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Canada’s Present and Future: Lada Ray Predictions

A number of my Canadian readers have asked me to make a prediction for Canada. I realize that I mostly talk about large countries, or those countries that are in the news.

Today’s post will address Canada. What is really Canada’s role in the Ukraine crisis, what is the real nature of its relationship with the US and UK, as well as Russia, and the world in general? We will touch upon Canadian shale gas and oil interests. How does NWO fit into all this?

This piece is a logical continuation of the previous: What Are NATO Ships Doing in the Black Sea? Is the World Finally Starting to Awaken? In it, we talked about the anti-NATO and anti-war rallies in a number of countries, seeing which gives us all hope for positive change.

I am always happy to share positive news. Judging by response, my readers equally love hearing them. The people’s awakening worldwide is accelerating, while the clash between the old and the new is also gaining momentum. Polarisation of the society is increasing, which is a sign of the great shift. So far, the trickle of the awakening in the West is small and weak, but it’s there. The Earth Shift is underway.

However, we are not out of the danger zone by any measure. There are forces that continue stubbornly dragging the world towards WWIII, despite valiant efforts by Russia to keep it spinning. It’s great to concentrate on any positive news, but the TRUTH still needs to be told. Only seeing the full picture will we be able to truly understand what is going on and where humanity is heading. The fact that the vast majority of the West (much less so in other parts of the world) continues happily wearing rosy glasses while disregarding what is really happening around them, is what is keeping the world in the catastrophic situation we are observing at the present moment.

First step towards any cure is awareness. Such awareness can only begin through understanding of the actual truth. Sweeping inconvenient facts under the rug and pretending they don’t exist won’t help. My regular readers would recognize these symptoms as we talk about them frequently. This is what Russians have done for years regarding Ukraine; this is what many Ukraine citizens have done regarding ukro-nazis; this is what many European countries do regarding USA. The result is for the whole world to see.

Unfortunately, that’s what Canadians are doing in regards to what is happening in their own country.

I have a lot of Canadian readers on my blog. Clearly, at least some Canadians feel the truth vs. a lie, and they deeply and passionately want change. Meanwhile, let’s see what is taking place around them.

Consider this post my half-prediction and half-warning for Canada.

Reader Johanna says in response to my article: What Are NATO Ships Doing in the Black Sea? Is the World Finally Starting to Awaken?


Lada, finally some positive news from Canada. I am not surprised it is from Montréal, Québec. The francophones may not be perfect but they do have a mind of their own! I could tell right away from their body language that they were not Ontarians. When I see things like that, I get nostalgic for my culture. I grew up in Laval which is a suburb of Montreal, like Mississauga is to Toronto. WE NEED MORE OF THIS TYPE OF ACTION.

Here is Toronto I don’t know how many rallies and fund raisers took place in support of the Kiev Junta. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw that they had even invited a member of the Svoboda party as a guest speaker, all in the name of democracy. How can they be so blind? How can they swallow the lies of the MSM? Too many chemtrails? Indoctrination?

I read something absolutely shocking today. Would you believe that some stupid journalist has formulated a whole theory to prove that Putin is behind ISIS? We are talking about adults, no 3 year olds in a sandbox. I guess the ridicule must reach the sublime for the average person see through the lies and start recovery.

Thanks so much Lada for fresh off the press developments. Blessings! Johanna”

Lada says:

Yes, a bit of positive news from Canada and other countries are contained in my above referenced article. But what Johanna describes in her comment is very disturbing.

It saddens me to hear that Canada has turned into a pro-ukro-nazi state. When I was there last over 15 years ago, it was a nice, peaceful and reasonably neutral country; with some sense of self-irony, which is always a sign of an open mind.

Clearly, big changes have taken place in Canada since then, as NWO-like, US-centric mentality took over the country.

Dear Canadians, it’s time you found out who, why and how is really pulling your strings.

No, it’s not chemtrails (although chemtrails don’t help). In this case, it’s much more obvious than that. It is the interests of the Anglo-American elites in dominating the world. US and Canada have quietly, while everyone was looking the other way, merged politically into one entity (UK and Australia are right there with them). This cross-border merger of the Anglo-American elites has quietly consolidated, including the political, financial, military, media and oligarchic classes. Unlike in other English-speaking countries, a large part of Canada is actually French-speaking, which makes the whole thing even more bizarre.

Further, this is a mutually convenient symbiosis between the NWO/Anglo elites and the deep-seated western Ukraine lobby in Canada and USA, consisting of the bandera-children-immigrants (aka, WWII ukro-nazi heirs). A close friend of the powerful western Ukrainian lobby is Canadian PM Harper. For more, read my article and the comment section: Why Is Canada’s PM Harper in a Rush to Visit Ukraine?

Incidentally, Ukraine PM Yatsenyuk, per latest info, has just obtained Canadian passport, which will come very handy when the Kiev junta starts collapsing. Canada is also at the forefront of supplying weapons to the Kiev junta, used to shell Donbass. While there is a shaky truce right now, Donbass is warning that Kiev has received new weapons from US, UK and Canada and is consolidating forces for the new attack on DNR and LNR. Ukrainian-Canadian lobby plays a very big role in all the above.

Canadians have disregarded the Ukrainian lobby, deeply embedded in their society, for years. But now, it has crawled out of its hole.

Most western Ukraine immigrants came from agricultural background, and they immigrated to Canada for two reasons: 1. Anti-Russian Canadian government, together with US, gladly gave them asylum after they lost WWII together with Hitler; 2. they were seduced by ample and cheap Canadian lands. It has to be noted that many of those who ran to Canada and US after WWII were war criminals guilty of killing thousands in concentration camps and on the territory of Ukraine and Poland. They were convicted by international war crimes tribunal, but any requests for their extradition by USSR, Poland and other countries were always denied by Canada and US. Throughout the years, many war criminals were protected from the responsibility for their crimes by the US and Canada.

Ukrainian immigrants purchased lands and settled to farms, which in recent years became extremely valuable primarily because of their shale oil and gas potential. Because of that, the Canadian bandera-ukro-nazi lobby is tightly connected to the shale oil and gas lobby in both US and Canada.  

Together, these forces are dragging Canada towards a very bad outcome… Unless Canadians wake up.

There are lots of rabidly russophobic bandera-children-immigrants in Canada. This breed will never, under any circumstances, forgive Russia, or become at least neutral to Russia. The hatred has been fed to them with their mother’s milk. And they are absolutely incapable of forgiveness, or of looking deep inside. The hatred towards Russia has also been additionally stoked by the Canadian media and school system. The falsified version of history taught to these people is very far from real history. This falsified history blames Russia for all problems. These people, together with Soros, sponsored a massive falsification of history and re-writing of history books that took place in the past 23 years in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. Read: FREE Earth Shift Report 2: Ukraine, Russia and Falsified History.

Will this change eventually? Perhaps, but it will take years, and I am not sure Canada has that kind of time.

The reason for this twisted hatred is clear: Bandera ukro-nazis killed hundreds of thousands of Poles, Jews, Ukrainians, Russins (Ruthenians) and Russians. In the end, ukro-nazis were feared by Hitler himself and Bandera was thrown in jail, where he died.  It was only Russians who managed to defeat the Bandera army and squeeze ukro-nazis out of Ukraine. They escaped to the US and Canada (where else?). Of course the defeated cannot forgive their defeat. This is a very similar situation to that of the Cuban anti-Castro lobby in the US, which has been manipulating US policy towards Cuba for 50 years, to spite the country that rejected their US-subservient vision of Cuba’s future.

Certainly, no manipulation can be done without the consent of those being manipulated. The Miami anti-Cuba lobby is very convenient to Washington. It allows them to blame some of their policies on that lobby. The same way, Canada ukro-nazis are equally convenient for the present administration.

The true reason for the tight bonding between Canadian and US/UK/Australia governments is that they feel that the Anglo-American centric world is coming to an end. They have bonded to try to prevent that.

The truth is that the whole world was supposed to become Anglo-American centric, per the NWO agenda. The problem is: that plan has failed. Now, US and other countries that used to rely on the whole world to cater to them, will actually have to learn to work and produce in order to feed themselves. They may have to lower their appetites too. This is the fight to prolong the life of their empire that is slipping away from them. They will fight tooth and claw, attempting to keep petrodollar hegemony for as long as possible.

Can changes happen in Canada if a new government is elected?

I do not see the true change happening any time soon. Any new government will still be beholden to the old allegiances. Canadian economy, military, energy and media have become too dependent on the US. Canadian politicians and media long stopped being an independent voice (if they ever were).

Being this close to the US is extremely lucrative for Canadian companies. Canada’s ruling class will do everything to hang on to their wealth. Long-term, it will be at the expense of simple citizens. But while Canadian real estate continues being extremely lucrative and the population at large continues enjoying free health care, generous welfare, and other benefits, people will keep quiet. Problems and protests will begin only when the country hits serious economic hardship and the lack becomes palpable. This will only happen after US economy starts collapsing in earnest, which will cause a domino effect to the tightly knit with the US economies.

Interestingly enough, unlike EU, Canada has so many natural resources and so much land, that it has some chance of escaping riots. Canada, following US has also militarized its police force. This may also prevent riots from materializing. It is somewhat possible that Canada will transition to the new era more peacefully than most of the Western world. However, changing the status quo will take years, and will only be possible after US weakens sufficiently to relax its grip on Canada.

P.S. I would believe that Canada MSM would try pinning ISIS on Putin, however ridiculous and stupid it may sound. This is the case of “Canada striving to be more Catholic than the Pope” (or US) in the info war with Russia. Problem is, unlike last time, this time around they are losing the info war. Their haste and panic is clearly visible to anyone who’s paying attention.

For more read Predictions

Books that take place in RussiaThe Earth Shifter and Gold Train


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by Lada Ray


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Full Putin 10th Annual Press Conference (Eng/Rus versions) and Other Important News

(NEW thoughts and links added)

The most important events and noteworthy interviews of the past few days, accompanied with my thoughts and comments.

This event doesn’t need introduction – Russian President Vladimir Putin has conducted his 10th traditional annual live Q&A. As I stress every year it happens, I’d like to see any Western leader to pull a 4 hour live event, with un-anticipated questions directed at you. I can tell you with absolute confidence – none of them is capable of anything even remotely close. As it stands, ALL Western heads of state are terrified of direct and unsensored communication with their citizens and global public opinion. Just picture what would happen IF Obama, or Merkel, or…. fill in the blank – attempted this kind of feat. Would the whole world finally see that ‘the king is naked?’ You decide.

  •  Putin Q&A 2014 (FULL PRESSER) English translation


    English transcript of Putin’s press conference can be found here.

    Итоговая пресс-конференция Владимира Путина 18 декабря 2014

Lada’s Geopolitical Primer: Ukraine as Heir to Poland’s CIA Torture Prison Program. Nuke Waste, Shale Gas, Gold

Lada’s Geopolitical Primer:

Ukraine as Heir to Poland’s CIA Torture Prison Program.

Nuke Waste, Shale Gas, Gold

Quote from RT: “The damning report into CIA torture has led Poland to finally admit that it DID host a secret American prison – after years of denying it. It’s the first acknowledgement by a foreign country to hosting such a site.”

Video: RT Interviews former Polish President 

After years of denying the obvious and as part of a fallout from the CIA Torture Report, Poland is forced to finally admit it has hosted a secret #CIA #torture prison, but says they had no idea torture was used… Yeah, riiiight. Of course they didn’t…

It’s like saying: I had no idea someone was raped in my own house. Oh, you mean all those screams I heard at night weren’t a manifestation of joy and happiness – they were in fact calls for help? I had no idea!

Reminds me Clinton, too: ‘I never inhaled, and there was no penetration either.’ Of course not, Bill… We all believe you.

Oh, and weren’t there MULTIPLE torture prisons in Poland, according to independent investigative journalists?

In case you were wondering where said torture prison(s) moved from Poland after the EU-wide scandal… look no further – it’s Ukraine!

Remember I wrote several months ago about the wholesale looting and, what I would call, raping of Ukraine, as a result of the February coup? As a consequence even worse oligarchs, ukro-nazi thugs, and even greedier and more incompetent politicians came to power. Ukraine, the country that during Soviet times boasted the world’s TENTH LARGEST economy, that had some of the world’s highest high-tech, scientific and human resource potentials – all thanks to what Russia and Russians built there in the 20th century – is now being quickly turned into the contaminated DUMP for the West.

These are some of the things I revealed at various times this past year:

1. As soon as #Yatsenyuk was installed by US State Dept’s #Nuland as Ukraine’s PM, he immediately shipped most of Ukraine’s gold reserve to the US. This is at the time when most countries are trying to retrieve their gold reserve from the US (admittedly, not very successfully).

The gold reserve scandal – one of the many recent Ukrainian scandals:

Recently, it has been discovered that part of Ukraine’s gold reserve stored in Odessa was in fact gold-painted tungsten. Surprise!

Ukraine’s Central Bank chief is lamenting that 90% of the country’s gold reserve is gone. She says that no one knows where it has disappeared. Oh, really?

Lada’s HOT TIP!

Dear, um… naive Ukraine’s… um… Central Bankster:

Look for it on the other side of the Atlantic.

You’re welcome.

2. Ukraine also contracted with US and Canada for shale gas extraction, mostly in Donbass and Eastern Ukraine in general. Some believe it in fact was the reason for the Donbass bombings and ruthless destruction of its infrastructure. The area was sold (literally given away to exploit) to Western fracking companies and needed to be freed up from population for future shale gas extraction.

As many of you probably know, I wrote many times that I believe the reasons for the Donbass tragedy are deeper and more complex than that. The driver of global conflict presently is not economy but GEOPOLITICS. IF you own the world, money and profit will follow. This is the real agenda and primary objective of the Anglo-American elites at this time: STRUGGLE FOR GLOBAL FULL-SPECTRUM GEOPOLITICAL DOMINANCE. Those who understand this basic premise fully, can understand the processes and struggles that take place in the world, including, Ukraine, Russia, US, EU, China, BRICS, and more.

Incidentally, I’ll have several super-interesting interviews on these important topics early next year. See more below. 

The above only reinforces why the shale gas, supposedly located in E. Ukraine (and W. Ukraine too) played a role in the extermination and vilifying of the staunchly pro-Russian Donbass. Understanding geopolitics and the global dominance doctrine properly, WE are then NOT shocked at all when an announcement is made that, oh, surprise – as it turns out… very LITTLE to NO shale gas is in fact confirmed in E. Ukraine, making Western companies withdraw – but only after devastating war has destroyed most of the infrastructure, driving the most productive population out.

3. Ukraine also promptly contracted with EU and US to serve as a dump for nuclear waste for both. This is also a great idea, but only if you want to kill off the population.

The idea is to use the Chernobyl area, already contaminated. Dumping properly and securely any nuclear waste is a very expensive and highly technological procedure. Ukraine possesses neither money nor expertise to do it right. Their idea is to simply dump hardly protected waste in the Chernobyl wastelands, thus multiplying and prolonging the catastrophe.

Without proper precautions, they are sure to cause the water table contamination. On the contrary, through a very active, professional and complex system of measures, USSR in 1986 did everything to avoid the water table contamination – and they succeeded. Water table was never contaminated. This water table is connected to major underground and above-ground rivers flowing into the Black Sea. By contaminating them, Ukraine may severely damage the delicate ecological balance of the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, creating a widespread international catastrophe.

And incidentally, Chernobyl is located not too far from Ukraine’s capital, Kiev. Could the increased radiation have accounted for the incredible and surreal zombifying and dumbing down of young generations of Ukrainians (who were born and grew up during and shortly after the 1986 Chernobyl catastrophe)? After all, these young Ukrainians are largely the ones who, through maidans and various crazy actions, are destroying their country with their own hands. It’s worth considering as a contributing factor.

However, in reality, of course this goes well beyond Chernobyl and is based on Ukraine society’s systemic corruption and consequent breakdown factor. It is the manifestation of a continuing struggle between the East and West. All this is happening due to the intrinsic dual yin-yang nature of our 3D/4D world, of which I wrote in my Predictions as well as discussed in my YT videos.

4. And the latest news: Ukraine has agreed to host a massive CIA torture prison. This happened as a result of Poland’s CIA torture prison scandal. After Poland had to close down their cozy CIA operation, Ukraine immediately jumped on the opportunity to make some ‘easy money.’

This is how the gruesome Ukrainian version of combining business with pleasure works:

The new CIA torture facility will house (or likely it already does) captured ISIS fighters and various ‘Islamic terrorists,’ well, according to CIA anyway. As part of the official announcement, this prison is also designed to confine and torture captured self-defence Novorossia/Donbass fighters as well as any anti-junta activists and critics.

At least in Poland they were embarrassed enough to keep the existence of such prison secret. In Ukraine they proudly and openly announce it.

The proper and soooo democratic, hypocrite EU elites insist on NOT noticing the mind-bogglingly flagrant abuses taking place daily in Ukraine. Why would they – they brought the present nazi junta to power, after all. In all fairness, they don’t notice the daily worldwide abuses of their biggest buddy, USA, either.

But back to the long-term perspective and reality:

My readers know that my long-standing prediction since January-February, 2014 is that Ukraine will NEVER become a member of the EU (or NATO for that matter). In fact, EU residents and many sane politicians are rather appalled and disgusted at the monster their elites had created in Ukraine. See PREDICTIONS, as well as early articles under ‘Ukraine’ and ‘Predictions 2014’ categories on the side bar, for much more.

For a more complete picture and better understanding, you may also want to re-read the following articles and watch video:

Quicky Pre-Pre-Announcements

Hello, dear readers,

The year is almost drawing to a close, and although the geopolitical, consciousness, and EARTH SHIFT storms continue to rage all around our planet with the same intensity, some readers are on the Holiday mode already. I can certainly understand that. We all have to have a reprieve from violence, heavy subjects and struggle in our lives.

We all want to experience joy, for at least a fleeting moment. This is as natural for human beings as it is human to err.

I am all for joy, and as many of you may know – well, at least those, who have watched my two HUMAN COSCIOUSNESS VIDEOS on Project Earth Shift on LadaRay Channel – I myself vibrate on that level. Therefore, joy, and especially creativity (Calibration 580-599 – Pure Creation), is a must in my life as well. Incidentally, the third video in this series is coming!

I’ll be honest with you: I have a stack of several, nearly finished articles, which are now sitting in drafts. I could publish them, but I am holding back because, as I see, readership has dropped significantly. I can only assume this is due to the holiday season. I just want to remind everyone that this blog will only exist, and I will continue publishing free material for as long as I see support from my readers. I do plan to release my materials starting in the beginning of January, 2015, so stay tuned.

This is a super-quick pre-pre-announcement of things still to come this year and what to expect as soon as January starts!

Still to come this year:

Well, this depends on our friends at the TIME MONK RADIO,

but as I said before, we have recorded an absolutely smashing and eye-opening 2-part interview about so many things based on my Earth Shift System and mystical futurism. Don’t miss it when it comes out!

This show will present a unique opportunity for listeners to participate. How? Stay tuned for more juicy stuff!

More of my interviews on super-important geopolitical, futurism, forbidden history, and EARTH SHIFT topics will come out in January and the following months, thanks to our friends at The Cat’s Eye on the Future and The Plane Truth shows!

Coming in a few days (and don’t you miss it either!):

Proper PRE-ANNOUNCEMENT of future plans, awesome growth, super-ideas,

And many things to come in the Year 2015!

I will also pre-announce the shocking, controversial, expansive and eye-opening topics

I will address in 2015.

Finally, we will announce the new support/donation options, as well as new paid options for my followers.

Video call snapshot 78


Stay with us!

You’ll be happy you did.

Trust me – I am only warming up and this is just the beginning! 😉

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You may want to catch up on my articles here on FT and Lada Ray Blog, and on YT videos,

before the 2015 whirlwind of new offerings knocks you off your feet –

of course, in the very best of ways!

Oh, yeah, please remember to like, share and comment on YouTube and both blogs!

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As always, THANK YOU!


Declaration of Cold War: What Chain of Events is US Provoking With New Hostile Move?

War drums are beating. The US is trying AGAIN to tip the world into the war mode.

The US House of Representatives voted almost unanimously (411 for, 10 against, 13 abstained) to condemn Russia for ‘aggression in Ukraine(?), Moldova(?) and Georgia(?).’ It also voted to create a more aggressive propaganda machine in Russian and Ukrainian, and to SEND AMERICAN WEAPONS TO UKRAINE. In addition, the resolution calls for the reinforcement of NATO and for the sale of US GAS TO EUROPE TO REPLACE RUSSIAN GAS. Link to RT video report.

I wonder who and when will finally vote to condemn the REAL aggressions of the USA against Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Serbia, present US aggression and financing of the illegal coup in Ukraine, and so many other aggressions all over the world? Who will condemn USA for spying on the entire world? What about the continued US and NATO aggression and intimidation campaign against Russia? What about color revolutions US sponsors all over the world?

Do you feel a sense of deja vu by any chance? I do. Remember how many times I warned of exactly these things. I said that these are the main purposes for the US ‘subversion of Ukraine’ (the fact that US invested only officially $5bln into ‘subverting Ukraine’ was publicly admitted by the US State Dept’s Victoria Nuland in December 2013).

I said this at various times:

1. Conflict in Ukraine is used to weaken Russia and EU at the same time.

2. Ukraine conflict is used to drive a wedge between Russia and EU, and at the same time, between Russia and Ukraine.

3. Ukraine to Anglo-American elites is loose change and cannon fodder to be thrown out as a used-up lemon. For Russia, Ukraine is their brothers and part of the Russian world to be respected and lived in peace with.

4. The continuing escalation of a conflict is necessary to paint Russia and Putin as aggressors, when the actual aggressor is US, with the kind help of Brussels, Germany, Poland and Lithuania. This is the same methodology used to perfection by the UK/US/France in the past to escalate Hitler’s aggression and to pit Germany and Russia (in the 20th Century, the two biggest rivals of the Anglo-American empire) in two past World Wars. Using proxies to fight their wars is the best Anglo-American achievement from hell.

5. US is itching to sell its own, more expensive gas to Europe, taking this market away from Russia.

For that purpose, McCain went to Bulgaria and other EU countries. THE VERY NEXT DAY after McCain’s and two other senators’ visit, Bulgaria announced that it was withdrawing from South Stream. Annual losses from such withdrawal for Bulgaria constitute $400-600 million + $150 million in losses from the switch of the Russian gas transit to Turkey to the new Black Sea pipeline. Altogether, up to $750 million per year in losses. What makes leaders of a country do something that is clearly bad for the country’s economy? Only arm-twisting can do that, and/or a bribe.

McCain’s arm-twisting worked well on the sold-out neocon-infested Bulgarian government. It didn’t work on Hungary (which because of that is now threatened with a color revolution), nor Austria. Austria’s President reportedly retorted that he didn’t tell US what to do, so he would appreciate it if US didn’t tell him who to conduct business with.

Still, subverting Bulgaria was enough – South Steam has ground to a screaching halt.

Notice that the US Congress cold war resurrection resolution (sounds like The Lord of the Rings – the dark powers on the rise)  appeared right after the noteworthy events I described in my previous article: German Vice Chancellor: No Ukraine in NATO; Russia, Let’s Make Up!

Below is a brief summary of the events I described in the above piece, plus analysis of the underlying geopolitical games and return moves by the US.

1. Europe has started looking for ways to make up with Russia and get EU-Russia relations back to normal. Additionally, Germany let it be known that they would not approve Ukraine in NATO, which is what US has been pushing for.

All the above is a big problem for the US hegemony. US needs to prevent this from happening. The only way of influencing the EU in these circumstances is to escalate the stand-off between Russia and the West, so Eu has no choice but to take anti-Russian position.

Last time they used the Malaysia Boeing downing in Ukraine to push reluctant EU towards a new round of anti-Russian sanctions. How about provoking Russia via arms supply to the Kiev junta this time, making Russia act to protect Donbass?

2. Russia announced the closure of the South Stream project.

No doubt US has rejoiced. US was the driving force behind the sabotage of the South Stream, projected to deliver gas directly to southern and central Europe. This route would bypass the unstable Ukraine, making the supply more secure and cheaper for many countries. The winners of this scenario would have been: Austria, Hungary, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Slovenia, Russia – and the entire EU economy. Losers from South Stream would have been: Ukraine and US. Now do your math: WHO BENEFITS AND WHO LOSES FROM THE CLOSURE OF SOUTH STREAM!

The US had been long pushing to sell their own shale gas to the EU, however expensive and inconvenient this may be.

Note, the US shale gas issue is a big problem in the US itself. It has been proven that this barbaric method of extraction causes untold damage to the environment, causing irreversible water damage, making potable water and soils unusable, and creating tremors and quakes. I have lived in Upstate NY, which is sitting on large shale gas deposits, and it is an ongoing struggle for the residents there to keep the shale gas vultures out of their state. Recently, the birthplace of shale gas in Texas has moved to ban this harmful practice.

Shale gas industry was touted in the US as a way out of the systemic crisis of the US economy. However, it’s not working so well. Due to low gas prices, most shale gas wells had to be capped as high cost of production made them unprofitable. To make shale gas worthwhile, US desperately needs a huge new market such as EU. To gain the EU market, US first needs to squeeze Russia out of it.

Now, isn’t it clear that US needs to do the following things:

1. Weaken EU, break EU’s will, subdue European countries – and make them buy more expensive gas contrary to EU’s interests.

2. Weaken Russian economy, vilify and discredit Putin, isolate and vilify Russia, so Russia can’t continue working with the EU, so consequently EU would be forced to buy expensive US gas, forsaking a much better deal it has with Russia presently.

3. Destabilize and destroy Ukraine, making it into a massive festering wound for both Russia and EU to deal with. Destabilization of Ukraine sabotages Russian gas supplies to the EU. In addition, the spinning of Ukraine as victim of the big, bad Russia also serves to create divisions and alienation on European continent.  This is a complete repeat of the Georgia 2008 scenario. See my predictions that came true: Striking geopolitical similarities: Sochi2014-Ukraine and #Beijing2008-Georgian war.

All the above US needs to do in order to make its grand plan of getting out of the crisis happen.

What is very important to understand is this: by making EU buy US shale gas, US not only solves its economic problems, but it also binds EU to itself irreversibly.

Once Russia has reoriented towards other markets, it will be hard to impossible to convince her to turn back. Russia is the historic and karmic global balancer. Hence, Russia’s re-orientations usually are precursors to big global changes to come. It is entirely in the interests of the EU to get closer to Russia, and that includes UK as well, although UK can serve as a bridge between US and new Europe. But it is entirely against the interests of the present-day US empire for any of that to happen. Living in peace and cooperation with the rest of the world is certainly in the best interests of the population of the USA.

Ideally, the US and those who still want to execute the US ‘full spectrum dominance’ global hegemony plans, want to convert the entire world into its vassals. I can tell you this will never happen, and perhaps those who formulate the insane US policies already get it on some level. At this time it appears the US is trying to inflict as much damage as possible on as many countries as possible as its plan B. And you know what, they are partially succeeding!

What we are observing is a war between the wounded, but very dangerous beast and the rest of the world.

Unfortunately, too many try to pretend this war doesn’t concern them. Some think they can remain on the beast’s side until tide changes and they can switch to the other side safely. It’s so much easier to have someone else fight your battles, incur hardship and losses, while you just arrive in the end and collect the trophies. This sounds like Romania, which first entered WWII on the side of the fascist Germany, occupying my city of Odessa, which was promised to Romania by Germany as one of the spoils of war. But when Germany started losing, Romania switched to the other side. And it sounds like US, who during the same WWII let the USSR bleed and fight until it became clear in 1944 that the USSR was winning, and that’s when US finally entered the war to collect their trophies.

rus bogatyr

Russian Vityaz’ – bogatyr’ (bogatyr’ means knight, protector; vityaz’ was a highly evolved master protector, whose powers were borderline mystical)

Yes, there are very few heroes. But Russia has no choice. Whether Russians want it or not, they are destined to always fight that dangerous beast that threatens to devour all. Russia’s is the hardest place to be. It is the hardest role to preserve balance in this crazy, unbalanced world. Allies are hard to come by, as usual. Few want to risk their lives and well-being to confront the beast; fewer still, have wisdom and foresight to do so successfully. Hiding out seems so much safer.

lord of the rings

I mentioned Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings for a reason. Tolkien, like Edgar Cayce before him, like other visionaries, such as Anastasia of Siberia (The Ringing Cedars) and Bulgarian Baba Vanga – and like yours truly – have been hinting at the same thing. The White City in The Lord of the Rings is written after Moscow (known historically as the White Stone City) and the ancient city of Great Novgorod. I write about that in Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs? The Return of the King refers to the return of Russia. You can find some of my predictions about Russia and the historic and karmic role of various parts of the world in Predictions.

Putin’s Move and Profitable Russia-Turkey Alliance

Instead of the cancelled South Stream, Russia and Turkey announced the construction of the new arm of the Blue Stream. Turkey is to become the Russian gas distribution hub for further sales to Europe, or to any other market. Russia is also to build a new energy system for Turkey. The new system will allow for a more flexible gas distribution by sea or pipeline, depending on demand.

It’s interesting how secret the Putin/Erdogan agreements were kept until the last moment.

It has to be noted that the new agreement between Putin and Erdogan was only possible after Putin created a new paradigm with the Caspian Sea powers, including Iran, and notably, Azerbaijan. This is also connected with SCO advancements and Eurasian Union (EAU). Turkey is very interested in being admitted into SCO and EAU. I can predict that at least the SCO announcement will come out soon. These events happened very quietly and went unnoticed in the West; and actually, Russia likes that. The quieter, the better. In reality, these events are very important. I spoke about them briefly before, and I will discuss them in more detail in one of my upcoming interviews next year.

Azerbaijan is an interesting factor here, as well as Syria, Iran and Gagauzia (autonomy within Moldova). All these are connected with Russia and each other via invisible but meaningful links.

Incidentally, I have some interesting interviews coming up next week and in January 2015. Stay tuned!

After everything that happened, it would be naive to think US wouldn’t make return moves. It is more difficult to understand why so many seemingly intelligent people in the EU and US allow themselves to be duped and manipulated time after time by thugs in the US Congress, Pentagon, White House, and by the shadow puppet masters.

The problem for Russia is this: the moment US starts making any threatening moves, all EU’s good intentions evaporate and they dutifully fall in line. They forget their own good and profit, their own reasoning as to how important the relations with Russia are, and start again playing a role of the US lap dog – or US vicious pit bull.

This is the chain of events the US is trying to provoke with this new hostile move:

US sends its weapons to the Ukraine junta. Kiev uses these more advanced and deadly weapons against civilians in Donbass. Russia has no choice but to match that to protect Donbass from complete annihilation. US and EU start yelling that Russia interferes in Ukraine.

Then US pressures EU into adopting a new round of sanctions, contrary to EU’s own interests. These sanctions will be equally damaging to both Russia and EU. The winner is US.

Next, relations between Russia and EU hit a new low as Russia has no choice but to reciprocate. US gets to twist the arm of the weakened EU even more efficiently. US can now sell its shale gas to the EU and no one makes a peep.

EU becomes fully dependent and therefore, subservient to the US. Will US continue escalating, while Russia has no choice but to adopt further protective measures? The trust between Russia and EU is gone. After EU business is forced to leave Russia having been squeezed out by the US/EU sanctions, there will be even less opposition to the US policy in the EU and fewer forces left to protest against it.

Repeat of WWI and WWII. The next step is, yet again, to pit Central and Western Europe against Russia.

Now, people, ask yourselves – how many of you want this kind of outcome? I can tell you that it would be the last war. This human civilization will not get another chance. I wrote about that in my mystical thriller THE EARTH SHIFTER.

I rest my case.

 Important announcement!

I wrote last time about the upcoming THE PUTIN ENIGMA Earth Shift Report. I am still working on it and it will come out in due time. There are so many ideas I need to reconcile/transfer into 3D language and reality for it to materialize. So, please be patient.

But I have great news! I will be releasing another Earth Shift Report soon, based on the hot and timely news that are hitting the wires! I am sure you will find this report extremely fascinating and eye-opening.

Are we in fact moving out of the physical and crude 3D warfare?

The new name of the game is…


Wars of the Future Past or What is 4D Warfare:

(Rocket Failures, MK Ultra, Cyber Spying, NSA, Stuxnet, Regin, more…)

This report will be available on It will be announced on this blog.

This report will be available to my readers for a donation – to be announced.

As a thank you to my supporters, this report will be free for those who have donated $50 or more, or for those who subscribed for a monthly donation – I will provide an email where you will be able to request your report.

You can always help us out by donating here: Support Lada’s work

Thank you for your support!

Predictions: Ukraine May Stop Russian Gas Transit to EU

This just in: Ukraine may stop Russian gas transit to EU. Kiev is considering a package of 26 sanctions against Russia, targeting just about all important industries and facets of life, including Russian gas transit, machinery, aviation, transport, military, medicine and more. See report from RT, including a map of current Russian gas pipelines through Ukraine and Belarus.

I wonder, do these geniuses in Kiev government even understand who they are really hurting? Russian medicine ban hits mostly their own citizens, who can’t afford expensive Western medicine. Ban on military/heavy machinery/aviation and other industry cooperation with Russia will create an estimated 3-4 million unemployed. Russia is (was) Ukraine’s largest trading partner. These unemployed will be qualified engineers and skilled workers. They will have 2 choices: to emigrate to the EU and become taxi drivers and janitors, OR come to Russia and work there as skilled workers and engineers on new factories Russia is building to replace the old Ukraine industrial capacities. As I said before, Russia is fast becoming what America was in the 20th century – the destination for the masses of emigrants to escape disasters at home, and to find a better life. Everyone knows how much USA benefitted throughout the 20th century from the mass inflow of immigrants. So will Russia.

Russian UN representative, Vitaly Churkin, said that presently Russia provides refuge for 820 thousand refugees from Ukraine. New RT video: #Ukraine children and elderly seek refuge in #Russia – Жители Украины вывозят стариков, детей в Россию. People say that they had to run from bombings by Kiev army, that they had to live in cellars to save their lives, no one was paying them salary, no water, no gas or food. Their cities turned into dead zones and ghost towns, as everyone left.

As to the Russian gas, I think Kiev definitely should stop Russian gas transit to Europe! I am not joking! I think it’s an excellent move! Again, the geniuses sitting in Kiev will be punishing Europe much more than Russia, and they will be punishing Ukraine as well. This may indeed be a very cold winter, which may finally wake up Europe to the facts: who they have been supporting in Kiev and who their real friends are. I am not too enthusiastic as to the voluntary good will and reason of the Europeans. Sometimes, humans need a push in a form of a real disaster in order to wake them up to reality.

There are only two possibilities why Kiev would be gearing for the Russian gas shut-off, and I suspect that both are true:

1. The Kiev “authorities” are so dumb that they simply can’t grasp what kind of disaster they are about to inflict on themselves and Europe.

2. They are fulfilling a direct order from their handlers in Washington.

Let’s recall that in addition to hurting Russia, US major goal is to also undermine Europe as its biggest economic competitor, and to subdue Europe into a forced symbiosis with the US, to Europe’s detriment. US understands that slowly but surely they are losing the world hegemony and their grip on power, as Europe pivots to the East, as BRICS become more active, and as most of the world perceives US as aggressor and super-bully.

As part of its plan to keep Europe dependent, US is trying to tear EU away from the Russian gas supply and force it into buying its expensive shale gas. As we know, #fracking as barbaric method of gas extraction, also destroys and poisons American land and groundwater.

Of course, in the end, the scheme of separating EU from Russian gas will fall through. But in the meantime, US is poised to inflict a lot of damage on the EU economy. However, this will also force Europe to expedite the construction of South Stream and filling to capacity of the Opal pipeline, bypassing Ukraine.

This can inflict some damage on the Russian economy as well; however, as I said before, Russian economy is in desperate need of a healthy restructuring in order to get rid of the hiccups and distortions of the ’90s. Russians were too comfortable to start such massive restructuring on their own. The external push, such as events in Ukraine and Western sanctions, are forcing Russia to start this very necessary process. The result can only be one: Russian economy will emerge out of it much stronger than before.


I previously predicted that this decade, and into the 2020s, is the Time of Russia. Russia is destined to come as a major winner out of everything that is happening now. And note: peacefully, without dirtying her hands with direct participation in a military conflict.

China will also be a big winner. Other winners: Latin America, all BRICS, and those countries that will join Eurasian Union.

It doesn’t mean that the US won’t do everything to prevent this from happening easily and peacefully (as is evident from current events), but they won’t succeed. The result will also be that Europe at large will get disgusted with their American partner. The movement of Europe towards cooperation with China/Asia, Russia being the glue and the bridge between the two, will intensify this decade, and next.

Of course, the sooner EU changes its own policies and rescinds anti-Russian sanctions, the harder it will be for Kiev and US to continue pushing for conflict and destruction. However, I foresee that only a very dramatic shock will make EU revise its policies. Ukraine shutting off the gas valve may become such a shock.

Another prediction is that unless US changes its policies, it may become largely isolated as a result.

Finally, in the beginning of the Ukraine crisis I made a prediction that Ukraine will become a part of the Eurasian (Customs) Union with Russia between 2016 and 2018. Some have interpreted this to mean that only eastern part of Ukraine, having seceded, will join Eurasian Union.

In fact, I believe most of today’s Ukraine will join Eurasian Union, possibly as 2 separate states, or as one loosely federalized state. The Kiev junta is so over their heads that they will have another maidan on their hands, most likely by, or before, next spring. The next maidan will be just as non-sensical as the 2014 maidan was. However, eventually, very different people will come to power in Ukraine. I also said that Ukraine may become diminished, as Novorossia secedes. Very likely, there will be two, or possibly three, different centers in Ukraine, which will become separate states. Western Ukraine separation is a question mark. Instead of separation, there may be broad autonomy, depending on how disgusted people will be with Kiev at the time. At least two of these parts – most of today’s Ukraine (possibly all of today’s Ukraine) will join Eurasian Union. Ukraine as it existed for 23 years, will never return to its past form.

Eventually, more territories and countries in Europe will join Eurasian Union in some capacity as a way to tear themselves from the US and EU.

Here you can read most of my original PREDICTIONS. Additional new predictions will be posted as time allows.

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I am finally back home and the long-awaited “Is Putin Part of NWO?” article is coming next!

Stay with FuturisTrendcast!


Predictions. Kiev Junta Losses, Botched False Flag, Foreign Mercenaries, Shale Gas in Ukraine Goes Puff, How Long Has the Kiev Junta Left?

I am on vacation this week; however, I still wanted to post this important new info and predictions.

Official report on Kiev military losses

Info provided by John Durham, from the official report from the Ukraine Interior Minister, Avakov (who by the way will eventually be tried for war crimes, but chances are he may not live that long). I’ve seen this leaked report and I can confirm its existence.

Official Ukrainian Military Report of Losses for July 9-15, 2014(Arsen Avakov, Minister of Interior and V. Gritsak, Head of the ATO)

1. Desertions: 3473
2. Killed in Action: 1600
3. Wounded in Action: 4723
4. Tanks: 35
5. Armoured Battle Vehicles: 96
6. Artillery : 38
7. Aircraft: 7
8. Helicopters: 2
9. Automobiles: 104

In the event the negative trend continues…I estimate that 2/3 of the active combat military units currently participating in the ATO will simply cease to exist in as little as 4 to 5 days.

V. Nalyvaichenko, Security Service
B. Hrytsak, Antiterorist Center Security Service

This report is mind-boggling. Notice, the data is for one week in July only! The same report mentions that Donbass self-defence lost only about 45 people in the same period! Meanwhile, again, according to the same report, around 500 peaceful citizens died in the same timeframe! Clearly, Kiev targets with its bombings exclusively the peaceful population. Kiev dominates the sky, as Donbass self-defence has no planes, nor pilots. At the same time, Kiev is afraid to go head-to-head with self-defence, as they get beaten every time.

US and Kiev screw up the Boeing 777 false flag

Few people know that one day before the Malaysian Boeing 777 downing by Kiev in eastern Ukraine, 4000 Kiev troops were surrounded by self-defence in 3 locations: Donetsk airport, Lugansk airport and near border with Russia. Per Donbass/Novorossia leaders’ reports, this included dozens of tanks, ARCs, planes, and anti-aircraft launchers – a huge loss for the Kiev military. Self-defence was getting ready to close the circle. Once the Boeing 777 catastrophe happened, once the banshee howling started in Kiev and the West that it was self-defence that downed it, which distracted and broadsided the inexperienced politically self-defence commanders, Kiev was able to advance and retrieve its surrounded forces. The confusion surrounding the Boeing downing helped the fledgling Kiev forces to take a break and regroup. When international community demanded ceasefire to allow the investigation, Donbass immediately complied, while Kiev used the opportunity to attack and kill 150 more peaceful citizens in Donetsk and Lugansk republics. The UN banned phosphorus bombs were used again.

This is the same technology also used by Israel against Palestinians. Is Israel, in concert with the US, advising Kiev how to act, and supplies them with UN banned foreign technology?

Now, a simple question, anyone who isn’t fully corrupt, should be able to easily answer: WHO BENEFITTED FROM THE BOEING 777 DISASTER, AND WHO DIDN’T?

Of course, Kiev and US were hoping that the Boeing downing could be blamed on Russia.

US/CIA operations are always multi-prong and multi-layered. They pursue multiple goals at once and if some don’t materialize, others will – that’s the philosophy. So, with the Boeing 777 downing in Ukraine, US pursued multiple agendas, one of them being to scare President Putin and other world leaders who don’t toe the line. For that, read:

But as is now well-known, US and Kiev screwed up again. They failed to scare Putin. US couldn’t supply a shred of real evidence of either Russian or Donbass self-defence involvement. When pressed for proof of their empty allegations, US could only come up with images they copied from the Kiev’s falsified reports and from the internet.

Then, the CIA was asked to back US claims. This situation reminded the CIA painfully of the 2003 Iraq weapons of mass destruction lie, which cost many at CIA their jobs. When the CIA pros asked who will be responsible when the shit hits the fan, they were given no satisfactory answer. Therefore, CIA refused to back US claims that either Russia or Donbass self-defence were involved… because they knew full well that the opposite was true.

It is well-known that US has a very sophisticated satellite coverage of eastern Ukraine.The Russian military has disclosed that US has several satellites permanently covering – read spying – the space between eastern Ukraine and south-western Russia, including all movement of the military hardware, troops, movements across the Russian border, missiles shot, etc. And with all this, they were unable to provide a single satellite image, a single credible document confirming their allegations. They are so deep in their lies, so profoundly corrupt, they don’t even understand how stupid and how disgusting they look to the rest of the world!

Meanwhile, the Russian military presented the full satellite imagery report and full analysis of the situation. The imagery was transferred to the EU. The EU of course is as corrupt as the US, however, in light of the undisputable evidence, they are now painted into a corner, and will eventually have to admit the truth.

It also came out that Kiev’s so-called evidence was falsified. The so-called conversation between Novorossia commanders admitting the downing of the Boeing was in fact slapped together of 6 conversations, some of which occurred several days prior to the event. The footage of the BUK system that Kiev said was moving speedily towards Russian border after downing the unfortunate Boeing 777, was another falsification. The Ukrainian bloggers quickly placed the BUK imagery in a town occupied by the Kiev junta since May. The now infamous number of that BUK, #312, clearly visible on its body, was the same number caught on camera in March 2014, when this same BUK #312 was photographed as part of the Kiev junta military convoy.

The king is naked for all to see. Who in their right mind, except the presstitute western media and politicians, would still be fooled into thinking it wasn’t Kiev that downed the Boeing 777, with the US open encouragement and direction?

Russia’s humanitarian gesture and mass defections from Ukraine army

From my sources: Russia opened a humanitarian corridor for the wounded Ukr army soldiers. Previously, 18 wounded Ukr army soldiers asked for help and were healed in a Russian hospital in Rostov oblast. Presently, another 30 wounded Ukr soldiers were given asylum and safe passage though Russian territory back to Ukraine. Just in the last couple of days, another 40 Ukr military laid down arms and asked for asylum in Russia. And this is only the official data! Many more have defected quietly.

Let’s remember that while Russians are healing and giving safe passage to wounded Ukr soldiers, Ukraine meanwhile had killed 3 Russian journalists, other accredited journalists were kidnapped, beaten and denied entry into the country. And these are representatives of the PRESS, who are supposed to be protected by international law! What can be said about the ordinary citizens! At one point, there were billboards in Ukraine, financed by war criminal (who will be tried by the tribunal for crimes against humanity), oligarch Kolomoysky, promising $10,000 for every dead Russian. This is the criminal fascist regime that US supports fully and wholeheartedly. This is the fascist regime that EU, pretending to be oh, so democratic and righteous, also FULLY SUPPORTS!

More from my sources: Ukr army is quickly running out of people willing to fight in Donbass. Kiev had announced the ‘third round’ sweeping mobilization. Anonymous calls from Ukraine keep coming in to various organizations and TV stations in Russia. People are saying that Kiev drafters go around villages and towns, looking for those they can draft.  Reminds me of the Nazi Germany circa 1943, when they started seriously losing in Russia.

The only salvation for villagers is to hide or run away. If they see a young man, they will draft him. Parents hide their sons in cellars. People run away to join guerillas, or the Donbass self-defence.

Gruesome reports are coming out that national guard, formed by Kiev junta from nazis and hard criminals they let out of jails, has been executing soldiers who refuse to fire at their compatriots in eastern Ukraine. People witnessed horrible scenes when mass graves were dug along roads and bodies were piled in, then sprayed with acid so they wouldn’t be recognized.

Those interested, on YT there is a new video by Nikolay Starikov in which he explains how those who don’t want to be part of the Kiev junta atrocities, those who don’t want to spill the blood of their compatriots, can lay down arms on the border and cross over to Russia, Hungary or Poland to become ‘interned persons,’ where they will be safe till the end of war. This is a great solution for those who don’t want any part of the war. Or, google the international law regarding safe passage for interned persons during a war.

Reports of Polish, Azerbaijani, Israeli and Romanian pilot mercenaries

Since Ukr army is running out of pilots, there are reports of mercenaries from Poland, Israel, Romania and Azerbaijan piloting planes that bomb the peaceful citizens of Donbass. UN-banned phosphorus bombs were again used, resulting in the poisoning of the peaceful population. It is reported that the bombs, including phosphorus, are supplied by the US and Israel. This is blatant international interference into the internal conflict, that is being flatly denied by the US.

Many Ukrainian mothers, including in western Ukraine considered the hotbed of fascism, are protesting their sons being drafted. Ukraine is again on the brink of another #maidan revolution, which is expected by next spring – could be sooner. This new violent maidan won’t solve anything as the population is so terribly confused and blinded, as well as brainwashed.

I foresee a long and arduous way to the difficult realization how much is wrong in the country. Unfortunately, the country is fully hijacked by the corrupt forces that want to suck it dry. These forces are both internal and external.

The realization will be extremely agonizing for those who for years lived in a lie, or a desperate fantasy that is very far from any semblance of reality. They will have to come to terms with the truth that those they perceive as their enemies are in fact their friends, while those they perceive as their friends, are not. The fifth column sold-out media, the corrupt, profit-greedy oligarchs, along with the many external forces, are doing everything to keep the Ukrainians confused and blinded.

There are predictions about the duration of this conflict at the end of this post, as well as in PREDICTIONS – which I suggest everyone reads carefully, along with suggested articles at the bottom.

Bomb! Shale gas bonanza in Ukraine evaporates

I just love this one! What an irony, and it didn’t take that long, did it?

As is well-known, the US stooge Poroshenko has been appointed by #Nuland and US State Dept to play the role of the Ukraine clown president. According to Russian sources (confirmed recently by US State Dept email exchanges leaked by Wikileaks), Poroshenko was recruited by the CIA since at least mid-1990s. They called him “our man in Kiev.”

I recently heard a 2012 debate between Nikolay Starikov and this same infamous Poroshenko, in which Poroshenko was ardently declaring that soon Ukraine would be able to stop buying Russian gas and would instead become a gas-producing powerhouse, supplying entire Europe with its shale gas, thus taking away the business from Russia.

I have learned that Poroshenko and the Kiev junta LEASED THE ENTIRE EASTERN UKRAINE TO THE WESTERN INTERESTS for the term of 50 years. This particularly concerns SHELL Oil, in order to develop the supposed bonanza of the Ukrainian shale gas. Shell in its reports declared that Ukraine contains 1/3 of all commercially viable shale gas located in Europe. Seemed like a dream come true to the bankrupt Ukr economy.

The deposits were supposedly located exclusively in eastern Ukraine, including Donbass (Lugansk, Donetsk), Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhie and Kharkov regions.

Very few know this, but the smart, well-informed population of Donbass realized that #fracking would be dangerous for their health. In addition to political and cultural reasons, this is in part why they rebelled against Kiev. To remind everyone, Donbass, as well entire eastern Ukraine, is where ALL of Ukraine’s industry and natural resources reside. Eastern Ukraine is what makes up most of Ukr GDP.

Donbass residents are convinced that Kiev junta has been bombing their infrastructure – power plants, water mains and water/sewer stations, housing, hospitals, schools – because Kiev is trying to eliminate the population, make the area uninhabitable so to free up space for shale gas fracking. The fewer residents, the less protest to deal with.

We know that US VP’s son, Hunter Biden was suddenly named a director of the leading Ukr gas company. So, at least in part the bombings of eastern Ukraine are explained by the Western greed. Of course, there is much more to the story, and we should never forget that the overriding reason is geopolitical.

I am convinced that the corrupt and greedy Kiev, as well as gullible Ukrainians, were played and falsely promised untold riches from shale gas, just like farmers in the US. It is understood at this point that only the US has enough shale gas to make it commercially viable. Although US tries to sell the shale gas fairytale to various poor countries in order to make a quick buck, the rest of the world doesn’t have enough shale gas to make its extraction commercially viable. Except Russia, who announced they won’t use this barbaric extraction method.

As to the Ukraine, US knew early on there wasn’t enough gas there to make it commercially viable, yet kept stringing Ukraine along for geopolitical reasons, using the oligarch greed and desperate desire of Ukraine to get out of the looming bankruptcy.

I wrote about that on many occasions and you can read it in my earlier articles about Ukraine and Russia. The main goal of the US is to destroy Ukraine, so later, when they throw it out as a squeezed out lemon, Ukraine is left with no viable economy. So, when it’s time for Russia to pick up the pieces, Russia would spend a lot of resources and time, trying to put back together the broken pieces of the brotherly, but very stupid, population. Additionally, the goal is to try to breed the beastly hatred towards Russia in Ukraine, so that later to unleash that hatred via terrorist attacks and sabotage of Russia from Ukraine. This attempt was already made before in Georgia, which of course wasn’t very successful. You can search this blog for my article about striking geopolitical similarities between Georgia 2008 and Ukraine 1014.

Of course, see more about all this on PREDICTIONS page as well.

Back to shale gas: Shell announced that they would be postponing any fracking in Ukraine due the armed conflict. When did they ever postpone their greed because of any local wars? Never! Reading between the lines: there is no commercially viable shale gas in Ukraine! This fact was announced by the Russian scientists.

The thing is, the lazy Kiev bureaucrats and oligarchs, who simply don’t want to produce anything, who are used to sucking out the life out of the developed east and south, wanted to believe the shale gas lie. And at least in part, that’s what got them into this bloody war.

This answers very well why Kiev refused to pay for Russian gas since the beginning of 2014, which prompted Russia to stop the supply of gas to Ukraine. Ukraine is used to stealing Russian gas, although the new monitoring system makes such stealing difficult. It is impossible to understand why Kiev burned all the bridges with Russia and how they will survive the winter after their gas reserves run out… until we factor in that they thought they would have shale gas Americans promised them flowing any moment.

Shell Oil, working as a proxy for the US/UK/Canada, lured Kiev into a false sense of security, promising something unattainable in order to keep them sabotaging Russia.

However, this kind of deception can’t continue forever. And here is the result! No gas means Ukraine will not be able to survive the winter, unless someone gives them gas.

Ukraine needs this lesson very badly, because this is the only thing that may still teach them some sense. The new maidan revolution will happen when the population gets desperate enough.

It’s time for the Donbass self-defence to regroup and start advancing. They need to take the initiative away from Kiev. At the same time they need to be on a serious look-out for more false flags, which are undoubtedly coming. The more people from the other areas of Ukraine join them, the sooner the advance and liberation from the Kiev junta will occur.

As you know, my prediction since the beginning of the Ukraine mayhem has been that Ukraine will become a part of the Eurasian Union between 2016 and 2018. Due to the condition in which Ukraine economy will be by then, it will probably only qualify as associate member or observer.

Will Ukraine still be intact for the most part? There will never be a Ukraine as it existed for 23 years. That country is gone forever. Ukraine will be a reduced state, and it may contract to what I call “Ukraine proper,” consisting of the actual “Malorossia” territory (central and northern Ukraine, with capital Kiev). A lot depends of what Donbass and the East decide. See PREDICTIONS for more.

More Geopolitical and Mystical Predictions

Very unfortunately, as I predicted from the very beginning, and later – the stated goal of the US/Transatlantists is to destroy everything they can in Ukraine. And they are succeeding. As I also said from the start, Russia will have to pick up the pieces later, when Ukraine is squeezed like a lemon and thrown out by the West. Sorry, but this is the unfortunate reality written in the stars, and the fault is that of Ukraine, since Ukrainians let this go this far and never corrected their course on those many occasions they were offered.

Russia will have to face its shadow side, which is Ukraine. Ukraine, or correctly Malorossia (Russia Minor), is of course the integral part of the Russian world, together with Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and many other places. Russians have been wearing rosy glasses when it comes to Ukraine for far too long. Ukrainians have some good qualities, which perhaps are very hard to see right now. But it’s time to face the shadows: Ukrainian vicious nationalism, the fact that they easily succumb to external manipulation, naiveté combined with wishful thinking, fascism, greed. Let’s face it… there is also a very well-known quality of some Ukrainians – that of disloyalty and betrayal, as portrayed by the beloved classic of both Russian and Ukrainian literature, Nikolai Gogol (originally from Ukraine), in his well-known historic fiction, Taras Bulba. This same situation of extreme cruelty and betrayal happened when during WWII some western Ukrainians joined the SS division Galichina and similar German nazi troops, executing hundreds of thousands of Russians, Ukrainians and Poles.

These qualities can lead to cancer, which is now metastasizing into all layers of Ukraine society.

Smart people learn from others’ experience. Ukrainians aren’t smart at large, as we well see. All the smart ones either left, or are in Donbass.

Only the destruction of everything they have will finally teach them a lesson.

Russians are finally waking up to the facts, and taking off their rosy glasses. The trick for Russians is not to lose sight of the big picture and not to succumb to hatred, which is the natural and easy thing to do under the circumstances, considering the beastly attitude and hatred on the other side.

My prediction: Russians will come out of this with flying colors. The West – especially US, Canada and UK – meanwhile is really accumulating the kind of bad karma that will come back to haunt them soon.

‘Gave Americans a Blow Job For Nothing?’ Polish FM Sikorski Leaked Tape Scandal

Poland has been firmly in bed with the USA for years. I call Poland, together with the neighboring Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, the “Trojan Horses of the US in Europe.” Polish government has been known to support the Kiev maidan and the ousting of president Yanukovich. Polish officials both former and present, including former president of Poland, made ardent speeches on Kiev maidan, expressing extreme anti-Russian views and fostering hatred towards anything Russian.

The Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski was always considered anti-Russian and pro-American. In the 1980s he was fighting in Afghanistan on the American and the Taliban side against the Soviet forces and Afghanistan government. Since then, he exchanged his gun for the diplomatic suit, becoming an exemplary US Trojan Horse…

All of a sudden, it turns out Sikorski has been saying officially not exactly what he’s been thinking, and doing not exactly what he’s been wanting to do. The leaked tape published by a Polish publication shows Sikorski speaking with a former colleague. In the tape he says that Poland has been giving ‘the Americans a blow job’ for years in return for nothing. This, says Sikorski, has lulled Poles into a false sense of security. Meanwhile, Poland is sacrificing for the sake of the relationship with the USA  the most important relationships it has, those with Russia and Germany – creating enemies out of neighbors.

Indeed, Polish ultra-nationalism has been completely out of control for years, both on state, and every day, level. It is very visible in the media and in the statements of politicians. Polish ultra-nationalists sometimes turn violent. A couple of years ago during the football World Cup in Poland, the Polish mob attacked Russian fans. As a result, many received injuries.

In light of all this, the leaked tape is quite scandalous and revealing. As such, it has made the first pages of all Polish publications.

Sikorski went on Western TV to deny that he ever said anything of the sort. While denying the tape, he nevertheless stated that the “Old World” has to unite, and stop listening to America. Europe has to decide its own policy and take care of its own security; it has to stop relying on the US.

This seems like a shocking and almost revolutionary statement coming from a Polish politician. It is known that 48% of the Polish population disapprove of the pro-American government of Donald Tusk. We all remember a scandal when it turned out that Polish territory was used (still is?) by the CIA for its illegal prisons. It is known that Polish territory is widely used by the US and UK to train opposition bloggers, pro-Western media, NGO and Fifth Column specialists, who would then go to their respective countries to undermine regimes US wants changed. These specialists are primarily trained for Russia. We also see the results of their handiwork in today’s Ukraine. Of course, they also infiltrate Belarus, Baltics, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Moldova, as well as Eastern Europe: Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, etc. The main goal of the Fifth Column is to promote “American and Western values” and undermine – read bash, malign, vilify – Russia; to foster hatred towards Russia, re-write history and create animosity. They must do very good business.

Can it be that the realization of what Poland has turned itself into is slowly dawning on the natives? Could it be that some Poles are beginning to realize at least some truth? Let’s hope so. Although after 20+ years of Poland’s sleeping with the devil, I am understandably cautious about such supposition…

In any event, I do strongly suspect that Poles are secretly terrified of the monster they helped create in Ukraine, together with the US and EU. They probably are shocked (if I were them, I would be) at what became of Ukraine after they had actively trained and financed the opposition, including the ukro-nazi ‘right sector’ militants. Those same nazis that burned people alive in Odessa, and those who kill people in Donbass. Poland still maintains a claim on part of western Ukraine with the capital in Lvov. The ‘right sector’ are the descendants of the Hitler era ukro-fascists from SS Division Galichina, the so-called ‘banderovtsi,’ who killed hundreds of thousands of Poles in western Ukraine. I don’t know how any decent Polish people can possibly feel good about what ukro-nazis are doing today.

I had several Polish friends and I had been to Poland at least four times. But this was over 20 years ago. At the time, I didn’t notice any anti-Russian sentiment or animosity; quite the opposite – my Polish friends were always extremely warm and hospitable. In this regard, I didn’t feel any different than in Russia. Poles were always opinionated and high-strung, but they were still a great company to hang out with. I very much enjoyed our friendship – we had a lot in common, much more than Poles admit to themselves today. Yes, there were some historic tensions, but they were kept in check by the conscious efforts of both sides to remember similarities before differences.

All this ended in the 1990s. Differences and problems is what USA exploits best. This is the old, time-tested strategy of divide and conquer. Once American NGOs moved in, and once the willing politicians were found, who did everything the US told them to do, Poland became progressively more and more anti-Russian and pro-American. Remember the 2003 Iraq invasion and the “coalition of the willing” the US formed out of its vassals through threats and coercion? Poland was a very willing part of it.

For many Russians, what appeared to be a sudden Polish turn to Rusophobia caused a shock similar to what they had experienced when they woke up one day to discover that Ukrainians became anti-Russian practically overnight. This shock wasn’t as painful; after all, Poles are not as close to Russians as Ukrainians are. And of course this didn’t happen overnight – it took about 10-15 years to nurture this hatred. The work started still in the 1980s and culminated in the early 2000s. Not every country succumbed to propaganda. Bulgarian, Serbian and Slovakian people, no matter how much anti-Russian propaganda is dumped on them, remain pro-Russian; but unfortunately, not their governments.

Poland succumbed very easily. In Ukraine it took a bit longer, but not by much.

Hatred destroys something very important in people’s hearts and minds. Can the trust be rebuilt? Perhaps. Russians tend to forgive easily. I don’t know about Poles. In any event, looks like the wind is changing and people are starting to come to their senses. Let’s just say I am cautiously optimistic. I have to say, it will take much longer, and much more evidence, to change my present scepticism regarding Poland into something truly positive.

After years of… how do I say it without getting into the sex terminology… umm… In other words, of doing you-know-what with the US, Poland is finally acknowledging what has been obvious to others. Poland’s future is in cooperation, not confrontation, with Russia and Germany, among other neighboring countries. It’s future isn’t so much in bed with someone’s uncle from across the Atlantic.

Sometimes a leaked tape is not a bomb, but rather a political signal. The conversation in question actually happened in the beginning of 2014, but the tape was only leaked a few days ago. I believe that Poland is ready for regime and political wind change. The leaked tape by Polish FM, a known Rusophobe, serves as a signal meant for Russia and Germany, as well as France, that Poland will play ball.

Considering how actively Poland was pushing US agenda in Europe for years, oftentimes clashing and overriding its bigger neighbors France and Germany, this is an interesting signal. Will it amount to anything, or will “uncle” McCain now appear in Warsaw, as he just recently materialized in Sofia, after which Bulgaria promptly froze its participation in the Russian South Stream pipeline project? Or they could send Victoria Nuland to “subvert” Poland, like she did with Ukraine. It does appear very easy for the US to scare any “European leader” into doing the US bidding.

Let’s see for a moment what’s happening in the EU. France announced that it will deliver two Mistral carriers to Russia over the US objections; one of the major French banks formed a partnership with Russia and is ready to pay $8bln in sanctions to the US for doing business with Russia. US is putting a lot of pressure on France regarding anti-Russian sanctions. The French are very angry at the US. They are suffering massive business losses because of these sanctions.

It helps that Marine Le Pen won Europarliament elections, defeating the incumbent French president Hollande’s Socialist Party. I predicted Marine Le Pen rise back in 2012, in the same article where I predicted Sarkozy’s presidential election loss and Hollande’s win. I also said that Hollande is likely to fail the deeply cherished desires of his voters, and could eventually lose to Marine Le Pen. See my 2012 France predictions: 2012 Predictions Update: French Elections and Eurozone.

Incidentally, watch Marine Le Pen! She is only warming up. I see her as the only hope for constructive change in Europe this decade. Considering Angela Merkel has completely dropped the ball, and most others are bought-and-paid-for, she is the only big politician who can really influence the whole Europe.

Speaking of Germany. As I said before, it reminds me of a deer caught in the headlights. In one of my previous articles about Merkel I said that she is scared of something, possibly of the responsibility she can’t handle, but also possibly, of some scandals that can come out – remember, she was (still is?) the subject of a massive NSA surveillance. What secrets of hers did NSA record during their illegal wire-tapping? On this blog we deal with facts. One such fact is that at times, Merkel acts as if she is on the US payroll. Otherwise, how does one explain her latest statement that the German gold is perfectly fine at the NY FED? Merkel withdrew Germany’s request that US delivers some of German gold it holds in trust for Berlin. That’s after US failed to deliver more than 5 tons out of 1400 tons of gold it holds in trust for Germany, practically admitting to the entire world that all foreign gold has been squandered! Why would Merkel do that? Blackmail and threats come to mind.

At the same time, German business has been screaming bloody murder over the anti-Russian sanctions. A quiet revolt is brewing in Germany and some other EU countries.

Slowly, Europe is starting to muster a tiny bit of courage to express its desires. This incredible timidness demonstrates vividly how much Europe really is under the US thumb.

Even American companies are starting to seriously worry that US anti-Russian sanctions will undermine American economy. US-Russia annual trade is only $20bln. Russia-EU trade is $420bln. If US companies are protesting, imagine what EU companies feel!

Of course, it’s easy for the US to manipulate Europe for historic reasons. Having started two World Wars in the 20th century alone, western Europe is mortally terrified of a new massive conflict on the continent. They don’t trust themselves, it seems. Remember what I said – fear, greed and other lowly emotions is what US exploits best. Therefore, Europeans have to snap out of their fearful ‘deer caught in the headlights’ mode and start behaving on the level of reason! Only then the situation can be resolved.

Just yesterday, US Secretary of State John Kerry again threatened Russia. He said that Russia must disarm(!) rebels in eastern Ukraine, otherwise there will be a new round of sanctions. He probably means that Putin MUST go to Ukraine and PERSONALLY disarm anyone who US disapproves of, to please Kerry, Obama, McCain, and other imbeciles in Washington. That does not concern ukro-nazis from the ‘right sector,’ because these SOBs are “US approved” SOBs.

Can anyone even begin to imagine the level of imbecilism of the idiots like Kerry? I think he attended Harvard? Bravo, he totally lives up to the elite American ivy-league education!

Jokes aside, the Washington idiots are extremely dangerous because they are holding the financial and military levers, through which they can ruin any country they please. The US is threatening to block Russia from using the SWIFT system – the US and petro-dollar controlled international system of payments, which is the world monopoly. Just imagine the levers in the US hands! US can threaten any country to be cut off from SWIFT, resulting in a serious damage to that country’s economy. What a perfect blackmail position! As an example, Iran is cut off from SWIFT as part of US-imposed sanctions.

No single country must be allowed to hold such unfair advantage over others.

SWIFT is what a country uses to pay for imports and international trade. If Russia cannot use SWIFT, she can’t sell gas to Europe. To this day, Russia sells gas to Europe for dollars(!), despite trying to transition to rubles for years. Do you know why they can’t? Because US is putting huge pressure on the EU. If Russia is suddenly cut off from SWIFT monopoly, it can be catastrophic for both Russian and EU economies. Russia would be forced to halt the gas flow until EU agrees to pay Russia in rubles. This will take time, and massive sabotage by the US has to be expected.

The way gas pipelines work is that the pipe has to maintain a substantial pressure in oder for gas to continue flowing. This is achieved by a number of measures. If you stop gas flow cold turkey, it’s very hard and expensive to re-start it. That’s why Gazprom prefers not to do it. Turning off the switch is a very cumbersome and costly proposition.

EU countries will be threatened not to agree to the ruble-based trade. It is clear why: this is a direct threat to the dollar. If dollar collapses, this threatens the very existence of the US Empire. Of course, the collapse of the dollar is a matter of when, not if. But US will be trying to delay it for as long as possible. As I discussed many times before, US will try to drag down with it everyone it can. Russia is first on the list. EU – including Germany, France, Italy, Austria, and poor Poland, too – second.

Next, US will say: see, we told you so! Russia is a very unreliable business partner. It stopped the flow of gas to Europe, just as we warned you! Instead, we will sell you OUR OWN shale gas! We are your old allies and biggest partners. We are all a part of NATO! Work with the US! And if you don’t… And then, there will be threats, which may, or may not, convince the EU countries to fall in line.

What will happen next: EU economy will be undermined. Russian economy will be undermined. Who wins? US and Canada, as it happens every time there is a war or crisis on the European continent. I have warned about this same in my previous articles. The saga continues.

On a more optimistic side:

Austria just signed a deal with Russia to build the Austrian section of South Stream. In an interview a few days ago, a Hungarian journalist said that in truth, everyone in Eastern Europe wants to have Gazprom pipeline go through their territory. This provides lots of badly needed jobs, money flows into the country, gas gets cheaper; there are many other benefits, including possible future projects with Russia. But at that very moment, Uncle Sam comes in and starts steamrolling through these small countries, intimidating and buying up politicians and businesses. Call it US mafia, invasion, or slavery – it doesn’t get any less disgusting.

Other moderate positives: Czechia and Slovakia said they will not place US AMD missiles on their territory, directed against Russia. Hungary has been vocal against some of the policies they don’t like in the EU, including the Ukraine crisis. Although Hungarians succumbed to the pressure to stay in the EU, these first timid steps can be considered an attempt to regain sovereignty. By how a country behaves in such circumstances we can easily see how much independence and sovereignty this country has.

For example recently, Senator McCain visited Bulgaria, after which Bulgaria promptly announced that it was freezing its participation in the South Stream project with Russia (gas pipeline being built to bypass the uncertainty of Ukraine in order to deliver Russian gas directly to southern and central Europe). This pipeline would be a life-line for the fledgling Bulgarian economy. Therefore, such announcement after the McCain visit means only one thing: Bulgaria has no sovereignty whatsoever. It does what its masters in Washington tell it to do. Romania agreeing to place American AMDs on its territory, despite Russia’s objections, is another indication of the same.

In this regard, we can see clearly how little sovereignty Poland has, if in order to signal the change, they need to resort to a leaked tape. Still, better than nothing…

Therefore, I am making this cautiously optimistic prediction: Europe is waking up little by little. The US influence in Europe is slowly waning. Russia and EU must, and will, continue getting closer. US will try to sabotage this process, so brace yourselves.

Here is my advice to the EU politicians and media. If you are scared, remember this: US can only cause trouble and get to you, if you yourselves have ulterior motives, or if you are not acting in good faith. They are masters of exploiting fear, anger and greed. Don’t allow them access to these lowly emotions. Plus, work with, not against, Russia – and there is nothing they’ll be able to do.

For as long as I can look back, Russia has always carried the biggest load, and paid a disproportionately heavy price for getting the world back into balance. Russia single-handedly won WWII (allies only opened the second front in 1944, when it wasn’t necessary any more as Soviet troops had already chased Hitler almost back to Germany). Peace prevailed, but 27 million Soviet people had to die for that; the country was practically destroyed. I was just having a discussion with a Chinese friend. I reminded him that if not for Russia, Chinese might have been speaking Japanese today. It was only thanks to Russia’s massive help, know-how, troops, equipment and money that Chinese were able to liberate their country from brutal Japanese occupation during WWII.

For years, Russia had been the No.1 exporter of talent and brains. The rise of the US science, art and sport is all thanks to the emigration from Russia, as well as other countries. For example, one of Google founders is from Russia. How many Russian scientists emigrated to the US since 1990s (thanks to Soros grants)? I lived in Princeton for many years. The entire famed Princeton University’s Institute for Advanced Studies, where Einstein worked, is staffed with Russians. How many Russian classical musicians and ballet dancers have elevated the art in the West? The rise of the American and European gymnastics and figure skating is all due to Russian athletes and coaches, some of whom I have known personally. Russian oligarchs – fronts for Rothschilds, BP, Exxon and others – siphoned enormous wealth out of the country and passed it on to their Western bosses, thus enriching the West and impoverishing Russia (and Ukraine too).

Now, Russia and Putin are trying to keep peace, when US is trying to drag the world into the last war, and Europe is timidly hiding behind mommy’s skirt.

Enough already! Start taking responsibility for your own future, people!


This is in addition to my earlier predictions on this topic, which you can find on my Predictions page, as well as previous articles.

RT video about the Polish FM leaked tape: ‘Gave the Americans a blow job for nothing’: Polish FM in tape leak scandal