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HAPPY #VICTORY75! Tajikistan Children’s Flashmob Performing Russian WWII Song Smuglyanka Goes Viral! #ImmortalRegimentOnline #БессмертныйПолкОнлайн

Happy May 9, the 75th Anniversary of Victory!


VIRTUAL #VICTORY75 & #ImmortalRegimentOnline MARATHON


Whatever else is happening in the world, today I post only the positive & uplifting! 



Tajikistan Children’s Flashmob Performing Russian WWII Song Smuglyanka Goes Viral!

Children from a small Tajik town’s daycare “Gulshan” and their teachers got together and made a cute, full of heart and humor mini-film.

Plot: A day care teacher is trying to teach the children to sing a Russian children’s song, but it doesn’t work. When kids go for a nap, she dozes off too, but that’s when all the fun begins. Kids quietly get up and begin performing a serious adult song Smuglyanka, from the blockbuster Soviet film ‘Only Old Men Go to Battle,’ depicting relationships between male and female flying officers during the WWII.

A local repairman hears the children struggling with the tune and magically adds the music and Russian uniforms. The choir performs the song and then more magic happens, as it seems the whole town, by osmosis, begins to sing. It ends with honoring a local Red Army/Great Patriotic War vet and laying flowers to the monument commemorating those who perished defending the country – a touching ceremony. That part takes place to the tune of another legendary song ‘Den Pobedi’ (Victory Day). And in the end we learn that the vet who inspired the whole thing, died after the video was finished, 9 days before the actual May 9th Victory Day.

The video made in 2018 gathered millions of views on the internet. In the end we can see what went into the making of this mini-film, including the sewing of uniforms and rehearsals.

Very touching and charming video – watch:


One of the most popular Russian songs pertaining to the Great Patriotic War era, and one of the most performed Soviet songs. It is a story of a Red Army officer who falls in love with a pretty, dark haired Moldavian girl. Made world-famous by the film ‘Only Old Men Go to Battle.’

This year, Smuglyanka has become one of the symbols of Victory Day 75, after a western Ukrainian 12-year-old orphan Maxim Tkachuk won international competition in London with this song. After returning home, he was attacked on social media by various western Ukraine nationalists and ukro-nazis, ostracized in his local village and his grandmother – his guardian – lost her job. That generated a major backlash all over Ukraine, where people began creating Smuglyanka flashmobs (thus proving that Ukraine indeed is alive – read my article: No, the REAL Ukraine Is NOT Dead & Never Will Be! VICTORY DAY, No Matter the Threats).


Ex-Soviet republic, currently a separate country. After USSR breakup doesn’t have direct border with Russia. Religion: Muslim. Language: Tajiki, but Russian is widely spoken and studied. Recently Tajikistan has been begging Russia to send more Russian teachers, so the young generation would not forget Russian language.

Tajikistan is a country in Central Asia surrounded by Afghanistan, China, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. It’s known for rugged mountains, popular for hiking and climbing. The Fann Mountains, near the national capital Dushanbe, have snow-capped peaks that rise over 5,000 meters. The range encompasses the Iskanderkulsky Nature Refuge, a notable bird habitat named for Iskanderkul, a turquoise lake formed by glaciers.
Population9.101 million (2018) World Bank


Don’t miss the following videos with more lovely flashmobs and uplifting events!

The marathon continues for several more days. Don’t miss Stanislav’s and Lada’s serious articles on




SCO = THE NEW G8! (Putin on G7, Meeting with Trump & Poroshenko’s urgent phone call) #EarthShift #RussiaGreatBalancer

Tchaikovsky & Confucius meet in China.

Putin reveals his conversation with Poroshenko, and his Meeting with Trump.

Good bye, G7! Lavrov talks about the new G8 – SCO, encompassing half of the global landmass and 3 billion of world’s population.






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 Jun 13th 2018: Shocking Quantum Calibrations of N. Korea’s Army – you won’t believe it! 

(Trump-Kim summit, June 2018, Singapore  In honor of the long-anticipated T…)


Jun 14th 2018: REPORT! Armenia Maidan Paradox: Why New Pro-West Armenia Government Pledged Allegiance to Russia & Eurasian Union? 







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Urgent ​ESR14: Prez Karimov’s Death and Uzbekistan Crossroads

This surprise ESR14 is based on the breaking news of Uzbekistan’s President Islam Karimov’s sudden death and its consequences!









Report Stats: Lada Ray’s hot intel, secrets & subterfuge, analytics and predictions about late Uzbek president Islam Karimov; about Putin, Russia and Eurasian Union; Uzbekistan (its economy, people, history, maps, problems, bazaars, monuments and Silk Road); plus US and Islamist hand in Central Asia! For desert: Lada Ray’s SPECTACULAR UZBEKISTAN PICTURE GUIDE!



On September 2, 2016 the government of Uzbekistan officially announced that Islam Karimov, continuous Uzbek president of 25 years, who had been in this post since 1991, suddenly passed on after a massive stroke. There were rumors that he, in fact, had died earlier but the real date was concealed.

The significance of what happened is three-fold.

1. Uzbekistan is a pivotal crossroads of Eurasia. In medieval times, its famous cities of Samarkand and Bukhara served as key connector points on the ancient Silk Road to Russia and Europe.

Today, this former Soviet Republic has a different significance. Still the richest and most influential state in Central Asia (except Kazakhstan), it serves as a key connector between republics which are in line for ascension into Eurasian Union. Therefore, it is a lucrative strategic location to stage a color revolution in order to prevent the re-unification of Eurasia.

2. It is a tough test for the legacy left by Karimov and for the sturdiness of structures he was able to build after this Soviet republic literally fell in his lap during the breakup of the USSR.

Will his power and state security structures be able to deal with the aftermath of his death? There will definitely be attempts to create Islamic State (IS) and/or nationalistic Maidan in Uzbekistan. Some called Karimov ‘a dictator.’ Others consider him a Western sell-out. Whatever one may think of him, it is undeniable that he managed to preserve the republic he received 25 years ago intact, and didn’t allow it to descend into the chaos of Muslim fundamentalism.

Uzbekistan has been primed for the Kiev-style Maidan since 1991, where many failed color revolution attempts took place. This activity in the past 2 years has intensified dramatically, coinciding with Ukraine 2014 coup and subsequent moves by Russia and Putin to expand Eurasian Union. I’d warned of the upcoming attempts at color revolutions in Central Asia and Caucasus in ESR9: ATTACK ON KAZAKHSTAN – WHO DESTABILIZES EURASIAN UNION.

Like its neighbors, Uzbekistan began its progress towards EAEU, while distancing itself from the former ally USA. And that’s when Karimov suddenly passed on.

3. Was his death natural, or was it a foul play? At 78, Islam Karimov was the oldest of the post-Soviet space leaders. What has happened exposes a massive weak link in the power structures of Russia and post-Soviet / Eurasian states.

This glaring weakness has been known for years; however, to this date a fool-proof solution hasn’t been found yet. I am talking about the fact that unlike in the West (say USA), where the country’s leader is mostly, or entirely, a figurehead, with real puppet masters hiding in the safety of the behind-the-scenes obscurity, there is no shadow government in Russia and former republics. The real, and usually very strong leader is on top, for all to see. Consequently, such leader becomes a lightning rod for attacks.


Intro: Uzbek President Islam Karimov’s death, its significance and consequences
Did Uzbekistan exist as an independent state at any time in history?
Why Lenin formed 15 Soviet Republics
Uzbekistan’s color revolutions (2005 Andijan massacre)
1991-2016 Relations with US and Russia
Issues of security and stability during Karimov’s reign

Why post-Soviet space leaders suddenly wanted to improve relations with Russia
From Silk Road to New Eurasia: Uzbekistan as crucial geopolitical crossroads

Structure of Uzbekistan’s economy: Uzbek cotton
Central Asian food and colorful bazaars (with pics)

Who is really Islam Karimov? Psychological portrait of a leader (plus of his republic and of the post-Soviet space)
1991 Soviet referendum and Karimov’s role
Karimov and Putin
Karimov’s rift with the US and sanctions
Did Karimov die of natural causes?
Islam Karimov funeral and Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev signals

Lada Ray Predictions
Uncertainty and fears of color revolution and Islamist takeover – what to expect?
How Karimov’s death may effect the situation in Uzbekistan and Central Asia
Who will be next Uzbek president?
How Karimov’s death may effect the situation with Eurasian Union and relations with Russia?
Is the New Silk Road Project viable? Will Uzbek events affect it?

The problem with nationalism and Islamism
How Russians were expelled from Uzbekistan in 1990s
Why Russian language lost its 2nd state language status and what to expect in the future
Why today Uzbeks want to be brothers with Russia again
Is the reversal back towards USSR possible? Where to now?
Why is it so hard to build a nationalistic state in many former Soviet republics
Tamerlane: the problem with the absence of national heroes (parallels with Ukraine and Bandera)

Karimov’s daughter Gulnara, her business and presidential ambitions
Fifth Column and Probability of Uzbek Maidan
Probability of Islamic State

How Russia left Central Asia and how China moved in
The games of Central Asian elites – can they be trusted?

PREDICTIONS: My views on the issue of Chinese ‘takeover’ of Central Asia, Russia’s role, Silk Road & Eurasian Union




Click to order Earth Shift Report 14!






If you recall, I have reserved ESR10 and ESR11 for some very special reports!

As promised, EARTH SHIFT REPORT 10: THE CRIMEA FACTOR is coming soon!





Dear readers & fans

A few days ago I’ve released my newest comprehensive video Earth Shift Report 9: 


In case you are new to FuturisTrendcast and to Earth Shift Report, or if you’d like a review,

please allow me to share a few important details and updates!

This is direct link to the main EARTH SHIFT REPORT page!

Here is how Earth Shift Report works:

Lada Ray’s Earth Shift Reports are supported exclusively by reader donations. Your donation will be used to continue delivering FREE content on and YT, on site/blog security, and to purchase recording equipment for Lada Ray YT channel.

Click on each report banner on the general Earth Shift Report page or on home page to donate and read or watch!

As of today, there are 9 published Earth Shift Reports. Most of the 9 reports are written, complete with maps and pics to fully illustrate the point. Sometimes throughout the report included also are additional supporting videos (oftentimes they are in Russian or in other language, with my translation). I know my readers love the written format. However, the video documentary format often offers more visual interest and flexibility.

Two of the reports are video-based:



I am presently preparing the next surprise ESR, which should be out next week!

Click on title to watch the latest



(Color Revolutions in Central Asia & Caucasus)


New ESR9 format:

While new for Earth Shift Report, ESR9 format is much like the style of my free video reports on Lada Ray YT channel. It’s pretty straightforward and includes my narrated analytics, intel and predictions, plus, as usual, maps, pics and images, helping me illustrate my point in a dynamic, more interactive than reading, format. You have the flexibility of watching videos accompanied by images, or simply listening to audio.

These are ESR9 stats:

FULL VIDEO REPORT LENGTH: 3 hours 6 minutes. 
This one of a kind comprehensive video report includes narrated analysis and hot intel by Lada Ray, complete with supporting mini-documentaries, pics and maps.
For your viewing and bookmarking convenience and so you could easily return to it any time you wanted, Lada Ray’s narrated video report has been divided by topic into 6 self-containing segments, ranging in length between 16 and 46 minutes. Included also are 2 mini-documentaries (7 and 13 min in length). 

Earth Shift Reports are Copyright Lada Ray. The videos are hosted by Vimeo and password protected. 

NOTE: while the report length is substantial, it is rather easy to listen to. My style is informative and engaging. I guarantee this report will open your eyes to knowledge you’ve never known, and perhaps, you’ll even get entertained in the process. Besides, as mentioned above, the videos are divided into smaller segments for your convenience. You can always watch incrementally, by topic. Just bookmark the report page and return to it later. Should you forget how, you can always email us using private contact form and we will happily connect you with the right link!

I received a question as to how Vimeo works and why I use it for video hosting. In case any of you have the same question, here is what I replied:

‘Vimeo is an alternative to YouTube with customized, secure and private features for video hosting. I began using it for Earth Shift Reports due to the fact that ESR4 was stolen from YT and illegally distributed; I had to file copyright violation claims, etc.

Have you been able to watch ESR9 videos yet? It’s super-easy! Once you’ve donated, you’ll be directed to the report page, as usual (see details on how it works on ESR9 donation page). Once inside the report page, all you have to do is cut and paste password provided onto each video (where it says ‘password required’) and click on video (as you’d usually do on YT) to watch right there on the ESR9 report page! We have full screen option for your viewing pleasure!

As to my two mini-documentaries included with the report – just click on each screen – no password needed for those!


Let me know if you need further clarification and happy watching!:)

How payment / donation works

To read or watch your ESRs, please click on Donate button on top of that particular ESR payment page. You can donate any amount (suggested min. donation is between $5 and $25 US for most reports, but greater donations appreciated); all credit or debit cards and PayPal accepted. It’s easy, private and secure! Your info is never shared with anyone for any reason!

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What if you are unable to use PayPal or what if your country’s government is blocking payments?

I’ve received worrying emails from two Japanese fans who complain that they are unable to donate via PayPal. Then we discovered that Japanese government is creating obstacles for its citizens’ international transactions. A new article on that is coming! 

There are other countries that may do something similar.

We intend to keep PayPal because we find it so very convenient for most countries’ transactions (and remember, in many countries you usually don’t need a PayPal account!).

But for those who cannot do it through PayPal for whatever reason, we are currently looking into secure and reputable alternatives! I’ll admit, I’ve been asked by many fans and readers to set up Bitcoin button for my Earth Shift Reports and Consultations, but – sorry to say – was too lazy to get it done; and then there are these pesky little things we usually call ‘life.’

I solemnly promise that this time I’ll take it seriously. We are looking into setting up the Bitcoin payment alternative, as well as other potential alternatives (such as Qiwi, which is an international Russian service: Wikipedia) for all ESRs and Consultations.

To the above list, soon we also plan to add our new SHOP & Lada Ray online WORKSHOPS. All that will be posted on

I’ll have a separate announcement soon! Stay tuned for the news on the donation/payment options front!


It takes much time & effort to produce each Earth Shift Report!

Please donate and watch ESR9, and read other Earth Shift Reports!

This will tell me that you want me to continue creating them!


As always, my sincere gratitude for all those who support my work regularly, and who read & watch my Earth Shift Reports! This means a lot!


Here is the full list of topics discussed in VIDEO ESR9


(PLUS! Color revolutions & destabilization alerts for Caucasus & Central Asia. Hot intel from Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan)

PART 1: Kazakhstan’s ‘Agricultural’ Color Revolution

Analysis of the Foiled Kazakhstan ‘Agricultural’ Color Revolution of May 21, 2016 (my term).
Explained: Kazakhstan’s Land Reform and proposed sale of agricultural lands to foreigners as the pretext to ignite tensions and set population on fire. (Recall Kiev Maidan slogan of ‘getting rid of oligarchs and corruption.’)
China’s supposed involvement
How I see it: the real situation with China vs. hyped-up fears

Who is really behind this color revolution: Soros, US NGOs (Endowment for Democracy, USAID, etc.), social media IP addresses traced to the US, etc.
Ukraine, Turkey and ISIS involvement
How it was done: no apparent leaders – most subversive ‘news’ and announcements made via YouTube, Twitter & Facebook. Molotov cocktails, subversive literature, money, weapons, vodka stashes

PART 2: Aktobe terror attacks. Why Kazakhstan was chosen for color revolution & attacks.
Hot Russia & Central Asia Intel

On the border with Russia: Why Kazakhstan’s fastest growing city of Aktobe (Aktyubinsk) was chosen for terrorist attacks on June 5, 2016. I put you in the middle of the action and explain in detail, with maps and specifics, why.

The attack on Pallada gun shop and killing of the Ukrainian-Russian salesman, plus, the mourning and funeral – with pics.

Attack on the military/national guard barracks, bus hijacking, etc.Why was specifically Kazakhstan, with its stronger military and central power, singled out for the color revolution and terror attacks? Why not a weaker Central Asian state such as Kyrgyzstan or Tajikistan?

How Russia is key to everything that goes on in the region: all about Russia’s interests, involvement, role and more.

Hot Central Asia intel: the real situation in Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan.

Mini-documentary 1: Foiled Color Revolution in Kazakhstan

Footage includes security op by authorities, arrests and found weapons (cut metal rods, grenades, Molotov cocktails), subversive literature, vodka, money, etc. This is a part of the documentary aired on Kazakh central TV. It directly names the culprits of the color revolution attempt: Soros, Endowment for Democracy, USAID and other US NGO’s, as well as US government. Other connections named in the documentary are: Ukraine’s fascist ‘right sector’ Islamist fundamentalists and ISIS. Kazakh president Nursultan Nazarbayev announced that Kazakhstan ‘won’t allow ‘Ukraine Maidan’ scenario in the country,’ thus indicating he knew very well where the wind blew from and was prepared to deal with it.

My EXCLUSIVE eye-witness mini-documentary 2: AKTOBE ATTACKS 

Complete, packed with action, on-the-ground coverage of what went on on June 5 in Aktobe. Several terrorist groups were involved, some of which attacked 2 gun shops, others – the military installation, yet others hijacked a bus with hostages and a police vehicle.
Panic in the city: note that this amateur footage was shot from different vantage points from lay people’s windows, balconies and from ground level. The whole thing is especially troubling because everything is happening in densely populated areas, where civilians could have been easily hurt, which, thankfully, didn’t happen.
The footage shows the gunmen, attack on gun shop Pallada, the hijacking of the bus with hostages, etc. The opening footage was uploaded on YT by the terrorists themselves. It shows them in one of the hijacked vehicles, being chased by and shooting at police.

Part 3: Nazarbayev & Kazakh elites. Response to color revolution

President Nursultan Nazarbayev’s tough response: we won’t allow ‘Ukraine scenario.’
Authorities reaction to the color revolution and Aktobe attacks.
What was used as a pretext for riots.
Kazakhs aren’t fooled as to who’s really behind color revolution attempt.
Police, intelligence and national guard preparedness & actions during attacks and color revolution.
Russian advice?

Global downturn and why Kazakhstan’s Agricultural Land Reform was really planned.
Backtracking on the Agricultural Land Reform, firing/reprimand of ministers and placating of the population.

Nazarbayev and Kazakh elites.
The fight of Russian-speaking Kazakh elites vs. Kazakh-speaking elites.

The issue of the Russian-speaking, Christian population (Russians, Ukrainians and Russian-Germans). Past problems and what’s happening now.

Part 4: Complicated Game: War against Russia.
Russia as Global Balancer & why Kazakhstan is so important to Eurasia

This part contains my brand new EARTH SHIFT MATERIAL, never previously discussed in public! (Read about EARTH SHIFT SYSTEM and Russia as the Great Balancer!)

How the global seesaw works.
Russia’s role as Global Balancer & Stabilizer – explained in pics & examples.
Why those who want to keep the world destabilized desperately need to do away with Russia.

Rocky relationship and falling out: US Empire vs. globalist elites (yes, you’ve heard me right!).
US – the globalist elites’ super-tool gone rogue.
War on several fronts and the breakup of the old world structures.
Would globalist elites actually prefer Russia to get stronger to curb US appetites?

Russia’s support system and the Eurasian armchair arrangement – explained in pics & examples.
Crucial importance of Kazakhstan and Belarus for Russia & Eurasia.

Russia/EAU-ASEAN Sochi Summit and how it’s related to the timing of Kazakh events.
Why did Putin go to Astana? Real reason EAU leaders gathered in Kazakhstan just after the foiled color revolution.

Eurasian Union, its development, goals & global role.
Who wants to prevent EAU from being built and why difficulties should be expected.

Part 5: Color Revolution Technology & 4 Armenia Destabilization Attempts.
Caucasus Intel: Armenia destabilization; Nagorno-Karabakh war; Azerbaijan conundrum; Georgia as US colony; (+ latest intel from Tajikistan)

Armenia’s many problems. One of the two newest EAU members and four attempts at Armenia destabilization.
Full analytics: Electric Maidan, anti-president Sargsyan protests and a change to ‘parliamentary republic.’
Karabakh war and Russia-Armenia relations.
4 day April, 2016 Nagorno-Karabakh war between Azerbaijan and Armenia – qui bono?
Russia’s role in quelling the conflict.
How Putin played peacemaker between Armenia and Azerbaijan and why Armenians are peeved at Russia.
LA connection – who influences Armenia?

Azerbaijan: which way now: Russia vs. Turkey/ US? Prospects for joining EAU.
Georgia: US patsy. Will there be changes?

PLUS: let’s return to Central Asia.
On the border with Afghanistan and Pakistan: Tajikistan’s precarious position.
Republic or monarchy? President Rakhmon wants to pass his power to his son.

Part 6: The Devilish Poker. Wrap-up & Conclusions

Copyright June 11, 2016 Lada Ray. All rights reserved.



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Innovative, unique and comprehensive

Earth Shift Report 9 is here!

Watch it now!





Color revolutions & destabilization alerts for Central Asia – Caucasus. Hot intel from Armenia, Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan


PART 1: Kazakhstan’s ‘Agricultural’ Color Revolution (my term).

PART 2: Aktobe terror attacks. Why Kazakhstan was chosen for color revolution & attacks.
Hot Russia & Central Asia Intel.

Part 3: Nazarbayev & Kazakh elites. Kazakh vs. Russian-speaking elites. Tough response to color revolution. Agricultural Land Reform. Chinese factor.

Part 4: Complicated Game: War against Russia. Russia as Global Balancer & why Kazakhstan is so important to Eurasia.

This part contains my brand new EARTH SHIFT MATERIAL, never previously discussed in public!
(Read about EARTH SHIFT SYSTEM and Russia as the Great Balancer!)

Part 5: Caucasus Intel: Electric color revolution and four Armenia destabilization attempts; Nagorno-Karabakh war; Azerbaijan conundrum; Georgia as US colony; (+ latest intel from Tajikistan).

Part 6: The Devilish Poker. Wrap-up & Conclusions.


Mini-documentary 1: Foiled Color Revolution in Kazakhstan – video proof

My EXCLUSIVE eye-witness mini-documentary 2: AKTOBE ATTACKS


FULL VIDEO REPORT LENGTH: 3 hours 6 minutes
This one of a kind comprehensive video report includes narrated analysis and hot intel by Lada Ray, complete with supporting mini-documentaries, pics and maps.
For your viewing and bookmarking convenience and so you could easily return to it any time you wanted, Lada Ray’s narrated video report has been divided by topic into 6 self-containing segments, ranging in length between 16 and 46 minutes. Included also are 2 mini-documentaries (7 and 13 min in length).

Copyright June 11, 2016 Lada Ray. All rights reserved.

Read complete report description




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Hot Earth Shift Report on the way! ATTACK ON KAZAKHSTAN: Who Destabilizes Eurasian Union?

Due to the hot news from Kazakhstan and other EAEU/post-Soviet areas,

I am releasing a new surprise Earth Shift Report 9!

6/11/2016 update: IT’S HERE! CLICK LINK TO WATCH NOW!

ESR9 – Attack on Kazakhstan: Who Destabilizes Eurasian Union?

(PLUS! Color revolutions & destabilization alerts for Caucasus & Central Asia: intel from Armenia, Karabakh, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan)


Everything you ever wanted to know about the color revolution attempt in Astana, Almaty and other Kazakh cities on May 21, 2016. I’ve dubbed this attempted Kazakh Maidan: ‘The Agricultural Color Revolution.’ Find out why and how China is involved, but most importantly, how Ukraine, Turkey, ISIS, Soros, NGOs and US are involved.

We will also talk about the latest Aktobe terror attacks on June 5, 2016 and why specifically Aktobe was targeted. Who and why is sending a chilling message? Who’s pulling the strings and who’s the REAL target? How all this affects Russia and EAEU?

Kazakhstan is still on high alert and many shops and other organizations remain closed after the shocking attacks of June 5 in this country, previously considered one of the world’s most stable.

As usual, we’ll look at both: on the ground, local Kazakh intel, and the all-Eurasian and global situation.

For the first time in this report I will reveal certain crucial things about Russia and Kazakhstan’s role in Eurasia. This is brand new material, which is part of my EARTH SHIFT Theory, and of which I’ve never talked previously!

All this will give you the complete picture of what’s really going on!

The report contains a number of eye-witness videos straight from the source, interactive maps and pics and lots of rare intel, complete with my analysis. Lots of goodies in this one!

This is the surprise part: the format of this report is new, different and quite fresh. I think you’ll enjoy it very much. But you’ll have to see for yourself!

Watch now on! 


Also read related

ESR1: IS PUTIN PART OF NWO? Is Astana KZ New NWO capital?



Intel: Kazakhstan’s Snap Elections, Nazarbayev, Color Revolutions and Eurasian Union

Kazakh elections

A woman casts her ballot during a snap presidential election in the village of Tuzdybastau, Kazakhstan, April 26, 2015. (Reuters / Shamil Zhumatov)


This post is part of 

EARTH SHIFT REPORT 1 double feature+

IS PUTIN PART OF NWO? Astana KZ – New NWO Capital?

Bonus: Lukashenko’s Bluff


From RT: “Exit polls show near 100 percent support for incumbent Kazakh leader Nursultan Nazarbayev in a snap presidential election in the central Asian country. Exit polls have confirmed Nazarbayev has won about 97.5 percent of the vote, while there was a voter turnout of over 95 percent. International and local observers at polling stations across the country have reported no significant violations. There were a total of 858 observers from 19 countries present.

Nazarbayev’s rule is contested by two other candidates, the leader of the Communist party and the leader of the state labor unions federation. However, they are widely seen as non-competitive, with Nazarbayev clinching 95 percent of the votes in the previous election in 2011. Nursultan Nazarbayev, 75, is often accused of suppressing opposition and freedom of speech. In 2014, the French Geopolitical Crime Observatory gave him the title ‘Dictator of the Year’, beating Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe as well as three toppled leaders: Tunisian Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak and Haitian Jean-Claude Duvalier. Opposition journalists accuse him of cultivating a personality cult, to which he owes his high election results. Nazarbayev is promising to take his country into the world’s top 30 best-developed countries.

“Should Kazakhs show me their trust again, my first act will naturally be to create a committee on implementing five constitutional reforms,” he said. Those reforms are aimed at “not letting the global crisis negatively affect [Kazakhstan’s] development, to maintain the speed of growth and prepare grounds for a new leap ahead.” Link to post.


Russian: В Казахстане прошли досрочные президентские выборы, в которых участвуют три кандидата: президент Нурсултан Назарбаев, руководящий страной с 1989 года, секретарь ЦК Коммунистической народной партии Тургун Сыздыков и председатель федерации профсоюзов Абельгази Кусаинов. “В Казахстане в дружбе и согласии проживает более 130 народностей и национальностей: 50%казахи,30%русские,около 5%немцы и остальные 15% украинцы,белорусы,узбеки,татары и т.д.”

English: Snap presidential elections ended in Kazakhstan. Three candidates participated: current president Nursultan Nazarbayev – leader of the country since 1989; leader of the Kazakh Communist Party Turgun Sizdikov; head of the country’s labor union federation Abelgazi Kusainov.

According to my Kazakh sources, and I quote: ‘in Kazakhstan, in friendship and accord live 130 different nationalities: 50% Kazakhs, 30% Russians, 5% Germans; the remaining 15% are Ukrainians, Belorussians, Uzbeks, Tatars, etc.’

Nazarbayev’s Kazakh nickname is ‘Elbasi,’ which translates as the ‘voice of the people’ or ‘head of the people.’

I hear that this time even those who usually don’t bother, went to vote, the majority – for Nazarbayev. The reason: people want stability. Nazarbayev means just that for his people. The worry for many is that he is getting on with years. However, to this date, there is no worthy substitute for him in his country. I do hear the name of Tasmaganbetov (Тасмаганбетов) as potential successor.

More from my Kazakh sources: people also talk about the fact that they don’t even know other candidates, what they want, what their plan is, in other words, they appear to the people being neither here nor there. Is it because they aren’t given equal opportunity to promote themselves, or is it because there is simply no contest?

About 100 initial candidates entered the race, with 3 qualifying for the elections. It is rumored that Nazarbayev didn’t want to run any more, but that his party Nur Otan (Нур Отан) insisted he runs again. “People want peace and order, it’s dangerous to change anything in the country now” – “Народ хочет мира и порядка. Сейчас опасно что-либо менять в курсе страны.”

As you know from my previous articles, LadaRayLive videos and interviews, Kazakhstan is a member of the Eurasian Union together with Russia and Belarus; member of SCO with Russia, China, etc.; member of the Caspian Club, with Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan; one of the biggest allies of Russia, with its policies directed towards closer ties. Kazakhstan will also play a role in the new Eurasian Silk Road Project and in the anti-petrodollar revolution. There is much more about all that in: Global Consequences: Russia Announces Eurasian Union and New Currency Altyn. This is video report with lots more info and pics.

Eurasian union 2

Left to right: Belarus president Lukashenko, Kazakh president Nazarbayev, Vladimir Putin

The global geopolitical and mystical role of Kazakhstan and personally Nazarbayev cannot be underestimated. I said previously in this interview, PUTIN’S DISAPPEARANCE AND THE NEW SILK ROAD, that Kazakhstan together with Belarus, serves as a support for Putin and Russia in the rebalancing of the world, Belarus representing the western support and Kazakhstan the eastern one. See PREDICTIONS for more about Russia’s rebalancing role.

(I highly recommend you also take a look at Earth Shift Report 1: Is Putin Part of NWO? In it you will find a very interesting piece about Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, with pics. In it, the myth that Astana is the new NWO capital is debunked.)


The futuristic Astana

All the above makes Kazakhstan a prime candidate for color revolution. Look at Ukraine: the bloody maidan and coup of 2014 followed the announcement by Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus of the formation of the Eurasian Union. It was necessary to pry Ukraine away from Russia and prevent Ukraine from joining the union.

Many prior attempts to organize a color revolution in Russia have failed. Seeing that 2012 protests on Moscow’s Bolotnaya Square brought no result, those who are behind color revolutions all over the world, changed their tactic. They organized the assassination of Boris Nemtsov. (Read: Lada’s Investigation: Who Benefits from the Death of the Russian Opposition Leader Boris Nemtsov?)

Nemtsov himself was hardly popular and largely overlooked in Russia, being just a deputy of the Yaroslavl’ city council, a small city near Moscow. His only value was in his death. That death had to be as loud and as prominent as possible. Hence shocking and dramatic assassination next to the Red Square and 200 meters from the Kremlin’s main Spasskaya Tower. They were hoping that Nemtsov’s mourning may be turned into a bloodbath next to the Kremlin, the seat of the Russian President.

During the ‘march in memory of Boris Nemtsov’ organized by opposition and authorized by Moscow authorities to take place next to the Red Square, several Ukrainian politicians and known provocateurs were detained, including a Rada Deputy who was filmed dancing on burned bodies on Odessa’s Kulikovo Polie during the May 2, 2014. With them, these people had American dollars in small denominations, which were supposed to be used for payment to violent thugs, who would turn the peaceful commemoration into a blood bath. They were planning on re-creating the Kiev maidan 2014, when 20,000 ‘peaceful’ protesters, many of whom were used, and even more of whom were simply bought, camouflaged 2,000 choice militants and trained thugs, who were there to provoke violence by attacking and burning police. As we know, it worked out very well in Kiev.

Not so in Moscow. After ringleaders wannabe were detained (and let go after the fact), there was no one to direct the thugs. Russian FSB and OMON also arrested an undisclosed number of suspected militants from Ukraine, Chechnya, Georgia, Baltics. As a result, no maidan in Russia.

While Belarus and Kazakhstan are doing pretty well on this front too, the danger of a color revolution is still high in Armenia and Kyrgyzstan – the new members of Eurasian Union (Kyrgyzstan officially to join in May 2015), and well as in Tajikistan – a prospective member.

It has to be noted that the attack on Eurasian Union states is, and will continue being, multi-prong. Let’s call it a hybrid war. It is understood that Ukraine maidan and the ukro-nazi junta were organized to prevent Ukraine from joining Eurasian Union and to create an area of permanent instability on Russia’s borders. It worked only partially, but unfortunately, my prediction that Ukraine economy would be completely destroyed in the process is coming true all too well.

More about Ukraine and the dirty mechanics of the euro-maidan in these two Earth Shift Reports:



Armenia and Kyrgyzstan are now balancing an inch from their own color revolutions. My prediction is: attempts to create color revolutions will not succeed in either of these countries. Unfortunately these attempts do succeed in creating distractions, economic hardship, and slowing down the process of building the Eurasian Union.

Another devilish goal they have is to create animosity and hatred between countries, nationalities and peoples. Recent, very strange events in Armenia, when a Russian soldier knocked on a door to ask for water and supposedly killed an Armenian family, led to an explosion of anti-Russian protests and demands that Russian military base be removed. The event practically reeked of false flag. Fortunately, the Russian government acted in a very level-headed manner, promising full trial disclosure. The majority of the population didn’t support the Russian base closure demands and they died down. However, attempts to destabilize Armenia continue.

The same story is true for Kyrgyzstan. According to my data, in small Kyrgyzstan, population 5.72 million, there are 17,000 Western and Western-financed NGOs!! As we know, Western NGOs, financed by the US Endowment for Democracy, Soros, US State Dept, and others, are the instrument of color revolutions.

Prediction: as I said, there will be no success in organizing such color revolution in Kyrgyzstan. But attempts will continue for the foreseeable future, until all these countries manage to create a strong joint political, economic and defence system. This will only be possible as a result of Eurasian Union and the New Silk Road project.

Finally, the biggest intrigue: why were these snap Kazakh elections conducted one year before term, especially considering Nazarbayev was guaranteed a win? The reason is the same as above: color revolution and potential economic crisis inflicted via currency manipulation. Last year, Kazakhstan already went through a major devaluation (25% or more) of Tenge, its currency. It’s still nothing compared to the devaluation of the Russian currency, following the attack on the Ruble in December 2014. I’ll write more about that and what will happen soon, in the upcoming Earth Shift Report: Game of Rubles.

Anticipating that attempts to destabilize the country economically and politically will continue, and that possible hardship is coming, Nazarbayev and his advisors decided to do preemptive elections now, when the country is relatively stable. Organizing snap elections also provided another advantage. Kazakhstan knows they are in line for a maidan of their own. They have their own Western-sponsored NGOs and their own opposition.

By the way, on FT when we refer to ‘opposition.’ we mean practically without exception, Western-paid and Western-trained opposition.

Nazarbayev and his people know (a little birdie must have whispered this advice into their ear) that while US State Dept, CIA and Victoria Nuland are busy with Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia, they have a reprieve. Doing snap elections during this period means that Nuland won’t get to Astana on time and local opposition won’t be able to organize themselves.

It turned out they were right.

Incidentally, it is known that US and their allies are preparing a color revolution in Russia for 2018, in the attempt to sabotage Russian presidential elections. Also, preparations are underway to sabotage 2016 Russian Duma elections. Russians aren’t asleep; defences are being prepared. None of this will work.

Read complete report!

IS PUTIN PART OF NWO? Astana KZ – New NWO Capital?

Bonus: Lukashenko’s Bluff






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