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The Importance of Victory Day, The Immortal Regiment, St. George Ribbon – AND GLOBALIST PLAN FIASCO!

animation den pobedy



This is an important analytics + intel + info post!


I am inspired to write yet another Ask Lada, in response to the astute comment by Robert. See latest: EARTH SHIFT: Why Those Who Profit from the Old System Don’t Realize the Game’s Up?)

As Robert correctly pointed out, it’s time for the iconic Russian Ribbon of St. George (Rus: Georgievskaya Lentochka)! It really is the time to order it (see some links below) if you want to show solidarity with Russia and honor the Victory Day on May 9! But there is so much to the story, and so much can be learned by contemplating everything that is happening around the symbolism of this simple gold and black piece of fabric! Behind it is the story of our lives, and much more! Read on to learn the BIG scoop!

As I do every year, I’ll have a small event here on FT in honor of May 9, 2018.

Why do I do this? Very simple: I personally don’t need a reminder of the truth of the Russian/Soviet sacrifice to rid humanity of its biggest plague: fascism and Nazism. But it appears many people do. I am inviting you to join me for the May 9th events and honor those who died, those who sacrificed their families and their country to allow you to live freely today.

MY theme for this year is #IRemember

This year’s posts will focus around the positive: I’ll share some wonderful songs, the parade and a few more surprises. Today is the first of them!

If you want to see my big posts from previous years, explaining WWII history and truths that were previously falsified or silenced, go to CATEGORIES — WWII & Great Victory.

Among those posts you’ll also find videos of Victory Day Parade, the Immortal Regiment March and images of the St. George Ribbon. One example: #VictoryDay Parade on Red Square and Moscow V-Day Fireworks May 9, 2017.



A new notable Victory Day (RUS: Den’ Pobedy) tradition, which emerged as the Russians’ awesome spontaneous response to the West’s Russophobic sanctions and Kiev Maidan is the Immortal Regiment March ( RUS: Bessmertny Polk). An what a brilliant response it was: peaceful and highly positive! I don’t think we as humans have fully appreciated yet the sheer importance and magnitude of this game changer!

The new Immortal Regiment tradition began in Siberia in 2014, as a grassroots response to Western sanctions and Russophobic Kiev Maidan. Once the initiative was announced, before anyone knew, millions joined in ALL cities and villages of Russia, and in many locations abroad. Putin personally walked with a photo of his ancestor in the Moscow march. The march keeps growing every year as more countries and groups around the world join in. People carry WWII photos of their ancestors, the iconic Victory Banners (RUS: ZNAMIA POBEDY), and of course, they wear the St. George Ribbons. 

The Immortal Regiment Marches will again be taking place all over the world on or around May 9, 2018. If you live in Russia, most of the post-Soviet space, China, US, almost anywhere in Europe, Canada or Australia I’m sure you can find one to join near you – just check local bulletin boards or online resources. It should be a safe and fun event everywhere (let’s hope), except a few places. I don’t know what the situation may be in the following countries, which are rabidly Russophobic: Poland, Estonia and Latvia – Immortal Regiment may be banned there (check locally). Although, come think of it, such grassroots peaceful initiative could be hard to ban, considering the enormous number of people who care about it, and considering these ‘european’ countries still pretend to play the farce of democracy, and very badly too.


I never got the chance to mention previously what’s happening in Latvia. The US and NATO are shipping more and more troops and hardware to all of the Baltics, notably, to Latvia. At the same time, Latvian Russophobic and pro-Nazi elements forced the new ‘education law’, according to which Russian language is being squeezed out Russian schools, mandating classes being taught in Latvian only, with just 3-4 hours a week allowed for Russian language! This basically amounts to forceful conversion of the Russian-speaking population in Latvia. To give you an idea, the Russian-speakers in Latvia constitute anywhere between 1/3 and 1/2 of the population. My intel says that this new draconian law was closely coordinated with the Kiev junta; Poroshenko and ukro-nazis are directly behind it.

Latvia isn’t the only one succumbing more and more to darkness, as its economic situation worsens… The rest of the Baltics is going the same way. Moreover, as we speak, in Armenia we have a new Maidan, although in Armenia it’s hard to use anti-Russian slogans as the population is largely pro-Russian – so far… But those who organize these things are relentless, just look at Ukraine. This is a story worthy of a separate article – stay tuned for more soon.


But it’s only in Ukraine where people directly risk their lives and freedom to participate in the Immortal Regiment March and wear the St. George Ribbon! Based on the new draconian law citizens are forbidden and can be arrested if they dare to wear St. George Ribbons. Moreover, everyone who comes out to participate in the march risks being attacked and injured, or even killed, by ukro-nazis – we had terrible examples of that in Nikolaev last year. Activists and march organizers in Kiev, Odessa, Kharkov, etc., were killed or driven out of the country in previous years.

There were bizarre incidents, caught on camera and shown on YT when ukro-nazis who took over the poor Odessa were stopping passing cars and beating up/humiliating people heading from Moldova to Russia via Odessa, only because they had St. George Ribbons on their cars – a very common symbol in Moldova, where they haven’t lost their minds as completely as in Ukraine. One of the disgusting incidents involved a group of crying Moldavian women who were threatened and made exit their car, then forced to publicly sing ukro-nazi anthem, take off the ribbon and apologize, while the huge, arms-bearing ukro-nazis laughed and humiliated them. All this was recorded and posted on YT by ukro-nazis themselves. The disgusting video of course was later taken down by YT, but only after over a million people saw it. Such videos from Ukraine appear regularly on YT. I try not to look at those – too filthy and disgusting.

And this is your new EURO-ASSOCIATED MEMBER and new best friend, dear Europeans! And dear Americans: this is where your tax dollars are hard at work – to allow this filthy ukro-nazi scum to proliferate, while humiliating women, injuring, killing and stealing from their compatriots, and while driving their disintegrating country into the stone age! What do you think is keeping the sinking ship of the Kiev junta still afloat? The secret infusions from the US, Canada and EU, of course. And this is all done for the sake of keeping a Russophobic thorn in Russia’s side.

So, keep working hard and diligently pay your taxes, so the Dark State/deep state/globalists could grow more regimes like this! Just look at the Maidan 2.0 developing in Armenia; just look at what’s happening in Latvia!

But if you disagree with how your tax dollars/euros/pounds are being spent, do something about it! Write to your representatives, vote the likes of McCain, May and Macron out of office, and vote in better people! Finally, support THIS BLOG, tell others, and share this post! And – wear (or post on your blog/site) the Ribbon of St. George!

Got to give it to Ukrainians! Despite all the threats and dangers, normal people still come out on May 9 by the thousands in Kiev, Odessa and elsewhere! The Kiev junta and its Western handlers tried very hard to squash any genetic memory on the territory of former Ukraine, but as we see, it didn’t work as intended. There is hope for Ukraine yet!


The Victory Day theme begins today, with this post! I’ll have two or three more in the run-up to May 9, including the culmination on May 9!

On FT, under WWII & Great Victory. you can find my previous years’ posts, including the Immortal Regiment March in Moscow, which alone gathered nearly 1 million people. Previous years’ marches gathered as much as the enormous 14 million+ worldwide annually.



The sudden appearance and unbelievable all-Russia and global grassroots response to Bessmertny Polk was a HUGE shock to all globalist and anti-Russian forces. Let me remind you that at the time (we are talking 2014) the collective West worked hard trying to oust Putin and execute regime change in Russia through isolation, sanctions and scaring the Russian people into submission. They tried to force a color revolution in Russia in response to a popular discontent they judged would take place if sanctions, Soros attack against the ruble and international isolation made the lives of ordinary Russians harder.

ALL OF THIS BACKFIRED VERY BADLY —  as I predicted since the beginning of the whole saga in 2014! As a result Putin and Russia only got stronger, having engaged more actively worldwide, forging a much closer Russia-China alliance, unheard-of new Russia-Turkey-Iran alliance, building Nord Stream-2 and Turkish Stream, on the fly modifying the structure of Russian economy and substituting exports for domestic production, building up Crimea, and emerging victorious in Syria. Oh, yeah – and voting for Putin in unprecedented numbers!


As a result, just four years after what could on the surface seem as the US/EU globalism’s crucial victory in Ukraine against Russia, the opposite appears true. Today we live in a completely different world, but it is much further from the ultimate globalist dream, and much closer to the EARTH SHIFT and a more equitable distribution of global resources. It is a big fiasco for NWO, US/EU and various anti-Russian forces.

And it is a BIG VICTORY for all of us – those who saw what they were trying to do and who successfully prevented their worst dream scenario from materializing!


THE ST. GEORGE RIBBON – Lada’s inside intel! Just don’t tell anyone 😉

Obviously tell everyone – this is an awesome way to show you care! Feel the awesomeness you can be a part of by  wearing this very simple gold and black striped ribbon:

1. Some around the world began considering the St. George Ribbon as a new anti-globalist and anti-fascist symbol.

2. If you agree with what the Russian Army is doing in Syria to prevent the spread of ISIS and terrorism and to stop the US/UK/French aggression, you can also wear the St. George Ribbon to demonstrate your support for the Russian Army!

Den Russskoy Armii Den Zaschitnika Otechestva

3. On May 8-9 in Russia and many other countries (incl. US and EU) in some cities they give out St. George Ribbons for free on streets, and also before the march! This is Moscow:

70 anniversary of great victory 5

4. ‘I found that Amazon Uk is selling order of St George ribbons if anybody wishes to join in Russia’s victory celebration in May. Best wishes, Robert

Amazon does sell them and it’s time to order if you want to get it on time! The links below are for Amazon US – you may want to do your own search in your country. These are just examples, NOT endorsements (I don’t know these sellers and don’t vouch for their quality). But I might buy something from one of them.

Found this economical 50-count (US)

Or if you just need a few – seems like better length

I found this modest May 9 T-shirt with Georgievskaya Lentochka

This T-shirt is cute and comes in different colors

Apr 26-May 9, 2018

 FuturisTrendcast Blog
​Click hashtag #IRemember!​​​

Also on



This year I plan to prominently feature the Ribbon of St. George / Georgievskaya Lentochka on both FT and!

My Victory Day 2018 hashtag: #IRemember

If any of you want to copy and paste on your site or your avatar the banner I’ll custom-create for the occasion – you are very welcome!



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Joined March 2011



WHO REALLY RULED USSR? The Secret of Brezhnev’s Passport

This video is for those who have open minds and who want to know the truth!
It is NOT for those who brew in russophobic lies, stereotypes and prejudices!


The Secret of Brezhnev’s Passport

(LadaRayLive 17)

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P.S. A little reminder from Lada Ray Blog that…

We All Share One Mother Earth

War on All Fronts: McDonalds May Be Booted out of Russia; Latvia Bans Russian Superstars; Why did Yatsenyuk Resign; Repatriation of Russian Capital

McDonald’s to be Booted out of Russia?

The announcement I just saw says that Russia may ban some of the McDonald’s burgers sold in Russia due to the fact that nutritional values of the burger ingredients advertised do not correspond with actual nutritional value in the final product. The Public Health Control of the Novgorod Region initiated a lawsuit against McDonald’s in the Moscow court. Cheeseburger, the most popular burger sold by McDonald’s, may be the subject of this ban. There is a strong anti-McDonald’s movements in Russia. As profit margins plunge as a result of the network’s inability to sell its flagship burger, the Russian court sanctions may result in McDonald’s being squeezed entirely out of the Russian market.

Some of the McDonald’s drinks also fall into this category.

I say, about time! Get rid of this #GMO infested, full of plasticisers and artificial colors/flavors poison!

Link to report in Russian


Latvia Blacklists Russian Showbiz Superstars 

Those who read my articles know that I call Latvia one of the “Trojan Horses of the US in Europe.” And it strikes again. Latvia announced that it blacklisted three of the most famous Russian singers, whose songs are mega-popular not only in Russia and the entire Russian world, but in Latvia as well. These are Oleg Gazmanov, Valeriya, and Iosif Kobzon.

Valeriya is a pop-singer known for her angelic looks and strong voice, who’s popular internationally. Iosif Kobzon is a legend of the Russian stage. I remember him singing when I was just a child. Seems like he’d been there forever. Being Jewish, Kobzon is a huge patriot of Russia. Oleg Gazmanov appeared on Russian stage in the 1990s. I only discovered him a few years ago on YouTube, and loved this raspy voice, energetic presentation, and the power projected by his songs.

MOSKVA – (Moscow) by Oleg Gazmanov and the Alexandrov Red Army Choir (posted by a German fan):

The Sailor-girl by young Oleg Gazmanov, early 1990s. Check out his athletic somersaults! Олег Газманов – Морячка

 Иосиф Кобзон – Я люблю тебя, жизнь – I Love You, Life – by Yosif Kobzon and the Alexandrov Red Army choir. This song is one of the beloved unofficial anthems of Russia.

This particular performance was probably recorded in the very beginning of the 2000s, when Russia just started recovering after Putin came to power. In the beginning, Kobzon says, “Thank you, all, for keeping the faith and for coming out of it with flying colors (out of the catastrophic 1990s – LR). Always love life!” In the audience you can see the singer Alexander Gradsky, whose song I mentioned in Russia’s NEW Ambitious Anti-Dollar Move: $150 bln Investment in Baikal-Amur Railroad. Also, singing along in the audience is the famous (infamous?) ex-mayor of Moscow, Yury Luzhkov.


Иосиф Кобзон,  Журавли – CRANES (original recording 1971). One of the most beautiful and legendary Soviet songs about the soldiers who perished in the Great War (WWII), turning into white cranes.

Valeriya – ВАЛЕРИЯ: Otpusti menya – Let Me Go

I love Russian songs & Russian movies, and so I try to share them with my readers whenever I get the chance. You can find much more beloved Soviet music hits here; best contemporary Russian songs here; I started posting Russian movies here; my articles, beautiful imagery, history, and lots of other cool stuff about Russia here.

Latvia is tiny and unimportant in the grand scheme of things. However, the problem with being blacklisted and banned from entry into Latvia for a Russian singer is this: the Baltic resort of Yurmala, near Riga, Latvia, traditionally hosts the international Russian song festival, The New Wave – Novaya Volna. The event attracts the best singers, as well as many Russian tourists. It is said that Latvia would have been bankrupt a long time ago, if not for the influx of cash left there by the Russian tourists and Russian festivals. It is well-known that Latvia has been teetering on the brink of an economic collapse for years, ever since it joined the EU. Fully 1/3, or more, of the country’s population works as guest workers abroad, while the industry built there by Russians during Soviet times has been destroyed after Latvia became independent. Latvian agriculture, which used to be pretty good, was destroyed so it couldn’t compete with Western European agriculture.

It appears the three singers irritated Latvian authorities by their patriotic stance. The problem is, all three are long-term fixtures at the Novaya Volna festival.

It is abundantly clear that this move by Latvian authorities is masterminded by the US and is part of the anti-Russian sanctions. Why? This is a signal and intimidation tactic for the sake of all other Russian artists. Don’t dare be patriotic, don’t dare support Donbass and Novorossia against the Kiev junta, don’t dare support Putin. Otherwise, you’ll be stonewalled. Of course it is clear that many Russian artists also have financial assets in the West. It could be bank accounts, villas on the French Riviera and more. This is a hint: you assets are next. This is yet another way to scare the Russian elites, be it political, business or artistic, into toeing the line prescribed by the US.

This is the old, known the world over, tactic by the West and the US. However, it doesn’t seem to be working any more. US power is waning and cracks in the lopsided US-centric system are starting to show everywhere, as I predicted since the beginning of the Ukraine crisis.

Russians are now talking about moving the massive Novaya Volna musical festival to a Russian city. Several cities expressed desire to host it. To me, #Sochi, or #Yalta in the #Crimea, would be a natural fit. Or it could be conducted in different cities every year. Just a thought.

There is another famous Russian festival that is conducted every summer in Latvia’s Yurmala. It’s called Muzikalny Kivin  – the Musical Kivin – and it’s part of the KVN, which is the longest-running Russian humor/music/wit/young talent competition. KVN is older than me, and I watched it since I was a child. At one point, I even participated in it a little, when I studied at the Odessa University. At that time, the team of the Odessa University, called The Odessa Gentlemen, was the undisputed KVN winner for years. Muzikalny Kivin, the musical humor and wit competition just took place in Yurmala, Latvia. But I wouldn’t be too surprised if it were to be transferred somewhere else as well. I would certainly recommend it.

Further consolidation of the Russian society is the likely result of this affront. And Latvia? Well, it’ll eventually lose the life-saving income from the Russian festivals and summer tourists. When the US-dollar-denominated 30 pieces of silver dry up, what will they do?

On another, related note: I predicted previously that Russia will only benefit long-term from Western sanctions

Four biggest benefits are:

1. Consolidation of the Russian society.

2. A more realistic assessment of who is a friend and who isn’t.

3. Re-orientation of the Russian economy from the West to Asia and inwards, with more attention paid to inner infrastructure, domestic industry, development and financing (instead of dollar or euro denominated loans/financing predominant now).

4. Last but not least – the repatriation of the Russian capital located abroad, which will be accelerating as Russians stop trusting the Western banking and business climate. This eventually will turn into a huge exodus, resulting in a loss, if not a catastrophe, for the European banking/real estate and business.

Why Did Yatsenyuk Resign?

A quick remark on the resignation of the Ukraine PM, #Yatsenyuk. It is well known, and it was caught on tape, that Yatsenyuk was literally appointed as Ukraine Prime Minister personally by Victoria Nuland, the Asst US State Dept Secretary; the same Victoria Nuland who bragged publicly to the Washington Press Club in December 2013 that US spent $5bln to subvert Ukraine.

So, Yatsenyuk fulfilled the task entrusted to him by his Washington handlers: he successfully destroyed Ukraine. Ukraine industrial base is in a shambles after bombings of eastern Ukraine and mass exodus out of the country; Ukraine agriculture is in bad shape as a result of war; Ukraine will run out of gas by fall – and the entire country runs on natural gas; pensions and social benefits have been halved.

As a result of a crisis, war and economic collapse, in the spring, Ukrainian currency, grivna, started tanking mercilessly, resulting in hyper-inflation. I heard interviews in which people from different areas of Ukraine complained that inflation was 50-70% monthly, and the elderly couldn’t afford medicine and utilities. But Kiev’s friends and bosses from across the Atlantic promptly tweaked something in the fake financial markets they operate out of Wall Street, and oh miracle! – the worthless grivna of the bankrupt country suddenly became stable! 

But if you can pretend collapse isn’t happening in the fake, computer-generated currency market, you can’t pretend in real life. The country is collapsing on all fronts and disintegrating at the seams. The new #maidan revolution is expected again by next spring. As a result of the Boeing 777 downing by the Ukraine military, all countries banned their planes from flying over Ukraine. Ukraine is an important international flight corridor; it gets $200mln annually in fees for the usage of its airspace. Add this loss to all other accomplishments of the Kiev junta.

Yatsenyuk, as Ukraine unelected PM, presided over the collapse of the country. He knows that retribution is coming. He doesn’t want to stick around when the collapse becomes visible to all. The biggest rat of all is leaving the sinking ship. He was there to destroy – someone else will have to clean up his mess.


Watch Lada Ray interview with The Plane Truth, which goes much deeper into the global geopolitical and mystical long-ranging predictions: Earth Shifters, Feng Shui and Global Predictions.

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