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Explosive Consequences of Putin-Erdogan St.Petersburg Meeting and Earth Shifting Changes it Foretells!

Addendum to ESR13: ERDOGAN’S WAR



Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan attend a news conference following their meeting in St. Petersburg


Putin and Erdogan met in St. Petersburg on August 9, 2016. The meeting followed the failed Turkish coup and an equally failed double attack by Ukraine on Crimea, which occurred between 5 and 7 of August. Erdogan made sure he emphasized that Russia was the first country he visited after surviving the coup. This is diplomatic speak to underline the special importance of said country.

Just prior to the meeting, Erdogan threatened to boot out US military from Turkish NATO bases and instead, let the Russians use them. A turnaround especially stunning, considering Turkey’s long-standing NATO membership and the 2015 story with Turkey shooting down the Russian Su24 and killing the Russian pilot.

Throughout ESR13, you have read all about these developments, complete with my secret intel, theories and revelations. When I released ESR13 on August 8 just before the Putin-Erdogan meeting, I also explained the staggeringly important role this meeting and Turkey-Russia negotiations would play in the ongoing Earth Shift (also see TRENDS & PREDICTIONS). Changes of great magnitude are afoot, and Erdogan-Putin meeting is one of the harbingers.

In this addendum I will tell you what really happened during the Erdogan-Putin meeting.

Erdogan repeatedly called Putin ‘esteemed Vladimir’ or ‘esteemed Russian President Putin,’ which is a very Middle Eastern way of offering an olive branch and underscoring how important the counterpart is to you. Putin, as far as I could tell, echoed that just once with ‘esteemed President Erdogan.’ No first name basis here.

In the report I predicted that Russia would be cautious with Turkey after the Su24 incident. The signal on the Turkish side was very clear: ‘we very much want to make up and be in good graces again.’ On the Russian side: ‘sure, we are all for it, and here are our immediate signs of good will, but other than that, we’ll see how you behave going forward, shall we?’

Before departing to Russia for the meeting, Erdogan made an announcement that much time was lost and that Turkey was eager to get back on track with two extremely important projects: Turkish Stream and Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant.

The Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant (TurkishAkkuyu Nükleer Enerji Santrali) is a nuclear power plant under construction at Akkuyu, in BüyükeceliMersin Province, Turkey. It will be the country’s first nuclear power plant. In May 2010, Russia and Turkey signed an agreement that a subsidiary of Rosatom — Akkuyu NGS Elektrik Uretim Corp. (APC: Akkuyu Project Company) — would build, own, and operate a power plant at Akkuyu comprising four 1,200 MW VVER units. Engineering and survey work started at the site in 2011. The construction of the first unit was to begin in 2016, with the four units put into service in 2022–25. In 2013, Russian nuclear construction company Atomstroyexport (ASE) and Turkish construction company Ozdogu signed the site preparation contract. The official launch ceremony took place in April 2015.


In ESR13 we discussed the mis-adventures of South Stream and Turkish Stream, along with reasons why it was so important for the US and Germany to sabotage them.

Akkuyu is a somewhat different story. Russians gave Turkey an amazing deal as part of the pre-2015 push to get Turkey on the Russian side and away from US influence. Part of the deal was that Russia would finance and build the power plant, with profits for its exploitation deferred for a number of years. The deal was an absolute windfall for Turkey, which would greatly reduce, or eliminate all-together the long-standing energy shortage basically for free. Then Turkish treacherous actions took place, including ISIS/Daesh help and the shooting down of Su24. Throughout the meeting, Erdogan kept referring to it as ‘the unfortunate event.’

Erdogan and other Turkish officials/businesspeople arriving to Russia all confirmed how eager they were to restart both Akkuyu, whose construction was supposed to begin in 2016, and Turkish Stream. Too much time has been lost, Erdogan kept repeating like a mantra.

In other words, they acted exactly as I predicted. Meanwhile, Russia also acted as I predicted: willingly, but cautiously.

Russians agreed to restart the Akkuyu project. A large part of the negotiations was behind the closed doors, to avoid various sabotage attempts from the same parties that organized Su24 downing and the Turkish coup. I am sure many details of various deals will never be announced before the deals actually materialize into reality. However, the general intel I have received is that Russians have renegotiated the earlier deals in a more beneficial way, since Turkey came back in a greatly weakened position.

Turkey is equally eager to get back on track with Turkish Stream. “We lost a lot of time” was repeated over and over in a somewhat contrite (amazing for a Muslim country) manner. Turkey underscored how much they wanted to get back to the lucrative international project Russians practically gifted to them in 2015.

However, that’s when a bucket of cold water was dumped on Turkey. Putin has re-affirmed that Russia remained committed to Turkish Stream, but only if and when Turkey obtains written legal guarantees from the EU that Europe wants Russian gas arriving via Turkish Stream and that EU cooperation is forthcoming.

Russia has also confirmed that they will restart Turkish Stream where it concerns Turkish internal gas supply only. In other words, for now the project is scaled down to the bilateral Russia-Turkey pipeline. Turkey, as I pointed out in previous ESRs, is suffering from energy shortages and high consumer energy prices. This includes electric power, as well as fuel for heating and cooking – many still use wood-burning and very polluting old-fashioned stoves, even in big centers such as Istanbul and Ankara. Therefore, it’s a necessary project, but not of the scale and scope that was initially intended. However, the same surveys and foundation used for Turkish pipe can be used later to expand it to continue to Europe, when the landscape changes. And it will change.

Additionally, it’s actually good to advertize officially the scaled down version of the project – this may, at least in part, discourage future attacks by the US. It’s a hybrid war and rule number 1 is: don’t advertize your moves to the enemy.

As I explained in ESR13 above, the sabotage of South Stream, and later of Turkish Stream, were necessary to delay the breakup of the predatory US Empire. South Stream – Turkish Stream would give a lot more sovereignty to Southern and Central Europe, leading to the weakening of the EU with subsequent breakup, and in turn, weakening US positions.

And another breaking news! As Turkey was proclaiming how eager they were to restart Turkish Stream, Bulgaria suddenly announced that they have again changed their minds and were now ready to host South Stream (read the entire story of Bulgaria’s flip-flop and South Stream sabotage in ESR13 and in ESR7: The battle for Eurasia! TURKISH CONUNDRUM). In other words, suddenly there is eager competition between countries to host Russian pipelines. Add to that Germany and Nord Stream 2. The healthy competition is very good, and it will push one of these projects through that much faster. I already told you in ESR13 which project it will be…

Here are two important questions for you to consider, which, once answered, will reveal the true meaning of this big geopolitical game. They’ll explain why ukro-nazi coup in Ukraine had to be executed, why Su24 had to be shot down and why Turkey, EU and Russia had to be kept as enemies:
1. Why is suddenly Bulgaria so brave and wants back into the Russian gas game, after having chickened out the moment Uncle Sam said ‘No’?
2. What will happen to Ukraine after all these projects go through and its old Soviet pipeline becomes obsolete?


1. Make no mistake: Bulgaria really wanted to host the very lucrative South Stream and its refusal to do so is due only to its absolute lack of any sovereignty. Bulgaria is suddenly so brave because this is election time in the US. At this time, US is distracted with the elections and the sell-out Bulgarian government thinks they could sneak in South Stream unnoticed. But just think how puppet and spineless it really is if a simple visit by John McCain had previously put a stop to South Stream. I think South Stream is still preferred, and I can see that Russians may be thinking along the same lines. But its continuation may only be possible when this puppet government is replaced with a very different, sovereignty-minded type of government. Due to the nature of Bulgaria as an extremely apathetic and inertia-ridden state, this will take a while.

2. After pipelines bypassing Ukraine are built, Ukraine will stop having as much value to the US and they’ll drop it as a hot potato, which in turn will cause the bandit regime of ukro-nazi Kiev junta and its pro-US oligarchic clan to implode. This will free up the genuine forces of liberation and Ukraine will make a swift turnaround towards its historic, political and economic ties with Russia. The problem with the territory we presently refer to as Ukraine is that it is an intrinsic part of the Russian World that was successfully infected with a virus of hatred towards everything Russian. Ukraine was targeted specifically because Russians never concealed how important Ukraine was to Russia. The US/West’s logic: If Ukraine is that important, then it is necessary to tear it away. This was why the 2014 Kiev coup was necessary from USA’s standpoint.

One of the major difficulties of dealing with Ukraine’s situation for Russia right now is the fact that the all-Russian/Soviet infrastructure was built as one system, spanning all ex-republics. Therefore, Russian gas pipeline to the EU ran through Ukraine, delivering at its height up to 70% of Russian gas to Europe. Now it’s down to 25% or so. This was a major pressure point against Russia throughout 2000s. You may remember the sudden gas stoppages as a result of Ukraine’s sabotage and stealing of European gas. The manipulation of Russia by the US and various anti-Russian interests through the Ukraine pipe reached staggering proportions, culminating in the 2014 coup.

Therefore, getting the pipe away from Ukraine is a blessing for all: Russia, EU and Ukraine, as well. Ukraine, or what’s left of it, will finally be left alone and allowed to rebuild itself (probably as several separate states and territories associated with Russia).

Therefore, one way or another, more pipelines bypassing Ukraine will be built no matter what. The only question is which countries will end up benefiting from the pipeline going through their territory. This will be determined by how quick on their feet and cooperative these countries are, plus, how smart and sovereign they are. As I said, I know which pipeline will be built first – and it’s all in the report!

In addition to all the above, Turkey continued asking for Russia to remove bans on tourism, air traffic, Turkish agricultural produce imports and Turkish construction companies working in Russia. Turkey made a killing in these areas and Russian money really supported Turkish economy, until Russia put the bans in place following the downing of the Su24.

Russians promised that they would be removing bans little by little. Read: depending on how you behave, we’ll see what we can do. For the time being the tourism ban has been removed and charter flights to Turkey may be resumed soon. However, the terrorist warning for Turkey is still in place and only the most brave dare to go there. Russians aren’t in a hurry to let construction and produce imports back in: they’ll give more time for domestic companies to strengthen and take bigger share of the market.

Unthinkable just recently: Turkey-Russia cooperation in Syria!

After the meeting with ‘esteemed Vladimir’ Erdogan announced that Turkey is inviting Russia to fight jointly against ISIS/Daesh in Syria. This is yet another move by Turkey to spite US and NATO, following earlier threats to boot US troops out of Turkish bases, and after a clash with Germany.

This is a staggering, unthinkable just recently announcement! After all, Turkey just recently helped ISIS/Al-Nusra/Muslim Brotherhood terrorists and Syria/Assad has been Erdogan/Turkey’s mortal enemy.  Read all about that in ESR7: TURKISH CONUNDRUM.

We may soon hear announcements about certain Russia-Turkey joint missions. In my view, Russia will continue being cautious with involving Turkish militarily, until they are sure they can trust them. However, getting Turkey on Russia’s side in Syria and Black Sea vicinity – and on these new, more favorable to Russia conditions – is a huge, huge, HUGE win.

It’s also a HUGE humiliation and loss of face for the US. It has already, and it will continue leading to the weakening of the US and NATO.

We should expect Turkey cooperating with Russia in shutting down its border to Syrian terrorist supplies, oil, money and weapon smuggling. We can also expect better cooperation in securing Black Sea, such as not allowing certain US military ships through and cooperating in allowing faster passage for Russian ships through the straits. All these are still stop-gap measures. As I explained in the report, the issue of Black Sea and Straits has to be resolved in principle: all outsider military ships (read: US military ships, since no other outside country does that) have to be banned from entering. Only the military ships of countries bordering Black Sea should be allowed in Black Sea.

The extreme value of Black Sea, and therefore, the frantic activity around it, is due to one factor only: it is the soft and vulnerable underbelly of Russia. Therefore, surrounding Russia with unfriendly regimes has been US/UK strategy for hundreds of years. I explained how it all works in ESR8: BLACK SEA GAMBIT.

The value and relative vulnerability of Crimea is derived directly from the same. The recent attack by Ukraine on Crimea is correlated with the rest of the events we’ve talked about. I am preparing a new Earth Shift Report, which will address the recent attacks on Crimea, why they happened and why now, who benefits, how it will impact Ukraine’s future, how US elections may be impacted, and whether Russia will sever diplomatic ties with Ukraine. We’ll also discuss the future of Crimea. Expect the new ESR: THE CRIMEA FACTOR in August 2016.

Keeping up with pretenses, the US State Dept announced that they were not bothered by Turkish cooperation with Russia at all, and that ‘US strategy in Syria didn’t change.’ However, that is not because US feels just fine about Turkish move. If it were up to them, Erdogan would be dead right this moment and pro-US Turkish generals would be in power. It’s simply because they are out of options. This is a serious defeat for the US Empire.

That said, US won’t leave Turkey alone. It will attempt more coups, terror acts, etc. Same goes for Russia. And remember, Russian elections are coming. Moreover, US elections have a direct bearing on all these events as well. How? Stay tuned for new Earth Shift Reports, in which all this will be revealed!

Why Putin chose to meet with Erdogan not in Moscow but in St. Petersburg

Perhaps very subtly, this is also a message. St. Petersburg was once founded by Peter the Great as then landlocked Russian Empire’s first serious international port in the Baltic Sea, designed for the new Western-prevalence era of 17th -20th centuries (in prior millennium, the ancient Rus peoples, with their multiple centers of influence, of course, had various ports on different continents). Peter called the St. Pete port: ‘a window to Europe.’

The new strategy of the US/West has been to shut and bolt down this window to Western Europe, creating a New Iron Curtain from Baltic to Black Sea via a cordon of unfriendly to Russia regimes. It was a partial success, with Romania, 3 ex-Soviet Baltic mini-states and Poland joining the cordon. A snag happened in the middle of the Baltic-Black Sea Iron Curtain, when Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary wisely decided to stay neutral to kind-of-friendly to Russia. It also turned out that converting Belarus into anti-Russia didn’t work no matter what. But Ukraine became the clincher. After 2004 color revolution, only a partial success was achieved. In 2014 the success was complete with a total Ukraine subversion. Turkey and Bulgaria were also supposed to be part of the Iron Curtain. Bulgaria turned reluctantly, only with a partial success, while Turkey refused to be easy.

The grand total of this entire scheme is that the Iron Curtain isn’t working as well as the Transatlantic masters want it to work. Moreover, it is so shaky it may just topple any moment at one’s slight touch. The most important factor in the unreliability of this flimsy Iron Curtain is that Russia/Putin refused to play by West’s rules and began creating their own rules, thus changing the reality around them and beginning to fulfill Russia’s true destiny as the Great Global Balancer and Stabilizer.

Therefore, we see a signal, which, it appears, few have understood: Turkish president Erdogan, who was supposed to be responsible for locking down the Black Sea end of the Iron Curtain, meets Putin in his native city of St. Petersburg, the place where Russia’s biggest Baltic Sea ports are, often called ‘Russia’s window to Europe.’ In the more modern terms: Nord Stream 2 is to be laid through the bottom of Baltic Sea; Turkish Stream – through Black Sea.

Consequently, the recipient is known and the message is: ‘The New Iron Curtain has failed.’

P.S. Why following Erdogan’s visit Putin met with Armenian president

On August 10, one day after the breakthrough meeting with Erdogan, Vladimir Putin received president of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan. As I also said in the above report, on August 8, one day before Erdogan, Putin met in Azerbaijan with Iranian and Azeri presidents.

As usual, nothing happens by accident in the global chess game. Armenia and Turkey are mortal enemies. So are Iran and Turkey. Azerbaijan and Armenia, unfortunately, are also enemies, with continuing armed conflicts. All these mutual animosities are used by outside forces to manipulate various countries against each other and to destabilize the region. By contrast, Russia’s goal as the Global Balancer, is to stabilize and harmonize the region and the whole planet.

By meeting with Armenian leader right after all others, the relative closeness of the EAEU member Armenia to Russia is underscored. A signal is sent that Russia’s deals with Turkey or Azerbaijan do not mean Russia has forgotten her ally Armenia. At the same time, by meeting neck to neck with leaders of all these rival countries, Putin sends a signal of cooperation and unification to all of them.

‘It’s much better to cooperate and get along’ is Russia’s message. Enough with the archaic ‘divide and conquer,’ used by the US Empire. A better way, based on cooperation and mutually beneficial, peaceful relations, is shown by Russia. The world is tired of wars and people aren’t blind. They can see that Russia is the only country that can unite – as opposed to divide – various countries.

ESR13 Erdogan's War

Read full Earth Shift Report 13:



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New Best Friends? The Truth Behind Obama and Brazil President Dilma Rousseff Trying to Make Up

Brazilian president: Obama promised he would ‘just pick up the phone and call me’ for non-public info.

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff and US President Barack Obama met at the White House, promising each other an end to the frosty relations between the two countries. Rousseff was one of the most vocal critics of American spying after NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed she and other world leaders were targets. Never mind NSA scandal – the two presidents promise to trust each other going forward.

And now, I’ll reveal what’s really going on!

US and Obama:

US is engaged in a complex hybrid war against Russia, China and EU and it doesn’t have any more capability to fight on yet another front. That’s why US tries to make up with former enemies, such as Cuba and Iran. This is one of the main reasons they are also doing damage control with Brazil.

2016 US elections:

On another hand, Obama is attempting to ensure a fighting chance for a Democratic presidential candidate in the 2016 elections after the disastrous foreign policy of the Obama administration opened doors of all kinds for other parties, from Republican to alternative, such as Green and Libertarian parties.

New French NSA spying scandal:

All these overtures towards Brazil are damage control, pure and simple, especially in view of the new French spying NSA scandal that is threatening to explode, potentially taking with it any Democratic presidential nominee’s chances. US now employs all its available leverage with France and Europeans to hush-up and sweep the scandal, which revealed that NSA spied on 3 French presidents, numerous politicians and business leaders, under the rug.

Through the public demo of how lovey-dovey the Brazil-US relations really are, Obama is merely attempting to send a message to the world that US isn’t as bad, that it has reformed, so please, close your eyes to reality and forget we spied on you, your political and business leaders, as well as your grandma.

US wants to tear Brazil from the BRICS and S. America

Just like in the case of the rift between EU and Russia, US is still playing the same game. If they are able to distance Brazil from the rest of the BRICS, and possibly, from the rest of South America – even temporarily – they’ll consider it a victory. They have so few victories lately that they’ll settle for anything.

In 2014 Obama attempted to put a wedge between China and Russia on one hand and India on another, by trying to convince India to leave the BRICS. That didn’t result in anything. Read more in:

Why Is Obama Scrambling to Catch Up to Putin?

Weakness or Cunning? Why US decided to End 50-Year Standoff with Cuba Now

Brazil is the next target.

But then the question becomes why Brazil is suddenly so gullible and trusting? What’s in it for them?

I’ll reveal the real reason for Brazil’s behavior. I have been observing Brazil for some time and it has been clear to me that for the past 10 months or so Brazil has been extremely quiet internationally. Just last summer and prior to that, Rousseff was very active in the BRICS and outspoken about NSA spying – and suddenly silence.

Why such change in the past 9-10 months? There were several attempts of color revolution in Brazil in this period. While Rousseff was re-elected president, she had to endure an unusually difficult election. All this is happening with the backdrop of the very expensive and financially straining Olympic Games Brazil will host in August 2016.

I have written in the past how Olympic Games are often used as a pretext to seriously destabilize the situation in the world and/or the host country. Beijing Olympics opening ceremony was used as a cover to begin the war in S. Ossetia/Georgia; 2014 Sochi Olympics were marred with Kiev maidan and illegal overthrow of the elected Ukraine president. Moscow Olympics of 1980 were undermined with direct boycott, on top of Afghanistan. Even the relatively minor mini-olympic event that just took place in Baku, Azerbaijan – the First European Olympic Games – was marred with all EU leaders boycotting the games and the attempted Yerevan, Armenia, ‘electric’ maidan. Armenia is the closest neighbor of Azerbaijan, with which it is at odds.

Note that all the Olympic Games I mentioned took place in NON-WESTERN countries. In the run-up to all these games, each host country also endured a lot of humiliating and offensive Western MSM attacks and slander, calls for boycott, etc. Recently, the president of Azerbaijan Aliyev complained of the same: Putin and Erdogan Troll EU at Baku’s First European Games.

Here is what is happening behind the scenes in Brazil. There are ‘spontaneous’ protests against the 2016 Olympic Games and the construction of various Olympic projects. In between these, there are also frequent protests against various transportation fee hikes, utility fees hikes, etc. It has proved to be impossible to start an outright maidan in Brazil, of the kind they were able to organize in Kiev.

Brazil is surrounded by countries which don’t view US interference favorably. Ukraine’s surroundings are Poland, Romania, Moldova, Germany, Lithuania, Georgia – all of whom were itching to see a regime change in Kiev. Therefore, Brazil wouldn’t get an avalanche of foreign interference on par with what happened in Ukraine.

CIA and US-financed NGOs can only go so far in organizing a color revolution. However, they can destabilize and weaken the country, damage president’s reputation, and completely ruin the first ever Olympics in South America, which are the pride of Brazil.

Sure, there are lots of problems in Brazil – every country has them. Does US not have plenty of problems? But no other country interferes in the sovereign affairs of the US, while US has the audacity to interfere in the affairs of ALL countries on the planet.

Consequently, Brazil had to ‘submit’ to the US and play a passive, meek role in exchange for the US leaving them alone till after the Olympics. Brazil got its message from all those other Olympics that were soured by the US and the West. They don’t want any problems. In exchange for playing ball, US would promise to leave their Olympics alone.


However, this doesn’t mean at all that Brazil is changing its BRICS orientation. Call it a temporary political compromise, to be reconsidered after August 2016.

Expect Brazil to be temporarily pro-US and super-quiet internationally until at least September 2016. Obama/Democrats need to try to get through elections without additional scandals. This may be a mutually convenient truce. But frankly, I wouldn’t trust US too much. 

After the 2016 US elections – by 2017-2018 – we will start seeing a changed global geopolitical landscape. Get ready!


Watch Exclusive Video ESR4: Alien Technology & New Russian Weapons






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Damning Evidence: “No Feelings.” How US Advisors Teach Ukrainians to Be Killing Machines!

The damning video below shows a training session in Kiev, Ukraine, for the Ukraine army/national guard soldiers. This American, who explains that he used to work in the US, rehabilitating the worst drug addicts and axe murderers, says he ‘believes’ in people. “No feelings in war,” he repeats like a mantra.  This is brainwashing at its best, as many of us have suspected all along. It has been suspected for the longest time that Americans are using all kinds of open brainwashing and MK ultra techniques on Ukrainians, and no doubt, on other Eastern Europeans. Finally, the evidence is coming out!

“Your senses have to be fully alert, but no feelings and emotions” (yes, god forbid you feel sorry or remorseful for the children you’ve killed in Donbass). This is a Nazi killing machine preparation protocol in action!

The whole thing is in English, plus the translator is providing Russian translation. In the background, you can see the poster reading: “Believing in yourself, believing in Ukraine.” A  very American poster, I must say, as no one talks like that in Ukraine!

The poster is also in Russian, not Ukrainian, which proves another thing a lot of Russian analysts have been pointing out: US is bent on creating ANTI-RUSSIA in Ukraine, using Russians and Russian-speakers living in Ukraine. The Gallup Poll of 2007 indirectly confirmed that over 80% of Ukrainians consider Russian their native language, not Ukrainian, despite many years of brainwashing. If they couldn’t do it through schools and media, they decided to create the anti-Russia, using Russians.

You will recall that during 2014 euro-maidan, one of the biggest slogans was ‘Moscali na nozhi (in Ukr),’ which means: “Russians on knifes.” One of the biggest demands of ukro-nazis was prohibition of the Russian language in Ukraine.

But after a world-wide storm of indignation and discrimination accusations, US/EU advisors made Kiev junta backtrack on such demands, explaining that this would look really, really bad for the international community and that it would be hard to explain to populations of their own countries why US/EU are supporting outright bandits.

Suddenly, it became ok to speak Russian everywhere, and some in Kiev would even parade their Russian, not the least because they didn’t speak Ukrainian adequately. This was meant to take the discrimination issue off the table, so they could concentrate freely on killing women and children in Donbass, labeling them ‘Russian aggressors and separatists.’ But Russian TV, papers, radio and movies are still banned from Ukraine, and TV channel execs get beaten to death or go to jail for airing Putin’s speeches. All official documents and school books must be in Ukrainian.

However, as we see from this video, people still prefer to read and speak in Russian, hence the translation and poster.

I’ve done quite a bit of translation in my life and I can see what’s happening here. As you listen and watch this video, I want to draw your attention to the translator, whose body language is very telling. She starts translating normally. Then, when the American mentions an example of a military man chewing off his arm, she kind of twitches, looks at him, then overcomes her disgust and snaps out of it. Then, as the story becomes uglier, she uses his advice and becomes a machine. She closes off her emotions and starts translating snappier than before – like a machine. At one point she starts walking along the stage away from him, as if trying to run away.

He says these disgusting things on purpose. They all have to step over themselves, or rather step on their consciousness and squash it. Remember Jason Bourne and how he was trained?

When I showed this video to a friend, he made a remark I found very poignant: “When he was rehabilitating killers and addicts in the US, was he also recruiting them for the US army?”

Very possibly. They take people, whose self-esteem is super-low, who are screwed up by drugs and life, who have extremely low calibration…

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is how they train killing machines! 

Video title: “Украинцев учат, что умереть за интересы США – это их предназначение” – “Ukrainians are taught that dying for the US interests is their purpose”




A friend of mine reminded me and everyone on my Telegram about this post, and I noticed that the video has been taken down. This happened for these reasons: YT deleted the channel where the video was posted, or just the video, simply because it told the inconvenient truth.

But since I described the whole video in the text, just read up!

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Added: To answer the question asked by readers: who is this guy? These are called ‘motivational speakers,’ and anyone who worked on Wall Street, in sales or at least at mid-management level in the US corporate world, has met them. They were hired by corporations to ‘motivate’ their employees. This one also did drug addicts and criminals, as she says. But now the money is in government/military/CIA contractor jobs. Therefore, this man is a US contractor, hired to ‘motivate’ Ukrainians…to kill.

It has been repeatedly reported that Kiev euro-maidan, national guard and nazi battalions live on drugs and hard booze. In Donbass, after ukro-army leaves, people always find syringes. It’s well-known that maidan participants were regularly brought what they called ‘tea’ – drugs brewed in a hot drink, to keep them high, in the destructive mode, and so they wouldn’t start thinking. Most of these are young people, who have lived their confused life in the in-between world, after the USSR collapsed.

These young people have confused identity and they can’t tell good from evil, right from wrong. They violently express their rage from growing up in a failed state that lies to them every day through media and school books. They grew up speaking Russian, and yet they were told to hate Russia. Their oligarchs rob them blind; their country is ruled by US embassy in Kiev and ministers are hired from US, Georgia and Baltics; they are told to shoot at people they used to be friends with – by foreigners.

It is a tragedy of the lost generation, and it is something the world should unite in order to rehabilitate. Instead, the dark forces in the US/Canada and EU prey on these unfortunate and confused souls, turning them into killing machines, with one goal only – to weaken and destroy Russia!

It is advisable to watch my 2 videos on Calibrations of Human Consciousness, first of which will talk about the life-threatening levels, such as the above-described, and the second, about how to rise above that. Watch both here!


All about:


Consciousness Calibration Scale, Definitions, videos and articles



What makes people behave in a certain way? How is it that some born into the same circumstances become protectors, and other perpetrators? In my short novelette, GREEN DESERT (Accidental Spy Prequel), I talk about Iraq circa 2007 and fates of several different people, who become strangely connected through the butterfly effect chain of events. How did American Sergeant William O’Shea, manage to rise above his conditioning, and others like him, didn’t? The difference in all cases is that illusive consciousness, of which I speak in my above videos > BOOKS > BOOKSTORE!

Related: Crazy Asylum Called Ukraine: “West Won’t Give Us Weapons If We Have Peace”

Much more about what’s really happening in Ukraine in

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HAPPY NEW YEAR! Goodbye 2014, Welcome 2015!

Ded Morozs and Snegurochkas

As the Year 2014 draws to a close, I want to wish a HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015 to all my followers and readers!

Taking stock and making peace with the Year 2014

2014 Year of the Horse

In January 2014 I wrote Feng Shui Predictions for the Year of the Wood Horse 2014. I said:

“A positive this year is that we have the so-called LAPCHUN, or the proverbial “spring.” Therefore, new shoots, new beginnings will take root.”

2014 World Events Prediction: Due to the volatility of the Wood Horse combo, events in the world will tend to spiral out of control. Tempers, ignited by the fire multiplied by wood (wood burns = intensifies fire), will flare much too easily; fights may be gloves off and very ugly.”

Read more in PREDICTIONS. Full Chinese New Year of the Horse Predictions by Feng Shui Master Lada Ray.

This year was as volatile as I predicted. The violent February coup in Kiev, civil war and brutal nazi takeover of Ukraine; ISIS in the Middle East; killing of the blacks by police in the US; increasing society polarization and various global protests/violent clashes; gloves-off fighting in cyberspace and real life between opposing points of view; Malaysian airliner catastrophes; oil and gas wars; sanctions wars between Russia and the West; unprecedented attacks on the Russian ruble and Russian economy (Special report on this coming in the beginning of January); strange failures of American and Russian space rockets; significant drop in gold and silver price. All these are manifestations of the highly volatile energy of the Year of the Wood Horse. These events are also typical of this entire decade.

At the same time I said that the mystical Lapchun, which I can best describe as ‘the presence of spring and growth chi,’ would allow for the new shoots to take off. And this is exactly what happened: I have written much this year about the re-branding and decisive pivot of Russia to the East; groundbreaking Russia-China gas deals; creation of the Eurasian Union and pre-announcement of the new Eurasian currency Altyn; new mega-deal between Russia and Turkey (gas pipeline and building of the entire new energy sector for Turkey); new massive deals Russia has signed with India, Latin American countries, and more.

Russia started decoupling from the dollar, and the new revolutionary financial system is showing first shoots. This is happening in birth pains, as the resistance of the old system is brutal. But it’s happening nevertheless. The process cannot be stopped and as the presence of Lapchun indicates, the new shoots will be successful (report on the humble beginnings of the new revolutionary monetary system is coming in January).

Ne Year 2014

The Year 2014 has been undoubtedly one of the most important and breakthrough years in recent history.

For me, 2014 was full of shocks, discoveries (both inner and outer), hard work, creation and important revelations.

I was very pleased to see how well the Russian team did at the Sochi Olympics and how beautifully the games were organized. I was shocked to see how far Ukraine has gone in the direction of violence, destruction and madness. As many of my readers know, I was born in Moscow to a Russian father and Ukrainian mother, and grew up in Odessa, presently Ukraine.

My nature has always been extremely non-confrontational. Before 2014 I was very hesitant to share all the world predictions I had in my head and all the geopolitical knowledge I had accumulated over the years of study and observation. I didn’t share my knowledge for fear of offending someone.

All my life I was an overachiever in my studies, career and other areas of life. I jetsetted the world, trailblazed different professions, quickly becoming successful in each. When I first arrived to the US 20 years ago, I became a celebrity in the Russian emigrant circles after becoming one of the first ‘straight off the boat’ Russians to land a lucrative career on Wall Street. Later, having left Wall Street, I became one of the first certified and classically trained in the East Feng Shui Masters residing in the USA. Being an overachiever in all that, I was utter under-achiever in something that I truly held dear to my heart, such as, coming out of the closet and speaking the truth for the whole world to hear; developing and widely sharing my Earth Shift System; creating my own brand of predictory mystical futurism.

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Instead of saying what I deemed important straight out, I first decided to camouflage my ideas as fiction. For millenia thinkers did just that: they wrote something revolutionary disguising their dire or important predictions and ideas as fiction. So I wrote my three novels: The Earth Shifter, Gold Train and Stepford USA, and two short novelettes: Catharsis and Green Desert. See more in BOOKS. Four of  my books had made Amazon/kindle bestseller list and/or top-rated list. I expect to release more fiction in the future.

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About 3 years ago I started Lada Ray Blog. The blog was created to talk about Russia and the world, share my love for world cultures, beauty, nature, animals, photography, as well as my books. Lada Ray Blog performed beyond expectations. As of today, it has over 16,000 followers and nearly 190,000 visitors.

However, I realised that unfortunately today people didn’t read fiction to educate themselves like they did in centuries past. Today’s fiction had become yet another tool for mindless entertainment, of worse, zombifying of the population. I realized that whatever I wanted to say, I needed to say straight.

In my videos about Calibrations of Human Consciousness I talk about Courage as the first life-affirming calibration. We can be destined for great things, we can have great talents, but until we conquer our fears, until we muster courage, we won’t be able to make a breakthrough to the necessary level of energetic vibration, which will make our accomplishment possible. I needed to find that courage and to let go of my fear. (More about Calibrations here, here and here. )

In 2013 I started FuturisTrendcast Blog with the intention of doing just that – sharing my wisdom, knowledge and predictions, opening people’s eyes, warning of dangers and helping them see the future. However, my non-confrontational nature didn’t allow me to go all out at first, and the blog sat basically idle for several months. By February 2014, the blog had 2,000 visitors and 10 subscribers, until… Ukraine happened and I understood, like Tolstoy once said, that I ‘cannot keep silent’ any more. At that point, fear became unimportant as I understood that something else, namely ‘the truth,’ was much more important than fear.

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I watched with incredulity the craze happening on Kiev maidan, provoked deliberately to coincide with the time when Russia was preparing to host the Sochi Olympics, and it was clear to me that the West made sure Russia couldn’t interfere in Ukraine on any level for fear of the Olympics boycott. The ukro-nazi coup was timed and pushed through during Sochi Olympics for the same reason. Meanwhile, politicians from US, UK, Poland, Brussels and other EU countries flocked to Kiev maidan, where they called for violent overturn of Yanukovich and promoted hatred against Russia. People who disagreed in Kiev and western Ukraine were beaten, driven out of the country and killed. Russian language was initially banned and people speaking it prosecuted and intimidated in the country where the majority used to speak it every day. Openly fascist parties started dictating Ukraine’s policies and direct CIA assets usurped power in Kiev. In two or three short months Ukraine turned from a relatively normal place into a cesspool of the darkest and most violent kind. At the same time, the vilification of Russia and character assassination of the Russian leader reached the point of no return. Seeing all this I did what I do best: started writing to tell the truth and open people’s eyes.

FuturisTrendcast visitation and subscription exploded. Turned out, people all over the world craved knowledge and truth. Less than a year later, FuturisTrendcast boasts nearly 250,000 visitors and thousands of subscribers.

I learned a lot in the past year.

I learned that during the time of millennial revolution old ideas one grows up with and comforting childhood memories don’t work. The world is changing fast. I remembered Ukraine, and Odessa where I grew up, as a quiet, sunny, friendly place. With all my predictive powers, I never imagined ukro-nazi takeover, violent civil war, burning people alive on square through which I strolled growing up, midnight nazi marches through Odessa’s beautiful Pushkinskaya Street, bombings of peaceful population in Donbass, and shamelessly open foreign takeover of the country.

But in the midst of extreme violence and injustice, people start waking up and shoots of the new start peeking through mud and sleet. Oftentimes it’s something most people don’t expect and don’t see until after the fact. But those who have a keen, clear eye and sharp mind (and I think my readers are in this category) – those of us can glean quite a lot.

Ours isn’t an easy world, nor comforting time, but it can be very exciting and rewarding if you have the right perspective and vision.

Dear readers and followers, I am here to help you gain the right perspective and to guide your vision!

The above is a good lesson for a lot of my readers in the West. Don’t hang on to the old! The revolution is coming to your town, whether you want it or not, as the world around us changes and evolves. It’s much better to ride the wave of the new than to be shell-shocked holding on to the old.

We are living through the time of major change. We all chose to incarnate in this time of great EARTH SHIFT for a reason. We all chose our destiny. Take a deep breath and enjoy the ride!

In the year 2014 I reached deeper inside than I ever had, and I discovered that I had more creative potential, wisdom and revelations ready to come out than I ever realized. I knew that it was too late to hide out in my cozy and secure little world. I had my destiny to live!

Dear readers, 2014 was just the beginning – stay tuned for much more to come!

Preview of the Year 2015

Hello and Welcome, Year 2015!

Later in January, I will write my Feng Shui update for 2015. In Chinese astrology it is the year of the Wood Sheep (or Goat).

What you can expect in the coming year:

FuturisTrendcast will continue growing. Remember to follow us via email or, if you have a WordPress account (we recommend you open it), follow us via WP! How to do it

Lada Ray Youtube Channel will grow as I post more spiritual, feng shui, Project Earth Shift and geopolitical videos. Subscribe!

Also, new and very interesting interviews are coming! The topics we will discuss will be breakthrough and revolutionary at best! All interviews will be posted on the INTERVIEWS page.

The main attraction of 2015: EARTH SHIFT REPORT

I am planning at least 10-12 Earth Shift Reports – all to be available from site for a donation. These reports will become available throughout the year. The first several reports will come out in early to mid-January, or as they are finished.

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More information will be posted on the EARTH SHIFT REPORT page at


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Announcing: Consultations by Lada Ray

Starting in January 2015, I will be offering written and Skype global consultations. This is a preview.

FENG SHUI Consultations:

1. Personal Feng Shui Consultation – written or Skype.

2. Year Ahead Feng Shui/Eastern Astrology Consultation – written or Skype.

3. Also will be available: Full Property (Home or Business) Feng Shui Consultation – Skype (includes written personal Success Charts).


These consultations provide a combined approach based on my Earth Shift System, including: Calibrations of Human Consciousness, Chi and Chakra study, Kinesiology, Shamanism, Eastern Wisdom, Astrology and Feng Shui. Certain types will be available as written document, others, as Skype consultation.


In the course of your private personal consultation I can answer questions related to alternative and real investment/wealth advice, including metals, oil, gas, real estate, currency, alternative currency, etc. (note, I do not offer specific stock recommendations), best global relocation destinations advice, country by country predictions, career, destiny, and more.

GEOPOLITICAL/GLOBAL PREDICTIONS Consultations will also be available to individuals and organizations.

Details and fees will be posted on CONSULTATIONS page at 

P.S. Don’t miss: there are more breaking news and important info in the comment section!


Russian New Year in pictures:

c novim godom

NY moscow red square

NY celebrations in Russia

NY tree Russia

NY St Pete

NY Red Sq snow

NY Tree party in Kremlin

new_year_Russia_2013 winter bathing

NY troika ded moroz

A child plays with sparklers during New Year's celebrations at Red Square in Moscow


Welcome, 2015! Dazzling fireworks light up sky over Red Square in Moscow


The Russian Ruble Drop

These are my preliminary notes on the Russian ruble drop, since many people have asked me to address this developing situation. I am also getting questions regarding the oil price drop, OPEC actions and US involvement. I will either do a couple of articles, or possibly a donation-based Earth Shift Report on these topics, as they seem to be on everyone’s minds. Below are some of my preview thoughts on the subject of the Russian ruble drop.

Referenced is the latest Dr. Paul Craig Roberts’ (PCR) interview with Greg Hunter’s USA Watchdog. Here is the complete interview: Paul Craig Roberts-US Government Most Corrupt on Earth. Quote: “No need for economics if US can rig everything.” I understood this 10 years ago, when I left my financial consultant position at Smith Barney/Citigroup.

PCR is discussing the ruble drop from his standpoint as top American economist and former U.S. Asst. Treasury Secretary in charge of domestic economy. PCR is a rare wise man among American economists and I always recommend my readers pay attention to his point of view; the link to his site is on my Resources page. PCR points out correctly that it is most likely the US government/FED, or a combination of the FED/US govt + hedge funds/Soros that has attacked the Russian ruble. My bet is on the latter combo. He also has some other most interesting insights into how the US government and hedge funds rig the markets.

PCR is also spot on regarding the fact that both Russian and Chinese government economic blocks are infested with neo-liberal, Western trained economists. This is what is dragging down and keeping back both Russian and Chinese economies. Russians in particular still adhere to a very harmful notion that they must have foreign investment to properly develop the economy. This is vestige of the Yeltsin era, the oligarchs that represented the interests of Western cartels, Rothschilds and others, as well as those Western advisors who screwed up Russian economy in the ’90s. There are more reasons, which I’ll discuss in future article.

PCR also correctly points out that when currency is fully convertible and tradeable, as Russin ruble is, the world reserve currency master (US) can do anything they want with that currency. This puts Russia at a huge disadvantage to the US and West in general. China is in a somewhat more protected position, but not for long. This folds very nicely into the topics I really need (a mental note) to discuss, such as the new monetary system and nationalization of the ruble.

Having been following closely the Russian press, political and economic analysis on various levels, as well as the Russian government and voice of the people, I will add this:

1. Both Russian (Chinese too) leaderships and people are sick and tired of the neo-liberals in power on the economic front;

2. The reason they are still there is because there is no alternative; in other words, you have to develop your own alternative concept and grow your own economists. Any science, including economics, is a system, which takes time to develop, test and implement.

3. Another reason is of course non-stop pressure and THREAT BY THE US/UK/WEST IN GENERAL on Russian and Chinese economies not to change.

Greg Hunter pressures PCR to say whether what US is doing is in fact an act of war against Russia. PCR admits (I respect his meticulous honesty) he doesn’t know whether and how this pressure on the ruble influences Russian economy, whether it has any effect or not.

Well, I do – and I plan to analyze all this in the future article(s).

Question for readers: Are you interested to hear more on these topics? Please indicate your interest by posting your comments:

Topic #1: Russian ruble and neo-liberal infestation of the Russian (and Chinese) economy.

Topic #2: What is behind the oil price drop/why OPEC acts this way/how Russia, US, UK and other countries are influenced by the oil price drop. I also have some predictions.

As an aside, I also received a question about the dire outlook by Evgeny Fedorov (ref: reader-posted video w. French subs in comments). I’ll touch upon that as well.

Dear readers, the more interest I get from you the better.

P.S. Incidentally, I hope you also take a good listen to my latest 2-part interview with TimeMonkRadio, Part 1 of which is posted here: Lada Ray Interview with TimeMonkRadio: 3D, 4D, 5D, raising consciousness and Earth Karma. Part 2 will come out next week. Even though the subject may seem different from the geopolitical and predictionary themes we usually cover on this blog, I assure you that they are closely related. Don’t be discouraged if at first it seems difficult to understand, although I made a huge effort to make it easily digestible. What we discuss in the interview offers a deeper understanding of our world and potential solutions on how to fix global problems, if people care to listen. For this interview we are offering an opportunity for the audience to ask questions – we are planning a follow-up show where the most interesting questions may be answered. Likes and comments are also very much appreciated both on the blog and YouTube.

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Follow on Twitter @LadaTweets

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Lada’s Geopolitical Primer: Ukraine as Heir to Poland’s CIA Torture Prison Program. Nuke Waste, Shale Gas, Gold

Lada’s Geopolitical Primer:

Ukraine as Heir to Poland’s CIA Torture Prison Program.

Nuke Waste, Shale Gas, Gold

Quote from RT: “The damning report into CIA torture has led Poland to finally admit that it DID host a secret American prison – after years of denying it. It’s the first acknowledgement by a foreign country to hosting such a site.”

Video: RT Interviews former Polish President 

After years of denying the obvious and as part of a fallout from the CIA Torture Report, Poland is forced to finally admit it has hosted a secret #CIA #torture prison, but says they had no idea torture was used… Yeah, riiiight. Of course they didn’t…

It’s like saying: I had no idea someone was raped in my own house. Oh, you mean all those screams I heard at night weren’t a manifestation of joy and happiness – they were in fact calls for help? I had no idea!

Reminds me Clinton, too: ‘I never inhaled, and there was no penetration either.’ Of course not, Bill… We all believe you.

Oh, and weren’t there MULTIPLE torture prisons in Poland, according to independent investigative journalists?

In case you were wondering where said torture prison(s) moved from Poland after the EU-wide scandal… look no further – it’s Ukraine!

Remember I wrote several months ago about the wholesale looting and, what I would call, raping of Ukraine, as a result of the February coup? As a consequence even worse oligarchs, ukro-nazi thugs, and even greedier and more incompetent politicians came to power. Ukraine, the country that during Soviet times boasted the world’s TENTH LARGEST economy, that had some of the world’s highest high-tech, scientific and human resource potentials – all thanks to what Russia and Russians built there in the 20th century – is now being quickly turned into the contaminated DUMP for the West.

These are some of the things I revealed at various times this past year:

1. As soon as #Yatsenyuk was installed by US State Dept’s #Nuland as Ukraine’s PM, he immediately shipped most of Ukraine’s gold reserve to the US. This is at the time when most countries are trying to retrieve their gold reserve from the US (admittedly, not very successfully).

The gold reserve scandal – one of the many recent Ukrainian scandals:

Recently, it has been discovered that part of Ukraine’s gold reserve stored in Odessa was in fact gold-painted tungsten. Surprise!

Ukraine’s Central Bank chief is lamenting that 90% of the country’s gold reserve is gone. She says that no one knows where it has disappeared. Oh, really?

Lada’s HOT TIP!

Dear, um… naive Ukraine’s… um… Central Bankster:

Look for it on the other side of the Atlantic.

You’re welcome.

2. Ukraine also contracted with US and Canada for shale gas extraction, mostly in Donbass and Eastern Ukraine in general. Some believe it in fact was the reason for the Donbass bombings and ruthless destruction of its infrastructure. The area was sold (literally given away to exploit) to Western fracking companies and needed to be freed up from population for future shale gas extraction.

As many of you probably know, I wrote many times that I believe the reasons for the Donbass tragedy are deeper and more complex than that. The driver of global conflict presently is not economy but GEOPOLITICS. IF you own the world, money and profit will follow. This is the real agenda and primary objective of the Anglo-American elites at this time: STRUGGLE FOR GLOBAL FULL-SPECTRUM GEOPOLITICAL DOMINANCE. Those who understand this basic premise fully, can understand the processes and struggles that take place in the world, including, Ukraine, Russia, US, EU, China, BRICS, and more.

Incidentally, I’ll have several super-interesting interviews on these important topics early next year. See more below. 

The above only reinforces why the shale gas, supposedly located in E. Ukraine (and W. Ukraine too) played a role in the extermination and vilifying of the staunchly pro-Russian Donbass. Understanding geopolitics and the global dominance doctrine properly, WE are then NOT shocked at all when an announcement is made that, oh, surprise – as it turns out… very LITTLE to NO shale gas is in fact confirmed in E. Ukraine, making Western companies withdraw – but only after devastating war has destroyed most of the infrastructure, driving the most productive population out.

3. Ukraine also promptly contracted with EU and US to serve as a dump for nuclear waste for both. This is also a great idea, but only if you want to kill off the population.

The idea is to use the Chernobyl area, already contaminated. Dumping properly and securely any nuclear waste is a very expensive and highly technological procedure. Ukraine possesses neither money nor expertise to do it right. Their idea is to simply dump hardly protected waste in the Chernobyl wastelands, thus multiplying and prolonging the catastrophe.

Without proper precautions, they are sure to cause the water table contamination. On the contrary, through a very active, professional and complex system of measures, USSR in 1986 did everything to avoid the water table contamination – and they succeeded. Water table was never contaminated. This water table is connected to major underground and above-ground rivers flowing into the Black Sea. By contaminating them, Ukraine may severely damage the delicate ecological balance of the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, creating a widespread international catastrophe.

And incidentally, Chernobyl is located not too far from Ukraine’s capital, Kiev. Could the increased radiation have accounted for the incredible and surreal zombifying and dumbing down of young generations of Ukrainians (who were born and grew up during and shortly after the 1986 Chernobyl catastrophe)? After all, these young Ukrainians are largely the ones who, through maidans and various crazy actions, are destroying their country with their own hands. It’s worth considering as a contributing factor.

However, in reality, of course this goes well beyond Chernobyl and is based on Ukraine society’s systemic corruption and consequent breakdown factor. It is the manifestation of a continuing struggle between the East and West. All this is happening due to the intrinsic dual yin-yang nature of our 3D/4D world, of which I wrote in my Predictions as well as discussed in my YT videos.

4. And the latest news: Ukraine has agreed to host a massive CIA torture prison. This happened as a result of Poland’s CIA torture prison scandal. After Poland had to close down their cozy CIA operation, Ukraine immediately jumped on the opportunity to make some ‘easy money.’

This is how the gruesome Ukrainian version of combining business with pleasure works:

The new CIA torture facility will house (or likely it already does) captured ISIS fighters and various ‘Islamic terrorists,’ well, according to CIA anyway. As part of the official announcement, this prison is also designed to confine and torture captured self-defence Novorossia/Donbass fighters as well as any anti-junta activists and critics.

At least in Poland they were embarrassed enough to keep the existence of such prison secret. In Ukraine they proudly and openly announce it.

The proper and soooo democratic, hypocrite EU elites insist on NOT noticing the mind-bogglingly flagrant abuses taking place daily in Ukraine. Why would they – they brought the present nazi junta to power, after all. In all fairness, they don’t notice the daily worldwide abuses of their biggest buddy, USA, either.

But back to the long-term perspective and reality:

My readers know that my long-standing prediction since January-February, 2014 is that Ukraine will NEVER become a member of the EU (or NATO for that matter). In fact, EU residents and many sane politicians are rather appalled and disgusted at the monster their elites had created in Ukraine. See PREDICTIONS, as well as early articles under ‘Ukraine’ and ‘Predictions 2014’ categories on the side bar, for much more.

For a more complete picture and better understanding, you may also want to re-read the following articles and watch video:

Quicky Pre-Pre-Announcements

Hello, dear readers,

The year is almost drawing to a close, and although the geopolitical, consciousness, and EARTH SHIFT storms continue to rage all around our planet with the same intensity, some readers are on the Holiday mode already. I can certainly understand that. We all have to have a reprieve from violence, heavy subjects and struggle in our lives.

We all want to experience joy, for at least a fleeting moment. This is as natural for human beings as it is human to err.

I am all for joy, and as many of you may know – well, at least those, who have watched my two HUMAN COSCIOUSNESS VIDEOS on Project Earth Shift on LadaRay Channel – I myself vibrate on that level. Therefore, joy, and especially creativity (Calibration 580-599 – Pure Creation), is a must in my life as well. Incidentally, the third video in this series is coming!

I’ll be honest with you: I have a stack of several, nearly finished articles, which are now sitting in drafts. I could publish them, but I am holding back because, as I see, readership has dropped significantly. I can only assume this is due to the holiday season. I just want to remind everyone that this blog will only exist, and I will continue publishing free material for as long as I see support from my readers. I do plan to release my materials starting in the beginning of January, 2015, so stay tuned.

This is a super-quick pre-pre-announcement of things still to come this year and what to expect as soon as January starts!

Still to come this year:

Well, this depends on our friends at the TIME MONK RADIO,

but as I said before, we have recorded an absolutely smashing and eye-opening 2-part interview about so many things based on my Earth Shift System and mystical futurism. Don’t miss it when it comes out!

This show will present a unique opportunity for listeners to participate. How? Stay tuned for more juicy stuff!

More of my interviews on super-important geopolitical, futurism, forbidden history, and EARTH SHIFT topics will come out in January and the following months, thanks to our friends at The Cat’s Eye on the Future and The Plane Truth shows!

Coming in a few days (and don’t you miss it either!):

Proper PRE-ANNOUNCEMENT of future plans, awesome growth, super-ideas,

And many things to come in the Year 2015!

I will also pre-announce the shocking, controversial, expansive and eye-opening topics

I will address in 2015.

Finally, we will announce the new support/donation options, as well as new paid options for my followers.

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Stay with us!

You’ll be happy you did.

Trust me – I am only warming up and this is just the beginning! 😉

Please remember to subscribe to FuturisTrendcast and LadaRay on YouTube!

You may also consider following me on Twitter, where I share additional thoughts and materials.

You may want to catch up on my articles here on FT and Lada Ray Blog, and on YT videos,

before the 2015 whirlwind of new offerings knocks you off your feet –

of course, in the very best of ways!

Oh, yeah, please remember to like, share and comment on YouTube and both blogs!

As always, if you want to continue reading interesting articles and great new revelations on FuturisTrendcast, you may choose to 

Support Lada’s work

As always, THANK YOU!


LRL 3. Sold-out EU Politicians vs TRUTH

Watch on YT in HD

LadaRayLive 3. Sold-out EU Politicians vs TRUTH

EU sanctions against Russia. Merkel, US, NATO, Ukraine. Ayn Rand, individualism, libertarianism, intellectual anarchism, socialism vs capitalism. Truth and Lada Ray’s predictions: What are we leaving behind as mankind? Towards what kind of society are we moving?

Read Lada’s articles: Earth Shift Report/ Predictions/ Books: Support LadaRayLive:

Like this show on YouTube


Books HD

The issues and concerns raised in this episode are also described in Lada Ray’s books, particularly, THE EARTH SHIFTER, and GOLD TRAIN.

Read more about BOOKS by LADA RAY, or click on book covers on the blog’s right-side bar for Amazon links.

Read book excerpts


FT News:

1. As you may have noticed, we have added two social media buttons to the share bar below. These are Russian SM networks Odnoklassniki (Classmates) and Europe’s largest Vkontakte (In-contact). I invite more Russian-speakers, as well as Eurasian and European users to visit FuturisTrendcast and to share its content with their friends on VK and OK.

2. The top navigation bar has been updated and expanded for your convenience. Please read the updated blog commenting rules.

Predictions: Ukraine May Stop Russian Gas Transit to EU

This just in: Ukraine may stop Russian gas transit to EU. Kiev is considering a package of 26 sanctions against Russia, targeting just about all important industries and facets of life, including Russian gas transit, machinery, aviation, transport, military, medicine and more. See report from RT, including a map of current Russian gas pipelines through Ukraine and Belarus.

I wonder, do these geniuses in Kiev government even understand who they are really hurting? Russian medicine ban hits mostly their own citizens, who can’t afford expensive Western medicine. Ban on military/heavy machinery/aviation and other industry cooperation with Russia will create an estimated 3-4 million unemployed. Russia is (was) Ukraine’s largest trading partner. These unemployed will be qualified engineers and skilled workers. They will have 2 choices: to emigrate to the EU and become taxi drivers and janitors, OR come to Russia and work there as skilled workers and engineers on new factories Russia is building to replace the old Ukraine industrial capacities. As I said before, Russia is fast becoming what America was in the 20th century – the destination for the masses of emigrants to escape disasters at home, and to find a better life. Everyone knows how much USA benefitted throughout the 20th century from the mass inflow of immigrants. So will Russia.

Russian UN representative, Vitaly Churkin, said that presently Russia provides refuge for 820 thousand refugees from Ukraine. New RT video: #Ukraine children and elderly seek refuge in #Russia – Жители Украины вывозят стариков, детей в Россию. People say that they had to run from bombings by Kiev army, that they had to live in cellars to save their lives, no one was paying them salary, no water, no gas or food. Their cities turned into dead zones and ghost towns, as everyone left.

As to the Russian gas, I think Kiev definitely should stop Russian gas transit to Europe! I am not joking! I think it’s an excellent move! Again, the geniuses sitting in Kiev will be punishing Europe much more than Russia, and they will be punishing Ukraine as well. This may indeed be a very cold winter, which may finally wake up Europe to the facts: who they have been supporting in Kiev and who their real friends are. I am not too enthusiastic as to the voluntary good will and reason of the Europeans. Sometimes, humans need a push in a form of a real disaster in order to wake them up to reality.

There are only two possibilities why Kiev would be gearing for the Russian gas shut-off, and I suspect that both are true:

1. The Kiev “authorities” are so dumb that they simply can’t grasp what kind of disaster they are about to inflict on themselves and Europe.

2. They are fulfilling a direct order from their handlers in Washington.

Let’s recall that in addition to hurting Russia, US major goal is to also undermine Europe as its biggest economic competitor, and to subdue Europe into a forced symbiosis with the US, to Europe’s detriment. US understands that slowly but surely they are losing the world hegemony and their grip on power, as Europe pivots to the East, as BRICS become more active, and as most of the world perceives US as aggressor and super-bully.

As part of its plan to keep Europe dependent, US is trying to tear EU away from the Russian gas supply and force it into buying its expensive shale gas. As we know, #fracking as barbaric method of gas extraction, also destroys and poisons American land and groundwater.

Of course, in the end, the scheme of separating EU from Russian gas will fall through. But in the meantime, US is poised to inflict a lot of damage on the EU economy. However, this will also force Europe to expedite the construction of South Stream and filling to capacity of the Opal pipeline, bypassing Ukraine.

This can inflict some damage on the Russian economy as well; however, as I said before, Russian economy is in desperate need of a healthy restructuring in order to get rid of the hiccups and distortions of the ’90s. Russians were too comfortable to start such massive restructuring on their own. The external push, such as events in Ukraine and Western sanctions, are forcing Russia to start this very necessary process. The result can only be one: Russian economy will emerge out of it much stronger than before.


I previously predicted that this decade, and into the 2020s, is the Time of Russia. Russia is destined to come as a major winner out of everything that is happening now. And note: peacefully, without dirtying her hands with direct participation in a military conflict.

China will also be a big winner. Other winners: Latin America, all BRICS, and those countries that will join Eurasian Union.

It doesn’t mean that the US won’t do everything to prevent this from happening easily and peacefully (as is evident from current events), but they won’t succeed. The result will also be that Europe at large will get disgusted with their American partner. The movement of Europe towards cooperation with China/Asia, Russia being the glue and the bridge between the two, will intensify this decade, and next.

Of course, the sooner EU changes its own policies and rescinds anti-Russian sanctions, the harder it will be for Kiev and US to continue pushing for conflict and destruction. However, I foresee that only a very dramatic shock will make EU revise its policies. Ukraine shutting off the gas valve may become such a shock.

Another prediction is that unless US changes its policies, it may become largely isolated as a result.

Finally, in the beginning of the Ukraine crisis I made a prediction that Ukraine will become a part of the Eurasian (Customs) Union with Russia between 2016 and 2018. Some have interpreted this to mean that only eastern part of Ukraine, having seceded, will join Eurasian Union.

In fact, I believe most of today’s Ukraine will join Eurasian Union, possibly as 2 separate states, or as one loosely federalized state. The Kiev junta is so over their heads that they will have another maidan on their hands, most likely by, or before, next spring. The next maidan will be just as non-sensical as the 2014 maidan was. However, eventually, very different people will come to power in Ukraine. I also said that Ukraine may become diminished, as Novorossia secedes. Very likely, there will be two, or possibly three, different centers in Ukraine, which will become separate states. Western Ukraine separation is a question mark. Instead of separation, there may be broad autonomy, depending on how disgusted people will be with Kiev at the time. At least two of these parts – most of today’s Ukraine (possibly all of today’s Ukraine) will join Eurasian Union. Ukraine as it existed for 23 years, will never return to its past form.

Eventually, more territories and countries in Europe will join Eurasian Union in some capacity as a way to tear themselves from the US and EU.

Here you can read most of my original PREDICTIONS. Additional new predictions will be posted as time allows.

Related articles:

To understand my message deeper, check out my books by clicking on covers on the side bar, or go to BOOKS for more!


I am finally back home and the long-awaited “Is Putin Part of NWO?” article is coming next!

Stay with FuturisTrendcast!


Prediction: Germany Joining China and Russia Alliance


New Lada Ray’s interview with The Plane Truth show on the Time Monk Radio is here: 

Earth Shifters, Feng Shui and Global Predictions



This is what I wrote on FuturisTrendcast on October 6, 2013

(This was written well before Sochi Olympics; before there was even any talk of Eurasian Union; before the Ukraine coup bloodshed; before the present-day glaring and gloves-off war between the old and the new. It was before all the crazy news and lightning-fast global twists and turns we see today. At the time, we still lived in a very different, much slower moving, and more agreeable world. It was one of my first articles on FT, well before the blog became popular). 

Prediction: New Economic Axis of Power and The Grand Chessboard by Lada Ray


There has been a clear pivot to the East in German economic policy — from the Nord Stream joint venture with #Russia to the new Chinese deals… even if politically Germany still seems to be in the opposing camp. Germany’s long-term goal is to divorce itself from the Cross-Atlantic political/military alliance with #USA and #UK. To be sure, there are other European countries that wouldn’t mind changing their pivot somewhat as well.

However, Germany has to tread softly and change its pivot extremely slowly and gradually due to these factors: 1. Many conflicting points of view within Germany itself; 2. #NATO obligations; 3. Germany’s checkered war past, which still looms over it and ties its hands; 4. US holding the majority of #GermanGold and possibly blackmailing Germany with it. Details are scarce, but we know for sure that Germans still can’t get their gold out of the US and are being given a run around; 4. Not to mention sensitive Western political issues with China and Russia, to name a few.


The German trend of changing pivot to the East and slowly shifting trade priority towards cooperation with China, as well as Russia, will continue intensifying during this decade. This is the newly forming EURASIAN economic axis of power with Russia as the bridge between the two: Germany – Russia – China, with the possibility of other countries participating. Notice that each of the 3 economies in question compliment each other extremely well: Germany’s technology, science and high-end merchandise, Russian natural resources, energy (both conventional and budding alternative), agricultural potential, space exploration, military technology and science; China’s huge manufacturing capacity and human potential. Each country is a natural market for each other’s goods and services.

For full article go here

I am very happy that others are now talking about this as well. This means that we are getting closer to the shift I was predicting.


It is finally happening in full view, in unmistakable manner, in a way that the awake, the aware, and the conscious can perceive in alarming stunning terms.

The central force of Europe, the industrial juggernaut, the stable core, has begun to pivot East.

The Germans have had enough, fed up with destructive US activities of all kinds.   For the last few months, they have been laying out their indictment, their justification, their reasons to abandon the corrupt US-UK crowd.   The bank wreckage, the market rigging, the endless wars, the sanctions which backfire, the sham monetary policy, the economic sabotage, the spying, the gold gimmicks, it has finally reached a critical level.”

Lada says:

I think it’s premature to get this enthusiastic. It’s not going to be an easy going, and not right away, as I said in my original prediction, but the energy is moving in this directions without a doubt. My full article here.

Many more of my predictions can be found on PREDICTIONS page. New (or old, but still in progress) predictions will continue appearing.


Putin’s Advisor Sergei Glazyev on Eurofascism. Did Russia and China Lose Propaganda War to the US?

Dear readers, because I am going on vacation, I am posting a total of three new pieces today. They are all different and give a voice to my readers. I just love engaging my readers, so please continue leaving good, helpful to the discussion, and responsible comments! The most interesting ones I may turn into an article or a cool debate. Please make sure you read, like and share all three of these new posts that will be appearing throughout the day! Don’t overlook any! I will be back next week. 

Sorry, all. Formatting’s off in this post – blame it on Mercury Retrograde ;). Will try to reformat next week, after I return to my desk. But content’s really great, so don’t miss it! My historic and psychological analysis, as well as predictions, are at the bottom. 

Have a great 4th, if you are celebrating; if not, just have a terrific weekend.


This article is a compilation of several reader communications and my replies. These are all important topics and I felt they deserved to be posted here. En lieu of a full article, I thought I’d combine 3 topics in one.

1. Glazyev on Eurofascism and 100 years of anti-Russian subversion of Ukraine

Many thanks to the FuturisTrendcast reader, John Durham for an except from his own article, and for his nice words. Also, many thanks to him for alerting me to this excellent article by Sergei Glazyev, advisor to Russia’s President Putin and Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Glazyev’s article summarizes everything that is happening in Ukraine, including the roles of the EU and US, as well as last 100 years of the long and scandalous history of the anti-Russian activity by the West. Sergei Glazyev’s words mirror pretty much exactly what I have been saying in my articles since the beginning of the Ukraine crisis. Incidentally, Sergei Glazyev, like myself, grew up in Ukraine.

John Durham says:

This is an article from one of the leading advisors to V. Putin and gives a summary of the last 100 years of anti-Russian activity concerning Ukraine from the West. It should be pointed out that Truman’s CIA was the first to bring Ukrainians to the US for training and parachute them back for subversion and assassination. The US has spent more than $10 billion keeping these forces alive and putting them finally in charge in Ukraine. The motives and identity of our traitorous Americans is identified and explained. This speech confirms my research in this subject and tremendous amounts of additional information is available from dependable sources on this subject.

The present publication has been put forward by the LaRouche organization. While I do not view that organization as a viable political vehicle, it is my opinion that this article and the wide acceptance in Russia and China of LaRouche himself should be enough for all of us to show enough courage to take LaRouche off our “Black” lists. I fear the sooner we do so, the less we may have to regret doing so.

I have read nothing I view of greater importance in bringing political and economic understanding to the American People at this time. The work of Ellen Brown, Lada Ray and Jim Willie come to mind as perhaps, equally important at this particular time. Certainly their presentations are more quickly grasped and therefore more politically powerful, in my view. However, long term, ie, the last almost 40 years, the greatest light for sheer volume has originated from the LaRouche people. Highlights in this article are my own. Certainly, this publication below, at this time, is nothing short of heroic and essential reading.

Read article: Sergei Glazyev On Eurofascism:

2. The “Putin Method” begins to work…

This is also news shared by John Durham:

The “Putin Method” begins to work…

BAKU, July 01. /ITAR-TASS/.
The Parliamentary Assembly (PA) of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) has called for additional measures aimed at tackling the growing threat of terrorism, linked with the return of militants from conflict zones and INTENSIFIED ACTIVITY OF NEO-NAZIS (my emphasis), says a resolution on combating terrorism that was adopted in the Azerbaijani capital on Tuesday by the participants in the 23rd annual session of the OSCE PA.

…vote was preceded by heated debate, during which Latvia, U.S. and Canada proposed to classify the hotbeds of terrorism to Russia.

This proposal was put to the vote twice, but both times was rejected by the parliamentary majority. As a result, the Russian delegation resolution was adopted without change.

– 44 parliamentarians voted for the resolution, 21 against and 10 people abstained. Document adopted by the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, – told “Izvestia” on the voting member of the Russian delegation, Ambassador Vasily Likhachev.

3. Did Russia and China Lose Propaganda War with the US? How important is the grass-roots TRUTH movement?

This is an excellent exchange from my recent article: ‘Gave Americans a Blow Job For Nothing?’ Polish FM Sikorski Leaked Tape Scandal. I am posting it verbatim – worth reading!

So how are Russian NGOs doing? How many are in Poland, and have they had any success?

By the way, it looks to me like Russia needs to get rid of the Fifth Column inside Russia even more than in Poland. When reading someone like Sergei Glazyev, the thing that stands out is “Why hasn’t Russia done that already?” Basic things to protect herself from US blackmail haven’t even been started. It should have been obvious by Iraq II that the US was dangerous, and once the Arab Spring campaigns started, Russia should have gone full-speed ahead in getting ready for rough seas.

  • Newly posted addition! Important alert: Russian analysts and presidential advisors are warning very seriously that USA is planning a Ukraine-style takeover of Russia in 2015. Ukraine, they say, is just the US and EU practice drill before Russia. This corroborates absolutely what I’ve been predicting all along: US is after Russia; Ukraine is just a gateway and a convenient proxy. More in Predictions. Also see my interview with Plane Truth and YT videos. I will continue writing about that, so stay tuned!

    NGOs in Russia are much quieter after Ukraine, but still there. They are on the way out, but slowly. Glazyev, and others, are trying to educate Russians about their true nature as this is the only way to get rid of them. Only when people support Putin 100%, will they be able to squeeze NGOs out. More support is showing, but NGOs and Fifth Column are also getting more insidious. It will be a process.

    You don’t really think NGOs go around screaming: ‘we are foreign agents, we are your enemy and you should never trust us!’ They go around telling people that they are defending their interests, that Putin is doing something wrong. Before, Putin was a thief and was in the oligarchs’ pocket. This has died down after it became clear he was neither. Now it’s popular to criticize Putin for not invading Ukraine and for trying to reason with the EU. He’s too soft, he is sold out to Americans – say US financed NGOs and media.
    Anything to unseat Putin and to create turmoil in Russia.

    From certain people’s perspective it appears true. This perspective is of course myopic, dumb and backwards. But they play on people’s fear and anger. That’s what they are teaching them to do in these schools in Poland (reference to my article ‘Gave Americans a Blow Job For Nothing?’ Polish FM Sikorski Leaked Tape Scandal). The big difference is that Poland is serving as a hub for preparing Fifth Column for all of eastern Europe and post-Soviet space. Poland has contracted with US and EU to spread subversive sabotage, which only serves US interests. The process of awakening will be slow.

        • Actually, Lada, what I was referring to is the issue of how few NGOs the Russian government has funded, and their quality. If a government, say, Serbia or Bulgaria, does something that is anti-Russian and 80% of the public there is against it, it is up to Russian interests to make a big deal out of it. It is unrealistic to leave things up to you and me and an appeal to justice. The Lord helps those who help themselves, or something like that. A minor example of what could have been done is to promote all languages and cultures inside the Ukraine. If, for example, a group had been promoting how fascinating the historical mix in the Transcarpathian region was, with tours and books and events in New York City, well, radical Ukrainian nationalism would have been seen as something that wanted to destroy such an interesting culture. This would not have been seen as “evil Russian” activities, but it would have helped their interests. Imagine the impact right now if a large campaign got started about “Save Transcarpathia From the Barbarism of the 1930′s”.

          Both Russia and China are finally getting off their butts and doing something about NGOs now, but this is very late, and they also need their own. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a Maidan in Taipei or Hong Kong, though the authorities would clamp down a lot sooner and more harshly than Yanukovich did.

          • This is out of Russian character, you know that. And out of Chinese character, too.
            I understand your frustration. It’s mine as well. This is why, when RT was first starting out, I told them very insistently they had to be proactive. Few remember, but they were on the defensive back then. Just justifying Russia’s actions here and there, trying to appeal to the non-existent reason of all those who were completely overpowered by the US propaganda. I told them, they needed to go on the attack. Thank god they listened. Now RT is the only big enough voice that counters the US BS.

            Russia and China are fighting the propaganda war they had been forced to fight with the ENEMY’s WEAPON. This is not a natural weapon for them. Certainly, they have underestimated the enemy. They want to change the world, not validate the Western dominance by using Western weapon.

            You are assuming they have to use the enemy’s weapon to win, which is unnatural to them. They will use their own weapons and own ways to fight. It’s just you don’t see what weapons they are using because your eye, like most other people’s, is trained to see the Western way only.

            History shows, Russia eventually wins all its battles, usually the ones it had been dragged into contrary to own desires. Of course, they are also finally starting to use Western weapons as well, but if it’s not theirs, they won’t be as good at it.

            The whole world blinked, Paul. Not just Russia. The whole world allowed US usurp power. It will take some time to reverse that.

            And by the way, my prediction: the grass-roots movement is what WILL reverse it. You are underestimating yourself and me. 😉

            Did you see my post ‘Judgment and the Future of Humanity’: In it, I quoted and responded to your prior comment.


        • An example of the issue of propaganda was in a comment to an article by Nikolai Starikov: —-
          Awakening after decades of propaganda Russophobia begins in Russia and the world outside Russia. Here a man tells the story of his transformation. And he’s not alone.

          “Russian diaspora, many countries are able to link economic, scientific and cultural ties with the Russian Mir for the benefit of Russia. This Russian diaspora could, take a high place in the political and economic elite of their countries, could direct their course for a close encounter with Russia. But this is impossible if Russian diaspora are ashamed of their origin and their heritage. And Russia over the past 23 years has done everything possible for that.
          Now Russia is vital to deploy active work with all Russian-speaking citizens in countries near and far abroad. Need to be made in all areas: preservation of the Russian language and culture, research and cultural exchanges, sports, arts, business communication, Support Russian organizations, foundations and movements. This requires the allocation of considerable resources, and above all requires a sufficient number of diplomats and experts, organizers and leaders.”
          In other words, the PR problems in the Ukraine or Poland are worldwide and probably inside Russia, too. It shouldn’t be shocking what has happened inside the Ukraine. It stems from Russian and Western policies.

          • I agree. Up till recently they didn’t have a movement inside Russia that would help Putin actualize such things. Starikov is the man who is organizing such movement – on the grass-roots level, btw. He is the one to watch.

            Grass-roots movement is the name of the game, Paul.

            And yes, the whole world blinked. Again, because everyone was sold on the Western propaganda postulating that the Western way was the best way, therefore the West must know better. In fact, the Western economic miracle was simply 40 odd years of dumb luck. My Feng Shui Theory of Long Cycles explains that very well. Never got the chance to talk about it because of all these events in Ukraine. We should discuss it in the next interview. 🙂

            • Yes, grass-roots movements are very important. But they need soil that can grow grass. That kind of soil comes from years of thinking about what is needed to have healthy soil, and not abusing the land. So, as an example, Russia should fund lots of scholarships and cultural exchanges. Almost all of the “name” dirtbags in the Ukraine studied abroad. Places like Columbia University. What was a huge failure was bribing the Party of Regions and oligarchs to do things. And, speaking of grass roots, the US has done a better job of that around the world than Russia. Sure, some of that is just brainwashing, but a lot of it is real. Not really talking about NGOs here, more like funders examining what is popular and deciding to support it based on calculations. A friend’s niece recently spent a year in Russia studying. It would have been easier to study elsewhere in Europe, but she was determined.

              In any case, there are cycles, and the last one came about with the collapse of Communism. It left only China with the ability to restrain the US, and China was unable and unwilling to take on such a task, which was, as you said about propaganda, not really in their character. They also didn’t really have the strength till recently, and they had few allies who were angry enough about the American behavior to join hands.

              Lada Ray 

            • Well said, Paul 🙂


              In conclusion, Lada’s historic perspective, analysis and a few predictions:

              I agree with Paul on a lot of things. I’ll only disagree that China had the ability of restraining USA after the USSR collapse. It didn’t, and it still doesn’t. Not by itself – only in close collaboration with Russia, which they are still afraid to do.

              Russia has a much better capacity to restrain US, if we are talking militarily, and to a degree, politically, but it’s still not the same as USSR. Only USSR could keep USA in check completely. From this perspective, USA was right at targeting USSR for destruction, and USSR was wrong at allowing it to happen. As a result, the balance in the world was broken.

              However, it is very important to understand that this is how the Earthly 3D world works. Something has to be broken in order to build something new. This new, because of people’s resistance, is now being born in pain.

              I’d much prefer that Russia and China worked together more. Hell, I prefer that EU and Russia worked together much more, too. However, presently everyone’s petrified that the world will be destabilized and no one wants to take responsibility for that happening. Fear generates frozen ‘dear caught in the headlights’ syndrome in the EU and China; partially in Russia, too. This weakness shown by so many countries gives the green light to the US aggression.

              Right now, US is on the offensive and it’s a very unpleasant and difficult period for everyone. We are constantly teetering on the brink. The world is transitioning into the new era, but it’s darkest before the dawn. It appears we are backpedaling a lot. This is because the birth of the new is always accompanied by great pain and uncertainty. And of course, the old won’t give up without a fight.

              Prediction: unfortunately, we will have several pretty worrisome and dark years. Progress will be slow, but it will be made. The results will be visible later.

              In conclusion, I want to say that Paul hit the nail on the head. He, as someone looking at the PR/propaganda situation from the outside, sees it much more clearly than those who look at it from the inside. Those in the Russian government, Duma and various organizations, should listen. That said, the US created and financed fifth column is a real issue in Russia, and everywhere else around the globe.

              It is very important to understand very well why the Western ideology has such power. It is because between approximately 1964 and 2003 the West experienced progressively more stability and prosperity, while Russia had relatively less of it. The prosperity and stability were gained through neo-colonialism and economic enslavement of third world nations, fractional reserve banking, petro-dollar, financial monopolization and manipulation. The wealth was siphoned from other countries to settle in the West. I am talking about the culmination of this process in the past 50 odd years, but let’s remember that this process of colonization, financial manipulation and looting of other countries is several centuries old.

              Certainly, the well-developed system of the American propaganda was a big help. And of course, mistakes by the Soviet Union helped the West as well. As I said, the Ray Theory of Long Cycles explains all this very well. I never really shared my theory publicly before, although I’ve been using it for years. I’ll share it with all in due time.

              The situation is changing now, as according to my theory, we are out of the 40 year period favoring the West and are in the 20 year period favoring the North-East, or in other words, favoring Russia and China. We are also in a much longer period, which also favors Russia, generally speaking. However, the danger is that the USA has too many leverages with which it can assert its domination over the world. This is very troubling, and this is why everyone is trying to appease the US. The US has been allowed to accumulate too much power unchecked. This is very, very dangerous and can end in disaster for all. We are still not out of the danger zone, despite Putin’s supreme efforts. Putin has to balance on a very thin edge to keep the world spinning.

              That’s why things have to be done slowly and gradually. From the very beginning of the Ukraine crisis, and the US and EU blatant interference in Ukrainian and Russian affairs, I said that you don’t poke with a stick a wounded and dangerous beast. You first try to calm down the situation and then slowly remold it in your favor.

              I understand the frustration of so many people, but forcing the issue could lead to a global disaster.

              Also, I like the idea of engaging the Russian diaspora. The conversations about that have been going on for a while, but they never materialized. Russians have a lot of great qualities. However, appreciating and honoring their own people unfortunately isn’t one of them. Russians tend to take themselves, and their compatriots, for granted – and that is part of the problem. This is why some people left to the West when the going got tough in the 1990s. Generally, Russia has been the largest exporter of brains and talent throughout the 20th century. And that happened not because of people’s choice, but out of desperation. They felt that their own country didn’t appreciate them. And I am talking some of the smartest and most talented people.

              Russia has so much talent and the Russian land is so generous that oftentimes it isn’t appreciated. They say the Russian soul is very generous and the Russian heart is wide open. These are excellent qualities of which Russians themselves are very proud. But what I said above is an example of how this wonderful quality can backfire.

              In this regard it’s worth studying and partially adopting the Western attitude, which is quite different. So, the words about treating the Russian diaspora with respect and attention are wise words. If Russians can learn anything from the West, it’s these two things: respecting each individual (but without forgetting about the interests of the society as a whole), and paying very close attention to propaganda and the country’s image. Of course, as usual, balance is key.

              I know, we all are dreaming of living in the world without wars and viciously greedy interests that always want to gain an unfair advantage over everyone else. But since we are not in that kind of world yet, we need to remember to protect ourselves against predators by all means necessary.

              USSR won WWII, but lost two hidden wars: the propaganda war and the economic war to the USA. And that was its end. While naive and trusting Russians – from the cynical Western perspective – were busy trying to understand what they did wrong and how come their society suddenly fell apart, Americans didn’t waste any time. Any soul-searching was immediately perceived as weakness – and they pounced. How this usually works is very well described in the excellent book by John Perkins, ‘Confessions of the Economic Hitman.’

              What was really unbelievable, and what Russians started realized only by 1999, was that while Russia trusted US and EU in the 1990s, while they opened their borders and hearts to them, they (primarily US and UK) engaged in the wholesale looting of the country. Meanwhile, US sent just about a million “advisors” to Russia, as well as all post-Soviet countries. They infiltrated absolutely everything on all levels. How they worked is very well portrayed in the American film ‘Spinning Boris’ with Jeff Goldblum, closely based on true events. In it, Bill Clinton personally sends to Yeltsin circa 1996 elections several of his presidential campaign advisors. They work for Yeltsin secretly, because should it be admitted he is using Americans, he would never be elected. Yeltsin, by admission of these same advisors, was practically unelectable at 5% approval rating. The joke was that Stalin was dead, but not as dead as Yeltsin. The frontrunner for the 1996 elections was the Communist party leader Gennady Ziuganov. Clinton’s advisors got Yeltsin elected by scaring voters into believing that there would be a new civil war if communists were elected. The official version was that the country that knew too many wars voted Yeltsin in for the second term out of fear.

              This is the official version. However, now more and more proof is emerging that the election was simply falsified and that in reality these American advisors were sent to do just that. As a confirmation of this: The Urals and Siberia were actually ready to start a fight against Yeltsin, believing the election was stolen.

              Incidentally, two days ago, Gennady Ziuganov celebrated his 70th birthday. He had been the leader of the Communist party since the early 1990s, when he picked it up during the absolute collapse. He is considered a hero by some Russians as he managed to nurture his party back to life after it was on its way to the morgue. Ziuganov is highly respected, even by his opponents. For example, the far right Zhirinovsky, Ziuganov’s eternal opponent, had warm words to say about him.

              Ziuganov has also been the Duma deputy and leader of the Communist faction for over 20 years. The more it becomes clear to Russians what a deceptive game the US has been playing for as long as anyone can remember, and the better they understand Yeltsin’s role, the more people respect Ziuganov. He is suddenly en vogue. It appears he was right back in the 1990s. In his birthday interview two days ago, Ziuganov was asked what happened during and after the rigged 1996 elections. He said that hundreds of thousands from the Urals and Siberia were ready to take up arms and go free Moscow. Everyone knew the election was stolen. But one thing stopped him from saying yes to this plan of action: he didn’t want to start the civil war in Russia. He thought that peace was more important.

              Oh yes, I know the regular readers of this blog are very smart, so this isn’t for you, guys. But in case someone wanders into this blog by accident who doesn’t know me: I am not into promoting any particular party or agenda anywhere in the world. I evaluate people, events, countries and politicians based on their words and consequences of their actions. I judge them by their reason (or lack thereof), logic and intentions. 

              I can’t stop being amazed at the unbelievable difference between Russian and American politicians, ways of communicating and PR direction. Per accounts of the ‘spinning Boris’ American advisors, Yeltsin also resisted ‘negative propaganda’ against Ziuganov, proposed by Americans from the start. He didn’t want to go ‘negative,’ and only agreed when nothing else worked.

              It’s worth remembering how many millions upon millions of dollars, pounds and euros get spent every election in the US, UK, Canada and EU to bash the opponent and to scare voters into voting the way some sleazebag wants, therefore keeping the sheeple submissive and confused.

              The Western system is designed to murder everything that is positive, reasonable and light in the world. It dumbs down the masses and perpetuates fear, greed and violence. Let’s remember, violence can be non-physical, too.

              If you are assassinating your opponent’s character, are you any less of a murderer? If you are assassinating the character of the entire culture, as it is ALWAYS done in the West against Russia, are you not a mass murderer? Assassination of the Russian President Vladimir Putin’s character has been a long-cherished tradition in the West. I have to specify that the Russian culture character assassination is mostly the handiwork of the US and UK, as well as some Eastern European countries.

              But let’s look much closer to home! I can recall an assassination of the character of John Kerry, when he ran against Bush. My readers know what I think about Kerry. But the truth is the truth. Back then, when his character was being assassinated, costing him the election, I actually felt sorry for him. Kerry served in Vietnam and his people wanted to use that as proof he was a hero and a responsible leader. That was contrasted with Bush hiding out at some reserve regiment, where he didn’t even show up for duty. That was the truth and the American voters started doubting Bush. Then the Bush side went on the attack. Within the scope of one or two weeks(!) they put together a book by fake “swift boat Vietnam vets” that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. The “book” proved that Kerry wasn’t the hero and didn’t deserve the accolades, that in fact he was a coward, his stories of his heroic acts were a lie and he hid behind his comrades backs. Whether the stories were true or not, “propaganda” was written all over the so-called book. I can tell you as a writer: it’s not possible to conceive and write the whole book, PLUS get it published, promoted and delivered to stores in 1-2 weeks. It can only be done by a large and dedicated team of highly paid subversive agents with a very aggressive agenda. Kerry was crushed and never recovered from the blow as his character was literally assassinated.

              I also can recall the former Italian PM Berlusconi character assassination and intimidation campaign, resulting in his ousting and trial. The Italian and EU fifth column MSM did a great job on Italians. Berlusconi was always a womanizer, but it only became a problem – and all dogs were sicked on him – when he became too close to Russia.

              And that’s how EVERYTHING’s done in the Western world, including US, UK and EU!



              Check out Books by Lada Ray.  Read excerpts here.

              Incidentally, here is an interesting excerpt from THE EARTH SHIFTER where I describe the looting of Russia by the oligarchs in the ’90s (The oligarchs were fronts for Western interests.): Excerpt 2: Russian Oligarch.

              The Earth Shifter
              deals with remote viewing and NWO conspiracy against Russia. The Western-backed conspiracy to unseat the Russian president is the subject of my best-selling thriller Gold Train (Accidental Spy Russia Adventure).

4 New Videos on EarthShift TV by Lada Ray

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4 new videos on the EarthShift TV YouTube channel, based on some of the latest articles.

Russia-EU Pipeline Explosion & Mercenary Cover-up in Ukraine

Gas Wars: Why Is Ukraine Refusing to Pay for Russian Gas?

Distorted Reality: Ukraine is a Disposable Lemon to Be Thrown Out

Judgment and the Future of Humanity 

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Breaking! Ukraine Mob Vandalises Russian Embassy in Kiev

This goes hand in hand with my previous two posts:

It appears a mob of several hundred people, painfully reminding us of the aggressive and angry thugs on Kiev maidan a few months prior, surrounded Russian embassy in Kiev, damaged the building and embassy cars, blockaded all exits out of it, and tore down the Russian flag, replacing it with the Ukrainian and ukro-nazi “right sector’ flags. Russian diplomats are stuck inside the blockaded building. The police is standing idly by, doing absolutely nothing. That’s all I know so far.


New! Just added report and video about the attack on the Russian embassy in Kiev, plus interview with Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who said that this is a deliberate provocation – ripping off the Russian flag from its embassy is a very grave international incident. Kiev is hoping Russia will act rashly and in response, stops gas negotiations, after which Ukraine will be able to blame its failures on Russia. Then Kiev will continue siphoning off gas intended for Europe and using it on its territory for free. In other words, what I said. Video report in Russian. 

Let me remind everyone that US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria #Nuland, who masterminded the whole Ukraine crisis (you can read lots about it in my early articles about the Ukraine maidan), just visited Kiev. During, or immediately after, her visit the following events took place: escalation of the Kiev war with its own people, and phosphorus bombing of eastern Ukraine civilians – white phosphorus is banned by the UN and is used by the US and Israel only; Ukraine armored vehicles breached Russia’s border; Kiev flatly refused to settle its gas bill with Russia despite its whooping $4.5 billion debt and a looming shut-off. And to top it all off, a violent attack on the Russian embassy in Kiev.

Only those who are blind will not see the connection between Nuland’s visit and all these events.

At the same time, US senator #McCain just visited #Bulgaria. After his visit, Bulgaria suddenly announced that it was revoking its participation in South Stream – Russian pipeline being built to bypass Ukraine, and delivering gas directly to southern Europe. This means South Stream can’t continue as it has to go through Bulgaria to reach the Balkans and Italy. Bulgaria benefits tremendously from this pipeline, including transit fees, construction/employment/financing bonanza and cheap gas that goes with the territory. Bulgaria’s economy is in a shambles after joining the EU. It needs this pipeline. Blocking South Stream is nothing but an order from the Washington HQ to their Bulgarian agents, which is contrary to the interests of the Bulgarian people.

As I said in Phosphorus Bombing of Slavyansk and Ukraine APCs Breach Russian Border: all this is done to damage Russian and EU economies, and to drive a wedge between Russia, Ukraine and EU. It is also designed to make Russia react by sending Russian troops to Ukraine. Then US and NATO can re-start the arms race, the new #ColdWar and #NATO expansion to the Russian borders. Worse case scenario: they may start a new BIG war on the European continent, which under worst circumstances can turn into World War III.

Make no mistake, US is after the BIG prize: Russia!

The situation we are observing now bears striking and very disturbing similarities to the beginning of World War I in 1914! This August we will be commemorating the 100th anniversary of WWI. Imagine the twisted minds of those who are attempting to start a brand new armed world conflict to coincide with this gruesome date!

ES COVER ebookHate to say it,  but I told you so, and not just in my articles, but also in my books!

Incidentally, my mystical thriller THE EARTH SHIFTER was dubbed “prophetic and revealing” when it first came out, to coincide with the Earth-Galactic Center alignment. Right after that, strange synchronicities started happening, including the meteor in Russia. The Earth Shifter story evolves around the Comet of Karma that may hit the Earth, thus resetting the earthly clock, if humans don’t learn their karmic lesson. The decision whether to allow the Comet or not is being made in 1908, as the Keepers of the Earth foresee World War I, World War II, and other catastrophic events of the 20th century.

However, the Supreme Keeper remarks that the events of the 20th century are only the prelude to catastrophes and possibilities of the 21st. Fast forward to today, and the characters of the story again are facing the life-and-death of the planet Earth decisions, hinging on the interests of the few being put before the interests of all. You will recognize the characters of a Russian oligarch (should have I made him Ukrainian oligarch #Poroshenko, by any chance?), CIA boss (Victoria Nuland, anyone?), the global secret society leaders, mysterious beings of the Underworld with hidden agenda, as well as those known and unknown heroes who risk their lives to save humanity.

Reading The Earth Shifter is like experiencing the future history as it unfolds in front of our eyes!

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Prediction and Analysis: #Putin’s D-Day, US and EU

On June 6, leaders of various European countries met in France for the 70th anniversary of the 1944 Normandy landing during WWII. Among others present were Russian President Vladimir Putin, US president Barack Obama and president-elect of the Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko. In his usual diplomatic manner Russian President Vladimir Putin gave an interview to the French press at his Sochi residence before his visit to France.

Video call snapshot 78Lada Ray’s geopolitical analysis and predictions

Overall, I believe the French President Francois Hollande has to be commended for inviting President Vladimir Putin. France in general often plays a role of a connector between Russia and the West, and it seems Hollande wants to continue in the footsteps of his predecessors. Even Sarkozy managed to play this role in 2008 during the Georgia crisis, although Francois Mitterrand and Charles De Gaulle were undeniably much better at this. But of course it was also during those times when France was still a sovereign and independent state that wasn’t a part of NATO. Very diplomatically, President Putin hints at that during the interview.

Hollande faced a logistical challenge during Putin’s and Obama’s visit, as the US president Obama seems to be unable to handle being in the same room with Putin. Can’t bear looking him in the eye after what US has done in Ukraine (like spending $5bln+ to destabilize Ukraine as publicly admitted by Victoria #Nuland)? Or resenting that Putin again outsmarted him (as in the case of Crimea, which US planned on turning into a massive US military base against Russia, but failed)? Most likely – both. See Hilarious! Putin – Obama Split Screen at 70th D-Day Anniversary in France

To keep Putin and Obama separate, Hollande was ready to eat two dinners. He hosted two dinners in one night – one for Obama, another for Putin, which for a French may not be a problem.

But jokes aside, as I predicted, EU finds itself on some serious crossroads of history. EU has massive past relations with the US – economically, politically and militarily. But more and more people in the EU are realizing that their future lies in distancing themselves from the US and getting closer to Russia and the East.

This appears to be the first time a Russian President is attending this event held each year in France. In diplomatic terms such invitation is a signal that, despite tough rhetoric and cancelling of the G8 meeting in Sochi due to events in Ukraine, the EU leaders want to continue talking to Russia.

This confirms what I’ve talked about from the very beginning of the Ukraine crisis. EU is realizing – very slowly and reluctantly – that it is facing a major historic choice. We are going through a tectonic shift of directions and priorities, and of course the EU doesn’t want to give up its cushy and stable past, which it believes, it has earned during the past 70 years of relative peace on the European continent. Europe sees the unfolding crisis of the Western world and fears what the future may bring. However, holding on to the past effectively means siding with the dying dollar and crumbling US Empire. This means that the EU would have to give up its cushy past no matter how hard they try to hang on to it.

This also means that the future for the EU lies in closer integration with Russia and the East. Despite the logic and necessity of such actions, the EU is agonizing over switching gears. It seems paralyzed at the moment due to the massive political, economic and military pressures from the US, and partially from the UK.

However, the UK is at its own crossroads. Britain faces its own economic crisis, Scotland secession, and rising euro-scepticism. Interestingly enough, some in the UK would like to distance themselves from the US even more so than the rest of Europe. Moreover, the win of the euro-skeptics in the euro-parliament elections, indicates that the UK is poised to distance itself from the EU as well.

Unfortunately, 2/3 of the European politicians and media side with the US, while the EU business prefers Russia. In fact, the EU business is screaming bloody murder as the threat of sanctions against Russia makes Russia turn more and more decisively towards Asia. As a consequence, EU companies may be squeezed out of the Russian market, losing billions in investment.

Russian rep to the EU, Vladimir Chizhov says that EU companies are begging Russia not to adopt return sanctions against the EU, motivating it this way: “we are already losing a lot of money from the EU sanctions against Russia, Russia’s return sanctions will be really bad for us.” Hmm… What Russia is losing is not their concern obviously. Sounds grotesque, right? Source – interview by V. Chizhov: Чижов: Европейские компании просят Россию не применять против ЕС ответных санкций

Make no mistake: the consequence of weakening of the European economy, along with Russian, is undoubtedly intended by the US.


Eventually, the EU will have no choice but to get closer to Russia and Asia, and distance itself gradually from the US. This will be a very slow and reluctant process. EU will not want to do anything drastic that may lead to a confrontation with the US. Let’s remember, Europe is an occupied continent. There are 50,000 US troops in Germany alone. EU fears destabilization more than anything else, and it cannot afford any conflict with the US.

US knows that long-term the EU is poised to distance itself from its old Transatlantic ally. It’s a historic process, which cannot be avoided. US knows that it may be marginalized – and it fears being isolated. This is why US is desperate to delay the inevitable by binding EU to itself via the Transatlantic agreement; increasing US troop count in the EU; forcing on the EU its expensive shale gas, extracted via barbaric fracking, which harms the environment and decimates the American land; and by demanding from the EU more sanctions against Russia.

To get the US off its back, EU adopted some token sanctions against a number of Russian individuals. But the US keeps demanding economic sanctions, which are bound to harm the EU economy. Contrary to its usually politically meek and conciliatory position, the EU’s large business is sending SOS signals that by pressuring the EU into economic sanctions, the US companies are trying to weaken their European competitors.

Examples are the restrictions on the Russian gas supply to the EU, which, due to the Trojan horses of the US in Europe, such as Poland, Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, have partially succeeded. One example is the constant turmoil with the Russian gas transit via Ukraine. The US deep interference in Ukraine and continuing prodding of the Kiev junta to act in an aggressive manner towards Donbass, Odessa and other Russian-speaking regions, is part of the US plan of destabilizing Ukraine and sabotaging Russian gas supply to Europe, thus damaging both Russian and European economies.

Another example is the EU insistence on minimizing the flow of gas though the Gazprom Opal pipeline designed to bypass Ukraine. To any independent observer it would seem logical that if the flow of gas to Europe through Ukraine is under constant threat, then it would be logical to bypass Ukraine. Despite that, Opal runs only at 50% capacity.

US insists that France must cancel the delivery of the two Mistral carriers they are supposed to deliver this year to Russia. They go as far as suggesting NATO should buy these carriers to partially cover France’s losses from the broken multibillion euro contract. What this will do to France-Russia relations, the potentiality of future contracts, and to France’s economy… this is not the concern of the US. Or rather, it is precisely the concern of the US – US would love to damage France-Russia relations!

As I said many times previously, driving a wedge between Western Europe and Russia, sabotaging Russian and EU relations and economies are very important goals of the US foreign policy.

Understanding all that, Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed to visit France, where during the Normandy event he had an opportunity to meet privately with various EU leaders. The true value of events such as these is that the country leaders can meet on the sidelines and discuss any important and pressing matters candidly and quietly. Without such meetings, there would be much less interaction, and hence understanding, between leaders. In order to foster understanding, constant communication and interaction is as necessary between states as it is necessary among ordinary people.

The fact that Putin has attended the event in France signals that the EU quietly wants to work with Russia, although overtly it is afraid to anger the big boss. Hence two different dinners.

Grotesque and sad, isn’t it? But to avoid international confrontation, it’s still better than the alternative.

Below are the best quotes of Putin’s interview, as well as the link to the video of the full interview. The French journos were rude and aggressive, attempting to trip Putin, which of course didn’t work. I would have liked to see them try talking like this to Obama or Merkel. The interview would have been cancelled in no time. Obama’s questions are always very carefully vetted ahead of time, and a journalist can’t deviate an inch from the script.

Putin looked relaxed, and at times amused, as the French journos kept interrupting himself and each other.

On that note, someone recently “accused” me of being a “Putin admirer.” I find that amusing. Some people’s tiny understanding of how the world works really amazes me. I’m not into “admiring” of any humans, although I respect some.

What I do admire is this: the natural beauty of our planet Earth and the Harmony, Beauty and Truth in general.

Putin is not my boyfriend to be in love with. When it comes to statesmen, I assess them according to the intention and results of their work. If they are doing what a statesman is supposed to do, then they earn my respect; if they fall short, I cannot respect them. Then for me, they are not “statesmen.” They become mere politicians, and that’s what most of them are.

After observing Putin’s actions for years, he has earned my respect of the highest order. He is the only leader of the modern world who makes perfect sense and who is not afraid to stand up to the Western aggression going hand in hand with the unreasonable and juvenile behavior. And he does it in such a way that the world keeps spinning, despite frantic attempts by certain powerful interests to start WWIII. Putin manages to pull wins out of the seemingly no-win situations, check-mating his opponents against all odds, and doing it without any bloodshed. Compare that to how USA acts!

This is because Putin is not only much more than a politician – he is also much more than a statesman. Of that I will talk in one of my future pieces.

For more read Predictions

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Guest Post by Russian President Vladimir Putin

 Putin’s best quotes from French media talk

Published time: June 04, 2014 18:30
Edited time: June 05, 2014 12:08

Vladimir Putin faced a barrage of tricky questions from French media ahead of his meeting with world leaders at the 70th anniversary of the Normandy landings. Here are his best replies on key issues: Ukraine, Crimea and relations with the US.

On Ukraine, its sovereignty and Russian troops:

The ongoing crisis in Ukraine has been occupying the center of international attention since the end of last year. While the coup-appointed government in Kiev is carrying out a military crackdown on the southeast of the country, the US said that Russian troops are allegedly involved in the crisis and they have proof of that.

What about proof? Why don’t they show it?” Putin told French media.

“The entire world remembers the US Secretary of State demonstrating the evidence of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, waving around some test tube with washing powder in the UN Security Council. Eventually, the US troops invaded Iraq, Saddam Hussein was hanged and later it turned out there had never been any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. You know – it’s one thing to say things and another to actually have evidence.

“After the anti-constitutional coup in Kiev in February, the first thing the new authorities tried to do was to deprive the ethnic minorities of the right to use their native language. This caused great concern among the people living in eastern Ukraine.”

“I wouldn’t call them either pro-Russian or pro-Ukrainian. They are people who have certain rights, political, humanitarian rights, and they must have a chance to exercise those rights.”

Read RT’s LIVE UPDATES on Kiev’s military campaign in eastern Ukraine

“When [the coup] happened some people accepted this regime and were happy about it while other people, say, in eastern and southern Ukraine just won’t accept it.”

On Crimea, its referendum and historical ties to Russia:

After Crimea voted in its March referendum to join Russia, the West voiced concerns that the people in the region voted at gunpoint.

Russian troops were in Crimea under the international treaty on the deployment of the Russian military base. It’s true that Russian troops helped Crimeans hold a referendum 1) on their independence and 2) on their desire to join the Russian Federation. No one can prevent these people from exercising a right that is stipulated in Article 1 of the UN Charter, the right of nations to self-determination.

“We conducted an exclusively diplomatic and peaceful dialogue – I want to stress this – with our partners in Europe and the United States. In response to our attempts to hold such a dialogue and to negotiate an acceptable solution, they supported the anti-constitutional state coup in Ukraine, and following that we could not be sure that Ukraine would not become part of the North Atlantic military bloc. In that situation, we could not allow a historical part of the Russian territory with a predominantly ethnic Russian population to be incorporated into an international military alliance, especially because Crimeans wanted to be part of Russia.”

One journalist asked the president whether he wants to recreate the old borders of the Soviet Union.

We want to use modern policies to improve our competitive advantage, including economic integration. This is what we are doing in the post-Soviet space within the Customs Union and now also within the Eurasian Union.

On US relations and its aggressive foreign policies:

“Speaking of US policy, it’s clear that the United States is pursuing the most aggressive and toughest policy to defend its own interests – at least, this is how the American leaders see it – and they do it persistently.”

“There are basically no Russian troops abroad while US troops are everywhere. There are US military bases everywhere around the world and they are always involved in the fates of other countries, even though they are thousands of kilometers away from US borders.”

“So it is ironic that our US partners accuse us of breaching some of these rules,” Putin said, apparently referring to Hillary’s Clinton’s statement on Russia’s foreign policy in Eastern Europe, comparing it with Hitler’s in the 1930s.

“When people push boundaries too far, it’s not because they are strong but because they are weak. But maybe weakness is not the worst quality for a woman.”

On Russia, defense, sovereignty, and opposition parties:

Amid the tensions concerning the latest $1.6 billion military deal that France will supply Russia with two Mistral helicopter carriers, Putin said he hopes the two countries will continue to develop their ties.

“Overall, our relations in this area are developing well, and we would like to continue strengthening them – in aviation, shipbuilding, and other sectors.”

“A policy of expansionism and conquest has no future in the modern world. We’re confident that Russia can and should be a partner with its traditional allies, in the broad sense, now and also in the future.”

“Any country that becomes a member of a military alliance gives away some of its sovereignty to a supranational body. For Russia, this would be unacceptable. As for other countries, it has nothing to do with us. They have to decide such matters for themselves.”

“And there’s another example: François Mitterrand, who spoke of European confederation, with Russia as its member. I think this opportunity still exists and we will have it in the future.”

Speaking about internal policies Putin said that Russia is a common democratic state and its “current regime is not connected to any particular person”

“The overwhelming majority of Russian citizens tend to rely on their traditions, their history and, if I may say so, their traditional values. I see this as the foundation and a factor of stability in the Russian state, but none of this is associated with the President as an individual. Moreover, it should be remembered that we only started introducing standard democratic institutions recently. They are still in the process of evolving.”

“Some of our opponents say there are unacceptable restrictions. What kind of restrictions do we have? For example, we have banned the promotion of suicide, drugs and pedophilia. These are our restrictions. What’s wrong with that?”

“In the United States, since we talked about it, homosexuality is illegal in some states. We impose no criminal liability whatsoever. We banned only promoting homosexuality among minors. It is our right to protect our children and we will do it.”


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Related: Washington’s Iron Curtain — by Diana Johnstone, guest post on


EarthShift TV 3: Russia’s GMO Ban and Russia-China Holy Grail Deal

Russian President Vladimir #Putin announced that Russia will criminalize #Monsanto and any other bio-tech companies who attempt to plant, or lie/conceal that they have planted #GMO seeds on Russian territory. Lying, or concealing GMO-related activity, as well as mislabelling GMO products, will bear jail sentence and will be equated to terrorism. Meanwhile, Russia and China sign a mega deal to supply Russian gas and discuss building the ambitious high-speed railroad connecting Eurasia and America. How does all this effect the future of China, Russia, as well as the US and EU? And more.

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Original article: Russia’s Moves: Outlawing GMO and Putin’s Holy Grail Gas Deal with China

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