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Cloak & Dagger: What is Really Behind Butina & Roscosmos Arrests? (FREE PUBLIC PODCAST 1)

The Hot Summer of Retrogrades & Eclipses (ESR22) indeed! We have so many shocking events and earth shifting changes that I must release not one, but two major Podcasts, to cover just some of them. In addition to the main topics below, we also talk about new anti-Russian sanctions and the US-Russia and US-China trade wars. We’ll soon have written Patreon reports on the real truth about US-Russia and US-China trade wars. You need to be my Patreon patron to be able to read those!

We already have over 140 posts/articles/reports on Patreon, and counting. About 1/4 to 1/3 of these posts are FREE PUBLIC ones. Scroll down POSTS page to view all posts. Joining is easy: to join click on BECOME A PATRON and scroll down the page to pick your tier (make sure you understand what rewards you are getting for each tier!). Click on OVERVIEW to read about my Patreon program.





PODCAST 1 above doubles as BONUS INSTALLMENT 6 for my latest written 

Earth Shift Report 23:


Click on title-link above to donate and read the entire comprehensive report (almost 17,000 words)! 

Patreon subscribers get ESR23 and earlier ESRs FREE: click on link for access.



Going forward, all in-depth reports will be published only on Patreon!  

Listen to Podcast 1 and to the following Podcast 2 to learn why I have made this decision!




The Death of Western Democracy & Freedom of Speech (Alex Jones bans, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube)!


Listen to our PILOT PODCAST:  Q&A: How dangerous is it to travel to Kiev, Ukraine? (Plus, Russian travel advisory)

Click on TAGS to read all articles under each category & to hear podcasts:

500th Soyuz Launch: Russia, USA, China, Fake Moon Landing, Space Travel and Aquarian Age

Historic 500th manned Soyuz rocket has been launched from the iconic Soviet Baikonur Cosmodrom in Kazakhstan. The rocket is delivering three cosmonauts to the ISS. The flying workhorse called Soyuz remains the world’s only dependable vehicle for the international crews to get to the ISS. 

Russia recently announced it would be pulling out of the ISS project around 2020, also withdrawing the Russian space module and its equipment contributions to the ISS. The official reason for withdrawal is the ISS orbiting too far to the south, thus preventing the observation of the majority of the central and northern Russian territories.

Russia is also building a new Cosmodrom Vostochny on its own territory, in the Far East. While historic Baikonur was obviously built by Russians, after the USSR split-up it had become a part of Kazakhstan. Diversification will ensure a better control over the Russian Space Program and important launches.

The ISS was built and launched at the time when USSR was already surrendering its international positions, thus allowing US to push through the orbit covering the entire North American continent, while missing most of Russia.

Before the ISS, international crews used for years the old Russian Space station called MIR (mir means ‘world’ and also ‘peace’) that was eventually retired. The present one-sided and unfavorable to Russia situation will change when Russia builds its new station. The ISS is aging, and after the Russian module withdrawal it will be less capable of carrying significant crews.

In the 2020s the situation may revert to those times when MIR was the only international Space station in town. The new Russian station is also being designed with the idea to serve as a launch pad for future journeys to the Moon and other planets. I mean the real journeys, not the Hollywood-produced imaginary ones from the late 1960s – early 1970s.

There is still some doubt that humanity is ready for the real trips to the Moon and Mars. But if anyone on Earth is more prepared and ‘wired’ to do it than others, it’s Russia.

The reason is esoteric. Astrology tells us why. Russia as a country is ruled by the sign of Aquarius whose ruling planet is Uranus. Aquarius is responsible for the psychology of the global village, friendship and cooperation; energy and electricity; world-wide web; revolutionary changes; humanity and humanitarianism and… Outer Space, including any Space programs developed by humans. This is why Russian Space program continues being the best.

The US has been scrambling for years to find a substitute for the Russian Soyuz to deliver its astronauts to the ISS. After the cancellation of its own manned Space program and retirement of its last vehicle which proved unreliable, NASA ‘outsourced’ it to ‘private’ companies. However, so far, trials have been unsuccessful, with rockets exploding on lift-off.

First off, I want to tell you all what I see based on remote viewing and various secondary data. The so-called ‘private space companies’ are still financed secretly by the state, out of US taxpayer’s pocket. The percentage of private investments is very low. By calling it ‘private R&D’ US government avoids getting public scrutiny of how the money is spent.

Secondly, Space exploration is the kind of enterprise that requires a whole-hearted participation by the State. Only State can possibly push through, adequately finance and sustain for a long period of time such huge undertaking. As the US debt continues exploding and the dollar dominance is reaching the end of its cycle, it becomes more and more impossible for the American State to get involved. It will be even more difficult going forward.

That said, there is an indication of a new ‘Space race’ developing. It’s nothing like the Space race of the 1960s-70s between USSR and USA, which caused USA to fake Moon landings using its proficiency in Hollywood propaganda. This race is subtler and involves three parties.

Russia and China have their separate Mars programs. Russia has recently finished its live (camera-recorded) volunteer-based 6-month Mars flight simulation. China is doing something similar and USA has started an experiment as well.

As I said, it’s not clear at this point when exactly humans will be ready (or rather allowed after, and IF, the humanity’s sequester is over) to travel bodily to other planets. But Mars flight simulations are interesting and revealing at the very least.

Some people may ask me why waste so much money on Space exploration? Wouldn’t this money be better used on Earth? Several years ago we have officially entered the Aquarian Age. The next 2000 years will be centered around Cosmos, if humanity survives its darkness and finds its way back to its light. We are presently at the time of the Galactic dawn, so the signs are hopeful. I talk about that in my book THE EARTH SHIFTER.

The Aquarian Age will, among other things, be the time of the discovery of other worlds and understanding of the human place within its galactic family. Therefore, it’s natural to want to learn as much as possible about Space.

In geopolitical terms the renewed interest in Space exploration is indicative of the emergence of the new super-powers. It is something that happens every time super-powers need to compete and assert themselves. Only three countries at this time are capable of financing, staffing and sustaining a complete space program. These are: USA, China and Russia.

In the stock market we use a term ‘leading indicator’ applied to certain data or events that predict a near future change in market conditions. I have found that Space exploration programs of various countries are a very accurate leading indicator of where each country is heading.

China is coming late to the table and asserting itself as a new super-power. Based on its very successful, but still developing Space program, China is definitely on the rise and is very serious about it.

USA’s Space program is waning. NASA is not what it used to be, private companies aren’t living up to expectations (I could have predicted that – wait, I did predict that) and financing is drying up. This mirrors the general situation of the USA as a waning super-power.

What NASA and US Space program in general is going through as we speak, resembles the situation in the 1980s Russian Space program. By 1991 USSR collapsed. In other words, my leading indicator would have predicted it accurately.

Today’s Russia is a different story. My Space Exploration Leading Indicator says that Russia has partially preserved the USSR’s Space program heritage, but not all of it. At this point, Russia is rebuilding the full program and making steps towards its further expansion. Despite certain setbacks, Russia asserts itself as a leader in Space exploration, which will become even more apparent in 2020s.

This mirrors what’s happening on Earth: 1. Putin being the most popular politician on the planet; 2. Edgar Cayce, the Ringing Cedars’ Anastasia, Baba Vanga, and other prophets’ predictions that Russia would lead humanity into the new era.

I can say one thing for sure: Russia, when the time comes, will be ready and willing to share its discoveries and seats to Mars with others. Every country’s talents are best utilized in cooperation. USA, just like any other country, should learn to utilize its many talents for the good of all.

USA’s fake Moon landings aren’t the main topic of this post. But as a sidenote, in case someone has an issue with this, I’ll say a few words. The fact that the landings were fake is provable on many various levels. You can find lots of videos on YouTube demonstrating the point. My fave was the Hollywood prop rock used in the landing footage with the letter ‘C’ that someone forgot to turn over. But I won’t go through those proofs here. I have plenty of my own.

The fact that Americans have never actually landed on the Moon is provable not only visually, scientifically and logically, but also metaphysically.

Remote viewing, Akashic Records, clairvoyant/ claircognizant and empathic methods – all show the same picture.

As an example, here is my Quantum Calibration of the Moon landing.

We are calibrating the truth of a the following statements:

Contemporary humans HAVE landed bodily on the Moon: the truth of this statement calibrates at: 4 (near death) – NO truth in this statement!

Americans had been to the Moon in person: 4 (also near death) – NO truth to this statement.

US used Hollywood to fake Moon landings: the truth of this statement calibrates at 980 – absolute truth, (high enlightenment).

My Quantum Calibrations are explained here.


The world doesn’t consists of just physical matter or just geopolitics. While, important to us all, the 3D human world is just a tiny speck in the endless Cosmic time-space continuum. Humanity is now learning about the greater Universe surrounding us.

P.S. I sincerely hope my dear American readers take my Moon landing story the right way. Please don’t be offended at the truth.

Peace to all



See all Earth Shift Reports


Quantum Calibrations — Earth & Personal Shift — Earth Shift Predictions — Feng Shui

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Russia to Build Own Space Station?

Interview with Russian cosmonaut Oleg Artemiev: ‘Why Russia needs own space station? The present ISS has a peculiar trajectory. When we fly over the US, our American brother-astronauts can observe their entire country. However, when we fly over Russia, the ISS trajectory is such that it doesn’t allow us to see anything north of Voronezh (city in south-western Russia). When my fans on Twitter and Instagram ask why I don’t post pictures of their city or area, what can I say? This happens because we never fly over most of our country. We can only see the southern stretch. Of course, Russia needs her own station so we could observe our own land in its entirety. Observing and monitoring our Earth is a big part of our work up there. As a Russian cosmonaut I am very sad I can’t see my country from Space.’

Космонавт-испытатель Олег Артемьев заявил, что из-за того, что траектория движения станции МКС не поднимается севернее определенных широт, российские космонавты имеют возможность наблюдать из космоса только южную часть своей родины. Поэтому, по словам Артемьева, для наблюдения за своей землей России необходима собственная космическая станция.

Don’t forget to check out this short, but pretty cool video about the Kamchatka Peninsula I posted on Lada Ray Blog! The video is accompanied by a Russian song and the pristine nature is beautiful: Russia Begins Here.


Coming very soon!

PROJECT EARTH SHIFT on Lada Ray YouTube channel 

Stay tuned!

War or Peace: Damning Eye-Witness Video of MH17 False Flag; Plus, Strange Failures of Russian Rockets

Link to videoWarning – GRAPHIC!

This has just been brougth to my attention. I believe it is necessary to post the translation of this very graphic and disturbing, but extremely damning video. Please keep in mind that the site that has posted this video, ‘AnnaNews,’ keeps being deleted by YouTube for their unbending drive to tell the truth. However, it keeps coming back up. Watch the video asap, to avoid missing out in case of deletion.

Incidentally, we have discussed the Boeing 777 #MH17 false flag in the Inaugural Episode of Lada Ray Live show: Crimea’s Scythian Gold; MH17; Russian Sanctions – Global Consequences.

Below, I have translated the main points of the commentary by the independent journalist Alena Kochkina, who was at the site of the MH17 crash 20 minutes after the event and who took the pictures in above video.

Translation of the main points:

“These body parts, there was some kind of liquid coming out of them as shown – not blood. This is what it looked like by day; by night the liquid around bodies looked strangely green. Very little, or no blood. The bodies looked like they were stored somewhere. There was an odd concentration of bodies, seemed like they were concentrated in 2 parts of the plane. It was impossible to stand by one of the plane parts – the smell of chemicals was overwhelming, as if in a morgue. Body parts didn’t look like they came from living people. There were birds that got hit and died. I took their pictures – by contrast, their bodies looked like they were those of living things, a very different look compared to the human bodies. Again and again, stressing that there was no blood and people didn’t seem like they were just recently alive.”

“Most passengers seemed of Asian look, so it is unclear how so many could have been Dutch. Only 20 bodies had clothes on, the rest were stark naked. Even though it can be that their clothes got blown off during the fall, but wouldn’t at least something like a sock, or a trace of a belt on their waste, be left? Only 7 were children, not half the plane as the West was saying.”

“It was curious that so many passports were left absolutely intact, with no traces of any damage. Another curious thing was that passports were also concentrated in one or two spots.” (As was noted by other analysts, many Dutch and other passports collected from the plane had round holes, which is how inactive passports past their expiration date are marked in the US/EU – LR).

“Electronics: mobile phones, notebooks were collected. We looked especially for dates. All private photos we found in victims’ phones were from 2013. None from 2014.” (This corroborates what so many have said that this Malaysia Airlines plane was in fact the same Boeing 777 that “was disappeared” earlier over the Indian Ocean and was believed to have been at the US Diego Garcia base – LR).

A word from Lada:

Why MH17 False Flag?

It is no secret that US and Ukraine desperately needed this false flag: 1. Kiev junta was losing on all fronts and it was necessary to stop the Donbass self-defence successful advance. 2. US was having trouble making EU go along with the third round of sanctions against Russia – as we know, after MH17 incident, EU immediately agreed to anti-Russian sanctions. 3. Both US and Kiev were (still are) desperate to drag Russia into an open war and to defame Putin. See more analysis in articles listed below.

MH17 Amsterdam-Kuala Lumpur was the second Boeing 777 belonging to Malaysian Airlines (the company I flew several times to Asia, and enjoyed it) that had a mysterious catastrophe in less than a year. The first one, flying from Kuala Lumpur to China, disappeared earlier with all passengers on board, mainly Asians.

Clearly, Malaysia is being targeted because of the 2013 Kuala Lumpur international tribunal that convicted of war crimes Bush, Cheney, Netanyahu, and others. Second Malaysian airliner in a row isn’t any accident. One of the organizers of the KL war crimes tribunal was the former PM of Malaysia, who just happens to also be the founder of Malaysia Airlines. Read related:

Mysterious Russian Rocket Failures

On another note, the Russian Space Industry – one of Russia’s flagship achievements, her pride and joy, has suddenly started suffering unexplained failures. These strange failures ALWAYS happen when an unmanned satellite is being launched, and ALWAYS when Russian rocket carries a foreign satellite(s). It happened a year or so ago with a unique Chinese satellite on board. Before that, there was a failure of a very expensive and promising project when communication with the satellite was lost while it was flying over the North American space. Russian scientists announced that they registered the signals from the US radars directed at the Russian satellite that damaged the craft’s equipment.

One of my readers just wrote to me that another Russian rocket carrying French satellite has failed a few days ago. The Western MSM now says that the future of the Russian Space Industry is in question. Of course! This is exactly what they wanted to achieve.

Historic perspective: Russian space industry had NO lauch failures for over 40 years, not even in the 1990s, when the country was falling apart. After US was forced to scrap its shuttle, as well as other programs after repeated catastrophes and failures, the Russian Soyuz, Progres, and other vehicles, became the only way for Americans to get to the ISS, and for the whole world to lauch their satellites.

As soon as the US Space program failures became evident, and Americans had to admit they had no choice but to hitch a ride to the ISS via Russian vehicles, the Russian Space program suddenly started experiencing unexplained problems.

The thing is, the world trusts the quality of the Russian Space program and the RosCosmos agency, and the world distrusts US. This is at the same time that US is trying to push through the so-called “private Space agencies,” in reality secretly funded (make no mistake!) by government slush funds and by the American tax payer dollars. In other words – debt, debt and more debt. Chickens eventually always come to roost; eventually, American people will have to repay all these unplayable debts one way or the other.

I won’t beat around the bush: what is happening with Russian space vehicles is none other than yet another blatant sabotage – this time of the Russian Space program. It is necessary for the US to malign the Russian Space Industry, which, unlike the American one, had stellar reputation.

How this is achieved is a different story: scrambled radio signal, laser weapon, or my idea that it was the Trojan Horse sabotage of the craft’s electronics. Some of the Russian space electronics had been, regrettably, outsourced to the US. I wrote about it in: What Brought Down Russian Satellite? Angela Merkel’s Biggest Fear? Plus Ukraine Election Prediction. The sooner Russia re-takes full control of her Space program, the better for all.


There is no such thing as honest trade or honest competition as far as the Western “free” capitalism is concerned. Let’s face it – it was always a predatory, ruthlessly carnivorous system. The American system (even more precisely, Anglo-American system) simply pretended to be nice for about 10-15 years after it managed to destroy the Soviet Union. It could afford it while Russia was weak in the 1990s. But not any more, as Russia is again the competitor to be feared, and therefore, the enemy number one. I wrote about that in my book The Earth Shifter.

It was never the survival of the fittest either. It always was and still is: “If you happen to be the fittest, or better than us, we’ll DO EVERYTHING to destroy you in a cunning way; if you happen to be weaker than us, we’ll destroy you directly – because we can.” 

P.S. I just listened to Putin’s Q&A at the annual Seliger Youth Forum in northern Russia, and noticed that he continues to steer the world, and his own citizens, towards reason, cooperation and a peaceful resolution of the flaming global conflict. Full 2 hour 25 min Q&A with Putin in Russian (see link to Eng. translation below). I’d like to see Obama, or any other Western figurehead, answer lucidly for 2.5 hours the non-scripted questions from all areas of economy, politics and every day life! At the very same time, US and its EU puppets are doing absolutely everything in their power to continue dragging the world towards the last war.

US congress (lc deliberate -LR) just adopted a new, extremely provocative and bellicose law called “The Russian Aggression Prevention Act” or RAPA. I am wondering, when will the world adopt “The US Aggression Prevention Act”? I have been saying all along that it is up to us to tip the scale towards peace. I wouldn’t hope that Washington would choose peace of its own free will.

By reader request: link to partial English translation of Putin’s Q&A, Seliger Youth Forum 2014.

You can always go to the official President of Russia site, where Putin’s speeches and events are often posted in English.

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