Blog Archives

Why does the West hate Russia so much?

Based on the events of late we are reminded very loudly about the irrationally pathological hatred and fear of the West towards Russia. As many of you know, the new bout of Russophobic hysteria has like a plague taken over the American and European MSM and populace. Russians could be saving orphans in the middle of a war (which incidentally they do), and still made look bad.

It got so bad that Russian President Putin had to address it during recent St. Petersburg Economic Forum. The rudeness of the questions the ‘host’ Megyn Kelly was asking Putin and the PM of India Narendra Modi was only rivaled by her lack of cultural sensitivity and ill-informed stupidity.

I just thought I’d include a very telling comment from FT’s friend Aeyrie. It was written back in May about a different article, but it applies equally today:

Aeyrie | May 13, 2017:  Yes, I remember that. I was aghast, ashamed for their extreme rudeness. Dear God, I thought. I hope the Russian people don’t think we are ALL like that! I wouldn’t blame them if it was so. Our general behavior certainly doesn’t give them much to hope for! It is right for Mr. Lavrov to have, on several occasions, asked reporters where they learned their manners. Those “Ugly Americans” could use some reminding. I have also seen him, when instantly barraged with questions about “Russian meddling” as soon as he walks in a room, just turn about and walk away, exasperated. What possible good could come of engaging in this idiocy one more time?

Thank you for your link to the film yesterday. I have seen that video before but I downloaded and watched it again last night. Most people in the U.S. today know nothing of the Russian character or what they endured to push the Nazis back into Germany during the Great War. When I told someone a few days ago about how Victory Day is celebrated in Russia and of the extreme sacrifices the Russians made, some 27 million of their cherished number, she nearly fell off her chair. She also gained new understanding. That makes the Holocaust look pretty small by comparison, she said. Yes, exactly, said I. And do they go on and on about it? No! They wouldn’t be like that.
Continuing, I told her that there are many other examples of how the Russians have stepped into the breach and gave her a few. We and the rest of the world have much to thank the Russian people for. So why are we being so inexcusably rude to them? How soon we forget, if we ever knew. These things are no longer taught here. Shame on us.


Thanks to Ayerie for her many insightful and heartfelt comments. She always adds a lot to the discussion.

‘We and the rest of the world have much to thank the Russian people for. So why are we being so inexcusably rude to them?’

Aeyrie, this is a millennial question. And it has everything to do with my Earth Shift – Great Balancer theory.

The Western model that we are living under is based on individualism and ‘what’s in it for me.’ There are people who question this model, such as many of my readers. However, the society at large is contented with it. And this is the tragedy of our society. This is exactly the reason humanity is stuck in the never-ending cycle of karma and conflicts.

I’ll give you a small glimpse into the Forbidden History of which very few know and even fewer speak:

A long ago — so long that now it feels as if it never happened — the world lived by the Russian model: the good of all comes first.
This model was rejected in favor of the egotistical, self-centered and profit-driven Western model.

In order to discredit the ancient Vedic Rus model, the Russian view had to be suppressed and Russia had to be made into an archvillain. Sometimes, due to various international circumstances, such as a recurring West’s urge to invade others, the archvillain image had to vary and Russia/Russians were then presented as poor, backwards and unevolved. Russia had to be invaded all the time, don’t you see… The reason for these constant invasions? Why, the destruction of Russia, of course. All this to satisfy the overriding urge by the West to do away with an attractive alternative offered by Russia.

The truly deep-seated reason is that those who pull the secret strings (and all those who happily buy into the russophobic propaganda) want to do away with the Great Balancer. In their gut they always know that it is only Russia – The Great Balancer stands in the way of their globalist plans.

I can tell you right here and now — this isn’t going to happen. The world needs The Great Balancer to keep it spinning; in our 3D reality the yin-yang contrast is the glue that keeps it together, yet only Russia can keep the delicate balance between the two.

The huge problem that concerns me about humans at large is that they never learn. Humans manage to succumb to inferior energy vibrations, resulting in low calibrations so incredibly easily. It is exceedingly rare that the interests of others are considered along with one’s own.

That said, the shoots of the new worldview are trying to make their way to the sun. The egocentric Western model has run its course, but the new cooperative model is trying to emerge in great pains, and with great resistance from the other side, which is doing everything to sabotage it in its infancy.

These are just a few hints of the whole story.  By reader demand: the upcoming 3 EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR SERIES will include a bonus Lada Ray Earth Shift – Great Balancer Theory primer.

THE PUTIN ENIGMA book, on which I’m presently working, will reveal much more.

Go to this post’s comment section for an interesting follow-up discussion

ADDED — thanks to AKAIDA!

‏ @akaider Jun 4
@LadaTweets Russians ‘genetically driven’ to be untrustworthy … #russophobia
James Clapper says Russians ‘genetically driven’ to be untrustworthy — and no one even blinks — RT… The former US Director of National Intelligence James Clapper thinks Russians have some sort of biological predilection to be an untrustworth…

QUOTE: “Take NBC’s comedy show Saturday Night Live. Their go-to Russian character, Olya Povlatsky, played by Kate McKinnon, has regularly crossed the line from comedy into xenophobia. Even the Guardian’s Shaun Walker called out one Olya skit as “veering pretty close to racism.” The segments usually revolve around Olya telling the audience in various ways that everyone in Russia wants to be dead and that the country is a barren wasteland. Jokes involve Olya having no glass in her window frames, living with her ten sisters in one room, sleeping inside the carcass of a dog, wishing a war would come to her village and hoping she gets hit by a meteor or eaten by a bear. Asked whether she’s surprised the Olympics were coming to Russia, Olya says, “I’m surprised ANYONE is coming to Russia!”



Stay tuned for first in the 3 EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR SERIES!



Order ESW2: INVERTED COLLAPSE (USSR’s past – West’s future)


OR Subscribe to 3 WEBINAR SERIES (ESW 2,3,4)



Due to a technical glitch, looks like the interview will be released a few days later. I’ll let you all know when!



Forbidden History: Russian Truth Code and Goddess Lada

Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs?

Lada Ray on Earth’s Light and Dark Energy Portals, Knots and Vortexes

The Wild ’90s: How Russia Was Without Putin (by Nemo)

Yes, Scythians Are Us! (eng subs – translation By Nemo)

SPIEF’17 and PUTIN links:

Putin’s quotes at SPIEF’17: Putin schools Megyn Kelly on Syria, chemical weapons & terrorism

Also listen to PM Modi interview with RT at SPIEF’17: India-Russia cooperation not about arms trade, but about trust – Narendra Modi

Megyn Kelly gets outmaneuvered by Vladimir Putin on her NBC premiere ‘Sunday Night’ — (Silly title – where is Putin and where is M. Kelly, but what do you expect from American MSM)



Trump’s Secret Plan for America and Why Deep State is Trying to Neutralize It



Tonight we are recording my new interview with Paul Plane, host of the Plane Truth Show on the Time Monk Radio. If all goes well (I know it will 😉 ), the interview should go live around Tuesday. As usual, the official announcement and link will be up on FuturisTrendcast.

Among other things, we’ll discuss my view on the question that is the topic of this post: Why Deep State is Trying to Neutralize Trump?

However, you’ll find that the global Earth Shift chess game being played is so much more than that. Therefore, we’ll talk about Putin’s latest moves in Asia, France and post-Soviet space, and why cabal must isolate Russia at all cost. I’ll interpret how it all falls into my Great Earth Shift theory and practice.

Links to my prior Time Monk and other interviews can be found on Lada Ray YouTube channel : Playlist Interviews.

By reader demand, much more about the EARTH SHIFT will be revealed in upcoming WEBINARS!



To answer some frequently asked reader questions:

anthonyra82 Counting the days until June 8-10 🙂

Barbara If we don’t sign up for the webinar in person we can still purchase the video a day or two afterward, correct? I want to make extra sure about that. I take it the webinar is for people who want to ask questions, but if we can’t make the webinar we can still buy it and be privy to all the information soon after. ?

Lada Ray Correct, Barbara. I wanted to make it as easy as possible for everyone. You can purchase any time at the same price and you’ll be directed to the webinar page automatically.

P.S. Those who pre-purchase now don’t necessarily have questions to ask – we have some who don’t. With these webinars, everyone’s welcome to participate at their own pace. This knowledge will serve you well for years to come.

First in the series: ESW2: INVERTED COLLAPSE RELEASE DATE: JUNE 9, 2017.

If you think you’ve heard it before, think again – I guarantee that, like much of what you hear from me, it will be new, revealing and probably surprising. Hang on to your chair, because the knowledge you’ll gain may NOT be something you have come to believe, based on your Western upbringing and conditioning, as well as on all the mainstream and alternative information that is available. But I guarantee that it is this knowledge that will truly open your eyes, eliminate confusion and make you see clearer into your future!

Ask yourself, why so many gurus’ predictions were wrong? Or was it the timing that was wrong? If you still believe the picture painted for you by the alternative sources, then why are you experiencing such confusion about the future?

Also ask yourself, in three + years many of you have been with me and FuturisTrendcast, how good did you find my predictions and truth-telling track record?

Order ESW2: INVERTED COLLAPSE (USSR’s past – West’s future)

OR Subscribe to 3 WEBINAR SERIES (ESW 2,3,4)



This interview corroborates with predictions I made in Webinar1:  WILL TRUMP SURVIVE HIS FIRST TERM? and ESR16 regarding Trump. These predictions were first made in Late October 2016 – before US Elections – and expanded and refined in the beginning of February 2017. Trump, as I’ve called it, has been put in a ‘straitjacket’ by what some call the ‘Deep State’ and I prefer to refer to as the ‘Dark State.’ Complete Trump presidency predictions in Webinar1.​

(Thanks to 1EarthUnited for the link!)


Many predictions made in the beginning of February 2017 have already come true, and continue coming true.




Also listen to Lada Ray’s FREE videos on Trump and US elections, including first parts of ESR16 and ESW1! Subscribe to Lada Ray YT channel for more free vids.






1st in the series Earth Shift Webinar 2 Inverted Collapse:  RELEASE JUNE 9-10, 2017!


Dear friends, summer vacation time is approaching. I know how all of you love having fun and going away to relax and unwind.

But do you know what I also know? On average humans spend 10 times more time planning their vacation than planning their future. Meanwhile, a clear-minded knowledge and future planning is more important than ever… so you can continue enjoying your future vacations!

Planet Earth is going through a tectonic shift of timelines, consciousness and reality. There is no corner of the world that will not be touched by The Great Earth Shift as it unfolds in front of our very eyes. One day we’ll wake up and fail to recognize the world around us. Unless we are prepared.

At this time, like never before, one has to plan for the future. If we have a clear idea of what our near and far future really holds, we have a much better chance of coming out of the Earth Shift not only unscathed, but perhaps as big winners, won’t you agree? By being prepared and holding the true knowledge, you can also help those around you when they most need help.

Many of you who have been following me for a while are familiar with my futurist predictions and my accuracy track record. Many of you are also familiar with my BOOKS, EARTH SHIFT THEORIES, QUANTUM/GEO CALIBRATIONS, EARTH SHIFT REPORTS  and the TRUMP EARTH SHIFT WEBINAR.

However, I can assure you that I’ve only scratched the surface of everything I know and foresee. Since 2016 I’ve been planning this new series of 3 exclusive EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS. They will reveal much more than ever before of my theories, futurist trendcasts and predictions.

These three EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS are my best learning courses yet, coupled with more important predictions and revelations than ever before. An investment in them is an investment in true knowledge that will serve you well for years to come — knowledge you won’t find anywhere else!


Pre-order each webinar individually or subscribe to 3 Webinar Series!

First in the 2017 series is ESW2: INVERTED COLLAPSE — release: June 8-10, 2017. Subsequent webinars will be released monthly.


ESW2: INVERTED COLLAPSE (USSR’s past – West’s future)
ESW3: THE FUTURE OF MONEY (Lada Ray predictions)
ESW4: LADA RAY PERIOD 8 GLOBAL PREDICTIONS (Ancient Eastern System of Earth Cycles)

ALL ABOUT NEW EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS​! (timing, structure, delivery, payment, Q&A, etc)




You get $27 discount, first access to webinars when they come out,
and first opportunity to ask Lada questions she’ll answer during each webinar (first 10-12 subscribers)!​




Why Dmitry Orlov’s Reinventing Collapse and various gurus’ predictions were so wrong?
Why USA and the West haven’t collapsed yet, and will it ever happen?
If so, what is the timeline of the Inverted Collapse, how it will unfold,
and what can you do to be prepared
​Dark State and the secret mechanisms that rule USA
The real truth about the USSR, its goals and structures
Why and how did the USSR really collapse
Geopolitical-economic parallels and distinctions: the USSR collapse vs. the USA collapse
Geopolitical-economic parallels and distinctions: the 1980s-1990s situation in Eastern Europe vs. today’s EU
Why I call it the ‘INVERTED COLLAPSE’
How it all fits into Lada Ray Multi-Dimensional and the 3D Yin-Yang World theory
​How it all fits into the Great Earth Shift  — Great Balancer theory
How will Russia, China, EAU, SCO and BRICS fare; why are they not more aggressive in advancing the Earth Shift
As a bonus, we’ll include some relevant Quantum and Geo Calibrations

Participant questions answered in Part 2




Last but no least,

Lada Ray wants to extend a very special offer to her regular monthly donors!

Additional $20 off for 3 WEBINAR SERIES SUBSCRIPTION ($47 total discount from the individual prices of 3 webinars)

or $10 discount each for ESW2 and ESW3. (There is no additional discount for ESW4 as it’s already discounted to $39)

We will email this special offer to all our monthly contributors. Please check your Paypal email this weekend for your personal invitation.


Duterte in Moscow asks Putin for weapons to fight ISIS after Philippines attack

The Philippines president Duterte had to cut short his visit to Moscow due to the Marawi ISIS attack. During his talk to Vladimir Putin Duterte asked for a ‘soft loan’ to purchase modern Russian arms needed to confront ISIS terrorism in his country. He must ask Russia for urgent help, Duterte said, after US canceled his arms order.

Remember what Duterte called Obama last year (I won’t repeat it here) and with what defiance and anger he spoke of the US? Duterte became famous after he courageously stood up to the pressure from Obama and USA.

On video below, pay attention at how Duterte talks to Putin – what a contrast!

Also notice Putin’s expressions when he listens to Duterte asking for arms. It’s clear that Putin has to make a snap decision on something as important as giving arms to a leader of a potentially very volatile country.

I’m sure Russian intelligence has given Putin a serious run-down on what is really happening in the Philippines. But Putin has to take into account the entire situation in the whole region, weigh the risks of the balance of power, relations and trade, as well as whether Duterte, with his tough talk, can be trusted. We are seeing on camera a rare glimpse of how Putin’s mind works and how he makes decisions. Usually this process happens more behind the scenes, but here, due to the extreme urgency of the situation, it happens in real time.


Duterte was at the Beijing One Belt, One Road Forum last week. At the forum the 29 invited leaders mingled while China presented its grand plan for the brave new world through the New Silk Road. Only 2 leaders showed up from the EU – and very telling two: the Greek and Czech presidents, both unabashedly pro-Russian. USA was conspicuously missing.

At the forum Xi Jinping made it an absolute point to always be seen together or next to Putin. (The Chinese Belt and Road Summit is an event worthy of a separate talk – I’ll address it in one of the upcoming webinars and in my upcoming interview – stay tuned for announcement).

Duterte also boasted that he was seated at Chinese president’s dinner next to Putin.

However, not all is smooth between China and the Philippines. It seems some forces are trying to stir trouble between the two. It is also possible that there is a manipulation to steer Russia to get involved in the Asian disputes.

My advise to Russia – to be very, very careful. It will take a very delicate balancing game to keep the volatile situation in the region under control. A few wrong moves from various parties involved (S. and N. Korea, China, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan the Philippines and the interfering US) and South-east Asia could explode like a powder keg. All this has to be weighed when making decisions. I have nothing but confidence for Putin and his team.

This is the Time of Russia, and any moves made by Russia at this time will ultimately bring positive results to the Great Balancer and to the world. We’ll discuss how this works in upcoming Earth Shift Webinars 2 and 4.

‘They want me to fight China. It’s gonna be a massacre!’ – Duterte to RT (FULL INTERVIEW)

Duterte: ‘Trump is my friend, but West is just double talk. I want more ties with Russia & China’


During this period of the Great Earth Shift the entire planet is experiencing tectonic changes and important events. The never before seen situations, dire emergencies and delicate snap decisions will be more and more common. In such circumstances, whether one is a leader or a country or an ordinary citizen, we’ll be required to make big yet untested decisions fast.

To help you navigate turbulent waters and to guide you in the right direction

I came up with


2HORZ 3banner


Now available for purchase:

  1. Buy single Earth Shift Webinar 2: INVERTED COLLAPSE (USSR’s Past – West’s Future)

Each webinar will be coming out about once a month (if buying single webinars, you’ll be able to pre-purchase each about 2-3 weeks before release). First in the series, ESW2 is scheduled to be out around June 8-10.

Early buyers will get additional benefits: first priority access to webinars and ability to ask Lada questions, to be answered during webinars (applies to first 10-12 subscribers).




Descriptions and more info on ESW3 and ESW4 are coming later tonight!

Stay tuned for official announcement tomorrow!


Also we have ​30% OFF SALE!

Now only $39 (regular $56): CLICK HERE TO BUY!

Lada Ray predictions and Ukraine timeline: Can it become part of Israel? Will Russia invade?

Some important follow-ups to my latest: Heil Poroshenko! Ukraine junta bans Russian SM, prepares to ban Russian Orthodox Church.

First, an update and some rare good news from Ukraine! Under the pressure from the international community and from Ukraine’s own citizens, for now the Ukraine Rada did not pass the proposed Russian Orthodox Church ban. It has been widely warned that such ban would generate an all-out religious war in Ukraine.

The pressure on Ukraine not to adopt such shameful and anti-democratic law has been very tough. Even the Pope got involved, strongly advising against it. However, it’s early to rejoice. They will continue coming after the Russian churches and after everything Russian for as long at this junta is in power. We have seen this dance and song before, say, in the renaming of the streets and cities in Ukraine. Or take the visa regime with Russia – it has been proven that they’ll endanger their own economy by doing it, yet the Bloody Pastor Turchinov and others are back at it full force. They will keep aggressively coming at it, until the public and/or lawmakers cave in.

The aggressive ukro-nazi element has been allowed to proliferate and grow like cancer in Ukraine for 25 years. We are seeing the sorry results of Ukraine’s 25 year ‘independence’ from Russia and common sense.

The only way to reign in this genocidal fascist dictatorship in Ukraine is for Russia and for us, the sane people of the world, to keep constant pressure on their foreign sponsors, who in turn will have no choice but to pressure the Kiev junta and Poroshenko to keep the Nazi element in check. To remind everyone, the main sponsors and supporters of the Kiev junta and ukro-nazis are: USA, Canada, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Romania, and Brussels/EU as a whole.

*** On another note, Russia has filed a complaint against Ukraine with WTO. If WTO does not fine Ukraine for the continuing border, business and trade violations, Russia may institute a visa regime and new economic sanctions against Ukraine. Russia for years has been awfully lenient towards Ukraine. But if Kiev junta continues aggressive anti-Russian stance, emboldened by the support of the West, Russia may respond in like.

New ASK LADA Episode
Comment from Peter My first post to you Lada – you have been moved to my “Bookmarks Bar” out of the long list of News Sites Folder 🙂

As stated above “This is cultural genocide.” My wife (with Russian roots) is from Kiev and her mother is still there, we tried to shift her back home to Kaluga – Russia, but she says “I am too old” (stubborn more likely)
We travelled to Ukraine every summer from 2003 – 2013 – we live in NZ and now my wife never wants to see Ukraine again!! I am prepared to go back and visit – but she refuses. 

What is happening in Ukraine is complete utter madness – getting madder by the day.
This latest ban of VK-Yandex-OK etc. sends a very clear message to those of us who are not DNA etched with Russophobe. I actually believe that this has gone too far to retrieve or stop now, the only options IMHO of reversal are one of two. Russia does what 90% of the Western people believe they are doing anyway and fully invade and take full control. The other (which I personally believe is actually happening now) is that Ukraine will become a new country for Israel.


Why people leave a country; How the Chi and Life force work; The People-Bridges

I know exactly how your wife feels and I know lots of people who thank the universe every day they moved out of Ukraine, and also those who are trying to get their elderly relatives out of there.

I fully understand why people want to leave. But therein lies the crux of the problem. As the higher calibrated, more educated, more active and higher IQ people continue their exodus (many of us had left years ago), they also withdraw their life force. When not enough smart and positive people are available to moderate the energy of such a place, it first stagnates, and then falls to the dark side. As a result, such country falls more and more into (forgive me) the imbecility we are observing in Ukraine today.

To understand how it works refer to my article Mass Migration: What Happens if a Country Gains or Loses its Life Force? (US, EU, Russia, China, Ukraine, Syria).

The above notwithstanding, those of us who have left Ukraine, Russia, or any other country in order to live in the West are playing a very important and indispensable role of being the People-Bridges. We bridge different cultures, foster mutual understanding and benevolence, and we seed the Western collective consciousness with alternative information. 

Can Israel take over Ukraine?

Nope. Russia won’t let that happen. I already answered this question and made a full prediction on that in ESR6 Ukraine: New Kazarian Khaganate and American Zionism. In the same ESR6 I answer various questions about Israel and Zionism. In it I don’t proliferate the popular half-truths nor simplified view of the issue, and I don’t do blame game or fear mongering. I reveal some historic truths, addressing the most convoluted forbidden history moments and controversial issues. A must read for those who are serious about understanding the truth.

That said, I for one would welcome any infusion into Ukraine of higher Chi from anyone. Russians are working with everyone, including Israel, to influence the Kiev junta from without. Israel, as always, is playing a double game, and it’s all very complicated. But Putin and his team are exceptional chess players. And again, every little bit of the restraining higher Chi influence from abroad helps.

Will it get worse in Ukraine before it gets better? 

This, unfortunately, is the reality we are seeing. My original prediction has been that between 2016 and 2018 Ukraine will begin turning back towards Russia, but only after its economy is fully destroyed. We are now seeing the brutal process of a wholesale economic and social destruction.

And the changing timeline…

However, there has been a slight shift in the timeline reality due to Kiev junta holding on to power for dear life and due to the US/EU establishment and shadow forces continuing its support.

Due to this slight shift, there can be some delay in Ukraine’s shift towards Russia, albeit a slight one. Moreover, there can be gradual shift of various parts of Ukraine. However, I still DO NOT see the part by part shift outcome. I see most or all of Ukraine shifting at once.

If Ukraine still stagnates under Kiev junta till the end of 2018, there will be a significant change as of the end of 2018 – beginning of 2019, when Russia cancels the gas transit deal with Ukraine and after Nord Stream 2 has been built.

But as a result of the shifted timeline, Russia will not want to drag the dead body of Ukraine (sorry, however cruel it may sound) on her shoulders. Russia will be looking for cooperative solutions with other countries.

Neither would Russia ever invade Ukraine – per my original 2014 prediction. Or let’s just say, Russia would only send troops to Ukraine based on the UN, or similar, mandate. And even then – don’t think so. This prediction for the next 2-3 years only. After that a lot will change in the world.

I’ve written about the shifting timelines and the Mandela Effect in EARTH SHIFT REPORT 18: LADA RAY FRENCH ELECTION PREDICTIONS: LE PEN – MACRON FACE-OFF & WHAT IT MEANS FOR THE EU.

Silver lining

And now we’ve come full circle. The change in Ukraine has to come from within. This has to be accompanied by Russian support and US/EU withdrawal. So far, this is not happening fast enough. But the situation may change very quickly in the next year or so. Stay tuned!

It has been clearly shown that the people are awakening, as we’ve seen during the Immortal Regiment march of May 9, 2017. In Kiev alone 60,000 people came out and all over Ukraine, anywhere between 600, 000 and a million.

See more here: Proof Ukraine turned into Terrorist Fascist State: Kiev #ImmortalRegiment parade attacked

Article by Nemo: the-ukrainian-question-political-prophecy-of-1930-coming-true/








Forbidden History: Russian Truth Code and Goddess Lada

Finally, we are able to delve further into one of the reader most requested topics, FORBIDDEN vs. TRUE HISTORY & LINGUISTICS!

This report is a continuation of one of FuturisTrendcast’s most popular articles: Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs?

Over the past 3 years many have asked me about the meaning and mystery of my name. Some of my astute readers have figured it out on their own. This is evident when some of you call me ‘Lady Lada.’ 😉

Today, I want to tell you the whole story…

Goddess Lada2

Goddess Lada – Russian painting

The ancient Russian Vedic Goddess Lada is often depicted with white swans or white doves. Lada is very powerful and her Earthly responsibilities are many. She is in charge of such uplifting things as: spring and summer, sun, harmony and balance, goodness, friendship and good will, love and happy marriage, overcoming obstacles, smooth sailing, positivity and good luck. Lada is also responsible for creativity, abundance and children.

Rus Epic Goddess Lada

Goddess of Harmony Lada’s temple and her symbols: wisdom, light, white swans, water and ladias

Russian language: the Earth’s Truth Code 

You may have heard me say this before. There had been many times in history when it was dangerous to speak the truth, for which punishment would be death. Then, in their infinite wisdom, the Wise Ones and Earth Keepers hid the clues in plain sight, leaving them behind for future generations to re-discover. Although compromised due to centuries of various extraneous elements littering it, the Russian language remains the Earth’s Ultimate Truth Code and one of the most important living proofs of humanity’s true history and roots, hidden in plain sight.

The role of Sanskrit, the closest sister language to Russian is the same: to serve as the hidden treasure trove of the keys to rediscover the truth. The Sanskrit Vedas have preserved much of it. The drastic difference is that Sanskrit has not survived the impact with reality. It is by all definitions, a dead language, studied based on ancient texts that thank goodness survived. Only the tiniest of echoes of Sanskrit remain in contemporary Hindi.

Russian is a full-fledged major living and evolving language that has been preserved by the population of the Great Russia despite persecution and wholesale destruction of memory, ancient knowledge, Vedic wisdom and books. Speaking of which, when people remark to me in reply to my mentioning the Rus Vedic past that it sounds just like Hindu Vedas, this is simply because it is one and the same.

The huge value of Sanskrit and Hindu Vedas is that they were more hidden and therefore missed by the West, when history was re-written. Therefore, they avoided a wholesale destruction, such as the Russian Vedic chronicles endured. This is why Sanskrit, the frozen in time language, is so important to re-discovering our true roots.

In very ancient days, when the Ice Age made it impossible for people to exist in the far north between the Ural Mountains and Siberia, where the original Arian Vedic Rus civilization flourished, also referred to as Hyperborea, one branch of it spread to Europe and another to what is today called India, becoming Brahmans and bringing the Vedic philosophy. There were other branches that moved further south as well, at different times. The Vedic philosophy and lifestyle was prevalent among the people of not only contemporary Russia/Ukraine/Belarus/Siberia and much of northern Eurasia (together we may call it the Rus Civilization), but all around Northern, Western and Central Europe as well.

We briefly touched upon what Vedism means in another FT article: Forbidden History: Are Scandinavians Slavs? I also provide a substantial number of linguistic clues in ESR6: Ukraine – New Khazarian Khaganate?

What does the word Vedic or Vedism mean? It means ‘true knowledge.’ Every day, without thinking, we use a large number of derivatives from these words. They are present not only in Russian, but in many European languages – clues hidden in plain sight.

According to Russian researchers, the Vedic vision and lifestyle were gradually suppressed in Western and Central Europe approximately between 10th and 16th centuries, Catholic religion and inquisition playing the key role. Together with it, the ancient Rus language was also replaced all over Europe.

Despite Russia adopting Christianity, Vedism coexisted with the new religion more peacefully and remained prevalent in Russia until about 17-18th centuries. At that point a drastic shift towards the West occurred in Russia, and Vedism was brutally and subversively suppressed, to be replaced with overly aggressive, yang, individualistic, profit and money oriented culture of then Western Europe.

Ancient books were destroyed, carriers of Vedic knowledge were eliminated and true history was re-written, shortening, mutilating and isolating Russian history, while glorifying and lengthening the history of everything else.

It was history’s grandest heist pulled in front of everyone’s eyes. And humans just ate it up, or became complicit. I have only began scratching the surface of the truth – much more to follow in my future EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS!

It was part of the previous global rebalancing. Between 15th and 18th centuries, Russia the Great Balancer gradually shifted the weight of the world’s development towards the West, to allow for a more yang-energy and individual-values-driven development of mankind. This seemed a necessary adjustment due to the excess of yin in human existence at the time. But as it so often happened in human history, it went all wrong. The West perceived the shift facilitated by Russia the Great Balancer as a gift from heaven, thinking itself exceptional. Instead of serving others, it began its global quest to subdue the rest of the world.

But nothing is forever, and today The Great Balancer has begun another EARTH SHIFT, away from the West. Unlike the previous shifts, this one is different and aims to restore the proper yin-yang balance on our planet, ushering in the era of Russia. This is why I call it THE GREAT EARTH SHIFT.

Because of the THE GREAT EARTH SHIFT, the hidden clues are beginning to be revealed. The majority of them are re-discovered in Russian language, but a large number turn out to be hidden dormant in other languages, such as English, Ukrainian, Swedish, Italian, Spanish, Mandarin, Sanskrit and others. As the consciousness of mankind awakens, these clues suddenly begin being understood by those who have eyes. More and more information is coming to the surface, as the right people come along who can show the way.

Since I was a child I was pointing out certain inconsistencies and discrepancies in the official narrative. I was 5 and just learned to read when my parents took me to the Odessa’s unique and beautiful Archeological Museum. The guide was droning on about the unknown and mysterious civilization of Etruscans, who lived in Italy circa 700 BC, and how their language to this day cannot be deciphered by linguists. She showed us the amazing pieces of art they left behind. Even then, at my early age, it was hard to imagine these pieces were made in 700 BC, when – if we were to believe the contemporary fake historical science – humans were much less evolved than us today, when technology for making such exquisite items shouldn’t have existed.

Being small, my eyes were level with the sign on the glassed stand, which read: ‘Etruscan stella, circa 700 BC, language unknown.’ In Russian the name of that mysterious ethnos read like Etruski. I whispered the word to myself, bored with the guide’s not very interesting story. Suddenly, I announced for all adults to hear: ‘Etruski means ‘Eti Ruskie. They were Russians!’ (Eti Ruskie means ‘These Russians.’)

A silent scene that followed was worthy of a thriller: adults in the room just looked at each other perplexed. Later the incident seemed to have been forgotten. The one thing that transpired was my mother apparently deciding that I was supposed to be a linguist and translator (I think she secretly hoped I’d become a diplomat, actually). Shortly after, she hired me a private English language tutor. My love of everything linguistics never went away and I eventually ended up with summa cum laude Masters in Linguistics and Translation.

When I was a child, and later a teen, there were other discoveries of truths hidden in plain sight, such as another mysteriously extinct civilization and language, whose location was once in today’s Germany. I knew since I was barely 6 or 7 that Prussia meant Po-Russia and the now ‘dead’ Prussian language was in fact ‘Po-Russian.’

How did I know? I simply looked at the word in front of me and read it correctly. Why weren’t others able to perceive the clues? Because most people don’t think and don’t pay attention – it’s that simple.

Many years later I began receiving confirmations from various linguistic, historic, archeological and esoteric sources, which were not given the time of day by the scientific and mainstream communities, that what I interpreted was correct. And it was only very recently that I received a definitive confirmation from the world-famous Prof. Chudinov that what my 5-year-old self knew was 100% true. Chudinov read the ‘illegible and mysterious’ dead language of the Etruscans, using one of the four ancient Russian alphabets / writing styles called ‘the mirror writing.’ He confirmed that the name Et-Ruski (Etruscans) signified Eti Ruskie. The only difference, he actually thought that because of the ‘mirror’ writing’ the prefix should be reversed and it should be read as ‘Te Ruskie,’ meaning ‘Those Russians’ as opposed to ‘These Russians’ who, as Chudinov postulated were the Rus population residing in the primary Great Russian space (contemporary Russia, Belarus and Ukraine). I won’t argue on that finer point, but I am still inclined towards my 5-year-old interpretation. As we know, the ultimate truth tends to come from a child’s mouth.

Throughout my life, I once in a while amused myself with forbidden history’s linguistic puzzles. I’d take a word and peer into it, dissecting it into syllables. Then I would look into what these syllables represented. No one ever taught me that in college, so along the way I also discovered my own Forbidden Linguistics method. I learned that the words’ syllables contained much more information than seemed on the surface and that each word no matter how complex, in any language, was formed based on a limited number of seemingly simple building blocks of syllables, roots, suffixes, prefixes and endings. The trick was to put these building blocks together in such a way that it would create the magic of communication. Within these simple syllables the true forbidden linguistics mysteries were revealed.

Of course, the quintessentially synthetic Russian language turned out to be a treasure trove of secret meanings. But even with purely analytical languages such as English, the amount of information gleaned could be exciting.

Our smart ancestors packed every sound and syllable with a huge range of knowledge. Each consonant and vowel contained a number of important meanings. As more syllables were added to the word, it could express a truly colossal range of notions. Each word, like Lego, could be built and rebuilt in many ways using these intricate building blocks. Oftentimes, I saw full syllables or even full words, compressed or shortened, as we have seen with Prussia above.

I have known for years that a massive amount of meddling was done to our history and that the separation on countries, languages and ethnic groups was often artificial or false. There is much, much more to the story. As we continue to journey through The Great Earth Shift, I’ll continue telling you everything I know.


Today, our topic is the Goddess Lada. Using Lada Ray’s Forbidden Linguistics Syllable Building Block Method, allow me to tell you how the word was formed and what it signifies.


La in the ancient Vedic Rus mother language signified fertility. It can also signify creativity, joy and positive emotion. Before it signified that, it actually signified the male reproductive organ. La is a very interesting syllable, which is also a sound. You know how when we hum a wordless song, we go ‘la, la, la.’ The reason we unconsciously hum it is that it is embedded in our genetic makeup that la symbolizes something good and something positive. From the perspective of an ancient human what could be more positive than perpetuation of the species and joy that comes with an act of doing so?.. It is no wonder that Lada is often depicted with children.

A telling example: La, as used in today’s Spanish, signifies the female beginning. La mujer – a moman, La niña – a girl, La casa – a house.

Later, due to the association with fertility and phallus, La (or lia) also became a building block in signifying an open field. A field could signify a long, large, flat surface, a stretch of flat land, as well as fertile ground. The following words were formed: Russian: po-lia-na and po-lie (poliana and polie both mean fields of different sizes and designation). Ukrainian: lan – same meaning.

Da means yes in Russian. In ancient times, Da was often added to words to underscore the affirmative, positive nature of certain notions. The derivatives of Da or words descended from Da in combination with other Building Block syllables were added as well. You’ll be astonished if you knew how many words in various Western and Eastern languages, which insist on being completely separate and unrelated to Russian, carry Da as part of their makeup. This applies equally to many other important Building Block syllables.

Therefore, the very evocative meaning of the word Lada is:

Yes! This is the Goddess of Fertility, Harmony and Positive Energy!

It gets more interesting when we look at all the words originating from ‘Lada.’ I’ll just share a few, from Russian and English. And I guarantee that these examples will blow you away!

Ladia: ancient Rus word for boat or ship.

Keep this in mind when pronouncing ‘A’ in any Russian word! Russian ‘a’ doesn’t sound anything like English. The closest pronunciation is that of ‘u’ in the word ‘cut,’ however, Russian sound ‘a’ is more open, more powerful and longer.

Ancient Rus ships

Ancient Rus ship is called Ladia

The intricately carved and skillfully built wooden boats in those days had the shape of a swan with the bow decorated with an image of a swan, or some other important protector and energizer, such as firebird or dragon. This shape was both ergonomic and stable on the water. It also elicited an image of a graceful swan, who floats smoothly and effortlessly on the water or in the sky. Therefore, it’s easy to understand why Lada is often depicted with a swan and why she is responsible for the smooth sailing and dispelling obstacles.

Ladon’ (This word ends in ‘myaghkiy znak’ – ‘the soft sign,’ one of the unique Russian letters that doesn’t exist in Latin alphabet. The soft sign doesn’t have independent sound value; its job is to make any consonant it follows very soft). Ь – Мягкий знак (soft sign) and Ъ – твёрдый знак (hard sign).

Ladon’ means palm. You can also pronounce it as ‘ladoshka,’ which is an endearing version.

palm ladoshka

The word ladon’ consists of two parts: lada (or lado) and na. The Russian word Na means ‘here,’ ‘take it, ‘have it.’ The meaning is that of a generous, magnanimous offer. When you extend your hand you may be offering your good will and friendship. Therefore, lado-na, which later became ladon’ is in fact an extension to another person of an open hand, an offering of harmony, friendship and lad.

The Russian word lad, unchanged till today, means just that: harmony and life in graceful agreement with one’s environment.  

Speaking of the word lad. Does it remind you of anything, by any chance?

What about this: ‘he’s a strapping young lad.’ According to the online dictionary ‘English’ word lad means ‘a lively or dashing man or youth.’ If you ask the online dictionary to define a strapping young lad, here’s what it’ll tell you: it is a young man who is strong, tall, and looks healthy and active.

If you try to look up the etymology of this English word, you’ll probably find all kinds of academics who wasted their entire lives promoting false theories of the origin of this or that, telling you that it comes from medieval English, etc, etc. But what was really there before ‘medieval English’ ?..

Most likely you won’t hear anyone (except me, that is) tell you the obvious: the seemingly English word lad is in fact the Russian word lad (just remember that Russian ‘a’ is pronounced like the ‘u’ in hut, but more open and longer).

If anyone in the English-speaking academic circles mentions that there could be a Russian connection, their work will be sidetracked and they will get ignored, or worse. Not being published, noticed, given tenure or grants is the death of any Western academic. That’s why if they have no principles or talent, they simply toe the line, or if they do, they suffer in obscurity or get thrown out of the field.

The word Lad in Russian means harmony. The adjective ladniy (masculine) and ladnaya (feminine) signify a young man or young woman who are tall, well-built, healthy and physically strong and active. About a young man or woman who possess these characteristics one would say: ladnaya devka (for a girl) or ladniy paren’ (for a young guy / bloke). Now compare that to the ‘strapping young lad.’ It is identical.

Incidentally, the adverb ladno means in Russian ok, fine, it’s a deal. In the olden days, this word would be used when a deal was struck, which would often be accompanied with a shake of hands on a deal well agreed upon.

Goddess Lada3

Lada as a young Russian maiden

And here we are getting to the most interesting part, the ultimate proof, so to speak. I know some of my astute readers may have already figured it out.

The English word for lady, such as ‘Lady Diana,’ is simply put, a derivative of the word Lada. In fact, the contemporary English ending ‘y’ is shortened and modified ‘in.’ This was done to make its origin unrecognizable.  The same is true for the popular English ending ‘ing.’

I wrote previously in ESR6 that the ancient Vedic Rus syllable in signified being a part of something, belonging to an inner circle, having allegiance with, or being a derivative or descendant (a small particle) of something big and important.

You don’t have to go far: in the contemporary English we use in every day. Such as: are you in or out, inner, insider.

The very earliest meaning of in is even more striking. It signified the female essence. The word we use today as yin (as in yin-yang) was originally in.

Goddess Lada5

Goddess Lada in traditional ancient Russian garb with her symbol, the white doves of peace

 Therefore, a Lady is a female who follows in the path of the Goddess Lada. This is a woman who is harmonious, fertile, positive, sunny and helpful, who possesses dignity and poise, a good mother, partner and mistress of her domain. Such women were highly regarded and valued and they at one point began being called Lady – a follower or small particle of Lada. To this day you hear people say, ‘I am a lady.’ This usually refers to a situation when a woman won’t stoop to untoward behavior because she has dignity and values herself.

It was much later that the ego led humans to begin using this word, which was supposed to be based strictly on one’s merit, as hereditary title, regardless of whether one deserved it or not.

Lada goddess of harmony

Goddess Lada with baby and swans, among Russian birches, with a Vedic symbol above

Speaking of which, did you notice the use of the verb led, past tense from lead? I won’t go into details of how it was formed, but this is yet another example of a word derived from Lada. It’s easy to see why: Goddess Lada is responsible for dispelling obstacles, for smooth journey or sailing. Leading (do you see what I see: lead-in), when the whole path is laid out in front of you (laid – yet another Lada derivative!) is one of the aspects of a smooth journey!

Svarog i Lada

Celestial couple: Russian Vedic Gods Lada and Svarog 

What’s the meaning of the name Vladimir?

The name Vladimir is another very famous derivative of lad and Lada. One of the eternally popular Russian names, it possesses rare charm and universal appeal. Why is that? Because even if you don’t know what the name means, you feel its potent energy.

Most Russians think that Vladimir means ‘The Master of the World.’ This is because the two obvious words it consists of are:

  1. Noun Vlada (power) or as a verb it will be Vladet’ (to own, to be the master of) These are the contemporary meanings of the words Vlada and Vladet’.
  2. And Mir (dual meaning: world, as well as peace).

However, if you base your analysis on my Building Blocks Method and see it multidimensionally, you’ll be able to discern the original true intent behind the name V-ladi-mir.

V – Lada – Mir

V means in

Lada means harmony, balance

V lade (in this case it’s variation v-ladi) means in harmony 

Mir means peace and world

The whole name Vladimir, therefore, means:

In Harmony with the World AND In Harmony with Peace

Another way of putting it is:

He who brings the harmonious world (peace)

There are talking names that speak for themselves, and one of the most speaking names is that of the Russian President:

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin – double Vladimir!

Incidentally, my patronymic is also Vladimirovna. The Universe must be telling us something… 😉


We’ll go deeper into the Russian Truth Code in the EARTH SHIFT WEBINARS!

Particularly look for ESW6: THE PUTIN ENIGMA. I speak of the mystical sign of the times expressed through Putin’s name and reveal the real multidimensional meaning of his very existence!



Meet Lada the Car

I know this is a very unlikely example, but when you think about it, it’s very much in line with the whole Russian forbidden history and Goddess Lada story.

The ship will sail the way you name it. Give it a great name and a successful journey is assured. This applies fully to Lada the Car, a car that had no right to exist, considering the amount of ridicule it encountered in its life. It certainly shouldn’t have survived the ’90s, when stronger Russian companies had disappeared. And yet this underdog of the global car market survived and continues thriving, despite all odds. I like to say that the name of the Goddess of Harmony and Good Luck is what pulled it through and made it stronger.

There has been much said in the West, including the ridicule, about Russian/Soviet compact sedan called Lada, also known as Zhiguli. To be fair, many Russians to this day are equally unduly critical of Lada Zhiguli, as well as anything the Tolyatti car manufacturer VAZ has ever produced. I daresay this is a strange knee jerk overreaction of a certain part of the population to the fact that at one point Mercedes, Toyota-Lexus and Cadillac owned the global market with their luxury and not so luxury vehicles. I do not understand these people at all. There is a place for all types of vehicles and all types of budgets in the market. Lada Zhiguli certainly has its own niche, and its own loyal following.

Those few who still preserve this kind of attitude, whether in Russia or beyond, suffer from a severe inferiority complex. The majority of people who drive Russian cars are absolutely fine with it, although a large percentage of Russians owns foreign vehicles.

Despite all the above, throughout decades in the West a very serious, albeit small cult following developed for the Lada cars. They are very economical, handle great in the toughest environments and cost a fraction of what the nearest competitor charges. While the new models keep coming up, some of which were quite cool, at the same time the manufacturer VAZ has decided not to change the retro Soviet look of the originals, classic Lada Niva mini SUV and compact Lada Zhiguli. There is such nostalgia nowadays for everything retro that Lada is back en vogue.

lada niva

Classic all-terrain Lada Niva

classic lada zhiguli

Classic retro green Lada Zhiguli – love the color

In 1980s we owned one in retro blue, like on the pic below:

retro lada zhiguli

And this is my namesake, new cool-looking Lada X-Ray:


Incidentally, the logo of Lada’s manufacturer is the ancient Russian ship Ladia, which makes sense since Lada is the goddess of smooth sailing, among other things.

The adventurous Lada X-Ray crossover – check out the Ladia logo on the front grill. Lada cars are promoted as very sturdy and reliable all-terrain vehicles:

lada x ray crossover

Finally, Russians began promoting their stuff and putting their best foot forward a bit! It took VAZ employing some Brits to accomplish it though. It used to be that Russians were shy to mention even their biggest achievements. Writing a job resume could be a personal tragedy, since one isn’t supposed to brag, you know. And forget promo or boasting! Now you know the real secret why the flashy, manipulative and boastful West was able to get an upper hand over Russia for so long! But now, at long last, that Ladia (ship) has sailed…

For a bit of a chuckle, please also check out my humorous July 2012 LadaRayBlog article on Lada the Car and a few personal adventures riding it around Eastern Europe: A Case of Mistaken Identity: Soviet Cars and My Infamy!

Falsified history and linguistics all around us! In fact, we all exist in a soup of lies and deceit!

One of the bogus theories that has been dominant for centuries is the so-called Norman or Normanist Theory of the origin of the Kievan Rus. The opposite has been proven exhaustively for many years, yet the truth still gets swept under the rug in the West, and it is only now slowly making its way through Russian culture. You can read more in Are Scandinavians Slavs?

Another theory that has been pervasive for many centuries is that of Etruscans, their origin and language. According to anything you’ll read anywhere ‘it was a mysterious culture of unknown origin (!) that resided in what is today Italy, circa 700 BC, left beautiful objects of art and spoke the mysterious Etruscan language that no one can decipher.’ Don’t believe me, just look at this Wikipedia post.

When I hear any of this, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. It is worrying how either inept or sold-out the so-called ‘academics’ are. In other words a very advanced civilization appeared for a short time out of the blue in the middle of Italy. Then, having created a large number of advanced art objects and an absolutely illegible writing system unrelated to anything else in existence, it for no reason at all just went poof!

According to Russian scientists, most notably linguist Prof. Chudinov, Profs. Fomenko and Nosovsky (authors of the controversial New Chronology), Etruscans still resided on the peninsula we call today Italy as late as 16th, possibly as late as 17th, century AD. Recognized as very skilled artisans, sculptors and architects, it was Etruscans and derivative ethnicities who created many amazing architectural wonders of Italy we admire today. The ‘unreadable’ language of Etruscans, which some forces went to great pains to erase or falsify, was freely read by Prof. Chudinov using… Russian language.

A somewhat similar situation has occurred with another obvious culture that mysteriously ‘disappeared’ without a trace, Prussians. According to the official data, the ‘dead’ Prussian language just happened to vanish some time during medieval times, along with the entire population who spoke it.

It was also shown by both Chudinov and the Fomenko/Nosovsky School of the New Chronology that history of ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt, etc., was falsified and aged to make the West seem older. Russian history was made shorter and less significant. Further, these and other researchers demonstrated how the world’s grandest ever theft had taken place in front of people’s very eyes: between 17th and 18th centuries many events from Russian history were stolen or twisted, and attributed to the West. In other words, black was made white and vice versa. This bomb of a story is long, shocking and revealing. One day I’ll tell you everything I know…

I have only heard about Chudinov, Fomenko/Nosovsky and other Russian researchers, such as late Prof. Svetlana Zharnikova and late Prof. Levashov, a year or so ago, when I first began searching for confirmations of my own theories and discoveries on the Internet. More and more information is becoming public daily, and more and more voices sound, adding to the whole picture of historic truths vs. falsehood.

I do not necessarily agree with every single conclusion presented by these researchers, but I do agree with their vision, main premise and grand principle of their studies and revelations.

I also disagree with those who try to use this new vision of human history as a means to elevate the Russians and Vedic Rus above everyone else. This reverse elitism I don’t condone. I certainly understand that in big part it is a backlash against many years of grave injustices and vilification suffered by Russians. Such response is consistent with the law of pendulum: the further the pendulum swings in one direction, the bigger the inertia that will carry it in the opposite direction, to compensate for it.

However, Russians at their core are very fair, generous and magnanimous. The moment humanity stops brewing in falsehoods it has created and acknowledges the real contribution of the Rus, Russians will forgive and extend their ladon’ (hand) yet again.

The Lada Law – law of harmony and good will – will again be in effect

I strongly believe that we are all ONE: close relatives, brothers and sisters. The reason we need to know the truth is not to feel superior to others. Only those with an inferiority complex need that. This fresh knowledge and wisdom are necessary for mankind to get out of the vicious karmic loop in which it is stuck, akin to the groundhog day effect. Only by looking the truth in the eye, making peace, by reconciling our differences and wisely rising above past errors will humanity break the karmic cycle.

The parts of humanity that need this closure more than others include: the West, namely USA, Canada and Europe; Ukraine; the Middle East; Africa. Others have lesser karmic debt of varying degrees.

Unfortunately, in the past humans stubbornly preferred not to see the truth because of their ego, fear and greed. As a result, when karmic conflict became insurmountable, wars would begin. Alternatively, plague, cholera and other diseases materialized. Another version of karmic retribution could be Ice Ages, earth quakes, The Great Flood, or the Comet of Karma as described in my novel, The Earth Shifter. After wars and calamities, invariably humans would see the light, reform, talk with each other, and try to create a more peaceful existence. Yet, after a while, human memory would fail again.

Some of us are here to remind the rest of humanity that there is a better way. We often have talking names – those names that wayshow what we are here to do. Such as Lada Ray. Or Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Why history was falsified and Russian history shortened 

The same sorry state of affairs is taking place in other sciences. A good example is archeology. A very common situation is when an archeologist finds items inconsistent with official theories. Such discoveries, offered to us by the Mother Earth in order to give a hint of our true history, normally get buried.

The reason for that is threefold:

1. A powerful sold-out ‘academic’ lobby that exists in any science. Such lobby, consisting of those who built their careers on false theories, cannot fathom allowing any other theories, which would dampen their reputations and render their entire lives useless. In other words, an ordinary human ego at work.

2. The consciousness of mankind, I am sorry to say, is still not good enough and high enough to allow the truth to come through. When consciousness is high enough, the breakthrough has to happen. There are hopeful indications that the truth is being heard by more advanced humans. The cracks in the old are developing, and I, on my part, will do everything in my power to help spread the truth, knowledge and light as The Great Earth Shift progresses and takes hold on the planet.

3. The most obvious reason for falsifications and today’s false reality is the extreme Russophobia by the West. There is a very serious and deep-seated reason for that. I discussed it previously in ESRs and articles, and I will definitely continue talking about it.

To wet your appetite, here is a brief version: The drive of the overly yang West to suppress and malign Russia the Great Balancer has to do with the desire to take over the world.

To be sure, Russians are as much to blame for allowing all this to happen. That said, we have to look into the future. It is now time to correct the horrific distortions and right the wrongs.

My favorite multidimensional tools for revealing the truth & undoing falsified history 

As I mentioned many a time, in fact, linguistics is probably our best multidimensional tool for figuring out how much our past has been distorted and what our true history should look like. In connection with other disciplines, such as anthropology, geology, archeology, genetics, as well as the very unlikely sciences such as math, astronomy and computer science, linguistics can recreate the picture of true history of which we were robbed.

To be honest, there are much better multidimensional tools for knowing your past, present and future. These tools are Vedic in nature. They are claircognizance, clairaudience, psychic regression or progression, shamanic travel and Akashic Records. Quantum Calibrations performed through kinesiology testing are also helpful.

However, most humans cannot understand these tools, nor know how to use them. As mentioned, the human consciousness level isn’t allowing such advanced tools to be used properly.

In this situation, the very best tool is actually linguistics, including etymology, toponymics, comparative linguistics (not the false kind used today, but the true one), true timeline & temporal linguistics. But forget history of languages and anything that relies on formalized history, as much of it is a lie. The new promising tool, introduced by Russian linguist Valery Chudinov, is called geo-linguistics. Chudinov is very important to rediscovery of our true roots. Remember this name, you’ll hear me mention it in the future!

Goddess Lada Palekh box

Goddess Lada on handpainted Palekh lacquer box, with her followers

Vedic Russia3

Mystical life in ancient Vedic Rus – Russian painting

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Final Results of Lada Ray’s FuturisTrendcast Reader Poll

FuturisTrendcast Reader Poll:

What topics do you want Lada Ray to cover in 2017?

 Poll by   Feb 09-15, 2017                    GRAND TOTAL: 1898 votes

Answer Votes Percent
True history vs. forbidden and falsified history of mankind 125 7%  
More Predictions by Lada Ray 123 7%  
More Geopolitical Analysis by Lada Ray 110 6%  
More about the matrix, consciousness and humanity’s future 108 6%  
More about Vladimir Putin 103 5%  
Do you want me to continue talking about big changes in the EU in 2017-2018? 103 5%  
More about petrodollar and the future of the USA/West 95 5%  
Aliens, ETs, reptilians, dragons 93 5%  
More about Earth Shift and Russia – the Great Balancer theories 90 5%  
Earth Angels, Empaths, Earth Shifters, Earth Keepers (walk-ins, shared consciousness) 85 5%  
Are you interested in more Earth Shift Reports? 85 5%  
Are you interested in learning how to protect yourself from harmful effects of Chemtrails and Geoengineering? 84 4%  
Are you interested in continuing to hear about the situation in Ukraine, as well as post-Soviet space, including Belarus, Moldova and Pridnestrovie? 80 4%  
Lada Ray’s Multidimensional Universe and 3rd Dimension theory 74 4%  
Are you interested in participation in FREE or low cost Live Lada Ray Webinars 72 4%  
More Quantum Calibrations by Lada Ray 70 4%  
Do you want to see more Lada Ray videos on YouTube? 70 4%  
About global relocation and various countries to move to 67 4%  
Are you interested in the upcoming LADA RAY BOOKS 52 3%  
More about Russian culture and how to move to Russia 47 3%  
Other: 42 2%  
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Are you interested in volunteering as part of the focus group for Lada Ray’s upcoming book THE PUTIN ENIGMA 31 2%  
Other Answer Votes
Mexico being attacked by DT. Please about Latinamerica 1
Thank You! 1
money and how to invest. gold and silver too 1
More please! 1
War on Cash 1
Financial sistem reset, Full disclosure of space programs and hidden technologie 1
I’m interessted in all Lada has to say 🙂 , Being foreigner I prefer in writing 1
maybe best places to live usa 1
all subjects are interesting 1
What happens when we die? 1
1) Exoplanetary (Nemesis/Nibiru impact/influence/timing/preparation) 1
half of 2016 6/16 and eclipse solar on February 26, 2017; Maurice Cotterell 1
insights into Trump’s personality and behavior 1
Continued information on what you see for the US 1
Truth about angels, helpers and guides. Or are we just talking to ourselves? 1
love the feng shui, medicine buddha,Lada’s mojo manifestation helps!!! 1
Full Disclosure 1
Climate change and the future 1
Also interested in interdimensional travel and telepathic mind projection techni 1
Flat Earth, Scientism, NASA Lies and the fact that nothing has gone to “space” 1
More about EU leaders and upcoming EU elections 1
shifts in the EU 1
Many crucial events in Ukraine, a problem with Belarus and Lukashenko, plus 1
Ascension 1
The Event: Will it happen soon or in forever? Will TRUTH ever wake up people?? 1
Spell out loud & clear the US role in Ukraine takedown. 1
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Will Trump really manage to improve relations with Russia?

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Comment from ASK LADA: Real Reasons US tanks roll into Germany to bolster NATO against Russia

paleohippy I’m not pleased with the Russia-bashing questions the confirmation hearing is throwing at Rex Tillerson. I’m also not happy with his answers. The Secretary of State nominee seems to think Russia invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea. The man can’t be that stupid. I’m hoping he’s just going along to get along and that he told Putin not to believe a word of what he would have to say to get confirmed.


It’s all developing according to Lada Ray ESR 16 predictions of October-early November 2016!


A agree, this isn’t very nice. Moreover, I am hearing that Trump is also backtracking on some of his earlier statements. One of Trump’s most recent statements was to the effect that: ‘don’t for a moment think that Hillary could be tougher than I with Russia.’

That said, I am not surprised. I did predict this outcome in EARTH SHIFT REPORT 16: 
US ELECTIONS & WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER. This prediction was reiterated and developed later in FuturisTrendcast articles.

I specifically said that Trump will have to make deals with various forces that will put pressure on him from various directions. One of the biggest pressures that is being applied to him, comes from various Russophobes on both republican and democrat sides. I said that he would have to deal with problems and sabotage from his own party as well as from neo-liberals, and everyone in-between. This will put Trump – and his people – in a straight jacket of sorts, and it will largely dilute his agenda.

The result, as I said, would be not much of a change – or at least not as much as many people hope.

Trump may be able to do a thing here and a thing there, both domestically and internationally, but don’t expect that much. It is also confirmed by my quantum calibrations, given in the end of Part 2 of the main ESR16 report.

So, those who thought Trump would suddenly become Russia’s huge friend, don’t hold your breath. Some of it was said to win elections, in order to attract a significant number of Americans who respect Putin and Russia. Another part of it is the fact that he will be manipulated and will have to dilute his vision, to accommodate those forces that are Russophobic in the US. Unfortunately, among politicians, oligarchs, media, academia – in short, anyone who has a lot of influence on public opinion, the vast majority is rabidly Russophobic.

Incidentally, Putin and Russians understand this and there are no illusions on their part – a stark contrast to how Yeltsin and Gorbachev gave away the farm. It will be very hard — read impossible — to dupe Russia going forward. Those who, on the US/West side want to try that old stunt again, should heed my advice: Don’t!

That said, the GREAT EARTH SHIFT has come to America and Europe.

There is a very profound craving for change in the American society. However, there are too many forces that don’t want this change to happen. Even if Trump wanted to change relations with Russia, they won’t let him do anything meaningful. The issue of improving US-Russia relations for Trump goes hand in hand with the toughening of US-China relations and US-Iran relations, as well as the secret cold-war-style bargain Trump wants to strike with Russia. All about that in LRW1: WILL TRUMP SURVIVE HIS FIRST TERM.

The stakes will be very high in the next several years and the super powers (US, Russia, China as well as EU, Iran and the Middle East now added to the mix) will be engaged in a very serious game of global chess.

Very important changes are afoot and they will continue for the rest of this decade and into the next. Nothing is simple and nothing is straightforward in what’s to come.

The shift will be happening in every society on Earth both internally and internationally!

READ RELATED: What, you didn’t like the truth about Trump?

We discuss all this and much, much more in the new 







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Tu-154 Catastrophe 1/2: The Light vs Shadows of the 4D Hybrid Infowar

I am posting this article today because I don’t want to leave this unfinished business for 2017. Chances are, we may still have to return to this topic in the new year. This is a 2-part post on the Tu-154 catastrophe near Sochi, on the Black Sea. In part 2 I’ll discuss my version of events and whether I believe it was a freak accident or an attack.


I once said ( I believe it was ESR2 or ESR3) that Ukraine was the shadow side of Russia. I didn’t want to be this right. The biggest problem is that those who do these despicable things often speak Russian as native language.

In cases like this I don’t know whether to be grateful or not for these times of the Great Earth Shift, which bring to light all the shadows, and with them, all the ugliness that has lurked underneath. Usually, such ugliness would be hiding deep within those shadows. Now, it is all exposed to light for all to see through the Internet and YouTube.

It should end in a cleansing process: we all need to know what our shadows are and how to heal them. But for the time being, it’s very hard to watch. The strong and intelligent will make the right conclusions and move forward, having learned important lessons. The weak, angry and dependent will break and blame others.

The entire planet is undergoing this cleansing process. With it comes the identity crisis. The strength, resilience and ancestral wisdom of any nation it tested in times such as these.

In the EU the identity crisis was triggered by the immigration crisis. In the Middle East – by the West’s wars and ISIL. In the US – by economy and Trump. In the Russian World it was triggered by the 2014 Ukraine coup. This latest stage of examining and dealing with the shadows is triggered by the Russian ambassador assassination and the TU-154 catastrophe.

Read and watch: 

Tribute: The Unforgettable Music of the Aleksandrov Red Army Choir – RIP


This post was hard to write,  but it had to be done. People have to know how ugly this 4D hybrid infowar has become. There are people who have no conscience, no heart and no scruples. I have to say with a great sadness that this is the type of individuals employed by the US/West to try to undermine Russia in every way possible.Whenever I look at comments and videos on YouTube, posts and comments elsewhere, I can’s stop being amazed at how low certain humans can sink. The internet has become filled with bots, trolls, shills, liars, angry losers, and those who will post anything in order to get views and their cheap 15 minutes of fame. Some do it for views, others for kicks, and yet others for 30 pieces of silver, a few dollars, or worse – a few worthless grivnas. Or maybe they are hoping to get US or EU passports that way.

While some – like those who perished in the Tu-154 catastrophe – produce divine music, inspire and lead people, invent new useful things, unite and protect people, help the helpless and save the children, others come to this earth with the sole desire to wreak havoc and destroy. The worst thing, such subhumans destroy not only buildings and monuments, as the Kiev junta ukro-nazis do in Ukraine, or as their ISIL friends do in Syria. Structures can be rebuilt.

Worse, they target people’s memory, their souls and hearts; they try to destroy hope.

Unfortunately, a lot of sickos and shills, associated with the Russian pro-West neo-libs, as well as Kiev junta and ukro-nazis, rejoiced about the Sochi Tu-154 catastrophe.

Poroshenko’s personal advisor and other high-ranking politicians in Kiev have been publicly and with glee commenting about those who died, wishing there were more victims.

Facebook and YouTube are polluted with various channels posting mocking videos and laughing at the tragedy. Putin is blamed – what else is new. Now he personally killed the entire Red Army Choir.

One comment I noticed being posted over and over on various YT channels by some very persistent troll: turns out that Tu-154 catastrophe was the sacrifice for the Jewish Hanukkah 2016!

I won’t go through all the freaky and disgusting stuff out there. I’ll just say that there were a few ‘journalists’ in Russia who also joined in. These were of the kind I described in my previous article: I Hate Being Right! Obama/US expel 35 Russian diplomats. Lada Ray analysis and calibrations. In other words, the neo-lib types, fed by the US grants. One such woman was a wife of an ex-oligarch, ‘Russian high-society lioness’ with 200,000 subscribers on Facebook. Another man worked for the well-known, openly anti-Russian publication in Moscow; he was actually a Ukrainian, who received Russian citizenship. I’ll name neither so not to give them any inadvertent promotion. Echoing the Kiev junta pronouncements, these individual said that they weren’t sorry for the deaths of people on the plane and that it was payment for Russia’s ‘sins,’ wishing more were dead.

There were a few others who said the same. The disturbing fact was that these posts were reposted and liked many times (I strongly suspect it was mostly by Ukrainian ‘nationalists’ and ukro-nazis of all kinds – let’s recall, they all are Russian-speakers too, and often are indistinguishable from Russians).

The interesting thing is that even the majority of the pro-West neo-libs in Russia had enough sense to condemn such people. As a result of this newest faux pas, I suspect neo-libs and Kiev junta will lose even more support in Ukraine, Russia and worldwide, while Putin will gain more support.

Here is one very disgusting post about Tu-154 catastrophe on a Russian language YT channel called ‘the very juice’. The title of the video, which overflows with extreme hatred and Russophobia: “The underwater Choir of the Ministry of Defence.” And just look at that mocking thumbnail!

  1. Подводный ансамбль минобороны.

Another video from the same channel, entitled, ‘Tu-154 was a sign from above,’ says that the Choir was going to Syria to entertain ‘the butchers’ who have destroyed a ‘thriving megapolis together with its citizens.’ In other words, per this warped logic (shared by the US and West), it was ISIL and terrorists who were trying to save Aleppo and protect citizens, while bad Russians and Syrian army went out of their way to destroy them! Again, the terribly disturbing thing is that the next day after the catastrophe this one had 140,000 views! The comment section of this channel simply overflows with such extreme violent and disgusting hatred that it makes one wonder how many sick and deranged humans are out there.

Ту-154 как знамение

Perhaps it’s because of channels like this that I’m not eager to develop my YouTube channel more, although I’d like to. I don’t want my voice to drown in the chorus of these crazies and sickos. 

All this may originate from Kiev junta, where they frantically invest into anti-Russian shills and propaganda. Or it can come from the Baltics and Poland, where US/Canada/Soros set up propaganda agencies to subvert as many Russians as they can. Too bad for them that there are not too many takers. Why not? For explanation, see I Hate Being Right! Obama/US expel 35 Russian diplomats. Lada Ray analysis and calibrations.

I’m pretty confident that much of this is done by paid shills in order to make the New Year’s (the biggest holiday in Russia) as depressing as possible for Russians. Of course, there are some totally deranged Russophobes and volunteer ukro-nazi trolls, as well.

Human mind and heart are resilient, adapting to the worst madness out of sheer necessity of survival. This is the only way the still remaining sane people in Ukraine can survive under such circumstances.

For me it’s very hard to stomach what’s going on and how far it had gone. I remember Odessa as a wonderful city, and it’s painful to think what the Kiev junta and invading ukro-nazis, aided from abroad, turned it into. Odessans created a memorial for the victims of the Tu-154 catastrophe. Ukro-nazis showed up and destroyed the people’s memorial. Despite threats, makeshift memorials for the Red Army Choir and the Tu-154 victims have shown up in various places in Ukraine.


Music always brought people closer together. Many in Ukraine are quite upset about the tragedy. They start remembering that they, after all, are one people and that they are destined to be together. This powerful ancestral recall is exactly the kind of thing the dark forces cannot allow to happen.

But when millions rise, the light outshines the darkness. I know, I absolutely know, this will happen in Ukraine, perhaps sooner than most realize. Recall my prediction! Ukraine turnaround: 2016-2018. 2017 will be pivotal! The shift is underway!

In Kiev people have been bringing flowers and candles to the Russian Embassy. On the video below you can see the entrance to the Russian Embassy in Kiev, which now operates with skeleton staff. After many attacks, the embassy was surrounded with two rows of barbed wire and additional iron fence. You’ll see that the barbed wire is full of flowers and people are sticking their tributes onto the fence. The sign reads: “Neither words, nor tears left to express our pain. Russia, we are with you.”

Kiev, Ukrainians mourn with Russia – the Russian embassy (Viktoria Shilova)

Russian embassy, Kiev – Head of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, Natalia Vitrenko: Condolences to our brothers and sisters, the Russian people.

Again, with a chill and horrible regret I have to point out that this video was hijacked by ukro-nazis. Vitrenko is always nice, rational and polite. All she says is how sorry she is and what a terrible tragedy it was. Yet there are tons of dislikes and tons of Russophobic comments in Ukrainian and Russian under this video.

The video below is from Kharkov: “Our Brothers” – Kharkov people brought flowers and Georgievskaya Lentochkas to the Russian consulate. And again, tons of dislikes and absolutely crazy Russophobic comments under video, with lots of lies and propaganda.

The sign reads: “Kharkov mourns with you” and “RIP, and let there be joy and peace for all people.” Imagine that this kind of stuff gets dislikes!

“Братский народ”: харьковчане принесли к российскому консульству цветы и “георгиевские” ленты

My intel says that these paid shills get orders from above to attack a specific video, and they just swarm on it. Their goal is to create a picture in social media that all Ukrainians hate Russians. I have a strong suspicion that the financing comes from the same source as the $5 billion Nuland spent on subverting Ukraine. To name the obvious: US State Dept and White House, CIA and Soros. 

And this is from Belarus. Lukashenko announced that state flags in Belarus will be lowered to half mast in memory of the TU-154 victims and that Belarus stands by the “Russian brothers.” The problem is that even on this video, not highly visited and not about Ukraine, you see several dislikes. Sign reads: “Russians, our brothers, we mourn with you. Sincere condolences.”


Incidentally, there is a very worrisome infiltration of ukro-nazis in Belarus, as well as various Poles and Balts, who cross the border. I sense that there is a danger of maidan and color revolution in Belarus. You recall my prediction from ESR1: Lukashenko won’t let that happen. Bu the danger exists. I thought I’d bring it up here so my readers are aware.

I have seen very alarming signals from Belarus lately. Lukashenko’s behavior is also very strange, such as skipping the EUAU economic summit in Russia, where many important decisions were adopted in his absence. The explanation for his absence wasn’t provided. Putin only said that all decisions were discussed with Lukashenko and met with his approval.

I think I may include my intel on the Belarus maidan probability in the upcoming ESR re. the Big Ukraine Shift. The shift is expected in 2017 – per my predictions and right on schedule!



Sorry everyone, a correction! I decided to postpone part 2 for after New Year’s. It’s too involved and gruesome. I don’t want to spoil the holiday. Expect it in the first few days of 2017. Along with it, I’ll have a big post on Ukraine and the 2017 forecast. Stay tuned for the 2017 offerings!


A message from Lada Ray

This was a tumultuous and extremely eventful year. But life goes on. Despite everything, we are getting ready to celebrate the New Year’s, which is a big holiday in our family! Much more will be said and much more will happen in 2017, and beyond. But that’s already for the New Year to sort out! Till then,

Join us on December 31, 2016 – January 1, 2017 for the




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Mass Migration: What Happens if a Country Gains or Loses its Life Force? (US, EU, Russia, China, Ukraine, Syria)


What Happens if a Country Gains or Loses its Life Force?

(Examples: US, EU, Russia, China, Ukraine, Turkey, Syria)

Based on

Lada Ray Earth Shift Theory

and Spiritual Geopolitics

In my two recent posts about Ukraine (Solo Warriors vs. Kiev Junta) and Moldova (Moldova Elections) we talked about both countries losing catastrophic amounts of population since their independence from Russia in 1991 (please go back to articles for exact numbers).

The problem of losing the population is common to all 14 post-Soviet republics, except Russia. To be sure, Russia lost a significant number of population in the 1990s. I wrote previously why and how that happened, and I won’t go into it again here. The trend began reversing in the 2000s as Russia began gaining population, first through immigration, and lately, also through a stimulation of internal birthrate.

You may recall Obama proclaiming in 2015 something to the effect ‘that Russian economy is in shatters and that no one wants to live in Russia.’ In reality, per global statistics, as of 2015 Russia is world’s No. 3 country for immigration after USA and Germany, according to Wikipedia, with 11.6 million migrants. The current global data seems somewhat distorted due to the latest German refugee crisis, and also due to the fact that ‘migrants’ and ‘refugees’ are included in this statistics, along with the true immigration. The 2013 data, before Ukraine and Middle East refugee crises began, showed Russia at number 2 position after USA for immigration, with 10 million+ legal immigrants. Actually, it’s hard to understand how Germany suddenly jumped to No. 2 position in 2015, if they received under 1.5 million (or 1.1 million as other data suggests) migrants, while in 2013 Germany was far below Russia’s 10 million, and since 2014 Russia officially accepted about 1 million refugees from Ukraine, plus millions of migrants (data varies, but it’s anywhere between 2 and 5 million). As I said, the data is Western and does seem politically motivated.

Incidentally, Russia has developed a revolutionary and humane system for registering and keeping track of immigration, in which immigrants, refugees and migrant workers are encouraged to register with no red tape and for a nominal fee, after which they pass a light exam and promptly get their work permit. The system worked wonders and cut down drastically on illegal immigration. However, since Ukraine crisis began, millions more of refugees and migrants flooded into Russia, some of whom remain unregistered and live with relatives, and others qualify for an expedited citizenship, without being counted as migrants.

Interestingly enough, unlike the US or EU, Russia never complained of this huge influx of migrants. At the same time, Turkey also experienced 2.5 million+ refugee influx as a result of Syrian war and general destabilization of the Middle East.

I began with this information in order to establish some factual parameters. But this post isn’t about the blame game. I think those who are awake and thinking know very well who paid billions of dollars to destabilize both Ukraine and Syria.

However, as a part of Lada Ray’s Spiritual Geopolitics this article goes beyond the mundane and the physical. It also goes beyond historical processes, as we know them.

The entire world is presently experiencing large movements of populations from one country and/or continent to another. What causes masses of people to suddenly decide to pick up and move across borders? What makes one country especially attractive or unattractive for millions to live? Much has been said about the physical, 3rd Dimension (3D) aspects of the issue.  Better salaries and social nets, running from war and seeking stability, better future are named among the reasons. Much has been said, but the baffling effect of mass migration remains, with no solution in sight.

This is the result of an erroneous and severely limited 3D approach to the problem that, in fact, resides in the sphere of energy and higher consciousness. However, to this day I don’t see anyone addressing the problem the way it needs to be addressed, in other words, multi-dimensionally.

In this post I’ll explain what happens when any country experiences a surge in its life force, or when there is a life force loss, and how that is reflected in the gain or loss of the population, resulting in the improved or worsened future of a country. The most severe cases are when a tribe or country succumb to foreign absorption and/or disappear altogether. This applies equally to individual cities, villages and any person on our planet.

I describe the Etherial Energy, through the presence of which we exist, as two-fold:

1. Cosmic Life Force

2. Earthly Chi (Chi – is Chinese for ‘life force’)

Thereafter, these two will be referred to collectively as life force.

The rise or loss of life force occurs first in higher dimensions, which are invisible to most humans. Therefore, this initial life force gain or loss is initially perceived only by few humans. Little by little either gain or loss of life force begins manifesting tangibly in the physical 3rd dimension.


The surge, or rise, of the life force usually manifests as multiple symptoms, including but not limited to: heightened artistic, business and social activity, rapid gains in population through immigration, coupled with accelerated childbirth among citizens. The country in question launches many simultaneous successful mega-business and infrastructure development projects that are designed to expand the opportunity, convenience and upward mobility. Like a cherry on top, all this is topped off with a heightened energy of creation, expressed through art, business, trade, sport, communication, and other spheres of life. The visible cumulative effect is that the country in question becomes richer, more energized and attractive for living.

The rise of life force works usually as a veritable snowball effect. The first ones to notice it, begin acting on it in the spheres of life I described above. As they do, they supply more energy to the cumulative life force. As more energy is generated, more people notice it and begin their own contributions to the collective life force. At some point the life force grows so big that it becomes visible, like a light beacon, to people from far away. Initially, these are typically those whose own life force vibration is the best match. This is how immigration begins. It’s no secret that the first to immigrate to a high energy place are those with most money, best talents and skills, in short, those whose high energy matches best the life force of the place in question. Later, those who have perhaps lesser talents and less money, but more spunk and nerve tend to move to a high life force area, sensing more growth opportunity there.

A great example of how it happened in the past was the United States of America immigration in the 17th-20th centuries. As then revolutionary idea of ‘religious freedom and government by the people for the people’ took hold, millions immigrated to the US from Europe. The snowball effect generated an explosion in business, trade and communications innovation. USA grew exponentially, until it began slowly rotting beneath the surface. Today, USA is an illustration of how nothing lasts forever. It is still attractive for some third-world countries and poor emigrees. But the wealthy, most talented and smartest have begun a quiet exodus. It always begins quietly, because the ones who see deeper and further do not advertise their moves.

When an avalanche of defections begins, it’s usually too late. This means that the life force loss fully manifested in tangible 3D. At that point it becomes easy for anyone to see.

Another good example of the rise of life force are the Asian Tigers in the second half of the 20th century. Japan was another such prominent example in the 1980s.

The most significant contemporary examples of the surge in life force are Russia and China.

China has been experiencing an incredible, sustained life force rise since the 1980s, and it’s still going strong. Not everything that goes on in China fits into the model I described above. For example, due to overpopulation, when life force began rising, and with it the living standards of the population, the government sought to limit population growth via the 1 child policy, which in the case of China was justified. Presently, as the prosperity is slowly taking hold in China, the 1 child policy is being relaxed. Immigration numbers is another category where China lags behind most top countries. If anything, China still loses population and currency at record rate. However, since there is an overpopulation of Chinese on mainland, the loss of the population may actually be a blessing in disguise. In some other categories, such as business activity and mega-projects, China performs a lot like the classic USA of the 17th-20th centuries.


Russia, on the other hand, is a pretty full-fledged example of the long-term sustained rise of the life force, which began in the early-to-mid 2000s and is gaining momentum this decade. The only criteria that lagged till recently was internal business activity growth. This was due to Yeltsin’s robber baron privatization and ceding of the country’s business, trade and finance control to the West. This handicap is being slowly and carefully reversed by Putin and his team since early 2000s. As the reversal happens, more and more internal business activity occurs. At this point the business/ trade activity is closing in on optimal numbers, despite the crisis generated by Ukraine events, anti-Russian sanctions and low oil prices.

The following criteria of an increasing life force are top-notch in Russia:

1. Creative energy in all areas of art, life and business continuously on the rise since the 90s – and growing.

2. Russia’s willingness and ability to conceive and successfully execute a large number of simultaneous strategic infrastructure and economic mega-projects is of paramount importance and a sure indicator of a spike in the country’s life force. Such mega-projects require not only huge investments, but also a vision, large number of qualified specialists, complete production cycle and sustained multi-year commitment. The following mega-projects have been and are being developed: Nord Stream 1 & 2; The Kerch Crimea Bridge; the Crimean peninsula development; Power of Siberia pipeline; Sochi/Krasnaya Polyana project; high-speed railroads; redevelopment of Moscow and other cities, including the new advanced transportation systems (Moscow alone got 2 new ones, including the now completed circular railroad system), new Cosmodrome Vostochniy, to name a few. Russia and Turkey just signed the Turkish Stream deal (finally). Russia is also building the new generation nuclear stations in Turkey, Iran, India and other countries.

3. The internal population increase via childbirth, following a loss of the population in the 90s. This was a slow going and the government made a valiant and bold effort to entice people to have children. The government programs are very generous: they provide new mothers with the so-called ‘mother’s capital.’ This is a nest egg the government sets aside in the new mother’s name after a birth of each child. The capital can be used to purchase a family home or to send that child to college. Neither the father, nor anyone else, has access to the capital, the woman alone controls it. The mother’s capital increases exponentially with every next child born.

(It has to be noted that the two most significant countries that experienced in the past 20-30 years the stunted childbirth and consequent population contraction are Russia and Germany. Japan may be going through a somewhat similar problem. It is important because Russia and Germany are the two countries that suffered most through 20th century as a result of 2 world wars, plus subsequent division of each country. For Germany: the division on East and West; for Russia: the collapse of the USSR. )

4. Last but not least, large immigration numbers are a sure indicator of a surge in life force. This is especially true when the best qualified and wealthiest arrive en masse into the country. This has been the case in Russia. Much like in the 20th century USA, people who were doctors and engineers in their respective countries may come in to do menial jobs, paying much better in Russia than a professional position in their respective country. Another interesting phenomenon is the increasing immigration into Russia by the US and EU citizens; this especially concerns Germany and the Baltics. Yet another phenomenon is the repatriation to Russia of the former successful emigrants to the US and EU. This is accompanied with a repatriation of some Russian capital, which used to reside offshore (this is a slow and tedious process, but it is present).


It’s all relative: each country has to be taken in its historic perspective. Most people don’t think geopolitically or care about long-term; oftentimes they simply want to live in more stable and well-to-do countries. When a country is simply stable and well-to-do, compared to a war and poverty experienced in neighboring countries, such country will also experience an inflow of population, even if other characteristics, such as heightened internal population growth, strategic innovative development projects and heightened creativity are absent.

Stable to stagnant life force is the case in UK, Germany, France – in short the EU and Europe in general. USA, Australia and Canada are also stable to stagnant. The problem with such false stability is that it is only a matter of time for the status quo to change. A sufficient push at the right time – and such countries will tumble off their pedestal. Eventually this will happen. But this is a topic for another day.


The loss of the life force manifests tangibly in 3D as diminishing, and eventually dying, business, trade, cultural and social activity. Another manifestation is a disastrous loss of the quality of education and visible zombifying of the population through propaganda. In most cases it manifests as the gradual (or fast) dumbing down of the population.

The dying business, industrial and social activity, coupled with dumbing down of the population, causes a catastrophic population loss. As the quality of life goes down, people vote with their feet.

The next step can manifest as:

1. Slow (or fast) death of a ‘tribe’ or national unity in question, accompanied by an absorption of such declining territory by another power. We have plenty of historic examples, the most prominent of which is Western colonialism.

India being colonized by the British Empire is one such prominent example. But India’s ancient life force eventually pulled through and helped rebuild the country. Of course, in big part it became possible due to Soviet help and support. In fact, the very existence of the USSR caused the global colonial system established by the West to crumble (read below on the life force share and life force donation). But Native Americans weren’t so lucky. Their extermination by the aggressive whites, who arrived into their lands and took them over happened before such a formidable force as the Soviet Union came into existence. Therefore, their fate was sealed and they simply vanished.

2. Armed conflict, which can manifest as civil war, as an outside invasion and/or as bands of armed violent thugs roaming the land. We see this second scenario in Ukraine. We also see it in Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and Yemen.

But look at countries such as Egypt and Turkey: despite all the problems and color revolution or coup attempts, they managed to regroup, solidify and rebuild. Unlike in the above examples, this denotes a pretty high collective life force.

As we have discussed above, the first to leave are those who feel the energy best and can read the invisible signs. The earliest to leave are usually the smartest, most talented and skilled, as well as the wealthiest. Those who have most Chi, most spunk and creative energy follow. The country that loses a huge layer of the smartest, most energetic and talented population becomes severely stunted. This is the situation that has developed in Ukraine.

In fact, the intangible aspect of energy, overlooked or even denied by so many in our 3D world, is what makes the world go round.

Only a society that has sufficient collective energy has a future. This cumulative energy resides in the collective consciousness of a tribe, nation and country. It guides the future development of such nation. This collective energy manifest in our 3D reality as people’s talent, IQ, skill, enthusiasm, positive new ideas, willingness/ability to work and create, readiness to defend one’s country, education, care for the land and diligent preservation of one’s true roots. When these criteria are present, the country in question has a future.

When a nation or country experiences an existential crisis, it is the collective life force of the people that pulls the country out of this crisis. The examples of Turkey and Egypt apply here.

But the best example is the tremendous life force of Russia. Russia has been through many crises and invasions. To name a few: Napoleon invasion, WWI and subsequent 1917 revolution and Civil War, WWII and Hitler’s invasion, the collapse of the USSR. As history has shown, Russia tends to snap out of any crisis that would have finished any other country, rebuild and move forward, in an impossibly record time. In fact, Russia historically has been a global donor of brains, talent, resources and saviors to the world. This is the karma and destiny of the Great Balancer and Stabilizer (read more in RUSSIA – THE GREAT BALANCER). 

So far, a national unity that we presently call “Ukraine” doesn’t have sufficient life force to preserve itself. It simply can’t. In fact, according to various polls, anywhere between 30% and 65% of Ukrainians dream about leaving the country. The reason is this: Ukraine was built as a part of the Russian World. In reality, Ukraine consists of several pretty incompatible parts, which never wanted to stay together outside of the big Russia.

To stay separate from Russia Ukraine’s ruling clique has to invent ways to brand Russia enemy No.1. The newest: Kiev announced that it wants to introduce visa regime with Russia. Of course, this way it’ll only hurt its own citizens, millions of whom work in Russia as construction workers and nannies. The most popular train in Ukraine is… Lvov-Kiev-Moscow. Tickets get sold out a week prior. Such is the consequence of the loss of life force and the dumbing down of Ukraine and its government: they are ready to hurt themselves in order to get one up on Russia.

The population is a carrier of ancestral memory, skill and talent. Along with that, the population of any country also carries all of its earned karma, prejudices and shortcomings. If there is enough life force within the collective conscious of a specific country or tribe, then these burdens get resolved in due course as the collective society develops.

If the links to any of the above factors and ancestral memory are severed, such society becomes vulnerable and confused. The links are usually severed through two main and interconnected factors:

1. Deliberate brainwashing and dumbing down of the population by local elites and/or by foreign interests. The goal is to make people forget their real history and roots in order to submit to new rulers.

2. The loss of the most talented and educated population. This top layer of the population is usually the keeper of knowledge and wisdom of the realm.

When that happens the society has three ways to proceed:


Shrivel up and slowly die, succumbing to consciousness reformatting imposed from without. This usually signifies that a specific country or tribe is incapable and/or unwilling to continue in 3D on this planet. There are 2 ways it can happen.

a) Sometimes the tribe or ‘rod’ is so advanced that it ascends: examples are the Maya and Incas. There are more ancient examples as well. Often the remnants of such tribe remain incarnated in 3D despite the generally ascended tribe. These are the carriers of ancestral memory, who are here to remind the rest of earthlings something important. They carry certain residual knowledge and serve as memory triggers for others.

b) The second way is different: it is when a tribe or country has a lot of unfulfilled karma and contradictions it can’t resolve other than by splitting up or dissolving. Ukraine is in this second category.


Find inner resources and rise up like a phoenix out of the ashes. When someone is in an extreme situation, a hardship normally triggers mobilization of one’s inner force in order to survive. Cases have been known of small women displaying unusual strength to fend off much stronger male attackers. When one falls ill, the immune system would kick in to heal the damage. If the organism of a nation is basically healthy, its immune system will kick in, the hidden life force reserve will be found and the health of a nation will eventually be restored.

As in the example of Russia above, it is apparent that the immune system of Russia is exceedingly strong. It has to be, to carry the weight of the world on her shoulders.

Historically, Ukraine tends to be the opposite.

There is always two sides to any coin. External factors have to be taken into account. In part, the present sorry state of Ukraine can be blamed on the severe yang imbalance into which our world has plunged after the collapse of the Soviet Union and proliferation of the aggressively yang West. As I have said many times previously, presently, Russia, the Great Balancer, is attempting to rebalance the world back into a better equilibrium, while US and EU are doing everything to prevent that from happening. The reason US/EU don’t want the world to be in balance is simple: the West can’t afford to lose its unfair advantage, generated by keeping the rest of the world artificially poor and subservient. But there is a rift developing within US and EU elites. The old guard still pulls in this direction, while those who have clearer vision already see that for survival’s sake it’s much better to re-orient themselves towards the new reality.

Ukraine is one of the victims, and at the same time a perpetrator, in this 4D hybrid war against balance and common sense. Ukraine carries a very heavy karma fraught with an entanglement of unresolved issues and guilt about betraying its own past and memory. Until this karma is resolved, there won’t be any forward movement.

As an intrinsic part of the Russian World, and therefore, a part of the Great Balancer, Ukraine also has a destiny to fulfil. Its destiny is glorious. When Ukraine (probably under the name of Novorossia) is back in balance, it will help Russia rebalance the world (and this is what US and certain EU elites try to prevent with all their might).


Other countries volunteer to share their own life force to fortify a fledgling country, thus preserving it and allowing it time to heal. This is done through supplying talent, ideas and investment to fortify the dwindling energy of the population. This happened more than once previously with the territory we now call Ukraine. Russia had invested talent and resources to rebuild Ukraine several times in history.

My prediction: when the time comes, Russia will save Ukraine yet again, by sharing talent with her sisters and brothers. The interesting thing is that this time I foresee Europe, and probably China, also helping out rebuilding Ukraine when the time comes. This will be a nice collective effort, but it has to happen under Russia’s general ‘umbrella.’ No rehabilitation of Ukraine is possible until this junta is gone and until US gets out.

It’s interesting to recall historic examples of such outside life force infusions. A good example was the American Marshall Plan of rebuilding Western Europe after WWII. At the same time, the USSR made a huge investment and sent talent to help rebuild Eastern Europe, China and some other Asian countries after WWII, despite itself suffering from severe war devastation. We’ll leave aside the geopolitical reasons for both of these ‘life force sharings.’ In the 1950s-1980s the USSR also routinely sent talent and investment, built infrastructure to Africa, India, Egypt, Cuba, Vietnam, and other post-colonial countries.

It has to be said that some of the territories of Ukraine (primarily Malorossia/Kiev and western Ukraine) were always historically a no-man’s land. This situation is characteristic of various lands around Black Sea, Baltic Sea, Balkans and Eastern Europe in general. Since very ancient days, except a brief enough stunt when Knyaz’ Oleg transferred the Rus’ state capital from Novgorod to Kiev, those parts were known to bleed the population. The population and talent’s replenishment occurred periodically, when Russia sent talent and specialists back to re-populate and prop up industry, politics and art in Ukraine.

I am a living proof of how everything I described works:

When I was little, as part of the life force and talent share, my parents were sent from Moscow to fortify the expanding transportation system of the Black Sea region of Odessa and Moldova, resulting in my growing up in Odessa (read more in ESR8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT).

When I was in school, but already an accomplished interpreter, I was sent to Cuba, to work with the Ministry of Education. Many of my school mates and other Russian specialists worked all over the world, from Nicaragua to Africa.

When the collapse of the Soviet Union was only visible to those few souls who saw deeper and understood more, my family and I left the USSR, after the West began the talent hunt in order to scoop up the best specialists and talented youths, while Russia looked the other way, being preoccupied with repairing the damage to her life force.

Today, as a fully sovereign individual, I don’t allow anyone to control my talent, knowledge and vision. I choose to live where I feel is best for my personal development and work. I choose to contribute freely what I want and can to the world, and I share my knowledge and vision with humanity on my own terms and my own time, through FuturisTrendcast, Earth Shift Report, and Lada Ray YouTube.

The full article is published in Spiritual Geopolitics!

Don’t miss! At the bottom of the Spiritual Geopolitics page you’ll find my Comparative Quantum Calibration Analysis (1970s-80s vs. TODAY) of various countries, cities and objects, incl. Russia, USA, Ukraine, China, Moscow, Kiev, Odessa, New York, Beijing.

As usual, calibrations are very educational and reveal hidden layers of understanding the truth and reality like nothing else – for those who care to see. Check out USA’s calibration today and pay attention to my note on how it reflects the relative awakening of the people before US elections! Also, the calibration of Russia, which explains why so many people in the world feel that Russia is the world’s only hope. Look and see why they are right to think so!

Read all about Lada Ray Quantum Calibrations















Read! Earth Shift System  Quantum Calibrations  Russia-The Great Balancer  Predictions

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#EarthShift at work: #Philippines Prez Duterte defects US for #China #Russia (#LadaRayPredictions)

Slowly, but surely, The Great Global Balancer is rebalancing our formerly severely lopsided world away from the US Empire. Slowly but surely, the former hegemon is loosing its grip on former colonies and vassals. The latest and pretty resounding defection is the Philippines.

This is the reason US elites are so confused and not sure how to proceed, this is the reason the in-fighting among US elites will continue intensifying, as I explain in my latest Earth Shift Report 11: 2016 RUSSIAN ELECTIONS. Listen to Free Part 1 on YT. Order complete ESR11 HERE.

Incidentally, stay tuned for some really great future shows we plan on China and Hong Kong, Japan and Asia in general, as well as Russia’s & USA’s prospects with Asian countries!

RT VIDEO: Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has reiterated his intention to distance his country from the US, its former colonial master, saying he is about to pass “the point of no return” with the US.

Another recent semi-defection to Russia is Turkey. A key NATO ally in the Middle East, Black Sea and Russia’s soft underbelly, the loss of Turkey is devastating and irreparable to the US/NATO plan to build a new Iron Curtain between Russia and Europe. The problem of Turkey won’t just go away, contrary to how much US hopes it will. I wrote about all that at length in my recent top-rated bestseller ESR13: ERDOGAN’S WAR (read TESTIMONIALS).

  1. We don’t care if Americans approve of our close ties w or not: ex-prez:  READ:

The process of defections is just beginning, so hold on to your seat and prepare to be awed! As The Great Global Balancer rebalances the world to a new reality, the wisest rats will be abandoning the sinking ship and countries will be looking for greener pastures.

The Great Earth Shift is underway! Be ready, be prepared!



Read! Earth Shift System  Quantum Calibrations  Russia-The Great Balancer  Predictions

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Lada Ray Interview: Russia – The Great Balancer and Earth Shift (#Hillaryshealth)


On September 16, James Bartley, host of  The Cosmic Switchboard Show, and I had a fantastic interview about: USA, unipolar vs. multipolar world, #NWO and its end, Yugoslavia bombings, Putin and Russia’s turnaround, Russian elections, Ukraine, #Hillaryshealth, #EarthShift and Russia as The Great Balancer, consciousness and multidimensional universe.


  1. Russia – The Great Balancer and Stabilizer
  2. USA/West – The Great Agitator, Aggressor and Energizer
  3. Matriarchy vs. patriarchy; women vs. men; East vs. West. How our polarized yin-yang world works, why it’s severely out of balance, how Russia will rebalance it and why this time is unlike any other in human history
  4. Hillary Clinton’s health problems explained on the soul level
  5. NWO and Bilderberg
  6. September 18, 2016 Russian Duma Elections predictions 
  7. How the shift began and how Vladimir Putin came to power (USSR, Ukraine, etc.)
  8. Unipolar World & US: What is really the Great Earth Shift and how it works
  9. Lada Ray’s higher consciousness multidimensional perspective
  10. The thinning of veils between cultures and dimensions; blending and convergence of spirituality and cosmic consciousness with geopolitics

All this and more is discussed in this very interesting radio interview!

  (Please note: James requires a subscription to listen to part 2. Please go to The Cosmic Switchboard Show and follow instructions, or follow links under this YT video!)

Have a listen to FREE part 1 of Lada Ray interview:


Please remember to support Lada Ray’s work!

Part 1 of this interview is now also LIVE on Lada Ray YouTube channel!



#WADA Hacked, Williams Sisters, Simone Biles doping exposed (#LadaRayPredictions)

The Fancy Bear Hack Team at has hacked WADA (the hack and info leak has been confirmed by WADA).

Fancy Bear logo:


They have so far disclosed the doping info on 4 US athletes: Rio Olympics gymnastics champion Simone Biles, Serena and Venus Williams (tennis) and Elena Delle Donne (basketball).

This is the text published on Fancy Bear site so far (info on more athletes and more countries expected):

Greetings citizens of the world. Allow us to introduce ourselves… We are Fancy Bears’ international hack team. We stand for fair play and clean sport.

We announce the start of #OpOlympics. We are going to tell you how Olympic medals are won. We hacked World Anti-Doping Agency databases and we were shocked with what we saw.

We will start with the U.S. team which has disgraced its name by tainted victories. We will also disclose exclusive information about other national Olympic teams later. Wait for sensational proof of famous athletes taking doping substances any time soon.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

Anonymous – #OpOlympics

American Athletes Caught Doping 2016-09-13

As promised we begin our disclosures. Today we’d like to tell you about the U.S. Olympic team and their dirty methods to win.

Just before the 2016 Summer Olympics the U.S. team was reported to be one of medal favorites while being on top of the Rio medal forecast. Besides, the USA is commonly known to be always ahead of the game.

As predicted, the USA dominated the 2016 Olympics medal count with 46 gold, 37 silver, 38 bronze for 121 total. The U.S. team played well but not fair.

After detailed studying of the hacked WADA databases we figured out that dozens of American athletes had tested positive. The Rio Olympic medalists regularly used illicit strong drugs justified by certificates of approval for therapeutic use. In other words they just got their licenses for doping. This is other evidence that WADA and IOC’s Medical and Scientific Department are corrupt and deceitful.

Simone Biles

Artistic gymnast Simone Biles is one of those American doping athletes. She is a four-time Olympic gold medalist and ten-time world gold medalist. In August 2016, she tested positive after illicit methylphenidate, a psychostimulant, was detected in her sample. Moreover, Biles had been taking amphetamine for a while, according to the leaked data.

Serena & Venus Williams

Serena Williams, world’s top tennis player, is taking oxycodone and hydromorphone (opioids), prednisone, prednisolone, and methylprednisolone as well. Her sister Venus Williams is used to take prednisone, prednisolone, triamcinolone and formoterol.

Elena Delle Donne

American basketball star Elena Delle Donne’s drug test revealed that she had also used amphetamine. In addition, since 2014 she has been taking hydrocortisone that is also classified as doping.

 This is just the tip of the iceberg. Today’s sport is truly contaminated while the world is unaware of a large number of American doping athletes.

We call on experts, officials and journalists to carefully review the files we have got.

To be continued…

Go to Fancy Bear site for direct links to WADA doping files pertaining to above athletes!

In response to the leak, WADA and various Western rags, including Reuters, lashed out, calling the anonymous hackers ‘a Russian cyber-espionage group.’ What’s disturbing, the same accusatory towards Russia material was published in Indian publication: link.

WADA and a whole slew of Western publications immediately announced that all the ‘medications’ taken by above athletes were ‘in advance filed with WADA in accordance with procedures and rules.’ Simone Biles tweeted that she suffers from ADHD and has to take drugs for her condition.

Who on earth are these pathological liars kidding? I wonder. Perhaps being pathological liars (much like Hillary Clinton) is in fact THEIR CONDITION?

So, the hard, internationally banned and classified as doping drugs taken at will by US athletes are legal, while the innocuous performance placebo, a heart restorative Meldonium invented in the USSR and taken by Russian tennis player Maria Sharapova lands her a 2-year suspension! Meanwhile, the completely and entirely clean of any drugs whatsoever Russian poll vaulter Elena Isinbayeva is banned together with entire Russian team with no chance of appeal. Even more interestingly, Simone Biles, healthy like a horse, can take drugs for her ADHD (imaginary or not), while Russian Paralympians whose very physical survival depends on certain drugs, get banned for their medical condition in violation of all laws and common decency!

Let’s recall my post of August 25, 2016, where I foretold this new disclosure!

LINK: Earth Shift and 4D Hybrid War: #RioOlympics Lessons and Next Moves by Russia

Notice that back in August I described these same two US athletes, who’re mentioned in the Fancy Bear revelations above! 

Quote from my article:

This may be obvious, but here’s a rhetorical question: what’s so ‘artistic’ about the Rio ‘Artistic Gymnastics’ all-around winner Simone Biles. Sorry for bringing another strange thing up, but as a woman myself I can’t help but wonder: do women ever naturally look like this without a great deal of external help? And this girl is a young teenager! As you know, in my previous pieces on Olympics I asked the same question about another American phenom Serena Williams, commonly known as ‘the steroid sister.’

Serena Williams standing next to her closest competitor Russian Maria Sharapova. Both are world’s top tennis players on approximately the same level of fitness; both have been in sport for a long time. As they say, find the crucial difference in their appearance. Who is more likely to dope of the two? Meanwhile, Sharapova is under a 2-year ban for using the internationally recognized neutral placebo Meldonium, while Williams, who successfully evaded being tested for years, was in Rio enjoying herself. Incidentally, the reason she lost in the very first game to an obscure Ukrainian player is because this time she couldn’t risk it and stopped using steroids early on, which got her to Rio on a massive down swing.

williams vs sharapova

Simone Biles, all-around ‘Artistic Gymnastics’ Rio Olympics gold medalist. Artistic, graceful and womanly are decidedly NOT the words I’d use while looking at her! This kind of result (and she is a mere teenager too!) can only be achieved through a long-term use of heavy steroids. Hmm.. Lots more could be said looking at this picture… But yes, in case you didn’t know, the US team is clean and beyond reproach, while Russians dope with over-the-counter placebo called Meldonium and should not be allowed anywhere near the ‘clean’ Olympics.

simone biles rio gymnastics 2


Incidentally, the persistent rumor in Rio was that US swimming team (as well as other individual sports US teams) didn’t let any WADA doping testers into their compound and chased them away with threats, if any dared to show up. Of course it was the US swimming team, with its million and a half events, that brought US MOST gold medals. Soon, they will invent twenty and ten meter events in all four strokes, so they could continue hugging podiums in the future fake Olympics. Of course it helps greatly when you ban top Russian swimmers and relentlessly mock and put down the remaining members of the Russian team. END QUOTE

Read full article: Earth Shift and 4D Hybrid War: #RioOlympics Lessons and Next Moves by Russia

I’m looking forward to new juicy revelations on US swimming team & Michael Phelps doping!

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Waiting with bated breath for to strip of their medals for

World finally open your eyes & see that ‘US king is naked’!

#LadaRayPredictions: It’s all in the stars! 

On September 16 we will have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. In addition to creativity and spirituality, Pisces rules drugs, illness and recuperation, illusion and delusion, hidden truths to be revealed, addictions and endings, death and rebirth. At the eclipse all that is intensified. Full moon eclipse also signifies endings and release. This eclipse is so powerful that its action will continue for 6 months to a year to come! Therefore, expect more releases of previously concealed truths and more revelations about doping, drugs, and exposure of illusions and lies!

More revelations about US/UK/Western athletes conspiracy, unfair play and doping will continue showing up. WADA/USADA/IAAF/IOC and others will have a price to pay as Russians withdraw financing and begin litigation for damages.

At the same time, more revelations about Hillary Clinton’s real state of health will continue coming up!


Announcing my upcoming interview with  The Cosmic Switchboard Show host James Bartley. This radio show will be released on Friday, September 16.

Expect new revelations!



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