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The Plot Thickens! Who’ll Win French Election: Marine Le Pen, Macron, Fillon or Melenchon?

French Presidential Elections 2017 dates: 1st round – April 23; 2nd round – May 7.

According to polls, the winners of the first round are projected to be: 1. Marine Le Pen (National Front), who is against illegal immigration, for strengthening of the French national borders and culture, against EU, for recognition of Crimea as part of Russia and for improving and strengthening relations with Russia; 2. Emmanuel Macron (En Marche!) — pro-EU, represents the Rothschilds and globalists, the darling of Western MSM and neo-liberal establishment.

In my 2012 Year of the Elections Predictions I said the following:

Jan 12, 2012: “French elections will happen at the most inopportune time for Sarkozy. Openly right-wing, he’s deeply disliked in his country, and will lose.”

March 3, 2012: “French elections, April–May 2012 – Nicolas Sarkozy. No change in my prediction. He’ll still lose the election – more emphatically so!”

April 28, 2012: Finalized French election prediction: “On May 6, Nicolas Sarkozy will lose the election. The next President of France, breaking with the long-standing French tradition of allowing a president 2 terms in the office, will be… Francois Hollande.

Most importantly, with the new man at the helm, the direction of French politics will undergo a certain change. However, I wouldn’t expect TOO MUCH of a change at this time. Real change will come later. Some change to the emigration policy from the poor countries, which is a big problem in many European countries. The European countries will attempt to coordinate their emigration policies and certain border controls will be introduced very soon. But the emigration mess will take a very long time to sort out.

Perhaps most notably, with the new president France will change some of its foreign policy. For one, France will stop playing, forgive the expression, “The French poodle” to the US foreign policy, the role it’s been playing during Sarkozy’s neocon tenure. France will re-acquire its more independent stance on foreign affairs, which it used to enjoy under various other presidents since Charles De Gaulle. And hopefully, France’s policy will acquire a more peaceful flavor, as support for invasions and bombings of other countries wanes.

However, if Francois Hollande fails to fulfill these deep-seated hopes of his electorate, the French people will likely vote him out of the office five years from now. In that case, Marine Le Pen, the rising star of the French politics, emphasizing pride in France, its roots and culture, who’s anti-emigration and anti-war, is likely to win the following elections in 2017.”



When I predicted all the above, the French president was still Nicolas Sarkozy and no one believed he could lose to Francois Hollande. I was told that ‘this won’t happen because the French traditionally allow their president two terms.’ A month later Francois Hollande won French Presidential Elections 2012.

But my predictions continued coming true. In 2016 it became clear that Hollande indeed lost so much support that he was forced to withdraw his candidacy from 2017 elections. Still obscure in 2012, Marine Le Pen became the 2017 election frontrunner.

Many have asked me whether my predictions for her have changed since 2012, based on a new reality. Indeed, a number of new faces emerged that weren’t in the picture in 2012… and the plot has thickened.

Conservative Francois Fillon announced a balanced platform, including being in favor of improved relations with Russia. As part of his agenda, he vowed to make sure that there is no new cold war between Russia and the West. His views reminded the French of Charles de Gaulle and the pre-NATO stance of France as a more or less neutral moderator between the West and Russia. As a result, Fillon briefly shot up to No. 1 spot in polls. We know what happened next: an attack designed to bring down Fillon via a corruption scandal implicating his wife and himself. This cost Fillon dearly and his rating plunged to under 20 percent.

Meanwhile, out of nowhere a new face emerged: Emmanuel Macron, who styles himself as an ‘independent.’ Former Rothschild banker, backed by MSM, shadow interests and global corporations, he announced his pro-EU, pro-immigration and pro-NATO stance. He began blaming Russia for hacking and interference in French elections, although when asked for proof, he was unable to present any. Macron also became known for stealing the lines of other candidates, notably from Marine Le Pen and Fillon, and saying whatever his audience wanted to hear at any given moment. This was done in order to undercut rival candidates and confuse voters. The strategy has partially worked and according to latest polls, Macron climbed to No. 1 spot and one point ahead of Marine Le Pen, just one day before the 1st round of elections. His rating hovers more or less in the 24 – 25 percent range.

According to polls and MSM, Macron and Marine Le Pen are most likely to make it to the run-off in May. According to polls, Macron in the second round will beat any other candidate, regardless who it is, Le Pen, Fillon or Melenchon.

Macron has two major advantages: 1. He is the darling of MSM, EU, globalists and shadow forces, with all their unlimited resources and ability to swing elections. 2. He is very young, still in his 30s. During this Period 8 a younger man may have an advantage.

But three factors raise red flags in the rosy picture painted by MSM and establishment on behalf of Emmanuel Macron:

1. In 2016 US Elections, polls and MSM also proclaimed a substantial Hillary’s advantage over Trump, yet Trump won. Are we seeing a similar case of media and establishment collusion to deceive the people?

2. Until several months ago Macron was a nobody in politics. He was built up by a very talented and expensive team of political image makers, whose job it was to create a candidate who would undercut Le Pen’s new French revolution and Fillon’s traditional reason, somewhat akin to Gen. De Gaulle’s, thus allowing the globalists to perpetuate their usual agenda.

3. Since he was slapped together as a candidate pretty hastily, he had no time (nor possibility) to solidify his support. Therefore, Macron’s base is very fluid and undecided, and it can swing to the other side very easily.

All this gives hope to Marine Le Pen, although the newly emerging left-wing candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon has gained dramatically in the past month. Melenchon is touted by some as a French Che Guevara. He has some seemingly radical views, such as exiting EU and taxing the rich. Although lately he softened his stance on EU and he now proposes to ‘reform the EU’ instead of exiting it. This just goes to show how easily politicians proclaim slogans in order to gain votes. What they say during campaign and what they will do later more often than not does not correlate. Just look at Trump before and after. (Listen to my ESR16 and Trump Webinar where I predicted all this would happen. Also there are several good analytical FREE vids on Trump on LadaRayChannel).

The only French candidate who has been honest and steadfast since day one and who has not changed her stance on issues, despite enormous pressure and violent threats, is Marine Le Pen. Love her or hate her, she is the only candidate of the four who has a very stable and loyal base.

Another thing about Marine Le Pen is that, just like Trump, she is most definitely underpolling. In other words, she is not given a fair opinion poll rating, while Macron’s numbers are inflated. Same happened in the US between Hillary Clinton and Trump, which was done to create confusion and attempt to stir voters towards voting for the global establishment’s chosen candidate, Clinton.

Marine Le Pen has withstood all the attacks on her character and all attempts of implicating her in a corruption scandal. Unlike Fillon and his wife’s illegal salary scandal, Le Pen has not lost any voter support as a result of MSM claims of her connection with the Kremlin. Instead of killing her political career, this orchestrated attempt to disparage her may have solidified her support base.

The brave Le Pen even went to Moscow, where she was received by Vladimir Putin. A very bold and unusual move indeed; I don’t recall Putin ever meeting with any major Western presidential candidate before elections. It turned out that such meeting helped Le Pen to shut up her critics.

Another point about Le Pen: apart from the usual nationalistic, anti-terrorism and anti-immigration right-wing conservative crowd, she may surprise by drawing her support in unusual places. For example, according to latest polls, her support among LGBT community increased from 9% to 16.5% as a result of terrorist acts and attacks targeting gays in the US and EU.

Yet another segment overlooked: analysts suspect that Le Pen is likely to be supported by the silent majority of women.

In general, even if we assume that polls are not manipulated, it is most likely that during such polls most people would not answer truthfully who they’d vote for, for fear of retribution. But when the polling day comes, they may end up giving their vote for Le Pen or for another dark horse, Melenchon.

At this time, I am operating under an assumption that there will be an attempt to manipulate this French presidential election. Will it succeed? This will depend on how closely the election is watched and by how large the gap between candidates is.

I agree with polls that Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron will be the first round’s 1st and 2nd finishers (not necessarily in this order). As a matter of fact, it would be better for Le Pen to finish the first round in second position.

Therefore, Le Pen and Macron will face off in the second round on May 7.

I usually don’t change my predictions, once they’ve been made. However, let’s remember that when I initially made Le Pen 2017 win prediction in 2012, none of the present candidates were there, Macron generally having come out of nowhere. Such confusing and fast-evolving political and geopolitical scene is typical of the times of great change — typical of the Great Earth Shift.

Who will be the next French president and what can we expect from her or him going forward? Will France exit EU and NATO? Can we expect an improvement of relations with Russia? Perhaps I’ll discuss all this in the follow-up.


We have previously discussed that Quantum and Geo Calibrations are the best tool for quantifying and comparatively analyzing the energy manifested in our 3D reality.

In EARTH SHIFT REPORT 16 I calibrated both Trump and Hillary before the elections, and based on those calibrations I confirmed what I’d predicted since 2015, that Hillary could not win US presidential election 2016, no matter how many falsified poll results were shoved in our faces.

In Webinar 1: WILL TRUMP SURVIVE HIS FIRST TERM? I calibrated Trump’s wife Melania and Jackie Kennedy, to illustrate a point. Below you can see links to other Quantum Calibrations and Geo Calibrations works of mine.

Today, in the run-up to French election, I want to calibrate the French presidential candidates.


Quantum Calibrations – QC; Chi level – CHI; Heart Chakra – HC

Marine Le Pen 

QC  409 (reason); CHI  200 (confrontational courage); HC  280 (neutrality/friendliness)

Emmanuel Macron

QC  180 (pride); CHI  191 (yearning/striving); HC  180 (pride)

Francois Fillon

QC  195 (yearning/striving); CHI  190 (yearning/striving);  HC 150 (anger/bitterness)

Jean-Luc Melenchon

QC  141 (greed/desire); CHI  280 (neutrality/friendliness); HC 181 (pride)

(Find complete legend & calibration value interpretations in EARTH SHIFT REPORT 17 Quality of Life Worldwide: Lada Ray Geo Calibrations)


Marine Le Pen calibrations are by far the highest and they are all at, or above, the minimum positive level of 200. Le Pen’s HC value is unusually high for a major Western politician, in fact I’ve never seen this in a Western presidential candidate. If such politicians appear at all, it is indicative of a hopeful shift in the political reality of the West. Based on all this, Le Pen should win this election (recall my 2012 prediction!) unless a voter manipulation and/or fraud takes place!

Macron calibrations are all below the minimum positive level of 200 and they are a match to those of the EU, Merkel and globalist forces who are behind him – no wonder he is their chosen candidate. Compared to Le Pen’s they are way too low and he can win only if fraud and results manipulation takes place. His CHI at 191 is indicative of how much he is yearning and striving to win this election in order to prove that his bosses bet on the right horse. They further show that he is not for real: he is a made-up candidate, with no real voter support and he runs on an illusion created for him by his image makers and MSM.

Fillon calibrations indicate how much he is striving to get out of the bad situation into which he was plunged by the engineered corruption scandal, and how much he wants to prove that he remains a worthy candidate. His HC calibration is bad, but understandable due to his anger and bitterness as a result of the corruption accusation resulting in damage to his political career. While a tad higher than Macron’s, these calibrations are all below 200 and are insufficient to win, if honest election is conducted.

Melenchon QC is very telling – at the level of desire: there is a lot of desire (you can call it greed) to get to that coveted spot, which allows one to get to round 2, or at least, to put one on the political map. HC is only at the level of pride, and this is average for Western politicians. Therefore, if Melenchon won French elections, I wouldn’t trust him or his promises any more than I’d trust those of Merkel (more or less on par with her QC), or those of Obama. The CHI level is remarkably higher compared to other 3 candidates. The CHI calibration denotes Earthly Energy Manifestation. His higher CHI level explains why Melenchon suddenly shot up in ratings, gaining on other candidates after his successful debate and social media appearances.

All in all, Marine Le Pen should be a clear front-runner, as I first predicted in 2012. However, I will not predict how dirty and manipulated this election may become. In this regard, all bets are off.

Wishing the best of luck to the people of France.


EARTH SHIFT REPORT 18 (written report)

Lada Ray French Election Predictions: Le Pen – Macron Face-off & What it Means for the EU

BANNER French election Le Pen Macron


About QUANTUM CALIBRATIONS, with Calibrations Scale & definitions

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EARTH SHIFT REPORT 17 Quality of Life Worldwide: Lada Ray Geo Calibrations

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Additionally, read:

Trump and US Syria Attack: Hate to Say I Told You So!

Per My 2012 Prediction! French Elections and the Rise of Marine le Pen and National Front

Per My 2012 Prediction! French Elections and the Rise of Marine le Pen and National Front

It’s official!

Marine le Pen’s National Front wins the first round of regional elections with a national total of about 30%. It’s ahead of Sarkozy’s Republican Party and the trailing ruling Socialist Party of Francois Hollande. National Front gained sharply in the past 3 years and is expected to win again in the second round of these elections. The result has stunned the two traditional parties.

Even if National Front doesn’t win (and barring some huge and almost impossible surprise, such as Sarkozy and Hollande uniting against le Pen, it will win round 2!), Marin le Pen’s star is clearly rising very quickly and definitively, while Hollande’s is plunging, as I predicted in 2012. Back then I also predicted the turnaround of the French policy – and it’s coming. When French policy changes dramatically, it will sweep the change into the rest of the EU. Of course, fully this will happen later, but it’s a good start!

If you think that French regional elections don’t decide that much, it’s true. Regional elections are not very significant per se, but they are considered an important litmus test and dress rehearsal in the run up to the French National Elections of 2017.


Marine Le Pen, Member of the European Parliament:

Marine Le Pen is a French politician who is the president of the National Front. Her party was third-largest political party in France in 2011. It grew into the largest party by 2014. More in Wikipedia

Videos with more details

Marine le Pen’s National Front:

I want to note that what passes for ‘far right’ in France, in fact is a tough, but sensible and reasonable conservatism. What’s important is that it’s outside of either neocon or neoliberal ideology presently dominating the West.

Marine le Pen wisely took steps to soften the image of her party by dismissing her party’s tough far right ideologist, who, interestingly enough, happens to be her father and the founder of the National Front. This attracted scores of new voters. Le Pen is a consistent proponent of good relations with Russia, who’s also for France’s sovereign and independent policy. She is a huge critic of the EU in general and Angela Merkel’s policies in particular; USA and NATO skeptic.

In 2012 I had predicted the rise of Marine le Pen and her party.

Here is a quote from my French Presidential Elections 2012 article in which I predicted that Sarkozy would lose and Francois Hollande would win elections.

Excerpts from April 28, 2012 article:

2012 Predictions Update: French Elections and Eurozone

“Updated prediction:

In a very funny twist, I am predicting that in the second round socialist Hollande (left) will take some of Marine Le Pen’s (far right) votes, along with the fourth place finisher votes (far left).

Seemingly, it doesn’t make any sense. But: the vote for Hollande is a vote against Sarkozy. This is a protest vote, pure and simple. Because, as I said in my January 2012 prediction: “[Sarkozy is] deeply disliked in his country and [that’s why he] will lose.” The French simply don’t want another five years with him.

In addition to Sarkozy’s ineffectual domestic policies and his foreign policy that is both too America-centered and too bellicose for the liking of the French electorate, there is also another reason. As mentioned before, the crisis in the EU continues to deepen and that spells disaster for the incumbent Euro leaders. So far, 9 governments have been ousted due to the European crisis, including Greek, Italian and Dutch. There are more to come. For Sarkozy, this spells the perfect storm.


On May 6, Nicolas Sarkozy will lose the election (which, based on his reaction after the first round has been a surprise only to him, but no one else). The next President of France, breaking with the long-standing French tradition of allowing a president 2 terms in the office, will be… Francois Hollande.

Most importantly, with the new man at the helm, the direction of French politics will undergo a certain change. There will be SOME change in the French attitude towards the EU and Eurozone. However, I wouldn’t expect TOO MUCH of a change at this time. Real change will come later.

Some change to the emigration policy from the poor countries, which is a big problem in many European countries, as well as in Russia. The European countries will attempt to coordinate their emigration policies and certain border controls will be introduced very soon. But the emigration mess will take a very long time to sort out.

Perhaps most notably, with the new president France will change some of its foreign policy. For one, France will stop playing, forgive the expression, “The French poodle” to the US foreign policy, the role it’s been playing during Sarkozy’s neocon tenure. France will re-acquire its more independent stance on foreign affairs, which it used to enjoy under various other presidents since Charles De Gaulle. And hopefully, France’s policy will acquire a more peaceful flavor, as support for invasions and bombings of other countries wanes.

However, if Francois Hollande fails to fulfill these deep-seated hopes of his electorate, the French people will likely vote him out of the office five years from now.

In that case, Marine Le Pen, the rising star of the French politics, emphasizing pride in France, its roots and culture; who is anti-emigration and anti-war, is likely to win the following elections in 2017.”

Read original post!

In 2012 I also predicted Barack Obama’s win, as well as Vladimir Putin’s win with the exact percentage of votes.

Read the original articles on Lada Ray Blog:


2012 Predictions Update: Russian Elections

2012 Predictions. Year of Elections: Russia, France – USA next!

Predictions 2012 Update: US Presidential Elections

More PREDICTIONS on FuturisTrendcast

New predictions as of 11/24/15, incl. preliminary prediction for US Presidential Election 2016:


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2012 Predictions. Year of Elections: Russia, France – USA next!

Reblogged from source: LadaRayBlog

Okay, time to brag… ;)

So, the Russian and French Presidential Elections are over in the exact way I predicted.

I said back on 1/12/2012 (and reiterated on 3/3) that Vladimir Putin would win another term with low-to-mid 60% of votes because the majority of Russians want stability, which Putin represents, and due to the fact that he and the ruling United Russia party would make all the right moves in the run-up to the elections on March 4. I also said that the allegations of fraud and protests would continue, no matter what.

That’s exactly what happened. United Russia made all the right moves before the elections, allegations of irregularities (most of the time unproven or outright fabrication) and protests are ongoing… and Putin won with 63.6% of votes.

It should be mentioned that the analysts projected him to take the votes in the high fifties. 63.6%, higher than expected, seemed to have surprised and overwhelmed President elect himself and analysts alike.

Putin’s next presidency will be very different from his 2 previous terms in this turbulent decade and in this ever-changing world of ours. I hope to cover the future of Russia, Eurasia, the BRICS and its influence on the direction of the world in one of my subsequent posts.

French Presidential Elections (4/22-5/6/2012) just ended. In my posts of 1/12, 3/3 and 4/28/2012 I predicted that Nicolas Sarkozy would lose the election due to the crisis in the Eurozone, failure of his neocon policies and general dislike the French electorate feels towards him. I also said that in a bizarre twist, socialist Hollande would take part of the far right Marine Le Pen‘s votes, because that would be the only way Hollande could win.

I also said that there would be certain changes to the French domestic and foreign policy, as the country will stop playing the “French Poodle” to the U.S. and will slowly re-aqcuire its more independent stance.

Everything happened in the exact way I predicted. Marine Le Pen, courted by Sarkozy for votes, refused to endorse him. Hollande won narrowly, but convincingly, due to some of her votes. Changes in France’s internal and especially external policies are widely expected, although, as I said, don’t expect too much all at once. It will be gradual and slow and real changes will happen later. Hollande already stated that he wouldn’t be a problem for the fellow left-winger (arguably) Obama – at least in the election year. Heads will likely start rolling in 2013. ;)

Some of the changes in the French policies will affect Eurozone, the BRICS and USA very directly, and I hope to discuss all that in my future predictions, where I’ll also cover German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s chances of winning theGerman elections in 2013.

To refresh your memory of my previous posts, where I cover all this in more detail, please read them here:

1/12/2012:  YEAR 2012 PREDICTIONS

3/3/2012:   2012 Predictions Update: Russian Elections

4/28/2012: 2012 Predictions Update: French Elections and Eurozone

In conclusion:

So what can we expect from  the upcoming U.S. Presidential Elections on 11/6/2012? I predicted on 1/12/2012 that the Republicans would pick Mitt Romney and that Barack Obama would beat him NARROWLY in November. By narrowly I mean no more than 5%. Most likely 3% or less. For more about that, read my earlier predictions above. I am planning a couple of updates later this year, one is entitled, Ron Paul‘s Big Mistake” and another will be posted closer to November. In it, I’ll also discuss the USA and the world after the elections.

I am still hoping to release my BOOK OF PREDICTIONS – AFTER 2012 later in the year, time permitting. I will also try to cover some of my other predictions for this very stormy and unpredictable decade here, on my blog. But, since I have too many predictions, too little time, we’ll see how it goes.

Stay tuned! :)

As a reminder to my readers, I do not belong to any political party and consider myself a political atheist. My analysis is based on observation, logic, intuition and the Ancient Chinese System of Long Cycles (CSLC).

Copyright 2012 Lada Ray. All rights reserved.

Prediction: 2012 French Elections & Eurozone

Reblogged from source: LadaRayBlog

I am interrupting my GOLD TRAIN BLOG TOUR today for an update on my predictions for the French Presidential Elections, April 22 – May 6, 2012.

On January 12, 2012 I posted YEAR 2012 PREDICTIONS on this blog. Included were the “big three” elections for the so called Year of Elections, namely Russia, France and USA.

Read the original post: Year 2012 Predictions

The Russian Presidential Elections have already taken place on March 4.Vladimir Putin won the elections in the exact way and with the exact percentage of votes I predicted. But I’ll brag about that on another occasion ;)

After all, this post is all about French Elections.

As a reminder to my readers, I do not belong to any political party and consider myself a political atheist. My analysis is based on observation, logic, intuition and the Ancient Chinese System of Long Cycles (CSLC).

Nicolas Sarkozy

So, here’s what I said on January 12, 2012 regarding the incumbent French President Nicolas Sarkozy and his chances to win another term:

“France, Presidential Elections, April 22-May 6, 2012: French President Nicolas Sarkozy, together with Angela Merkel of Germany (whose re-election is not until 2013, and I’ll talk about her chances on another occasion) will do everything in their power to reassure the Europeans and the markets in 2012, and will pull a rabbit out of the hat, if necessary. Watch for various announcements from the Eurozone, directed at flooding the system with cheap money, more bailouts, etc.

However, the Eurozone crisis will deepen, with more countries teetering on the brink of collapse, and French elections will happen at the most inopportune time for Sarkozy.

Openly right wing and considered the only neo-con able to win the election, he’s deeply disliked in his country, and will lose.

Again, in case anyone’s wondering, Sarkozy’s Chinese Zodiac sign is the HORSE. Maybe, that’s why the long face. ;)

Just kidding, all you, fabulous Horses, out there! The Horse is a very cool and fortunate sign!”

I have also posted an update on March 3, the day before the Russian Elections, in which I updated my outlook for Putin’s chances, as well as Sarkozy’s outlook.

Here is what I said:

French elections, April 22 – May 6, 2012 – Nicolas Sarkozy.

U.S. State Department code name: Emperor Without Clothes.

At this time, no change in my prediction. He’ll still lose the election – more emphatically so!”

Read the 3/3/12 update: 2012 Predictions Update: Russian Elections

So what’s happening in the French Presidential Elections? So far, it’s playing out exactly as I predicted. Nicolas Sarkozy only received 26.5 percent of votes in the first round and finished a humiliating second for an incumbent. SocialistFrancois Hollande received over 27.5 percent, and far-right nationalist Marine Le Pen, the rising star of French politics, finished third with a surprise 18 percent!

Francois Hollande

In the second round Sarkozy and Hollande will be vying for the votes of the third and fourth finish candidates.

My updated prediction:

In a very funny twist, I am predicting that in the second round socialist Hollande (left) will take some of Marine Le Pen’s (far right) votes, along with the fourth place finisher votes (far left).

Seemingly, it doesn’t make any sense. But: The vote for Hollande is a vote against Sarkozy. This is a protest vote, pure and simple. Because, as I said in my January 2012 prediction: “[Sarkozy is] deeply disliked in his country and [that’s why he] will lose.” The French simply don’t want another five years with him.

In addition to Sarkozy’s ineffectual domestic policies and his foreign policy that is both too America-centered and too bellicose for the liking of the French electorate, there is also another reason. As mentioned before, the crisis in the EU continues to deepen and that spells disaster for the incumbent Euro leaders. So far, 9 governments have been ousted due to the European crisis, including Greek, Italian and Dutch. There are more to come. For Sarkozy, this spells the perfect storm.


On May 6, Nicolas Sarkozy will lose the election (which, based on his reaction after the first round has been a surprise only to him, but no one else). The next President of France, breaking with the long standing French tradition of allowing a president 2 terms in the office, will be… Francois Hollande.

Most importantly, with the new man at the helm, the direction of French politics will undergo a certain change. There will be SOME change in the French attitude towards the EU and Eurozone. However, I wouldn’t expect TOO MUCH of a change at this time. Real change will come later, but predictions about that – in another post.

Some change to the emigration policy from the poor countries, which is a big problem in many European countries, as well as in Russia. The European countries will attempt to coordinate their emigration policies and certain border controls will be introduced very soon. But the emigration mess will take a very long time to sort out.

Perhaps most notably, with the new president France will change some of its foreign policy. For one, France will stop playing, forgive the expression, “The French poodle” to the US foreign policy, the role it’s been playing during Sarkozy’s neocon tenure. France will re-acquire its more independent stance on foreign affairs, which it used to enjoy under various other presidents since Charles De Gaulle. And hopefully, France’s policy will acquire a more peaceful flavor, as support for invasions and bombings of other countries wanes.

General Charles De Gaulle

In conclusion, I also want to mention that if Francois Hollande fails to fulfill these deep seated hopes of his electorate, the French people will likely vote him out of the office five years from now.

Marine Le Pen

In that case, Marine Le Pen, the rising star of the French politics, emphisizing pride in France, its roots and culture; anti-emigration and inti-war policies, is likely to win the following elections in 2017.

The next 2012 Predictions update is coming in May, after the French elections.

Stay tuned!

Lada Ray

Copyright 2012 Lada Ray