in adopting the new citizenship law. However, there were legitimate reasons for this extreme caution.

And it’s better late than never! I anticipate that the surprise news with which the Russian government just came out will generate a stampede of those desirous to move to Russia and obtain Russian citizenship. I keep hearing from my international contacts that several hundred thousand Russian Germans residing in Germany are awaiting their permits to repatriate to Russia. The Russian Germans are German nationals whose ancestors used to lived in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

I hear from various Russians residing in the US, usually scientists, techies, art and sports professionals, that they can’t wait for an opportunity to return to Russia. Don’t even get me started on how many millions want to leave Ukraine, Moldova, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, as well as various Eastern Europe countries!

This is mega-news, and while the newly adopted law isn’t as broad as was initially proposed and it doesn’t apply to all categories that are hoping for Russian citizenship, it opens the floodgates for millions to emigrate to Russia. The expected immediate impact is 2-3 million applicants.

Actually, at this point let me pause for a second and enjoy picturing George Soros squirming from the news. As you know, enjoying anyone, even that entity, suffering is not my style, but here I think it’s rather appropriate. After all, Soros – the pointman of the dark NWO agenda – throughout 1980s-2000s had made it his life’s mission to drain Russia of all resources, including the most valuable resource, her people, to feed then growing NWO machine.

The next step would have been the dismemberment and destruction of the World’s Great Balancer, Russia, followed by a wholesale re-writing of history to eliminate for the future generations the truth of Russia’s role and very existence. In the long bygone eras this had already happened more than once; the truth of our real origins and roots was deleted, while lies were inserted in our psyche. As it is, we presently live in the 90% falsified history, and only faint echos of truth still exist in our languages and lore, visible only to those who know where to look. For just a small hint of the truth read my piece Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs?

According to the master plan, the destruction of Russia would have been followed by the complete and final takeover of the world by what we came to call NWO: the New World Order.

As I predicted in ESR1: IS PUTIN PART OF NWO?, it is now turning into the ‘old world order.’

It appeared in the ’90s and throughout 2000s Soros and his cronies have almost succeeded. It was only after Vladimir Putin came to power that the trend began reversing in earnest. Helped by all those of us who saw where the wind was blowing, he thwarted their careful plans and this is the real reason Putin is so universally feared and hated by the Western elites. This is also the reason he is so universally loved and supported in Russia and all over the world.

The way the new simplified Russian citizenship law has been worded, it primarily targets those who reside in the West, especially US, Canada, UK, Germany, France and EU in general. Therefore, this is the law that targets valuable professionals, people with assets and Western know-how.

It also targets some people residing in the post-Soviet space, especially the Baltics (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania – all members of the EU and NATO) and to a smaller degree, Ukraine, Caucasus, Belarus and Central Asia..

I’ll soon have a detailed report about the new Russian citizenship law & how it works.

It’ll come out in a different format than my usual FT articles and ESRs. 

Stay tuned for my big announcements in July and August!



Lots of major geopolitical and Earth Shifting events happening as we speak! These include the historic SCO summit, Putin’s China visit and Turkey/Erdogan’s apology to Russia. A new article and a new Earth Shift Report on these events coming your way this and next week!


To conclude: WOW! My ESR12 BREXIT aftermath predictions began materializing immediately after the UK referendum, including attempts to delay or reverse the results, fights inside the UK, revolts in the EU and Scotland independence referendum 2.0! My BREXIT aftermath analysis coming soon; it’ll become a written addendum to ESR12: THE FUTURE OF THE EU!


Read my FREE article: 

BREXIT Results and Massive New Global Trends


For a complete and clear picture, including BREXIT aftermath, EU, TTIP, TPP, US, Russia, China, Eurasia & much more, watch comprehensive

Special Predictions Video EARTH SHIFT REPORT 12


 1 predictions ESR12




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