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Moldavia Explodes! Anti-EU, Anti-Government Revolt, Parliament Stormed

The events in Moldavia (aka, Moldova, aka, ex- Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic) are developing swiftly and resolutely. I have been following the events in Moldavia very closely since 2014 when I first felt it was on the brink of a major change, in part expedited by the Ukraine 2014 coup, and in part by anti-Russian sanctions.

Just like Ukraine, Moldavia has been starkly divided and torn between pro-EU (better defined as pro-Romania) and pro-Russian camps. Some are simply for closer ties with Russia and define themselves as pro-Moldavian sovereignty.

Moldavia’s situation, allegiances and events are confusing at best. It seems there is a lot of flip-flopping and morphing. The impression is that both the government and people are confused and unsure what to do with themselves and their country. The info sipping through into the general world from Moldova is sketchy and inadequate. In such circumstances it’s a great idea to follow what’s happening via someone who knows those parts first hand (I grew up there), follows closely, understands the language, background and intricacies involved; in short, someone you trust.


I had explained the realities of Moldavia and the breakaway Pridnestrovie, as well as the autonomous Gagauzia, in my video report: Pridnestrovie vs Moldova: Eurasian Union vs EU (LadaRayLive 2)

…and in my article Analysis and Predictions: Battleground Moldova – November 30, 2014 Elections.  These predictions are, incidentally, materializing exactly as I said they would. Note, the political landscape in Moldova is very fluid and some of the parties mentioned in that original article have changed their names, such as Patria of Renato Usatiy (Usatii) became Nasha Partia (Our Party). The Customs Union Party also changed its name and morphed into something else, remaining a pro-Russian force and still siding with the left. But the general prediction and direction of the events and energy remain true, developing in line with my predictions. Socialists won the majority in the 2014 elections, but were manipulated out of power, and they continue being the leading force in these protests.

How $1 billion was stolen from Moldavian people

In the summer of 2015 it was discovered that $1 billion disappeared from Moldavian banks. By disappeared I mean: evaporated, vanished into thin air. This money was, per reports, simply stolen and laundered offshore. For a small and poor country like Moldova this amount constitutes 1/4 to 1/3 of its annual budget.

As a consequence, Moldavia’s banking sector collapsed, liquidity dried up and the country plunged into a catastrophic crisis. Economy took a nose dive as a result of that, plus, Russian sanctions.

The government tried to cover up the disappearance of the money, but the scandal grew. Secret criminal connections between the highest government officials and biggest oligarchs, such as Plokhotnyuk, were revealed, causing uproar. One of the people who blew the whistle was the mayor of Beltsi and head of Nasha Partia, Renato Usatiy. I talk about him in the above-linked article, and we’ll continue talking about this rising star of the Moldavian politics, and sort of Che Guevara cum 007, in the upcoming ESR: BLACK SEA GAMBIT. This report is worth reading for many reasons, not the least of them being the international revelations of clandestine dealings and secrets worthy of a thriller! Don’t miss!

By October 2015 mass protests in Kishinev began and they haven’t stopped since. The remarkable thing about these protests is that pro-Romania and pro-Russian forces, both the ultra right and left, are united in their protest against this corrupt, oligarchic pro-EU government.

The leadership in protests was taken by the Party of Socialists with Igor Dodon, who won last elections, but was blocked from forming the government (read all about it in Analysis and Predictions: Battleground Moldova – November 30, 2014 Elections) and Nasha Partia with Renato Usatiy. These leftist parties head the coalition for Moldavian sovereignty, against EU and Romania annexation and for closer ties with Russia. The movement for Customs Union and close ties with Russia is growing daily, as predicted in the linked article and video.

Protests continued through the cold winter despite authorities’ repeated attempts to arrest various leaders, despite sabotage and open propping up of the regime by Romania and USA. As a result of persistent protests, the resignation of Moldova’s PM was achieved. One of the Moldavian oligarchs responsible for the disappearance of $1 bln and former PM Vlad Filat was designated by the regime as scapegoat and sent to jail.

But protesters refused to calm down, continuing to demand resignation of president Timofti, the end of oligarchy and full investigation. The ultimate demand is the new parliamentary elections. Moldovan president refuses to resign and refuses to schedule new elections. In this he’s supported by Romania, which continues its slow, crawling annexation of Moldavia. He’s also supported by EU and USA.

Should new elections be scheduled now, by all estimates and polls, the pro-Russian and pro-Moldavia-sovereignty opposition coalition will win. This would put an end to almost 25 years of Romania dragging Moldavia into its fold, kicking and screaming. Then the country is bound to make a turn away from EU and towards Russia. This will also begin the process of de-oligarchization of the country.

Is it any surprise that the present government, financed by oligarchs, is holding on to power for dear life. This may be their last chance to remain in power. While at it, they are trying to push through the EU association agreement, before it’s too late. This is despite widespread protests and the majority being against it.

And here is our old ‘friend,’ again rearing her ugly head! A day prior Victoria Nuland popped up in Bucharest, Romania, where she met with Romanian and Moldavian presidents/ top brass and where she approved the new PM of Moldavia, whose name is Pavel Filip. This painfully reminds us of how Nuland was caught on tape approving and moving around, like pieces on a chess board, Ukraine PMs, presidents, heads of Rada, and such.

The news of Nuland approving Moldavian PM angered protesters further. The protest slogan became: “US approves the crooked Moldavian government, but Moldavian people don’t.” The protesters say that Filip is the front for the oligarchs that have been robbing the country blind. As economic situation in Moldova worsens, an average citizen feels the pinch. This again reminds me of a similar situation in Ukraine, as described in ESR3: OLIGARCH WARS.

Last night Kishinev (aka, Chisinau, Moldovan capital) government publicly lied to citizens that the approval procedure for the new PM would be delayed by a few days. This was done to mislead and lull protesters into complacency. As protesters looked the other way, under the cover of the night, Moldovan elites gathered in secret and hastily approved the new PM and government without any deliberations. The whole approval process lasted 6 minutes!

Today, after the news reached opposition, a renewed wave of mass protests began. Angry crowds attacked parliament building and for a brief time occupied the ground floor, but were talked by protest leaders into vacating it. The leaders maintain they should stick with peaceful protest, demanding new elections.

Video of protesters storming Moldova parliament:

Video of mass protests in Chisinau (Kishinev), Moldova (“Первый канал”. В Молдове по призыву “Нашей Партии”, ПСРМ и DA десятки тысяч людей вышли на улицы): 

At least tens of thousands are on streets, despite low temps – minus 12 C. Note: in this video people chant in Russian: ‘vibori’ – elections and ‘svoboda’ – freedom, and in Modavian: ‘viktorie’ – victory. In Moldova people often speak in a mix of Russian and Moldavian, easily transitioning back and forth between the two. This way of speaking and thinking is very natural for locals as they try to make sure everyone understands them.

Meanwhile, the government has expelled Russian language and culture from schools, government and from MSM, which feels very unnatural to people. As a result, Moldavians exist in a warped reality. At school they are told that Russia is the enemy and invader. But at home people most often watch Russian channels and listen to Russian news.

About 1 million Moldavians work in Russia since their own economy is shut, sending money back home. Meanwhile, Russian language, history and relations with Russia are being suppressed, just like in neighboring Ukraine. Russian speakers prefer to leave Moldova and move to Russia or Pridnestrovie permanently, and not only Russian speakers. Moldavians often make the same choice. Watch my LadaRayLive 2 video linked above for all the details!

Angry crowds also surrounded ex-president of Moldova, Gimpu, who was instrumental in trying to drag the country into EU and towards Romania’s annexation. As he was exiting the parliament, the crowd beat him up.

Video of ex-prez Gimpu being attacked:

Incidentally, Russian media reports that the accredited Russian journalists, arriving to cover the protests, are being denied entry into the country and deported on the spot. Moldavian authorities tell them they have been ‘blacklisted.’ Russian journalists are scratching their heads as to why. I know for a fact that Ukraine junta regime closely cooperates and shares their info on who should be blacklisted with Kishinev regime. I’ll have some very revealing intel in that regard in Black Sea Gambit!

I am following the events in Moldavia very closely. My original prediction (see more in the Battleground Moldova link above) was that an uneasy and delicate equilibrium would last until 2016 or 2017, when both pro-EU and anti-EU forces will be close to equal. In the same piece I said that thereafter the country would begin shifting more and more towards Russia.

My prediction remains unchanged, but the scandal with the missing $1 bln may have accelerated the timeline. I am all for positive change, but I still believe that it will take Moldavia until at least some time in 2017 to unravel the country’s many problems. Some sort of compromise needs to be reached between opposing views that would be workable for the majority. Only then a decent new balance may be achieved. But it will be hard for a while. Unfortunately, like with Ukraine, Moldova’s economy will be ruined before the population finally sees the light. Due to the fact that Moldavians are largely peaceful people, unlike western Ukraine’s ukro-nazis, I hope bloodshed may be avoided. Read my above article for more predictions.

The country will have to change lots of things, including constitution, history books (Moldavian history has been re-written; in it Russia is the aggressor and instead of real Moldavian, the falsified ‘Romanian history’ is being taught) and alphabet (traditional Cyrillics was replaced with Latin and Moldavian language is now called ‘Romanian’), among many others. Election laws, federalization/autonomy laws, and many others will also have to change. This will take some time.

One thing remains clear: Moldavia is turning away from the failing Romania annexation/EU-association model. Moldavia can and should live in peace and cooperation with both Europe and Russia, as well as all other neighbors. But it is now forced artificially into a situation when it has to break all relations with Russia – its primary trade partner, cultural, language, currency and jobs donor. Moldavians are forced to accept becoming a poor backdoor of Romania and EU, whether they want it or not.

And this won’t happen. The tide is changing – be ready!

The explosion and the tectonic shift in the pre-Balkans: Moldavia, Pridnestrovie, Gagauzia, along with Romania, will be one of the topics of my upcoming Earth Shift Report: BLACK SEA GAMBIT. In it I’ll also cover the strategically all-important Odessa and northern Black Sea, as well as Caucasus and the changes brewing in the Balkans. Important changes in Poland will also be in the report. These are all areas that are boiling over with unseen by most of the world, but very significant change, which eventually will tip the scale of power in Eurasia. These are the areas usually overlooked, whether intentionally or not, by global MSM. Reliable info from these parts is normally hard to come by.

Just a small sampler of lies, followed by the real truth, about Romania, Moldavia and Russia. The whole picture, as usual, will be revealed in the upcoming Earth Shift Report!

Romanian trolls had polluted the entire internet with claims of the ‘great Romania.’ One such claim: they insist that Moldavia belongs to them. They even have the audacity to say that Odessa and Odessa Oblast (Bessarabia) belong to them as well. I’ll talk about Odessa, as well as the entire Russia/Moldova/Romania spread, in the upcoming BLACK SEA GAMBIT.

But just a few quickies to wet your appetite! In fact, Romania didn’t exist before 19th century. There were a few divergent, very feudal, very backwards, and warring between each other territories: mainly Transylvania (yes, Vlad the Impaler’s domain) and Walachia. Dobruja (definitely a Slavic, non-Romanian word) now belongs to Romania as well, but it really should be a part of Bulgaria. Romania also claims Bukovina in Western Ukraine (also definitely a Slavic word and populated almost exclusively by Slavs). I could go on, but I think the picture is clear.

All the above Eastern European/Balkans territories as far as Hungary were under Ottoman Turks for centuries and didn’t exist as normally functioning states. At least there was a Moldavian dukedom with capital in Kishinev as early as 1690s, even if it wasn’t fully independent. One thing I can tell you for sure, Moldavia was certainly in better shape and fully independent of the wrecks that were Transylvania, Walachia, etc.

By contrast, Rumania (Romania) was only formed in 1878.

Don’t even get me started on the etymology of the word Ru-mania or Ro-mania. Same goes for the Romanian language.

Below is the map I used in ESR7: TURKISH CONUNDRUM, to illustrate the decline of the Ottoman Empire. It shows by year when various areas of Eastern Europe were liberated from Ottomans, between 1699 and 1923 (click for bigger map):

decline of ottoman empire

But that’s not all!

It was Russia that liberated all of pre-Balkans and Balkans, including what is today Romania, from the Ottomans. Further, if it wasn’t for Russia, there would be no Romania! Russia insisted on creating Romania at the time, over the objections of the British Empire and Austria-Hungary. Russia wanted to create a state that would unite the pre-Balkans Orthodox people and the kind of state that would keep under control the piracy, smuggling and lawlessness predominant in those parts, so the neighboring people could exist in peace, including Russia’s own Slavic population across the border – in South Russia (aka, Odessa), Novorossia and Malorossia. In retrospect, this is a rare case when, perhaps, Russia should have listened to the Brits.

Conclusion: Romania is one of those countries who repay for any help and any good with the blackest ingratitude. What do you expect from the country that joined Hitler when he was winning, lured by the promise of Odessa as the big prize, but promptly betrayed him and switched to the opposite side when he began losing? Not only Russians, but all Europeans, would be wise to remember this!


Stay tuned for both ESR8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT and ESR9: CRIMEAN AGENDA  – read descriptions here!





Due to an avalanche of noteworthy events happening in those parts as we speak, I am putting the completion of the reports on hold – just for a short while. I don’t want to release the reports prematurely; my intent is to capture as many important news and developments as possible. I want to be flexible as to the sequence and time of release for the final content’s maximum benefit. I may decide to release Black Sea Gambit first, followed by Crimean Agenda – whichever will make more sense at the time of release. The preliminary release time for the first of these two reports: by the end of January. In February (or, depending on how things develop, in March) the second one will be out.

Related to ESR8 and ESR9, and as part of this new trilogy of reports, also expect ESR2 reloaded: UKRAINE: TRUTH, LIES & FUTURE. I’ll try to time it close to the second anniversary of the 2014 Kiev ukro-nazi coup on February 22.

Usually my ESRs weave a tale that reads like a series, from report to report. It’s best to read them sequentially. But they can also be read by related categories. Once covered in an ESR, I won’t return to these topics again. My goal is to move to the new topics. EARTH SHIFT is a huge, all-encompassing global event and there are still so many new topics to write about!

After this first series of 9 reports is complete, I will move on to the long-awaited THE PUTIN ENIGMA. Also, in 2016 I want to concentrate on predictions for Russia, USA and China, as well as on completing the full written version of my Earth Shift Theory.




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Good and Bad News: New Power Bridge Links Crimea to Russian Power Grid Ending Blockade; Crimea/Kherson Terror Act Warning

Good news: New Power Bridge Links Crimea to Russian Power Grid, Ending Energy Blockade

On December 2, Putin announced that Crimea was officially linked to the Russian United Power Grid via the newly built Power Bridge from mainland across Kerchensky Strait. First line of the bridge was completed ahead of schedule by Chinese and Russian contractors. The first line of 200 megawatt greatly alleviated the electricity shortage following Ukraine blowing up power lines to Crimea. Second line, adding another 200 megawatt is expected by December 15-20, allowing Crimeans to greet New Year’s in light and warmth. Crimeans are already reporting heat and lights being back.

Three weeks ago, ukro-nazis and Crimean Tartar Mejlis had blown up four strategic long-range transformers in Kherson Oblast, Ukraine, supplying power to Crimea. Details: Ukraine Blows Up Power Lines, Leaving Crimea Without Electricity.

By May 2016 two more lines of the Power Bridge (Rus: EnergoMost) will be built, for the grand total of over 800 megawatt between four lines, surpassing the amount of electric power previously purchased from Ukraine. In 2017-2018 the new power station will also be built, in order to accommodate the needs of Crimea’s growing economy.

The auto-rail multi-directional bridge will also be completed by 2017-18. This will signal the 100% independence of Crimea from the neighboring Ukraine.

Crimeans are rejoicing that life is returning to normal after almost three weeks of energy blockade, and thanking Russia and Putin. More than ever, they also feel that last year they had a lucky escape from Ukraine.

Putin announcing opening of the Power Bridge:


Still, this is bitter-sweet news.

I grew up in those parts; I remember how it used to be. It’s a terrible pity that Ukraine has chosen this kind of confrontational route to nowhere. The Kiev junta, oligarchs, ukro-nazis and Crimean Tartar Mejlis, aided and directed from abroad, are to blame for the unnatural division between people who had always been friends and closest relatives. I feel sorry for the people on both sides: Crimean and Ukrainian. Many have family living on the other side, and many have close friends across the border. All these people are now divided due to hateful Ukrainian propaganda and hideous acts of violent and unscrupulous individuals, supported by greedy foreign interests.

If you recall my predictions, Ukraine will have to hit rock bottom in order for people to truly wake up and start changing the disastrous situation they allowed to fester in their country. Unfortunately, Ukraine still has some way to fall before the bottom can be reached. It will be a tedious next year, and as Ukraine falls, it will attempt to drag Crimea, Russia, Pridnestrovie, Moldova and EU with it. Tension and uncertainty will continue and more problems are expected.

Bad news: Kherson Oblast and Crimea Terrorist Act Warning

One of the problems is the spread of rampaging thugs, violent nazis, together with extremist Mejlis terrorists supported by Turkey and Daesh. These are taking over the country as corrupt central power in Kiev both shows its complicity and its utter weakness.

Alexey Zhuravko, the man who warned about terrorist act against Crimean power supply one month before it happened, is warning of more terrorist acts planned by ukro-nazis and Crimean Tartar Mejlis backed by Turkey. He warns that 16 more strategic transformers may be blown up. He also warns of a threat of terrorist acts against telephone lines and chemical pipelines to Crimea. There are plenty of those running through eastern and southern Ukraine. Zhuravko warns about possible techno-ecological catastrophe around his native Kherson as well as Nikolaev, reaching into Crimea.

He also warns about Mejlis/ukro-nazis threatening a reign of terror, such as blowing up of Crimean Power Bridge, as well as the regular bridge to Crimea.

I will discuss in detail many seemingly unconnected events and threats forming all around Black Sea, including Caucasus (Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan), Russia, Crimea, Odessa, Moldova, Pridnestrovie, Bulgaria, Balkans, especially, Serbia and Montenegro, and of course, Turkey and the straits. The region is boiling over and may blow up at any moment. Everything that is happening in this region, however unconnected it may appear, is invisibly orchestrated from one and the same center. We’ll connect the dots and form the full picture in the two upcoming reports: ESR7: TURKISH CONUNDRUM and in the following ESR8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT.

Coming next:

Earth Shift Report 7


Erdogan, Davutoglu & Ottoman Empire

Coming Sunday, December 13! 
Stay tuned!

Turkey conundrum 2

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