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New LadaRayLive Episode! LRL6. Secret Connection: Russian Gas to Turkey – Greek Election – EU Breakup

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Secret Connection: Russian Gas to Turkey-Greek Election-EU Breakup

Lada’s geopolitical and geoeconomic analysis and predictions.

In the short couple of days after #Syriza won the Greek elections, #Greece has already challenged the EU more than once. Will there be #Grexit? Who is next to rebel (Spain already is)? Will this lead to the EU breakup, and when?

We talk about the EU game changer: how Russia’s discontinuing the South Stream project and announcing the new alliance with Turkey, together with the new Turkish Stream pipeline, influences the future of Eurozone.

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Read related articles:

Predictions: The beginning of the EU End? When Will Greece Exit EU? Who Is Next?

Weakness or Cunning? Why US decided to End 50-Year Standoff with Cuba Now

Confusion Clarification: Is Russia Stopping EU Gas Transit Through Ukraine?

Bombshell! Russia to Stop Transit of Gas to EU Through Ukraine!

Declaration of Cold War: What Chain of Events is US Provoking With New Hostile Move?

This is the Germany I Recognize: Anti-NATO, Pro-friendship with Russia Demonstration

German Vice Chancellor: No Ukraine in NATO; Russia, Let’s Make Up!

Confusion Clarification: Is Russia Stopping EU Gas Transit Through Ukraine?

This is additional info and clarification of my original article: Bombshell! Russia to Stop Transit of Gas to EU Through Ukraine! For the complete picture make sure you read both!

I see a lot of confusion surrounding this issue. Therefore, I will clarify a few things here:

1. The statement by the Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller was made. This is not fiction. It is another question whether his statement was misinterpreted – intentionally or not – taken out of context, or intentionally exaggerated by the EU and Ukraine, who are customarily trying to shift the blame to Russia for all their sins, as I wrote in my above-referenced piece.

2. Materials have been published, among other things, on the site. I went back to, and so far I’ve been unable to find the two pieces I relied upon in my article.

3. Some small counties, Bulgaria and Croatia, to name a couple (both entirely under the US and Brussels thumb), plus the EU Commission (also headed by a Croatian national, as far as I can see) panicked and started yelling “Russians are coming” – or rather… “Russians are leaving.” Well, since ‘Russians are coming’ is bad and ‘Russians are leaving’ is also bad – what are the Russians to do, I wonder?

4. Ukraine, for its turn, also jumped on the bandwagon of blaming Russia to conceal its usual stealing of Russian gas. The immediate impact was exaggerated by Ukraine on purpose escalating the panic. For years, this is all Ukraine does. The moment any of their many self-made disasters backfires – it is immediately blamed on Russia, while Western MSM and politicians gladly give them the platforms to do so. Same happened in 2008 with Saakashvili of Georgia.

5. Re-read my article, those who didn’t do it carefully the first time – and notice my careful wording. The announcement by Alexei Miller is meant as a geopolitical and economic warning. In the article, I say specifically that at this time EU has no alternative to Russian gas.

Also notice my predictions (see article link above, and more below), in which I say there is still some time to go. Frankly, I hardly remember any time when my predictions didn’t come true, down to the exact timing of the events. It appears it may be right on the dot this time as well. More PREDICTIONS.

6. The materials related to Miller’s announcement were first published by in Russian exactly how I phrased it in the beginning of my original article. I omitted the links to the source, as the two small pieces were in Russian, and perhaps, I shouldn’t have.

It appears the Daily Mail article was taken from, plus, from some hysterical statements by EU, Croatia, Bulgaria and Ukraine. At this time, I cannot find the link to the original articles – it appears the pieces have been relegated to archives. The event was also confirmed by some Russian analysts.

It is not true that RT didn’t run the story, as some suggested. Here is a very carefully worded RT story.

Therefore, it appears Russians, as usual, try not to rock the boat too much. Perhaps the warning was judged to be sufficient at this point. See more on that below.

7. I don’t have the complete information on all the details of how exactly Russia/Gazprom have acted in this case, and why. No one does – everything is pure speculation. Of all people, only Putin has the complete picture and full information, based on which the decisions are made.

What I see and foresee: the situation is VERY MUCH IN A FLUX right now, and for the foreseeable future; decisions are being made in live mode, in response to challenges as they come up.

I want to stress again: we are living through a massively revolutionary EARTH SHIFT on all levels. Putin, Russia, Gazprom have a lot of very serious maneuvering to do every day.

However, here is what is set in stone: 

Gazprom/Russia will soon transition out of Ukraine completely. All of Ukraine’s annual transit 63 bln cubic meters of Russian gas to the EU will go exclusively through Turkey. The new Turkish Stream pipeline is being built as we speak.

My predictions regarding EU starting to experience gas shortages will come to pass sooner, rather than later… unless EU snaps out of its fearful submissiveness to the US, multiplied by EU’s own ulterior motives towards Russia. I am also warning that the way EU acts, when it does finally see the light, it may be too late. 

What is happening around the world, including violence, confusion, crisis, disasters – will only escalate. I will eventually have full predictions for this decade and beyond as a separate EARTH SHIFT REPORT on Stay tuned!

IF humans are still interested in keeping the world as we know it intact, then they should pay close attention and support what Russia does. Keeping your perspective and wits is also a very important thing. I will continue to inform and guide on this blog, YT channel and

8. Incidentally, when breaking the news, Russians fully realised this would create a storm in the EU/West, and the howling would start anew. Again, this is just a warning, a heads up, so to speak: ‘Hey, EU we have plenty of leverage over you too, not just the US. If you disregard our interests to this degree, here is what can happen.’ Of course there is no intention of freezing the poor children in Bulgaria.

Notice the big paragraph in my article (can’t miss it – it’s huge) about all the most recent abuses by EU/West/Ukraine against Russia and Donbass? I put all that in there on purpose in order to remind people what Russia has to deal with daily, and therefore, how well justified any action by Russia would be.

9. Any announcement by Gazprom always has huge consequences. It is possible that Alexei Miller’s wording was partially misinterpreted because of wishful thinking. Let’s face it – many people all over the globe are sick and tired of the blatant piracy by Ukraine and blatant lies of the EU. Ukraine and EU – being guilty of massive lies and transgressions they perpetrate daily against Russia – also secretly, in their heart (if there is one available) know Russia can pull the plug at any moment. Many people all over the world are hoping Russia would do so to end this vicious cycle of predatory Western all-permissiveness and ukro-nazi crimes.

Notice, Miller’s statement was left intentionally ambiguous.

ADDED: Found some links! The following posts from contain additional info: Мечты сбываются, или Ультиматум “Газпрома.” Also: “Газпром”: “Турецкий поток” – единственный маршрут для поставки российского газа в Европу and “Газпром” станет крупнейшим игроком в Турции. Keep in mind, this site, despite its name, is NOT a pro-Kremlin/pro-Putin publication. Actually, often quite the opposite. That said, information in the above posts is accurate.

10. All the above added to the confusion. To wrap this up, here is what I wrote as my original reply to the reader questions. My notes below reflect my original reaction to the Gazprom news by Daily Mail, before I saw additional materials on As usual, my original instinct was correct, and as usual, the original reaction contained the concentrated seed of truth. This is the verbatim exchange from a recent post:


    • I have a question about PCR’s post this morning:

      I can’t find anything mentioned in our MSM-mediash*t about this, but the article in the Mail does exist!

      • I’m not sure this info is true, although it’s wishful thinking of some. Even Americans and Europeans are getting angry for their govts’ actions in Ukraine and start wishing Russia did something re. gas.

        On some level it would have been the right thing to do to cut this Gordian knot, to ensure US is left in the cold politically, but Russians are very careful not to disturb even more than what has already been disturbed. They also don’t want to create any bad blood with Europeans. I think they are rightly careful as rabid beast called US has shown it takes no prisoners.

        Besides, Turkey’s terminals aren’t ready yet as far as I know (Turkish Stream pipeline is also just being built – LR)

        Although floating this kind of hoax as part of infowars is a very good idea, whoever it’s coming from. Keeps Brussels and Berlin on their toes. Gas closure would affect mostly central EU: Bulgaria, Slovakia, Czechia, Austria. Also Italy and Greece. This could tip them over decisively against Merkel and US.

        Overall, I like the idea, but it’s very risky. Ukraine has been stealing gas as usual, but Russia would either shut it off if it became unbearable, or more likely as political pressure on Kiev not to attack Donbass and for EU to help Russia restrain Kiev. For that purpose I think it’s a swell idea. I’ll see what I can find out about it from my sources.

        Also, a lot depends on the EU’s overall behavior.
        It appears EU is ready to start removing sanctions and they are lingering only because they are mortally afraid of the US and vassals (UK, Canada, Australia, Poland, Baltics). Problem is US and Ukraine completely lost it and are too dangerous; they can concoct another false flag in a jiffy. This worries me most.


      • A small correction:
        “the natural gas will no longer go through Ukraine. It goes to Turkey. If Europe wants it, Europe can build the pipeline from the Turkish/Greek border.”
        This is what Miller basically said yesterday, and the EU commissioner said it took him by surprise. Miller said that once the Turkish Stream is built, Ukraine will no longer be a transit country as the risks for Europe are too high – they are even very high this winter.
        Miller further said that Europe can build the pipelines within the EU as they see fit. As far as I understand, one of the previous problems with South Stream was that EU wanted Gazprom to build the pipelines in EU, but then give the control over the pipelines to EU. Now EU gets all they control they want, once they are done building it.

        Lada Ray

      • That’s not a small correction – it’s a completely different story, Nemo! Thank you. Now it makes sense.
        As I said in my reply to Christa, the way it was presented in Daily Mail (isn’t it a borderline yellow press in the UK? I don’t really follow that junk), it didn’t make any sense.
        Of course they would want to create as much hysteria as possible.
        I am sure Ukraine is also trying to do everything to create anti-Russian hysteria in the EU, so they will be making statements that aren’t only false, but also extremely volatile. Their nazi junta is crumbling, the only way they can prolong their pathetic existence is to blame everything on Russia.
        They learned well from their masters – the US.


        EARTH SHIFT REPORT update:

        1. Grand Experiment Novorossia and the Birth of the New Revolutionary Monetary System.

        2. Ruble Wars as the Beginning of the Death of the Dollar.

        These two reports are being written as we speak and I will be posting them as they get completed.

        The reports will be posted on my new site Stay tuned!


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Bombshell! Russia to Stop Transit of Gas to EU Through Ukraine!

This is a bombshell that was dropped by Russia earlier today (Good job, Christa!).

It has been officially confirmed! The head of Gazprom Alexei Miller announced that Russia would discontinue the Ukrainian route for Russian gas transit to the EU. I expected this announcement ever since I broke the news of the Turkey/Russia deal on 12/2/14, but I did expect it in a year or two: read here and here. Looks like the time is getting compressed and the pressure for change is intensifying.

I understand at this time the flow of gas through Ukraine has been restricted to 2/5th of the usual volume. However, it appears it will soon be stopped completely.

Russia to switch fully to the Turkish Stream to move the quantities necessary to satisfy all of European demand. Ukraine up till now was responsible for about 50% of the Russian gas transit to the EU, with Nord Stream, Belarus and Turkey accounting for the rest.

Ukraine, as always during the heating season, has been stealing Russian gas. This is in addition to massive debt Ukraine has with Russia. Russia is by far Ukraine’s largest creditor; gas debt alone constitutes nearly $5.5 bln. Total Ukraine’s debt to Russia, including corporate is well over $30 bln, according to Vladimir Putin.

This is a much bolder move than anyone expected. EU is in shock. According to Gazrpom’s head Alexei Miller, EU didn’t want South Stream Russia tried to build as partners together with the EU. Therefore, Russia will now deliver gas to Turkey, and then to the border between Turkey and Greece. From thereon, it will be EU’s responsibility to build pipelines through its territory.

Gazprom is to become a big player in Turkey, and Turkey in return will enjoy massive gas price discounts and large profits from the resale of gas to the EU and other buyers.

Read related articles from 12/2/14: German Vice Chancellor: No Ukraine in NATO; Russia, Let’s Make Up! and from 12/5/14: Declaration of Cold War: What Chain of Events is US Provoking With New Hostile Move? In these I discuss in detail the Putin/Erdogan agreement on building the alternative pipeline to Turkey!

I see several interesting things at play here:

1. My predictions:

First of all, let’s recall that I said from the beginning of 2014 and many times throughout 2014 that when Russia feels even slightly inconvenienced by the West, off to the East they go. My prediction came true spectacularly within only two or three months, when in May 2014 Russia signed a number of mega-deals with China on gas supply, the Power of Siberia gas pipeline construction, high-speed railroad construction, and much more. Then, Putin also signed massive gas supply deal with Turkey to bypass the unfriendly EU, plus, a massive nuclear energy deal. Turkey is, of course, also a part of the East (Middle East).

Second prediction I made was that Europe would start experiencing gas shortages due to Russia’s re-orientation to the East. I said it would happen a few years from now. It appears my predictions’ time table is accelerating!

See the PREDICTIONS page on top navigation bar, as well as my 2014 articles under RUSSIA category for much more on that. Some of the articles are: What Brought Down Russian Satellite? Angela Merkel’s Biggest Fear? Plus Ukraine Election PredictionUkraine Part 7: Russia’s Geopolitics, USA’s Bluff and EU’s Big Mistake; Interview with predictions: The Road to Moscow Goes Through Kiev.

2. It seems Miller and Gazprom are very confident that EU has no alternative to the Russian gas at this time. For the longest time EU and Ukraine had been able to blackmail Russia every year, taking advantage of the fact that the EU was Russia’s largest customer and Ukraine – the largest transit artery.

Russia was customarily accused of various transgressions, the blame was yearly shifted to Russia for any gas flow disruptions due to Ukraine’s stealing of Russian gas; the expense for Ukraine’s theft was also placed on Russia’s shoulders alone, while EU denied any responsibility, always siding with Ukraine. It appears Russia/Gazprom feel that enough is enough and that it’s time to cut the Gordian Knot. The fact that Russia now has strategic agreements with Turkey and China helps Russia’s leverage.

3. This is where the economy and geopolitics mix. Russia warned a long time ago that should EU’s behavior not change, there would eventually be more return sanctions. It appears Russia wasn’t kidding!

Recent events, in which Ukraine and certain EU countries acted strangely, to say the least, apparently were the last drop, reinforcing Russia’s intentions. The events I am referring to were: Ukraine PM Yatsenyuk giving multiple interviews and speeches in Germany accusing Russia of attacking the Nazi Germany and Ukraine, while Merkel stood by him, failing to react to the outright lie. The recent Volnovakha, Donbass tragedy in which 10 people died and scores were wounded when a bus with Donetsk pensioners was hit by a bomb or a mine on the Ukraine side. This incident was immediately blamed on the Donbass self-defence. Ukraine tried to get EU to recognize LNR and DNR as terrorist organizations, while designating Russia as the state aiding terrorism, followed by a new round of sanctions. While the resolution failed, another resolution to adopt a new round of anti-Russian sanctions may pass (I don’t have the latest on that). Meanwhile, per reports, US, France and Poland, among others, have agreed to supply advanced arms to Ukraine. In addition, two ships, one from Australia and one from Canada docked in the Odessa port in the past week to two. Each was full of winter uniforms for the Ukraine army. Poroshenko went to Paris to participate in the Unity March together with Merkel and Hollande, as I wrote here, to express solidarity with the victims of the French terrorist acts, while hundreds and thousands were dying at home unnoticed by anyone. Poroshenko’s trip strangely coincided with Yatsenyuk trying to promote Russia as aggressor in Germany and the Volnovakha bus tragedy. Right after returning from France Poroshenko announced three new waves of mobilization to recruit over 200,000 soldiers – we now know that when they re-start the war with Donbass, they’ll be able to kill more efficiently thanks to all those Australian and Canadian uniforms keeping them nice and warm. In the meantime, the bombings of Donbass have intensified by 10-20 times. For the past week or so the number of dead and wounded from Ukraine’s shelling is greater than for the past 3-4 months combined – exact numbers are not known yet, but the preliminary number is 52 dead during the past few days. As a result of Poroshenko’s visit to Paris and the killing of 10 civilians in Volnovakha, the Astana, Kazakhstan peace conference planned for today, January 15, was cancelled. To wrap up the vicious cycle of events, the man who was instrumental in organizing the Astana peace conference was The French president, Hollande. Please refer back to my article: Urgent! Secret Link Between French False Flag Attacks and Ukraine, in which I also said that Hollande was wavering from the party line, trying to play peacemaker, and terror acts in France were meant to remind him to toe the line. Finally, S&P and other Western agencies are set to lower Russia’s rating to junk status: China/Russia to Launch Own Credit Rating Agency to Rival the Big Three.

4. US has been trying to squeeze Russia out of the EU gas market in order to sell to the EU its own, more expensive, shale gas. The shale industry in the US is in difficult circumstances and many fields have been conserved because of low prices and insufficient international demand for the US shale gas. The banks that financed fracking companies are afraid of not getting their money back; many are on the verge of bankruptcy. Obtaining the lucrative EU market is the best thing for the US. Of course the expensive US shale gas will undermine the EU economy, making EU products less competitive, which will help the US economy and keep EU on a short leash for the US purposes. However, building LNG terminals is expensive, they take a lot of valuable space near ports, and it takes time. Such infrastructure isn’t available for the time being. It appears that despite tough talk, EU is ‘stuck’ with cheaper and readily available Russian gas.

5. World Grand-Master Putin at work! Russia’s leverage has increased exponentially from signing strategic mega-deals with China last May and Turkey last December. It appears Putin has decided this was the right time to play one of Russia’s aces; or if you will, to play Russia’s Turkish Gambit!

6. Last fall, when Russia, Ukraine and EU negotiated, EU promised to vouch for Ukraine’s payment for the ongoing supply of Russian gas. In reality, Ukraine never re-paid $3.1 bln in past arrears due before New Year’s. EU also didn’t vouch for Ukraine’s payments past New Year’s. Therefore, any gas Ukraine receives now is unpaid for, which in itself triggers gas supply stoppage.

7. The Ukraine pipeline infrastructure is Soviet built and was never really maintained by Ukraine. It’s either time to fix it, or to abandon it. Perhaps this is the right time to abandon what cannot be fixed – and I am speaking broadly. Ukraine and EU’s behavior have gone far beyond any permissible or even conceivable. The way Ukraine and EU behave towards Russia can be expressed by the following Russian sayings: ‘to spit into a well from which you drink’ and ‘to saw off the branch you are sitting on.’ It appears that with those who don’t understand good will, reason or logic the only way is the way of an ultimatum.

This is all for now. Till any new info appears…

I am trying to complete my Earth Shift Report. Talk soon.

ADDED 1/17/15. Read new article: Confusion Clarification: Is Russia Stopping EU Gas Transit Through Ukraine?



1. Grand Experiment Novorossia and the Birth of the New Revolutionary Monetary System.

2. Ruble Wars as the Beginning of the Death of the Dollar.

These two reports are being written as we speak and I will be posting them as they get completed.

The reports will be posted on my new site Stay tuned!


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Declaration of Cold War: What Chain of Events is US Provoking With New Hostile Move?

War drums are beating. The US is trying AGAIN to tip the world into the war mode.

The US House of Representatives voted almost unanimously (411 for, 10 against, 13 abstained) to condemn Russia for ‘aggression in Ukraine(?), Moldova(?) and Georgia(?).’ It also voted to create a more aggressive propaganda machine in Russian and Ukrainian, and to SEND AMERICAN WEAPONS TO UKRAINE. In addition, the resolution calls for the reinforcement of NATO and for the sale of US GAS TO EUROPE TO REPLACE RUSSIAN GAS. Link to RT video report.

I wonder who and when will finally vote to condemn the REAL aggressions of the USA against Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Serbia, present US aggression and financing of the illegal coup in Ukraine, and so many other aggressions all over the world? Who will condemn USA for spying on the entire world? What about the continued US and NATO aggression and intimidation campaign against Russia? What about color revolutions US sponsors all over the world?

Do you feel a sense of deja vu by any chance? I do. Remember how many times I warned of exactly these things. I said that these are the main purposes for the US ‘subversion of Ukraine’ (the fact that US invested only officially $5bln into ‘subverting Ukraine’ was publicly admitted by the US State Dept’s Victoria Nuland in December 2013).

I said this at various times:

1. Conflict in Ukraine is used to weaken Russia and EU at the same time.

2. Ukraine conflict is used to drive a wedge between Russia and EU, and at the same time, between Russia and Ukraine.

3. Ukraine to Anglo-American elites is loose change and cannon fodder to be thrown out as a used-up lemon. For Russia, Ukraine is their brothers and part of the Russian world to be respected and lived in peace with.

4. The continuing escalation of a conflict is necessary to paint Russia and Putin as aggressors, when the actual aggressor is US, with the kind help of Brussels, Germany, Poland and Lithuania. This is the same methodology used to perfection by the UK/US/France in the past to escalate Hitler’s aggression and to pit Germany and Russia (in the 20th Century, the two biggest rivals of the Anglo-American empire) in two past World Wars. Using proxies to fight their wars is the best Anglo-American achievement from hell.

5. US is itching to sell its own, more expensive gas to Europe, taking this market away from Russia.

For that purpose, McCain went to Bulgaria and other EU countries. THE VERY NEXT DAY after McCain’s and two other senators’ visit, Bulgaria announced that it was withdrawing from South Stream. Annual losses from such withdrawal for Bulgaria constitute $400-600 million + $150 million in losses from the switch of the Russian gas transit to Turkey to the new Black Sea pipeline. Altogether, up to $750 million per year in losses. What makes leaders of a country do something that is clearly bad for the country’s economy? Only arm-twisting can do that, and/or a bribe.

McCain’s arm-twisting worked well on the sold-out neocon-infested Bulgarian government. It didn’t work on Hungary (which because of that is now threatened with a color revolution), nor Austria. Austria’s President reportedly retorted that he didn’t tell US what to do, so he would appreciate it if US didn’t tell him who to conduct business with.

Still, subverting Bulgaria was enough – South Steam has ground to a screaching halt.

Notice that the US Congress cold war resurrection resolution (sounds like The Lord of the Rings – the dark powers on the rise)  appeared right after the noteworthy events I described in my previous article: German Vice Chancellor: No Ukraine in NATO; Russia, Let’s Make Up!

Below is a brief summary of the events I described in the above piece, plus analysis of the underlying geopolitical games and return moves by the US.

1. Europe has started looking for ways to make up with Russia and get EU-Russia relations back to normal. Additionally, Germany let it be known that they would not approve Ukraine in NATO, which is what US has been pushing for.

All the above is a big problem for the US hegemony. US needs to prevent this from happening. The only way of influencing the EU in these circumstances is to escalate the stand-off between Russia and the West, so Eu has no choice but to take anti-Russian position.

Last time they used the Malaysia Boeing downing in Ukraine to push reluctant EU towards a new round of anti-Russian sanctions. How about provoking Russia via arms supply to the Kiev junta this time, making Russia act to protect Donbass?

2. Russia announced the closure of the South Stream project.

No doubt US has rejoiced. US was the driving force behind the sabotage of the South Stream, projected to deliver gas directly to southern and central Europe. This route would bypass the unstable Ukraine, making the supply more secure and cheaper for many countries. The winners of this scenario would have been: Austria, Hungary, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Slovenia, Russia – and the entire EU economy. Losers from South Stream would have been: Ukraine and US. Now do your math: WHO BENEFITS AND WHO LOSES FROM THE CLOSURE OF SOUTH STREAM!

The US had been long pushing to sell their own shale gas to the EU, however expensive and inconvenient this may be.

Note, the US shale gas issue is a big problem in the US itself. It has been proven that this barbaric method of extraction causes untold damage to the environment, causing irreversible water damage, making potable water and soils unusable, and creating tremors and quakes. I have lived in Upstate NY, which is sitting on large shale gas deposits, and it is an ongoing struggle for the residents there to keep the shale gas vultures out of their state. Recently, the birthplace of shale gas in Texas has moved to ban this harmful practice.

Shale gas industry was touted in the US as a way out of the systemic crisis of the US economy. However, it’s not working so well. Due to low gas prices, most shale gas wells had to be capped as high cost of production made them unprofitable. To make shale gas worthwhile, US desperately needs a huge new market such as EU. To gain the EU market, US first needs to squeeze Russia out of it.

Now, isn’t it clear that US needs to do the following things:

1. Weaken EU, break EU’s will, subdue European countries – and make them buy more expensive gas contrary to EU’s interests.

2. Weaken Russian economy, vilify and discredit Putin, isolate and vilify Russia, so Russia can’t continue working with the EU, so consequently EU would be forced to buy expensive US gas, forsaking a much better deal it has with Russia presently.

3. Destabilize and destroy Ukraine, making it into a massive festering wound for both Russia and EU to deal with. Destabilization of Ukraine sabotages Russian gas supplies to the EU. In addition, the spinning of Ukraine as victim of the big, bad Russia also serves to create divisions and alienation on European continent.  This is a complete repeat of the Georgia 2008 scenario. See my predictions that came true: Striking geopolitical similarities: Sochi2014-Ukraine and #Beijing2008-Georgian war.

All the above US needs to do in order to make its grand plan of getting out of the crisis happen.

What is very important to understand is this: by making EU buy US shale gas, US not only solves its economic problems, but it also binds EU to itself irreversibly.

Once Russia has reoriented towards other markets, it will be hard to impossible to convince her to turn back. Russia is the historic and karmic global balancer. Hence, Russia’s re-orientations usually are precursors to big global changes to come. It is entirely in the interests of the EU to get closer to Russia, and that includes UK as well, although UK can serve as a bridge between US and new Europe. But it is entirely against the interests of the present-day US empire for any of that to happen. Living in peace and cooperation with the rest of the world is certainly in the best interests of the population of the USA.

Ideally, the US and those who still want to execute the US ‘full spectrum dominance’ global hegemony plans, want to convert the entire world into its vassals. I can tell you this will never happen, and perhaps those who formulate the insane US policies already get it on some level. At this time it appears the US is trying to inflict as much damage as possible on as many countries as possible as its plan B. And you know what, they are partially succeeding!

What we are observing is a war between the wounded, but very dangerous beast and the rest of the world.

Unfortunately, too many try to pretend this war doesn’t concern them. Some think they can remain on the beast’s side until tide changes and they can switch to the other side safely. It’s so much easier to have someone else fight your battles, incur hardship and losses, while you just arrive in the end and collect the trophies. This sounds like Romania, which first entered WWII on the side of the fascist Germany, occupying my city of Odessa, which was promised to Romania by Germany as one of the spoils of war. But when Germany started losing, Romania switched to the other side. And it sounds like US, who during the same WWII let the USSR bleed and fight until it became clear in 1944 that the USSR was winning, and that’s when US finally entered the war to collect their trophies.

rus bogatyr

Russian Vityaz’ – bogatyr’ (bogatyr’ means knight, protector; vityaz’ was a highly evolved master protector, whose powers were borderline mystical)

Yes, there are very few heroes. But Russia has no choice. Whether Russians want it or not, they are destined to always fight that dangerous beast that threatens to devour all. Russia’s is the hardest place to be. It is the hardest role to preserve balance in this crazy, unbalanced world. Allies are hard to come by, as usual. Few want to risk their lives and well-being to confront the beast; fewer still, have wisdom and foresight to do so successfully. Hiding out seems so much safer.

lord of the rings

I mentioned Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings for a reason. Tolkien, like Edgar Cayce before him, like other visionaries, such as Anastasia of Siberia (The Ringing Cedars) and Bulgarian Baba Vanga – and like yours truly – have been hinting at the same thing. The White City in The Lord of the Rings is written after Moscow (known historically as the White Stone City) and the ancient city of Great Novgorod. I write about that in Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs? The Return of the King refers to the return of Russia. You can find some of my predictions about Russia and the historic and karmic role of various parts of the world in Predictions.

Putin’s Move and Profitable Russia-Turkey Alliance

Instead of the cancelled South Stream, Russia and Turkey announced the construction of the new arm of the Blue Stream. Turkey is to become the Russian gas distribution hub for further sales to Europe, or to any other market. Russia is also to build a new energy system for Turkey. The new system will allow for a more flexible gas distribution by sea or pipeline, depending on demand.

It’s interesting how secret the Putin/Erdogan agreements were kept until the last moment.

It has to be noted that the new agreement between Putin and Erdogan was only possible after Putin created a new paradigm with the Caspian Sea powers, including Iran, and notably, Azerbaijan. This is also connected with SCO advancements and Eurasian Union (EAU). Turkey is very interested in being admitted into SCO and EAU. I can predict that at least the SCO announcement will come out soon. These events happened very quietly and went unnoticed in the West; and actually, Russia likes that. The quieter, the better. In reality, these events are very important. I spoke about them briefly before, and I will discuss them in more detail in one of my upcoming interviews next year.

Azerbaijan is an interesting factor here, as well as Syria, Iran and Gagauzia (autonomy within Moldova). All these are connected with Russia and each other via invisible but meaningful links.

Incidentally, I have some interesting interviews coming up next week and in January 2015. Stay tuned!

After everything that happened, it would be naive to think US wouldn’t make return moves. It is more difficult to understand why so many seemingly intelligent people in the EU and US allow themselves to be duped and manipulated time after time by thugs in the US Congress, Pentagon, White House, and by the shadow puppet masters.

The problem for Russia is this: the moment US starts making any threatening moves, all EU’s good intentions evaporate and they dutifully fall in line. They forget their own good and profit, their own reasoning as to how important the relations with Russia are, and start again playing a role of the US lap dog – or US vicious pit bull.

This is the chain of events the US is trying to provoke with this new hostile move:

US sends its weapons to the Ukraine junta. Kiev uses these more advanced and deadly weapons against civilians in Donbass. Russia has no choice but to match that to protect Donbass from complete annihilation. US and EU start yelling that Russia interferes in Ukraine.

Then US pressures EU into adopting a new round of sanctions, contrary to EU’s own interests. These sanctions will be equally damaging to both Russia and EU. The winner is US.

Next, relations between Russia and EU hit a new low as Russia has no choice but to reciprocate. US gets to twist the arm of the weakened EU even more efficiently. US can now sell its shale gas to the EU and no one makes a peep.

EU becomes fully dependent and therefore, subservient to the US. Will US continue escalating, while Russia has no choice but to adopt further protective measures? The trust between Russia and EU is gone. After EU business is forced to leave Russia having been squeezed out by the US/EU sanctions, there will be even less opposition to the US policy in the EU and fewer forces left to protest against it.

Repeat of WWI and WWII. The next step is, yet again, to pit Central and Western Europe against Russia.

Now, people, ask yourselves – how many of you want this kind of outcome? I can tell you that it would be the last war. This human civilization will not get another chance. I wrote about that in my mystical thriller THE EARTH SHIFTER.

I rest my case.

 Important announcement!

I wrote last time about the upcoming THE PUTIN ENIGMA Earth Shift Report. I am still working on it and it will come out in due time. There are so many ideas I need to reconcile/transfer into 3D language and reality for it to materialize. So, please be patient.

But I have great news! I will be releasing another Earth Shift Report soon, based on the hot and timely news that are hitting the wires! I am sure you will find this report extremely fascinating and eye-opening.

Are we in fact moving out of the physical and crude 3D warfare?

The new name of the game is…


Wars of the Future Past or What is 4D Warfare:

(Rocket Failures, MK Ultra, Cyber Spying, NSA, Stuxnet, Regin, more…)

This report will be available on It will be announced on this blog.

This report will be available to my readers for a donation – to be announced.

As a thank you to my supporters, this report will be free for those who have donated $50 or more, or for those who subscribed for a monthly donation – I will provide an email where you will be able to request your report.

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